CZECHIA (Czech Republic)
Stamps inscribed 'Česká Republika'.
<- 1993 See Czechoslovakia
1993 ->
From 1993: 1 Koruna (CZK) = 100 Halířů
Checklists > Countries > Czechia Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 20 January 1993 - Definitive - Lesser Czech CoA CZ19930120 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Lesser Czech CoA
MI 1CZ19930120 BK 15_00 Booklet 15.00
(5 x 3.00)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Lesser Czech CoA
Booklet with 5 x
CZ19930120 ST 3_00
MI MH0-122 June 1993 - Definitive - Greater Czech CoA CZ19930622 ST 8_00 Stamp 8.00 Heraldic Lion
Czech CoA
Stamp from
CZ19930622 MS 16_00
MI 10CZ19930622 MS 16_00 Miniature sheet 16.00
(2 x 8.00)Heraldic Lion
Czech CoA
2-stamp MS with 2 x
CZ19930622 ST 8_0025 March 1995 - HM Queen Elizabeth II's Visit to Prague CZ19960325 PC 5_00 Pre-stamped Postcard 5.00 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium and in cachet)
Czech CoA
Royal CoA of the UK
MI P1021 February 1997 - Singpex '97 CZ19970221 PC 3_00 Pre-stamped Postcard 3.00 Heraldic Lion
Singapore National Symbol (in cachet)
This also looks like a postmark, but we do not know if it was actually in use....
MI P18-A31997 Jewish Monuments in Prague CZ19970430 ST 10_00
Stamp 10.00 Heraldic Lion
Wild Cat Art
Carving on the tombstone of Rabbi Judah Loew
Stamp issued se-tenantly in sheetlets of 8 stamps - four of each design in set
Joint issue with Israel
MI 143CZ19970430 FDC 8_00 First Day Cover 8.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet only)
Wild Cat Art
Single-stamp FDC
Joint issue with IsraelCC CZ19970430 FDC 10_00 First Day Cover 10.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Carving on the tombstone of Rabbi Judah Loew
Single-stamp FDC
Joint issue with IsraelCC 1999 130th Anniversary of Postupice Post Office CZ19990000 PC 4_00 25701 Pre-stamped Postcard 4.00 Heraldic Lion
CoA of Postupice
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P27 (local cachet)1999 750th Anniversary of Mining in Jihlava CZ19990723 ST 8_00 Stamp 8.00 Heraldic Lion
MI 223CZ19990723 BK 64_00 Booklet 64.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Booklet with 8 x
CZ19990723 ST 8_00CZ19990723 FDC 8_00 First Day Cover 8.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ19990723 ST 8_002000 700th Anniversary of the Royal Mining Rights CZ20000301 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Kutná Hora CoA
Stamp from sheets or booklets
MI 245CZ20000301 BK 40_00 Booklet 40.00
(8 x 5.00)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Kutná Hora CoA
Booklet with 8 x
CZ20000301 ST 5_00
MI MH812000 60th Anniversary of Czechoslovak Field Post of 1940 CZ20001218 PC 5_00 1 Pre-stamped Postcard 5.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI P54-A32001 Burial of Emil Zátopek in Roznov CZ20010624 PSE 9_00 1 Pre-stamped Envelope 9.00 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Cachet in Gold
PSE No. B237a
MI U6 (localized)M CZ20010624 PSE 9_00 2 Pre-stamped Envelope 9.00 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Cachet in Gold
PSE No. B237b
MI U6 (localized)M 2001 10th Meeting in Tabor CZ20010914 PC 5_40 Pre-stamped Postcard 5.40 Heraldic Lion
Tabor CoA
PC No. B345
MI P67I (localized)2001 Meeting in Zatec CZ20010915 PC 5_40 Pre-stamped postcard 5.40 Heraldic Lion
Zatec CoA
PC No. B345
MI P67I (localized)2003 Kadaň Municipal Jubilee CZ20030203 PC 6_40 43201 Pre-stamped postcard 6.40 Heraldic Lion (on cachet)
Lion Rampant
Kadaň CoA
MI P79I (localized)2003 Vintage Car Exhibition in Liberec
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
CZ20030823 PC 6_40 Pre-stamped Postcard 6.40 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Association of Veteran Car Clubs Logo
Centrum Babylon Liberec Logo
MI P79I (localized)2004 250th Anniversary of Postal Services in Mladá Boleslav CZ20041025_27 PMK 29301 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Mladá Boleslav CoA
"250 let pošty v Mladé Boleslavi"
Mladá Boleslav 1
25-27 October 20042004 250th Anniversary of Kadaň Post Office CZ20041129 PC 6_50 43201 Pre-stamped postcard 6.50 Heraldic Lion (on cachet)
Lion Rampant
Kadaň CoA
MI P88II (localized)2005 Czech Stamp Day CZ20050512 PMK 62600 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Lesser Czech CoA
"Den české poštovní známky - Brno 2005"
Brno 26
12 May 200510-15 May 2005 - BRNO 2005: European Stamp Exhibition CZ20050510_15 MF BRNO 62600 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two crowned Lions Rampant
Czech CoA
"Evropská výstava poštovních známek"
Meter frank available at the stamp show.
