This list includes Germany pre 1945, allied zones as well as the post-war Federal Republic. See separate lists for Baden, Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Württemberg, West Berlin, German Democratic Republic, Saar, and German Private Operators.
Stamps inscribed 'Deutsches Reich', 'Reichspost', 'Grossdeutsches Reich', 'Deutsche Post', 'Deutsche Bundespost', or 'Deutschland'
1872 ->
From 1872: 1 Thaler = 30 [Silber]Groschen/1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer
From 1875: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennigs
From 1948: 1 Deutsche Mark (DEM) = 100 Pfennigs
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= DEM 1.95583)
Checklists > Countries > Germany Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1908 - Kingdom of Saxony Picture Postcard Address side (specimen)
DE19080000 PC 0_05 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.05 Heraldic Lion (on picture side)
Two Lions Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Three Crowned Lions Rampant
Two Lions Rampant
Greater CoA of the Kingdom of Saxony
MI P50II (localized)1937 - Mechanische Weberei Peter August Lückenhaus Meter Frank DE1937 MF PAL 5600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
"Armed" Lion Rampant
Company logo
"Mechanische Weberei Peter August Lückenhaus"
Wuppertal-Barmen 1
Earliest use reported:
9 October 1937
Latest use reported:
9 October 1937
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.25-27 June 1947 - Flensburg Stamp Show DE19470625_27 PMK 2390 1 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Demi-lions Passant Guardant
Flensburg CoA
"Flensburger Briefmarken-Ausstellung
25-27 June 1947CC 25-27 June 1947 - North-German Stamp Dealer Days DE19470625_27 PMK 2390 2 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant
Schleswig-Holstein CoA
"Norddeutscher Handlertage"
25-27 June 1947CC August-September 1947 - Bavarian Youth Exhibition DE19470800_ PMK 8000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Demi-lion Rampant
"Ausstellung der Jugend - BJR"
München (Munich) 2
Earliest use reported:
25 August 1947
Latest use reported:
26 September 1947
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowCC 18 December 1947 - 2nd. Heidelberg Stamp Dealer Days DE19471218_19 PMK 6900 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Heidelberg CoA
"2. Briefmarkenhändlertag - vom 18. - 19. Dez. 1947"
Heidelberg 1
18-19 December 1947CC 18 March 1948 - Remembrance of the Revolution DE19480318 PMK 18528 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-lion Rampant
Bergen auf Rügen CoA
"Revolutions-Erinnerungsjahr - 1848-1948"
(3b) Bergen (Rügen)
18 March 1948CC DE1950_54 MF BVB 5600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Company logo
"Büch und Zeitungs von Bamberg - Bayerische Verlagsanstalt Bamberg"
(13a) Bamberg 3
Earliest use reported:
Latest use reported:
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.15 June 1955 - Baden-Würtemberg State Exhibition DE19550615 ST 0_07 Stamp 0.07 Heraldic Lions
Three Lions Passant
CoA of Baden-Würtemberg
MI 212DE19550615 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lions
Three Lions Passant
CoA of Baden-Würtemberg
MI 213DE1956 MF BVB 5600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Company logo
"Bayerische Verlagsanstalt"
(13a) Bamberg 3
Earliest use reported:
24 November 1956
Latest use reported:
24 November 1956
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1956 - Gebrüder Seidel Meter frank DE1956 MF GESE 6102 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant
Pfungstadt CoA
"Gebrüder Seidel - Fabriken Gummierter Papiere"
16 Pfungstadt
Earliest use reported:
9 May 1956
Latest use reported:
9 May 1956
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2 January 1957 - Saarland Reunification DE19570102 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
MI 2491959 - Brunswick City / Stadt Braunschweig Meter frank
Also see other Brunswick City items from 1965.
DE1959 MF STBR 3300 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
From Brunswick CoA
"Stadt Braunschweig"
(20b) Braunschweig (Brunswick) 1
Earliest use reported:
8 January 1959
Latest use reported:
8 January 1959
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC DE1959 MF BVB 5600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Company logo
"Bayerische Verlagsanstalt"
(13a) Bamberg 3
Earliest use reported:
Latest use reported:
17 August 1960
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.7 May 1963 - Centenary of the Paris Universal Postal Conference DE19630507 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Three Lions Passant
Armed Lion Rampant
Stylized coats of arms of participating countries
MI 398BDC October 1963 - Flensburg Meter frank DE19631000_ PMK 2390 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Flensburg CoA
"Rum-Stadt Flensburg"
2390 Flensburg C
Earliest use reported:
?? October 1963
Latest use reported:
?? October 1963
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1964 - Loewedruck Meter frank DE1964 MF LODR 7923 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Loewedruck Logo
7923 Königsbronn
Earliest use reported:
21 January 1964
Latest use reported:
21 January 1964
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.March 1964 - British Week in Düsseldorf DE19640300_ PMK 4000 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Düsseldorf CoA
"Britsche Woche Düsseldorf 1964 - 23. - 31. Mai 1964"
4 Düsseldorf 1
Earliest use reported:
3 March 1964
Latest use reported:
3 March 1964
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1965 - Brunswick City / Stadt Braunschweig Meter frank
Also see other Brunswick City items from 1959.
DE1965 MF STBR 3300 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
From Brunswick CoA
"Stadt Braunschweig"
33 Braunschweig (Brunswick) 1
Earliest use reported:
3 March 1965
Latest use reported:
18 June 1965
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.17 May 1965 - Capital Cities of the German States DE19650517 FDC 0_20 1 First day cover 0.20 Heraldic Lion (in cachet and postmark)
Lion Passant
CoA of Bonn
Official single-stamp FDC postmarked in BonnBDC DE19650517 FDP 5300 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (in cachet and postmark)
Lion Passant
CoA of Bonn
53 Bonn 1
17 May 1965BDC 27 May 1965 - State Visit of HM Queen Elizabeth II to Germany DE19650527 PMK 3000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
GB Royal Coat of Arms
"Deutschlands-besuch Königin Elizabeth II"
3 Hannover
27 May 19651966-67 - 150th Anniversary of St. Goar District Meter frank DE1966_67 MF LKSG 5407 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant Guardant
Crowned Lion Rampant
St. Goar District CoA
Earliest use reported:
9 December 1966
Latest use reported:
2 January 1967
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC DE1968 MF BVB 5600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Company logo
"Bayerische Verlagsanstalt"
56 Bamberg 2
Earliest use reported:
8 October 1968
Latest use reported:
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1969 - European Days / Groß-Gerau District Administration Meter frank DE1969 MF GRGE 6080 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-Lion Rampant
from Groß-Gerau CoA
"Europa-Tage 10.-18. Mai 1969 - Kreisstadt Gross-Gerau"
Earliest use reported:
7 January 1969
Latest use reported:
7 January 1969
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.4 September 1969 - National Philatelic Day DE19690904 ST 0_30 1 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Crowned Lion Rampant
Royal CoA of Bavaria
Catstamp on stamp
DEBY18670101 ST 0_3
MI 6014 September 1969 - Rothenburg ob der Tauber DE19690904 FDP 5300 First day postmark - Heraldic Leopard
Leopard Head
If you know which CoA is depicted on this postmark, please let us know.
"Sonderpostwertzeichen Rothenburg ob der Tauber - Erstausg."
