Stamps inscribed 'Latvija', 'Latvijas PSR', or 'Latvijas Pasts'
<- 1918 Part of Russian Empire
1918 - 1940 Independent Republic
1940 - 1941 Part of the Soviet Union with stamps issued for the Latvian PSR
1941 - 1945 German Occupation
1945 - 1991 Part of the Soviet Union
1991 ->
From 1918: 1 Rublis = 100 Kapeiku
From 1922: 1 Lats = 100 Santims (=50 Rublis)
From 1991: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopek
From 1992: 1 Rublis (LVR) = 100 Kapeiku (=1 SUR)
From 1993: 1 Lats (LVL) = 100 Santims (=200 LVR)
From 2014: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (=LVL 0.702804)
Checklists > Countries > Latvia Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1991-1992 - Soviet Stamps and Stationary used in Independent Latvia
Soviet stamps and postal stationary were valid for postage in independent Latvia until 30 June 1992. We will list examples of such use.
Back (mixed franking)SUN19881020 ST 20__10 3 Semi-postal stamp 0.20
+ 0.10Eurasian Lynx
SUN19881020 ST 20__10 3
used on registered letter from Latvia to Honduras 27 January 1992. Mixed franking with Latvian stamps (on back).16 August 1994 - SINGPEX '94/Philakorea 1994 World Stamp Exhibition
Address sideLV19940816 PC 0_20 Pre-paid postcard 0.20 Lion (on picture side)
Stylized Lion
SINGPEX '94 Logo
Exhibition postcard with stamp indicium on picture side, prepaid for international registered mail
Registered postcard
no. 5
MI P14M 7 June 1996 - "Great Britain - Metropole, Dominions, and Colonies" (Exhibition) LV19960607 PMK 1051 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Izstāde lielbritānia - metropole, dominijas un kolonijas"
Rīga 51
7 June 199625 September 1999 - Latvian Castles (I) This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19990925 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at Rundale Castle
Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Greater CoA of Latvia
LV19991111 BK 1_20
for a booklet with this stamp
MI 51011 November 1999 - Frimærker i Forum '99 (International Philatelic Exhibition in Copenhagen)
This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19991111 BK 1_20 Booklet 1.20
(6 x 0.20)Lion (on stamps and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at Rundale Castle
Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Greater CoA of Latvia
Booklet with 6 x
LV19990925 ST 0_20
MI MH???11 February 2005 - Coats of Arms
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV20050211 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Lynx
Jēkabpils CoA
MI 628M
ILS23 September 2006 - Fauna (I) LV20060923 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
LV20060923 SH 4_50
MI 682AM
ILSLV20060923 SH 4_50 Sheetlet 4.50
(10 x 0.45)Eurasian Lynx (on stamps and on marginal labels)
MI KB682AM LV20060923 FDC 0_45 First day cover 0.45 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and in cachet)
Lynx Paw Print (on postmark)
Official FDC with
LV20060923 ST 0_45 1LV20060923 FDP 1051 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx
Lynx Paw Print
"Pirmā Diena - First Day"
Rīga 51
23 September 2006LV20060923 LB 1 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Left corner marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_50LV20060923 LB 2 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Lynx Paw Print
First or fifth column marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_50LV20060923 LB 3 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Second or fourth column marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_50M LV20060923 LB 4 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Third column marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_50M
ILLV20060923 LB 5 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Right corner marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_50LV20060923 LB 6 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Lynx Paw Print
First row, left marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_50LV20060923 LB 7 Marginal label - Eurasian Lynx
Lynx Paw Print
First row, right marginal label from
LV20060923 SH 4_5016 November 2006 - BELGICA '06 International Philatelic Exhibition LV20061116 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Eurasian Lynx
Imperforate top
Stamp from
LV20061116 BK 1_80
MI 682DoM
ILSLV20061116 ST 0_45 3 Stamp 0.45 Eurasian Lynx
Imperforate bottom
Stamp from
LV20061116 BK 1_80
MI 682DuM
ILSLV20061116 BK 1_80 Booklet 1.80
(4 x 0.45)Eurasian Lynx
(on stamps, inner cover, and back cover)
Booklet with 2 each of
LV20061116 ST 0_45 2
LV20061116 ST 0_45 3M 2012-2015 - Jēkabpils City Meter Frank This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV2012 MF JEKA 5201 Meter Frank - Lynx
Jēkabpils CoA
"Jēkabpils Pilsētas Pašvaldība - Brīvības ielā 120 - Jēkabpilī, LV-5201"
Machine no. F71 6858
Earliest use reported:
19 January 2012
Latest use reported:
9 April 2015
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know
DL 27 January 2012 - Contemprary Architecture LV20120127 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues outside Biblioteka No. 1 Restaurant in Riga
MI 827LV20120127 FDC 0_35 First day cover 0.35 Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues outside Biblioteka No. 1 Restaurant in Riga
Official FDC with
LV20120127 ST 0_3514 April 2012 - Centenary of Riga Zoo LV20120414 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Lion
MI 831ADLS 8 August 2015 - The Zodiac LV20150808 ST 0_50 6 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI 955IL2
FDCList compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information by Nicole Peeters, Elisabeth Hallsjö, Greg Balagian, and
Latest update: 2 January, 2025