Stamps inscribed 'CCCP'
<- 1918 See Russia
1918 - See separate issues for various Soviet Republics
1923 - 1992 Soviet Union issues
1992 -> See Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazachstan, Kyrgyztan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
From 1918: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 1 Russian Ruble)
From 1922: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10,000 1918-Rubles)
From 1923: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 100 1922-Rubles)
From 1924: 1 Gold Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 50,000 1923-Rubles)
From 1947: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10 Gold-Rubles)
From 1961: 1 Ruble (SUR)= 100 Kopecks (= 10 1947-Rubles)
Checklists > Countries > Soviet Union Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1954 - New Year
Address sideSUN19540000 PC 0_40 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.40 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon cat
Cats in Literature
Scene from the fairy tale The Story of Father Frost
Printer's no. Ш03417
Order no. 3698
Printed 16/VIII-1957
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us
MI P219AIIM 1957 - New Year
BackSUN19570000 PSE 0_40 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.40
(sold at 0.50)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Cats in Literature
Scene from the fairy tale The Story of Father Frost
Printer's no. Ш10859
Order no. 19224
Printed 25/XI 1957
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackSUN19570000 PSE 0_40 2 Pre-stamped envelope 0.40
(sold at 0.50)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Cats in Literature
Scene from the fairy tale The Story of Father Frost
Printer's no. Ш09078
Order no. 19177
Printed 16/XI 1957
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
DL(-)1962 - Postal Stationary
Address side ()
Address side (*)
Address side (**)This card can be found in at least three printings:
The first printing has no star aligned right above the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star aligned right above the printer's note, the third printing has two stars.SUN19620000 PC 0_03 18091 Pre-stamped postcard 0.03
(sold at 0.04)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Pie, from a Soviet cartoon (Wise little Hen?)
Printers no. A06330
Order no. 18091
Printed 11/V 1962
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P282IIM (**) 1966 - Postal Stationary
PSE BackSUN19660000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon kittens
Printed 30.07.66
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI U???M
DL1966 - Postal Stationary
BackSUN19680000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Unspecified breed (in cahet)
Cat watching child drawing a cat
Printed 28.10.68
MI U348bM 10 March 1970 - Expo 70 in Osaka SUN19700310 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Unspecified breed
Stylised cat
MI 3734SUN19700310 FDC 0_04 Firs Day Cover 0.04 Unspecified breed
Stylised cat
MI 3734
Official FDC with
SUN19700310 ST 0_04CC November 1970 - New Year Cards
Address side ()
Address side (*)
Address side (**)This card can be found in at least three printings:
The first printing has no star to the left of the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star to the left of the printer's note, the third printing has two stars.SUN19701100 PC 0_03 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.03
(sold at 0.04)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon Cat
Santa Clause in helicopter, cat on roof
Printer's no. 15046
Printed 31.03.70
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P347IVDP (*)
DP (**)1971 - Postal Stationary
PSE backSUN19710000 PSE 0_04 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Boy with fishing rod offering fish to girl
Printed 12.04.71
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U437IIaM 7 July 1971 - Foreign Masterworks in USSR Museums (II) SUN19710707 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
The Washing Woman, painting by Jean Siméon Chardin (1699-1779)
MI 3900SUN19710707 FDC 0_10 First Day Cover 0.10 Unspecified breed (on stamp and in cachet)
Cats in Art
The Washing Woman, painting by Jean Siméon Chardin (1699-1779)
FDC with
SUN19710707 ST 0_10BEB 12 December 1973 - Foreign Masterworks in USSR Museums (IV) SUN19731212 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Still Life with Game and Lobster, painting by Frans Snyders (1579-1657)
MI 4187SUN19731212 FDC 0_04 First Day Cover 0.04 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Still Life with Game and Lobster, painting by Frans Snyders (1579-1657)
FDC with
SUN19731212 ST 0_04CC 25 November 1976 - 370th Birthday of Rembrandt SUN19761125 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard, painting by Rembrandt
MI 4551DLS 3 March 1978 - Centenary of the Birth of Boris Kustodiev SUN19780303 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Unspecified breed
Cat painting
Cats in Art
Merchant's Wife Drinking Tea (1918),
painting by Boris Kustodiev
MI 4701M SUN19780303 MC 0_12 Maximum card 0.12 Unspecified breed
Cat painting
Cats in Art
"Merchant's Wife Drinking Tea",
painting by Boris Kustodiev
Maximum card with
SUN19780303 ST 0_12CC November 1979 - New Year Cards
Address side ()
Address side (*)This card can be found in at least two printings:
The first printing has no star to the left of the printer's note. The second printing is denoted with a single star to the left of the printer's note.SUN19791100 PC 0_03 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.03
(sold at 0.04)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cat drawing
Santa Claus and cat
Printer's no.: 796322
Printed 08.02.79
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI P385IIM()
DP(*)November 1987 - New Year Cards
Address sideSUN19871100 PC 0_04 87131 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon cat
Children playing in snow
Printer's no. 1987.3.87131
Printed 28.01.87
Address sideSUN19871100 PC 0_04 87173 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.06)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon cat
Santa and toys
Printer's no. 1987.3.87173
Printed 28.01.87
DP1989 - Domestic Cats Postal Stationary
These items are known to have been overprinted and used in several former Soviet republics after independence. See listings under the respective countries.
