Stamps inscribed with company names or logo
From 1872: 1 Thaler = 30 [Silber]Groschen/1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer,
From 1875: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennigs,
From 1948: 1 Deutsche Mark (DEM) = 100 Pfennigs
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= DEM 1.95583)
Checklists > Countries > Germany Private Operators Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete/Under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC Biber Post, Magdeburg
2013 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20130000 PST 0_45 X1 Personalized stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
(black and white shorthair)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.DEPBP20130000 PST 0_45 X2 Personalized stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
(black shorthair "Mori")
If you have any information about this item, please let us knowM DEPBP20130000 PST 0_45 X5 Personalized stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
(red tab by kitten with Christmass decoration - "Wer spielt mit mir? [Who plays with me?]")
If you have any information about this item, please let us knowBEB DEPBP20130000 PST 0_48 X1 Personalized stamp 0.48 Unspecified breed
"Tierschutz in Dresden" ["Animal Protection in Dresden"]
Unconfirmed date of issue: Fall 2013
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.2014 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20140000 PST 0_48 X2 Personalized stamp 0.48 Unspecified breed
'Das Stachelt' (Kittens and porcupine)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.2015 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20150000 PST 0_52 X1 Personalized stamp 0.52 Unspecified breed
Personalized stamp advertising pet food. Issued by Heimtiernahrung K. Zedler
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.BEB 2016 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20160000 PST 0_60 X1 Personalized stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Personalised stamp issued by Galerie Café KunSterbunt in Magdeburg
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.20 October 2016 - "Pusteblume" ("Dandelion") Children's Drawing Competition DEPBP20161020 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cats in art
"Vanessa the Cat", Child's drawing
MI ???2018 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20180000 PST 0_60 X1 Personalized stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cats in art
Cat painting by Rosina Wachtmeister
Personalised stamp (with invalid web-adress)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.
Citykurier, Gera
7 June 2007 - Rolf Felix Müller DEPCK20070607 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39 Cartoon Cat
MI 13Express-Schatztruhe, Schatztruhe
4 July 2007 - Cats I DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Korat
MI 222DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Somali
MI 223DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 3 Stamp 0.45 Bengal
MI 224DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 4 Stamp 0.45 Abyssinian
MI 225DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 5 Stamp 0.45 Singapura
MI 226DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 6 Stamp 0.45 Maine Coon
MI 227DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 7 Stamp 0.45 Turkish Van
MI 228DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 8 Stamp 0.45 Persian
MI 229DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 9 Stamp 0.45 Norwigian Forest Cat
MI 230DEPES20070416 ST 0_45 10 Stamp 0.45 Siberian
MI 23117 July 2007 - Cats II DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Cornish Rex
MI 276DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Sphynx
MI 277DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 3 Stamp 0.45 Manx
MI 278DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 4 Stamp 0.45 Devon Rex
MI 279DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 5 Stamp 0.45 Selkirk Rex Longhair
MI 280DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 6 Stamp 0.45 Sacred Birman
(wrongly marked as Burmese)
MI 281DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 7 Stamp 0.45 Chartreux
MI 282DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 8 Stamp 0.45 Egyptian Mau
MI 283DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 9 Stamp 0.45 Sacred Birman (correctly marked)
MI 284DEPES20070717 ST 0_45 10 Stamp 0.45 Siamese
MI 285
Mail-Express, Oldenburg
17 March 2010 - 10th Anniversary of the Horst-Janssen Museum DEPME20100317 ST 1_45 Stamp 1.45 Stylized Cat
Cats in Art
"Cat Blue" (1961),
Wood Relief by Horst Janssen
Mailcats, Erfuhrt
To date all Mailcats stamps show the company logo. We only list those stamps that show the logo as the main motif, or that in other ways shows cats. Issues devoted to other themes, where the only feline feature is the logo, have not been included in this listing. 24 December 2003 - Promotional Stamps DEPMC20031224 ST NVI 1 Stamp NVI Stylized Cat
Self-adhesive with black wavy lined background
MI 1 IDEPMC20031224 ST NVI 2 Stamp NVI Stylized Cat