53 Bonn
4 September 1969CC 1970-77 - Walter Günther Meter frank
These items are also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Walther Günther items from 1971, 1976, 1977, 1994, 1995
DE1970 MF WAGU 8600 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
No marking between datestamp and frank imprint
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
Latest date reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1970 MF WAGU 8600 2 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
"Gebühr bezahlt" between datestamp and frank imprint
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
Latest date reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1970 MF WAGU 8600 3 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
Service imprint: "Brief-Drucksache" ["Letter printed matter"]
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
20 November 1970
Latest date reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1970 MF WAGU 8600 4 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
Service imprint: "Drucksache" ["Printed matter"]
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
20 November 1970
Latest date reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 September 1970 - 350th Anniversary of Cochem Post Office DE19700927 PMK 5590 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Simplified CoA of Lamoral von Taxis
"350 Jahre Post - 1620 L.v.Taxis"CC 1971 - Walter Günther Meter frank
These items are also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Walther Günther items from 1970, 1977, 1976, 1994, 1995
DE1971 MF WAGU 8600 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
Service imprint: "Drucksache" ["Printed matter"]
4-digit frank imprint
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
5 April 1971
Latest date reported:
5 April 1971
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1971 MF WAGU 8600 2 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
Service imprint: "Drucksache" ["Printed matter"]
4-digit frank imprint
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
5 April 1971
Latest date reported:
5 April 1971
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1971 MF WAGU 8600 3 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
"Gebühr bezahlt" between datestamp and frank imprint
4-digit frank imprint
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
Latest date reported:
October 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.5 April 1973 - FIP International Congress / IBRA 1973 DE19730405 ST 0_40__0_20 1 Semi-postal Stamp 0.40
+ 0.20Heraldic Lion
Post Office Sign from Hessen-Kassel
MI 764DE19730405 ST 0_40__0_20 2 Semi-postal stamp 0.40
+ 0.20Heraldic Lion
Post Office Sign from Württemberg
Stamp from MS
MI 766DE19730405 MS 1_10__0_55 Semi-postal minature sheet 1.10
+ 0.55 (sold at 2.20)Heraldic Lion (on one stamp)
MS with
DE19730405 ST 0_40__0_20 2
and another stamp
MI B9DPS 1974 - Ahrweiler District Administration Meter Frank DE1974 MF KRAW 5483 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Ahrweiler District CoA
"Kreisverwaltung Ahrweiler"
Earliest date reported:
23 April 1974
Latest date reported:
23 April 1974
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1974 - TSV 1860 München Meter frank
DE1974 MF TSVM 8000 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
TSV 1860 Logo
"TSV München von 1860 e.V. - 8 München 5 - Auenstr. 19 - Tel. 26 33 73 / 26 36 60"
8 München (Munich) 5
Earliest date reported:
17 July 1974
Latest date reported:
17 July 1974
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1974 - Wuppertal University Slogan postmark DE19740000 PMK 5600 1 mh Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
from Wuppertal University Logo
"Bergische Universität Wuppertal"
56 Wuppertal 1 mh
Earliest date reported:
5 September 1974
Latest date reported:
9 September 1974
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1976 - Walter Günther Meter frank
These items are also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Walther Günther items from 1970, 1971, 1977, 1994, 1995
DE1976 MF WAGU 8600 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
86 Bamberg 1
Earliest date reported:
Latest date reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1976 MF WAGU 8600 2 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
Service imprint: "Brief-Drucksache" ["Letter printed matter"]
86 Bamberg 1
Earliest date reported:
Latest date reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1976 - Langenfeld Slogan postmark DE19760000_ PMK 4018 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Langenfeld CoA
"Langenfeld lohnt immer"
Langenfeld, Rheinland 1
Earliest date reported:
23 July 1976
Latest date reported:
23 July 1976
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1977 - Cinzano Meter frank DE1977 MF CINZ 6000 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Head
Cinzano logo
"Cinzano - FSCO. Cinzano % Cia. GMBH - Postfach 25 45 - 6000 Frankfurt/M. 1"
6 Frankfurt am Main 1
Earliest date reported:
19 December 1977
Latest date reported:
19 December 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1977 - Walter Günther Meter frank
These items are also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Walther Günther items from 1970, 1971, 1976, 1994, 1995
DE1977 MF WAGU 8600 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffin Rampant Supporters
Old company logo
"Postfach 5000"
"Gebühr bezahlt" between datestamp and frank imprint
4-digit frank imprint
86 Bamberg 2
Earliest date reported:
Latest date reported:
March 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1977 - Pfungstadt Slogan postmark DE19770000 PMK 6102 1 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Arms of Pfungstadt
"Pfungstadt - der gastfreundliche Industriestadt an den Autobahnen Frankfurt - Mannheim - Heidelberg"
6102 Pfungstadt 1
Earliest date reported:
23 July 1977
Latest date reported:
23 July 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.17 May 1977 - 450th Anniversary of Marburg University DE19770517 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Marburg University historical seal
MI 9391978 Bonner Rundschau Meter frank DE1978 MF BONN 5300 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
"Bonner Rundschau"
53 Bonn 1
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1979 - Düsseldorf City Administration Meter frank DE1979 MF DUSV 4000 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Düsseldorf CoA
"Stadtverwaltung - Postfach 1120 - 4000 Düsseldorf 1"
4 Düsseldorf 1
Earliest date reported:
19 April 1979
Latest date reported:
19 April 1979
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1979 - Kreis Aachen Meter frank DE1979 MF AACH 5100 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Arms of Aachen
"Kreis Aachen - Der Oberkreis-direktor"
51 Aachen 1
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1979 - Alsdorf City Slogan postmark DE19790000_ PMK 5110 md Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Alsdorf CoA<
"Stadt Alsdorf - Bundesausbauort"
Machine code: md
511 Alsdorf, Rheinl. 1
Earliest date reported:
24 November 1979
Latest date reported:
24 November 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DP 1979 - Association of Bavarian Philatelists Personalised PSE DE19790000 PSE 0_35 8011 Pre-stamped envelope 0.35
+ 0.25)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Crowned Lion Rampant
Royal CoA of Bavaria
MI PU129 (personalised)DL 10 June 1979 - 50th Anniversary of Wuppertal DE19790610 PMK 5600 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Wuppertal CoA
"50 Jahre Wuppertal - Briefmarkenschau Philag - 1929 - 1979"
5600 Wuppertal 1
10 June 1979CC 30 August 1979 - Inauguration of the New City Hall in Eschweiler DE19790830 PMK 5180 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Eschweiler CoA
Wattrelos CoA
"Einweihung des neuen Rathauses - Städtepartnerschaft Eschweiler - Wattrelos"
5180 Eschweiler,
Rheinl. 1
30 August 19793 November 1979 - First Bavarian Postal Stationary Exhibition in Munich DE19791103 PC 0_50 Pre-stamped postcard 0.50 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Crowned Lion Rampant
Royal CoA of Bavaria
MI PP151 (personalised)DPM 4 November 1979 - Stamp Day / 25th Anniversary of Langenhagen Stamp Club DE19791104 PMK 3012 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Demi-lion Rampant
Langenhagen CoA
"Landsverband Niedersachsen e.V. - 25 Jahrfeier BSV Langenhagen - Tag der Briefmarke"
3012 Langenhagen,
Han 1
4 November 1979DL 11 November 1979 - Nordposta Philatelic Exhibition DE19791111 PMK 2000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned and armed Lion Rampant
From Finnish CoA
"Finnland auf der NORDPOSTA"
2000 Hamburg 36
11 November 19791980-85 - TSV 1860 München Meter frank DE1980_85 MF TSVM 8000 90 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
TSV 1860 Logo
"TSV München von 1860 e.V. -Grünwalder Str. 114 - Telefon: (089) 84 30 48"
8000 München (Munich) 90
Earliest date reported:
24 September 1980
Latest date reported:
13 May 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1980 - Braunschweig Slogan postmark DE19800000 PMK 3300 mh Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
from Braunschweig CoA
"Braunschweig ..die sympathische Großstadt" [Braunschweig - the sympathetic big city]
Machine code: mh
3300 Braunschweig 1
Earliest use reported:
20 October 1980
Latest use reported:
20 October 1980
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.IL 1981 - Bad Nauheim City Meter Frank DE1981 MF BANA 6350 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-lion Rampant
Bad Nauheim CoA
"Das Herzbad der Welt - Bad Nauheim"
6350 Bad Nauheim 1
Earliest use reported:
1 October 1981
Latest use reported:
1 October 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1981 - TSV 1860 München Meter frank DE1981 MF TSVM 8000 5 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
TSV 1860 Logo
"TSV München von 1860 e.V. - Auenstr. 19 - Tel. 26 80 45"
8000 München (Munich) 5
Earliest date reported:
10 November 1981
Latest date reported:
10 November 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1981-83 Bayerischer Kriegerverein (Bavarian Soldiers' Association) Meter frank DE1981 MF BAKV 8600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Association Logo
"BKV - Hallstadter Str. 65 - 8600 Bamberg"
8600 Bamberg 15
Earliest date reported:
14 February 1983
Latest date reported:
14 February 1983
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.25-27 September 1981 - Frankenphila '81 Philatelic Exhibition DE19810925_27 PMK 8520 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-Lion Rampant
Erlangen CoA
"Frankenphila '81"
8520 Erlangen 1
25 - 27 September 1981SC/ DL 1982 - Alsdorf City Meter frank DE1982 MF ALSD 5110 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Alsdorf CoA
"Stadt Alsdorf"
511 Alsdorf, Rhein 1
Earliest use reported:
13 September 1982
Latest use reported:
13 September 1982
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DPM/ LFR 1982 - TSV 1860 München Meter frank DE1982 MF TSVM 8000 5 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
TSV 1860 Logo
"TSV München von 1860 e.V. - Auenstr. 19 - Tel. 201 40 60"
8000 München (Munich) 5
Earliest date reported:
31 March 1982
Latest date reported:
21 September 1982
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1983 - Adendorf Municipality Meter frank DE1983 MF GEAD 2126 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Adendorf CoA
"Gemeinde Adendorf"
2126 Adendorf, Kr. Lüneburg
Earliest use reported:
11 July 1983
Latest use reported:
11 July 1983
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1983 - SPD Landtag Fraktion Meter frank DE1983 MF SPD 7000 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
"SPD-Fraktion im Landtag von Baden-Württemberg - Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 3 - 7000 Stuttgart 1"
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1983 - Braunschweig Slogan postmark DE19830000 PMK 3300 de Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Braunschweig CoA
"Braunschweig ..die sympathische Großstadt"
Machine code: mh
3300 Braunschweig 1
Earliest use reported:
6 June 1983
Latest use reported:
6 June 1983
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.12 March 1983 - 60th Anniversary of Schöningen Stamp Club DE19830312 PMK 3338 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
from Schöningen CoA
"1923-1983 - 37. Jubiläums-Ausstellung - 60 J. Briefmarken-Sammler-Verein"
3338 Schöningen 1
12 March 1983CC 5 November 1983 - Nordposta Philatelic Exhibition DE19831105 PSE 0_80 Pre-stamped envelope 0.80 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two crowned Lion Rampant Supporters
