As the inventor of postage stamps GB is allowed by the UPU to issue stamps without country name. The Sovereign's image is, however, allways included.
1840 ->
Country/regional definitives issued for England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireleand, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man are valid for postage throughout he United Kingdom, but mainly listed under the respective countries. Items with mixed stamps from various countries/regions and/or ordinary GB stamps are listed under all applicable countries/regions.
From 1840: 1 Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1970: 1 Pound (GBP) = 100 Pence
Checklists > Countries > Great Britain Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 6 May 1840 - Mulready Postal Stationary
UnfoldedGB18400506 LS 0_0_1 Lettersheet 0-0-1 Lion (in illustration)
UnfoldedGB18400506 LS 0_0_2 Lettersheet 0-0-2 Lion (in illustration)
MI F2If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB18400506 PSE 0_0_1 Pre-franked envelope 0-0-1 Lion (in illustration)
MI U1GB18400506 PSE 0_0_2 Pre-franked envelope 0-0-2 Lion (in illustration)
MI U222 July 1897 - The London Philatelic Exhibition GB18970722 LB 1 Publicity label/ poster stamp - Lion
Publicity label with design like the Mulready Postal StationariesBEB 22 June 1911 - Definitives GB19110622 ST 0_0_1 1 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and booklet
1st engraving - somewhat blurry design - lightly shaded lion
Watermark 11 upright
Perf. 15:14
MI 122IXGB19110622 ST 0_0_1 2 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and booklet
1st engraving - somewhat blurry design - lightly shaded lion
Watermark 11 upside-down
Perf. 15:14
MI 122IZGB19110622 ST 0_0_1 3 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and booklet
1st engraving - somewhat blurry design - lightly shaded lion
No watermark
Perf. 15:14
We are not certain how to distinguish between this stamp and
GB19120800 ST 0_0_1 3
MI 122W1 January 1912 - Definitives I If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120101 ST 0_0_1 1 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets, coils and booklets
2nd engraving - sharper design - heavily shaded lion
Watermark 11 upright
Perf. 15:14
MI 122IIXIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120101 ST 0_0_1 2 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets, coils and booklets
2nd engraving - sharper design - heavily shaded lion
Watermark 11 upside-down
Perf. 15:14
MI 122IIZAugust 1912 - Definitives II If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120800 ST 0_0_1 1 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from booklets
1st engraving - somewhat blurry design - lightly shaded lion
Watermark 12 upright
Perf. 15:14
MI 124IXIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120800 ST 0_0_1 2 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from booklets
1st engraving - somewhat blurry design - lightly shaded lion
Watermark 12 upside-down
Perf. 15:14
MI 124IZIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120800 ST 0_0_1 3 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from booklets
1st engraving - somewhat blurry design - lightly shaded lion
No watermark
Perf. 15:14
We are not certain how to distinguish between this stamp and
GB19110622 ST 0_0_1 3
MI 124IWIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120800 ST 0_0_1 4 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and coils
2nd engraving - sharper design - heavily shaded lion
Watermark 12 upright
Perf. 15:14
MI 124IIXIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19120800 ST 0_0_1 5 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and coils
2nd engraving - sharper design - heavily shaded lion
No watermark
Perf. 15:14
MI 124IIW1912 - Definitives III If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19121000 ST 0_0_1 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and coils
2nd engraving - sharper design - heavily shaded lion
Watermark 13 upright
Perf. 15:14
MI 126If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19121000 IMP 0_0_1 Imperforate stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Stamp from sheets and coils
2nd engraving - sharper design - heavily shaded lion
Watermark 13 upright
Perf. 15:14
MI 126U1922/23/24 - British Empire Exhibition Slogan postmarks GB19220000 PMK B10 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
1922B (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
No point between '1922' and 'B'
Earliest use reported:
9 November 1922
Latest use reported:
19 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DP GB19230000 PMK B10 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Birmingham - 1923B
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine. Point between '1923' and 'B'
Earliest use reported:
5 March 1923
Latest use reported:
14 April 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DP GB19230000 PMK B10 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Birmingham - 1923B
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine. No point between '1923' and 'B'
Earliest use reported:
1 January 1923
Latest use reported:
6 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19221022_ PMK BD1 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First date of use:
22 October 1922
Latest use reported:
10 October 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB192220000_ PMK BD1 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Bradford (no town or date shown - 'BD' in a triangle)
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19221022_ PMK BH1 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First date of use:
22 October 1922
Latest use reported:
4 May 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDP If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB192220000_ PMK BH1 BH Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Bournemouth (no town or date shown - 'BH' in a triangle)
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 BH1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_1 BH1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1 Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know
GB19230000 PMK BN1
Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First date of use:
16 October 1922
Latest use reported:
17 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19220000_ PMK BN1 BR Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Brighton (no town or date - 'BR' in a triangle)
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 BN1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_1 BN1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1 Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_2 BN1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-2 Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19220000_ PMK BS1 A 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
1922/23A (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
22 December 1922
Latest use reported:
8 October 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19230000 PMK BS1 A 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
23 January 1923
Latest use reported:
10 April 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19240000 PMK BT1 A
Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924 - Visit the Ulster Pavillion"
Earliest use reported:
1 May 1924
Latest use reported:
16 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19221013_ PMK CF10 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First day of use:
13 October 1922
Latest use reported:
13 October 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DL If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 CF10 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19221022_ PMK DD1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
22 October 1922
Latest use reported:
21 March 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DL If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_15 DD1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000 PMK E1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E1
Single circle datestamp (year in centre) from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
9 December 1922
Latest use reported:
??? 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000_ PMK EC B 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1922/3 B (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
24 November 1922
Latest use reported:
12 October 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIL GB19220000_ PMK EC B 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1922 B (Large B - point after year and B) (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
5 December 1922
Latest use reported:
30 November 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000 PMK EC B 3 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1923/4 B
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
??? December 1922
Latest use reported:
20 February 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIL GB19220000_ PMK EC D 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1922/3/4 D (no point after D) (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
8 November 1922
Latest use reported:
17 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000_ PMK EC D 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1922 D (point after D) (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
23 November 1922
Latest use reported:
30 May 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL GB19230000_ PMK EC D 3 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1923 D (large D) (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
6 March 1923
Latest use reported:
6 March 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PMK EC D 4 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1923/24 D
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
6 March 1923
Latest use reported:
??? 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL GB19220000 PMK EC G Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1922 G (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
8 November 1922
Latest use reported:
29 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL GB19230000_ PMK EC G 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1923 G (no point after G)
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
17 January1923
Latest use reported:
7 March 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.BEB GB19230000_ PMK EC G 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London E.C.
