Stamps inscribed 'Republique d'Azerbaidjan' and 'آذربایجان دمکراتیک جومهوریتی', 'A.C.C.P.'
and 'آ.ـس.ـس.چ', 'Азербайджанская Социалистичсс Советская Республика' and
[get Arabic script'], 'Азəрбајчан' and 'Azerbajdžan', 'Azärbaycan', 'Azərbaycan Poçtu', or 'Azərbaycan'.<- 1919 Russian stamps used
1919 - 1922 Independent Azeri Issues
1923 - 1923 See Transcaucasian Federation
1923 - 1992 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Independent nation (Soviet stamps valid until 30 June (?) 1993)
From 1919: 1 Manat/Ruble = 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 Manat (AZM) = 100 Qəpik [= SUR 10]
From 2006: 1 [New] Manat (AZN) = 100 Qəpik [= AZM 5000]
Checklists > Countries > Azerbaijan Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1991 -> Soviet Catstamps used in post-indepependence Azerbaijan AZ_SUN19890614 ST 0_05__0_02 2 Semi-postal stamp Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Used on letter with mixed franking in 1992
MI (SUN)59591991 -> Unstamped/Uprated Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Azerbaijan AZ_SUN19910000 ENV EUR Un-stamped envelope - European Shorthair
Order no. 3.132650
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with Azeri radio revenue stampsRIL 30 October 1995 - Pedigree Cats AZ19951030 ST 100 Stamp 100 Persian
MI 262M AZ19951030 ST 150 Stamp 150 Chartreux
MI 263M AZ19951030 ST 250 Stamp 250 Somali
MI 264M AZ19951030 ST 300 Stamp 300 Scottish Fold Longhair
MI 265M AZ19951030 ST 400 Stamp 400 Cymric
MI 266M AZ19951030 ST 500 Stamp 500 Turkish Angora
MI 267M AZ19951030 ST 800 Stamp 800 Sacred Birman
Stamp from MS
MI 268AZ19951030 MS 800 Miniature Sheet 800 Sacred Birman
Single-stamp MS
MI B18AZ19951030 FDC 550 1 First Day Cover 550 Scottish Fold Longhair
Unidentified Longhair Cat (on cachet)
Unidentified breed (on postmark)
FDC with
AZ19951030 ST 250
AZ19951030 ST 300CC AZ19951030 FDC 550 2 First Day Cover 550 Chartreux
Unidentified Longhair Cat (on cachet)
Unidentified breed (on postmark)
FDC with
AZ19951030 ST 150
AZ19951030 ST 400CC AZ19951030 FDC 600 First Day Cover 600 Persian
Turkish Angora
Unidentified Longhair Cat (on cachet)
Unidentified breed (on postmark)
FDC with
AZ19951030 ST 100
AZ19951030 ST 500CC AZ19951030 FDC 800 First Day Cover 800 Sacred Birman (on stamp and selvedge)
Unidentified Longhair Cat (on cachet)
Unidentified breed (on postmark)
FDC with
AZ19951030 MS 800CC AZ19951030 FDP 1000 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed
"Azərbaycan Poçtu - Ev Pişkləri"
Baki Poçtamti (Baku PO)
30 October 1995CC4 1 July 1997 - 175th Anniversary of "Children's and Household Tales" by the Brothers Grimm AZ19970701 ST 250 2 Stamp 250 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Bremen Town Musicians" by the Brothers Grimm
Stamp from 3-stamp MS
MI 386AZ19970701 ST 500 Stamp 500 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Bremen Town Musicians" by the Brothers Grimm
Stamp from
AZ19970701 MS 500
MI 388AZ19970701 MS 500 Miniature Sheet 500 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Bremen Town Musicians" by the Brothers Grimm
Single stamp MS with
AZ19970701 ST 500
MI B32AZ19970701 MS 750 Miniature Sheet 750
(3 x 250)Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Bremen Town Musicians" by the Brothers Grimm
3-stamp MS with
AZ19970701 ST 250 2
and two other 250 M stamps
MI KB385-38727 December 2002 - Gold Fish AZ20021227 MS 6000 Miniature sheet 6000
(6 x 1000)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Six-stamp MS
MI B558 November 2010 - Pedigree Kittens AZ20101108 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Scottish Fold Shorthair
