Stamps inscribed with company names or logo
From 1872: 1 Thaler = 30 [Silber]Groschen/1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer,
From 1875: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennigs,
From 1948: 1 Deutsche Mark (DEM) = 100 Pfennigs,
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= DEM 1.95583)
Checklists > Countries > Germany Private Operators Wild Cats List status: Contains all objects known to the webmaster
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC Berliner Packetfahrt Gesellschaft
189? - Privatised Postcards
BackDEPPA189XXXXX PC 0_02 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.02 Lion (in cachet)
Auerlicht logo
Ordering card for Deutsche Gasglühlicht AG
If you know more about the date of issue for this card, please let us know.31 August 2009 - Gothic Departure DEPBP20090831 ST 0_85 Stamp 0.85 Lion Statue
MI 8531 March 2010 - 50th Anniversary of Magdeburg Zoo DEPBP20100331 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Snow Leopard
MI 141DEPBP20100331 PST 1_25 Personalised (?) stamp 1.25 Snow Leopard
This is most probably a personalised stamp issued on a different date than the official stamp with the same design listed above.
If you have any more information about this stamp, please let us know.
MI unlisted2013 - Personalised Stamps DEPBP20130000 PST 0_45 X4 Personalised stamp 0.45 Cheetah
"Nobody is' perfekt!"
If you have any more information about this stamp, please let us know.
MI unlisted2014 - Personalised Stamps DEPBP20140000 PST 0_48 X1 Personalised stamp 0.48 Tiger
If you have any more information about this stamp, please let us know.
MI unlisted27 July 2014 - Harz National Park DEPBP20140727 ST 0_48 2 Stamp 0.48 Eurasian Lynx
Self-adhesive stamp from sheetlets, narrow perforation
MI ???DEPBP20140727 ST 0_48 4 Stamp 0.48 Eurasian Lynx
Self-adhesive stamp from
DEPBP20140727 BK 4_80
wide perforation
MI ???If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBP20140727 BK 4_80 Booklet 4.80 Eurasian Lynx (on 5 stamps)
10-stamp booklet with 5 x
DEPBP20140727 ST 0_48 4
and 5 x another stamp
MI MH???30 August 2014 - Zoo Dresden DEPBP20140830 ST 0_48 Stamp 0.48 Lion
Possibly handled out as advertising by Biber Post
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.
MI ???2016 - Personalised Stamps DEPBP20160000 PST 0_85 X1 Personalised stamp 0.85 Lion
Personalised stamp realised by artist and gallerist Katrine Knabe.
MI ???BEB 23 October 2017 - Nationalpark Harz DEPBP20171023 ST 0_60 5 Stamp 0.60 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from sheetlet, narrow perforation
MI ???DEPBP20171023 ST 0_60 10 Stamp 0.60 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
DEPBP20171023 BK 3_00
wide perforation
MI ???DEPBP20171023 ST 1_30 5 Stamp 0.60 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from sheetlet, narrow perforation
MI ???DEPBP20171023 ST 1_30 10 Stamp 0.60 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
DEPBP20171023 BK 6_50
wide perforation
MI ???DEPBP20171023 BK 3_00 Booklet 3.00
(5 x 0.60)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp and cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with
DEPBP20171023 ST 0_60 10
and 4 other stamps
MI ???DEPBP20171023 BK 6_50 Booklet 6.50
(5 x 1.30)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
Self-adhesive booklet with
DEPBP20171023 ST 1_30 10
and 4 other stamps
MI ???1 November 2019 - Nationalpark Harz DEPBP20191101 ST 0_70 1 Stamp 0.70 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
DEPBP20191101 BK 3_50
MI ???If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPBP20191101 BK 3_50 Booklet 3.50
(5 x 0.70)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp and cover (?))