This card is also known postally used in independent Estonia.
SUN19890000 PSE 0_05 89133 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Persian (Bi-colour)
Printer's no. 89133
Printed 20.02.89
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U544I-133M
BackSUN19890000 PSE 0_05 89168 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Housecat
(could be European Shorthair, but we doubt it)
Printer's no. 89168
Printed 28.04.89
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U544I-168M
ILThis card is also known postally used in independent Russia.
SUN19890000 PSE 0_05 89169 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Siamese
Printer's no. 89169
Printed 20.02.89
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U544I-169M
Address sideSUN19890000 PC 0_04 4163 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04 (sold at 0.06) Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon Cats
Cat House - Illustrated by G. Boyko
(birthday card)
Printer's no. 1989.3.4163
Printed 06.05.89
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P463IIM February 1989 - 8 March Greeting Cards SUN19890200 PC 0_04 4086 Pre-stamped envelope 0.04
(sold at 0.06)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Leopold the Cat
"С праздником 8 Марма!"
Printer's no.: 1988.3.4086
Printed 14.04.88
MI P463II14 June 1989 - 'V.I. Lenin' Children's Charity This stamp is also known postally used in Azerbaijan after independence.
SUN19890614 ST 0_05__0_02 2 Semi-postal stamp 0.05
+ 0.02Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
MI 5959FDC/
DLNovember 1989 - New Year Cards
Address sideSUN19891100 PC 0_04 2287 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.05)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Family bringing home New Year tree
Printer's no. 1989.3.2287
Printed 14.12.88
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P462M
DP() (-)This card is also known postally used in independent Ukraine.
SUN19891100 PC 0_04 2288 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.06)Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Cats in literature
Astrid Lindgren's Karlsson on the Roof delivering a kitten and a puppy as New Year gifts
Printer's no. 1989.3.2288
Printed 14.12.88
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P463IIM 1990 - Circus Unstamped Postal Stationary
This item is also listed under Wild Cats
Issued shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this item is known to have been used in most former Soviet republics after independence. Such items are listed under the respective countries, as well as in the issue presentation.
BackSUN19900307 ENV TIG_CAT Un-stamped envelope - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cartoon Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.15 February / 15 May 1991 - Centenary of Mikhail Bulgakov SUN19910215 PC 0_04 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0_05)Unspecified breed (in stamp indicium)
Cat silhouette
MI PSo221M SUN19910215 PMK 101000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
"Михаил Булгаков - 100 лет - Со дня рождения"
Москва Почтамт (Moscow GPO)
15 May 1991CC 1991 - Pedigree Cats: Unstamped Postal Stationary
Issued shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this series is known to have been used in all former Soviet republics after independence. Such items are listed under the respective countries, as well as in the issue presentation.
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV PER 1 Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Persian (Smoke)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M(B)
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV PER 2 Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Persian (Red)
Envelope no. 132650
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M(A)
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV PER 3 Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Persian (Tortie)
Envelope no. 132550
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M(B)
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV PER 4 Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Persian (Cream)
Envelope no. 132650
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowM(A)
Back, Version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV PER 5 Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Persian (Chinchilla)
Envelope no. 132650
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowM (A)
M (B)
IL (A)
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV TUA Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Turkish Angora
Envelope no. 13260
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M(A)
IL (B)
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV BRI Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)British Shorthair
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
Printed 23.07.90
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowM(B)
Back, version A
Back, version BSUN19910000 ENV EUR Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)European Shorthair
Order no. 3.132650
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in two versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowIL(A)
Back, version A
Back, version B
Back, Version CSUN19910000 ENV BAL Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Balinese
Item no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Exists in three versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
Back, Version A
Back, Version B
Back, Version CSUN19910000 ENV SIA Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01 a piece, and in batches of 10 at 0.21)Siamese
Item no. 3.132650
Order no. 1C-17-2250240
Exists in three versions (printings?) with slightly different printer's details
Printed 23.07.90
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowM(A)
DL(B)1991 - Russian Folk Tales: Unstamped Postal Stationary
Issued shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this series is known to have been used in all former Soviet republics after independence. Such items are listed under the respective countries, as well as in the issue presentation.
If you have a scan of this item, please share.
SUN19910000 ENV 3_101670 Un-stamped envelope -
(sold at 0.01)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Cats in literature
Illustration from The Gigantic Turnip, Russian fairytale
Item no. 3.101670
Order no. 1C-15-2250240
Printed 10.04.91
Issued ???
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Ludmila Pettersen, Valery Oganasian, Greg Balagian, Eriik
Julli, and Veniamin Kramer.
Latest update: 11 January, 2025