Stamps inscribed 'Isle of Man'. Regional definitives bears no country name, but features natlional/regional symbols linked to the Isle of Man.
1840 - 1973 See Great Britain
1958 - 1973 Regional Definitives used alongside GB stamps
1973 -> Postal IndependenceCountry/regional definitives issued for Isle of Man in the years 1958 - 1973 were valid for postage throughout he United Kingdom, but are mainly listed here. Items with mixed stamps from various countries/regions and/or ordinary GB stamps are listed under all applicable countries/regions.
From 1958: 1 Pound = 20 Shhillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1971: 1 Pound (GBP) = 100 Pence
Checklists > Countries > Isle of Man Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 7 July 1971 - Regional Definitives IM19710707 PP 0_18 Presentation pack 0.18
+ 0.03
+ 0.05
+ 0.075)Heraldic Lion (on cover)
Crowned Lion Rampant Guardant Supporter
6 Lions Passant Guardant
Lion Rampant
H.M's Government CoA
PP with 4 stamps
Pack no. 3029 September 1981 - The Royal British Legion Diamond Jubilee IM19810929 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
The Victoria Cross
MI 197IM19810929 ST 0_18 Stamp 0.18 Heraldic Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
MI 198IM19810929 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
MI 199IM19810929 FDC 0_56 First Day Cover 0.56 Heraldic Lions (on three stamps and cachet)
The Victoria Cross
Royal British Legion Emblem
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in set1984 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference IM19840921 ST 0_14 Stamp 0.14Heraldic Lion
from the Royal CoA
MI 270IM19840921 ST 0_33 Stamp 0.33Heraldic Lion
from the Royal CoA
MI 2771996 Douglas Borough Centenary IM19960314 ST PP Stamp Island Postage Paid (0.20 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Douglas CoA
MI 6671996 75th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion IM19960608 ST 0_75 Stamp 0.75Heraldic Lion
Royal British Legion Emblem
MI 6871997 Royal Golden Wedding IM19971103 MS 1_00 Miniature sheet 1.00Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Coat of Arms of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh
Single-stamp MS
MI B311999 British Monarchs of the 20th Century IM19990602 MS 1_56 Miniature Sheet 1.56Heraldic Lions
Royal CoA
6-stamp MS
MI B352004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban IM20041207 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1175IM20041207 ST 0_28 Stamp 0.28Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1176IM20041207 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1177IM20041207 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1178IM20041207 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1179IM20041207 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1180IM20041207 ST 0_57 Stamp 0.57Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 1181IM20041207 ST 0_68 Stamp 0.68Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Gryffindor Lion
MI 11822005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire IM20051021 ST 0_68 Stamp 0.68Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Hogwarth CoA
MI 12502008 Isle of Man Banknotes IM20080407 ST 1_14 Stamp 1.14Heraldic Lion
Supporting Lion Couchant Guardant
MI 14322010 Centenary of Girlguiding IM20100218 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00Heraldic Lion
Royal CoA
MI 15982012 Coronation Diamond Jubilee (II) IM20120206 PP 5_68 Presentation pack 5.68
(franking value 4.93)Heraldic Lions
Heraldic Leopard (all on cover)
Royal CoA
Union of South Africa CoA
Australian CoA
Canadian CoA
New Zealand CoA
Indian Emblem / Ashoka Pillar
Ceylon CoA
Cyprus Colonial CoA
Southern Rhodesia CoA
Kenyan Colonial CoA
Federation of Malaya CoA
Nyasaland CoA
Fiji CoA
Presentation pack with single stampsIM20120206 PP 30_00 Presentation pack / Special folder 30.00Heraldic Lions
Heraldic Leopard (all on cover)
Royal CoA
Canadian CoA
Australian CoA
Southern Rhodesia CoA
Kenyan Colonial CoA
Nyasaland CoA
North Borneo CoA
PP with sheetlets and MS2012 Coronation Diamond Jubilee (III) IM20120421 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Lion Rampant
MI B832012 Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant IM20120603 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50Heraldic Lions
