As the inventor of postage stamps GB is allowed by the UPU to issue stamps without country name. The Sovereign's image is, however, always included. Regional definitives bears no country name, but features national/regional symbols linked to Scotland.
1840 -> See Great Britain
1958 -> Regional/country definitives used alongside GB stampsRegional/country definitives issued for Scotland since 1958 are valid for postage throughout he United Kingdom, but mainly listed here. Items with mixed stamps from various countries/regions and/or ordinary GB stamps are listed under all applicable countries/regions.
From 1969: 1 Pound = 20 Shhillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1970: 1 Pound = 100 Pence
Checklists > Countries > Scotland Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 29 September 1958 - Regional Definitives II GBSC19580929 ST 0_1_3 Stamp 0-1-3 Heraldic Lion
Lion of Scotland
Normal paper (see
GB19630129 ST 0_1_3
for phosphorized paper)
MI 3x (Scotland)29 January 1963 - Regional Definitives GBSC19630129 ST 0_1_3 Stamp 0-1-3 Heraldic Lion
Lion of Scotland
Reprint of
GB19580929 ST 0_1_3
on phosphorized paper
MI 3y (Scotland)1 March 1967 - Regional Definitives I GBSC19670301 ST 0-1-6 Stamp 0-1-6 Heraldic Lion
Lion of Scotland
Watermarked paper
for reprint on unwatermarked paper, see
GBSC19681212 ST 0_1_6
MI 6 (Scotland)12 December 1968 - Regional Definitives IV GBSC19681212 ST 0_1_6 Stamp 0-1-6 Heraldic Lion
Lion of Scotland
Reprint of
GBSC19670301 ST 0-1-6
on unwatermarked paper
MI 11 (Scotland)9 December 1970 - Regional Dfinitives Presentation Pack GBSC19701209 PP 0_6_8 Presentation pack 0-6-8
+2 x
+ 0-0-5
+ 0-0-6
+ 0-0-9
+ 0-1-3
+ 0-1-6)Heraldic Lion (on two stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland (on stamps)
Crowned and Armed Lion Sejant Affrontée
Crowned Lion Rampant Supporter
Two Lions Rampant
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Royal CoA of Scotland
(on cover)
PP with
GBSC19630129 ST 0_1_3
GBSC19681212 ST 0_1_6
and 6 other stamps
Pack no. 237 July 1971 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19710707 ST 0_025 1 Stamp 0.025 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 14 (Scotland)GBSC19710707 ST 0_03 1 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
MI 15 (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19710707 ST 0_03 4 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
Imperforate top (variety)
MI 15Uo (Scotland)GBSC19710707 ST 0_05 1 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark violet
MI 17 (Scotland)GBSC19710707 ST 0_075 1 Stamp 0.075 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark purplish brown
MI 19 (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19710707 IMP 0_03 1 Imperforate stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
Imperforate (variety)
MI 15U (Scotland)GBSC19710707 FDC 0_18 First Day Cover 0.18
+ 0.03
+ 0.075)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19710707 ST 0_025 1
GBSC19710707 ST 0_03 1
GBSC19710707 ST 0_05 1
GBSC19710707 ST 0_075 1
PP BackGBSC19710707 PP 0_18 Presentation pack 0.18
+ 0.03
+ 0.075)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland (on stamps)
Crowned and Armed Lion Sejant Affrontée
Crowned Lion Rampant Supporter
Two Lions Rampant
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Royal CoA of Scotland
(on cover)
PP with
GBSC19710707 ST 0_025 1
GBSC19710707 ST 0_03 1
GBSC19710707 ST 0_05 1
GBSC19710707 ST 0_075 1
Pack no. 27GBSC19710707 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
7 July 197123 January 1974 - Regional Machin Definitives I GBSC19740123 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI Unlisted (Scotland)GBSC19740123 ST 0_035 Stamp 0.035 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark olive
MI 16 (Scotland)GBSC19740123 ST 0_055 Stamp 0.055 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark puple
MI 18 (Scotland)GBSC19740123 ST 0_08 Stamp 0.08 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Deep pink
MI 20 (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19740123 IMP 0_055 Imperforate stamp 0.055 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark puple
Imperforate (variety)
MI 18U (Scotland)GBSC19740123 FDC 0_20 First Day Cover 0.20
+ 0.035
+ 0.055
0.08)Heraldic Lion (on all stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19740123 ST 0_03
GBSC19740123 ST 0_035
GBSC19740123 ST 0_055
GBSC19740123 ST 0_08GBSC19740123 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
23 January 197429 May 1974 - Regional Machin Definitives Presentation Pack
PP backGBSC19740529 PP 0_245 Presentation pack 2.45
+ 0.035
+ 0.045
+ 0.055
0.08)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland (on stamps)
Crowned and Armed Lion Sejant Affrontée
Crowned Lion Rampant Supporter