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 2_10
MI 825AAZ20101108 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Persian
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 2_10
MI 826AAZ20101108 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Somali
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 2_10
MI 827AAZ20101108 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 British Shorthair
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 2_10
MI 828AAZ20101108 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Sacred Birman
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 2_10
MI 829AAZ20101108 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Maine Coon
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 2_10
MI 830AAZ20101108 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Turkish Angora
Stamp from
AZ20101108 MS 1_00
MI 831AAZ20101108 IMP 0_10 Imperforate stamp 0.10 Scottish Fold Shorthair
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10
MI 825BAZ20101108 IMP 0_20 Imperforate stamp 0.20 Persian
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10
MI 826BAZ20101108 IMP 0_30 Imperforate stamp 0.30 Somali
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10
MI 827BAZ20101108 IMP 0_40 Imperforate stamp 0.40 British Shorthair
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10
MI 828BAZ20101108 IMP 0_50 Imperforate stamp 0.50 Sacred Birman
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10
MI 829BAZ20101108 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Maine Coon
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10
MI 830BAZ20101108 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Turkish Angora
Stamp from
AZ20101108 IMS 1_00
MI 831BAZ20101108 MS 1_00 Miniature sheet 1.00 Turkish Angora (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
AZ20101108 ST 1_00
MI B98AAZ20101108 MS 2_10 Miniature sheet 2.10
+ 0.20
+ 0.30
+ 0.40
+ 0.50
+ 0.60)Scottish Fold Shorthair
British Shorthair
Sacred Birman
Maine Coon
6-stamp MS with
AZ20101108 ST 0_10
AZ20101108 ST 0_20
AZ20101108 ST 0_30
AZ20101108 ST 0_40
AZ20101108 ST 0_50
AZ20101108 ST 0_60
MI B97AAZ20101108 IMS 1_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 1.00 Turkish Angora (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
AZ20101108 IMP 1_00
MI B98BAZ20101108 IMS 2_10 Imperforate miniature sheet 2.10
+ 0.20
+ 0.30
+ 0.40
+ 0.50
+ 0.60)Scottish Fold Shorthair
British Shorthair
Sacred Birman
Maine Coon
6-stamp MS with
AZ20101108 IMP 0_10
AZ20101108 IMP 0_20
AZ20101108 IMP 0_30
AZ20101108 IMP 0_40
AZ20101108 IMP 0_50
AZ20101108 IMP 0_60
FDC backAZ20101108 FDC 1_00 1 First Day Cover 1.00 Turkish Angora (on stamp and selvedge)
British shorthair (on cachet)
Stylized Cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
AZ20101108 MS 1_00AZ20101108 FDC 1_00 2
FDC back
First Day Cover 1.00 Turkish Angora (on stamp and selvedge)
British shorthair (on cachet)
Stylized Cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
AZ20101108 IMS 1_00AZ20101108 FDC 2_10 1
FDC back
First Day Cover 2.10
+ 0.20
+ 0.30
+ 0.40
+ 0.50
+ 0.60)Scottish Fold Shorthair
British Shorthair
Sacred Birman
Maine Coon (on one stamp each)
Somali ) on one stamp and cachet)
Stylized Cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
AZ20101108 MS 2_10AZ20101108 FDC 2_10 2
FDC back
First Day Cover 2.10
+ 0.20
+ 0.30
+ 0.40
+ 0.50
+ 0.60)Scottish Fold Shorthair
British Shorthair
Sacred Birman
Maine Coon (on one stamp each)
Somali ) on one stamp and cachet)
Stylized Cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
