This list includes Germany pre 1945, allied zones as well as the post-war Federal Republic. See separate lists for Baden, Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Württemberg, West Berlin, German Democratic Republic, Saar, and German Private Operators.
Stamps inscribed 'Deutsches Reich', 'Grossdeutsches Reich', 'Deutsche Post', 'Deutsche Bundespost', or 'Deutschland'
1872 ->
From 1872: 1 Thaler = 30 [Silber]Groschen/1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer
From 1875: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennigs
From 1948: 1 Deutsche Mark (DEM) = 100 Pfennigs
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= DEM 1.95583)
Checklists > Countries > Germany Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1894 - Personalised Pre-stamped Postcards
Also see other Hoffmann items from 1899, 1947, 1954, 1957, and 1991.
DE18940000 PC 0_05 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.05 Unspecified breed (on text side)
Hoffmann's Stärke advertisement
Personalised text side on official postal stationary
MI P33I 893b (Personalised)1899 - Personalised Pre-stamped Postcards Also see other Hoffmann items from 1894, 1947, 1954, 1957, and 1991.
DE18990000 PC 0_05 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.05 Unspecified breed (on text side)
Hoffmann's Stärke advertisement
Personalised text side on official postal stationary
MI P32I (Personalised)DE18990000 PC 0_05 X2 Pre-stamped postcard 0.05 Unspecified breed (on text side)
Cartoon cat
Cats in Literature
Puss in Boots
Personalised text and picture side on official postal stationary
MI P32I (Personalised)1900 - Personalised Pre-stamped Postcards If you have a scan of the address side, please
share.PP19000000 PC 0_05 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.05 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon Cat
Personalised picture side on official postal stationary
MI PP9 (Personalised)1929 - Oma-Wollgarne Meter Frank DE1929 MF OMAW 1000 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Oma-Wollgarne" ["Grandma Yarns"]
Berlin S 14
Earliest use reported:
20 December 1929
Latest use reported:
20 December 1929
If you know the dates of use for this item, please share.FR 1933 Drering-Werke Meter Frank DE1933 MF DRRW 4150 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"die beliebten Susiseifen - Dreiring-Werke"
Machine no. 5710
Earliest use reported:
3 May 1933
Latest use reported:
3 May 1933
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1936 - Zell (Mosel) Postmark Also see 1939 version
DE19360000 PMK 56856 Pictorial postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Die Weinstadt der schwarzen Katz"
Zell (Mosel)
Earliest use reported
12 July 1936
Latest use reported:
10 December 1936
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1937 - Hertwig & Co Meter Frank DE1937 MF HERT 98746 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Hertwig & Co. - Katzhütte Thür. - Porzellan- und Feinsteingut-Fabrik"
Earliest use reported:
7 May 1937
Latest use reported:
7 May 1937
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1938 - Wuppertal Light- and Fairytale Festival DE19381100_ PMK 42119 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Licht- und Märchenschau Wuppertal - 26 Nov. bis
2. Jan."
Wuppertal-Elberfeld 1
Earliest use reported:
19 November 1938
Latest use reported:
31 December 1938
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE19381100_ PMK 42275 Slogan postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"Licht- und Märchenschau Wuppertal - 26 Nov. bis
2. Jan."
Earliest use reported:
23 December 1938
Latest use reported:
23 December 1938
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1939 - Katz und Klumpp Meter Frank DE1939 MF KUK 76593 Meter frank - Unspecified Breed
Stylized Cat
Company logo
"KUK - Jatz und Klumpp - Gernsbach
Machine no. 3208
Gernsbach (Murgtal)
Earliest use reported:
3 May 1939
Latest use reported:
3 May 1939
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1939-40 - Zell (Mosel) Postmark Also see 1936 version
DE19390000_ PMK 56856 Pictorial postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Schwarze Katz"
Zell (Mosel)
Earliest use reported
21 August 1939
Latest use reported:
21 March 1940
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1947 - Hoffmann's Meter Frank
Also see other Hoffmann items from 1894, 1899, 1954, 1957, and 1991.
DE1947 MF HOFF 4902 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
"Hoffmann's 'Ricena' - unübertrof-fenes Stärke-Speisemehhl für das Kind!"