Two Lions Rampant
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Royal CoA of Scotland
Presentation pack with
GBSC19740123 ST 0_03
GBSC19740123 ST 0_035
GBSC19740123 ST 0_055
GBSC19740123 ST 0_08
GBSC19741106 ST 0_045
Pack no. 62
Not that the 0.045 stamp was not officially issued until nearly 6 months later.6 November 1974 - Regional Machin Definitives II GBSC19741106 ST 0_045 Stamp 0.045 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Blackish blue
MI 21 (Scotland)
FDC InlayGBSC19741106 FDC 0_045 First Day Cover 0.045 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19741106 ST 0_045DL GBSC19741106 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
6 November 1974DL 1976 Regional Machin Definitives I GBSC19760114 ST 0_065 1 Stamp 0.065 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark turquoise
MI 22 (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19760114 ST 0_065 2 Stamp 0.065 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark turquoise
Imperforate top (variety)
MI 22Uo (Scotland)GBSC19760114 ST 0_085 Stamp 0.085 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark olive
MI 23 (Scotland)GBSC19760114 FDC 0_15 First Day Cover 0.15
+ 0.085)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19760114 ST 0_065 1
GBSC19760114 ST 0_085GBSC19760114 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
14 January 197620 October 1976 - Regional Machin Definitives II GBSC19761020 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Orange brown
MI 24 (Scotland)GBSC19761020 ST 0_11 Stamp 0.11 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 25 (Scotland)GBSC19761020 FDC 0_21 First Day Cover 0.21
+ 0.11)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19761020 ST 0_10
GBSC19761020 ST 0_11GBSC19761020 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
20 October 1976GBSC19761020 PP 0_36 Presentation pack 0.36
+ 0.085
+ 0.10
+ 0.11)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
4-stamp presentation pack with
GBSC19760114 ST 0_065 1
GBSC19760114 ST 0_085
GBSC19761020 ST 0_10
GBSC19761020 ST 0_11
Pack. no. 8518 January 1978 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19780118 ST 0_07 Stamp 0.07 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark prurplish brown
MI 26 (Scotland)GBSC19780118 ST 0_09 Stamp 0.09 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark violet blue
MI 27 (Scotland)GBSC19780118 ST 0_105 Stamp 0.105 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Blackish blue
MI 28 (Scotland)GBSC19780118 FDC 0_265 First Day Cover 0.265
+ 0.09
+ 0.105)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19780118 ST 0_07
GBSC19780118 ST 0_09
GBSC19780118 ST 0_105GBSC19780118 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
18 January 197823 July 1980 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19800723 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark olive
MI 29 (Scotland)GBSC19800723 ST 0_135 Stamp 0.135 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Brownish violet
MI 30 (Scotland)GBSC19800723 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 31 (Scotland)GBSC19800723 FDC 0_405 First Day Cover 0.405
+ 0.135
+0.15)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19800723 ST 0_12
GBSC19800723 ST 0_135
GBSC19800723 ST 0_15GBSC19800723 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
23 July 19808 April 1981 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19810408 ST 0_115 1 Stamp 0.115 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish brown
MI 32 (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19810408 ST 0_115 2 Stamp 0.115 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish brown
Imperforate right (variety)
MI 32Ur (Scotland)GBSC19810408 ST 0_14 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish blue
MI 33 (Scotland)GBSC19810408 ST 0_18 Stamp 0.18 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 34 (Scotland)GBSC19810408 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 35 (Scotland)GBSC19810408 FDC 0_655 First Day Cover 0.655
+ 0.14
+ 0.18
+ 0.22)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19810408 ST 0_115 1
GBSC19810408 ST 0_14
GBSC19810408 ST 0_18
GBSC19810408 ST 0_22GBSC19810408 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
8 April 198128 October 1981 - Regional Machin Definitives Presentation Packs
PP BackGBSC19811028 PP 1_325 Presentation pack 1.325
+ 0.09
+ 0.105
+ 0.115
+ 0.12
+ 0.135
+ 0.14
+ 0.15
+ 0.18
+ 0.22)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
10-stamp presentation pack with
GBSC19780118 ST 0_07
GBSC19780118 ST 0_09
GBSC19780118 ST 0_105
GBSC19810408 ST 0_115 1
GBSC19800723 ST 0_12
GBSC19800723 ST 0_135
GBSC19810408 ST 0_14
GBSC19800723 ST 0_15
GBSC19810408 ST 0_18
GBSC19810408 ST 0_22