PSE issued for the Sweden Day at Nordposta
MI PU117 (personalized)DE19831105 PMK 2000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two crowned Lion Rampant Supporters
"Schweden auf der Nordposta"
2000 Hamburg 36
5 November 19831984 - Taufkirchen Municipality Slogan postmark DE19840000_ PMK 8028 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Demi-lion
Taufkirchen CoA
"Gemeinde Taufkirchen b. München"
8028 Taufkirchen b. München
Earliest use reported:
2 Februar 1984
Latest use reported:
2 Februar 1984
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1984 - Rosenheim District Administration Meter Frank DE1984 MF LRRO 8200 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
"Landratsamt Rosenheim"
Rosenheim, Oberbay 1
Earliest use reported:
12 November 1984
Latest use reported:
12 November 1984
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.23 June 1984 - 25th Anniversary of the 10th Signals Batallion
On. comm. coverDE19840623 PMK 7480 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Batallion CoA
Fernmeldebataillon 10 - 25 Jahre - 1959-1984 Graf Stauffenberg Kaserne - Tag der offenen Tür - Jubiläum"
7480 Sigmaringen
23 June 1984DL 21 August 1984 - Duderstadt City Hall DE19840821 FDP 5300 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Duderstadt CoA
"Erstausgabetag - Rathaus Duderstadt"
5300 Bonn 1
21 August 1984BPR 27 October 1984 - 20th Anniversary of the Pipeline Pioneer Batallion ![]()
On. comm. coverDE19841027 PMK 6660 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Zweibrücken CoA
"20 Jahre 1964-1984 - Pipelinepionierbataillon - Tag der offenen Tür"
6660 Zweibrücken 1
27 October 19841985 - Alsdorf City Meter frank DE1985 MF ALSD 5110 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Alsdorf CoA
"Stadt Alsdorf - Industriestadt im Grünen"
511 Alsdorf, Rhein 1
Earliest use reported:
5 September 1985
Latest use reported:
5 September 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1985 - Frechen 'Partner' Slogan postmark DE19850000 PMK 5020 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Frechen CoA
Demi-Lion Rampant
Kapfenberg CoA
"Partner - Frechen - Kapfenberg"
5020 Frechen 1
Earliest use reported:
5 September 1985
Latest use reported:
5 September 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1986 - Alsdorf City Slogan postmark DE19860000_ PMK 5110 mn Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Alsdorf CoA<
"Stadt Alsdorf - Industristadt im Grünen"
Machine code: mn
5110 Alsdorf, Rheinl. 1
Earliest date reported:
13 September 1986
Latest date reported:
13 September 1986
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowRDL 22 August 1986 - 12th Hesse Fire Service Days DE19860822 PMK 6114 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Hesse CoA
"12. Hessischer Feuerwehrtag - 29.08-01.09.86 in Groß-Umstadt"
6114 Gross-Umstadt 1
22 August 1986
This postmark may have been used on multiple days. If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowCC 25 October 1986 - 25th Anniversary of the 164th Armored Batallion DE19861025 PMK 2053 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Batallion CoA
"Panzerbataillon 164 Tag der offenen Tür"
2053 Schwarzenbek
25 October 1986DL May 1987 - "Harz + Heide" Exhibition DE19870500_ PMK 3300 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Braunschweig CoA
"Ausstellung Harz + Heide - 23.-31. Mai"
3300 Braunschweig
Earliest use reported:
?? May 1987
Latest use reported:
?? May 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 13 June 1987 - 30th Anniversary of the 32nd Armored Brigade
On. comm. coverDE19870613 PMK 3070 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Nienburg CoA
"13. Juni 1987 - 30 Jahre - Bundeswehr im Standort"
3070 Nienburg, Weser 1
13 June 1987DL 1987 - Centenary of Schloßbauverein Burg (Burg Castle Society) DE19870000 PMK 5650 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Old CoA of the Bergishes Land
"100 Jahre Schloßbauverein Burg"
5650 Sollingen
Earliest use reported:
16 December 1987
Latest use reported:
16 December 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 1988 - Brunswick Slogan postmark DE19880000 PMK 3300 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
from Braunschweig CoA
"Braunschweig - Stadt Heinrichs des Löwen"
3300 Braunschweig (Brunswick) 1
Earliest use reported:
25 May 1988
Latest use reported:
25 May 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1989 - Aachen District Meter frank DE1989 MF KAAC 5100 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Aachen District CoA
"Kreis Aachen - Der Oberkreisdirektor"
51 Aachen 1
Earliest use reported:
25 April 1989
Latest use reported:
25 April 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL/
BDC1989 - Litzendorf Municipality Meter frank
Also see 2000 versions.
DE1989 MF GLIT 8615 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Litzendorf CoA
"Gemeinde Litzendorf"
8615 Litzendorf
Earliest use reported:
6 July 1989
Latest use reported:
6 July 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1989 - Landsberg District Meter frank
Also see 1999 version.
DE1989 MF LALA 8910 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Landsberg District CoA
"Landkreis Landsberg - zwischen Ammersee u. Lech"
8910 Landsberg a.
Lech 1
Earliest use reported:
2 February 1989
Latest use reported:
2 February 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL/
BDC9 January 1989 - 750th Anniversary of Saulgau's City Status DE19890109 PMK 7968 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Saulgau CoA
"1239-1989 - 750 Jahre Stadtrechte"
7968 Saulgau 1
9 January 1989CC 7 October 1989 - 30th Anniversary of the 10th Armored Division
On. comm. coverDE19891007 PMK 7480 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Division CoA
"Jubiläimsveranstaltung - 30 Jahre 10. Panzerdivision - 1959-1989"
7480 Sigmaringen 1
7 October 1989DL 11 November 1989 - Nordposta 89 DE19891111 PMK 2000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Regardant Supporters
Hamburg Greater CoA
"Philatelie zur 800-Jahr-Feier - BUW - CCM Nordposta 89"
2000 Hamburg 35
11 November 19891990 - Amelinghausen Municipal Centre Meter frank DE1990 MF AMSG 2124 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Armed Demi-lion Rampant
Amelinghausen CoA
"Samtgemeinde Amelinghausen - Erholung im Lopautal"
2124 Amelinghausen
Earliest use reported:
14 June 1990
Latest use reported:
14 June 1990
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1990-92 - Burgebrach - Schönbrunn Intermunicipal Management Bureau Meter frank
DE1990 MF VGBS 8602 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Schönbrunn im Steigerwald CoA
"Verwaltungsgemein-schaft Burgebrach - Markt Burgebrach Gemeinde Schönbrunn i. Stgw."
8602 Burgebrach
Earliest use reported:
26 January 1990
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.31 March 1990 - Rhein-Ruhr Posta '90 DE19900331 PMK 5600 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wuppertal CoA
"Rhein Ruhr - Posta '90"
5600 Wuppertal 1
31 March 1990DL 3 May 1990 - EUROPA: Postal Insitutions DE19900503 FDP 5300 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Thurn und Taxis CoA
"Europa-Marken '90 - Erstausgabe"
3 May 1990
5300 Bonn 1CC 1991 - Scheßlitz City Meter frank
DE1991 MF SCHE 8604 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Scheßlitz CoA
"Stadt Scheßlitz"
Machine no. F19 6195
8604 Schesslitz 1
Earliest use reported:
28 January 1991
Latest use reported:
28 January 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1991 Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry for Business and Transports Meter frank DE1991 MV RPMW 6500 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Rhineland-Palatinate CoA
"Rheinland-Pfalz - Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Verkehr - Postfach 32 69, Bauhofstraße 4, 6500 Mainz 1"
Machine no. F20-1307
6500 Mainz 1
Earliest use reported:
17 September 1991
Latest use reported:
17 September 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1991 - Braunfels City Meter frank DE1991 MF STBR 6333 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Braunfels CoA
"Stadt Braunfels"
6333 Braunfels
Earliest use reported:
24 January 1991
Latest use reported:
24 January 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1991 - Stuttgart District Court Meter frank DE1991 MF AMGS 7000 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Three Lions Passant
Baden-Württemberg CoA
"Amstgericht Stuttgart - Postfach 10 60 08 - 7000 Stuttgart 10"
Machine no. B65 0236 (probably a test machine - postage imprint for Berlin Post)
Test print of new cliche type. No city in postmark, but
0000 Vorführstempel (0000 Sample Print)
Earliest use reported:
26 June 1991
Latest use reported:
26 June 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.7 June 1991 - 20th Anniversary of the Twinning of Biebesheim am Rhein and Romilly-sur-Andelle (France) DE19910607 PMK W6083 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Romilly-sur-Andelle CoA
"20 Jahre Jumelage-Partnerschaft - Ehrenfane des Bundes??? - Rommilly-sur-Andelle - Biebesheim am Rhein"
6083 Biebesheim am Rhein
7 June 19911992 - Wuppertal University Meter frank DE1992 MF BEUN 5600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
University Logo
"Bergische Universität Gesamthochscule Wuppertal"
Machine no. B01 6493
5600 Wuppertal 1
Earliest use reported:
13 October 1992
Latest use reported:
13 October 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1992 - 70th Anniversary of "Stamp City" Lorch DE19920000 PMK 7073 Slogan postmark - Herladic Lion
Lorch CoA
"70 Jahre Briefmarkenstadt Lorch Würtemberg"
7073 Lorch Würtemberg
Earliest use reported:
16 December 1992
Latest use reported:
16 December 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1992 - Lahr Schwarzwald Twinning Slogan postmark DE19920000 PMK 7630 mx Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lions
CoA of Dole (France) and Belleville, ON (Canada)
"Partnerschaften - Jummelages - Twinships - 30 Jahre Dole (Frankreich) - 20 Jahre Belleville (Kanada) - Lahr/ Schwarzwald"
7630 Lahr, Schwarzwald
Earliest use reported:
28 July 1992
Latest use reported:
28 July 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know9 January 1992 - Coats of Arms of the German States I DE19920109 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Lesser CoA of Baden-Württemberg
MI 158612 March 1992 - Coats of Arms of the German States II DE19920312 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Shield from the CoA of Bavaria
MI 158720 June 1992 - 35 Years of Army Presence in Nienburg DE19920620 PMK 3070 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Nienburg CoA
"20. Juni 1992 - 35 Jahre - Bundeswehr im Standort"
3070 Nienburg, Weser 1
20 June 1992DL 1993 - Southern Wine Route Slogan postmark DE19930000 PMK 76829 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
from Landau in der Pfalz CoA
"Weinland - Ferienland - Sonnengau - Südliche Weinstrasse"
76829 Landau in der Pfalz
Earliest use reported:
10 August 1993
Latest use reported:
10 August 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 11 March 1993 - Coats of Arms of the German States VI DE19930311 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
CoA of Hesse
MI 1660DE19930311 PMK 6200 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
CoA of Hesse
"Übergabe des Sonderpostwertzeichen Hessen - Aus der Serie - Wappen der Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland"
6200 Wiesbaden 1
11 March 1993
Commemorative postmark mostly found as FDP for
DE19930311 ST 1_00
but can also be found cancelling other stamps.11 March 1993 - 1st Hesse Stamp Collectors' Meet DE19930311 PMK 6000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from CoA of Hesse
"Frankfurt - 1. Hessische Briefmarkensammler-treffen - im Zeichen der Hessen-Marke - Bürgerhaus Nordweststadt"
6000 Frankfurt am Main 55
11 March 1993
Commemorative postmark mostly found as FDP for
DE19930311 ST 1_00
but can also be found cancelling other stamps.16 September 1993 - Coats of Arms of the German States X DE19930916 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of Rhineland-Palatinate
MI 1664DE19930916 FDC 1_00 First day cover Heraldic Lion (on stamp and cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of Rhineland-Palatinate
Official FDC with
DE19930916 ST 1_001994-95 - Kreis Aachen Meter frank DE1994_95 MF AACH 52062 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Arms of Aachen
"Kreis Aachen - Region mit Zukunft" ("Aachen Region - Region with a Fututre")
52062 Aachen 1
Machine no.