Bad Salzuflen 1
Earliest use reported:
3 December 1947
Latest use reported:
3 December 1947
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1951 - Wagenfelder Wollwerk Meter Frank DE1951 MF WAWO 2841 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"Wagenfelder Wollwerk K:G - Strickgarn-Spinnerei - Tuchfabrik - Wollmätzchen"
23 Wagenfeld (BZ Bremen)
Earliest use reported:
12 March 1951
Latest use reported:
12 March 1951
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1954 Hoffmann's Meter Frank
Also see other Hoffmann items from 1894, 1899, 1947, 1957, and 1991.
DE1954 MF HOFF 4902 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
"100 Jahre - Hoffmann's Stärke mit der Katze"
Bad Salzuflen 1
Earliest use reported:
30 March 1954
Latest use reported:
30 March 1954
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1957 Hoffmann's Meter Frank
Also see other Hoffmann items from 1894, 1899, 1947, 1954, and 1991.
DE1957 MF HOFF 4902 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
"100 Jahre - Hoffmann's Stärke mit der Katze"
(21a) Bad Salzuflen 1
Earliest use reported:
27 November 1957
Latest use reported:
27 November 1957
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1961 - Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Railways) Meter Frank DE1961 MF DBB 3500 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Behaglich reisen - mit der Deutschen Bundesbahn - Wohlbehagen - die höchste Qualität einer Reise"
(16) Kassel 1
Earliest use reported:
27 November 1961
Latest use reported:
27 November 1961
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2 October 1961 - Welfare Stamps: Grimm Fairytales III DE19611002 ST 0_10__0_05 Semi-postal Stamp 0.10
+ 0.05Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"Hansel and Gretel" by the Brothers Grimm
Valid until
31 December 1963
MI 370DE19611002 ST 0_20__0_10 Semi-postal Stamp 0.20
+ 0.10Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"Hansel and Gretel" by the Brothers Grimm
Valid until
31 December 1963
MI 3711962 - Bremen Slogan Postmark DE19620000_ PMK 2800 Slogan postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat Statue
Bremen Town Musicians
Cats in Art
"Besucht uns in Bremen" ["Visit us in Bremen"]
(28) Bremen
Machine code: b
Earliest use reported:
16 March 1962
Latest use reported:
16 March 1962
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowBDC 6 October 1964 - Welfare Stamps: Grimm Fairytales VI DE19641006 ST 0_40__0_20 Semi-postal Stamp 0.40
+ 0.20Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"Sleeping Beauty" by the Brothers Grimm
MI 45015 November 1969 - 10th Anniversary of Zell Stamp Club DE19691115 PMK 5583 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cartoonish Cat
"10 Jahre Verein für Briefmarkenkunde e.V"
5583 Zell, Mosel
15 November 19695 February 1971 - For Youth: Children's Drawings DE19710205 ST 0_30__0_15 Semi-postal stamp 0.30
+ 0.15Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
MI 6624 February 1972 - For Youth: Animal Welfare Joint issue with West Berlin
DE19720204 ST 0_30__0_15 Semi-postal stamp 0.30
+ 0.15Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
MI 71316 November 1978 - German Impressionists DE19781116 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Cat painting
Lady with Cat by Max Slevogt (1868-1932)
MI 988VDLM 1980 - Purmo Meter Frank DE1980 MF PURM 3000 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Old company logo
3000 Hannover 21
Earliest use reported:
13 January 1980
Latest use reported:
13 January 1980
If you know the dates of use or have any other information on this item, please let us know.1980 - Katjes - Fassin GmbH Meter Frank DE1980 MF KATJ 4240 Meter frank - Unspecified Breed
Stylized Cat
Katjes Logo
"Katjes - Fassin GmbH + Co. KG - Postfach 1248 - 4240 Emmerich 1"
424 Emmerich 1
Earliest use reported:
12 August 1980
Latest use reported:
12 August 1980
If you know the dates of use or have any other information on this item, please let us know.13 January 1982 - The Bremen Town Musicians DE19820113 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Cat Statue
Bremen Town Musicians
Cats in Art
MI 11208 June 1983 - 9th German-Japanese Business Talks DE19830608 PMK 2800 Comemmorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat Statue
Bremen Town Musicians
Cats in Art
"9. Deutsh-Japanische Wirtschafts-gespräche"
2800 Bremen 1
8 June 198326 February 1987 - 50th Anniversary of Miau-Zunft Freiburg DE19870226 PMK 7800 Comemmorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
"50 Jahre Miau-Zunft - Freiburger Fasnet 1987", 7800 Freiburg-im-
Breisgau 1
26 February 19879 February 1989 - Centenary of the Birth of Gerhard Marcks DE19890209 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Cat in the Attic, wood-cut by Gerhard Marcks
MI 1410September 1990 - Re-opening of the Von der Heydt Museum in Wuppertal This item is also listed under Wild Cats
DE19900900 PC 0_60 u 9_122 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Nude with Cat by Pablo Picasso
Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cats in Art
Lion statue
Bavaria by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848), Munich
MI P139 2.90 u 9/1221991 - Hoffman's Meter Frank
Also see other Hoffman items from 1894, 1899, 1947, 1954, and 1957.
