Stamps inscribed 'Magyar Posta', 'Magyar Tanácsköztársaság' or 'Magyarország'
1871 - 1919 Austro-Hungarian Empire
1919 -> Indipendent republic
From 1871: 1 Forint (Austro-Hungarian Gulden) = 100 Krajczár
From 1892: 1 (Austro-Hungarian) Korona = 100 Fillér (= 0.5 Forints)
From 1919: 1 (Hungarian) Korona = 100 Fillér (= 1 A-H Korona)
From 1927: 1 Pengö = 100 Fillér (= 12,500 Korona)
From 1946: 1 Forint (HUF) = 100 Fillér (= 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengö)
Checklists > Countries > Hungary Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 15 December 1959 - Folk Tales
Valid until 31 January 1961 and then again from 1 September 1971
HU19591215 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing - Sleeping Beauty
Cats in Literature
MI 1643AHU19591215 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing - Hansel and Gretel
Cats in Literature
MI 1647AHU19591215 IMP 0_30 Imperforate stamp 0.30 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing - Sleeping Beauty
Cats in Literature
MI 1643BHU19591215 IMP 2_00 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing - Hansel and Gretel
Cats in Literature
MI 1647B15 December 1965 - Stories from 1001 Nights HU19651215 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Cat Drawing
Sahriar and Scheherezade with cat
Cats in Literature
MI 2185AHU19651215 IMP 0_30 Imperforate stamp 0.30 Cat Drawing
Sahriar and Scheherezade with cat
Cats in Literature
MI 2185BHU19651215 FDC 10_10 First Day Cover 10.10 Cat Drawing
Sahriar and Scheherezade with cat
Cats in Literature
FDC with perforate stampsHU19651215 FDC IMP 10_10 First Day Cover 10.10 Cat Drawing
Sahriar and Scheherezade with cat
Cats in Literature
FDC with imperforate stamps21 December 1967 - Paintings from the National Gallery in Budapest HU19671221 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Cat Painting
Gyula Derkovits (1894-1934): "Forced Evacuation", 1930
Cat Art
MI 2375AHU19671221 IMP 2_50 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Cat Painting
Gyula Derkovits (1894-1934): "Forced Evacuation", 1930
Cat Art
MI 2375BHU19671221 FDC 12_30 First Day Cover 12.30 Cat Painting
Gyula Derkovits (1894-1934): "Forced Evacuation", 1930
Cat Art
FDC with set of perforate stampsHU19671221 FDC IMP 12_30 First Day Cover 12.30 Cat Painting
Gyula Derkovits (1894-1934): "Forced Evacuation", 1930
Cat Art
FDC with set of imperforate stampsHU19671221 MC 2_50 Maximum Card 2.50 Cat Painting
Gyula Derkovits (1894-1934): "Forced Evacuation", 1930
Cat Art (on stamp and card)30 March 1968 - Cats HU19680330 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Unspecified Breed
MI 2387AHU19680330 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Persian (Cream)
MI 2388AHU19680330 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Persian (Black)
MI 2389AHU19680330 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified Breed
MI 2390AHU19680330 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Persian (White)
MI 2391AHU19680330 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Persian (Tabby)
MI 2392AHU19680330 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Siamese
MI 2393AHU19680330 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Persian (Blue)
MI 2394AHU19680330 IMP 0_20 Imperforate stamp 0.20 Unspecified Breed
MI 2387BHU19680330 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Persian (Cream)
MI 2388BHU19680330 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Persian (Black)
MI 2389BHU19680330 IMP 1_20 Imperforate stamp 1.20 Unspecified Breed
MI 2390BHU19680330 IMP 1_50 Imperforate stamp 1.50 Persian (White)
MI 2391BHU19680330 IMP 2_00 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Persian (Tabby)
MI 2392BHU19680330 IMP 2_50 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Siamese
MI 2393BHU19680330 IMP 5_00 Imperforate stamp 5.00 Persian (Blue)
MI 2394BHU19680330 FDC 3_30 First Day Cover 3.30 Persian
Siamese (on one stamp each)
Unspecified Breed (on one stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
FDC with
HU19680330 ST 0_60
HU19680330 ST 1_20
HU19680330 ST 2_50HU19680330 FDC 4_50 First Day Cover 4.50 Persian
FDC with
HU19680330 IMP 1_00
HU19680330 IMP 2_00
HU19680330 IMP 1_50HU19680330 FDC 5_20 First Day Cover 5.20 Unspecified Breed
FDC with
HU19680330 IMP 0_20
HU19680330 IMP 5_00HU19680330 FDC IMP First Day Cover 13.00 Persian
Unspecified Breed