B66 4430
Earliest use reported:
6 April 1994
Latest use reported:
26 July 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - Walter Günther Meter frank
Also see Walther Günther items from 1970, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1995
DE1994 MF WAGU 96052 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Supporters
Old company logo
Machine no. C39 451C
96052 Bamberg 1
Earliest use reported:
18 February 1994
Latest use reported:
18 February 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BP DE1994 MF WAGU 96052 2 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Supporters
Old company logo
Machine no. C78 570D
96052 Bamberg 1
Earliest use reported:
20 January 1994
Latest use reported:
20 January 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BP DE1994 MF WAGU 96052 3 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Supporters
Old company logo
"WG - Postfach 15 60 - 96006 Bamberg"
"Deutsche Bundespost" in frank imprint
Machine no. C75 681H
96052 Bamberg 1
Earliest use reported:
17 March 1994
Latest use reported:
17 March 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1994 MF WAGU 96052 4 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Supporters
Old company logo
"WG - Postfach 15 60 - 96006 Bamberg"
"Deutsche Bundespost" in frank imprint
Machine no. C71 932H
96052 Bamberg 1
Earliest use reported:
26 May 1994
Latest use reported:
26 May 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.13 January 1994 - Coats of Arms of the German States XI DE19940113 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
MI 1712DLS DE19949113 PMK 66111 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
"Präsentation der Sonderwehrtzeichen Saarland - Aus der Serie - Wappen der Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland"
66111 Saarbrücken 1
11 March 1993
Commemorative postmark mostly found as FDP for
DE19940113 ST 1_00
but can also be found cancelling other stamps.3-12 June 1994 - 34th Hesse Day DE19940603_12 PMK 64521 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Hesse CoA
"34. Hessentag - Ganz Hessen in 10 Tagen"
64521 Gross-Gerau 1
3 - 12 June 199414 July 1994 - Coats of Arms of the German States XIV DE19940714 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant
Schleswig-Holstein CoA
MI 17168 September 1994 - Coats of Arms of the German States XV DE19940908 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Thuringia CoA
MI 17161995 - Walter Günther Meter frank
Also see Walther Günther items from 1970, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1994
DE1995 MF WAGU 96052 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Supporters
Old company logo
"WG - Postfach 15 60 - 96006 Bamberg"
"Deutsche Post AG" in frank imprint
Machine no. C75 681H
96052 Bamberg 1
Earliest use reported:
31 October 1995
Latest use reported:
31 October 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DE1995 MF WAGU 96052 2 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Supporters
Old company logo
"WG - Postfach 15 60 - 96006 Bamberg"
"Deutsche Bundespost" in frank imprint
Machine no. C22 922F
96052 Bamberg 1
Earliest use reported:
1 February 1995
Latest use reported:
1 February 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1996 - Bremen City Council Meter frank Also see 2000-version
DE1996 MF BRBU 28195 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Reguardant Supporters
Council Logo
"Bremische Bürgerschaft"
Machine no. F20 0303
Tall, thinner typeface in date field
28195 Bremen 1
Earliest use reported:
20 November 1996
Latest use reported:
20 November 1996
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Thuringia Castles and Parks Foundations Meter frank DE1997 MF STSG 07407 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Thuringia CoA
"Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten - Postfach 142 - 07393 Rudolstadt"
Machine no. F78-0855
07407 Rudolstadt 1
Earliest use reported:
11 December 1997
Latest use reported:
11 December 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Altlußheim am Rhein Mayor's Office Meter frank DE1997 MF ALTL 68804 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Armed Demi-lion Rampant
Altlußheim am Rhein CoA
"1050 Jahre - 946-1996 - Altlußheim am Rhein - Bürgermeisteramt"
Machine no. F76-1773
68804 Altlussheim
Earliest use reported:
29 July 1997
Latest use reported:
29 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Lower Franconia Government Meter frank DE1997 MF REUF 97064 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Two Lions Rampant
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Greater CoA of Bavaria
"Regierung von Unterfranken"
Machine no. E11-3839
97064 Würzburg 11
Earliest use reported:
7 July 1997
Latest use reported:
7 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997-2000 - Burgebrach - Schönbrunn Intermunicipal Management Bureau Meter frank
DE1997 MF VGBS 96138 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Schönbrunn im Steigerwald CoA
"Verwaltungsgemein-schaft Burgebrach - Markt Burgebrach Gemeinde Schönbrunn i. Stgw."
Machine no. F21 5865
96138 Burgebrach
Earliest use reported:
24 September 1997
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1998 - Wangerooge Municipality Meter Frank DE1998 MF WROO 26486 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Wangerooge CoA
"Wangerooge is een Nordseebad - kumm mal her bekick di dat!"
Machine no. A09 5891
Earliest use reported:
13 May 1998
Latest use reported:
13 May 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - House of Bavarian History Meter frank DE1999 MF HBGE 86150 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant Supporters
Two Lions Rampant
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Greater CoA of Bavaria
"Bayerische Staatskanzlei - Haus der Bayr. Geschicte - Postfach 10 17 47 - 86007 Augsburg"
Machine no. F20 9681
86150 Augsburg 1
Earliest use reported:
3 March 1999
Latest use reported:
3 March 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 Landsberg District Meter frank
Also see version from 1989
DE1999 MF LALA 86899 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Landsberg District CoA
"Landkreis Landsberg - Ferienland zwischen Ammersee u. Lech"
Machine no. H02-2592
86899 Landsberg a.
Lech 1
Earliest use reported:
31 May 1999
Latest use reported:
31 May 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - Dillingen District Council Administration Meter frank DE1999 MF LRAD 89407 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Lion Passant Guardant
Dillingen District CoA
"Landratsamt Dillingen a.d. Donau"
Machine no. F70-5707
89407 Dillingen a
Donau 1
Earliest use reported:
1 July 1999
Latest use reported:
1 July 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - Würzburg District Council Administration Meter frank DE1999 MF LRAW 97074 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Würzburg District CoA
"Landratsamt Würzburg"
Machine no. H02-2009
97074 Würzburg 15
Earliest use reported:
13 May 1999
Latest use reported:
13 May 1999
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2000 - Bremen City Council Meter frank Also see 1996-version
DE2000 MF BRBU 28195 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Passant Reguardant Supporters
Council Logo
"Bremische Bürgerschaft"
Machine no. F20 0303
Smaller, more compact typeface in date field
28195 Bremen 1
Earliest use reported:
24 July 2000
Latest use reported:
24 July 2000
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2000 - Litzendorf Municipality Meter frank
Also see 1989 version.
DE2000 MF GLIT 96123 1 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Litzendorf CoA
"Gemeinde Litzendorf"
Machine no. A10 0348
96123 Litzendorf
Earliest use reported:
We believe our scan to be a test print with a fictive date. Based on the postcode, we believe it to be from 2000
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.
