Stamps inscribed 'Berlin' (overprinted), 'Deutsche Post - Berlin' or 'Deutsche Bundespost - Berlin'
<- 1948 See Germany
1948 - 1990 Separate issues for West Berlin
1990 -> See GermanyWest Berlin stamps and stationary were sold in post offices until October 1990. From 2 July 1990 until 31 December 1991, they were valid for postage throughout Germany.
From 1948: 1 Deutsche Mark (DEM) = 100 Pfennigs
Checklists > Countries > Germany, West Berlin Wild Cats Also see Germany Domestic Cats
Germany Wild Cats
Germany Mythic Cats
Germany Heraldic Cats
Bavaria Domestic Cats
Bavaria Wild Cats
Bavaria Heraldic Cats
West Berlin Domestic Cats
West Berlin Wild Cats
GDR Domestic Cats
GDR Wild Cats
German Private Operators Domestic Cats
German Private Operators Wild Cats
German Private Operators Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 22 July 1949 - Definitives DEBE19490722 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculptures of Victoria in a Quadriga pulled by Panthers, Bacchus atop a Panther and Cupid atop a Lion
Sculptures at Konzerthaus (Concert Hall) on Gendarmenmarkt (1821) by Christian Friedrich Tieck (1776-1851)
MI 58DEBE1954 MF LOEW 1087 Meter frank - Lion
Loewe Logo
87 Berlin NW
Earliest use reported:
22 December 1954
Latest use reported:
22 December 1954
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.
DEBE1965 MF LOEW 1021 Meter frank - Lion
Loewe Logo
1 Berlin 21
Earliest use reported:
28 September 1965
Latest use reported:
28 September 1965
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2 February 1968 - Youth Stamps - Endangered Animals Joint issue with Germany
DEBE19680202 ST 0_10__0_05 Semi-postal Stamp 0.10
+ 0.05European Wildcat
Joint issue with West Berlin
MI 549
DEBE1969 MF LOEW 1021 Meter Frank - Lion
Loewe Logo
"100 - LOEWE - 1869-1969 - Hundert Jahre Qualität"
1 Berlin 21
Earliest use reported:
25 November 1969
Latest use reported:
25 November 1969
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.6 November 1987 - Definitives Also see 1989 issue
Joint issue with Germany
DEBE19871106 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Perf. all sides
MI 795A13 October 1988 - Welfare Stamps: Gold- and Silversmithery ![]()
On MC (private issue)
MC address sideDEBE19881013 ST 0_60__0_30
Semi-postal stamp 0.60
+ 0.30Lion
Wild Cat Art
Gold Lion by Joachim Worm. 16th c.
MI 819MC 1989 - Postal Stationary If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19890000 PC 0_60 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe immediately to the left of stamp indicium
PSE privatized by the Bundesdruckerei - exists with numerous cachets - blancos not sold
See 1990 for reprints with fluorescent stripe further from stamp indicium
MI PP109If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19890000 PSE 0_60 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.60
(sold at 1.0173)Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
3 mm to the left of stamp indicium
Blanco PSE meant for privatization (customer arranges for printing), white 160 x 114 mm, sold from the Bundesdruckerei to companies and organzations from privatization
MI BU1If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19890000 PSE 0_60 2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe immediately to the left of stamp indicium
PSE privatized by the Bundesdruckerei - exists with numerous cachets - blancos not sold
MI PU137If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19890000 PSE 0_60 3 Pre-stamped envelope 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
No fluorescent stripe to the left of stamp indicium
PSE privatized by the Bundesdruckerei - exists with numerous cachets - blancos not sold
MI PU149If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19890500 PC 0_60 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
5 mm to the left of stamp indicium
Ordinary postal card marked "Postkarte"
See 1990 for reprints with fluorescent stripe further from stamp indicium
MI P130
With reply-card (uncut)DEBE19890500 PC 0_60 2 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
5 mm to the left of stamp indicium
Postcard with reply-card. marked "Postkarte mit Antwortkarte"
See 1990 for reprints with fluorescent stripe further from stamp indicium
UNCDEBE19890500 PC 0_60 3 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
5 mm to the left of stamp indicium
See 1990 for reprints with fluorescent stripe further from stamp indicium
Reply-card. marked "Antwortkarte"
UNCJune 1989 - Definitives (Booklets) Also see 1987 issue
Joint issue with Germany
DEBE19890600 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Imperf. top
For fully perforated stamp, see
DEBE19871106 ST 0_60
MI 795CDEBE19890600 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Imperf. bottom
For fully perforated stamp, see
DEBE19871106 ST 0_60
MI 795D
Front cover
Back coverDEBE19890600 BK 5_00 Booklet 5.00 Lion (on two stamps)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Booklet with
DEBE19890600 ST 0_60 1
DEBE19890600 ST 0_60 2
and 6 other stamps in set
MI MH1515 February 1990 - Definitives
Used on letter in the
former GDR in 1990DEBE19900215 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Braunschweig Lion
Stamp from sheets and coils
Stamps with control number on back stems from coils
/M90June - August 1990 - Postal Stationary If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19900600 PC 0_25 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.25 Lion (in one stamp-indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Braunschweig Lion
Lion statue
0.05 Stamp indicium added to existing 0.20 indicium
No fluorescent stripe to the left of stamp indicium
Postcard privatized by the Bundesdruckerei - exists with numerous cachets - blancos not sold
MI PP111If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19900600 PSE 0_45 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.45
+ 0.05)Lion (in one stamp-indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Braunschweig Lion
Lion statue
0.05 Stamp indicium added to existing 0.40 indicium
Fluorescent stripe immediately to the left of stamp indicium
PSE privatized by the Bundesdruckerei - exists with numerous cachets - blancos not sold
MI PU132If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19900600 PSE 0_45 2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.45
+ 0.05)Lion (in one stamp-indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Braunschweig Lion
Lion statue
0.05 Stamp indicium added to existing 0.40 indicium
No fluorescent stripe to the left of stamp indicium
PSE privatized by the Bundesdruckerei - exists with numerous cachets - blancos not sold
See 1990 for reprints with fluorescent stripe further from stamp indicium
MI PU151If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19900800 PC 0_60 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
2 cm to the left of stamp indicium
Reprint - see 1989 original printing for cards with fluorescent stripe closer to the stamp indicium
Ordinary postal card marked "Postkarte"
MI P130If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19900800 PC 0_60 2
With reply-card (uncut)
Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
2 cm to the left of stamp indicium
Reprint - see 1989 original printing for cards with fluorescent stripe closer to the stamp indicium
Postcard with reply-card. marked "Postkarte mit Antwortkarte"
MI P133FIf you have a scan of this item, please share. DEBE19900800 PC 0_60 3
With main card (uncut)
Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
Bavaria Statue in Munich by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848)
Fluorescent stripe appx.
2 cm to the left of stamp indicium
Reprint - see 1989 original printing for cards with fluorescent stripe closer to the stamp indicium
Reply-card. marked "Antwortkarte"
MI P133ACompiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Greg Balagian, Selma Goldstein and Helmut Bitterfeld.
Latest update: 12 May, 2018