Stamps inscribed 'DDR', 'Deutsche Demokratische Republik' or 'Deutsche Post' (last few issues)
<- 1949 See Germany
1949 - 1990 Separate GDR issues
1990 -> See Germany
1 Mark (DDM) = 100 Pfennigs
Checklists > Countries > GDR Wild Cats Also see
GDR Domestic Cats
GDR Mythic Cats
GDR Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 2 November 1953 - Leipzig Zoo 75th Anniversary DDR19531102 ST 0_24 Stamp 0.24 Lion (couple)
MI 397M 1953 - Leipzig Zoo 75th Anniversary Slogan Postmarks DDR19530000_ PMK 7010 1 Slogan postmark - Lion (male, head)
"75 Jahre Leipziger Zoo"
Leipzig BPA 32 n
Earliest use reported:
18 May 1953
Latest use reported:
6 June 1953
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DDR19530000_ PMK 7010 2 Slogan postmark - Lion (cubs)
"75 Jahre Leipziger Zoo"
Leipzig BPA 32 q
Earliest use reported:
19 November 1953
Latest use reported:
7 January 1956
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL DDR19530000_ PMK 7010 3 Slogan postmark - Lion (cubs)
"75 Jahre Leipziger Zoo"
Leipzig BPA 32 p
Earliest use reported:
12 November 1953
Latest use reported:
16 December 1953
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC Also see 1931, 1937-39, and 1945 versions listed under Germany.
DDR1954 MF LOEW 1087 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Company logo
Earliest use reported:
22 December 1954
Latest use reported:
22 December 1954
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1959 - Strobel & Co. Meter Frank Also see version from 1969
DDR1959 MF STRO 9250 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Old Company Logo
"Strobel & Co. - Fabrik & Lager - rechn. Artikel - Gegr. 1892"
Earliest use reported:
26 February 1959
Latest use reported:
26 February 1959
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 November 1959 - Animals of the Forest DDR19591127 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Eurasian lynx
MI 7411963-64 - Berlin Zoo DDR1963_64 PMK 1000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified Wild Cat
"Alfred-Brehm-Haus eröffnet - Tierpark Berlin"
Earliest reported:
20 August 1963
Latest reported
If you know the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.26 February 1963 - Leipzig Spring Fair DDR19630226 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Scupture outside the New City Hall
MI 948DDR19630226 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas-reliefs on the façade of 'The Belltower' Highrise
MI 94923 November 1966 - Near East Museum Berlin DDR19661123 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Mosaic from the Ishtar Gate, originally from Babylon
MI 1231M
DLSDDR19661123 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Mosaic from the Ishtar Gate, originally from Babylon
MI 1232M
ILSDDR19661123 FDC 2 First Day Cover 0.75 Lion (on stamps and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Mosaic from the Ishtar Gate, originally from Babylon
Official FDC with the lion values only23 November 1966 - 900th Anniversary of Wartburg DDR19661123 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture at Wartburg Castle
MI 12351968 - 90th Anniversary of Leipzig Zoo DDR19680000_ PMK 7010 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"90 Jahre - 1878 - Zoo Leipzig - 1968"
70 Leipzig dm
Earliest use reported:
9 June 1968
Latest use reported:
9 June 1968
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1969 - Strobel & Co. Meter Frank Also see version from 1959
DDR1969 MF STRO 9250 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Old Company Logo
"Strobel & Co. - Fabrik & Lager - rechn. Artikel - Gegr. 1892"
925 Mittweida
Earliest use reported:
17 October 1969
Latest use reported:
17 October 1969
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.23 June 1970 - Archaeologic Research of the Humboldt University
All stamps of the set depicts details from the Lion Temple in Mussawarat, Sudan
DDR19700623 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Gods Amon, Shu and Tefnur
MI 1584M DDR19700623 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
MI 1585DDR19700623 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
MI 1586DDR19700623 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
MI 1587DDR19700623 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
MI 1588DDR19700623 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
MI 1589DDR19700623 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion God Apedemak
MI 1590M DDR19700623 FDC 1 First Day Cover 0.60 Lion (on 2 stamps)
Wild Cat Art
Official FDC with
DDR19700623 ST 0_10 and
DDR19700623 ST 0_50DDR19700623 FDC 2 First Day Cover 0.70 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
Official FDC with
DDR19700623 ST 0_15 ,
DDR19700623 ST 0_25 and
DDR19700623 ST 0_30DDR19700623 FDC 3 First Day Cover 0.60 Text-reference only ('Löwentempel')
Official FDC with
DDR19700623 ST 0_20 and
DDR19700623 ST 0_4012 January 1971 - Ethnological Museum in Leipzig DDR19710112 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Jaguar
Wild Cat Art
Aztec Clay Sculpture of Jaguar God, Mexico,
6 - 8 c.