Booklet with
DEPBP20191101 ST 0_70 1
and 4 other stamps
MI ???15 February 2021 - Brunswick, Lion City I DEPBP20210215 BK 3_50 Booklet 3.50
(5 x 0.70)Lion (on cover)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue
The Brunswick Lion
5-stamp, self-adhesive booklet
MI ???30 June 2022 - Brunswick, Lion City II DEPBP20220620 ST 0_75 3 Stamp 0.75 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue
The Brunswick Lion
Stamp from
DEPBP20220630 BK 3_75 1
MI ???DEPBP20220630 BK 3_75 1 Booklet 3.75
(5 x 0.75)Lion (on one stamp and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue
The Brunswick Lion
5-stamp, self-adhesive booklet with
DEPBP20220620 ST 0_75 3
and 4 other stamps
MI ???1 March 2023 - Animalistic Greetings DEPBP20230301 ST 0_80 5 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Self-adhesive stamp from sheets
Narrow perforations
MI ???DEPBP20230301 ST 0_80 10 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Self-adhesive stamp from
DEPBP20230301 BK 4_00
Wide perforations
MI ???DEPBP20230301 BK 4_00 Booklet 4.00
(5 x 0.80)Lion (on one stamp)
Self-adhesive booklet with
DEPBP20230301 ST 0_80 10
and 4 other stamps
MI ???22 May 2023 - Brunswick, Lion City III DEPBP20230522 ST 0_80 4 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue
The Brunswick Lion
Stamp from
DEPBP20230522 BK 4_00 1
MI ???DEPBP20230522 BK 4_00 1 Booklet 4.00
(5 x 0.80)Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue
The Brunswick Lion
5-stamp, self-adhesive booklet with
DEPBP20230522 ST 0_80 4
and 4 other stamps
MI ???Brief und mehr, Münster
2013 Allwetterzoo Münster DEPBM20130419 ST 0_52 1 Stamp 0.52 Tiger
MI ???DEPBM20130419 ST 0_52 2 Stamp 0.52 Lion
MI ???2014 Allwetterzoo Münster DEPBM20140601 ST 0_55 1 Stamp 0.55 Cheetah
MI ???DEPBM20140601 SH 5_50 Sheetlet 5.50 Cheetah
Sheetlet with 5 x
DEPBM20140601 ST 0_55 1
and 5 x another stamp2009 Wilhelma Zoo DEPBW20090515 ST 2_05 Stamp 2.08 Cheetah
Hessischer Postvetrieb
2000 Definitives DEPHP20000403 ST 0_93 Stamp 0.93 Cheetah
Triangular stamp
MI 1DEPHP20000403 ST 1_97 Stamp 1.97 Cheetah
Triangular stamp
MI 2DEPHP20000403 ST 2_55 Stamp 2.55 Cheetah
Triangular stamp
MI 3DEPHP20000403 ST 4_06 Stamp 4.06 Cheetah
Triangular stamp
MI 4DEPHP20000403 FDC First Day Cover 9.51 Cheetah
(on stamps and postmark)
Triangular stampsDEPHP20000403 FDP First Day Postmark - Cheetah Citipost, Hannover
22 June 2015 - 150th Anniversary of Erlebniszoo Hannover I DEPCP20150622 ST 0_55 2 Stamp 0.55 Leopard
Selv adhesive stamp from
DEPCP20150622 BK 5_50
MI ???DEPCP20150622 ST 1_40 Stamp 1.40 Tiger
Self ashesive stamp from
DEPCP20150622 BK 14_00
MI ???N DEPCP20150622 BK 5_50 Booklet 5.50
(10 x 0.55)Leopard (on 5 stamps)
Self-adhesive booklet with 5 x
DEPCP20150622 ST 0_55 2
and 5 x another stamp
MI ???DEPCP20150622 BK 14_00 Booklet 14.00
(10 x 1.40)Tiger (on stamps)
Self-adhesive booklet with 10 x
DEPCP20150622 ST 1_40
MI ???7 September 2015 - Animalistic Drawing Contest DEPCP20150907 ST 0_55 1 Stamp 0.55 Unidentified wild cat
Child's Drawing
MI ???8 February 2016 - 150th Anniversary of Erlebniszoo Hannover III DEPCP20160208 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60 Lion (Lioness)
Self-adhesive stamp from
DEPCP20160208 BK 6_00 1
MI ???DEPCP20160208 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Lion (Male)
Self-adhesive stamp from
DEPCP20160208 BK 6_00 1
MI ???C DEPCP20160208 BK 6_00 1 Booklet 6.00
(10 x 0.60)Lion (on all stamps)
Self-adhesive booklet with 5 each of
DEPCP20160208 PC 0_60 1
DEPCP20160208 PC 0_60 2
MI ???1 July 2019 - Erlebniszoo 2019 DEPCP20190701 ST 0_70 1 Stamp 0.70 Lion (Lioness)
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???DEPCP20190701 ST 0_70 2 Stamp 0.70 Lion (Male)
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???DEPCP20190701 ST 1_45 Stamp 1.45 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???20 January 2021 - Erlebniszoo 2021 DEPCP20210120 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???DEPCP20210120 ST 1_45 Stamp 1.45 Lion
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???Citipost, Weserbergland, Hameln
7 December 2020 - Animal Paintings by Christine Eickert DEPCP20201207 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???FN-BriefLogistik, Würzburg
2014 Wild Life DEPFN20141015 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
MI ???