Pack no. 129b24 February 1982 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19820224 ST 0_125 Stamp 0.125 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 36A (Scotland)GBSC19820224 ST 0_155 Stamp 0.155 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Light blueish purple
MI 37A (Scotland)GBSC19820224 ST 0_195 Stamp 0.195 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark greenish grey
MI 38A (Scotland)GBSC19820224 ST 0_26 Stamp 0.26 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
For reprint with new perforation see
GBSC19870127 ST 0_26
MI 39A (Scotland)GBSC19820224 FDC 0_635 First Day Cover 0.635 Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19820224 ST 0_125
GBSC19820224 ST 0_155
GBSC19820224 ST 0_195
GBSC19820224 ST 0_26GBSC19820224 FDP EH3 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
24 Feburary 198227 April 1983 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19830427 ST 0_16 Stamp 0.16 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 40A (Scotland)GBSC19830427 ST 0_205 Stamp 0.205 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
MI 41A (Scotland)GBSC19830427 ST 0_28 Stamp 0.28 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
For reprint with new perforation see
GBSC19870127 ST 0_28
MI 42A (Scotland)GBSC19830427 FDC 0_665 First Day Cover 0.635 Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19830427 ST 0_16
GBSC19830427 ST 0_205
GBSC19830427 ST 0_28GBSC19830427 FDP EH3 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
27 April 19833 August 1983 - Machin Definitives Presentation Packs GBSC19830803 PP 1_13 Presentation pack 1.13
+ 0.125
+ 0.16
+ 0.205
+ 0.26
+ 0.28)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Presentation pack with
GBSC19761020 ST 0_10
GBSC19820224 ST 0_125
GBSC19830427 ST 0_16
GBSC19830427 ST 0_205
GBSC19820224 ST 0_26
GBSC19830427 ST 0_28
Pack no. 2 (new series)1983 - Silver Jubilee of the First Regional Stamps This issue is also listed under Great Britain
GB19831000 BK 1_46 1 Booklet 1.46 Heraldic Lion (on cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
GBSC19580929 ST 0_1_3
pictured on front cover
Stamp pane attached to left margin of the booklet
The stamps are ordinary GB definitives
MI MH???GB19831000 BK 1_46 2 Booklet 1.46 Heraldic Lion (on cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
GBSC19580929 ST 0_1_3
pictured on front cover
Booklet with Machin definitives (6 x 0.16 and 4 x 0.125)
Stamp pane attached to right margin of the booklet
The stamps are ordinary GB definitives
MI MH???23 October 1984 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19841023 ST 0_13 Stamp 0.13 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Orange brown
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
For reprint with new perforation see
GBSC19861104 ST 0_13
MI 43A (Scotland)GBSC19841023 ST 0_17 Stamp 0.17 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish blue
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
For reprint with new perforation see
GBSC19860429 ST 0_17
MI 44A (Scotland)GBSC19841023 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
For reprint with new perforation see
GBSC19870127 ST 0_22
MI 45A (Scotland)GBSC19841023 ST 0_31 Stamp 0.31 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
For reprint with new perforation see
GBSC19860429 ST 0_31
MI 46A (Scotland)GBSC19841023 FDC 0_83 First Day Cover 0.83
+ 0.17
+ 0.22
+ 0.31)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with
GBSC19841023 ST 0_13
GBSC19841023 ST 0_17
GBSC19841023 ST 0_22
GBSC19841023 ST 0_31
PP BackGBSC19841023 PP 1_63 Presentation pack 1.63
+ 0.13
+ 0.16
+ 0.17
+ 0.22
+ 0.26
+ 0.28
+ 0.31)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Presentation pack with
GBSC19761020 ST 0_10
GBSC19841023 ST 0_13
GBSC19830427 ST 0_16
GBSC19841023 ST 0_17
GBSC19841023 ST 0_22
GBSC19820224 ST 0_26
GBSC19830427 ST 0_28
GBSC19841023 ST 0_31
Pack no. 6GBSC19841023 FDP EH3 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
23 October 19847 January 1986 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19860107 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Yellowish green
Perf. 13¾ : 14¼
GBSC19860429 ST 0_12 1
for different perforation
MI 47A (Scotland)GBSC19860107 FDC 0_24 First Day Cover 0.24
(2 x 0.12)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with 2 x
GBSC19860107 ST 0_12GBSC19860107 FDP EH3 1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
FDP used for Scottish stamps only
7 January 1986This item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19860107 FDP EH3 2 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland alongside symbols for Wales and Northern Ireland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
FDP used for all regional definitives stamps