626 00 Brno 26
10 - 15 May 20052005 Syřenov Meeting CZ20050827 PMK 51251 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
CoA of Syřenov
"Setkaní rodáků obce Syřenov"
51251 Lomnice nad Popelkov
27 August 20052006 HobbyMania 2006 CZ20060422 PC 7_50 Pre-stamped postcard 7.50 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
CSK19181107 ST 0_10 1
pictured in cachet
Pressfil card no. 02/06
MI P103II (personalised)2006 Czechoslovak Air Force in Great Briatin 1940-45 CZ20060913 PC 7_50 2 Pre-stamped postcard 7.50 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium)
Lion Rampant
RAF 310 Squadron Badge (Czechoslovak Sq.)
Pressfil card no. 28/06
MI P103II (personalised)2007 300th Anniversary of Czech Tehcnical University CZ20070110 ST 9_00 Stamp 9.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
University Logo
MI 4982008 Presidential Election CZ20080208_15 PMK 11900 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion (on cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech Presidential Standard
"Volba prezidenta České republiky"
Praha 012-Hrad (Prague 012 - Castle)
8 February 2008 (first election round) and
25-26 January 2013 (second round)2008 70th Anniversry of the Invasion of Czechoslovakia CZ20081001 PC 10_00 1 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38)
Main motif: Crying woman
Pressfil card no. 31/08
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20081001 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38)
Main motif: Newspaper front page
Pressfil card no. 32/08
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20081001 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38)
Main motif: Visit of Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya in occupied Košice
Pressfil card no. 33/08
MI P104III (personalised)2008 70th Anniversary of the Election of Dr. Emil Hacha as President of the Czech-Slovak Republic CZ20081128 PC 10_00 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lion Rampant Supporters
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak Presidential Standard (1918-version)
Pressfil card no. 36/08
MI P104III (personalised)2008 90th Anniversary of Scout Mail CZ20080919 PC 17_00 Pre-stamped Postcard 17.00 Heraldic Lions (in cachet)
Postcard No. PM67
MI P114I-B52009 90th Anniversary of the Inclusion of Carpathian Ruthenia in Czechoslovakia CZ20090427 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38)
Main motif: Village in Turje Valley
Pressfil card no. 25/09
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20090427 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38)
Main motif: Church in Ploské
Pressfil card no. 26/09
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20090427 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38)
Main motif: Group Photo from the Prague National Council
Pressfil card no. 27/09
MI P104III (personalised)2009 Birth Centenary of František Kožík CZ20090504 PC 10_00 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Lesser Czech CoA
Pressfil card no. 29/09
MI P104III (personalised)2009 95th Anniversary of World War I - Warring States CZ20090721 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Canadian Red Ensign
Pressfil card no. 46/09
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20090721 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Czechoslovak Legion Badge
Pressfil card no. 48/09
MI P104III (personalised)2009 175th Anniversary of the National Anthem CZ20091014 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Lesser Czech CoA
MI 6092010 700th Anniversary of House Luxembourg's Ascension to the Bohemian Throne I CZ20100310 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA
Lion Rampant from Luxembourg CoA and CoA of Henry VII
Cachet theme: Henry VII
Pressfil card no. 09/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100310 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA and House of Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Walram of Luxembourg
Pressfil card no. 10/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100310 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA, Luxembourg CoA, and flags
Cachet theme: Baldwin of Luxembourg
Pressfil card no. 11/10
MI P104III (personalised)2010 700th Anniversary of House Luxembourg's Ascension to the Bohemian Throne II CZ20100409 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Five Crowned Lions Rampant from Czech CoA and CoA of John the Blind
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: John the Blind
Pressfil card no. 15/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100409 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Five Crowned Lions Rampant from Czech CoA and CoA of John the Blind
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Elizabeth of Bohemia
Pressfil card no. 16/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100409 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Five Crowned Lions Rampant from Czech CoA and CoA of John the Blind
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Beatrix of Bourbon
Pressfil card no. 17/10