DE1991 MF HOFF 4902 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Pflegen ist unsere Stärke"
Machineno. H02 0147
4902 Bad Salzuflen
Earliest use reported:
24 January 1991
Latest use reported:
24 January 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1992 - Bremen City Administration Meter Frank
Also see Bremen City Administration items from 1997, 1999, and 2001.
DE1992 MF BRSA 2800 1 Meter frank - Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
Cat Statue
"Freie Hansestadt Bremen - Versorgungsamt - Friedrich-Rauerc-Str. 26 "
Machine no. B66 7372
2800 Bremen 102
Earliest use reported:
24 March 1992
Latest use reported:
24 March 1992
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1993 - Erbelle Textiles Meter Frank DE1993 MF ERBE 91052 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Company logo
Machine no. C32 3639
91052 Erlangen 1
Earliest use reported:
13 October 1993
Latest use reported:
13 October 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - Spielzeug Murr Meter Frank DE1994 MF SPZM 21629 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Puss in Boots
21629 Neu Wulmstorf 1
Earliest use reported:
8 February 1994
Latest use reported:
8 February 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - Elektro-Kater Meter Frank DE1994 MF ELKAT 32103 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
32103 Bad Salzuflen 3
Used by Heinz Kater KG - Elektrogroß-handel
Earliest use reported:
29 April 1994
Latest use reported:
29 April 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.14 April 1994 - Death Centenary of Heinrich Hoffmann DE19940414 ST 0_80__0_40 1 Semi-postal stamp 0.80
+ 0.40Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Cats in literature
Illustration from Shockheaded Peter by Heinrich Hoffmann
MI 172611 August - 2 September 1994 - Najubria '94 DE19940811 PC 0_80__0_40 Semi-postal
pre-stamped postcard- Unspecified breed (in stamp indicium)
Cat drawing
Cats in literature
Illustration from Shockheaded Peter by Heinrich Hoffmann
Stamp indicium like
DE19940414 ST 0_80__0_40 1
MI PSo34DE19940902 PMK 55116 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Cats in literature
Illustration from Shockheaded Peter by Heinrich Hoffmann
"150 Jahre Struwwelpeter - Najubria '94 - 12. Nationale Briefmarken- ausstellung der Jugend"
55116 Mainz 1
2 September 199412 January 1995 - 20th Century German Painters DE19950112 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Still Life with Cat, painting by Georg Schrimpf (1889-1938)
MI 17751996 - Gimpet BioKat's Meter Frank
Also see 2001 version
DE1996 MF BIOK 81737 Meter frank - Unspecified Breed
"XXXX [slogan over B] BioKat's Katzenstreu"
Machine no. E11 2214
81737 München 83 (Munich 83)
Earliest use reported:
24 April 1996
Latest use reported:
15 May 1996
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Bremen City Administration Meter Frank
Also see Bremen City Administration items from 1992, 1999 and 2001.
