Stamps inscribed 'CCCP'
<- 1918 See Russia
1918 - See separate issues for various Soviet Republics
1923 - 1992 Soviet Union issues
1992 -> See Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazachstan, Kyrgyztan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
From 1918: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 1 Russian Ruble)
From 1922: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10,000 1918-Rubles)
From 1923: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 100 1922-Rubles)
From 1924: 1 Gold Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 50,000 1923-Rubles)
From 1947: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10 Gold-Rubles)
From 1961: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10 1947-Rubles)
Checklists > Countries > Soviet Union Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 10 September 1935 - 3rd International Congress on Iranian Art and Archaeoloy in Leningrad SUN19350910 ST 0_05 1 Stamp 0.05 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Vertical watermark
MI 528XSUN19350910 ST 0_05 2 Stamp 0.05 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Horizontal watermark
MI 528YSUN19350910 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Vertical watermark
MI 529XSUN19350910 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Horizontal watermark
MI 529YSUN19350910 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Vertical watermark
MI 530XSUN19350910 ST 0_15 2 Stamp 0.15 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Horizontal watermark
MI 530YSUN19350910 ST 0_35 1 Stamp 0.35 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Vertical watermark
MI 530XSUN19350910 ST 0_35 2 Stamp 0.35 Lions
Wild Cat Art
"King Shapur II Hunting Lions on a Chariot"
4th c. silver dish
Horizontal watermark
MI 530Y31 December 1956 - Authors of the Soviet Union SUN19561231 ST 0_40 5 Stamp 0.40 Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by Irakly Toidze (1902-1985)
for "The Knight in a Tiger's Skin"
by Shota Rustaveli
Perf. 12.5:12
MI 1910ASUN19561231 ST 0_40 6 Stamp 0.40 Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by Irakly Toidze (1902-1985)
for "The Knight in a Tiger's Skin"
by Shota Rustaveli
Perf. 12.5
MI 1910C1957 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19570000 PSE 0_40 09087 Pres-stamped envelope 0.40
(sold at 0.50)Lion (in cachet)
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Hercules Fountain at Tskaltubo Spa Resort Bath no. 6 (in current Georgia)
Printed 18/XI 1957
Printer's no. Ш09087
Order no. 19200
Issued ???? 1977
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U181IM 20 October 1959 - Animals IV SUN19591020 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Tiger
Perf. all sides
MI 4677M SUN19591020 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Tiger
Imperf. top
MI 4677UoSUN19591020 IMP 0_25 1 Imperforate stamp 0.25 Tiger
MI Unlisted1962 - Postal Stationary This card can be found in at least three printings:
The first printing has no star aligned right above the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star aligned right above the printer's note, and the third printing has two stars.SUN19620000 PC 0_03 16651 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.03
(sold at 0.04)Lion (on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the 'N. A. Semashko' Mud Baths in Yessentuki
Printer's no. A11209
Order no. 16651
Printed 8/XII 1961
Issued ???? 1962
If you know the exact issue date for this postcard, please let us know.M(**) 1963 - Postal Stationary This card can be found in at least two printings:
The first printing has no star aligned right above the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star aligned right above the printer's note.SUN19630000 PC 0_03 1 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.03
(sold at 0.04)Tiger (on picture side)
Siberian Tigers
Moscow Zoo
Printer's no. A08224
Order no. 11585
Printed 23/IX 1963
If you know the exact issue date for this postcard, please let us know.