Also known in blue ink (probably from 2001)DE2000 MF GLIT 96123 2 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Litzendorf CoA
"Gemeinde Litzendorf"
Machine no. A100348
96123 Litzendorf
Earliest use reported:
We believe our scan to be a test print with a fictive date. Based on the postcode, we believe it to be from 2000
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2001 - Hamelin-Pyrmont District Meter Frank DE2001 MF LKHP 31785 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Hamelin-Pyrmont District CoA
"Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont in Weserbergland"
Machine no. F68 5403
31785 Hameln 1
Earliest use reported:
17 January 2001
Latest use reported:
17 January 2001
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2001 - Eschweiler Municipality Meter frank DE2001 MF STES 52249 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Eschweiler CoA
"Stadt Eschweiler"
Machine no. F746468
52249 Eschweiler, Rheinl. 1
Earliest use reported:
28 September 2001
Latest use reported:
28 September 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2001 - Scheßlitz City Meter frank
Also known in blue ink (from 2002)
DE2001 MF SCHE 96110 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Scheßlitz CoA
"Stadt Scheßlitz"
Machine no. F395943
96110 Schesslitz
Earliest use reported:
25 January 2001
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2002 Löwenbräu Meter frank DE2002 MF LOBR 80335 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
"Löwenbräu - Ein Bier wie Bayern."
Machine no. F664992
80335 München (Munich)
Earliest use reported:
3 January 2002
Latest use reported:
3 January 2002
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2002 50 Years of Baden-Würtemberg Statehood DE20020404 ST 0_56 Stamp 0.56 Heraldic Lions
From Baden-Würtemberg CoA
MI 2248ILM 2004 Marcus-Klinik Bad Driburg Meter frank DE2004 MF MKBD 33014 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lion Rampant Supporters
Graf von Oeynhausen-Sierstorpff Group Logo
"Marcus-Klinik Bad Driburg - Fachklinik für Heurologie und Orthopädie - AHB-Klinik"
Machine no. F721710
33014 Bad Driburg
Earliest use reported:
9 June 2004
Latest use reported:
9 June 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BPR 2005-2012 Pausa City Meter frank
Also see 2013-16-version.
DE2005_12 MF PAUS 07952 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Pausa CoA
"Stadt Pausa/Vogtl. - Stadtverwaltung"
Machine no. F564977
07952 Pausa
Earliest use reported:
18 July 2005
Latest use reported:
21 May 2012
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BEB 2005 - Peugeot Deutschland Meter frank
Also see othe Peugeot items from 2010
DE2005 MF PEUG 22041 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Peugeot Lion
Machine no. F723620
22041 Hamburg
Earliest use reported:
6 July 2005
Latest use reported:
6 July 2005
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.15 January 2005 - 625th Anniversary of Diepholz DE20050115 PMK 49356 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Diepholz CoA
"625 Jahre Stadtrechte 1380 - 2005 - Festakt zum Jubiläum"
49356 Diepholz
15 January 200528 May 2005 - Stamp Day DE20050528 PMK 83646 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Bad Tölz CoA
"Tag der Briefmarke - 100 Jahre Kraftpost"
83646 Bad Tölz
28 May 20052005 1200th Anniversary of Dachau DE20050710 PMK 85221 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Dachau CoA
1200 Jahre Dachau - 805-2005 - Stadt Dachau - Festzug"
85221 Dachau
10 July 20052005 10th Anniversary of Rheinhessen Postal History Society DE20050910 PMK 55435 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
"Ausstellung - 10 Jahre Verein für Postgeschichte in Rheinhessen e.V."
55435 Gau-Algesheim
10 September 20112005 25th Anniversary of the Twinning between Leichlingen and Henley-on-Thames / Leichlingen Fruit Market DE20050930 PMK 42799 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Leichlingen CoA
"Brücken Verbinden - 25 Jahre - 1980-2005 - Leichlingen - Henley-on-Thames - Leichlinger Obstmarkt"2005 Commissioning of the Fregate 'Hessen' DE20051212 PMK 26384 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Hesse CoA
"Fregatte Hessen - Indienststellung"
26384 Wilhelnshaven
12 December 20052006 Commissioning of the Fregate 'Hessen' DE20060421 PMK 26384 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Hesse CoA
"Fregatte Hessen - Indienststellung"
26384 Wilhelnshaven
21 April 20062006 650th Anniversary of Bacharach DE20060506 PMK 55422 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Bacharach CoA
650 Jahre Stadt Festveranstaltung"
55422 Bacharach
6 May 20062006 Rhineland-Palatinate Day DE20060519_21 PMK 67346 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Rhineland-Palatinate CoA
"Rheinland-Pfalz-Tag - 19.-21. Mai 2006 - BSV-Speyer"
67346 Speyer
19-21 May 20062006 Bi-ventenary of the Bavarian Kingdom - 58th State Assembly of Bavarian Philatelic Clubs DE20060527_28 PMK 95615 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
200 Jahre Königreich Bayern - 58. Landesverbandstag Bayerische Philatelistenvereine - Weltbewertaus-stellung im Rang 3 - Verband Oberfränkischer Briefmarken-sammlenvereine"
95615 Marktredwitz
27-28 May 20062006 Bi-centenary of Lauf in Bavaria DE20060624 PMK 91207 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Lauf 200 Jahre in Bayern - Altstadtfest"
91207 Lauf an der Pegnitz
24 June 20062006 Mozartphila - Överbria 2006 DE20060630_0702 PMK 53113 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Salzburg State CoA
"Mozartphila - Överbria 2006 - Internationale Briefmarken-ausstellung - Salzburg, Österreich 30. juni - 2. juli"
53113 Bonn
30 June - 2 July 20062006 6th International BMW Biker Meet DE20060707 PMK 82467 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Garmisch-Partenkirchen District CoA
"6. Internatio-nales BMW Motorrad Bikermeeting"
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
7 July 200614-15 October 2006 Stamp Day: European Partnership DE20061014 PMK 03130 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Spremberg CoA
"GRODK - Tag der Briefmarke 2006 - Partner in Europa - Spremberg - Szprotawa - Landsverband der Philatelisten Brandenburgs"
03130 Spremberg
14 October 2006DE20061015 PMK 31224 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Normandy Lions
"Partnerschaften in Europa - Tag der Briefmarke 2006 - Normandie - Niedersachsen"
31224 Peine
15 October 20061 December 2006 - Hesse Statehood Jubilee DE20061201 PMK 65189 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Hesse CoA
"Hessen - 60 Stoltze Jahre - Landesjubiläum im Staatstheater"
65189 Wiesbaden
1 December 20062007-2013 - Upper Franconia Police Meter frank
Also see 2011 version
DE2007 MF PPOF 95447 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Upper Franconia CoA
"Polizeipräsidium Oberfranken - Mit Sicherheit Oberfranken"
95447 Bayeruth (not stated)
Earliest use reported: 2007
Latest use reported: 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2007 - Sindelfingen International Stamp Fair DE20070000 PPE 0_35 X1 Personalised pre-stamped envelope 0.35 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Logo of the Landsverband Südwestdeutscher Briefmarkensammler-Vereinen e.V. [Interstate Nework of South-West German Stamp Colloctors' Societies]
Personalised pre-stamped envelope issued by the fair for mass mailings
We have only seen this in pre-cancelled form
If you know more about the date of isse for this item, please let us know.1-2 January 2007 - 50th Anniversary of the Reunification with Saarland I DE20070101_02 PMK 66117 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
"50 Jahre Rückliederung des Saarlandes als Bundesland"
66117 Saarbrücken
1 - 2 January 2007DE20070102 ST 0_55 3 Stamp 0.55 Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Gummed stamp
Same design as
DE20070301 ST 0_55 6
MI 2581DE20070102 FDP 66117 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
"Übergabe des Sonderpostwertzeichen '50 Jahre Saarland'"
66117 Saarbrücken
2 January 20078 January 2007 - Pre-stamped Philatelic Service PSE If you have a scan of this item, please share. DE20070108 PSE 0_55 1 Pre-stamped service envelope 0.55 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Stamp indicium like
DE20070102 ST 0_55 3
Cachet text: "Die deutschen Bundesländer auf Marken und Medallien"
This item has not been sold commercially, and can only be found pre-cancelled
MI EAF18915 January 2007 - Pre-stamped Postal Service PSE DE20070115 PSE 1_45 Pre-stamped service envelope 1.45
+ 0.90)Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Stamp indicium like
DE20070102 ST 0_55 3
This item has not been sold commercially, and can only be found pre-cancelled
MI EAB691 March 2007 - 50th Anniversary of the Reunification with Saarland II DE20070301 ST 0_55 6 Stamp 0.55 Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Self-adhesive stamp
Same design as
DE20070102 ST 0_55 3
MI 2595DL
ContentsDE20070301 BK 5_50 Booklet 5.50
(10 x 0.55)Heraldic Lion (on stamps, cover and pane)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Self-adhesive booklet with 10 x
DE20070301 ST 0_55 6
MI MH675 March 2007 - Pre-stamped Postal Service Flyer DE20070305 AEG 0_55 Pre-stamped postal service flyer 0.55 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Stamp indicium like
DE20070102 ST 0_55 3
This item has not been sold commercially, and can only be found pre-cancelled
MI EAF20423 April 2007 - Pre-stamped Postal Service Envelope If you have a scan of this item, please share. DE20070423 PSE 0_55 Pre-stamped postal service envelope 0.55 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Stamp indicium like
DE20070102 ST 0_55 3
Cachet text: "Wichtige Information für alle Briefmarkensammler!"