Self-adhesive with black dotted background
MI 1 II2004 - Mail Cats Handstamp DEPMC20040000_ PMK 99084 Postmark - Stylized Cat
Mailcats logo
Handstamp used at the Mail Cats head office
Earliest use reported:
1 June 2004
Latest use reported:
12 March 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.March 2004 - Promotional Stamps DEPMC20040300 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Stylized Cat
Gummed stamp from MS
MI 2DEPMC20040300 ST 0_41 Stamp 0.41 Stylized Cat
Gummed stamp from MS
MI 3DEPMC20040300 ST 0_87 Stamp 0.87 Stylized Cat
Gummed stamp from MS
MI 4DEPMC20040300 ST 0_92 Stamp 0.92 Stylized Cat
Gummed stamp from MS
MI 5DEPMC20040300 MS 2_55 Miniature Sheet 2.55 Stylized Cats
Promotional Miniature Sheet1 June 2004 - Gummed Definitives DEPM20040601 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Cat silhouette
MI 6DEPM20040601 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49 Cat silhouette
MI 7DEPM20040601 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89 Cat silhouette
MI 8DEPM20040601 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39 Cat silhouette
MI 9DEPM20040601 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99 Cat silhouette
MI 1024 December 2004 - Phantom Cat DEPMC20041224 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Cartoon Cat Figure
Stamp from MS
Part of composite design
Head of human-like cat figure
MI 11DEPMC20041224 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49 Cartoon Cat Figure
Stamp from MS
Part of composite design
Hip and right elbow of human-like cat figure
MI 12DEPMC20041224 ST 0_99 Stamp 0.99 Cartoon Cat Figure
Stamp from MS
Part of composite design
Right foot of human-like cat figure
MI 13DEPMC20041224 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39 Cartoon Cat Figure
Stamp from MS
Part of composite design
Left arm and right knee of human-like cat figure
MI 14DEPMC20041224 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99 Cartoon Cat Figure
Stamp from MS
Part of composite design
Left foot of human-like cat figure
MI 15DEPMC20041224 MS 5_15 Miniature Sheet 5.15 Cartoon Cat Figure
Composite design of the five stamps + label.DEPMC20041224 FDC 5_15 First Day Cover 5.15 Cartoon Cat Figure
Composite design of the five stamps + label.
FDC with MS.2005 PP Label DEPMC2005 PP Postage Paid Label NVI Mailcats Logo 2005 Meter Frank DEPMC2005 MF 1 Meter Frank - Mailcats Logo
Regular meter frank with postage valueDEPMC2005 MF 2 Meter Frank - Mailcats Logo
Meter frank with barcodes for tracking2005 Christmas DEPMC20051224 ST 0_49 1 Stamp 0.49Cartoon Cat Figure
Part of a 'Phantom Cat' design
Shining paper
Stamp from MS
DEPMC20051224 MS 0_49 1
MI 16 IDEPMC20051224 ST 0_49 2 Stamp 0.49Cartoon Cat Figure
Part of a 'Phantom Cat' design
Matte paper
Stamp from MS
DEPMC20051224 MS 0_49 2
MI 16 IIDEPMC20051224 MS 0_49 1 Miniature Sheet 0.49Cartoon Cat Figure
This MS varies from
DEPMC20051224 MS 0_49 2
by the misspelled word 'Weinnachts-sonderedtion' (missing 'i') and being printed on shining paperDEPMC20051224 MS 0_49 2 Miniature Sheet 0.49Cartoon Cat Figure
This MS varies from
DEPMC20051224 MS 0_49 1
by the word 'Weinnachts-sonderedition' (two 'i's) being printed on matte paper2006 Self-adhesive Definitives DEPMC20061215 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive without barcodes
MI 17DEPMC20061215 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive without barcodes
MI 18DEPMC20061215 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive without barcodes
MI 19DEPMC20061215 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive without barcodes
MI 20DEPMC20061215 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive without barcodes
MI 212006 Christmas DEPMC20061224 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49Cartoon Cat Figure
Stamp from MS
Part of a 'Phantom Cat' design
MI 22DEPMC20061224 MS 0_49 Miniature Sheet 0.49Cartoon Cat Figure
MI B12007 White Definitive DEPMC20070122 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89Cat silhouette
Sitting (red cat, white background)
Self-adhesive without barcodes
MI 232007 Self-adhesive Definitives DEPMC20071221 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, imperforate stamp with barcodes
MI 24DEPMC20071221 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, imperforate stamp with barcodes
MI 25DEPMC20071221 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, imperforate stamp with barcodes
MI 26DEPMC20071221 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, imperforate stamp with barcodes
MI 27DEPMC20071221 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, imperforate stamp with barcodes
MI 282007 Brochure DEPMC2007 MISC BRO Brochure -Cat silhouette
Brochure presenting the letter service for private customers and showing all the gummed definitives2007 Postcards DEPMC2007XXXX PC 0_39 1 Postcard 0.39Cat silhouette
Stamp imprint like DEPM20040601 ST 0_39
Picture side: Blue sketched envelope and Mailcats logoDEPMC2007XXXX PC 0_39 2 Postcard 0.39Cat silhouette
Stamp imprint like DEPM20040601 ST 0_39