DE1997 MF BRSA 28195 Meter frank - Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
Cat Statue
"Freie Hansestadt Bremen - Der Senator für Bildung, Wisenschaft, Kunst und Sport - Rembertring 8-12 - 28195 Bremen -1-"
Machine no. F68 8784
28195 Bremen 4
Earliest use reported:
10 June 1997
Latest use reported:
10 June 1997
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Com'io Meter Frank DE1997 MF COMI 73441 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Company Logo
"Com'io® - Mode für Kinder"
Machine no. C85 8921
73441 Bopfingen
Earliest use reported:
22 May 1997
Latest use reported:
22 May 1997
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Freiburg City Children's Bureau Meter Frank DE1997 MF SFKB 79098 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"Stadt Freiburg - Das Kinder Büro - Wilhelmstraße 20 - Telefon 201 3456"
Machine no. F68 5412
Earliest use reported:
1 July1997
Latest use reported:
1 July 1997
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 7 May 1997 - Naposta '97 DE19970507 PC 0_80 Pre-stamped postcard 0.80 Unspecified Breed (in cachet)
Cats in Literature
Illustration from "Der Kleine Muck" by Wilhelm Hauff
MI PSo4613 September 1997 - Hafa - Bremen '97 DE19970913 PMK 28195 Commemorative Postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
Cat Statue
"hafa - Bremen '97 - 13. - 21. september Messe-Centrum - Sammler-service der Post"
28195 Bremen
13 September 19971999 - Bremen City Administration Meter Frank
Also see Bremen City Administration items from 1992, 1997 and 2001.
DE1999 MF BRSA 28195 Meter frank - Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
Cat Statue
"Freie Hansestadt Bremen - Stadtamt - Rembertring 39 - 28203 Bremen"
Machine no. F70 3570
Denominated in DEM
Red ink
28195 Bremen 1
Earliest use reported:
9 April 1999
Latest use reported:
24 April 1999
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - Computer Aided Technologies Meter Frank DE1999 MF CATS 76133 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Company logo
"CATS - Computer Aided TechnologieS"
Machine no. F76 0561
76133 Karlsruhe 11
Earliest use reported:
31 August 1999
Latest use reported:
31 August 1999
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 August 2000 - Open Day at the Bremen Mail Sorting Centre DE20000827 PMK 28361 Commemorative Postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
Cat Statue
"Tag der offenen Tür im Briefzentrum"
28361 Bremen
27 August 20002001 - Bremen City Administration Meter Frank
Also see Bremen City Administration items from 1992, 1997, and 1999.
DE2001 MF BRSA 28195 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
Cat Statue
"Freie Hansestadt Bremen - Stadtamt - Rembertring 39 - 28203 Bremen"
Machine no. F747721
Denominated in Euros
Blue ink
28195 Bremen
Earliest use reported:
25 October 2001
Latest use reported:
25 October 2001
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2001 - Gimpet BioKat's Meter Frank Also see 1996 version
DE2001 MF BIOK 47137 Meter Frank - Unspecified breed
"BioKat's Katzenstreu"
Machine no. A20 5002
47137 Duisburg 12
Earliest use reported:
2 May 2001
Latest use reported:
2 May 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.5 Septenber 2001 - For Our Children DE20010905 ST 1_10 Stamp 1.10
/ 0.56Unspecified breed
Child's drawing
Stamp from
DE20010905 MS 1_10
MI 2212DE20010905 MS 1_10 Miniature sheet 1.10
/ 0.56Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Child's drawing
Single-stamp MS with
DE20010905 ST 1_10
MI B554 May 2003 - Najubria 2003 DE20030504 PMK 46117 Commemorative Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Najubria 2003 - Briefmarkenausstellung Rang I"
46117 Oberhausen
4 May 200311 Septenber 2003 - For Our Children DE20030911 MS 0_55 Miniature sheet 0.55 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Child's drawing
Single-stamp MS
MI B643 June 2004 - For Youth DE20040603 ST 0_45__0_20 Semi-postal Stamp 0.45
+ 0.20Unspecified Breed
MI 2402DE20040603 ST 0_55__0_25 1 Semi-postal Stamp 0.55
+ 0.25Unspecified Breed (Kittens with ball)
MI 2403DE20040603 ST 0_55__0_25 2 Semi-postal Stamp 0.55
+ 0.25Unspecified Breed (Mother and kitten
MI 2404DE20040603 ST 0_55__0_25 3 Semi-postal Stamp 0.55
+ 0.25Unspecified Breed (washing)
MI 2405DE20040603 ST 1_44__0_56 Semi-postal Stamp 0.45
+ 0.20Unspecified Breed
MI 2406DE20040603 FDC 3_55__1_50 First Day Cover 3.55
+1.50Unspecified Breed (on stamps, postmark and cachet
Official FDC with
DE20040603 ST 0_45__0_20