MI P104III (personalised)2010 700th Anniversary of House Luxembourg's Ascension to the Bohemian Throne III CZ20100605 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant from Czech CoA and CoA of Charles IV
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Charles IV
Pressfil card no. 21/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100605 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Three Crowned Lions Rampant from Czech CoA and CoA of John Henry
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: John Henry, Margrave of Moravia
Pressfil card no. 22/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100605 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Five Lions Rampant
Five Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech CoA
Luxembourg CoA
CoA of Wenceslaus I
Cachet theme: Wenceslaus I
Pressfil card no. 23/10
MI P104III (personalised)2010 700th Anniversary of House Luxembourg's Ascension to the Bohemian Throne IV CZ20100608 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant from Czech CoA
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Wenceslaus IV
Pressfil card no. 28/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100608 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Two Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA and Coa of Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Sigismund of Luxemburg, Holy Roman Emperor
Pressfil card no. 29/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100608 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Three Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA and Coa of John of Görlitz
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: John of Görlitz
Pressfil card no. 30/10
MI P104III (personalised)2010 700th Anniversary of House Luxembourg's Ascension to the Bohemian Throne V
Joint issue with Luxembourg
CZ20100616 ST 17_00 Stamp 17.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA
MI 6352010 700th Anniversary of House Luxembourg's Ascension to the Bohemian Throne VI CZ20100708 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
CoA of Jobst of Moravia
Cachet theme: Jobst of Moravia
Pressfil card no. 38/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100708 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium)
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: John Sobieslaw of Moravia
Pressfil card no. 39/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20100708 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium)
Crowned Lion Rampant from Czech CoA
Lion Rampant
from Luxembourg CoA
Cachet theme: Prokop of Moravia
Pressfil card no. 40/10
MI P104III (personalised)2010 Prague Postal Museum CZ20100929 ST A Stamp A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Austro-Hungarian Empire Post Office Sign
MI 6542010 10th Anniversary of the Regional Divisions of the Czech Republic CZ20101028 PC 10_00 1 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Croned Lion Rampant Supporters
Crowned Demi-Lion Rampant
Prague CoA
Pressfil card no. 51/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 2 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Four Crowned Lions Rampant
Central Bohemian CoA
Central Bohemian Flag
Pressfil card no. 52/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 3 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
South Bohemian CoA
South Bohemian Flag
Pressfil card no. 53/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 4 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Pilsen Regional CoA
Pilsen Regional Flag
Pressfil card no. 54/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 5 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Crowned Demi-Lion Rampant
Karlovy Vary Region CoA
Karlovy Vary Region Flag
Pressfil card no. 55/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 6 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Armed and Armored Lion Rampant
Ústí nad Labem Region CoA
Ústí nad Labem Region Flag
Pressfil card no. 56/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 7 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Liberec Region CoA
Liberec Region Flag
Pressfil card no. 57/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 8 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Hradec Králové Region CoA
Hradec Králové Region Flag
Pressfil card no. 58/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 9 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Pardubice Region CoA
Pardubice Region Flag
Pressfil card no. 59/10
MI P104III (personalised)CZ20101028 PC 10_00 10 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Vysočina Region CoA
Vysočina Region Flag
Pressfil card no. 60/10
MI P104III (personalised)2010 Czech Stamp Day CZ20101218 PMK 11000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Lesser Czech CoA
"Den české poštovní známky"
Praha 1 (Prague 1)
18 December 20102011 Czech Army Meter Frank CZ2011 MF ARCR 16000 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech Armed Forces CoA
"12.03.1999 - Armáda České Republiky - Členem NATO"
Machine no. 00116414
Earliest use reported:
3 March 2011
