Stamps inscribed with company names or logo
From 1872: 1 Thaler = 30 [Silber]Groschen/1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer,
From 1875: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennigs,
From 1948: 1 Deutsche Mark (DEM) = 100 Pfennigs,
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= DEM 1.95583)
Checklists > Countries > Germany Private Operators Heraldic Cats List status: Contains all objects known to the webmaster
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC Biber Post, Magdeburg
July 2010 - FIFA World Cup DEPBP20100700 PST 0_45 1 Personalized (?) stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lions
Spanish Flag
Semi finals Germany - Spain
If you have any more information on this item, please let us know
MI ???DEPBP20100700 PST 0_45 3 Personalized (?) stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lions
Spanish Flag
World Cup Final Spain - Netherlands
If you have any more information on this item, please let us know
MI ???2013 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20130000 PST 0_45 3 Personalized (?) stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Landkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld
If you have any more information on this item, please let us know
MI ???M DEPBP20130000 PST 0_45 7 Personalized (?) stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Greater CoA of Hamburg (on coin)
If you have any more information on this item, please let us know
MI ???M 21 July 2014 - 20th Anniversary of Altmarkkreis Salzwedel District Status DEPBP20140721 BK 4_80 1 Booklet 4.80
(10 x 0.48)Heraldic Lion (on cover)
Lion Rampant
Altmarkkreis Salzwedel District CoA
Booklet of 10 self-adhesive stamps
MI ???2015 - Personalized Stamps DEPBP20150000 PST 0_48 1 Personalized (?) stamp 0.48 Heraldic Lion
Crowned and Armed Lion Rampant
Smaller CoA of the Grand Duchy of Hesse
If you have any more information on this item, please let us know
MI ???Brief-Bestellung Kraus, Düsseldorf and Duisburg
October 1895 - Definitives If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18951000 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with anchor)
MI 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18951000 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with anchor)
MI 2If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18951000 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with anchor)
MI 31896 - Definitives I DEPBK18960000 ST 0_02 1 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Dull red
Perf. 11
MI 4DEPBK18960000 ST 0_03 1 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Dark blue
Perf. 11
MI 51896 - Definitives II DEPBK18960000 ST 0_02 2 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Light yellowish paper
Perf. 11½
MI 6If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18960000 ST 0_02 3 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Shiny white paper
Perf. 11½
MI n7If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18960000 ST 0_02 4 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Coated paper
Perf. 11½
MI 9DEPBK18960000 ST 0_03 2 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Light yellowish paper
Perf. 11½
MI 7If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18960000 ST 0_03 3 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Shiny white paper
Perf. 11½
MI 8If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18960000 ST 0_03 4 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Coated paper
Perf. 11½
MI 10If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBK18960000 ST 0_03 5 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant (with letter)
Broad, white margins (2-2½ mm)
Perf. 11½
MI 11Brief und mehr, Münster
11 November 2009 - Carnival DEPBM20091111 ST 0_44 Stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lions DEPBM20091111 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Heraldic Lions DEPBM20091111 ST 1_43 Stamp 1.43 Heraldic Lions DEPBM20091111 ST 2_14 Stamp 2.14 Heraldic Lions DEPBM20091111 FDP 48155 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
"Ersttagsausgabe - Brief und mehr - -
Karnevalsorden 2009/2010"
11 Nov 2009Citipost Nordwest, Oldenburg
2014 Imperial Post DEPCO20140602 ST SB Stamp SB
(0.60 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Oldenburg Imperial Post Logo
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???Express-Schatztruhe, Schatztruhe
2008 Flags I DEPES20080922 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Baden-WürttembergPaketeria Post, Volksbank-Raiffeisenbank, Meißen (merged with PostModern in 2016)