DP (*)29 May 1964 - Centenary of Moscow Zoo SUN19640529 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Tiger
MI 2919ASUN19640529 IMP 0_12 Imperforate stamp 0.12 Tiger
MI 2919BM 25 June 1966 - 50th Anniversary of Bargusin Natural Preserve SUN19660625 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Eurasian Lynx
(little silhouette)
MI 3233M 31 August 1966 - 800th Anniversary of Shota Rustaveli SUN19660831 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by Irakly Toidze (1902-1985)
for "The Knight in a Tiger's Skin"
by Shota Rustaveli
MI 3258SUN19660831 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.03 Tiger (skin)
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by Irakly Toidze (1902-1985)
for "The Knight in a Tiger's Skin"
by Shota Rustaveli
MI 3260SUN19660831 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger (skin)
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by Irakly Toidze (1902-1985)
for "The Knight in a Tiger's Skin"
by Shota Rustaveli
Imperforate stamp from MS
MI 3261SUN19660831 MS 0_50 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 0.50 Tiger (skin)
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
(on stamp and selvedge)
Illustration by Irakly Toidze (1902-1985)
for "The Knight in a Tiger's Skin"
by Shota Rustaveli
Single-stamp MS
MI B4414 October 1967 - Arolla Pine Chine Natural Reserve SUN19671014 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Snow Leopard
MI 3400M
RILS10 September 1969 - Belowesch Natural Preserve SUN19690910 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Eurasian Lynx
BackSUN19690910 PSE 0_04 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
same picture as
SUN19690910 ST 0_12
in cachet
Printed 6/V-69
MI U348IbM 19 August 1970 - Sichote-Alin Nature Preserve SUN19700819 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Siberian Tiger
MI 3791M SUN19780819 FDC 0_56 First Day Cover 0.56 Siberian Tiger (on one stamp) December 1971 - Happy New Year
BackSUN19711200 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04 Lion
Zodiac Leo (on cachet)
"Happy New Year" - Father Frost with telescope and circle of Zodiac signs
Printed 26.10.71
Issued Dec 71(?)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.1972 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19720000 PSE 0_06 X1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.06
(sold at 0.07)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at the entrance to Lake Proval, Pyatigiorsk, Russia
Printed 9/III-72
Issued ???? 1972
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
MI LU180IcM 27 July 1972 - 25th Anniversary of Indian Independence SUN19720727 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
MI 4031December 1972 - Happy New Year
BackSUN19721200 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Lion
Zodiac Leo (on cachet)
"Happy New Year" - Christmas tree surrounded by Zodiac signs
Printed 26.10.72
Issued Dec 72(?)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.1973 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19730000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Lion (in cachet)
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Hercules Fountain at Tskaltubo Spa Resort Bath no. 6 (in current Georgia)
Printed 18/IV-73
Issued ???? 1973
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U454bM 8 February 1973 - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Copernicus SUN19730208 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI 40961975 - Soviet Philatelic Federation Postcard
Address sideSUN1975 MISC PC X1 Postcard (unstamped) - Tiger
Postcard titled
"" ("Fauna of the USSR") showing
SUN19640529 IMP 0_12
and other stampsM 1976 - Postal Stationary
Address side
(our scan is uprated by the post office with a stamp)This card can be found in at least two printings:
The first printing has no star to the left of the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star to the left of the printer's note.SUN19760000 PC 0_03 67588 Pre-stamped postcard 0.03
(sold at 0.04)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues outside Alupka Palace in the Crimea
Printer's no. л67588
Order no. 76-5142
Printed 22/1-76
MI P???M(*)
BackSUN19760000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lynx Cub, (1957), porcelaine figurine, Kuskovo Museum
Printed 9/IV-76
Issued ???? 1976
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U459Ab(l)M
DL1977 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19770000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Lion Statue
in front of the Verkhniye (Nikolayevskiye) Baths in Yessentuki, Russia
Printed 1/II/77
Issued ???? 1977
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U459Ab(l)M
BackSUN19770000 PSE 0_04 2 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.04 Lion (in cachet)
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Hercules Fountain at Tskaltubo Spa Resort Bath no. 6 (in current Georgia)
Printed 7/VI/77
Issued ???? 1977
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U459Ab(b)M
DL24 June 1977 - 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Peter Paul Rubens SUN19770624 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Lion Hunt"
sketch by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
MI 460812 October 1977 - Masterworks of Old Russian Culture I SUN19771012 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from the façade of
St. Demetrius Cathedral. XII c.