Latest use reported:
3 March 2011
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2011 Dvůr Králové nad Labem Muncipality Meter Frank CZ2011 MF DVKL 54417 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Dvůr Králové nad Labem CoA
"Mésto Dvůr Králové nad Labem - náměstí T.G. Masaryka 38 - 544 17 Dvůr Králové nad Labem"
Machine no. 0096386
544 01 Dvůr Králové nad Labem 1
Earliest use reported:
7 March 2011
Latest use reported:
7 March 2011
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.2011 600th Anniversary of the Death of Jobst of Moravia (1351-1411) CZ20110126 PC A 1 Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion )in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
CoA of Jobst of Moravia
Pressfil card no. 001/2011
MI P???2011 Kadaň 2 Pictorial Postmark CZ20110506_ PMK 43202 Permanent pictorial postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Kadaň CoA
432 02 Kadaň 2
First day of use:
6 May 2011
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2011 160th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Gerstner
Joint issue with Slovenia
CZ20110527 MS 34_00 Miniature Sheet 34.00 Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Žlutice CoA
Single-stamp MS
MI B452011 Bechyně Localised Postcard CZ20110622 PC A 39165 Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech CoA
Postcard no. A194/2011
MI P???2011 In Memory of Otto von Habsburg (1912-2011) CZ20110711 PC A 1 Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Medium CoA of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Pressfil card no. 31/2011
MI P???CZ20110711 PC A 2 Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Six Crowned Lion Heads
Two Lions Rampant
Greater Joint CoA of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Pressfil card no. 32/2011
MI P???2011 150th Anniversary of Chýnov Post Office CZ20110711_31 PMK 39155 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Austro-Hungarian CoA in old post office sign
"1861-2011 - 150 let pošty v Chýnově - C.K. Posstowni Auřad - K.K. Postamt und Poststation"
11-31 July 20112011 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Tobruk CZ20111109_16 PMK 11000 Commemorative postmark / First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Csechoslovakian Army CoA
This postmark was also used as FDP for a commemorative postcard issued on the first day of use
Praha 1 (Prague 1)
9 - 16 November 20112011 In Memory of Václav Havel CZ20111223 PC 10_00 Pre-stamped postcard 10.00 Heraldic Lion (on cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech Presidential Standard
MI P???2012 400th Anniversary of the Death of Emperor Rudolf II CZ20120119 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Three Crowned Lions Rampant
CoA of Emperor Rudolf II2012 800th Anniversary of Queen Dagmar's Death CZ20120516 PC E Pre-stamped postcard E
(20.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Crowned Lion Rampant
MI P???M 2012 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Emperor Charles I (1887-1922) CZ20120802 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Six Crowned Lion Heads
Two Lions Rampant
Greater Joint CoA of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Pressfil card no. 43/12
MI P???2012 125 Years of Czech Philately CZ20121107 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Lesser Czech CoA
MI P???M 2013 First Direct Presidential Election CZ20130111_26 PMK 11900 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech Presidential Standard
"1. Přímá volba prezidenta"
The cancel was mostly struck in red
Praha 012-Hrad (Prague 012 - Castle)
11-12 January 2013 (first election round) and
25-26 January 2013 (second round)2013 Inauguration of President Miloše Zemana CZ20130308 PMK 11900 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Czech Presidential Standard
"Inaugurace prezidenta Miloše Zemana"
The cancel was mostly struck in red
Praha 012-Hrad (Prague 012 - Castle)
8 March 20132013 International Day for Monuments and Sites CZ20130328 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(10.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium)
Crowned Heraldic Lion (on half-shield with Heraldic Eagle)
Pressfil card no. 13/13
MI P???2013 600th Anniversary of the Jihlava Coat of Arms CZ20130403 PC E Pre-stamped postcard E
(20.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Jihlava CoA (circa 1410)
MI P???2013 700th Deah Anniversary of Henry VII of Luxembourg CZ20130815 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (alongside stamp indicium)
Lion Rampant
CoA of Henry VII as Holy Roman Emperor
Pressfil card no. 37/13
MI P???2013 95th Anniversary of the Czech Scout Stamps CZ20130918 PC E Pre-stamped postcard E
(20.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Catstamps on Stamps
CSK19181107 ST 0_10 1
CSK19181107 ST 0_20
Postal Museum card no. 95 / PM 13-05
IP2013 20th Anniversary of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences CZ20131007_13 PMK 11000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Czech Tecnical University Logo
"Fakulta dopravní ČVUT v Praze - 20. výročí zahájení - 20 let"