DE20040603 ST 0_55__0_25 1
DE20040603 ST 0_55__0_25 2
DE20040603 ST 0_55__0_25 3
DE20040603 ST 1_44__0_56DE20040603 FDP 12103 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Für die Jugend - Erstausgabe"
12103 Berlin Zentrum
3 June 2004DE20040603 FDP 53111 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat Paw Prints
"Für die Jugend - Erstausgabe"
53111 Bonn
3 June 20043 June 2004 - Thematika '04 This card also shows a European Wildcat and is also listed under Wild Cats
DE20040603 PC 0_45__0_20 Semi-postal pre-stamped postcard 0.45 + 0.20 Unspecified Breed (in stamp indicium)
Cartoon Cats (in cachet)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Cats and Philately
Stamp indicium like
DE20040603 ST 0_45__0_20
DDR19681127 ST 0_30
DE19710205 ST 0_30__0_15
pictured in cachet
MI PSo85DE20040603 PMK 45131 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Sonderschau Katzen - 15. Internationale Briefmarken-Messe"
45131 Essen 119
3 June 20043 June 2004 - Youth Stamp Day Schulzendorf DE20040603 PMK 15732 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Tag der Jungen Brefmarkenfreunde"
15732 Schulzendorf b. Eichwalde
3 June 20043 June 2004 - Youth Stamp Day Bad Dürkheim / 20th Anniversary of Bad Dürkheim Philatelic Youth Group DE20040603 PMK 67098 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"1984-2004 - Tag der Jungen Brefmarkenfreunde - 20 Jahre Junge Briefmarkenfreunde"
67098 Bad Dürkheim
3 June 200410-12 June 2004 - International Stamp Fair Hannover DE20040610 PC 0_45 Pre-stamped postcard 0.45 Unspecified breed
Stylized Cats (in cachet)
Cats in Art
"Cat Concert", Illustration by Moritz von Schwind (1868)
MI ???DE20040610 FDC 0_45 First Day Postcard 0.45 Unspecified breed
Stylized Cats (in cachet and postmark)
Cats in Art
"Cat Concert", Illustration by Moritz von Schwind (1868)
First Day Cancellation with
DE20040610_12 PMK 30175DE20040610_12 PMK 30175 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Internationale Briefmarken -Börse 10. - 12.06.04 - Sonderschau Hauskatzen"
10-12 June 2004
30175 Hannover12 June 2004 - Youth Stamp Day Hamburg / 700th Anniversary of Jenfeld DE20040612 PMK 22043 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"700 Jahre Jenfeld - Tag der Jungen Brefmarkenfreunde"3 July 2004 - Youth Stamp Day Meiningen DE20040703 PMK 98617 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Tag der Jungen Brefmarkenfreunde - Ludwig-Chronegk-Schule"
98617 Meiningen
3 July 20042006-07 Mailcats Meter Frank DE2006_07 MF MAI 99084 Meter Frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Mailcats logo
"Frankierservice - Mailcats -"
Meter Frank of the franking service of the private mail operator Mailcats of Erfurt
Machine no. F508495
99084 Erfurt
Earliest use reported:
2 February 2006
Latest use reported:
9 August 2007
If you have further information on the dates of use, please let us know.29 April 2006 - Long Night at the Museum This postmark also shows a Tiger and is also listed under Wild Cats
DE20060429 PMK 20354 Commemorative Postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Tierisch was los! - Museum für Kommunika-tion - Lange Nacht der Museen"
20354 Hamburg
29 April 200626-27 August 2006 - Open Doors at the Ministry of Finance DE20060826_27 PMK 10117 Commemorative Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
"Tag der offenen Tür im Bundes-ministerium der Finanzen - Vorstellung SPWZ 'Für uns Kinder 2006'
10117 Berlin
26-27 August 20067 September 2006 - For Our Children DE20060907 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
MI 2557DE20060907 FDC 0_55 10117 First Day Cover 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
Official FDC with
DE20060907 ST 0_55
postmarked with
DE20060907 FDP 10117If you have a scan of this item, please share. DE20060907 FDC 0_55 53113 First Day Cover 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
Official FDC with
DE20060907 ST 0_55
postmarked with
DE20060907 FDP 53113DE20060907 FDP 10117 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
"Erstausgabe - Für uns Kinder"
10117 Berlin
7 September 2006DE20060907 FDP 53113 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
"Erstausgabe - Für uns Kinder"
53113 Bonn
7 September 20068 January 2007 - Philatelic Service PSE DE20070108 AEG 0_55 4 Pre-stamped service envelope 0.55 Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
DE20060907 ST 0_55
shown in cachet
Text in red circle in cachet:
"Für Sie reserviert: Das Vorzugpaket + 2 wertvolle Geschenke!"
