Stamps inscribed 'Magyar Posta', 'Magyar Tanácsköztársaság' or 'Magyarország'
1871 - 1919 Austro-Hungarian Empire
1919 -> Indipendent republic
From 1871: 1 Forint (Austro-Hungarian Gulden) = 100 Krajczár
From 1892: 1 (Austro-Hungarian) Korona = 100 Fillér (= 0.5 Forints)
From 1919: 1 (Hungarian) Korona = 100 Fillér (= 1 A-H Korona)
From 1927: 1 Pengö = 100 Fillér (= 12,500 Korona)
From 1946: 1 Forint (HUF) = 100 Fillér (= 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengö)
Checklists > Countries > Hungary Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1946 75 Years of Hungarian Stamps HU19460501 ST 500T__500T Semi-postal stamp 500,000
500,000Stylized Lion
Valid until
30 June 1946
MI 893HU19460501 ST 1M__1M Semi-postal stamp 1 M
+ 1 M (million)Stylized Lion
Valid until
30 June 1946
MI 894HU19460501 ST 1_5M__1_5M Semi-postal stamp 1.5 M
+ 1.5 M (million)Stylized Lion
Valid until
30 June 1946
MI 895HU19460501 ST 2M__2M Semi-postal stamp 2 M
+ 2 M (million)Stylized Lion
Valid until
30 June 1946
MI 8961948 Rebuilding of the Budapest Chain Bridge II
(Valid until 31 October 1949, and then again from
1 September 1971)HU19481016 ST 3_00__18_00 Semi-postal Stamp 3.00
+ 18.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
Stamp from MS
MI 1033HU19481016 MS 3_00__18_00 Semi-postal Miniature Sheet 3.00
+ 18.00Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
Single-stamp MS
MI B131949 Centenary of the Budapest
(Valid until 31 March 1950, and then again from
1 September 1971)HU19491120 MS 50_00 Miniature Sheet 50.00 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
Single-stamp MS
MI B171958 Hungarian Sights HU19581231 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 1566AHU19581231 IMP 2_00 Imperforate Stamp 2.00 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 1566B1961 Budapest Zoo HU19610224 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Tiger
MI 1731AHU19610224 IMP 0_80 Imperforate Stamp 0.80 Tiger
MI 1731B1964 Inauguration of the Elizabeth Bridge in Budapest HU19641121 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 2073AHU19641121 IMP 0_60 Imperforate Stamp 0.60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 2073B1965 Circus HU19650726 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Lions
MI 2145AHU19650726 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 European Wild Cat
MI 2146AHU19650726 ST 1_50 Stamp 2.50 Leopards/Black Panthers
MI 2148AHU19650726 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Leopard
MI 2149AHU19650726 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Lions
MI 2145BHU19650726 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 European Wild Cat
MI 2146BHU19650726 IMP 1_50 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Leopards/Black Panthers
MI 2148BHU19650726 IMP 3_00 Imperforate stamp 3.00 Leopard
MI 2149BHU19650726 FDC 14_00 First Day Cover 14.00 Lions
European Wild Cat
Black Panthers1966 Hunting Trophies HU19660704 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 European Wild Cat
MI 2257AHU19660704 IMP 0_70 Imperforate stamp 0.70 European Wild Cat
MI 2257BHU19660704 FDC 9_30 First Day Cover 9.30 European Wild Cat
FDC with set of perforate stampsHU19660704 FDC IMP 9_30 First Day Cover 9.30 European Wild Cat
FDC with set of imperforate stamps1969 Medallist of the Olympics in Mexico City HU19690307 MS 10_00 Miniature Sheet 10.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
Bavaria by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848), Munich
Single-stamp MS
MI B69AHU19690307 MS IMP 10_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 10.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
Bavaria by Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802-1848), Munich
Imperforate single-stamp MS
MI B69B1969 Budapest '71 Philatelic Exhibition HU19690522 ST 5_00__2_00 Semi-postal Stamp 5.00
+ 2.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 2504AHU19690522 IMP 5_00__2_00 Semi-postal Imperforate Stamp 5.00
+ 2.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 2504BHU19690522 FDC 5_00__2_00 First Day Cover 5.00
+ 2.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
Budapest (on stamp and postmark)HU19690522 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
Budapest 4
22 May 19691970 Hungarian Gold Smithery HU19701027 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Hercules and the Lion of Nemea"
Relief on tankard from 1690
MI 2631AHU19701027 IMP 3_00 Imperforate stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Hercules and the Lion of Nemea"
Relief on tankard from 1690
MI 2631B1975 European Cultural Heritage Preservation Year - Stamp Day HU19750913 ST 2_00__1_00 3 Semi-postal stamp 2.00
+ 1.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion-head fountain with lion shaped bases
Visegrád Castle
This set also contains Heraldic Lions
MI 3062AHU19750913 IMP 2_00__1_00 3 Imperforate semi-postal stamp 2.00
+ 1.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion-head fountain with lion shaped bases
Visegrád Castle
This set also contains Heraldic Lions
MI 3062BHU19750913 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion-head fountain with lion shaped bases
Visegrád Castle
Budapest 4
13 Sep 1975HU19750913 FDP 2025 First Day Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion-head fountain with lion shaped bases
Visegrád Castle
13 Sep 19751976 Young Wild Animals HU19760126 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Lynx
Two cubs
MI 3100AHU19760126 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00 Lion
Two cubs
MI 3104AHU19760126 IMP 0_80 Imperforate Stamp 0.80 Lynx