DEPLM20071005 ST 0_49 1 Stamp 0.49 Lion
Plush Lion
Gummed stamp from sheet or MS
MI 10DEPLM20071005 ST 0_49 2 Stamp 0.49 Lion
Plush Lion
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 14DEPLM20071005 MS 5_14 Miniature sheet 5.14 Lion
Plush Lion
5-stamp MS with
DEPLM20071005 ST 0_49 1
and 4 other stamps
MI KB9-133 January 2011 - From the Augsburg Puppet Chest DEPLM20110103 ST 0_50 4 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Plush Lion
Gummed stamp from sheet or MS
MI 41DEPLM20110103 ST 0_50 5 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Plush Lion
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 45DEPLM20110103 MS 5_40 Miniature sheet 5.40 Lion
Plush Lion
5-stamp MS with
DEPLM20110103 ST 0_50 4
and 4 other stamps
MI KB40-4414 April 2012 - 75th Anniversary of Augsburg Zoo Also see 2014 re-issue
DEPLM20120414 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
Gummed stamp from
DEPLM20120414 MS 5_30
MI 87DEPLM20120414 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 92DEPLM20120414 MS 5_30 Miniature sheet 5.30 Tiger (on one stamp)
5-stamp MS with
DEPLM20120414 ST 0_50 1
and 4 other stamps
MI KB86-90DEPLM20140401 ST 0_55 3 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Plush Lion
Gummed stamp from sheet or MS
MI ???DEPLM20140401 ST 0_55 4 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Plush Lion
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???DLS DEPLM20140401 MS 5_55 1 Miniature sheet 5.55 Lion
Plush Lion
5-stamp MS with
DEPL20140401 ST 0_55 3
and 4 other stamps
MI KB???2014 75th Anniversary of Augsburg Zoo
Also see original 2012 issue
DEPLM20140401 ST 0_55 6 Stamp 0.55 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
Gummed stamp from
DEPLM20140401 MS 5_55 2
MI 87DEPLM20140401 ST 0_55 7 Stamp 0.55 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 92DEPLM20140401 MS 5_55 2 Miniature sheet 5.55 Tiger (on one stamp)
5-stamp MS with
DEPLM20140401 ST 0_55 6
and 4 other stamps
MI KB86-902009 Definitives - Jugendstil Darmstadt DEPMM20090801 ST 2_20 Stamp 2.20 Lion
Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
MI 14MZZ-Briefdienst, Halle
2013 Zoo Halle - Baby Animals DEPMZ20131130 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Lion
Stylized Lion
Zoo Halle Logo
MI 48DEPMZ20131130 ST 0_85 Stamp 0.85 Lion
Stylized Lion
Zoo Halle Logo
MI 49DEPMZ20131130 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Lion
Stylized Lion
Zoo Halle Logo
MI 50DEPMZ20131130 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Tiger
Malayan Tiger
Stylized Lion
Zoo Halle Logo
MI 512009 Ueckermünde Zoo Festival DEPNK20090501 ST 0_44 Stamp 0.44 Lion
MI 67DEPNK20090501 MS 0_44 Stamp 0.44 Lion
MI B32003 Berlin Zoo DEPPI20031114 ST 0_48 Stamp 0.48 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
Picture size (excl. frame) 34 x 24.5 mm
White backing paper
MI 27 I2004 Berlin Zoo Reprint DEPPI20040113 ST 0_48 Stamp 0.48 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
Picture size (excl. frame) 31.5 x 24 mm
Grey print on backing paper
MI 27 IIPostModern, Dresden
2012 Zoo Dresden DEPPM20120522 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 25515 June 2009 - 50th Anniversary of Hoyerswerda Zoo Used on letter DEPRP20090615 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Serval (Cubs)
MI ???1 June 2014 - 60th Anniversary of Cottbus Zoo and Park Railway If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPRP20140601 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 Leopard
Chinese Leopard
Self-adhesive stamp from
DEPRP20140601 SH 5_00
MI ???If you have a scan of this item, please share. DEPRP20140601 SH 5_00 Sheetlet 5.00
(10 x 0.50)Leopard (on stamp)
Chinese Leopard
Tiger (in margin)
10-stamp, self-adhesive sheetlet with
DEPRP20140601 ST 0_50
and 9 other stamps.
MI ???1 July 2014 - 60th Anniversary of Cottbus Zoo and Park Railway (new rates) DEPRP20140701 ST 0_55 25 Stamp 0.55 Leopard
Chinese Leopard
Self-adhesive stamp from
DEPRP20140701 SH 5_50 3
MI ???DEPRP20140701 SH 5_50 3 Sheetlet 5.50
(10 x 0.55)Leopard (on stamp)
Chinese Leopard
Tiger (in margin)
10-stamp, self-adhesive sheetlet with
DEPRP20140701 ST 0_55 25
and 9 other stamps.
MI ???sMail, Reutlingen
2015 Walter Tigers Tübingen (Basket Ball Team) DEPSM20150401 ST 0_61 Stamp 0.61 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 34DEPSM20150401 ST 0_83 Stamp 0.83 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 35DEPSM20150401 ST 1_43 Stamp 1.43 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 36DEPSM20150401 ST 2_34 Stamp 2.34 Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 37List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Mark Hajunga, Steffen Kober, Ellisabeth Hallsjö, Bernd
Penseler, Mikhail Petoukhov, Ulrieke Hesselbeck, Private Post Aktuell, and the website of Briefmarken HALLER.
Latest update: 18 November, 2023