Praha 1 (Prague 1)
7 October 20132013 75th Anniversary of the Czecho-Slovak Republic (1938-constitutional reform) CZ20131121 PC A 1 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Medium Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38 and 1945-61)
Pressfil card no. 56/13
MI P???2013 75th Anniversary of Dr. Emil Hacha's Election as President of Czechoslovakia (1938) CZ20131121 PC A 2 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Medium Czechoslovak CoA (1918-38 and 1945-61)
Pressfil card no. 57/13
MI P???2013 150th Birth Anniversary of Archduke Franz Ferdinand CZ20131205 PC A 2 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Pressfil card no. 59/13
MI P???2014 The Great War 1914-1918 (I) - Warring States CZ20140724 PC A 3 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Flag of the Czechslovak Legion
Pressfil card no. 23/14
MI P???3 September 2014 - 450th Birth Anniversary of Charles the Elder of Zierotin CZ20140903 FDC 29_00 First Day Cover 29.00 Heraldic Lion (on postmark and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Zierotin Family Arms
Official FDCCC CZ20140903 FDP 56112 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Zierotin Family Arms
Brandýs nad Orlicí
3 September 2014CC CZ20140903_05 PMK 60100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Zierotin Family Arms
This postmark was also used as FDP on its first day of use
Brno 1
3-5 September 20142014 75th Anniversary of the German Occupation / 25th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution CZ20141105 ST 13_00 Stamp 13.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Lesser Czech CoA
MI 8252015 The Great War 1914-1918 (II) - Warring states CZ20150212 PC A 1 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Passant
Old Bulgarian Flag (?)
Pressfil card no. 04/15
MI P???2015 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
This card and other items of this issue are also listed under Mythic Cats
CZ20150618 PC A 1 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
RAF 310 Squadron Badge (Czechoslovak Sq.)
Winged Lion Memorial at Klárov in Prague
Pressfil card no. 21/15
MI P???2015 75th Anniversary of Polička CZ20150821_22 PMK 57201 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Polička CoA
"750 Let Města"
21-22 August 20152015 300th Anniversary of Litvínov's City Status CZ20150928_1028 PMK 43601 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Litvínov CoA
"300 let od povýšení Litvínova na městys"
Litvínov 1
28 September -
28 October 20162015 The Great War 1914-1918 (III) - Warring states
An item from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
CZ20151105 PC A 3 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Six Lions Passant Guardant
Lion Rampant
Shield from the UK Royal CoA
"The British Commonwealth in Arms", War Poster, 1915 (unknown designer)
Pressfil card no. 46/15
MI P???BDC 2015 750th Anniversary of České Budějovice CZ20151111_13 PMK 37001 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
České Budějovice CoA
"750 let města - 1265–2015"
České Budějovice 1
11-13 November 20152016 275th Anniversary of the Birth of Empereor Joseph II. (1741-1790) CZ20160218 SPC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
3 Crowned Lion Heads
7 Crowned Lions Rampant
3 Lions Rampant
4 Lions Passant
CoA of Joseph II as Holy Roman Emperor
Pressfil card no. 05/16
MI P???2016 500th Death Anniversary of Vladislaus II (Jagiellon) of Bohemia & Hungary (1456-1516) CZ20160303 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Bohemian CoA
Pressfil card no. 07/16
MI P???28 April 2016 - Luxembourg Year 1316 - 2016 CZ20160428 PC A 2 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
"Blanche of Valois"
Pressfil card no. 13/16
MI P???CZ20160428 PC A 3 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Two Lions Rampant
"Anne of Bavaria"
Pressfil card no. 14/16
MI P???This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
CZ20160428 PC A 5 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Heraldic Griffin (in cachet)
Griffin Rampant
"Elizabeth of Pomerania"
Pressfil card no. 16/16
MI P???16-30 June 2016 - 180th Anniversary of Postal Services in Mělník CZ20160616_30 PMK 27601 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
Austro-Hungarian CoA
"180 Let Pošty na Mělníku"
Mělník 1
16-30 June 201622 June 2016 - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jesenius
Joint issue with Hungary, Slovakia and Poland
An item from this issue is also listed under Wild Cats
CZ20160622 LB 1 Undenominated label - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Title page of Anatomiæ Pragæ anno 1600 by Jan Jesenius
Stamp-sized undenominated label
MI 891ZfCZ20160622 FDC 27_00 First Day 27.00 Heraldic Lion (on undenominated label)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Title page of Anatomiæ Pragæ anno 1600 by Jan Jesenius
Official FDC with
CZ20160622 LB 1CZ_HU_PL_SK20160622 PP 11_70 Presentation pack EUR
11.70Heraldic Lion (on four labels)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Presentation pack with stamps from all 4 countries.