1923 G (point after G)
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
4 August 1923
Latest use reported:
6 November 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowBDC GB19220000 PMK EC1R E Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1922/4 E (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
7 November 1922
Latest use reported:
??? 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000 PMK EC1R E Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1923/4 E
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
5 January 1923
Latest use reported:
2 February 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000 PMK EC1R F Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1922 F (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine and hour markings
Earliest use reported:
10 November 1922
Latest use reported:
21 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000 PMK EC1R F Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1923/4 F
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine with hour markings
Earliest use reported:
9 March 1923
Latest use reported:
13 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIL GB19220000 PMK EC1R H 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1922.. H (at foot of circle - two points after year)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine, with hour markings
Earliest use reported:
29 November 1922
Latest use reported:
29 November 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DL GB19230000 PMK EC1R H 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1923 H (at foot of circle - no points after year)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine, with hour markings
Earliest use reported:
22 October 1923
Latest use reported:
22 October 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL GB19230000 PMK EC1R H 3 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London (Mount Pleasant Sorting Office)
1923 H
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine with hour markings
Earliest use reported:
9 March1923
Latest use reported:
??? 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PMK EDO Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London Eastern District Office (no town or date shown - 'EDO' in a triangle)
Single impression from Hey Dolphin machine
First date reported:
8 January 1923
Latest use reported:
6 December 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL GB19220000 PMK EH1 A 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
1922 A (at foot of circle)
Point between 1922 and A
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
18 December 1922
Latest use reported:
31 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDP GB19230000 PMK EH1 A 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Edinburgh A
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
13 February 1923
Latest use reported:
13 May 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDP GB19240000 PMK EH1 B Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Edinburgh B
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
??? 1924
Latest use reported:
??? 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000 PMK EX1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
10 October 1922
Latest use reported:
19 May 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDL GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 EX1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19221022_ PMK FY1 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First date of use:
22 October 1922
Latest use reported:
24 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDL
DPGB19220000_ PMK FY1 BIC Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Blackpool (no town or date shown - 'BIC' in a triangle
Continuous Impression from Krag Machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PMK G1 B Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Glasgow B
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine (year in centre)
Earliest use reported:
10 December 1923
Latest use reported:
9 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000_ PMK G1 D Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Glasgow D
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine (year in centre)
Earliest use reported:
15 December 1922
Latest use reported:
6 November 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000 PMK HU1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Hull (year at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
10 December 1922
Latest use reported:
12 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000 PMK HU1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
6 January 1923
Latest use reported:
26 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIP GB19220000_ PMK L1 B 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Liverpool 1922 B (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
4 December 1922
Latest use reported:
4 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000 PMK L1 B 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Liverpool - 1923/4 B
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
14 February 1923
Latest use reported:
5 May 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIL GB19220000_ PMK M1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Single circle datestamp (year in centre) from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
11 October 1922
Latest use reported:
16 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDL GB19230000_ PMK M1 K Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Manchester K
Single circle datestamp (year in centre) from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
17 September 1923
Latest use reported:
??? 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PMK M1 M Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Manchester M
Single circle datestamp (year in centre) from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
27 May 1923
Latest use reported:
27 May 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19220000_ PMK NW1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London N.W.1
Single circle datestamp (year in centre) from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
??? 1922
Latest use reported:
8 March 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19221022_ PMK PO1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date reported:
11 October 1922
Latest use reported:
13 May 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL GB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 PO1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB1922110000_ PMK PO12 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Early November 1922 1922
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19221022_ PMK PR1 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
22 October 1922
Latest use reported:
25 January 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000_ PMK PR1 PR Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Preston (no town or date - 'PR' in triangle)
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 PR1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19221022_ PMK S3 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
22 October 1922
Latest use reported:
5 February 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PAID 0_0_05 S3 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PAID 0_0_15 S3 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
Earliest use reported:
29 September 1923
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19221100_ PMK SR1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Early November 1922
Latest use reported:
16 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19230000_ PAID 0_0_15 SR1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Continuous impression from Krag machine
First date of use:
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19220000_ PMK SW1 A 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Centered year and space between year desk code
London SW1
1922/23/24 A
Earliest use reported:
2 November 1922
Latest use reported:
??? 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIL GB19240000_ PMK SW1 A 3 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Centered year, with "added" desk code without space in between (giving a skewed impression).
London SW1
1924 A
Earliest use reported:
25 June 1924
Latest use reported:
25 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DP GB19230000_ PMK SW1 A 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
London SW1 - 1923/24 A
Earliest use reported:
15 January 1923
Latest use reported:
27 February 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL/
ARR(the scan is from a proof print - hence the colour)
GB19230000 PMK SW16 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
Streatham SW16 - 1923
Earliest use reported:
28 September 1923
Latest use reported:
28 September 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19240000 PMK W1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London W1 - 1924 (no desk code - at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
1 February 1924
Latest use reported:
20 June 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.BEB GB19230000 PMK W1 A Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London W1
1923A (at foot of circle)
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
4 January 1923
Latest use reported:
4 January 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.BEB GB19220000 PMK W1 C Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London W1
1922C (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
8 November 1922
Latest use reported:
14 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19230000 PMK W1 C 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London W1 - 1923C - no point between 1923 and C
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
26 January 1923
Latest use reported:
3 July 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DL GB19230000 PMK W1 C 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London W1 - 1923C - point between 1923 and C
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
12 October 1923
Latest use reported:
29 November 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19220000 PMK WC A 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London WC
1922 A (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
8 November 1922
Latest use reported:
13 December 1922
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DL GB19230000 PMK WC A 2 Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London WC
1923/24 A
Double circle datestamp from Hey Dolphin machine
Earliest use reported:
8 January 1923
Latest use reported:
22 May1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowIL GB19230000_ WC B Slogan postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition 1924"
London WC
1923 B (at foot of circle)
Single circle datestamp from Universal machine
Earliest use reported:
9 November 1923
Latest use reported:
9 November 1923
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know1924 - British Empire Exhibition Some of these items also shows Heraldic Lions
GB19240423 ST 0_0_1 1 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Line perf. 14
MI 166AGB19240423 ST 0_0_1 2 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Comb perf. 14
MI 166CGB19240423 ST 0_0_1 3 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Line perf. 14, imperf. left
MI 166A UlGB19240423 ST 0_0_1 4 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Line perf. 14, imperf. bottom
MI 166A UuGB19240423 ST 0_0_1_5 1 Stamp 0-0-1½ Lion
Line perf. 14
MI 167AGB19240423 ST 0_0_1_5 2 Stamp 0-0-1½ Lion
Comb perf. 14
MI 167CGB19240423 ST 0_0_1_5 3 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
Line perf. 14, imperf. left
MI 167A UlGB19240423 PC 0_0_1 Pre-stamped postcard 0-0-1 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Card size 115 x 89 mm
MI P59M GB19240423 PC 0_0_1_5 Pre-stamped postcard 0-0-1½ Lion (in stamp indicium)
Card size 139 x 89 mm
MI P60GB19240423 PSE 0_0_1_5 Pre-stamped envelope 0-0-1½ Lion (in stamp indicium)
Envelope size 120 x 93 mm
MI U28GB19240423 LC 0_0_1_5 Pre-stamped letter card 0-0-1½ Lion (in stamp indicium)
MI K11GB19240423 PAID 0_0_0_5 1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-½ Lion
Slogan postmark used at North West District Office to handle bulk mailings from the Exhibition POGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1 1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1 Lion
Slogan postmark used at North West District Office to handle bulk mailings from the Exhibition POGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1_5 1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
Slogan postmark used at North West District Office to handle bulk mailings from the Exhibition POGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1_5 2 Paid / Hand Rubber Postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
Manual Rubber Postmark used at North West District Office to handle bulk mailings from the Exhibition POGB19240423 PAID 0_0_2 1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-2 Lion
Slogan postmark used at North West District Office to handle bulk mailings from the Exhibition POGB19240423 PAID 0_0_2_5 1 Paid / Slogan postmark 0-0-2½ Lion
Slogan postmark used at North West District Office to handle bulk mailings from the Exhibition POGB19240423 PAID 0_0_0_5 2 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Black Town Mark
Read about the Model NZ machines used at Wembley hereGB19240423 PAID 0_0_0_5 3 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_0_5 4 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 2a - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1 2 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-1 Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Black Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1 3 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-1 Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1_5 3 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-1½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Black Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1_5 4 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-1½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_1_5 5 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-1½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 2a - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_2_5 2 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-2½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Black Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_2_5 3 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-2½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_2_5 4
Specimen with slogan
Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-2½ Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 2a - Red Town MarkGB19240423 PAID 0_0_6 Postage Paid / Meter Frank 0-0-6 Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Black Town MarkGB19240423 PAID MIX Postage Paid / Meter Frank - Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition's New Zealand Pavillion
Machine no. 1 - Red Town Mark
A combination of value dies could be used for other denominationsGB1924 GB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 1 Commemorative Slogan postmark - Lion
"Wembley Park 1924"
Empire Exhibition
Slogan postmark used at the exhibition main post office
Earliest use reported:
23 April 1924
Latest use reported:
1 Nov 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDL GB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 2 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park 1924"
Manual steel postmark used at the exhibition main post office
Earliest use reported:
23 April 1924
Latest use reported:
28 Oct 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDL GB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 3 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park 1924"
Manual rubber postmark used at the exhibition main post office
Earliest use reported:
?? ?? ????
Latest use reported:
?? ?? ????