This item has not been sold commercially, and can only be found pre-cancelled
MI EAF2153 May 2007 - 'Stampland Rheinland-Pfalz' Exhibition DE20070503 PMK 55116 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Rheinland-Pfalz CoA
"Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz - Ausstellung 'Briefmarkenland Rheinland-Pfalz' - Aktionstag zur Sonderbriefmarke 'Hambacher Fest'
55116 Mainz
3 May 200712 May 2007 - 5th Werdenfels Philatelic Exhibition / 40th Anniversary of Philatelia Garmisch-Partenkirchen DE20070512 PMK 82490 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Garmisch-Partenkirchen District CoA
"Philatelia e.V. - 5. Werdenfelser Briefmarkenaus-stellung - 40 Jahre Philatelia e.V. Garmisch-Partenk. Briefmarken- u. Münzensammler-verein"
82490 Farchant
12 May 200719 May 2007 - Samolux 07 - 60th Anniversary of the Saarland Protectorate DE20070519 PMK 66578 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Saarland CoA
"60 Jahre Saarland - Samolux '07"
66578 Schiffweiler
19 May 2007BDC 9 June 2007 - Leverkusen Europa Festival DE20070609 PMK 51377 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Leverkusen CoA
"Leverkusener Europafest 2007 - Briefmarkenauss-tellung"
51377 Leverkusen
9 June 200716 June 2007 - 800th Anniversary of Laufenburg DE20070616 PMK 79725 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Laufenberg CoA
"1207 - 2007 - 800 - Stadtfest 15. - 24. Juni 2007"
79725 Laufenburg
16 June 200717 June 2007 - 150th Anniversary of Kirn City Status DE20070617 PMK 55606 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Kirn CoA
150 Jahre Stadtrechte 1857-2007 - Kirner Innenstadtfest - 16./17. Juni 2007"
55606 Kirn Nahe
17 June 20072008 - Wittingen Brewery Meter frank DE2008 MF WIBR 29378 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Statant
Brewery logo based on Wittingen CoA
"Wittinger Premium"
Machine no. A297984
23978 Wittingen
Earliest use reported:
18 September 2008
Latest use reported:
18 September 2008
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2008 - Flecken Nörten-Hardenberg Meter frank DE2008 MF FLNH 37176 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Nörten-Hardenberg CoA
"Naherholungsgebiet zwischen Harz u. Weser - Flecken Nörten-Hardenbach
Machine no. 3D05002C87
Earliest use reported:
15 December 2008
Latest use reported:
15 December 2008
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2008 - Wolfenfbüttel District (Landkreis Wolfenbüttel) Meter frank DE2008 MF LKWO 38300 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Wolfenbüttel District CoA
"Landkreis Wolfenbüttel - Postfach 15 65 - 38299 Wolfenbüttel"
Machine no. C049920
38300 Wolfenbüttel 1
Earliest use reported:
11 December 2008
Latest use reported:
11 December 2008
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2008 - Chr. Graf Stauffenberg Tax Consultancy Meter frank DE2008 MF CGRS 91332 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant
Shield from Stauffenberg Family CoA
Chr. Graf Stauffenberg - Steuerberater - 91332 Schloss Greifenstein"
Machine no. E953154
91332 Heiligenstadt
Earliest use reported:
12 February 2008
Latest use reported:
12 February 2008
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.7 January 2008 - Philatelic Service Pre-stamped Envelope DE20080108 PSE 1_45 Pre-stamped service envelope 1.45 Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin (in cachet)
Multiple state CoAs:
all shown on coin in cachet
This item has not been sold commercially, and can only be found pre-cancelled
MI EAF27518 June 2008 - 10th Baden-Würtemberg Firefighters' Day 08 DE20080618 PMK 88212 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"10. Landesfeuerwehr-tag '08 - 18. - 22. Juni - Ravensburg / Weingarten - Baden-Würtemberg"
88212 Ravensburg
18 June 20083 August 2008 - 650th Anniversary of Eschenbach's City Status DE20080803 PMK 92676 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz' CoA
1358-2008 - 650 Jahre Stadterhebung - Kaiser Karl IV +1378"
92676 Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz
3 August 20083 October 2008 - 60th Anniversary of Langenfeld's City Status DE20081003 PMK 40764 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Langenfeld CoA
"60 Jahre Stadtrechte"
40764 Langenfeld
3 October 200824 October 2008 - Stamp Day DE20081024 PMK 71065 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
CoA of the Kingdom of Württemberg
"Tag der Briefmarke - Landesverband Südwest - Würtemb. Feld-Postamt"
71065 Sindelfingen
24 October 20084 November 2008 - Centenary of Siegen's Mayor's Necklace DE20081104 PMK 57072 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Siegen CoA
"100 Jahre Bürgermeister-kette"
57072 Siegen
4 November 20082009 - Dargun Brewery Meter frank DE2009 MF DABR 17159 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Heraldic Lion
Griffin Rampant
Three Lions Passant
Brewery Logo
"Darguner Brauerei GmbH - Brauereistr. 3 - 17159 Dargun"
Machine no. F347084
17159 Dargun
Earliest use reported:
2 June 2009
Latest use reported:
2 June 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27-31 May 2009 - Bulgaria 2009 Philatelic Exhibition DE20090527_31 PMK 53113 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
53113 Bonn
27-31 May 200927 June 2009 - 15th Ammiversary of the Ulm Fortifications DE20090604 PMK 53113 5 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Three Lions Passant
Württemberg CoA
"150 Jahre Bundesfestung Ulm - Gedenkganzsache - Erstverwendung"
53113 Bonn
4 June 200927 June 2009 - 60th Anniversary of Briefmarkenfreunde Bad Tölz (Stamp Club) DE20090627 PMK 83646 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Deutsche Post - Erlebnis: Brefmarken - 60 Jahre Briefmarken-freunde Bad Tölz - Haushahn"
83646 Bad Tölz
27 June 200924-27 September 2009 - Neumarkt Handicrafts Exhibition DE20090924_27 PMK 92318 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Deutsche Post - Erlebnis: Brefmarken - Handwerksaus-stellung
92318 Neumarkt I.D. Opf.
24 - 27 September 20092010 - Peugeot Deutschland Meter frank
Also see othe Peugeot items from 2005
DE2010 MF PEUG 66104 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Peugeot Logo
Machine no. 3D060002E6
66104 Saarbrücken (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
9 April 2010
Latest use reported:
9 April 2010
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.IL
BDC5 January 2010 - TROGAPHIL 2010 DE20100105 PMK 72818 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Trogaphil 2010 - Rang 3 Ausstellung - 1970 40 Jahre BSV 2010 - Trochtelfingen-Gommeringen e.V."
72818 Trochtelfingen
5 January 201030 May 2010 - 62nd Bavarian Statewide Philatelic Assembly DE20100530 PMK 93413 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Bavarian Coat of Arms
"62. Landesver-bandstag - Landesverbands-tag Bay. Philatelisten-Vereine - 55 Jahre Briefmarken-freunde Charm e.V."
94313 Cham
30 May 2010IL 27 June 2010 - 150th Anniversary of the Volontary Fire Brigade in Lichtenfels DE20100627 PMK 96215 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lichtenfels CoA
"150 Jahre Freiwillige Feuerwehr Lichtenfels"
96215 Lichtenfels
27 June 201011-12 September 2010 - 925th Anniversary of Hückeswagen DE20100911_12 PMK 42499 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Hückeswagen CoA
"11./12. Sept. - Altstadtfest - 1085 - 2010 - 925 Jahre Hückeswagen"
42499 Hückeswagen
11 - 12 Sep 20102011 - Bendorf City Administration Meter frank DE2011 MF BEND 56170 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant Guardant
Bendorf CoA
"Stadtverwaltung Bendorf am Rhein - Im Stadtpark 1-2 - 56170 Bendorf"
56170 Bendorf
Earliest use reported:
2 November 2011
Latest use reported:
2 November 2011
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2011-2012 - Upper Franconia Police Meter frank
Also see 2007 version
DE2011 MF PPOF 95447 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Upper Franconia CoA
"Polizeipräsidium Oberfranken - Mit Sicherheit Oberfranken"
"Entgelt bezahlt" inscribed under franking section
95447 Bayeruth (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
4 July 2011
Latest use reported: 2012
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.17 January 2011 - Philatelic Service Pre-stamped Service Envelope DE20110117 PSE 1_45 Pre-stamped service envelope 1.45 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lion Reguardant Supporters
Hamburg CoA (on coin)
This item has not been sold commercially, and can only be found pre-cancelled
MI EAF52220 February 2011 - 20th Anniversary of Germering DE20110220 PMK 82110 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Germering CoA
"Germeringer Briefmarkenfreunde e.V. - Großtauschtag - 20 Jahre Stadt Germering"
82110 Germering
20 February 20112011 500th Anniversary of Alsfeld City Hall DE20110407 PMK 36304 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Alsfeld CoA
"Aktionstag Sondermarke Früneuzeitlicher Fachwerkbau in Alsfeld - 500 Jahre Rathaus 1512/16"
36304 Alsfeld
7 April 20112011 75th Anniversary of Stamp Day DE20110709 PMK 83646 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Bad Tölz CoA
"Bad Tölz - Hausham - Holzkirchen - Grosstauschtag - 75 Jahre Tag der Briefmarke"
83646 Bad Tölz
9 July 20112012 40th Anniversary of Passau District DE20120000 PST 0_55 X1 Personalised stamp - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Passau District CoA
Personalised stamp from a "Portocard individuell"
DE20120000 PBK 0_55 X1
issued by the district administration
If you have any further information on this item, please let us know.DE20120000 PBK 0_55 X1 Booklet / Postage Card - Heraldic Lion (on stamp)
Lion Rampant
Passau District CoA
Personalised booklet / postage card ("Portocard individuell") issued by the district administration
If you have any further information on this item, please let us know.2012 10 Years of Twinning between Jihlava and Heidenheim DE20121014 PMK 89522 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Jihlava CoA
"10 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft Jihlava Heidenheim"
89522 Heidenheim an der Benz
14 October 2012IL 2012 Drei Gleichen DE20121019 PMK 99869 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Thuringia CoA
"Aktionstag Sondermarke Drei Gleichen"
99869 Drei Gleichen
19 October 2012IL 2012 60 Years of Baden-Württemberg Statehood / 900th Anniversary of the House of Baden DE20121021 PMK 71522 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
From CoA of Baden-Württemberg
"60 Jahre Baden-Württemberg - 900 Jahre Haus Baden"
71522 Backnang
21 October 2012IL 2013-16 Pausa-Mühltroff City Meter frank
Also see 2005-12-version.