Vladimir, Russia
MI 4655SUN19771012 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion Head
Wild Cat Art
Doorknocker from the golden gate of
Cathedral of Nativity. XIII c.
Suzdal, Russia
MI 4657SUN19771012 MS 0_68 Miniature Sheet 0.68 Lions
Bas-relief and Door-knocker
Wild Cat Art
MS with
SUN19771012 ST 0_04
SUN19771012 ST 0_10
and four other stamps from setM 14 December 1977 - 30 Years of Indian Independence SUN19771214 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
MI 467716 December 1977 - Poisonous Snakes and Mammals SUN19771216 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Siberian Tiger
MI 4685M
FDC InlaySUN19771216 FDC 0_30 First Day Cover 0.30 Siberian Tiger
(on stamp and cachet)
Single-stamp WWF FDC No. 70
FDC with
SUN19771216 ST 0_30CC 1978 - Postal Stationary This card can be found in at least two printings:
The first printing has no star to the left of the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star to the left of the printer's note.SUN19780000 PC 0_04 77_5798 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.06)Lion (on picture side)
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Hercules Fountain at Tskaltubo Spa Resort Bath no. 6 (in current Georgia)
Order no. 77-5798
Printed 17/X-77
MI LP28IIM(*) 27 July 1978 - Zaporizhzhia Circus
BackSUN19780000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Tiger (on cachet)
Tiny stylized Tiger on Circus Logo
Printed 27.07.78
Issued ???? 1978
MI U480IIM 25 September 1978 - International Union of Nature Protection Assembly SUN19780925 PC 0_04 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Leopard (in cachet)
RDP1979 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19790000 PSE 0_04 X1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Snow Leopard (drinking) (in cachet)
Printed 05.12.78
Issued ???? 1979
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
BackSUN19790000 PSE 0_04 X2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at the entrance to Lake Proval, Pyatigiorsk, Russia
Printed 26.12.78
Issued ???? 1979
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
MIU480IIIbM 18 September 1979 - 60th Anniversary of the Soviet State Circus
BackSUN19790918 PSE 0_04 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Lion (in cachet)
Printed 18.06.79
Issued 18 Sept 1979
MI U485AbCC 1983 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19830000 PSE 0_05 X1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Tiger (in cachet)
Kyiv Circus
Printed 17.06.83
Issued ???? 1983
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
BackSUN19830000 PSE 0_05 X2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at the entrance to Lake Proval, Pyatigiorsk, Russia
Printed 18.04.83
Issued ???? 1983
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
MI U504IIbM 1984 - Postal Stationary SUN19840000 PSE 0_05 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Lion (in cachet)
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Hercules Fountain at Tskaltubo Spa Resort Bath no. 6 (in current Georgia)
Printed 21.12.83
MI U510IDL 16 February 1984 - 120th Anniversary of Moscow Zoo This item is also known postally used in inependent Russia.
SUN19840216 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Snow Leopard
MI 5358M SUN19840216 IMP 0_04 Imperforate stamp 0.04 Snow Leopard
MI 5358USUN19840216 MC 0_04 Maximum card 0.04 Snow Leopard
Official MC with
SUN19840216 ST 0_04CC 18 June 1984 - Golden Ring of Russia - Historical and Architectual Monuments
An item from this issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
SUN19840618 PC 0_20 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
This card is doubling as the back cover of
SUN19840618 PBK 2_00
MI PSo126SUN19840618 PC 0_20 2 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo127SUN19840618 PC 0_20 3 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo128SUN19840618 PC 0_20 4 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo129SUN19840618 PC 0_20 5 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo130SUN19840618 PC 0_20 6 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo131SUN19840618 PC 0_20 7 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo132SUN19840618 PC 0_20 8 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo133SUN19840618 PC 0_20 9 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo134
This item is also listed under Heraldic CatsSUN19840618 PC 0_20 10 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
from Vladimir CoA
MI PSo135
Inner cover
Inner flipSUN19840618 PBK 2_00 Postcard booklet 2.00
(10x 0.20)Lion (on all cards and cover)
Heraldic Lion (on one card)
Golden Ring of Russia Logo
MI PSo126-13528 December 1984 - Death of Indira Gandhi
FDC backSUN19841228 FDC 0_05 First day cover 0.05 Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
FDC no. 3.8251CC 1985 - The Soviet Red Book - Unstamped Postal Stationary
Issued only a few years before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this series is known to have been used in most former Soviet republics after independence. Such items are listed under the respective countries, as well as in the issue presentation.