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 4 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley - Palace of Industry"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition in the Palace of Industry
Earliest use reported:
23 March 1924
Latest use reported:
12 August 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 5 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley - Palace of Engineering"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition in the Palace of Engineering
Earliest use reported:
23 March 1924
Latest use reported:
23 March 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 6 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley - Stadium"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition at the Stadium
Earliest use reported:
23 March 1924
Latest use reported:
23 March 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19240423_0000 PMK HA0 7 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Conference Hall"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition at the Conference Hall
Earliest use reported:
23 March 1924
Latest use reported:
23 March 1924
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know1925 - British Empire Exhibition
Some of these items also shows Heraldic Lions
GB19250509 ST 0_0_1 Stamp 0-0-1 Lion
MI 168GB19250509 ST 0_0_1_5 Stamp 0-0-1½ Lion
MI 169GB19250509 PC 0_0_1 Pre-stamped postcard 0-0-1 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Card size 115 x 89 mm
MI P61GB19250509 PC 0_0_1_5 Pre-stamped postcard 0-0-1½ Lion (in stamp indicium)
Card size 139 x 89 mm
MI P62GB19250509 PSE 0_0_1_5 Pre-stamped envelope 0-0-1½ Lion (in stamp indicium)
Envelope size 120 x 93 mm
MI U29GB19250509 LC 0_0_1_5 Pre-stamped letter card 0-0-1½ Lion (in stamp indicium)
MI K12GB19250000 PAID 0_0_1_5 1 PP Postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park Gt. Britain (1)"
Round handstamp used at the exhibition
Earliest use reported:
24 July 1925
Latest use reported:
21 October 1925
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.GB19250000 PAID 0_0_1_5 2 PP Postmark 0-0-1½ Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park Gt. Britain (2)"
Round handstamp used at the exhibition
Earliest use reported:
27 October 1925
Latest use reported:
27 October 1925
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19250000 PAID 0_0_2_5 PP Postmark 0-0-2½ Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park Gt. Britain (1)"
Round handstamp used at the exhibition
Earliest use reported:
5 March 1925
Latest use reported:
5 March 1925
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowGB19250000 PAID 0_0_6 Postage Paid / Meter Framk 0-0-6 Lion
Meter Frank used at the Exhibition
We are uncertain whether this was ever used. We have only seen a specimen dated 25 January 1925GB192500501_1114 PMK HA0 1 Commemorative Slogan postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park"
Slogan postmark used at the exhibition main post office
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925IP GB192500501_1114 PMK HA0 2 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley Park"
Manual steel postmark with massive markers on both sides of the year
Used at the exhibition main post office
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925GB192500501_1114 PMK HA0 3 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"British Empire Exhibition Wembley"
Manual steel postmark with "five spot- markers" on both sides of the year
Used at the exhibition main post office (?)
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925 (?)GB19250501_0000 PMK HA0 4 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley - Palace of Industry"
Manual steel postmark
Used at the Palace of Industry PO
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925 (?)GB19250501_0000 PMK HA0 5 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley - Palace of Engineering"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition in the Palace of Engineering
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925 (?)GB19250501_0000 PMK HA0 6 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Wembley - Stadium"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition at the Stadium
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925 (?)GB19250501_0000 PMK HA0 7 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Empire Exhibition Conference Hall"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition at the Conference Hall
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925 (?)GB19250501_0000 PMK HA0 8 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"P.O. Exhibit. Govt. Pavillion"
Manual postmark used at the exhibition at the Conference Hall
Used for the duration of the 1925 exhibition 1 May - 14 Nov 1925 (?)1944 BFPS Christmas Air Letter GB19441000 AEG MIL 1
Address sideInside
Military Air Letter PP Tiger (on address side and inside)
Air letter for military personnel in India
This item is also listed under IndiaDL 1969 HMS Puma at the Kieler Woche
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB19690625_29 MIL F-34 Military Ship Cachet - Heraldic Puma
Ship's Crest
"Kieler Woche - 22.-29. Juni 1969 - HMS. Puma / F-34 - Great Britain"
Commemorative cachetDL 1970 Lions District Conference GB19700417 PMK M1 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 185 Dist. Convention - April 17-18 1970 - We serve"
17-18 Apr 19701970 Battle of Blenheim GB19700813 PMK BFPS1213
On comm. cover
Cover inlay
Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Lion of England
"Battle of Blenheim"
British Forces Postal Service 1213
13 August 1970DL 1970 Philympia GB19700923 PMK W14 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Philympia - Commonwealth Day"
23 September 1970DL 1971 75th Anniversary of the Bristish South Africa Company Medal GB19710324 PMK BFPS1226
On comm. cover
Cover inlay
Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
The British South Africa Company Medal
"Rhodesia 1896 - British South Africa Company - British South Africa Company Medal - 75th Anniversary
British Forces Postal Service 1226
24 March 1971DL 1971 Anniversary of the Relief of Lucknow GB19711117 PMK BFPS1250
On comm. cover
Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"Anniversary of the Relief of Lucknow"
British Forces Postal Service 1250
17 November 1971DL 1971 National Army Museum Medals Exhibition GB19711117 PMK BFPS1251
On comm. cover
Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Indian Mutiny Medal
"Medals Exhibition - National Army Museum London"
British Forces Postal Service 1251
17 November 1971DL 1972 Bristol Zoo Slogan postmark GB19720000 PMK B2 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"Let's go to Bristol Zoo"
Birmingham P
Earliest use seen:
5 Sep 1972
Latest use seen:
5 Sep 1972
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know1972 Indian Army Medals Exhibition GB19720117 PMK BFPS1254 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Indian Army Medals Exhibition - National Army Museum London"
British Forces Postal Service 1254
17 January 1972DL 1972 Belgica '72 GB19720629 PMK BFPS1300
On comm. cover
Commemorative postmark - Lion
"British Day - Belgica"
British Forces Postal Service 1300
29 June 1972SF 1973 Lions International District Congress GB19730405 PMK SA1 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Cynhadledd Llewod Rhyngwladol Rhanbart 105"
Abertawe / Swansea
5 April 19731973 60th Anniversary of the Formation of No. 230 Squadron GB19731415 PMK BFPS1308 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"60th Anniversary of the Formation of No. 230 Squadron"
British Forces Postal Service 1308
15 April 1973DLC 1974 50th Anniversary of Britain's First Commemorative Stamps GB19740423 PMK HA0 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Britain's First Commemorative Stamps - 50th Anniversary - 1924 - 1974"
Wembley, Middlesex
23 April 1974DL 1975 National Stamp Day GB19750506 MISC SS Souvenir Sheet (no franking value) - Lion
Souvenir Sheet commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the 1925 Empire Exhibition, showing
GB19250509 ST 0_0_1
GB19250509 ST 0_0_1_5M 1975 National Lions Day GB19750607 PMK NR17 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"National Lions Day"
Attleborough, Norfolk
7 June 19751975 British Philatelic Exhibition GB19751029 PMK W1
On commemorative
Commemorative postmark - Lion
"British Philatelic Exhibition"
London W1
29 Oct 1975DL GB19751029 MISC SS
Info sheet
Souvenir Sheet (no franking value) - Lion
Plate proof of
GB19250509 ST 0_0_1
given out with the exhibition catalogueM May 1976 - Blackpool Zoopark Slogan Postmark GB19760500_ PMK FY8 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"Tigerrific - That's Blackpool Zoopark"
Fylde, Blackpool, ?kre, Lancs. 2
Earliest use reported:
29 July 1976
Latest use reported:
29 July 1976
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1977 Silver Jubilee Souvenir Silver Ingots Souvenir Silver Ingot - Lion
Silver ingot showing
GB19250509 ST 0_0_1_5
issued for the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II
Ingot no. 14 of the "Stamps of Royalty" series1978 British Architecture - Historic Buildings GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
Detail photos
Stamp 0.13 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
Stamp from sheets or MS
MI 763GB19780301 ST 0_13 2 Stamp 0.13 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
Stamp from
GB19780301 MS 0_535 2
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
missing yellowish olive colour
MI 763FIGB19780301 ST 0_13 3 Stamp 0.13 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
Stamp from
GB19780301 MS 0_535 5
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
missing light orange colour
MI 763FIIGB19780301 IMP 0_13 Imperforate stamp 0.13 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
Stamp from imperforate MS (variety)
MI 763UThis item exists overprinted CEPT EUROPA 1978. We are not certain of the status of this overprint. If you know, please share that information with us GB19780301 MS 0_535 1 Miniature Sheet 0.535
(franking value 043.5)Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
4-stamp MS with
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
and 3 other stamps in set
MI B1GB19780301 MS 0_535 2 Miniature Sheet 0.535
(franking value 043.5)Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
4-stamp MS with
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
and 3 other stamps in set
GB19780301 MS 0_535 1
missing yellowish olive colour
MI B1FIGB19780301 MS 0_535 3 Miniature Sheet 0.535
(franking value 043.5)Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
4-stamp MS with
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
and 3 other stamps in set
GB19780301 MS 0_535 1
missing light carmine colour
MI B1FIIGB19780301 MS 0_535 4 Miniature Sheet 0.535
(franking value 043.5)Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
4-stamp MS with
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
and 3 other stamps in set
GB19780301 MS 0_535 1
missing dark blue colour
MI B1FIIIGB19780301 MS 0_535 5 Miniature Sheet 0.535
(franking value 043.5)Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
4-stamp MS with
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
and 3 other stamps in set
GB19780301 MS 0_535 1
missing light orange
MI B1FIVGB19780301 IMS 0_535 5 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 0.535
(franking value 043.5)Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
Imperforate 4-stamp MS (variety) with
GB19780301 IMP 0_13 1
and 3 other stamps in set
MI B1UGB19780301 MISC PHQ 4 Unstamped postcard - Lion
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion and Panther Statues outside Hampton Court
PHQ-card showing
GB19780301 ST 0_13 1
on the picture side31 May 1978 - 25th Anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth's Coronation Some items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats.