This item was not commercially sold, and will only be found precancelled on the day of issue
MI EAF185/01If you have a scan of this item, please share. DE20070108 AEG 0_55 5 Pre-stamped service envelope 0.55 Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
DE20060907 ST 0_55
shown in cachet
Text in red circle in cachet:
"Für Sie reserviert: Das Vorzugpaket + 3 wertvolle Geschenke!"
This item was not commercially sold, and will only be found precancelled on the day of issue
MI EAF185/0215 January 2007 - Philatelic Service PSE DE20070115 PSE 0_45 Pre-stamped service envelope 0.45 Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
DE20060907 ST 0_55
shown in cachet
This item was not commercially sold, and will only be found precancelled on the day of issue
MI EAF18812 April 2007 - Post I DE20070412 ST 0_55 1 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat (with owner writing letter)
MI XXXDE20070412 ST 0_55 2 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat (with owner posting letter)
MI XXX28 April 2007 - Bochum Railway Festival DE20070428 PSE 0_55 Pre-stamped envelope 0.55
(sold at 1.50)Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat (with owner posting letter)
Stamp indicium like
DE20070412 ST 0_55 2
MI EAEB3December 2007 - Tatort PSE DE20071200 PSE 0_55 Pre-stamped envelope 0.55 Unspecified breed (in stamp indicium)
Cat drawing
Joshua the Post Cat
Stamp indicium like
DE20060907 ST 0_55
This product was not commercially sold, but was used by the sponsor for advertising purposes
MI WU197 February 2008 - Greeting Stamps DE20080207 ST 0_55 1 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
by James Rizzi
Ordinary stamp from sheetlet
MI 2644If you have a scan of this item, please share. DE20080207 FDC 1_10 First Day Cover 1.10 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
by James Rizzi
FDC with the two stamps of the set14 April 2008 - Postal Service PSE DE20080414 PSE 1_45 Pre-stamped service envelope 1.45
+ 0.90)Unspecified breed (on stamp indicium and cachet)
Cartoon Cats
by James Rizzi
Service envelope used by the Philatelic Service
PSE with stamp indicium like
DE20080207 ST 0_55 1
alongside another indicium
This product was not commercially sold and will mostly be found cancelled
MI EA F3118 May 2008 - Greeting Stamps Booklet (or 'Maxi-set') DE20080508 ST 0_55 3 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
by James Rizzi
Self-adhesive stamp from
DE20050508 BK 11_00
MI 2667DE20080508 BK 11_00 Booklet 11.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
by James Rizzi
Booklet with 5 x
DE20080508 ST 0_55 3
and each of the other stamps in the set
MI MH738 May 2008 - Greeting PSEs DE200 80508 PSE 0_55 2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
by James Rizzi
PSE with stamp indicium like
DE20080207 ST 0_55 1
and additional cat art by Rizzi
MI USo 150June 2008 - Internetmarke, Computer Vended Postage DE20080600_ CVP 1b_1 TI19 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Two tabby kittens)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1b_1 TI19DE20080600_ CVP 1b_1 TI20 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1b_1 TI2013 November 2008 - A Heart for Kids DE20081113 ST 0_55 2 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
MI 27062009 - Finnern Pet Food Meter Frank DE2009 MF FINN 27283 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Company logo
"Finnern - Die Finnern Petfood-familie"
Machine no. 3D05000DC5
27283 Verden (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
23 April 2009
Latest use reported:
23 April 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2009 - Toussaint Meter Frank Also see other Toussaint items from 2013
DE2009 MF TOUS 54411 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Toussaint logo
"Toussaint® - Hygiene für Profis"
Machine no. 2D021EEA53
54411 Hermeskeil (we believe - not stated)
Earliest use reported:
5 March 2009
