Stamps inscribed 'Magyar Posta', 'Magyar Tanácsköztársaság' or 'Magyarország'
1871 - 1919 Austro-Hungarian Empire
1919 -> Indipendent republic
From 1871: 1 Forint (Austro-Hungarian Gulden) = 100 Krajczár
From 1892: 1 (Austro-Hungarian) Korona = 100 Fillér (= 0.5 Forints)
From 1919: 1 (Hungarian) Korona = 100 Fillér (= 1 A-H Korona)
From 1927: 1 Pengö = 100 Fillér (= 12,500 Korona)
From 1946: 1 Forint (HUF) = 100 Fillér (= 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengö)
Checklists > Countries > Hungary Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1 May 1871 Definitives (Lithography) Valid until 31 December 1876
HU18710501 ST 0_02 1 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
MI 1aHU18710501 ST 0_02 2 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
MI 1bHU18710501 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
MI 2HU18710501 ST 0_05 1 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
MI 3aHU18710501 ST 0_05 2 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Brick Red
MI 3bHU18710501 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Blue / blue-green
MI 4aHU18710501 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Pale Blue
MI 4bHU18710501 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
MI 5aHU18710501 ST 0_15 2 Stamp 0.15Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Light Brown
MI 5bHU18710501 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
MI 6aHU18710501 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Dark Violet
MI 6b1871 Definitives (Intaglio) Valid until 31 Dec 1876
HU18710000 ST 0_02 1 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
Bisects of this stamp exists on cover
MI 8aHU18710000 ST 0_02 2 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Light-greenish Yellow
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 8bHU18710000 ST 0_03 1 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 9aHU18710000 ST 0_03 2 Stamp 0.03Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 9bHU18710000 ST 0_03 3 Stamp 0.03Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 9cHU18710000 ST 0_05 1 Stamp 0.05Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 10aHU18710000 ST 0_05 2 Stamp 0.05Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Brick Red
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 10bHU18710000 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
Bisects of this stamp exists on cover
MI 11aHU18710000 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Light Blue
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 11bHU18710000 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 12aHU18710000 ST 0_15 2 Stamp 0.15Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 12bHU18710000 ST 0_15 3 Stamp 0.15Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 12cHU18710000 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Bluish Violet
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 13aHU18710000 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Redish Violet
No watermark
Perf. 9 1/4 :
9 1/2
MI 13b1871 Postal Stationary Valid until 31 Dec 1876
(COD-forms known used until 1871 in some offices)
HU18710000 PC 0_02 1 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.02Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German: "Korrespon-denzkarte")
127 x 89 mm
Lemon-colured, inner frame 104 x 68.5 mm
MI P3aHU18710000 PC 0_02 2 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.02Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German: "Korrespon-denzkarte")
127 x 89 mm
Orange-colured, inner frame 106 x 70 mm
MI P3bHU18710000 PSE 0_03 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.03Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, unwater-marked paper
154 x 84 mm
MI U1HU18710000 PSE 0_05 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, unwater-marked paper
154 x 84 mm
MI U2HU18710000 PSE 0_10 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.10Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, unwater-marked paper
154 x 84 mm
MI U3HU18710000 PSE 0_15 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.15Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, unwater-marked paper
154 x 84 mm
MI U4HU18710000 MO 0_05 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium and on form)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
No postmark-ring
205 x 130 mm
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German)
Last line: "Unterschrift / Aláirás"
MI A1HU18710300 MO 0_05 1 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium and on form)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
205 x 130 mm
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German