GB19780531 FDC 0_435 EH12 First Day Cover 0.435 Lion (in postmark)
Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Decorative Lions (feet on throne)
UK Royal CoA
Official FDC from the Philatelic Bureau in EdinburghBDC GB19780531 FDP EH12 First Day Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Decorative Lions (feet on throne)
"First Day of Issue"
Philateic Bureau, Edinburgh
31 May 1978BDC 9 May 1979 - Lions Holiday - 79 GB19790509 PMK PO11 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Holiday -79 - District 105 D - Sinah Warren"
Hayling Island, Hants.
9 May 1979CC 29 October 1979 - Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill GB19791029 AEG 0_12 Aerogramme / Air Letter 0.12 Lion (on inner fold)
Picture of Mulready Letter Form
GB18400506 AEG 0_0_1
MI LF751982 British Motor Cars GB19831013 FDP CV1 First Day
Postmark *- Jaguar
from Jaguar Cars Logo
"Sixty Years of Jaguar Cars"
13 October 19821983 British Gardens GB19830824 ST 0_205 Stamp 0.205 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues in Biddulph Grange Gardens
MI 963GB19830824 FDP ST8 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue in Biddulph Grange Gardens
"League of Friends"
Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent"
24 August 19835 October 1983 - British Fairs This issue also shows Domestic Cats
GB19831005 ST 0_205 Stamp 0.205 Tiger
MI 969GB19831005 MC 0_205 Maximum Card 0.205 Tiger
Official MC on PHQ-card with
GB19831005 ST 0_205GB19831005 MISC PHQ 0_205 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Tiger
Postcard showing
GB19831005 ST 0_205
on picture sideThis item is also listed under Wild Cats
GB19831005 MISC POST Promotional poster - Unspecified Breed
PO promotional poster for the issue31 July 1984 - The Royal Mail
These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB19840731 ST 0_16 2 Stamp 0.16 Lion
An Attack on the Exeter Mail in 1816
MI 998GB19840731 MC 0_16 2 Maximum Card 0.16 Lion
An Attack on the Exeter Mail in 1816
Official MC on PHQ-card with
GB19840731 ST 0_16 2GB19840731 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Lion
An Attack on the Exeter Mail in 1816
Postcard showing
GB19840731 ST 0_16 2
on picture side
GB19840731 MISC POST Promotional poster - Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant Guardant Supporter
Lions Passant Guardants
Lion Rampant
Royal CoA
PO promotional poster for the issue22 January 1985 - 150th Anniversary of Great Western Railway Company This issue also includes Heraldic Cats items
GB19850122 FDP ME14 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
"Railway Locomotives"
Maidstone, Kent
22 January 1985DL 15 May 1985 - 1st Run of the Royal Scotsman GB19850515 PMK EH1 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
"1st Run - The Royal Scotsman"
15 May 1985DL 25 May 1985 - British Legion Annual Conference GB19850525 PMK BN1 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
"Annual Conference"
Brighton, Sussex
25 May 1985DL 30 May 1985 - The Ashes Tour GB19850530 PMK NW8 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"The Ashes Tour 1985"
London NW8
30 May 198520 May 1986 - Nature Conservation - Species at Risk GB19860520 ST 0_31 Stamp 0.31 European Wildcat
MI 1070If you have a scan of this item, please share. GB19860520 MC 0_31 Maximum Card 0.31 European Wildcat
Official MC on PHQ-card with
GB19860520 ST 0_31
PP BackGB19860520 PP 1_04 Presentation pack 1.04
+ 0.22
+ 0.31
+0.34)European Wildcat (on one stamp and front and back cover)
PP with
GB19860520 ST 0_31
and 3 other stamps
Pack no. 171GB19860520 MISC PHQ 0_31 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - European Wildcat
PHQ-card showing
GB19860520 ST 0_31
on picture sideGB19860520 MISC POST Promotional poster - European Wildcat
PO promotional poster for the issue7 November 1987 - Festival of Remembrance GB19871107 PMK SW7 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
"Festival of Remembrance - The Royal British Legion"
London SW7
7 November 1987May 1989 - Accrington Carnival Day GB19890500_ PMK BB5 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Accrington Carnival Day - Saturday 17th June - Visit the Arndale Shopping Centre"
Lancashire M
Earliest use reported:
23 May 1989
Latest use reported:
23 May 1989
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 27 May 1989 - British Legion Annual Conference GB19890527 PMK BH1 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
"Annual Conference"
Bournemouth, Dorset
27 May 1989DL 7 May - 24 August 1989 - The Ashes Tour GB19890507 PMK BN18 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Opening (?) Match - N - 1989 Ashes"
Arundel, W. Sussex
7 May 1989GB19890608 PMK LS6 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Lion
"First Test Match - Headingley - 1989 Ashes"
8 June 1989GB19890706 PMK B5 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Third Test Match - Edgbaston - 1989 Ashes"
6 July 1989GB19890727 PMK M1 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Fourth Test Match - Old Trafford - Royal Visit - 1989 Ashes"
27 July 1989GB19890810 PMK NG2 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Fifth Test Match - Trent Bridge - 1989 Ashes"
10 August 1989GB19890824 PMK SE11 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Sixth Test Match - The Oval - 1989 Ashes"
London SE11
24 August 198910 January 1990 - Penny Black Anniversary Stamps
PP FrontGB19900110 PP 1_35 Presentation pack 1.35
+ 0.20
+ 0.29
+ 0.37)Lion (on back cover)
GB18400506 LS 0_0_1
Official PP with all five stamps in set
Pack no. 2120 March 1990 - London Life This issue also shows a Domestic Cat
Pane 1
Pane 2
Pane 3
Pane 4
Back coverGB19900320 BK 5_00 Prestige Booklet 5.00
(franking value 5.04:
2nd *
(0.15 on issue)
+ 1st *
(0.20 on issue)
+ 2 x 0.15
+ 18 x 0.20
+ 0.29
+ 0.50)Lion (on pane 3)
Wild Cat Art
Liaon Statue at the Nelson Column, Trafalgar Square
Domestic Cat (on pane 2)
MI MH1511992 - 40th Anniversary of Lions in Worthing GB19920000 PMK BN11 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Worthing Lions Club 40th Anniversary 1952 - 1992"
Worthing, West Sussex
Earliest use reported:
14 October 1992
Latest use reported:
30 October 1992
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know15 September 1992 - 75th Anniversary of No. 74 Squadron GB19920915 PMK BFPS2322 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"75th Anniversary of No. 74 Squadron"
British Forces Postal Service 2322
15 September 1992IL 15 September 1992 - Nature Conservation GB19920915 FDP BS8 First Day Postmark - Leopard
"Without Conservation We Die"
Bristol Zoo, Bristol
15 September 19921993 - Burmah-Castrol Meter Frank GB1993 MF BURM SN3 Meter Frank - Lion
Burmese-style Guardian Lion
Burmah-Castrol Logo
"Burmah - The Daeler's Dealer"
Machine no. HF95712
Swindon, Wilts.
