Stamps inscribed, 'Українська Народня Респуъліка', 'Українська Держаьа', 'Пошта УСРР',
'Пошта України', or 'Ukraina' and 'Україна'.

<- 1917 Part of Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire
1918 - 1922 Independent Repubilc(s)

1922 - 1942 See Soviet Union
1942 - 1944 German occupation - overprinted German stamps used
1944 - 1991 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Independence

From 1917: 1 Karbovanets = 2 Hryvni, 1 Hryvnia = 100 Shahiv
From 1942: 1 Karbovanets [pegged to the Reichsmark at 1:10 - stamps issued in Reichsmark]
From 1991: 1 Ruble (SUR)= 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 Karbovanets (UAK) = 100 Kopiyok [=1 SUR]
From 1996: 1 Hryvnia (UAH) = 100 Kopiyok [= 100,000 UAK]
Checklists > Countries > Ukraine Wild Cats

List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC
1991 -> Soviet Postal Stationary used in Ukraine
UA_SUN19850000 ENV PAN Un-stamped envelope - Black Panther (Leopard)
Soviet Red Book
SUN19850000 ENV 3202
used in post-independence Ukraine
Franked with franking machine

1992 - International Space Year

This item was meant to be issued by the Soviet Union - with a Soviet stamp indicium. It is printed after the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union, and hence only sold and used in the newly independent republics.

UA_SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026 Pre-stamped envelope 0_07 Lion (in cachet)
Zodiac Leo
Envelope no. 92026
Printed 20.01.92
SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026
uprated with both stamp and post office handstamp to CIS registered postage
MI ???
10 May 1992 - Provisional Postal Stationary
UA19920510 PSE 1_00 92026 Provisional pre-franked envelope 1.00
+ 0.93)
Lion (in cachet)
Zodiac Leo
Envelope no. 92026
Printed 20.01.92
SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026
uprated with post office handstamp
MI U40
10 September 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary

This item is also listed under Domestic Cats

UA19930910 PSE 27_00 134880 Provisional pre-franked envelope 27.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
Franked with post office meter frank in Khmelnytskyi
MI U90
23 March 1996 - Centenary of Kharkiv Zoo
UA19960323 ST 20000 Stamp 20,000 Lion
MI 167
22 March 1997 - Animal World of Ukraine
UA19970322 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Eurasian Lynx
MI 196
UA19970322 FDC 0_40 First day cover 0.40 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and postmark)
Official FDC with
UA19970322 ST 0_20 1
UA19970322 FDP 01000 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Тваринний свїт України - Перший День - Premièr jour"
Київ 1 (Kiev 1)
22 March 1997
29 September 1999 - East Karpatian Nature ReserveJoint issue with Poland
UA19990929 ST 1_40 2 Stamp 1.40 European Wild Cat (Main Motif)
Eurasian Lynx (Logo)
MI 322
28 December 1999 - Ukrainian Nature Fund
UA19991228 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
UA19991228 MS 3_40
MI 347
UA19991228 MS 3_40 Miniature sheet 3.40
+ 0.30
+ 0.40
+ 0.60
+ 2 x 1.00)
Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
6-stamp MS with
UA19991228 ST 0_10
and 5 other stamps
MI B19
2000 - Fedot Padalka, Master of Ceramics

PSE back
UA20000000 PST D 9-3710 Pre-stamped envelope Д (D) Lion
Wild Cat Art
Ceramic Lion Sculpture by Fedot Padalka (1850-1914)
Order no. 9-3710
MI U132, U133, or U134
12 February 2001 - Centenary of Mykolaiv Zoo

PSE back
UA20010212 PSE D 1 Pre-stamped envelope Д (D) Tiger (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Order no. 0-3659
Bright white paper
MI USo59
If you have a scan of this item, please share. UA20010212 PSE D 2 Pre-stamped envelope Д (D) Tiger (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Order no. 0-3659
Dull white/off-white paper
MI USo59
4 April 2002 - EUROPA: Circus
UA20020404 ST 1_75 1 Stamp 1.75 Tiger
Stamp from
UA20020404 MS 3_50 or