Last line: "Unterschrift des Postbedien-steten"
MI A2M- HU18710300 MO 0_05 2 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium and on form)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
205 x 130 mm
Tri-lingual (Hungarian / German/ Croatian)
Last line: "Unterschrift des Postbedien-steten"
MI A3HU18711215 COD 0_10 1 COD Form / Money Order 0.10Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
230 x 190 mm
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German)
Header: "Posta-utánvételi jegy"
MI NK1HU18711215 COD 0_10 2 COD Form / Money Order 0.10Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
230 x 190 mm
Bi-lingual (Croatian / German)
Header: "Postanska pouzetbena karta"
MI NK2HU18711215 COD 0_10 3 COD Form / Money Order 0.10Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
220 x 185 mm
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / Italian)
Header: "Carta di rivalsa postale"
MI NK21872 Postal Stationary Valid until 30 Sep 1900
HU18721001 NPW 0_02 1 Newspaper Wrappers 0.02Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
420 x 55 mm
Glue to the right
MI S1aHU18721001 NPW 0_02 2 Newspaper Wrappers 0.02Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
420 x 55 mm
Glue to the left
MI S1b1873 Postal Stationary Valid until 31 Dec 1876
HU18730000 MO 0_05 1 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
205 x 130 mm
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German
Left hand coupon marked "Szelveny (coupon)"
MI A4HU18730000 MO 0_05 2 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
205 x 130 mm
Tri-lingual (Hungarian / German / Croatian
Left hand coupon marked "Szelveny (coupon)"
MI A5aHU18730000 MO 0_05 3 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Blue paper
205 x 130 mm
Tri-lingual (Hungarian / German / Croatian
Left hand coupon marked "Szelveny (coupon)"
MI A5bHU18730000 MO 0_05 4 Money Order 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Green paper
205 x 130 mm
Tri-lingual (Hungarian / German / Italian
Left hand coupon marked "Szelveny (coupon)"
MI A61874 Postal Stationary HU18740000 PSE 0_05 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.05Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, water-marked paper ("Magyar Kir. Posta" in ornamental font)
154 x 84 mm
MI U51878 Postal Stationary HU18780000 PC 0_02 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.02Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German: "Korrespon-denzkarte")
127 x 89 mm
Lemon-colured, inner frame 104 x 68.5 mm
Similar to
HU18710000 PC 0_02 1
but with straight, horizontal lines behind the denomi-nation ("2" and "Kr") of the indicium
MI P3a ND1883 Definitives HU18830000 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Light Orange
Watermark 1
Perf. 11 1/2
MI 8NDHU18830000 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Watermark 1
Perf. 11 1/2
MI 9NDHU18830000 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Pale Pink
Watermark 1
Perf. 11 1/2
MI 10NDHU18830000 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Light Blue
Watermark 1
Perf. 11 1/2
MI 11NDHU18830000 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Watermark 1
Perf. 11 1/2
MI 12NDHU18830000 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Light Violet
Watermark 1
Perf. 11 1/2
MI 13ND1896 Postal Stationary HU18960000 PC 0_02 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.02Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
Bi-lingual (Hungarian / German: "Correspon-denzkarte")
127 x 89 mm
Orange-colured, inner frame 104 x 68.5 mm
Similar to
HU18710000 PC 0_02 2
but with straight, horizontal lines behind the denomi-nation ("2" and "Kr") of the indicium
MI P3a NDHU18960000 PSE 0_03 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.03Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, water-marked paper ("M.K. Posta" in uppercase italics)
154 x 84 mm
MI U1NDHU18960000 PSE 0_05 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.05dic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, water-marked paper ("M.K. Posta" in uppercase italics)
154 x 84 mm
MI U2NDHU18960000 PSE 0_10 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.10dic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, water-marked paper ("M.K. Posta" in uppercase italics)
154 x 84 mm
MI U3NDHU18960000 PSE 0_15 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.15dic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, water-marked paper ("M.K. Posta" in uppercase italics)
154 x 84 mm
MI U4NDHU18960000 PSE 0_25 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.25dic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Hungarian Royal CoA
White, water-marked paper ("M.K. Posta" in uppercase italics)
