Stamps inscribed, 'Українська Народня Респуъліка', 'Українська Держаьа', 'Пошта УСРР',
'Пошта України', or 'Ukraina' and 'Україна'.

<- 1917 Part of Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire
1918 - 1922 Independent Repubilc(s)

1922 - 1942 See Soviet Union
1942 - 1944 German occupation - overprinted German stamps used
1944 - 1991 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Independence

From 1917: 1 Karbovanets = 2 Hryvni, 1 Hryvnia = 100 Shahiv
From 1942: 1 Karbovanets [pegged to the Reichsmark at 1:10 - stamps issued in Reichsmark]
From 1991: 1 Ruble (SUR)= 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 Karbovanets (UAK) = 100 Kopiyok [=1 SUR]
From 1996: 1 Hryvnia (UAH) = 100 Kopiyok [= 100,000 UAK]
Checklists > Countries > Ukraine Domestic Cats

List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC
1991 -> Unstamped Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Ukraine
UA_SUN19910000 ENV PER 1 X1 Un-stamped envelope - Persian (Smoke)
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with overprinted Soviet stamp
UA_SUN19910000 ENV PER 1 X2 Un-stamped envelope - Persian (Smoke)
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with Ukrainian stamps
UA_SUN19910000 ENV PER 2 Un-stamped envelope - Persian (Red)
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with Ukrainian stamps
UA_SUN19910000 ENV PER 3 Un-stamped envelope - Persian (Tortie)
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with Ukrainian stamps
UA_SUN19910000 ENV PER 4 Un-stamped envelope - Persian (Cream)
Printed 23.07.90
UA_SUN19910000 ENV PER 5 Un-stamped envelope - Persian (Chinchilla)
Printed 23.07.90
UA_SUN19910000 ENV TUA X1 Un-stamped envelope - Turkish Angora
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with meter frank
UA_SUN19910000 ENV TUA X2 Un-stamped envelope - Turkish Angora
Printed 23.07.90
Mixed franking with overprinted Soviet stamp and post office handstamp
UA_SUN19910000 ENV EUR Un-stamped envelope - European Shorthair
Order no. 3.132650
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional stamps and ordinary Ukranian stamps.
UA_SUN19910000 ENV SIA Un-stamped envelope - Siamese
Order no. 3.132650
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of overprinted Soviet stamps and ordinary Ukranian stamps.
UA_SUN19910000 ENV 3_101670 Un-stamped envelope - Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Cats in literature
Illustration from The Gigantic Turnip, Russian fairytale
Item no. 3.101670
Order no. 1C-15-2250240
Printed 10.04.91
Issued ???
Franked with meter frank
2 January 1992 - Provisional Postal Stationary
UA19920102 PSE 5_00 X2 Provisional pre-stamped envelope 5.00 Persian (Red)
Printed 23.07.90
SUN19910000 ENV PER 2
upfranked with a post office handstamp in Kyiv
1 January 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary

UA19930101 PC 6_00 X1 Pre-stamped postcard - Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cat Drawing
Astrid Lindgren's Karlsson on the Roof delivering a kitten and a puppy as New Year gifts
SUN19891100 PC 0_04 1
overprinted with new denomination for registered mail
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI Overprint EU10 on
(SU) P463II
15 July 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary
UA19930715 PSE 175_00 X9 Provisional pre-stamped envelope 175.00 Balinese
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
SUN19910000 ENV BAL
re-franked with provisional handstamps
MI Unlisted
10 September 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary

This item is also listed under Wild Cats

UA19930910 PSE 27_00 134880 Provisional pre-franked envelope 27.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cartoon Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
Franked with post office meter frank in Khmelnytskyi
MI U90
UA19930910 PSE 60_00 X6 Provisional pre-franked envelope 60.00
+ 54.00)
Turkish Angora
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with provisional Ukrainian stamp in early 1993 (old registered rate), and upfranked with post office handstamp and manuscript in Meritopol to registered inland letter.
MI Unlisted
1999 - Postal Stationary


UA19990000 PSE D 9_3025 Pre-stamped envelope Д (D) Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
MI U126a
3 November 2000 - Ukrainian Cartoons
UA20001103 ST 0_30 3 Stamp 0.30 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in literature
'The Cat and the Rooster'
MI 418
26 January 2001 - Valentine's Day / Day of Lovers
UA20010126 PC D 3 Pre-stamped postcard Д (D) Unspecified Breed
(on picture side)
Order no. 0-3744
MI PSo10
19 July 2002 - Ukrainian Fairytales
UA20020719 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40 Cartoon Cat
Cats in literature
'Pan Kotskij'
MI 521
3 December 2002 - Christmas