MI 499
UA20020404 ST 1_75 2 Stamp 1.75 Lion
Stamp from
UA20020404 MS 3_50 or
MI 500

UA20020404 BK 3_50 Booklet 3.50
(2 x 1.75)
Lion (on one stamp each and on pane selvedge)
MI B35
UA20020404 MS 3_50 Miniature sheet 3.50
(2 x 1.75)
Lion (on one stamp each and on selvedge)
MI B35
8 May 2003 - Ukrainian Regions XVIThis item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
UA20030502 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sejant Statue
Lviv Lion Monument
Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Lviv Oblast CoA
MI 570
5 April 2004 - The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka

PSE back
UA20040405 PSE 0_45 Pre-stamped envelope 0.45 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Vorontsov Palace in Alpuka
Order no. 4-3260
MI U160a
29 June 2004 - Kharkiv Zoo

PSE back
UA20040629 PSE 0_45 Pre-stamped envelope 0.45 Black Amur Leopard / Pamther (on cachet)
Order no 4-3432
Issued 29.06.04
MI U158 (1 of 94 cachets)
14 July 2006 - Shatsky National Natural Park
UA20060714 ST 0_70 2 Stamp 0.70 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
UA20060714 MS 3_50
MI 799
UA20060714 MS 3_50 Miniature sheet   Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
5-stamp MS with
UA20060714 ST 0_70 2
and 4 other stamps
MI B56
18 January 2008 - The Zodiac
UA20080118 ST 1_00 5 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Child in Lion Costume
MI 928
18 July 2008 - Chernivitsi City Hall
UA20080718 PSE 1_00 Pre-stamped envelope 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues outside Chernivitsi City Hall
Order no. 8-3697
MI U176 (1 of 46 designs)
20 February 2009 - Centenary of Kiev Zoo
UA20090220 MS 3_20 Miniature sheet 3.20 Lions (in Zoo Logo on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B73
UA20090920 FDC 3_20 First day cover 3.20 Lions (in Zoo Logo on selvedge and in postmark)
Tiger (in cachet)
Official FDC with
UA20090220 MS 3_20
UA20090920 FDP 01000 First day postmark - Lions
"Київський зоопарк - Kyiv Zoo - 100 років - Перший День - Premièr jour"
Київ 1 (Kiev 1)
20 February 2009
29 September 2009 - Gorgany Natural Reserve
UA20090929 ST 1_50 4 Stamp 1.50 European Wildcat
Stamp from
UA20090929 MS 6_00
MI 1041
UA20090929 MS 6_00 Miniature sheet 6.00
(4 x 1.50)
European Wildcat (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
UA20090929 ST 1_50 4
and 3 other stamps
MI B75
UA20090929 FDC 6_00 First day cover 6.00
(4 x 1.50)
European Wildcat (on one stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
UA20090929 MS 6_00
25 December 2013 - The Lunar Zodiac
UA20131225 ST 2_50 3 Stamp


Year of the Tiger
Stamp from
UA20131225 MS 15_00 1
MI 1386
UA20131225 MS 15_00 1 Miniature sheet 15.00
(6 x 2.50)
Year of the Tiger
6-stamp MS with
UA20131225 ST 2_50 3
MI B117
11 November 2016 - Year of the Rooster
UA20161111 ST 4_40 Stamp 4.40 Tiger
Diamond-shaped stamp from sheetlet or booklet
MI 1591
UA20161111 BK 17_60 Booklet 17.60
(4 x 4.40)
Tiger (on stamps and cover)
Booklet with 4 x
UA20161111 ST 4_40
MI Unlisted

List compiled by Geir Arveng. Information received from Gertrude Hainzl, Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis, and
Latest update: 26 February, 2025