AZ20101108 IMS 2_10AZ20101108 FDP 1000 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Ev Pişkləri - Birinci Gün - Premièr Jour"
Baki Şəhəri Mərkəzi Poçt Şöbəsi (Baku City CPO)
8 November 20118 April 2014 - Kittens AZ20140408 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Unspecified breed
MI 1043AAZ20140408 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 British Shorthair
MI 1044AAZ20140408 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Maine Coon
MI 1045AAZ20140408 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Scottish Fold Shorthair
MI 1046AAZ20140408 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Sacred Birman
MI 1047AAZ20140408 IMP 0_10 Imperforate stamp 0.10 Unspecified breed
MI 1043BAZ20140408 IMP 0_20 Imperforate stamp 0.20 British Shorthair
MI 1044BAZ20140408 IMP 0_30 Imperforate stamp 0.30 Maine Coon
MI 1045BAZ20140408 IMP 0_50 Imperforate stamp 0.50 Scottish Fold Shorthair
MI 1046BAZ20140408 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Sacred Birman
MI 1047B6 March 2015 - EUROPA: Old Toys AZ20150306 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from sheets, perf. all sides
MI 1094AAZ20150306 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from booklet, imperforate top
MI 1094DoAZ20150306 ST 0_60 3 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from booklet, imperforate bottom
MI 1094DuAZ20150306 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
imperforate stamp from sheet or booklet
MI 1094BAZ20150306 BK 3_20 Booklet 3_20
(4 x 0.20
+ 4 x 0.60)Unspecified breed (on 4 stamps and cover)
Cartoon cat
Booklet with 2 x
AZ20150306 ST 0_60 2
and 2 x
AZ20150306 ST 0_60 3
MI MH???DAZ20150306 IBK 3_20 Imperforate booklet 3_20
(4 x 0.20
+ 4 x 0.60)Unspecified breed (on 4 stamps and cover)
Cartoon cat
Booklet with 2 x
AZ20150306 IMP 0_60
MI MH???BAZ20150306 MS 1_00 Miniature sheet 1.00 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Cartoon cat
Single-stamp MS
MI B154AAZ20150306 IMS 1_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 1.00 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Cartoon cat
Single-stamp MS
MI B154BAZ20150306 SH 2_00 Sheetlet 2.00
(10 x 0.20)Unspecified breed (on marginal label)
Cartoon cat
10-stamp sheetlet
MI KB1093AAZ20150306 SH 6_00 Sheetlet 6.00
(10 x 6.00)Unspecified breed (on marginal label)
Cartoon cat
Sheetlet with 10 x
AZ20150306 ST 0_60 1
MI KB1094AAZ20150306 ISH 2_00 Imperforate sheetlet 2.00
(10 x 0.20)Unspecified breed (on marginal label)
Cartoon cat
10-stamp sheetlet
MI KB1093BAZ20150306 ISH 6_00 Imperforate sheetlet 6.00
(10 x 6.00)Unspecified breed (on marginal label)
Cartoon cat
Sheetlet with 10 x
AZ20150306 IMP 0_60
MI KB1094BAZ20150306 LB 6 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
5th column top marginal label from
AZ20150306 SH 2_00AZ20150306 LB 18 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
5th column top marginal label from
AZ20150306 SH 6_00AZ20150306 ILB 6 Imperforate marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
5th column top marginal label from
AZ20150306 ISH 2_00AZ20150306 ILB 18 Imperforate marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
5th column top marginal label from
AZ20150306 ISH 6_0022 August 2017 - Azərmarka 25 Years AZ20170822 MS 1_00 Miniature sheet 1.00 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Catstamp on stamp
AZ20021227 MS 6000
MI B180AAZ20170822 IMS 1_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 1.00 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Catstamp on stamp
AZ20021227 MS 6000
MI B180BList compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Marci Jarvis and D.G.Naryshkin.
Latest update: 12 January, 2025