DE2013_16 MF PAUS 07952 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Pausa CoA
"Stadt Pausa/Vogtl. - Stadtverwaltung"
Machine no. F564977
07952 Pausa
Earliest use reported:
27 August 2013
Latest use reported:
7 March 2016
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BEB 2013 Pfungstadt City Magitrate Meter frank DE2013 MF MAPF 64310 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant
Pfungstadt CoA
"Magistrat der Stadt Pfungstadt"
Machine no. 4D06000DC2
Earliest use reported:
7 May 2013
Latest use reported:
25 June 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2013 25th Anniversary of Twinning Between Balatonfüred in Hungary and Germering DE20130217 PMK 82110 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Germering CoA
"25 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft Balatonfüred - Germering - Germeringer Briefmarkenfreunde e.V. - Großtauschtag"
82110 Germering
12 February 2013IL 2013 Hannover Stamp Meet 2013 / 75th Anniversary of Linden Stamp Club DE20130303 PMK 30165 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Linden CoA
"Briefmarken-Treff Hannover 2013 - 75 Jahre Briefmarken-Sammlerverein Hannover -Linden e.V. - Wappen d. Stadt Linden"
30165 Hannover
3 March 2013IL 2-3 November 2013 - 1. Abibria Regional Philatelic Exhibition DE20131102_03 PMK 06780 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Anhalt-Bitterfeld CoA
"1. Abibria - Gut Mößlitz - Briefmarkenausstellung Rang 3 - 2.-3.11.2013 - Bitterfeld - Wolfen - Köthen - Zerbst - Dessau - Rosslau - Zörbig"
06780 Zörbig
2-3 November 20132014-18 - Burgebrach - Schönbrunn Intermunicipal Management Bureau Meter frank
DE2014 MF VGBS 96138 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Schönbrunn im Steigerwald CoA
"Verwaltungsgemein-schaft Burgebrach - Markt Burgebrach Gemeinde Schönbrunn i. Stgw."
Machine no. 3D020005A1
96138 Burgebrach (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
11 March 2014
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.23 February 2014 - Germering Exchange Day / 35th Annversary of Germering Stamp Friends DE20140223 PMK 82110 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Germering CoA
"Archölogie in Germering - Zeit + Raum Museum am Rathaus - Schnurkeramisches - Gefäß - 35 Jahre Germeringer Briefmarkenfreunde e.V. - Großtauschtag"
82110 Germering
23 February 201427 April 2014 - 25th Anniversary of Twinning between Eschenbach in Switzerland and Eschenbach in Bavaria /
50th Anniversary of Eschenbach Stamp Club
DE20140427 PMK 92676 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz CoA
"Eschenbach in Kanton Luzern - Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz - 50 Jahre Briefmarkenfreunde - 25 Jahre Stadtpartnerschaft"
92676 Eschenbach I. OPF
27 April 2014IL 30 April 2014 - State Garden Show of Baden-Württemberg DE20140430 PMK 73525 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
3 Lions Passant
from Baden-Württemberg CoA
"Landesgartenschau - BSV Gamundia 1886 e.V"
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
30 April 2014IL 16 August 2014 - 775th Anniversary of Netphen
On comm. coverDE20140816 PST 0_60 73525
Personalised stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lion
Demi-lion rampant
Netphen CoA
Personalised stamp issued by Briefmarkenfreunde Netphen (Netphen Stamp Friends)
Picture sideDE20140816 PPC 0_45 1 73525 Personalised pre-stamped postcard 0.45 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Demi-lion rampant
Netphen CoA
Personalised pre-stamped postcard issued by Briefmarkenfreunde Netphen (Netphen Stamp Friends)
Stamp indicium has same design as
DE20140816 PPC 0_45 1 73525DE20140816 PPC 0_45 2 73525 Personalised pre-stamped postcard 0.45 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Demi-lion rampant
Netphen CoA
Personalised pre-stamped postcard issued by Briefmarkenfreunde Netphen (Netphen Stamp Friends)
B&W photo of the Siegen-Netphen-Deuz bus coach on picture sideDE20140816 PPC 0_45 3 73525 Personalised pre-stamped postcard 0.45 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Demi-lion rampant
Netphen CoA
Personalised pre-stamped postcard issued by Briefmarkenfreunde Netphen (Netphen Stamp Friends)
Colour photo of the Siegen-Netphen-Deuz bus coach on picture sideDE20140816 PMK 57250 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Demi-lion rampant
Netphen CoA
"Stadtfest 775 Jahre - 1239-2014 - 15-17 August - zwischen Keilen und Meilen"
57250 Netphen
16 August 2014IL 2015 - Bergstrasse District Administration Meter frank DE2015 MF KRBS 64646 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Bergstrasse District CoA
"115 - Ihre Behörden-nummer - Kreis Bergstrasse"
Machine no. 1D15000309
64646 Heppenheim (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
14 December 2015
Latest use reported:
14 December 2015
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.3 May 2015 - 150th Anniversary of the Amberg Volontary Fire Brigade DE20150503 PMK 92224 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-lion Rampant
Amberg CoA
"150 Jahre Freiwillige Feuerwehr der Stadt Amberg - 1865-2015"
92224 Amberg
3 May 201529 May 2015 - 55th Hesse Days DE20150529 PST 0_45 1 Personalised stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Stylized Lion Rampant
from Hesse CoA
Festival logo
Personalised stamp issued by Briefmarken-sammlergemeinschaft von 1932 HofgeismarDPS FLD DE20150529 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Heraldic Lion
Stylized Lion Rampant
from Hesse CoA
Festival logo
Personalised stamp issued by Briefmarken-sammlergemeinschaft von 1932 HofgeismarDE20150529 PMK 34369 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Stylized Lion Rampant
from Hesse CoA
Festival logo
"55. Hessentag 29. mai - 7. juni 2015 - Hofgeismar hat Hessentach :)"
34369 Hofsgeimar
29 May 2015DP 22 June - 31 December 2015 - 150th Anniversary of Lorch's City Status DE20150622_1231 PMK 73547 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lorch CoA
"150 Jahre - Stadtrecht für Lorch"
73547 Lorch
22 June 2015 -
31 December 20151 July 2015 - Leipzig Millenium DE20150701 FDC 53113 First day cover 0.62 Heraldic Lion (on postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
from Leipzig CoA
Official FDC postmarked with
DE20150701 FDP 53113CC DE20150701 FDP 53113 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Leipzig CoA
"Erstausgabe: - 1000 Jahre Leipzig"
53113 Bonn
1 July 2015CC 26 September 2015 - Gabria '15 Regional Philatelic Exhibition DE20150926 PMK 30823 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Garbsen CoA
"Briefmarkenausstellung Rang 3 mit Jugendklasse - 2015 - 50 Jahre Briefmarken- und Münzenfreunde Garbsen e.V. - 2016 - 50 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft Garbsen - Hérouville St. Clair"
30823 Garbsen
26 September 2015DL 14-15 November 2015 - 2. Abibria Regional Philatelic Exhibition DE20151114_15 PMK 06780 3 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Anhalt-Bitterfeld CoA
"1. Abibria - Gut Mößlitz - Briefmarkenausstellung Rang 3 - 2.-3.11.2013 - Bitterfeld - Wolfen - Köthen - Zerbst - Dessau - Rosslau - Zörbig"
06780 Zörbig
14-15 November 2015IL 2016 - Erndtebrück Municipality Meter frank DE2016 MF GEER 57339 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Bergues (France) CoA
"Jumelée avec - Wir sind Partner - 1973-1998 - Bergues - Frankreich - Erndtebrück - Deutschland - Gemeinde Erndtebrück"
Machine no. 3D0200123FBDC 2 January 2016 - Castles and Palaces This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
DE20160102 FDP 53113 First day postmark - Lion
Lion-formed weather vane
"Burgen und Schlösser - Erstausgabe"
53113 Bonn
2 January 20162 January 2016 - Schwetzingen City Jubilee I DE20160102 PMK 68723 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant
from Schwetzingen CoA
"Stadtjubiläum - 1250 - 766-2016 - Schwetzingen - Suezzingen"
68723 Schwetzingen
2 January 2016IL 17 February 2016 - Spring Stampex, London DE20160217 PMK 53113 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
"Spring Stampex 2016 - Intern. Briefmarken-ausstellung London, Großbritannien 17.-20. Febr."