154 x 84 mm
MI U4ND I1900 Newspaper Stamps Valid until 30 Apr 1922
HU19000101 ST NVI Stamp NVI (0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 3
MI 711904 Newspaper Stamps Valid until 30 Apr 1922
HU19041100 ST NVI 1 Stamp NVI
(0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp - also known privately perforated
Watermark 4
MI 90HU19041100 ST NVI 2 Stamp NVI
(0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 4 upside down
MI 901908 Newspaper Stamps Valid until 30 Apr 1922
HU19080701 ST NVI Stamp NVI
(0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 5
MI 108X1909 Newspaper Stamps Valid until 30 Apr 1922
HU19090000 ST NVI Stamp NVI
(0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 6
MI 108Y1913 Newspaper Stamps Valid until 30 Apr 1922
HU19130000 ST NVI 1 Stamp NVI
(0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 7 upright
MI 127XHU19130000 ST NVI 2 Stamp NVI
(0.02 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 7 sidways
MI 127Y1920 Newspaper Stamps HU19200000 ST NVI Stamp NVI
(0.10 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 7 upright
MI 324HU19220000 ST NVI Stamp NVI
(0.20 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Hungarian Royal CoA
Imperforate stamp
Watermark 7 upright
MI 3251938 900th Anniversary of the Death of Holy Stephan HU19380522 MS 0_20 Miniature Sheet 0.20Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin (on selvedge)
Budapest CoA
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
MI B21941 Return of Szabadka (Subotica) HU19410000 PMK RS24000 Commemorative Postmark -Heraldic Lion
Subotica / Szabadka CoA
Undated canceller used alongside normal postmark
Earliest use we have seen:
20 April 1941
Latest use we have seen:
20 April 1941
Szabadka (curretly Subotica, Serbia)
If you know the date(s) of use, please let us knowSC 1942 Nagyvárad St. Ladislaus Festive Week Celebrations HU19420503 PMK RO410100 Commemorative Postmark -Heraldic Lion
Oradea / Nagyvárad CoA
"Szent Lászlo Unnepi Hét Nagy-váradon"
Nagyvárad 1 (currently Oradea, Romania)
Earliest use we have seen:
3 May 1942
Latest use we have seen:
3 May 1942
If you know the date(s) of use, please let us knowFR 1947 Kispest Jubilee Exhibition HU19470819 PMK 1019 Commemorative Postmark -Heraldic Lion
Kispest CoA
"Kispest Város 23 Eves Jubileumi - Ujjaepitesi Kiallitasa"
Earliest use we have seen:
19 Aug 1947
Latest use we have seen:
19 Aug 1947
If you know the date(s) of use, please let us knowCC 1958 Expo-58 - Brussels World Fair HU19580417 ST 1_40 Stamp 1.40Heraldic Lion
Lesser CoA of Belgium
MI 1523AHU19580417 IMP 1_40 Imperforate Stamp 1.40Heraldic Lion
Lesser CoA of Belgium
MI 1523AHU19580417 MS 10_00 Miniature Sheet 10.00Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Lesser CoA of Belgium
MI B27AHU19580417 IMS 10_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 10.00Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Lesser CoA of Belgium
MI B27B1971 Centenary of Postage Stamp Printimng in Hungary HU19710911 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00Griffin
This Item is also listed under Mythic Cats
MI 2962AHU19710911 FDC 1_00 First Day Cover 1.00Griffin (on stamp and in cachet)
This Item is also listed under Mythic Cats1974 Stockholmia '74 International Philatelic Exhibition HU19740921 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00Heraldic Lion (stylized)
MI 2981AHU19740921 IMP 3_00 Stamp 3.00Heraldic Lion (stylized)
MI 2981BHU19740921 MS 9_00 Miniature Sheet 9.00 Heraldic Lion (stylized) (on all stamps)
MS with 3x
HU19740921 ST 3_00
MI KB2981AHU19740921 IMS 9_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 9.00 Heraldic Lion (stylized) (on all stamps)
MS with 3x
HU19740921 IMP 3_00
MI KB2981BHU19740921 FDC 3_00 First Day Cover 3.00Heraldic Lion (stylized) (on stamp and in cachet) 1975 European Cultural Heritage Preservation Year - Stamp Day HU19750913 ST 2_00__1_00 7 Semi-postal stamp 2.00 + 1.00Heraldic Lion
Wild Cat Art
From decorative panel the Hercules Fountain of Visegrád Castle
This set also contains items listed under Wild Cats
MI 3066AHU19750913 ST 2_00__1_00 8 Semi-postal stamp 2.00 + 1.00Heraldic Lion
Old Visegrád CoA
This set also contains items listed under Wild Cats
MI 3067AHU19750913 IMP 2_00__1_00 7 Imperforate semi-postal stamp 2.00 + 1.00Heraldic Lion
Wild Cat Art
From decorative panel the Hercules Fountain of Visegrád Castle
This set also contains items listed under Wild Cats
MI 3066BHU19750913 IMP 2_00__1_00 8 Imperforate semi-postal stamp 2.00 + 1.00Heraldic Lion
Old Visegrád CoA
This set also contains items listed under Wild Cats
MI 3067BHU19750913 MS 8_00__4_00 Semi-postal Miniature Sheet 8.00 + 4.00Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps)