2013 775th Anniversary of Ortrand DEPPP20130624 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Ortrand CoA
MI ??2013 150th Anniversary of Teichert Porcelain Works in Meißen DEPPP20130912 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Meißen CoA
View of Meißen (rectangular picture)
MI ??DEPPP20130912 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
View of Meißen (square picture)
Meißen CoA
MI ??Pin AG, Berlin
2002 Leipzig Buildings DEPPI20021111 ST 1_56 Stamp 1.56 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Leipzig
MI 19Postkutscher / Young & Active Mail, Saalfeld
2009 Heraldry of Saale Orla District DEPPY20090317 ST 0_46 1 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of PößneckDEPPY20090317 ST 0_46 2 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Saale-Orla-DistrictDEPPY20090317 ST 0_46 5 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of TannaDEPPY20090317 ST 0_46 6 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Neustadt an der OrlaDEPPY20090317 SH 4_60 Sheetlet 4.60 Heraldic Lions (on 4 stamps)
Sheetlet with all 10 stamps in setPostModern, Dresden
2006 - Dresden City Financial Office Meter Frank DEPPM2006 MF FADR 01264 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Dresden CoA
"Finanzamt Dresden I - 01264 Dresden"
Earliest use reported:
19 December 2006
Latest use reported:
19 December 2006
If you have further information on the dates of use, please let us know.19 March 2012 - 600th Anniversary of Radeberg's City Status DEPPM20120319 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant
MI 228
Postteam Nordhessen, Hofgeismar
2006 Definitives - Coat of Arms in Northern Hesse III DEPPN20060130 ST 0_51 Stamp 0.51 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Liebenau
MI 232006 Definitives - Coat of Arms in Northern Hesse IV DEPPN20060504 ST 0_51 1 Stamp 0.51 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Bad Karlshafen
MI 24DEPPN20060504 ST 0_51 2 Stamp 0.51 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Oberweser
MI 24
RBS Jena, Jena
2007 Heraldry of Saale Holzland District DEPRJ20071003 ST 0_46 1 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Saale-Holzland District
MI 53DEPRJ20071003 ST 0_46 11 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Orlamünde
MI 63DEPRJ20071003 SH 5_52 Sheetlet 5.52 Heraldic Lions
Sheetlet wits 2x
DEPRJ20071003 ST 0_46 1
DEPRJ20071003 ST 0_46 11
and 9 other stamps in set2009 Heraldry of Saale Orla District DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 2 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Saale-Orla-District
MI 132DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 4 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Ranis
MI 134DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 6 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Saalburg
MI 136DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 7 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Ebersdorf
MI 137DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 9 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Pößneck
MI 139DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 10 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lions
CoA of Saale-Orla-District
MI 140DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 13 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Tanna
MI 143DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 14 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Neustadt an der Orla
MI 144DEPRJ20090317 ST 0_46 17 Stamp 0.46 Heraldic Lion
Part of CoA of Altenberga
Stamp from 4-stamp MS with a composite design
MI 147DEPRJ20090317 MS 1_84 Miniature Sheet 1.84 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Altenberga
4-stamp MS with a composite designDEPRJ20090317 SH 3_68 1 Sheetlet 3.68 Heraldic Lions
Sheetlet ("blue stamps") with the first eight stamps in setDEPRJ20090317 SH 3_68 2 Sheetlet 3.68 Heraldic Lions
Sheetlet ("blue stamps") with the next eight stamps in set2005 Spremberg Municipality Meter Frank DEPRP2005 MF STSP 03122 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Spremberg CoA
"Stadt Spremberg - Postfach 10 02 15 - Am Markt 1 - 03122 Spremberg"
Spremberg (not explicitly stated in postmark)
Earliest use reported:
16 July 2005
Latest use reported:
16 July 2005
If you have further information on the dates of use, please let us know.Thüringen Bote, Sömmerda
1 September 2008 - Historical Venues DEPTB20080901 ST 1_30 Stamp 1.30 Heraldic Lion
CoA of KindelbrückList compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Mark Hajunga, Steffen Kober, Ellisabeth Hallsjö, Bernd
Penseler, Private Post Aktuell, and the website of Briefmarken HALLER.
Latest update: 8 April, 2021