Earliest use reported:
23 June 1993
Latest use reported:
23 June 1993
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know17 January 1995 - Flying Pumas GB19950117 PMK BFPS2439 Commemorative postmark - Puma or Tiger
Stylized Puma or Tiger
"No. 230 'Tiger' Squadron - 23 Years - Flying Pumas"
British Forces Postal Service 2439
17 January 1995DL 3 May 1995 - 50th Anniversary of Operation 'Dracula' GB19950503 PMK BFPS2451 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"50th Anniverary of Operation 'Dragula' - Liberation of Rangoon"
British Forces Postal Service 2451
3 May 1995IL 6 February 1996 - Machin Booklets I GB19960206 BK 4x2nd Booklet 4 x 2nd *
(0.76 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 100272>
MI MH???GB19960206 BK 4x1st Booklet 4 x 1st *
(1.00 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 100180>
Facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???GB19960206 BK 10x2nd 1 Booklet 10 x 2nd *
(1.90 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Harrison
Barcode 100265
MI MH???GB19960206 BK 10x2nd 2 Booklet 10 x 2nd *
(1.90 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Questa
Barcode 100265
MI MH???GB19960206 BK 10x1st Booklet 10 x 1st *
(2.50 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 100197>
Facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???19 March 1996 - Machin Booklets II GB19960319 BK 1_40 Booklet 1.40
(4 x 0.35)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 101262>
MI MH???GB19960319 BK 1_64 Booklet 1.64
(4 x 0.41)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 101279>
MI MH???GB19960319 BK 2_40 Booklet 2.40
(4 x 0.60)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 101897>
MI MH???GB19960319 BK 10x1st Booklet 10 x 1st *
(2.50 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Harrison
Barcode 100197
MI MH???25 June 1996 - Machin Definitives More items from this issue is listed under Heraldic Cats
GB19960625 MISC POST Promotional poster - Lion
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
PO promotional poster for the issue and the new postage rates8 July 1996 - Machin Booklets III GB19960708 BK 1_48 Booklet 1.48
(4 x 0.37)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 102955>
MI MH???GB19960708 BK 2_52 Booklet 2.52
(4 x 0.63)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 102955>
MI MH???9 July 1996 - Swifter, Higher, Stronger - Olympic and Paralympic Games, Atlanta
FDC InlayGB19960709 FDC 1_30 First Day Cover 1.30 Lion (on inlay)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Official FDC
Back coverGB19960709 PP 1_30 Presentation pack 1.30 Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
PP with all 5 stamps in set
Pack no. 268GB19960709 MISC POST Promotional poster - Lion
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
PO promotional poster for the issueAugust 1996 - Machin Booklets IV GB19960800 BK 4x1st Booklet 4 x 1st *
(1.04 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 100180>
No facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???GB19960806 BK 10x2nd 1 Booklet 10 x 2nd *
(2.00 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Harrison
Barcode 100265
Facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???GB19960806 BK 10x2nd 2 Booklet 10 x 2nd *
(2.00 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Questa
Barcode 100265
No facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???GB19960806 BK 10x1st 1 Booklet 10 x 1st *
(2.60 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Harrison
Barcode 100197
No facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???GB19960806 BK 10x1st 2 Booklet 10 x 1st *
(2.60 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Stylized Lion
British Olympic Association Logo
Printed by Walsall
Barcode 100197>
No facsimile bars on stamps on the cover
MI MH???1 October 1996 - Classic Sports Cars GB19961001 ST 0_43 Stamp 0.43 Jaguar
Jaguar Motors "Head" Logo
MI 1621GB19961001 MISC POST Promotional poster - Jaguar
Jaguar Motors "Head" Logo
PO promotional poster for the issue24 February 1998 650th Anniversary of the Order of the Garter Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats and/or Mythic Cats.
GB19980224 PMK DL1 First day postmark * - Lion
"Lewis Carroll Boyhood Years at Croft"
24 February 1998GB19980224 FDP NE2 First day postmark * - Lion
"RNLI Official Postmark - The Queen's Beast"
Shieldfield, Newcastle Upon Tyne
24 February 199821 July 1998 - Magical Worlds GB19970721 ST 0_26 Stamp 0.26 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
MI 1759
Back coverGB19970721 PP 1_89 Presentation pack 1.89
+ 0.26
+ 0.37
+ 0.43
+ 0.63)Lion (on one stamp and PP inside)
Wild Cats in Literature
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
Official presentation pack with
GB19970721 ST 0_26
and the 4 other stamps in setGB19970721 FDP BT1 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis
"Magical Worlds - C.S. Lewis 1898-1963"
21 July 1998GB19970721 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis
PHQ-card no. 199/2 showing
GB19970721 ST 0_26GB19970721 MISC POST 1 Promotional poster - Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
PO promotional poster for the issue in EnglishGB19970721 MISC POST 2 Promotional poster - Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
PO promotional poster for the issue in Welsh2 July 1998 - 81st International Convention of Lions Clubs GB19980702 PMK B2 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Clubs 81st International Convention"
2 July 199823 April 1999 - 75th Anniversary of the First British Commemorative Stamps GB19990423 PMK HA0 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"75th Anniversary - 1st British Commemorative Stamps - The British Empire Exhibition of 1924"
Wembley, Middlesex
23 April 19993 August 1999 - Millennium VIII GB19990803 FDP TR11 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
"1999 Year of the Total Eclipse of the Sun"
Falmouth, Cornwall
3 August 19992001 - Exel Logistics Meter Frank GB2001 MF EXEL RG12 Meter Frank - Lion
Company logo
Earliest use reported:
3 July 1971
Latest use reported:
3 July 1971
Machine no. FJ0533677
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 16 January 2001 - New Millennium - Rights of the Child / Face Paintings GB20010116 ST 1st Stamp 1st *
(0.27 on issue)Tiger
Face painting
MI 1906GB20010116 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Tiger
Face painting
PHQ-card no. 227/2 showing
GB20010116 ST 1st13 February 2001 - Cats and Dogs
This item is also listed under Domestic CatsGB20010213 MISC POST Promotional poster - Lion
Unspecified breed
PO promotional poster for the issue15 January 2002 - Centenary of Publication of Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories This set also includes a Domestic Cat
GB20020115 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.27 on issue)Leopard
Wild Cats in Literature
"How the Leopard got its spots" by Rudyard Kipling
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 1974GB20020115 ST 1st 7 Stamp 1st *
(0.27 on issue)Jaguar
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Beginning of the Armadillos" by Rudyard Kipling
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 1977This item is also listed under Domestic Cats
GB20020115 BK 10x1st Booklet 10 x 1st *
(2.70 on issue)Leopard
Jaguar (on one stamp each)
Cats in Literature
"Just So Stories" by Rudyard Kipling
Self-adhesive booklet with all 10 stamps in set
MI MH0-260M This item is also listed under Domestic Cats
GB20020115 PP 10x1st Presentation pack 10 x 1st *
(2.70 on issue)
Sold at ???Jaguar (on one stamp)
Leopard (on one stamp and inside)
Unspecified domestic breed (on one stamp)
Cats in Literature
"The Cat that walked by Himself" by Rudyard Kipling
Presentation pack with
GB20020115 ST 1st 4
GB20020115 ST 1st 7
and the other 8 stamps in the setGB20020115 MISC PHQ 4 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Leopard
Wild Cats in Literature
"How the Leopard got its spots" by Rudyard Kipling
PHQ-card no. 237/4 showing
GB20020115 ST 1st 4GB20020115 MISC PHQ 7 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Jaguar
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Beginning of the Armadillos" by Rudyard Kipling
PHQ-card no. 237/7 showing
GB20020115 ST 1st 79 April 2002 - EUROPA: The Circus GB20020409 ST 1st Stamp 1st *
(0.27 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
MI 2004GB20020409 IMP 1st Imperforate stamp 1st *
(0.27 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Imperforate variety
MI 2004UGB20020409 FDP SE1 First day postmark * - Lion
London Bridge
London SE1
9 April 2001IL GB20020409 MISC PHQ 1 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Lion
Cartoon Lion
PHQ-card no 240/1 showing
GB20020409 ST 1st10 September 2002 - Bridges of London GB20020910 FDP SW1 First day postmark * - Lion
Stylized Lion
IStructE Logo
"The Institution of Structural Engineers - IStructE"
London SW1
10 September 20022 June 2003 - 50th Anniversary of Coronation
Back coverGB20030602 PP 10x1st Presentation Pack 10x1st *
(2.70 on issue)Lion (on back cover)
Wild Cat Art
Lion figures on the legs of St Edward's Chair
Pack no. 3477 October 2003 - 250th Anniversary of The British Museum
FDC inlayGB20031007 FDC 2nd_1st_E_1_67 First day cover 2nd
(0.20 on issue)
+ 1st
(0.28 on issue)
+ E
(0.38 on issue)
+ 1.67
+ 0.47
+ 0.68)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
The Lion of Knidos
Lion statue in the Great Court of The British Museum, London
Official FDC
Front cover
Back coverGB20031007 PP 2nd_1st_E_1_67 Presentation pack 2nd
(0.20 on issue)
+ 1st
(0.28 on issue)
+ E
(0.38 on issue)
+ 1.67
+ 0.47
+ 0.68)Tiger (on inside)
Wild Cat Art
Silver Tigress from the Hoxne treasure, Roman Britain, 5th c.