Envelope Back
Card Front
Card Back
Card Inside
UA20071203 PSE 0_45 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.45 Cartoon Cat (on envelope illustration)
PSE (size B5) and Christmas Card with same illustrations and a message from Santa inside
MI USo97
6 December 2002 - Regional Costumes
UA20021206 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Stamp from ordinary sheet, perf. 13 1/4
MI 543A
UA20021206 ST 0_45 8 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Stamp from MS, perf. 11 1/2
MI 543C
UA20021206 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified Breed
MS with
UA20021206 ST 0_45 8
and 5 other stamps from set
MI USo97
15 June 2004 - Sorochinskaya Fair

PSE back
UA20040615 PSE 0_45 Pre-stamped envelope 0.45 Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Order no. 4-3394
MI U158 (1 of 94 designs)
18 June 2004 - Ukrainian Folk Tales
UA20040618 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
'The Little Kitten'
MI 652
UA20040618 FDP 01000 First day postmark -

Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
'The Little Kitten'
"Українські Народні Казки - Перший День - Premièr jour"
Київ 1 (Kiev 1)
18 June 2004

18 May 2007 - Kiev Paintings
UA20070518 ST 0_70 3 Stamp 0.70 Cat Painting
Cats in Art
'A Walk to Kiev' by Julija Kuznetzowa (2004)
MI 862
15 June 2007 - Cats
UA20070615 ST 0_70 1 Stamp 0.70 American Shortair
Stamp from
UA20070615 MS 4_20
MI 871
UA20070615 ST 0_70 2 Stamp 0.70 Sphynx
Stamp from
UA20070615 MS 4_20
MI 872
UA20070615 ST 0_70 3 Stamp 0.70 Scottish Fold Shortair
Stamp from
UA20070615 MS 4_20
MI 873
UA20070615 ST 0_70 4 Stamp 0.70 Snowshoe
Stamp from
UA20070615 MS 4_20
MI 874
UA20070615 ST 0_70 5 Stamp 0.70 Russian Blue
Stamp from
UA20070615 MS 4_20
MI 875
UA20070615 ST 0_70 6 Stamp 0.70 Somali
Stamp from
UA20070615 MS 4_20
MI 876
UA20070615 MS 4_20 Miniature Sheet 0.70 American Shortair
Scottish Fold Shorthair
6 stamp MS with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 1
UA20070615 ST 0_70 2
UA20070615 ST 0_70 3
UA20070615 ST 0_70 4
UA20070615 ST 0_70 5
UA20070615 ST 0_70 6
MI B61
UA20070615 FDC 0_70 1 First Day Cover 0.70 American Shortair
Official FDC with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 1
UA20070615 FDC 0_70 2 First Day Cover 0.70 Sphynx
Official FDC with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 2
UA20070615 FDC 0_70 3 First Day Cover 0.70 Scottish Fold Shortair
Official FDC with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 3
UA20070615 FDC 0_70 4 First Day Cover 0.70 Snowshoe
Official FDC with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 4
UA20070615 FDC 0_70 5 First Day Cover 0.70 Russian Blue
Official FDC with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 5
UA20070615 FDC 0_70 6 First Day Cover 0.70 Somali
Official FDC with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 6
UA20070615 FDC MS 4_20 First Day Cover 4.20 American Shortair
Scottish Fold Shorthair
Official FDC with
UA20070615 MS 4_20
UA20070615 MC 0_70 1 Maximum Card 0.70 American Shortair
Official Maximum Card with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 1
UA20070615 MC 0_70 2 Maximum Card 0.70 Sphynx
Official Maximum Card with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 2
UA20070615 MC 0_70 3 Maximum Card 0.70 Scottish Fold Shortair
Official Maximum Card with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 3
UA20070615 MC 0_70 4 Maximum Card 0.70 Snowshoe
Official Maximum Card with UA20070615 ST 0_70 4
UA20070615 MC 0_70 5 Maximum Card 0.70 Russian Blue
Official Maximum Card with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 5
UA20070615 MC 0_70 6 Maximum card 0.70 Somali
Official Maximum Card with
UA20070615 ST 0_70 6
UA20070615 FDP 01000 First day postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat's Paw Print
"Перший День - Premièr jour"
Київ 1 (Kiev 1)
15 June 2007