MI 163525 March 1975 - Zoo Animals DDR19750325 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Siberian Tiger
MI 203624 June 1975 - Old Clocks DDR19750624 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Lion Figurines
Table Clock by Johann Heinrich Kohler (1669-1736) and J. G. Graupner, ca. 1720
MI 20581976 - Berlin Zoo Postmark DDR19760000 PMK 1157 Slogan Postmark - Leopard
"Ein Besuch lohnt immer
TIERPARK BERLIN" ["A visit allways pays: BERLIN ZOO"]
Earliest use reported:
30 May 1976
Latest use reported:
30 May 1976
If you know more about the dates of use of this utem, please let us know1976 - 75th Anniversary of Halle Zoo DDR19760000 PMK 4020 Slogan Postmark - Lion
"75 Jahre Zoologischer Garten Halle"
40 Halle a
Earliest use reported:
7 May 1976
Latest use reported:
7 May 1976
If you know more about the dates of use of this utem, please let us know23 May and 17 June 1978 - 100th Anniv. Leipzig Zoo DDR19780523 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion cub
MI 2322DRL_ 2M DDR19780523 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Leopard cub
MI 2323DDR19780523 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Tiger cub
MI 2324DDR19780523 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Snow leopard cub
MI 2325DDR19780523 FDC 0_55 First Day Cover 0.55
+ 0.35)Leopard cub
Tiger cub, Zoo
Official FDC with
DDR19780523 ST 0_20
DDR19780523 ST 0_35DDR19780523 FDC 0_60 First Day Cover 0.60
+ 0.50)Lion cub
Snow leopard cub, Zoo
Official FDC with
DDR19780523 ST 0_10
DDR19780523 ST 0_50DDR19780523 FDP 1085 First Day Postmark - Lion (cub)
"100 Jahre Zoologischer Garten Leipzig"
1085 Berlin
23 May 1978DDR19780617_18 PMK 7010 Commemorative postmark - Lion (head)
"100 Jahre Zoo Leipzig"
Circular handstamp
701 Leipzig 1
17-18 June 1978DDR197805_ PMK 7010 Slogan postmark - Lion (head)
"100 Jahre Zoo Leipzig"
70 Leipzig rm
Rectangular slogan, circular machine datestamp
Earliest use reported:
23 May 1978
Latest use reported:
27 July 1978
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.20 June 1978 - African Art Treasures DDR19780620 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Head on a Plaque from a Ring
MI 23334-14 October 1979 - Dresden Fair DDR19791004_14 PMK 8010 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Dresdner Markt 4.-14.10.1979"
8010 Dresden 1
4-14 October 1979IL/ PM 30 May 1981 - 250 Years of Wiednitz' Market Rights DDR19810530 PMK 7701 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"250 Jahre Marktrecht"
7701 Wiednitz
30 May 1981May 1985 - Circus Aeros Slogan Postmark DDR19850500 PMK 3005 Slogan postmark - Lion
"Zirkus Aeros - Gastspiel"
3005 Magdeburg BPA
Earliest use reported:
11 May 1985
Latest use reported:
11 May 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DP 12 November 1985 - GDR Circus Art DDR19851112 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
MI 298618 November 1986 - Indira Gandhi DDR19861118 FDC 0_10 First Day Cover 0.10 Lion Statue (on postmark and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Ashoka Pillar
Official FDCDDR19861118 FDP 1085 First Day Postmark - Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Ashoka Pillar
"Indira Gandhi"
1085 Berlin
18 November 1986April-May 1988 - Circus Busch Slogan Postmark Also see version from 1989
DDR19880400_ PMK 3005 Slogan postmark - Lion
"Gastspiel Zirkus Busch 22.4.-1.5.88"
3005 Magdeburg BPA az
Earliest use reported:
3 May 1988
Latest use reported:
5 May 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DP DDR19881000_ PMK 8010 br Slogan postmark - Lion
"Gastspiel Zirkus Busch 4.-20.11.88"
8010 Dresden br
Earliest use reported:
3 November 1988
Latest use reported:
4 November 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL/
BDCApril-May 1989 - Circus Busch Slogan Postmark Also see versions from 1988
DDR19890400_ PMK 3005 Slogan postmark - Lion
"27.5.-6.6.89 - Gastspiel Zirkus Busch"
3005 Magdeburg BPA 61
Earliest use reported:
4 May 1989
Latest use reported:
27 May 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.IP 16 May 1989 - World Stamp Show in Bulgaria DDR19890516 PMK 1085 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Briefmarkenweltaus-stellung Bulgarien 1989"
1085 Berlin
16 May 198613 June 1989 - Alfred Edmund and Christian Ludwig Brehm DDR19890613 MS 1_35 Miniature Sheet 1.35 Cheetah
MI B98April-May 1990 - Circus Berolina DDR19900400_ PMK 3005 Slogan Postmark - Tiger
"Gastspiel Zirkus Berolina - Magdeburg 27.4. - 6.5.90"
3005 Magdeburg z
Earliest use reported:
17 April 1990
Latest use reported:
25 May 1990
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.List compiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Greg Balagian, Wolfgang Horst, Ron Berger, and Igor Cep.
Latest update: 13 September, 2020