4-stamp MS with
HU19750913 ST 2_00__1_00 7
HU19750913 ST 2_00__1_00 8
and two other stamps
This set also contains items listed under Wild Cats
MI B115AHU19750913 IMS 8_00__4_00 Imperforate semi-postal Miniature Sheet 8.00 + 4.00Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps)
4-stamp MS with
HU19750913 IMP 2_00__1_00 7
HU19750913 IMP 2_00__1_00 8
and two other stamps
This set also contains items listed under Wild Cats
MI B115B1976 Italia '76 International Philatelic Exhibition HU19761013 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Marzocco/ Sitting Lion
Stamp on stamp
Tuscanny #1
MI 3143AHU19761013 IMP 5_00 Imperforate Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Marzocco/ Sitting Lion
Stamp on stamp
Tuscanny #1
MI 3143BHU19761013 FDC 5_00 First Day Cover 5.00Heraldic Lion
Marzocco/ Sitting Lion (on stamp)
Old Provincial CoA of Milan (in cachet)
MI 3143B1979 Philaserdica International Philatelic Exhibition, Sofia HU19790518 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00Heraldic Lion
From Bulgarian CoA (on Bulgaria #1)
Stamp on stamp
MI 3342AHU19790518 IMP 3_00 Imperforate stamp 3.00Heraldic Lion
From Bulgarian CoA (on Bulgaria #1)
Stamp on stamp
MI 3342BHU19790518 FDC 3_00 First Day Cover 3.00Heraldic Lion
From Bulgarian CoA (on stamp) and Sofia CoA
(in postmark and cachet)HU19790518 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark -Heraldic Lion
Sofia CoA
Budapest 4
18 May 1979HU19790518 LB 1 Marginal label -Heraldic Lion
Sofia CoA
Marginal label attached to
HU19790518 ST 3_00HU19790518 ILB 1 Imperforate marginal label -Heraldic Lion
Sofia CoA
Marginal label attached to
HU19790518 IMP 3_001980 400th Birth-anniversary of Gábor Bethlen HU19800319 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00Heraldic Lion
Arms of Gábor Bethlen
Wild Cat Art
Copperplate etching by Laszlo Dudas
MI 3418AHU19800319 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00Heraldic Lion
Arms of Gábor Bethlen
Wild Cat Art
Copperplate etching by Laszlo Dudas
MI 3418BHU19800319 MC 1_00 Micimum Card 1.00Heraldic Lion
Arms of Gábor Bethlen
Wild Cat Art
Copperplate etching by Laszlo Dudas (on stamp and card)1981 Historical Flags HU19810429 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60Heraldic Lions
Hunyadi Flag (15. c)
MI 3487AHU19810429 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60Heraldic Lions
Hunyadi Flag (15. c)
MI 3487B1982 Sozphilex ’82 International Philatelic Echibition - Birth Centenary of Georgi Dimitrow HU19820507 FDC 2_00 First Day Cover 2.00Heraldic Lion (on label and in cachet)
From Bulgarian CoAHU19820507 LB Gutter Label - Heraldic Lion (on label and in cachet)
From Bulgarian CoA
Label attached to
MI 3556AHU19820507 ILB Imperforate Gutter Label - Heraldic Lion (on label and in cachet)
From Bulgarian CoA
Label attached to
MI 3556B12 October 1984 - 200th Anniversary of Goldberg Textile Works in Budapest HU19841012 PC 1_00 Pre-stamped postcard 1.00
(sold at 1.40)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant (on stamp indiciuem and in cachet)
M 18 September 1987 - Stamp Day HU19870918 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00 Heraldic Lion
Wild Cat Art
Arms of King Mathias I
15th c. Wall decoration from Buda Castle
MI 3919AHU19870918 IMP 4_00 Imperforate stamp 4.00 Heraldic Lion
Wild Cat Art
Arms of King Matthias I
15th c. Wall decoration from Buda Castle
MI 3919B1990 Hungarian Kings (III) HU19900406 ST 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
CoA of Matthias Hunyadi/Matthias Corvinus/Mathias I
MI 4084AHU19900406 IMP 5_00 2 Imperforate stamp 5.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
CoA of Matthias Hunyadi/Matthias Corvinus/Mathias I
MI 4084B1990 New National Coat of Arms I HU19900817 MS 20_00 1 Miniature Sheet 20.00 Heraldic Lions (on several historical CoAs on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Same design as
HU19911115 MS 20_00 1
but ordinary print
MI B211AM HU19900817 IMS 20_00 1 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 20.00 Heraldic Lions (on several historical CoAs on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Same design as
HU19911115 IMS 20_00 1
but ordinary print
MI B211BHU19900817 MS 20_00 2
Miniature Sheet 20.00 Heraldic Lions (on several historical CoAs on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Same design as
HU19911115 MS 20_00 1
but ordinary print
Black control number and inscription on back - handed out as gift from the Hungarian Post
MI B211A I1990 Pro Philatelia - 500 Years of Organised Mail Services in Europe HU19901130 MS 50_00 Miniature Sheet 50.00 Heraldic Lions (in CoA on selvedge - Thurn und Taxis (?))