BackSUN19850000 ENV PAN Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01)Panther
Soviet Red BookRDL
BackSUN19850000 ENV TIG Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01)Siberian Tiger
Soviet Red BookDL
BackSUN19850000 ENV LEP Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01)Leopard
Soviet Red BookDL
BackSUN19850000 ENV SLP Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01)Snow Leopard
Soviet Red Book
Envelope no. 3202 (?)DL 1985 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19850000 PSE 0_05 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Cheetah (adult and cub)
Printed 29.04.85
Issued ???? (after 29.04 - before 25.12)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.M
BackSUN19850000 PSE 0_05 2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Snow Leopard
Kazakh Red Book
Printed 24.05.85
Issued ???? 1985
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.M(-) 15 August 1985 - Endangered Species SUN19850815 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Caracal
MI 5540SUN19850815 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Snow Leopard (stamp marked 'Leopard' in Russian)
Stamp from MS
MI 5542RDLS SUN19850815 MS 0_50 Miniature sheet 0.50 Snow Leopard (on stamp only - stamp marked 'Leopard' in Russian)
Single-stamp MS
MI B185M
ILSSUN19850815 SH 1_60 Sheetlet 1.60 Caracal (on samps)
Eurasian Lynx
Tiger (on marginal labels)
MI Unnumbered sheetlet
FDC backSUN19850815 FDC 0_50 First day cover 0.50 Leopard (on stamp)
Snow Leopard (in cachet)
FDC no. 873
Official FDC with
SUN19850815 MS 0_50CC SUN19850815 MC 0_20 Maximum card 0.20 Caracal
Official MC with
SUN19850815 ST 0_20SUN19850815 LB 2 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
First column top label from sheetletSUN19850815 LB 3 Marginal label - Tiger
Second column top label from sheetlet1986 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19860000 PSE 0_05 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Lion (in cachet)
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Hercules Fountain at Tskaltubo Spa Resort Bath no. 6 (in current Georgia)
Printed 25.12.85
Issued ???? 1986
MI U5401987 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19870000 PSE 0_05 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Tiger Cub
Printed 09.10.86
Issued ???? 1987 (before 5 June)
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.
MI U540DL 15 May 1987 - Endangered Species SUN19870515 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Snow Leopard
MI 5713M
IL2SUN19870515 FDC 0_30 First day cover 0.30
+ 0.10
+ 0.15)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and postmark)
Official FDC with
SUN19870515 ST 0_15
and the two other stamps in the set.RDL SUN19870515 FDP 101000 First day postmark - Snow Leopard
"Из Красной Книги СССР - Пеpвый День - Premier Jour"
Москва Почтамт (Moscow GPO)
15 May 1987RDL 1988 - WWF Postal Stationary This envelope is also known postally used in independent Lithuania and Russia.
SUN19880000 PSE 0_05 88121 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Tiger
Siberian Tiger
PSE no 88121
Printed 26.02.88
Issued ???? 1988
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.
MI U543bM
DL20 October 1988 - USSR Zoo Relief Fund This stamp is also known postally used in independent Latvia.
SUN19881020 ST 20__10 3 Stamp 0.20
+ 0.10Eurasian Lynx
MI 5881M 25 December 1988 - Fountains of Peterhof SUN19881225 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
"Samson Fighting the Lion" (1735) by M. Kozlovsky, Peterhof, St. Petersburg
MI 590619 June 1989 - 125th Anniversary of Moscow Zoo SUN19890619 PSE 0_05 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.05 Manul
PSE no 89061
Printed 28.11.88
Issued 19.06.89SUN19890619_21 PMK 101000 Commemorative postmark - Manul
"Московскому зоопарку - 125 лет"
Москва Почтамт (Moscow GPO)
19 - 21 June 198920 July 1989 - 50th Anniversary of Tallin Zoo
This stamp is also known postally used in independent Estonia.
