Stamps inscribed 'Kazakhstan' and/or 'Қазақстан'

<- 1919 Part of the Russian Empire
1919 - 1992 Part of the Soviet Union
1992 -> Independence

From 1992: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopeks
From 1993: 1 Tenge (KZT) = 100 Tïın (= 500 SUR)
Checklists > Countries > Kazakhstan Wild Cats

List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.


Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC
1991 -> Soviet Postal Stationary used in Kazakhstan after Independence
KZ_SUN19911014 PSE 0_07 Pre-stamped envelope 0.07 Tiger (in cachet)
PSE no 136680
Printed 05.04.91
Issued 14.10.91
SUN19911014 PSE 0_07
used in Kazakhstan after independence. Up-franked with (still valid) Soviet stamps.

1992 - International Space Year

This item was meant to be issued by the Soviet Union - with a Soviet stamp indicium. It is printed after the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union, and hence only sold and used in the newly independent republics.

KZ_SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026 Pre-stamped envelope 0.07 Lion (in cachet)
Zodiac Leo
Envelope no. 92026
Printed 20.01.92
SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026
used in Kazakhstan as is (Soviet stamps and stationary still valid)
MI (SUN) U596
KZ19920000 PSE 15_00 92026 Provisional pre-stamped envelope 15.00 Lion (in cachet)
Zodiac Leo
Envelope no. 92026
Printed 20.01.92
SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026
Re-franked for use in Kazakhstan.
If you know anything about the date of issue for this item (1993?), please share.
MI U???
1992/1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary - Russian (!) Postal Stationary Up-franked for Use in Kazakhstan
KZ19920000 PSE 1_10 136680 Provisional pre-stamped envelope 1.10
(0.80 + 0.30)
Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue at the Kaliningrad Stock Exchange
Envelope no. 136680
Printed 13.11.92
RU19920600 PSE 0_80 136680
up-franked by post office handstamp
If you have any information on this item, please share.
22 March 1993 - Year of the Cockrel
KZ19930322 ST 60_00 Stamp 60.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 26
11 November 1993 - Wild Animals
KZ19931111 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 Cheetah
MI 36
22 March 1994 - Year of the Dog
KZ19940322 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 43
22 March 1995 - Year of the Pig
KZ19950322 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 76
21 March 1996 - Year of the Rat
KZ19960321 ST 25_00 Stamp 25.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 114
29 April 1996 - Save the Aral SeaJoint issue with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

KZ19960429 ST 20_00 1 Stamp 20.00 Caracal
Stamp from
KZ19960429 MS 100_00
MI 118
KZ19960429 MS 100_00 Miniature sheet 100.00 Caracal (on one stamp)
5-stamp MS with
KZ19960429 ST 20_00 1
and 4 other stamps
22 March 1997 - Year of the Ox
KZ19970322 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 158
26 March 1997 - The Zodiac
KZ19970326 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI 161
22 March 1998 - Year of the Snow Leopard
KZ19980322 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 Snow Leopard
Stylized Snow Leopard
Year of the Snow Leopard
MI 207
3 August 1998 - Fauna: Wild Cats
KZ19980803 ST 15_00 Stamp 15.00 Eurasian Lynx
Central Asian Lynx
MI 229
KZ19980803 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 Sand Cat
MI 230
KZ19980803 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00 Snow Leopard
MI 231
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 SH 150_00 Sheetlet 150.00 Eurasian Lynx (on all stamps and 4 marginal labels)
Central Asian Lynx
MI KB229
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 SH 300_00 Sheetlet 300.00 Sand Cat (on all stamps and 4 marginal labels)
MI KB230
KZ19980803 SH 500_00 Sheetlet 500.00 Snow Leopard (on all stamps and 4 marginal labels)
MI KB231
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 LB 8

Marginal label

- Eurasian Lynx
Monocoloured backgrond
First row left marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 150_00
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 LB 9 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Monocoloured backgrond
First row right marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 150_00
KZ19980803 LB 10 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Darker field at bottom
Second row left marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 150_00
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 LB 11 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Darker field at bottom
Second row right marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 150_00
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 LB 26 Marginal label - Sand Cat
Monocoloured backgrond
First row left marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 300_00
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 LB 27 Marginal label - Sand Cat
Monocoloured backgrond
First row right marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 300_00
KZ19980803 LB 28 Marginal label - Sand Cat
Darker field at bottom
Second row left marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 300_00
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ19980803 LB 29 Marginal label - Sand Cat
Darker field at bottom
Second row right marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 300_00
KZ19980803 LB 44 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Monocoloured backgrond
First row left marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 500_00
KZ19980803 LB 45 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Monocoloured backgrond
First row right marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 500_00
KZ19980803 LB 46 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Darker field at bottom
Second row left marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 500_00
KZ19980803 LB 47 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Darker field at bottom
Second row right marginal label from
KZ19980803 SH 500_00
19 March 1999 - Year of the Rabbit
KZ19990319 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 243
2 March 2001 - Year of the Snail

KZ20010302 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Stamp marked with year 2000
MI 307
21 March 2001 - Year of the Snake
KZ20010321 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 310
19 July 2001 - Fauna
KZ20010719 ST 60_00 Stamp 60.00 Asiatic Wildcat
Stamp from
KZ20010719 MS 296_00
MI 332
KZ20010719 MS 296_00 Miniature sheet 296.00 Asiatic Wildcat (on one stamp and selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
KZ20010719 ST 60_00
and 5 other stamps
MI B21
16 December 2001 - 10th Anniversary of Independence