Single-stamp MS
MI B213HU19901130 FDC 50_00 First Day Cover 50.00 Heraldic Lions (in CoA on MS selvedge, postmark and in cachet - Thurn und Taxis (?))
Official FDC with MSHU19901130 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
(Thurn und Taxis (?))1991 New National Coat of Arms II HU19911115 MS 20_00 1
Miniature Sheet 15.00 Heraldic Lions (on several historical CoAs on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Same design as
HU19900817 MS 20_00 1
but holographic stamp
Black control number on back
MI B218aHU19911115 MS 20_00 2
Miniature Sheet 15.00 Heraldic Lions (on several historical CoAs on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Same design as
HU19900817 MS 20_00 1
but holographic stamp
Red control number on back
MI B218bHU19911115 MS 20_00 3
Miniature Sheet 15.00 Heraldic Lions (on several historical CoAs on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Same design as
HU19900817 MS 20_00 1
but holographic stamp
Red control number and overprint on back - handed out as gift from the Hungarian Post
MI B218 I1993 The Roman Missal of King Matthias Corvinus HU19930312 MS 40_00 1 Miniature Sheet 40.00 Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Arms of King Matthias I
Single-stamp MS
Joimt issue with Belgium
MI B225HU19930312 MS 40_00 2 Miniature Sheet 40.00 Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Arms of King Matthias I
This overprinted MS was handed out by the Hungarian Post as a souvenir to delegates at the NATO Spring Meeting 1993
Joint issue with Belgium
MI B225 with overprintHU19930312 FDC 15_00 First Day Cover - Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Arms of King Matthias I
Official Hungarian FDC
Joimt issue with Belgium
If you have a better scan of this item, please shareHU19930312 SC 1 Joint Suvenir Card - Heraldic Lions
Arms of King Matthias I
"Missale Romanum - Matthias Corvinus - Rex Hungariae"
Joimt issue with Belgium
Card issued by Hungary (no logo along bottom line - Hungarian text on back)
Stamps of both countries postmarked Brussels/ Budapest 4BE19930312 SC 2
Joint Suvenir Card - Heraldic Lions
Arms of King Matthias I
"Missale Romanum - Matthias Corvinus - Rex Hungariae"
Joimt issue with Belgium
Card issued by Belgium (Belgian Post logo along bottom line - Dutch and French text on back)
Stamps of both countries postmarked Brussels/ Budapest 4HU19930312 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Arms of King Matthias I
"Missale Romanum - Matthias Corvinus - Rex Hungariae"
Joimt issue with Belgium
Budapest 4
12 Mar 19931993 Centenary of Magyaróvár School of Agriculture HU19931111 ST 17_00 Stamp 17.00 Heraldic Lions
School Arms
MI 42631997 Coats of Arms I HU19970312 ST 27_00 1 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Hajdú-Bihar County
MI 4440HU19970312 ST 27_00 5 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
MI 4427HU19970312 ST 27_00 6 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Budapest
MI 4441HU19970312 ST 27_00 7 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Csongrád County
MI 44421997 Coats of Arms II HU19970326 ST 27_00 2 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of
MI 4429HU19970326 ST 27_00 4 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
MI 4431HU19970326 ST 27_00 7 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Pest County
MI 44341998 6th Interfaith Camp HU19980725 PMK 2000 Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
"6. Vallásközi Tábor - zsidó nap" ("6th Interfaith Camp - Jewish Day")
Szentendre 2
25 July 1998HU20160622 LB 1 Undenominated label - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Title page of Anatomiæ Pragæ anno 1600 by Jan Jesenius
Stamp-sized undenominated label
MI 5841ZfCZ_HU_PL_SK20160622 PP 11_70
Presentation pack EUR
11.70Heraldic Lion (on four labels)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Presentation pack with stamps from all 4 countries.
Issued by Slovakian Post5 September 2016 - 450th Anniversary of the Szigetvár Siege
Joint issue with Croatia
HU20160905 ST 300 2 Stamp 300 Heraldic Lion
Two Armed Lions Rampant
Szigetvár CoA
MI ???HU20160905 MS 600 Miniature sheet 600
(2 x 300)Heraldic Lion (on one stamp)
Two Armed Lions Rampant
Szigetvár CoA
Two-stamp MS with
HU20160905 ST 300 2
and another stamp
MI ???List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Elisabeth Hallsjö and Josefin Swärd.
Latest update: 1 June, 2019