SUN19890720 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Eurasian Lynx
Stylised Lynx
MI 5977C SUN19890720 FDC 0_10 First day cover 0.10 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Official FDC with
SUN19890720 ST 0_10SUN19890720 FDP 101000 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Таллинскому Зоопарку - 50 лет - Пеpвый День - Premier Jour"
Москва Почтамт (Moscow GPO)
20 July 198922 August 1989 - 70th Anniversary of the Soviet State Circus SUN19890822 MS 0_30 Miniature sheet 0.30 Lion (on selvedge)
MI B209M SUN19890822 FDC 0_30 First day cover 0.30 Unidentified Stylized Wild Cat (on selvedge)
FDC with MS23-25 August 1989 - 50th Anniversary of Tallin Zoo SUN19890823_25 PMK 200001 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
Stylised lynx
"Таллинскому Зоопарку 50 лет"
Таллинн Почтамт Tallin
23-25 August 1989CC 1990 - Postal Stationary This item is also known uprated for use in independent Russia
SUN19900000 PSE 0_05 90180 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05 Cheetah (in cachet)
Envelope no. 90180
Printed: 25.07.90
Issued ???? 1990
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.
MI U569This item is also known uprated for use in independent Russia
SUN19900000 PSE 0_05 90470 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
Lions Bridge in Leningrad (current St. Petersburg)
PSE no 90470
Printed 17.05.90
Issued ???? 1990
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.
MI U569M
ILMThis item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
This PSE is known to have been upfranked for use in Belarus after independence.
SUN19900000 PSE 0_05 136770 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05 Eurasian Lynx
Heraldic Lynx (in cachet)
Gomel CoA
Envelope no. 136770
Printing date: 27.12.89
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI U562-???M 1990 - Circus Unstamped Postal Stationary
This item is also listed under Domestic Cats
Issued shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this item is known to have been used in most former Soviet republics after independence. Such items are listed under the respective countries, as well as in the issue presentation.
BackSUN19900307 ENV TIG_CAT Un-stamped envelope - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cartoon Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.4 January 1991 - Birth Centenary of Osip Mandelshtam SUN19910104 PC 0_04 4151 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04 Lion (in stamp imprint)
Postcard no 4151
Printed 01.06.90
Issued 4 January 1991
MI PSo217M 22 May 1991 - 850th Anniversary of the Birth of Nizami Ganjavi (ca. 1141–1209) SUN19910522 PC 0_04 2291 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Hunting scene, illustration from the works of Nizami Ganjavi
Postcard no. 2291
Printed 09.01.91
Issued 22 May 1991
MI PSo225M 24 July 1991 - 200th Anniversary of Moscow Zoological Museum
This is the last cat item issued by the USSR before dissolution 26 December 1991, i.e. with a time window of appx. 4 months for Soviet use. Use after this date are listed under the respective countries.
This PSE is known to have been postally used in Kazakhstan and in Russia after independence.
SUN19911014 PSE 0_07 Pre-stamped envelope 0.07 Tiger (in cachet)
PSE no 136680
Printed 05.04.91
Issued 14.10.91
MI USo169M
RDLM1992 - International Space Year
This item was printed and issued after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As such it will only have been used in the various independent republics. We are not , however, listing mint, unoverprinted versions other places than here.
Known used copies are listed under Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine.
BackSUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026 Pre-stamped envelope 0.07
(sold at 0.10)Lion (in cachet)
Zodiac Leo
Envelope no. 92026
Printed 20.01.92
MI U596List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Veniamin Kramer, Jørgen Kristiansen,
Shaun Leander, D.G.Naryshkin, and Valery Oganesian.
Latest update: 28 January, 2025