Items from this issue is also listed under Mythic Cats

KZ20011216 ST 25_00 Stamp 25.00 Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
MI 355
KZ20011216 MS 69_00 Miniature Sheet 69.00 Snow Leopard (on one stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
One stamp also shows a Winged Snow Leopard
MI B23
25 September 2002 Bi-millennial of TarazThis item is also listed under Heraldic Cats

KZ20020925 MS 70_00 Miniature sheet 70.00 Heraldic Snow Leopard (on sekvedge)
Jubilee logo with Snow Leopard from Taraz CoA
MI B25
21 March 2002 - Year of the Horse
KZ20020321 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 362
21 March 2003 - Year of the Ram
KZ20030321 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 413
23 March 2004 - Year of the Monkey
KZ20040323 ST 35_00 Stamp 35.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 449
KZ20040323 SH 700_00 Sheetlet 700.00 Tiger (on stamps and 4 marginal labels)
Year of the Tiger
MI KB449
KZ20040323 LB 1 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Left marginal, full height label - tiger outside 4th row
KZ20040323 LB 3 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Top marginal label, second column
KZ20040323 LB 7 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Right marginal, full height label - tiger outside 2nd row
KZ20040323 LB 9 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Bottom marginal label, second column
20 October 2006 - Coats of ArmsThis item is also listed under Heraldic Cats

KZ20061020 ST 17 Stamp 17 Snow Leopard
Heraldic Snow Leopard
Almaty CoA
MI 557
31 October 2007 - Almaty Zoo
KZ20071031 FDP 50000 First Day Postmark - Lion
"Алғашқы Күн - Қазақстан - Алматы хайуанаттар бағы"
Алматы Почтамт/
Almaty CPO
31 October 2007
KZ20071031 SH 540 Sheetlet 540 Lion (on central undenominated label)
Sheetlet with 4 of each stamp in set
MI KB588-589
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ20071031 LB 5 Undenominated label - Lion
Undenominated stamp-sized central label from
KZ20071031 SH 540
KZ20071031 LB 7 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Left third row marginal label from
KZ20071031 SH 540
KZ20071031 LB 9 Marginal label - Snow Leopard (legs and feet)
Bottom row, full length marginal label from
KZ20071031 SH 540
3 October 2008 - Friendship with IranJoint issue with Iran

KZ20081003 ST 25 Stamp 25 Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
MI 622
KZ20081003 ST 150 Stamp 150 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
MI 623
If you have a scan of this item, please share. KZ20081003 FDC 175 First Day Cover 175 Snow Leopard (on one stamp, postamrk and cachet)
Lion (on one stamp and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
KZ20081003 FDP 50000 First Day Postmark - Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
"Алғашқы Күн - Қазақстан - Біріккен Басыпым Қазақстан - Іран"
Алматы Почтамт/
Almaty CPO
3 October 2008
KZ20081003 LB 2 Marginal label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Left marginal label
KZ20081003 LB 3 Undenominated label - Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Stamp-sized undenominated label
KZ20081003 LB 4 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
Right marginal label
KZ20081003 LB 7 Marginal label - Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
Left marginal label
KZ20081003 LB 8 Marginal label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Right marginal label
21 December 2010 - Asian Winter Games
KZ20101221 ST 190 2 Stamp 190 Snow Leopard (skiing)
Cartoon Snow Leopard
Games Mascot
MI 693
KZ20101221 ST 240 1 Stamp 240 Snow Leopard (ski jumping)
Cartoon Snow Leopard
Games Mascot
MI 694
KZ20101221 ST 240 2 Stamp 240 Snow Leopard (skating)
Cartoon Snow Leopard
Games Mascot
MI 695
25 April 2013 - Animals of the Lunar Zodiac
KZ20130425 ST 100 3 Stamp 100 Snow Leopard
MI 784
25 December 2013 - Fauna of the Mountains
KZ20131225 ST 60 Stamp 60 Cheetah
Stamp from
KZ20131225 MS 400
MI 835
KZ20131225 MS 400 Miniature sheet 400 Cheetah (on one stamp)
3-stamp MS with
KZ20131225 ST 60
and 2 other stamps
MI B57
12 January 2015 - Year of the Horse
KZ20150112 MS 200 1 Miniature sheet 200 Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
MI B60
7 November 2015 - Year of the Sheep
KZ20151107 MS 300 Miniature sheet 300 Snow leopard (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B73
7 August 2017 - Year of the Rooster
KZ20170807 MS 300 Miniature sheet 300 Snow leopard (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI ???
28 August 2017 - Snow Leopards
KZ20170828 ST 300 1 Stamp 300 Snow Leopard (head and chest)
Stamp from
KZ20170828 MS 900
MI ???
KZ20170828 ST 300 2 Stamp 300 Snow Leopard (adult)
Stamp from
KZ20170828 MS 900
MI ???
KZ20170828 ST 300 3 Stamp 300 Snow Leopard (cubs)
Stamp from
KZ20170828 MS 900
MI ???
KZ20170828 MS 900 Miniature sheet 900
(3 x 300)
Snow Leopard (onn stamps and selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
KZ20170828 ST 300 1
KZ20170828 ST 300 2
KZ20170828 ST 300 3
MI ???
List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian. Hovhannes Alexanian, Nahum Shereshevsky,
D.G.Naryshkin and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 9 February, 2025