Pack. no. 35216 September 2004 - Woodland Animals GB20040916 ST 1st 7 Stamp 1st *
(0.28 on issue)European Wildcat
MI 2242
Back coverGB20040916 PP 10x1st Presentation pack 10 x 1st
(2.80 /
10 x 0.28 on issue)European Wildcat (on one stamp and back cover)
Pack no. 363GB20040916 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - European Wildcat
PHQ-card no. 268/5 showing
GB20040916 ST 1st 7GB20040916 MISC POST Promotional poster - European Wildcat
PO promotional poster for the issue.17 May 2005 - 1924 British Empire Exhibition Silver Ingot
Front Cover
Back CoverGB20050517 MISC ING 6 Souvenir Silver Ingot - Lion
Souvenir Silver Ingot showing
GB19240423 ST 0_0_1 1
issued by Royal Mail as part of the "Edward VII & George V Stamp Ingot Collection"
Ingot no. AG0064 August 2005 - The Ashes Tour GB20050804 PMK B5 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"The Ashes Tour 2005 - Second Test Match"
Edgbaston, Birmingham
4 August 2005DL GB20050825 PMK NG2 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"The Ashes Tour 2005 - Fourth Test Match"
Trent Bridge, Nottingham
25 August 20052007 - SME Invoice Finance Meter Frank GB2007 MF SMEI GU1 Meter frank - Cheetah
Company logo
"sme invoice finance"
Machine no. PB140487
Earliest use reported:
5 April 2007
Latest use reported:
5 April 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.17 May 2007 - The New Wembley Stadium This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20070517 FDP HA9 6 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
"Wembley Stadium - Phil Stamp Collection"
17 May 200712 October 2010 - EUROPA: Children's Books: Winnie-the-Pooh GB20101012 ST 0_97 1 Stamp 0.97 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by E.H. Shepard for The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
MI 3007
Inner cover
Miniature sheet
Back coverGB20101012 PP 7_50 Presentation pack 2 x 1st *
(0.41 ea. on issue)
+ 6.15
+ 2 x 0.60
+ 0.67
+ 2 x 0.88
+ 2 x 0.97)
(Sold at 7.50)Tiger (on one stamp and inner cover)
Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by E.H. Shepard for The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
Official presentation pack showing
GB20101012 ST 0_97 1
and other items from the issue
Pack no. 447GB20101012 MISC FDC INLAY FDC inlay - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by E.H. Shepard for The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
Inlay in the official FDCsGB20101012 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by E.H. Shepard for The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
PHQ-card showing
GB20101012 ST 0_97 1GB20101012 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by E.H. Shepard for The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
Promotional brochure presenting the issueM 8 March 2011 - Magical Realms GB20110308 ST 0_97 2 Stamp 0.97 Lion
Aslan from the Narnia Series
Wild Cats in Literature
MI 3065GB20110308 MISC PHQ 7 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Lion
Aslan from the Narnia Series
Wild Cats in Literature
PHQ-card showing
GB20110308 ST 0_97 2GB20110308 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Lion
Aslan from the Narnia Series
Wild Cats in Literature
Brochure promoting the issue15 September 2011 - British Empire Exhibition 1924 Smilers Sheet GB20110915 SH 10x1st Sheetlet 10 x 1st * Lion (on 4 personalised labels and selvedge)
Personalised sheetlet with 10 Smilers stamps with personalisable labels
Bradbury's History of Britain Sheet no. 77
MI FB2341IC (personalised)GB20110915 PLB 1 Personalised label - Lion
Personalised label showing
GB19240423 ST 0_0_1 1
Smilers label from 1st or 9th position of
GB20110915 SH 10x1stGB20110915 PLB 2 Personalised label - Lion
Personalised label showing
GB19240423 ST 0_0_1 2
Smilers label from 2nd or 10th position of
GB20110915 SH 10x1st22 March 2011 - 50th Anniversary of WWF GB20110322 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.41 on issue)Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Issued in ordianry sheets and in prestige booklet
MI 3069M GB20110322 ST 1st 5 Stamp 1st *
(0.41 on issue)Leopard
Amur Leopard
Issued in ordianry sheets and in prestige booklet
MI 3071GB20110322 ST 1st 6 Stamp 1st *
(0.41 on issue)Iberian Lynx
Issued in ordianry sheets and in prestige booklet
MI 3072GB20110322 ST 0_97 Stamp 0.97 Jaguar
Stamp from MS or Prestige Booklet
MI 3080GB20110322 MS 2_91 Minature Sheet 2.97
(0.41 on issue)
+ 0.60
+ 0.88
+ 0.97)Jaguar (on one stamp and on selvedge)
4-stamp MS
MI B64
Pane 1
Pane 2GB20110322 BK 9_60 Prestige Booklet 9.60 Tiger
Iberian Lynx
Booklet with all stamps of the issue + 8 Machins
MI MH166
Page 1
BackGB20110322 PP 10x1st Presentation pack 11 x 1st *
(0.41 ea. on issue)
+ 0.60
+ 0.88
+ 0.97)
(sold at ???)Tiger
Iberian Lynx (on stamps and cover)
Presentation pack with all 10 stamps in set and MS
Pack no. 454GB20110322 FDP BT1 First Day
Postmark *- Iberian Lynx
"50th Aniiversary - World Wildlife at Risk"
Exchange Place, Belfast
22 March 2011GB20110322 FDP CF10 1 First Day
Postmark *- Tiger
"World Wildlife Fund - GBFDC Association"
Tiger Bay, Cardiff
22 March 2011CC GB20110322 FDP CF10 2 First Day
Postmark *- Leopard
"50th Aniiversary - World Wildlife at Risk"
Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff
22 March 2011GB20110322 FDP DN1 First Day
Postmark *- Leopard
Doncaster, South Yorkshire
22 March 2011GB20110322 FDP E5 First Day
Postmark *- Tiger
Tiger Way, London E5
22 March 2011CC GB20110322 FDP PH8 First Day
Postmark *- Tiger
"50th Aniiversary - World Wildlife at Risk"
Dunkeld, Pertshire
22 March 2011CC GB20110322 FDP RH12 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
"Keep Wildlife in the Wild - Born Free Foundation"
Horsham, W. Sussex
22 March 2011CC GB20110322 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
PHQ-card showing
GB20110322 ST 1st 3GB20110322 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Leopard
Amur Leopard
PHQ-card showing
GB20110322 ST 1st 5GB20110322 MISC PHQ 6 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Iberian Lynx
PHQ-card showing
GB20110322 ST 1st 6GB20110322 MISC PHQ 14 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Jaguar
PHQ-card showing
GB20110322 ST 0_97GB20110322 MISC PHQ 15 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Jaguar
PHQ-card showing
GB20110322 MS 2_91
BackGB20110322 MISC INLAY FDC Inlay - Jaguar
Official FDC inlay.GB20110322 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Tiger
Iberian Lynx
Promotional brochure for the issue20 January 2012 - Year of the Dragon Smiler Sheet GB20120120 SH 20x1st Smiler sheet 20 x 1st *
(0.46 ea. on issue)Lion (on 3 labels)
Lion dance costumes
Pre-personalised sheetlet issued by Royal Mail
Sheet no. LS80
MI KB2455IICS (pre-personalised)GB20120120 LB 3 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised label from
GB20120120 SH 20x1stGB20120120 LB 7 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised label from
GB20120120 SH 20x1stGB20120120 LB 15 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised label from
GB20120120 SH 20x1st20 March 2012 - Comics There are also items from this issue listed under Domestic Cats
GB20120320 ST 1st 5 Stamp Tiger
Tiger Comics Masthead
MI 3229
Back coverGB20120320 PP 10x1st Presentation pack 10 x 1st *
(0.46 ea. on issue - sold at ???)Tiger (on one stamp and back cover)
Tiger Comics Masthead
Presentation pack with
GB20120320 ST 1st 5
and the other 9 stamps in set
Pack no. 469GB20120320 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Tiger
Tiger Comics Masthead
PHQ-card showing
GB20120320 ST 1st 5
This item also shows a Cartoon CatGB20120320 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Tiger
Tiger Comics Masthead
Promotional brochure for the issue2-13 August 2012 - London Olympics: Team GB Gold Medal Winners
The six-stamp basic miniature sheets were printed in litho by Walsall in advance. Gold medallists' images were then added by digital print by 6 regional printing houses as medals were won. Blank stamps are known in the philatelic market.