53113 Bonn
17 Feburary 2016IL 1 March 2016 - Schwetzingen City Jubilee II DE20160301 FDP 53113 7 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant
from Schwetzingen CoA
"1250 - 766-2016 - Schwetzingen - Suezzingen - MarkenSet - Erstverwendung"
53113 Bonn
1 March 201610 April 2016 - 78th Regional Meet of the Middle Rhine Philatelic Network / 70th Anniversary of Frechen Philatelic
DE20160410 PMK 50259 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant from Frechen CoA
"70 Jahre Philatelisten-Club Frechen e.V. - 78. Landesverbandstag Philatelistenverband Mittelrhein e.V."
50259 Pulheim
10 April 2016IL 23 April 2016 - 61st Regional Meet and 70th Anniversary of the Lower Saxony Philatelic Network DE20160423 PMK 38154 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant
Königslutter CoA
"61. Verbandstag - 70 Jahre VNPh - Verband Niedersächsischer Philatelistenvereine e.V."
38154 Königslutter am Elm
23 April 2016IL 7-8 May 2016 - 700th Anniversary of Radevormwald DE20160507_08 PMK 42477 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Radevormwald CoA
"Stadtjubiläum - 700 Jahre Radevormwald"
42477 Radevormwald
7 - 8 May 2016SF 22 May 2016 - 95th Anniversary of Spremberg Philatelic Club DE20160522 PST 0_70 Personalised stamp - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Spremberg CoA
Personalised stamp issued by Spremberg Philatelic Club for the anniversary celebrations
MI ???BEB 17 September - 3 October 2016 - Oktoberfest / Quincentenary of Bavarian Beer Purity Laws DE20160917_1003 PMK 80336 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Twol Lion Rampant Supporters
Cartoonish CoA
"500 Jahre Bayerishe Reinheitsgebot
80336 München (Munich)
17 september - 3 October 2016CP 6 Octover 2016 - 60th Anniversary of the Saarland Treaty DE20161006 PSE 0_70 Pre-stamped envelope 0.70
+ 0.10
+ 0.05)Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
MI ???9 October 2016 - Stamp Day: 200th Anniversary of Siegburg / 70th Anniversary of Siegburg Stamp Friends DE20161009 PMK 53721 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Siegburg CoA
53721 Siegburg
9 October 2016IP DE2017 MF SCHE 96110 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Scheßlitz CoA
"Stadt Scheßlitz"
Machine no. 3D10002B60
96110 Scheßlitz (not stated)
Earliest use reported:
24 February 2017
Latest use reported:
24 February 2017
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1 January 2017 - 60th Anniversary of Saarland's Inclusion in the Federal Republic DE20170101 PST 0_70 2 Personalised stamp 0.70 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Personalised stamp from
DE20170101 PBK 7_00
issued by the Saarland State Government![]()
PaneDE20170101 PBK 7_00 Personalised booklet 7.00
(10 x 0.70)Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
Self-adhesive. personalised booklet with
DE20170101 PST 0_70 2
and 9 other stamps13 April 2017 - Quincentenary of the Reformation / 450th Anniversary of the Death of Philip I of Hesse /
125th Anniversary of the Marburg Stamp Club
DE20170413 PMK 35037 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Hesse CoA
"500 Jahre Reformation - 1517-2017 - Philip I Landgraf von Hessen - 1504-1567 - 125 Jahre Vereing für Briefmarkenkunde"
35037 Marburg
13 April 2017IP 18 June 2017 - 750th Anniversary of Reinheim This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
DE20170618 PMK 66453 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Lion of St. Mark's
Reinheim-Gersheim CoA
"750 Jahre Reinheim - 1627-2017 - St. Markus"
66453 Gersheim
18 June 2017IP 16 September 2017 - Stamp Day / 60th Anniversary of Saarland's Inclusion in the Federal Republic DE20170916 PMK 66740 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
"Tag der Briefmarke - Landverband Saar - 60 Jahre Bundesland Saarland"
66740 Saarlouis
16 September 2017IL 26 October 2017 - Sindelfingen Stamp Fair / 50th Anniversary of Thurn adn Taxis Philatelic Workgroup DE20171026 PMK 71065 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Crowned Lion Rampant
Thurn and Taxis CoA
"Internationale Briefmarken-Börse - 50 Jahre ARGE Thurn und Taxis"
71065 Sindelfingen
26 October 2017IL 11 March 2018 - Siebengebirge Natural Park / 70th Anniversary of Middle Rhine Philatelic Association DE20180311 PMK 53773 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned and Armed Lion Rampant
Rehin-Sieg District CoA
"Naturschutzgebiet Siebengebirge im Rhein-Sieg-Kreis - 70 Jahre Philatelisteverband Mittelrhein e.V. - Siegburger Briefmarkenfreude e.V."
53773 Hennef (Sieg)
11 March 2018IP 31 May 2018 - Hesse Days DE20180531 PMK 34497 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Hesse CoA
"Deutsche Post - Erlebnis Briefmarken - Hessentag Korbach"
34497 Korbach
31 May 2018SF 7 June 2018 - 800th Anniversary of Rostock This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
DE20180607 PMK 18055 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
"Deutsche Post - Erlebnis Briefmarken - 800 Jahre Rostock - 1218-2018"
18055 Rostock
7 June 2018SF 20th Anniversary of Wuppertal Philatelic Library DE20180917 PMK 42103 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wuppertal CoA
"Deutsche Post - Erlebnis Briefmarken - 20 Jahr Philatelistische Bibliothek"
42103 Wuoppertal
17 September 2018SF 28 February 2019 - Centenary of the Free State of Bavaria DE20190228 PMK 80939 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Two Lions Rampant
Three Crowned Lions Passant Guardant
Greater CoA of Bavaria
"100 Jahre Freistaat Bayern seit 1918/19 - ArGe Münchner Philatelistenvereine e.V. af der IBB"
80939 München (Munich)
28 February 2019IP 1 September 2019 - 250th Anniversary of the 'Dreikreisstein' DE20190901 PMK 21644 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Crowned Lion Rampant
Rotenburg District CoA
Harburg District CoA
"Jubiläumsfeier 250 Jahre Dreikreisstein"
21644 Sauensiek
1 September 2019IL 22 September 2019 - 30th Anniversary of the Twinning between Leverkusen and Schwedt on the Oder DE20190922 PMK 16303 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Leverkusen CoA
"Leverkusen - Schwedt/ Oder - 30 Jahre Städte-Partnerschaft (1989-2019)"
16303 Schwedt/Oder
22 September 2019IL 6 March 2020 - Philatelia Munich DE20200306 PMK 80939 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Stylized version of the Bavarian Kingdom CoA
"ARGE Münchner Philatelistenvereine e.V. - 1 Aprli 1920 - Ende des bayerischen Postegals und Übernahme durch das Deutsche Reich - PHILATELIA"
80939 München (Munich)
6 March 2020IL 22 March 2020 - 63rd Association Day of Lower Saxony Stamp Clubs DE20200322 PMK 37115 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Duderstadt CoA
"Verband Niedersächsischer Philateliestenvereine e.V. - 63. Verbandstag"
37115 Duderstadt
22 March 2020IL 21 May 2022 - 62nd Regional Meet of the South-West / 50th Anniversary of Trochtelfingen-Gammertingen Stamp Club DE20220521 PMK 72818 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gammertingen CoA
"62. Landesverbandstag Südwest - Schloss Werdenberg - 50 Jahre BSV Trochtelfingen-Gammerfingen e.V.
72818 Trochtelfingen
21 May 202231 July 2022 - Märchenposta 22 / 75th Anniversary of the Association of Philatelic Clubs of Hessen Rhein-Main-Nahe DE20220731 PMK 34369 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Hesse CoA
"75 Jahre Verband der Philatelisten-Vereine Hessen, Rhein-Main-Nahe e.V. in BDPh - Märchenposta 22"
34369 Hofgeismar
31 July 20226 October 2022 - 1200th Anniversary of Volkingen DE20221006 PSE 0_85 Pre-stamped envelope 0.85
+ 0.55)Heraldic Lion (on one stamp indicium)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
MI ???30 October 2022 - Stamp Day / 65th Anniversary of Saarland DE20221030 PMK 66740 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Saarland CoA
"65 Jahre Saarland - Tag der Briefmarke LV Saar"
66740 Saarlouis
30 October 2022Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian, Marci Jarvis, Steffen Kober, Elisabeth Hallsjö,
Ron Berger, Marco Carelli, Franz Kolzky, Eva Maria Schmidt, Martial Beckrich, Miriam Congedo, Wolfgang Horst, Jørgen
Kristiansen, Heinrich Kraam, Igor Cep, Ulrich Reinhardt, and Angelika Förster.
Latest update: 11 September, 2024