Picture side: Yellow sketched parcel and Mailcats logoDEPMC2007XXXX PC 0_39 3 Postcard 0.39Cat silhouette
Stamp imprint like DEPM20040601 ST 0_39
Picture side: Red sketched stamp and Mailcats logo2007 Deutsche Post Meter Frank DE2007 MF MAI 99084 Meter Frank - Stylized Cat
Mailcats Logo
Meter frank for the company's franking service
This item is also listed under Germany2008 Christmas DEPMC20081201 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49Cat silouette
Stamp from MS
MI 29DEPMC20081201 MS 0_49 Miniature Sheet 0.49 Cat silouette
Single-stamp MS
MI B22009 Christmas DEPMC20091201 ST 0_49 1 Stamp 0.49 Phantom Cat
Stamp from
DEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 1
Dark blue background, star in leftmost margin, over the sledgeDEPMC20091201 ST 0_49 2 Stamp 0.49 Phantom Cat
Stamp from
DEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 2
Dark blue background, star in leftmost margin, over the sledgeDEPMC20091201 ST 1_39 1 Stamp 1.39Cat Silouette
Stamp from
DEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 1
Dark blue background, star in leftmost margin, over the sledgeDEPMC20091201 ST 1_39 2 Stamp 0.49Cat Silouette
Stamp from
DEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 2
Dark blue background, star in leftmost margin, over the sledgeDEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 1 Miniature Sheet 1.88Phantom Cat
Cat Silouette
2-stamp MS
Dark Blue Background
"Weinachten 2009" in upper left corner
Regular issue, made after the mis-printed version was destroyed
MI B5IDEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 2 Miniature Sheet 1.88Phantom Cat
Cat Silouette
2-stamp MS
Dark Blue Background
"Weinachten 2010" in upper left corner
Mis-printed version. Most of the print run was destroyed, but some have made it to the market. Typo corrected and layout somewhat altered in
DEPMC20091201 MS 1_88 1
MI B5II2009 Definitives DEPMC20091216 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 42DEPMC20091216 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49 Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 43DEPMC20091216 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89 Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 44DEPMC20091216 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39 Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 45DEPMC20091216 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99 Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 462011 Christmas DEPMC20111219 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99Phantom Cat
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20111219 MS 5_50 Miniature sheet Phantom Cat (on one stamp, two labels and selvedge
MI B82012 Definitives DEPMC20120312 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10Cat silouhette
Kitten with yarn ball
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 70DEPMC20120312 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 71DEPMC20120312 ST 0_49 1 Stamp 0.49Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 72DEPMC20120312 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 73DEPMC20120312 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 74DEPMC20120312 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive, perforate stamp with barcodes
MI 752012 20 Years with Private Postal Operators DEPMC20120616 PC 0_39 Pre-stamped postcard 0.39Cat silhouette (in stamp indicium)
Phantom Cat (in message field)2012 20th Anniversary of Mailcats DEPMC20120312 ST 0_49 2 Stamp 0.49Phantom Cat
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 762012 Christmas DEPMC20121217 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Cat silhouette
Climbing in Christmas tree
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20121217 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Cat silhouette
Playing with snowflake ornament
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20121217 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49 Cat silhouette
Playing with ball ornament
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20121217 ST 0_89 Stamp 0.89 Cat silhouette
Playing with wooden horse
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20121217 ST 1_39 Stamp 1.39 Phantom Cat (hands only)
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20121217 ST 1_99 Stamp 1.99 Cat silhouette
Playing with gift ribbon
Stamp from MS
MI ???DEPMC20121217 MS 5_50 Minature sheet 5.50 Cat silhouettes (on 5 stamps)
Phantom Cat (on 2 stamps and selvedge)Zustelldienst Musiol
2008 Pets DEPZM20080401 ST 0_45 ? Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
1 in a set of five 0.45 stamps - we do not know the sequential placement of the cat
MIDEPZM20080401 ST 0_45 6 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Same stamp as above, but with misprint. "i" and "e" in Sustelldienst are printed on top of each other
MI 62010 Young Animals DEPZM20100628 ST 0_90 Stamp 0.90 Unspecified Breed
List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Daniel Runge, Mark Hajunga, Steffen Kober, Mikhail Petoukhov,
and the website of Briefmarken HALLER.
Latest update: 11 April, 2021