Latest use reported:
5 March 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2009 - Catdesign Meter Frank DE2009 MF CATD 47533 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
"catdesign - E-mail: -"
Machine no. F362497
47533 Kleve
Earliest use reported:
25 September 2009
Latest use reported:
25 September 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2009 - Bremen Briefzentrum Slogan Postmark DE20090000 PMK 28000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat Statue
Bremen Town Musicians
Cats in Art
Briefzentrum 28
Earliest use reported:
15 March 2009
Latest use reported:
15 March 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.19 January 2009 - Philatelic Service Pre-stamped Envelope DE20090119 PSE 1_45 Pre-stamped service envelope - Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon Cat
DE20081113 ST 0_55 2
pictured amongst other stamps in cachet
MI EAF 3994 June 2009 - Heinrich Hoffmann DE20090604 PMK 53113 3 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
"200. Geburtstag Heinrich Hoffmann - Erstausgabe"
53113 Bonn
4 June 2009October 2009 - Internetmarke, Computer Vended Postage
DE20091000 CVP 1b_2 TI19 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Two tabby kittens)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1b_2 TI19DE20091000 CVP 1b_2 TI20 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1b_2 TI20June 2010 - Internetmarke, Computer Vended Postage DE20100600 CVP 2b_IB TI19 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Two tabby kittens)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2b_IB TI19DE20100600 CVP 2b_IB TI20 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2b_IB TI202011 - Agila Meter Frank DE2011 MF AGIL 30003 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat (and Dog)
"Agila - Postfach 365" (Pet insurance company)
Machine no. 4D01000425
Earliest use reported:
17 May 2011
Latest use reported:
1 November 2011
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2011 - Fressnapf Meter Frank DE2011 MF FRNA 47809 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Fressnapf logo
(pet food company)
Machine no. 1D02500075
Krefeld (not specified)
Earliest use reported:
3 January 2011
Latest use reported:
3 January 2011
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.June 2011 - Internetmarke, Computer Vended Postage DE20110600_ CVP 1b_3 I TI19 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Two tabby kittens)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1b_3 TI19DE20110600_ CVP 1b_3 I TI20 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1b_3 TI2012 July 2012 - Animal Rescue Centres DE20120712 ST 1_45 Stamp 1.45 Unspecified Breed
MI 2945DE20120712 FDP 10117 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed (silhouette)
"Tierheime - Erstausgabetag"
10117 Berlin
12 July 2012DE20120712 FDP 53113 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed (silhouette)
"Tierheime - Erstausgabetag"
53113 Bonn
12 July 201213 September 2012 - For Our Children This set also includes a Lion listed under Wild Cats
DE20120913 FDP 53113 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Cat
Cat Drawing
"Für uns Kinder - Erstausgabe-tag"
53113 Bonn
13 September 20132013 Toussaint Meter Frank Also see other Toussaint items from 2009
DE2013 MF TOUS 66271 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Toussaint logo
"Toussaint® - Hygiene für Profis"
Machine no. 3D0400128D
66271 Kleinblittersdorf (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
9 April 2013
Latest use reported:
9 April 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.21 June 2015 - 30th Anniversary of Siebengebirge Animal Protection Society DE20150621 PMK 53572 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
"Tierschutz Siebengebirge - Jubiläums Sommerfest - 30 Jahre"
53572 Unkel
21 June 2015IL 9 February 2017 - Welfare stamps: Bremen Town Musicians DE20170209 ST 0_70__0_30 1 Semi-postal stamp 0.70