FDC with Imperforate SeriesHU19680330 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Cat
Budapest 4
30 March 196818 June 1973 - Paintings by Tivadar Csontvary Kosztka HU19730618 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Cat Painting
"Maria's Well in Nazareth"
MI 2879AHU19730618 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Cat Painting
"Maria's Well in Nazareth"
MI 2879BHU19730618 FDC 15_00 First Day Cover 15.00 Cat Painting
"Maria's Well in Nazareth"
FDC with perforate setHU19730618 FDC IMP 15_00 First Day Cover 15.00 Cat Painting
"Maria's Well in Nazareth"
FDC with imperforate setHU19730618 MC 0_60 Maximum Card 0.60 Cat Painting
"Maria's Well in Nazareth" (on card and stamp)30 December 1974 - Young Domestic Animals HU19741230 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Siamese kittens (listed as Siamese but could be Sacred Birman - look long-aired to us)
MI 3008AHU19741230 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Siamese kittens (listed as Siamese but could be Sacred Birman - look long-aired to us)
MI 3008BHU19741230 FDC 15_00 First Day Cover 15.00 Siamese kittens
FDC with perforate stampsHU19741230 FDC IMP 15_00 First Day Cover 15.00 Siamese kittens
FDC with imperforate stamps1979 International Year of the Child HU19790226 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00 Cat Drawing
MI 3336AHU19790226 IMP 1_00 2 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Cat Drawing
MI 3336BHU19790226 FDC 3_00 First Day Cover 1.00 Cat Drawing
FDC with set of perforate stampsHU19790226 FDC IMP 3_00 First Day Cover 1.00 Cat Drawing
FDC with set of imperforate stamps1981 Illustrations HU19811229 ST 4_00 1 Stamp 4.00 Cat Drawing
Norman Rockwell (1894-1978); "Threading the Needle"
MI 3527AHU19811229 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00 Cat Drawing
Anna Lesznai (1885-1966): Detail from "Sunday"
MI 3530AHU19811229 IMP 4_00 1 Imperforate stamp 4.00 Cat Drawing
Norman Rockwell (1894-1978); "Threading the Needle"
MI 3527BHU19811229 IMP 6_00 Imperforate stamp 6.00 Cat Drawing
Anna Lesznai (1885-1966): Detail from "Sunday"
MI 3530BHU19811229 FDC 24_00 First Day Cover 24.00 Cat Drawings
FDC with set of perforate stampsHU19811229 FDC IMP 24_00 First Day Cover 24.00 Cat Drawings
FDC with set of imperforate stamps1982 New Year HU19821216 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Cartoon Cat
MI 3594AHU19821216 IMP 2_00 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Cartoon Cat
MI 35941989 Modern Paintings HU19891218 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Cat Painting
Endre Bálint: "Grotesque Burial"
MI 4058AHU19891218 IMP 10_00 Imperforate stamp 10.00 Cat Painting
Endre Bálint: "Grotesque Burial"
MI 4058B1991 Child Welfare HU19910430 ST 12__6 Stamp 12.00 + 6.00 Cat Weaving
Cat Art
Gabriella Hajnal: "Peter and the Wolf"
MI 4135AHU19910430 IMP 12__6 Imperforate stamp 12.00 + 6.00 Cat Weaving
Cat Art
Gabriella Hajnal: "Peter and the Wolf"
MI 4135BHU19910430 FDC 12__6 First Day Cover 12.00 + 6.00 Cat Weaving
Cat Art
Gabriella Hajnal: "Peter and the Wolf"
FDC with
HU19910430 ST 12_00__6_00HU19910430 FDC IMP 12__6 First Day Cover 12.00 + 6.00 Cat Weaving
Cat Art
Gabriella Hajnal: "Peter and the Wolf"
FDC with
HU19910430 IMP 12_00__6_001993 Child Welfare HU19930414 ST 10__5 Stamp 10.00 + 5.00 Cat Textile
Cat Art
Storeybook Characters by Erzsébet Szekeres
MI 4238HU19930414 FDC 27__13 First Day Cover 27.00 + 13.00 Cat Textile
Cat Art
Storeybook Characters by Erzsébet Szekeres
FDC with full set of stamps2005 For Youth - Cats HU20050204 ST 100 1 Stamp 100 Siamese
MI 5006HU20050204 ST 100 2 Stamp 100 Norwegian Forest Cat
MI 5007HU20050204 ST 100 3 Stamp 100 Persian (odd-eyed)
MI 5008HU20050204 ST 100__50 Semi-postal stamp 100 + 50 Unspecified breed
MI 5009HU20050204 MS 400__50 Miniature Sheet 400 + 50 Siamese
Norwegian Forest Cat
Unspecified Breed
MI B2952008 PhilaVillage I HU20080606 ST 100 2 Stamp 100 Cartoon Cat
MI 5290HU20080606 MISC B
PieceEntire Board
Piece of Board Game - Cartoon Cat HU20080606 MISC P Packaging of stamp set/board - Cartoon Cat 2008 Hello Greeting Stamps HU20081009 ST NVI 3 Stamp (with personalizable label) Inland letter (70 on issue date) Cartoon Cat
MI 5317HU20081009 SH NVI Sheetlet 20 x Inland letter (1400 on issue date) Cartoon Cat (on 4 stamps and on selvedge
The sheetlet also features a Lion
MI BO2314-5318List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis and Gertrude Hainzl.
Latest update: 18 April 2012