Stamps inscribed 'CCCP'
<- 1918 See Russia
1918 - See separate issues for various Soviet Republics
1923 - 1992 Soviet Union issues
1992 -> See Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazachstan, Kyrgyztan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
From 1918: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 1 Russian Ruble)
From 1922: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10,000 1918-Rubles)
From 1923: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 100 1922-Rubles)
From 1924: 1 Gold Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 50,000 1923-Rubles)
From 1947: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopecks (= 10 Gold-Rubles)
From 1961: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopecks (= 10 1947-Rubles)
Checklists > Countries > Soviet Union Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 12 September 1978 - Armenian Architecture SUN19780912 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Sphinx
Wild Cat Art
Statue from Erebuni Fortress, Yerevan, Armenia
MI 4768If you have a scan of this item, please share. SUN19780912 IMP 0_04 Imperforate stamp 0.04 Sphinx
Wild Cat Art
Statue from Erebuni Fortress, Yerevan, Armenia
MI 4768U1979 - Postal Stationary
Address sideSUN19790000 PC 0_04 92097 Pre-stamped postcard 0.04
(sold at 0.06)Sphinx (on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Statue on University Quai, Leningrad
Order no. 92097
Printing date: 02.11.78
Earliest use reported:
25 June 1979
If you know more about the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI LP30I-?? (one of 23 different picture postcards)5 September 1979 - Moscow Olympics XI SUN19780905 ST 1_00__0_50 5 Stamp 1.00
+ 0.50Griffin
Wild Cat Art
Statue from Erebuni Fortress, Yerevan, Armenia
MI 48761 August 1990 - Buildings and Monuments This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
SUN19900801 ST 0_15 8 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Griffin
Talllin CoA from 1529, Niguliste Church in Tallinn
MI 61151992 - Pentathlon Modern World Cup, Saint Petersburg
This item was printed and issued after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As such it will only have been used in the various independent republics. We are not , however, listing mint, unoverprinted versions other places than here.
BackSUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92044 Pre-stamped envelope 0.07
(sold at 0.10)Winged Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Winged Lion Lamps at the Bank Bridge in Saint Petersburg
Envelope no. 92044
Printed 12.03.92
Issued ???? 1992
MI U596List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Andrius Samalius, Greg Balagian, Veniamin Kramer,
Jørgen Kristiansen, D.G.Naryshkin, and Valery Oganesian.
Latest update: 12 January, 2025