GB20120802 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Rowing Women's Pairs
MI 3294GB20120803 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Team Sprint
MI 3298GB20120804 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Rowing: Women's Double Sculls
MI 3299GB20120804 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Women's Keirin
MI 3301GB20120805 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Men's Rowing Fours
MI 3302GB20120805 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Rowing: Lightweight Women's Double Sculls
MI 3303GB20120805 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Women's Team Pursuit
MI 3304GB20120805 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Athletics: Combined Women's Heptahalon
MI 3305GB20120805 ST 1st 6 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 10,000m
MI 3307GB20120806 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Tennis: Men's Singles
MI 3309GB20120807 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Sprint
MI 3311GB20120808 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Triathalon Men's
MI 3312GB20120808 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Keirin
MI 3315GB20120810 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Equestrian: Dressage Individual
MI 3316GB20120810 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Boxing: Women's Fly Weight
MI 3317GB20120812 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Canoe: Sprint Men's Kayak Single (K1) 200m
MI 3319GB20120812 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Boxing: Men's Bantam Weight
MI 3321GB20120813 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Boxing: Men's Super Heavy Weight
MI 3322GB20120802 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Rowing Women's Pairs
MS with 6 x
GB20120802 ST 1st 1
MI KB3294GB20120802 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Road Men's Time Trial
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3295GB20120803 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Canoe Slalom: Men's Canoe Double (C2)
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3296GB20120803 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Shooting: Shotgun Men's Double Trap
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3297GB20120803 MS 6x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Team Sprint
MS with 6 x
GB20120804 ST 1st 3
MI KB3298GB20120804 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Rowing: Women's Double Sculls
MS with 6 x
GB20120804 ST 1st 1
MI KB3299GB20120804 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Team Pursuit
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3300GB20120804 MS 6x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Women's Keirin
MS with 6 x
GB20120804 ST 1st 3
MI KB3301GB20120805 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Men's Rowing Fours
MS with 6 x
GB20120805 ST 1st 1
MI KB3302GB20120805 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Rowing: Lightweight Women's Double Sculls
MS with 6 x
GB20120805 ST 1st 2
MI KB3303GB20120805 MS 6x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Women's Team Pursuit
MS with 6 x
GB20120805 ST 1st 3
MI KB3304GB20120805 MS 6x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Athletics: Combined Women's Heptahalon
MS with 6 x
GB20120805 ST 1st 4
MI KB3305GB20120805 MS 6x1st 5 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Athletics: Field Men's Long Jump
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3306GB20120805 MS 6x1st 6 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 10,000m
MS with 6 x
GB20120805 ST 1st 6
MI KB3307GB20120806 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Sailing: Finn Men's Heavyweight Dinghy
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3308GB20120806 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Tennis: Mens Singles
MS with 6 x
GB20120806 ST 1st 2
MI KB3309GB20120807 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Equestrian: Team Jumping
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3310GB20120807 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Sprint
MS with 6 x
GB20120807 ST 1st 2
MI KB3311GB20120808 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Triathalon Men's
MS with 6 x
GB20120808 ST 1st 1
MI KB3312GB20120808 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Equestrian: Dressage Team
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3313GB20120808 MS 6x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Women's Omnium
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3314GB20120808 MS 6x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Cycling: Track Men's Keirin
MS with 6 x
GB20120808 ST 1st 4
MI KB3315GB20120810 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Equestrian: Dressage Individual
MS with 6 x
GB20120810 ST 1st 1
MI KB3316GB20120810 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Boxing: Women's Fly Weight
MS with 6 x
GB20120810 ST 1st 2
MI KB3317GB20120810 MS 6x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Taekwondo: Women's Under 57kg
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3318GB20120812 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Canoe: Sprint Men's Kayak Single (K1) 200m
MS with 6 x
GB20120812 ST 1st 1
MI KB3319GB20120812 MS 6x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 5,000m
6-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3320GB20120812 MS 6x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Boxing: Men's Bantam Weight
MS with 6 x
GB20120812 ST 1st 3
MI KB3321GB20120813 MS 6x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Boxing: Men's Super Heavy Weight
MS with 6 x
GB20120813 ST 1st 1
MI KB3322GB20120813 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
Promotional brochure showing a prototype FDC31 August - 10 September 2012 - London Paralympics: Team GB Gold Medal Winners
The two-stamp basic miniature sheets were printed in litho by Walsall in advance. Gold medallists' images were then added by digital print by 6 regional printing houses as medals were won. Blank stamps are known in the philatelic market.
GB20120831 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Women's C5 Pursuit
MI 3327GB20120901 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Men's 100m Backstroke, S7
MI 3328GB20120903 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Men's C1 Pursuit
MI 3329GB20120903 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Women's 100m, T34
MI 3330GB20120903 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 200m, T42
MI 3332GB20120903 ST 1st 5 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Equestrian: Individual Championship Test, Grade II
MI 3333GB20120904 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Rowing: Mixed Coxed Four, LTAMix4+
MI 3336GB20120904 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Field Men's Discus, F42
MI 3337GB20120904 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Men's B Sprint
MI 3338GB20120904 ST 1st 6 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 5000m, T54
MI 3341GB20120905 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Women's 100m Backstroke, S8
MI 3346GB20120908 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Road Women's C4-5 Road Race
MI 3353GB20120908 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Women's 200m, T34
MI 3355GB20120910 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 800m, T54
MI 3356GB20120910 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 100m, T44
MI 3357GB20120910 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Field Women's Discus F51/52/53
MI 3358GB20120910 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Road Mixed T1-2 Road Race
MI 3359GB20120910 ST 1st 5 Stamp 1st *
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Road Men's Marathon, T54
MI 3360GB20120831 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Women's C5 Pursuit
MS with 2 x
GB20120831 ST 1st 1
MI KB3327GB20120901 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Men's 100m Backstroke, S7
MS with 2 x
GB20120901 ST 1st 1
MI KB3328GB20120903 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Men's C1 Pursuit
MS with 2 x
GB20120903 ST 1st 1
MI KB3329GB20120903 MS 2x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Women's 100m, T34
MS with 2 x
GB20120903 ST 1st 2
MI KB3330GB20120903 MS 2x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Men's B 1km Time Trial
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3331GB20120903 MS 2x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 200m, T42
MS with 2 x
GB20120903 ST 1st 4
MI KB3332GB20120903 MS 2x1st 5 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Equestrian: Individual Championship Test, Grade II
MS with 2 x
GB20120903 ST 1st 5
MI KB3333GB20120903 MS 2x1st 6 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track - Women's C4-5 500m Time Trial
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3334GB20120903 MS 2x1st 7 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Women's 400m Freestyle, S6
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3335GB20120904 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Rowing: Mixed Coxed Four, LTAMix4+
MS with 2 x
GB20120904 ST 1st 1
MI KB3336GB20120904 MS 2x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Field Men's Discus, F42
MS with 2 x
GB20120904 ST 1st 2
MI KB3337GB20120904 MS 2x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Track Men's B Sprint
MS with 2 x
GB20120904 ST 1st 3
MI KB3338GB20120904 MS 2x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Women's 200m Freestyle, S14
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3339GB20120904 MS 2x1st 5 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Equestrian: Individual Championship Test, Grade 1a
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3340GB20120904 MS 2x1st 6 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 5000m, T54
MS with 2 x
GB20120904 ST 1st 6
MI KB3341GB20120904 MS 2x1st 7 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Equestrian: Individual Freestyle Test, Grade II
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3342GB20120904 MS 2x1st 8 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Women's 200m Individual Medley, SM6
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3343GB20120905 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 100m, T53
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3344GB20120905 MS 2x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Archery: Women's Individual Compound, Open