Royal Standard
MI 1781IOM PO Press release
Press photos
IM20120603 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50Heraldic Lions
Royal Standard
MI 1784IM20120603 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps)
Royal Standard
MI B84IM20120603 PP 9_00 Presentation pack / Commemorative sheet 9.00Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps and cover)
Royal Standard
This item has been reported as issued both on 3 June 2012 (IOM PO) and 10 July 2012 (Michel)IM20120603 PP 9_00 Presentation pack / Commemorative sheet 9.00Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps and cover)
Royal Standard
This item has been reported as issued both on 3 June 2012 (IOM PO) and 10 July 2012 (Michel)IM20120603 PP 15_00 Presentation pack / Stamp & Coin Pack 15.00
(franking value 4.93)Heraldic Lions
Heraldic Leopard (all on cover)
Royal CoA
Southern Rhodesia CoA
Kenya Colonial CoA
Nyasaland CoA
North Borneo CoA
Presentation pack with Diamond Jubilee set (from 6 February 2012) and a GBP 0.50 commemorative coin2013 Coronation Souvenirs IM20130206 ST 0_65 Stamp 0.65Heraldic Lions
Manchester CoA
Royal Standard (flag)
MI 1824IOM PO Press release
Press photos 1
Press photos 2
Press photos 3
IM20130206 ST 1_37 Stamp 1.37Heraldic Lion
Lion of England
MI 1826IM20130206 SH 3_04 Sheetlet 3.04Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 8 x 0.38 stamps
MI KB1822IM20130206 SH 3_28 Sheetlet 3.28Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 8 x 0.41 stamps
MI KB1823IM20130206 SH 5_20 Sheetlet 5.20Heraldic Lions (on stamps and selvedge)
Sheetlet with 8 x
IM20130206 ST 0_65
MI KB1824IM20130206 SH 8_40 Sheetlet 8.40Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 8 x 1.05 stamps
MI KB1825IM20130206 SH 10_96 Sheetlet 10.96Heraldic Lions (on stamps and selvedge)
Sheetlet with 8 x
IM20130206 ST 1_37
MI KB1826IM20130206 SH 13_84 Sheetlet 13.84Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 8 x 1.73 stamps
MI KB1827IM20130206 PP 6_34 Presentation pack 6.34
(franking value 5.59)Heraldic Lions (on cover and 2 stamps)
Presentation pack containing a full set of stampsIM20130206 PP 30_00 Presentation pack / Special folder 30.00
(franking value 44.72)Heraldic Lions (on cover and all sheetlets)
Presentation pack containing a full set of sheetlets2013 The Times / Europa 2013 IOM PO Press release
Press photos 1
Press photos 2
Press photos 3
IM20130704 SH 6_00 Sheetlet 6.00Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 16 undenominated labels)
Sheetlet with 15 x 0.40 stamps
MI KB1874IM20130704 SH 6_30 Sheetlet 6.30Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 16 undenominated labels)
Sheetlet with 15 x 0.42 stamps
MI KB1875IM20130704 SH 10_95 Sheetlet 10.95Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 16 undenominated labels)
Sheetlet with 15 x 0.73 stamps
The stamps shows a Manx and this item is also listed under Domestic Cats
MI KB1876IM20130704 SH 16_20 Sheetlet 16.20Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 16 undenominated labels)
Sheetlet with 15 x 1.08 stamps
MI KB1877IM20130704 SH 21_15 Sheetlet 21.15Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 16 undenominated labels)
Sheetlet with 15 x 1.41 stamps
MI KB1878IM20130704 SH 26_85 Sheetlet 26.85Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 16 undenominated labels)
Sheetlet with 15 x 1.79 stamps
MI KB1879IM20130704 FDC 1_46 First Day Cover 1.46Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 2 undenominated labels and cachet)
Official EUROPA FDC with 2 x
IM20130704 ST 0_73IM20130704 FDC 5_83 First Day Cover 5.83Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on 6 undenominated labels and cachet)
Official FDC with all 6 stamps in setIM20130704 PP 6_58 Presentation Pack 6.58
(franking value 5.83)Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
(on cover and 6 undenominated labels)IM20130704 LB 4 Marginal label -Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
Top central marginal label from sheetlet (identical in all sheetlets)IM20130704 LB 9 Label attached to all stamps -Heraldic Lions
The Times' Masthead
Stamp-width undenominated label placed above each stampList compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Patrick Roberts, Marci Jarvis and Bridget Robinson.
Latest update: 31 October 2013