Issued by Slovakian Post28 August 2016 - Hradec Bell Day CZ20160828 PMK 50001 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Hradec Králové CoA (?)
"Den Zvoníků Hradecka"
Hradec Králové 1
28 August 20168 October 2016 - Old Maps of Bohemia Exhibition CZ20161008 PMK 11000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
"Staré Mapy Čech"
Praha 1 (Prague 1)
8 October 201620 January 2017 - Bohemian Regailia CZ20170120 FDC E First Day Cover E
(32.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Bohemian CoA
Official FDC17 May 2017 - 75th Anniversary of Operation Anthropoid CZ20170517 MS 46_00 Miniature sheet 46.00 Heraldic Lion (on undenominated label)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Csechoslovakian Army CoA
Single-stamp MS
MI B63CZ20170517 LB 7 Undenominated label - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Csechoslovakian Army CoA
Undenominated label from
CZ20170517 MS 46_0010 October 2018 - The 1918 Fight for Czech Statehood CZ20181010 ST 33_00 1 Stamp 33.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
on flag behind statue
Stamp from
CZ20181010 MS 66_00
MI 997CZ20181010 ST 33_00 2 Stamp 33.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
on flag behind Tomáš Masaryk
Stamp from
CZ20181010 MS 66_00
MI 998CZ20181010 MS 66_00 Miniature sheet 66.00
(2 x 33.00)Heraldic Lion (on both stamps and selvedge)
Two-stamp MS with
CZ20181010 ST 33_00 1 and
CZ20181010 ST 33_00 2
MI B73CZ20181010 FDC 33_00 1 First day cover 33.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Official FDC with
CZ20181010 ST 33_00 1CZ20181010 FDC 33_00 2 First day cover 33.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Official FDC with
CZ20181010 ST 33_00 2CZ20181010 FDP 11000 2 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant Head
Praha (Prague)
10 October 201810 October 2018 - 200th Anniversary of the National Museum CZ20181010 ST 19_00 Stamp 19.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Heraldic Lion on Fountain outside the National Museum in Prague
MI 99924 October 2018 - 100 Years of Independent Czechoslovakia: Orders and Medals CZ20181024 ST 27_00 1 Stamp 27.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Order of the White Lion
Stamp from
CZ20181024 MS 102_00
MI 1002CZ20181024 ST 33_00 Stamp 33.00 Heraldic Lion
Demi-lion Rampant
Medal for Heroism
CZ20181024 MS 102_00 Miniature sheet 102.00
+ 23.00
+ 27.00
+ 33.00)Heraldic Lion (on two stamps and selvedge)
Crowned Lion Rampant
This item is also listed under Wild Cats.CZ20181024 FDC 27_00 First day cover 27.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Order of the White Lion
Lion statue (in cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ20181024 ST 27_00 1CZ20181024 FDC 33_00 First day cover 33.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and postmark)
Demi-lion rampant14 November 2018 - Centenary of the Election of T.G. Masary as the First President of Czechoslovakia CZ20181114 FDP 11000 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Praha (Prague)
14 November 20185 December 2018 - The Prague Castle Guard CZ20181205 ST A Stamp A
(19.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Prague Castle Guard CoA
MI 101320 January 2019 - Centenary of the Masary University 22 May 2019 - Prague Castle through the Seasons CZ20190522 FDP 11000 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Czech Lesser CoA
Praha (Prague)
22 May 2019Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Vladislav Vančura, Barbora Brtnová, Vaclav
Fiala, Jiri Neumann, Henrik Hauge Eriksen, Robert Jarvis, Marci Jarvis, and Elisabeth Hallsjö.
Latest update: 10 June, 2019