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3345GB20120905 MS 2x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Women's 100m Backstroke, S8
MS with 2 x
GB20120905 ST 1st 3
MI KB3346GB20120905 MS 2x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Equestrian: Individual Freestyle Test, Grade 1a
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3347GB20120907 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 1500m, T54
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3348GB20120907 MS 2x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Road Women's C5 Time Trial
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3349GB20120907 MS 2x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Men's 200m Individual Medley, SM8
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3350GB20120907 MS 2x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Equestrian: Team Open
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3351GB20120908 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Sailing: Single-Person Keelboat, 2.4mR
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3352GB20120908 MS 2x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Road Women's C4-5 Road Race
MS with 2 x
GB20120908 ST 1st 2
MI KB3353GB20120908 MS 2x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Swimming: Men's 400m Freestyle, S7
2-stamp MS (no lions on stamp)
MI KB3354GB20120908 MS 2x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Women's 200m, T34
MS with 2 x
GB20120908 ST 1st 4
MI KB3355GB20120910 MS 2x1st 1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 800m, T54
MS with 2 x
GB20120910 ST 1st 1
MI KB3356GB20120910 MS 2x1st 2 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Track Men's 100m, T44
MS with 2 x
GB20120910 ST 1st 2
MI KB3357GB20120910 MS 2x1st 3 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Athletics: Field Women's Discus F51/52/53
MS with 2 x
GB20120910 ST 1st 3
MI KB3358GB20120910 MS 2x1st 4 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Cycling: Road Mixed T1-2 Road Race
MS with 2 x
GB20120910 ST 1st 4
MI KB3359GB20120910 MS 2x1st 5 Miniature sheet 6 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
ParalympicsGB logo
Road Men's Marathon, T54
MS with 2 x
GB20120910 ST 1st 5
MI KB336027 September 2012 - Memories of London 2012 GB20120927 MS 2x1st_2_56 Miniature sheet 2 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)
+ 2.56
(2 x 1.28)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
ParalympicsGB logo
MI B78GB20120927 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
ParalympicsGB logo
PHQ-card showing
GB20120927 MS 2x1st_2_56GB20120927 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Lion
Stylized Lion
Team GB logo
ParalympicsGB logo
Promotional brochure showing
GB20120927 MS 2x1st_2_569 January 2013 - 150th Anniversary of the London Underground GB20130109 ST 1_28 Stamp 1.28 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Underground Poster for the London Zoo
MI 3405GB20130109 MS 2_52 Miniature sheet 2.52
(on issue)Tiger (on one stamp)
Stylized Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Underground Poster for the London Zoo
4-stamp MS with
GB20130109 ST 1_28
and 3 other stamps
MI B80GB20130109 MISC PHQ 7 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Underground Poster for the London Zoo
PHQ-card showing
GB20130109 ST 1_28GB20130109 MISC PHQ 11 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Underground Poster for the London Zoo
PHQ-card showing
GB20130109 MS 2_527 February 2013 - Year of the Snake Smiler Sheet GB20130207 SH 20x1st Pre-personalised sheetlet / Smiler sheet 20 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on 3 labels)
Lion dance costumes
Pre-personalised sheetlet issued by Royal Mail
MI KB2455IICS (pre-personalised)GB20130207 LB 4 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised label from
GB20130207 SH 20x1stGB20130207 LB 10 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised label from
GB20130207 SH 20x1stGB20130207 LB 13 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised label from
GB20130207 SH 20x1st23 January 2014 - Year of the Horse Smiler Sheet GB20140123 SH 20x1st Pre-personalised sheetlet / Smiler sheet 20 x 1st *
(0.60 ea. on issue)Lion (on one label)
Lion dance costume
Pre-personalised sheetlet issued by Royal Mail
MI KB2455IICS (pre-personalised)GB20140123 LB 1 Pre-personalised label - Lion
Lion dance costume
"Milton Keynes"
Pre-personalised label from
GB20140123 SH 20x1st20 February 2014 - Classic Locomotives of Wales / Classic Locomotives of the United Kingdom An item from this issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20140220 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
Gummed stamp from MS or Prestige Booklet
Same design as
GB20140918 ST 1st 1
MI 3570GB20140220 MS 3_54 Miniature Sheet 3.56 Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
4-stamp MS with
GB20140220 ST 1st 1
and 3 other stamps in set
MI B87
Pane 1 (label)
Pane 2
Pane 3
Pane 4 (stamps)GB20140220 BK 14_21 Prestige Booklet 14.21 Lion (on two stamps, one un-denominated label and a booklet page)
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line (stamps)
Stylized British Railways Logo (label)
Prestige booklet with 2x
GB20140220 ST 1st 1
and 22 other stamps
P4GB20140220 LB 1 Undenominated label - Lion
Stylized British Railways Logo
Label from
Pane 1 of
GB20140220 BK 14_21M
Address sideGB20140220 MISC PHQ 1 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
PHQ Card showing
GB20140220 ST 1st 1
PHQ Card no. 386(1)M
Address sideGB20140220 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ-card - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
PHQ Card showing
GB20140220 MS 3_54
PHQ Card no. 386(5)M 18 September 2014 - 2014 Classic Locomotives of Wales Retail Booklet An item from this issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20140918 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
Self-adhesive stamp from retail booklet
Same design as
GB20140220 ST 1st 1
MI ???M GB20140918 BK 6x1st Booklet 6 x 1st
(3.60 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
Self-adhesive booklet with 2x
GB20140918 ST 1st 1
and 4 Machin definitives
MI ???M GB20140918 FDC 1st CF1 First Day Cover 1st
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Britannia Bridge on the Bangor-to-Holyhead Line
Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
Four Lions Statant Guardant
CoA of the Taff Vale Railway Company
Official FDC cancelled with
GB20140918 FDP CF1CC 4 November 2014 - Christmas GB20141104 FDP SS9 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Merry Christmas"
4 November 2014CC 18 June 2015 - Bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo GB20150618 FDP L22 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion monument at Waterloo
"First Day of Issue"
Waterloo, Liverpool
18 June 20156 May 2015 - 175th Anniversary of the Penny Black GB20150506 FDP WC1X First Day
Postmark *- Lion
"175th Anniversary of the Penny Black"
London WC1X
6 May 201513 May 2015 - Post & Go: Heraldic Beasts
These and more items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats and some are also listed under Mythic Cats
Other denominations: *
W100GB20150513 FRA 1 Franking label Several possible denomi-nations * Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Franking labels from self service machines
MI AM87GB20150513 FDP KT8 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Hampton Court, East Molesey
13 May 2015GB20150513 FDP SW1 First Day
Postmark- Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
"Post and Go - Heraldic Beasts"
London, SW1
13 May 2015GB20150513 MISC FDC INLAY FDC inlay - Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Inlay with the official FDCsGB20150513 MISC BROCH Promotional brochure - Lion
Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Passant
Griffin passant
Promotional brochure for the issue16 September 2015 - B.P.M.A. Post & Go This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
Other denominations: *
W100GB20150916 FRA 7 Franking label Several possible denomi-nations * Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Franking labels from self service machines
Special inscription: "The B.P.M.A."
MI AM873 November 2015 - Christmas 2015 GB20151103 PMK SS9 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Merry Christmas"
Eatwood, Leigh-on-Sea
3 November 2015IL 1 February 2016 - The Postal Museum Post & Go I This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20160201 FRA 1 Franking label Several possible denomi-nations * Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Franking labels from self service machines
Special inscription: "The B.P.M.A."
MI AM8715 April 2016 - A.S.P.S 87th Annual Congress This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20160415 FRA 1 Franking label Several possible denomi-nations * Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Franking labels from self service machines
Special inscription: "87th Scottish Congress 2016"
MI AM8721 April 2017 - 88th Scottish Congress This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20170421 FRA 1 Franking label Several possible denomi-nations * Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Franking labels from self service machines
Special inscription: "88th Scottish Congress"
MI AM877 November 2017 - Christmas 2017 GB20171107 PMK SS9 First Day
Postmark *- Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Merry Christmas"
Eatwood, Leigh-on-Sea
7 November 201723 January 2018 - Game of Thrones Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20180123 FDP B65 First day
postmark *- Lion
"Beasts & Blades"
Throne Road, Rowley Regis
23 January 2018GB20180123 FDP TN21 First day
postmark *- Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Statant
Lionsgreen, Heathfield
23 January 201816 October 2018 - Harry Potter Movies This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
GB20181016 FDP LN2 First day
postmark *- Herldic Lion
Lion Head Guardant
The Gryffindor Lion
Lupin Road, Lincoln
16 October 201818 June 2019 - The Battle of Waterloo GB20190618 PMK EC4M Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
"Duke of Wellington"
St. Paul's Cathedral, London, EC4M
18 June 2019Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky, TS Tan, Elisabeth Hallsjö,
Ian Billings (Norvic Philatelics), Marco Carelli, Jennifer Bairnes, Patrick Roberts, Greg Balagian, Jim Ashby, Chris
Gibbins, Hilam Patal, Jørgen Kristiansen, and the CollectGBStamps website .
Latest update: 6 October, 2024