Two cubs
MI 3100BHU19760126 IMP 6_00 Imperforate Stamp 6.00 Lion
Two cubs
MI 3104B1978 Stamp Day - Roman Mosaics HU19780916 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Roman Mosaic from Villa Hercules in Budapest
MI 3311AHU19780916 IMP 2_00 2 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Roman Mosaic from Villa Hercules in Budapest
MI 3311B1979 Protected Animals HU19791120 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 European Wild Cat
MI 3385AHU19791120 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 European Wild Cat
MI 3385BHU19791120 FDC 14_00 First Day Cover 14.00 European Wild Cat
FDC with set of perforate stampsHU19791120 FDC IMP 14_00 First Day Cover 14.00 European Wild Cat
FDC with set of imperforate stamps1981 100th Birth Anniversary of Kálmán Kittenberger HU19810306 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Cheetah
MI 3470AHU19810306 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Lion
MI 3471ACTO HU19810306 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Leopard
MI 3472AHU19810306 IMP 0_40 Imperforate stamp 0.40 Cheetah
MI 3470BHU19810306 IMP 0_60 Imperforate stamp 0.60 Lion
MI 3471BHU19810306 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Leopard
MI 3472B1986 Protected Animals HU19861205 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00 European Wild Cat
MI 3860AHU19861205 IMP 2_00 1 Imperforate stamp 2.00 European Wild Cat
MI 3860BHU19861205 FDC 20_00 First Day Cover 20.00 European Wild Cat
FDC with set of perforate stampsHU19861205 FDC IMP 20_00 First Day Cover 20.00 European Wild Cat
FDC with set of imperforate stamps1993 Budapest Sights HU19931216 ST 17_00 Stamp 17.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
by Janos Marschalko (1819-1877)
Szechenyi chain bridge
MI 42701996 Naturexpo '96 in Budapest HU19960812 ST 13_00 4 Stamp 13.00 Eurasian Lynx
MI 44021997 African Fauna HU19970505 ST 27_00 Stamp 27.00 Lions
MI 4453M HU19970505 MS 90_00 Miniature Sheet 90.00 Leopard (on selvedge)
MI B2421998 American Fauna HU19980430 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 Ocelot
MI 45001999 Asian Fauna HU19990506 ST 27_00 Stamp 27.00 Tiger
Bengal Tiger
MI 4544HU19990506 ST 52_00 Stamp 52.00 Leopard / Panther
MI 45461999 Animal Protection - National Geographic Postcard HU19990914 PC 27_00
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped postcard 27.00 Lion (on stamp indicium and on picture side)
MI P682IPM HU19990914 FDC 27_00 First Day Cancelled Postcard 27.00 Lion (on stamp indicium and on picture side)
Tiger (in postmark)
HU19990914 PC 27_00
cancelled on the day of issue with official FDPCC HU19990914 FDP 1014 First Day Postmark - Tiger
"Óvjuk A Föld Állatait!" ["Protect the Animals of the World"]
Budapest 4
14 September 1999CC 2001 Chairs HU20010209 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Chair with Lion-shaped arm-rest
made by Ignac Alpar. (1896)
MI 46472002 Bi-Centenary of The Natural Sciences Museum HU20020509 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 European Wild Cat
MI 4278HU20020509 FDC 338_00 Fist Day Cover 338.00 European Wild Cat
FDC with full set of stamps2004 Jersusalem Day HU20040519 PMK 2471 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Jeruzsálem-nap 5764 ijjár 28."
19 May 20042005 The Zodiac HU20050103 ST 50 8 Stamp 50 Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI 50002008 Zoo Jubilees HU20080814 ST 260 2 Stamp 260 Lion
MI 5297ILS HU20080814 MS 520 Miniature Sheet 520 Lion (on stamp only)
MI B3212008 Hello Greeting Stamps HU20081009 ST NVI 5 Stamp (with personalizable label) Inland letter
(70 on issue)Cartoon Lion
This set also features a domestic cat
MI 5315HU20081009 SH NVI Sheetlet 20 x Inland letter
(1400 on issue)Cartoon Lion (on 4 stamps and on selvedge
The sheetlet also features a domestic cat
MI KB5314-53182009 Save the Glaciers and Polar Regions HU20090327 ST 145 1 Stamp 145 Snow Leopard
MI 5336 IHU20090327 ST 145 2 Stamp 145 Snow Leopard
Offset/screen printing
MI 5336 II2009 Stamp Day - Visegrád Millenium Jubilee HU20090605 ST 100 Stamp 100 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion's Head - stone carving from a gothic well
MI 5355This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
HU20160506 ST 115 Stamp 115 Lion
Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bas relief from the grave of Emperor Constantius I in Szombathely
MI 58182016 150th Anniversary of Budapest Zoo HU20160809 MS 1000 1 Miniature sheet 1000 Lion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Black control number
MI B390AIHU20160809 MS 1000 2 Miniature sheet 1000 Lion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Green control number
MI B390AIIHU20160809 IMS 1000 Imperforate miniature sheet 1000 Lion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B390B2017 Centenary of Lions International HU20170403 ST 120 Stamp 120 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI ???HU20170403 SH 1200 Sheetlet 1200
(10 x 120)Lion (on all stamps and in margin)
Lions Club Emblem
MI ???HU20170403 FDC 120 First Day Cover 120 Lion (on stamp, postmark, and cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
Official FDC with
HU20170403 ST 120HU20170403 FDP 1365 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"100 éves a Lions Clubok Nemsetközi Szövetsége"
MP Budapest 5
3 April 2017HU20170403 LB 1 Marginal label - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Top marginal label from
HU20170403 SH 1200List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis, Gertrude Hainzl,
Josefin Swärd, TS Tan, and Tamás Endrödi.
Latest update: 25 April, 2017