+ 0.30Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
Gummed stamp
MI 3282M DE20170209 ST 0_70__0_30 2 Semi-postal stamp 0.70
+ 0.30Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
Self-adhesive stamp from
DE20170209 BK 7_00__3_00 or
DE20170209 COI 700_00__30_00
MI 3287M
ILMDE20170209 ST 0_85__0_40 Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
MI 3283M DE20170209 ST 1_45__0_55 Semi-postal stamp 1.45
+ 0.55Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
MI 3284M
Back coverDE20170209 BK 7_00__3_00 Semi postal booklet 7.00
+ 3.00
(10 x
+ 0.30)Unspecified breed (on stamps, central label, and cover)
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
10-stamp booklet / (MarkenSet) with
DE20170209 ST 0_70__0_30 2
and a central label
MI MH105M DE20170209 COI 700_00__30_00 Boxed coil 700.00
+ 30.00
(100 x
+ 0.30)Unspecified breed (on stamps and box)
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
Boxed coil with 100 x
DE20170209 ST 0_70__0_30 2
MI ???DE20170209 FDC 3_00__1_25 First Day Cover 3.00
+ 1.25
+ 0.85
+ 1.45
+0.55)Unspecified breed (on all stamps and cachet)
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
Official FDC with
DE20170209 ST 0_70__0_30 1
DE20170209 ST 0_85__0_40
DE20170209 ST 1_45__0_55CC DE20170209 FDP 53113 3 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
"MarkenSet Erstverwendung - 'Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten'"
FDP used for stamps from
DE20170209 BK 7_00__3_00
53113 Bonn
9 February 2017DE20170209 FDP 53113 4 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
"'Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten' - MarkenBox Erstverwendung"
FDP used for stamps from
DE20170209 COI 700_00__30_00
53113 Bonn
9 February 2017DE20170209 PMK 28195 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Bremen Town Musicians
"Bremer Stadtmusikanten - Tag i.d. Bremischen Bürgerschaft"
This postmark can be found used as both FDP for this issue and with other stamps
28195 Bremen
9 Feburary 201725 February 2017 - Stockelsdorf Exchange Day DE20170225 PMK 23617 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Bremen Town Musicians
"Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten - Tauschtag"
23617 Stockelsdorf
25 February 2017IL 8 June 2017 - Centenary of the Birth of Heinz Sielmann DE20170608 PMK 37115 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Aktionstag '100 Geburtstag Heinz Sielmann 1917-2006' - Tierfilmer und Naturschützer"
37115 Duderstadt
8 June 2017IL 10 August 2017 - 'For Youth' - Augsburger Puppenkiste DE20170810 ST 1_45__0_55 Semi-postal stamp 1.45
+ 0.55Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat / puppet
Mikesh the Tomcat from the TV-show Augsburger Puppenkiste (The Augsburg Puppet Chest) by Walter Oemichen
MI 33271 September 2017 - 15. Najubria Young Collectors' Day DE20170901 PMK 87700 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat / puppet
Mikesh the Tomcat from the TV-show Augsburger Puppenkiste (The Augsburg Puppet Chest) by Walter Oemichen
"Tag der Jungen Briefmarkenfreunde - 15. Najubria - Kater Mikesch"IP 2018 - Personalised Stamps / Briefmarke Individuell DE20180000 PST 0_70 X1 Personalised stamp 0.70 Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Personalised stamp issued as one of 10 different stamps by the Svandrlik Gallery in Nuremberg
MI ???25-27 October 2018 - Sindelfingen Stamp Fair: Youth and Pets Days DE20181025_27 PMK 71065 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Deutsche Post - Jugend-Haustiertage 2018 - International Briefmarken-Börse"
71065 Sindelfingen
25-27 October 2018SF Compiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Patrick Roberts, Franz Kolzky, Greg Balagian,
Martial Beckrich, Marci Jarvis, TS Tan, Igor Cep, Sabine C. Schmidt, Mikhail Petoukhov, Steffen Kober, Mary-Ann Brown,
Diane Phipps, and Michaels Briefmarkenseiten.
Latest update: 30 September, 2024