24 October 2007 - Traditional Farm Houses
UA20071024 ST 0_70 2 Stamp 0.70 Unspecified Breed
MI 903
UA20071024 MS 4_20 1 Miniature sheet 4.20 Unspecified Breed (on one stamp)
MS with
UA20071024 ST 0_70 2
and 5 other stamps in series.
MI B63
16 May 2008 - Cats
UA20080516 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Persian
Stamp from
UA20080516 MS 6_00
MI 967
UA20080516 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00 Selkirk Rax Longhair
Stamp from
UA20080516 MS 6_00
MI 968
UA20080516 ST 1_00 3 Stamp 1.00 Exotic Shorthair
Stamp from
UA20080516 MS 6_00
MI 969
UA20080516 ST 1_00 4 Stamp 1.00 Burmese
Stamp from
UA20080516 MS 6_00
MI 970
UA20080516 ST 1_00 5 Stamp 1.00 Siamese
Stamp from
UA20080516 MS 6_00
MI 971
UA20080516 ST 1_00 6 Stamp 1.00 Kurilian Bobtail
Stamp from
UA20080516 MS 6_00
MI 972
UA20080516 MS 6_00 Miniature sheet 6.00 Persian
Selkirk Rex Longhair
Exotic Shorthair
Kurilian Bobtail (on one stamp each)
Cat's paw prints (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 1
UA20080516 ST 1_00 2
UA20080516 ST 1_00 3
UA20080516 ST 1_00 4
UA20080516 ST 1_00 5
UA20080516 ST 1_00 6
UA20080516 FDC 6_00 First day cover 6.00 Persian
Selkirk Rex Longhair
Exotic Shorthair (on stamp and cachet)
Kurilian Bobtail
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official FDC with
UA20080516 MS 6_00
UA20080516 MC 1_00 1 Maximum card 1.00 Persian
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official MC with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 1
UA20080516 MC 1_00 2 Maximum card 1.00 Selkirk Rax Longhair
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official MC with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 2
UA20080516 MC 1_00 3 Maximum card 1.00 Exotic Shorthair
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official MC with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 3
UA20080516 MC 1_00 4 Maximum card 1.00 Burmese
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official MC with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 4
If you have a scan of this item, please share. UA20080516 MC 1_00 5 Maximum card 1.00 Siamese
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official MC with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 5
UA20080516 MC 1_00 6 Maximum card 1.00 Kurilian Bobtail
Oriental Shorthair (on postmark)
Official MC with
UA20080516 ST 1_00 6
UA20080516 FDP 01000 First day postmark - Oriental Shorthair
"Перший День - Premièr jour"
Київ 1 (Kiev 1)
16 May 2008
25 June 2011 - The Ukrainian FarmhouseTechnical details from Ukrposhta's website
UA20110625 ST 1_50 1 Stamp 1.50 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from
UA20110625 MS 8_50 1
MI 1150
UA20110625 MS 8_50 1 Miniature sheet 8.50
(3 x 1.50
+ 2 x 2.00)
Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Cartoon cat
5-stamp MS with
UA20110625 ST 1_50 1
and 4 other stamps
MI B87
UA20110625 FDC 8_50 1 First day cover 8.50
(3 x 1.50
+ 2 x 2.00)
Unspecified breed (on one stamp and in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Official FDC with
UA20110625 MS 8_50 1
1 September 2012 - Ukrainian Fairytales: Zaliznonosa Bosorkanya

UA20120901 ST 2_00

Stamp 2.00

Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Stamp from
UA20120901 SH 45_00
MI 1275

UA20120901 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Stamp from
UA20120901 SH 45_00
MI 1276
UA20120901 SH 45_00 Sheetlet 45.00
(10 x 2.00
+ 10 x 2.50)
Unspecified breed (on all stamps and top marginal label)
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Sheetlet with 10 x
UA20120901 ST 2_00
and 10 x
UA20120901 ST 2_50
MI KB1275-1276
UA20120901 LB 1 Label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Top marginal label from
UA20120901 SH 45_00

List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Veniamin Kramer, Nahum Shereshevsky,
John King, Marci Jarvis, and D.G.Naryshkin.
Latest update: 3 March, 2025