7 January 198629 April 1986 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19860429 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Yellowish green
Perf. 14¾ : 14¼
GBSC19860107 ST 0_12
for different perforation
MI 47C (Scotland)GBSC19860429 ST 0_17 Stamp 0.17 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish blue
Perf. 14¾ : 14¼
Reprint of
GBSC19841023 ST 0_17
with new perforation
MI 44C (Scotland)GBSC19860429 ST 0_31 Stamp 0.31 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Reprint of
GBSC19841023 ST 0_31
with new perforation
MI 46C (Scotland)4 November 1986 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19861104 ST 0_13 Stamp 0.13 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Orange brown
Perf. 14¾ : 14¼
Reprint of
GB19841023 ST 0_13 1
with new perforation
MI 43C (Scotland)6 January 1987 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19870106 ST 0_18 Stamp 0.18 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 48 (Scotland)GBSC19870106 FDC 0_18 EH3 1 First Day Cover 0.18 Heraldic Lion (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC postmarked at the Philatelic BureauGBSC19870106 FDP EH3 1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
FDP used for Scottish stamps only
6 January 1987
This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and WalesGB19870106 FDP EH3 2 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland alongside symbols for Wales and Northern Ireland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
FDP used for all regional definitives
6 January 198727 January 1987 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19870127 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 14¾ : 14¼
Reprint of
GBSC19841023 ST 0_22
with new perforation
MI 45C (Scotland)GBSC19870127 ST 0_26 Stamp 0.26 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 14¾ : 14¼
Reprint of
GBSC19820224 ST 0_26
with new perforation
MI 39C (Scotland)GBSC19870127 ST 0_28 Stamp 0.28 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
Perf. 14¾ : 14¼
Reprint of
GBSC19830427 ST 0_28
with new perforation
MI 42C (Scotland)3 March 1987 - Machin Definitives Presentation Packs
PP backGBSC19870303 PP 1_67 Presentation pack 1.27
(sold at ???)Heraldic Lion (on all stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with 8 Scottish regional stamps issued in 1986 and 1987
Pack no. 108 November 1988 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19881108 ST 0_14 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Deep blue
Stamp from sheets or booklets
MI 49 (Scotland)GBSC19881108 ST 0_19 Stamp 0.19 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright orange red
Stamp from sheets or booklets
MI 50 (Scotland)GBSC19881108 ST 0_23 Stamp 0.23 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright green
Stamp from sheets or booklets
MI 51 (Scotland)GBSC19881108 ST 0_32 Stamp 0.32 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greenish blue
MI 52 (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19881108 IMP 0_14 Imperforate stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark blue
Stamp from booklets (pane 3)
MI 49U (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19881108 IMP 0_19 Imperforate stamp 0.19 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Yellowish red
Stamp from booklets (pane 3)
MI 50U (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19881108 IMP 0_23 Imperforate stamp 0.23 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Yellowish green
Stamp from booklets (pane 3)
MI 51U (Scotland)If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19881108 BK ??? Booklet ??? Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of ScotlandThis item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19881108 PP 2_94 Presentation pack 2.94
(Sold at ???)Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with all stamps for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Pack no. 17GBSC19881108 FDC 0_88 EH1 First day cover 0.88
+ 0.19
+ 0.23
+ 0.32)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
FDC postmarked with
GB19881108 FDP EH1GBSC19881108 FDC 0_88 EH3 1 First day cover 0.88
+ 0.19
+ 0.23
+ 0.32)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland alongside symbols for Wales and Northern Ireland
FDC postmarked with
GB19881108 FDP EH3 1GB19881108 FDP EH1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (on stamps and postmark)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
8 November 1988GB19881108 FDP EH3 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland alongside symbols for Wales and Northern Ireland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
FDP used for all regional definitives
8 November 198821 March 1989 - The Scots Connection GBSC19890321 BK 5_00 Prestige booklet 5.00
(11 x 0.14
+ 17 x 0.19
+ 0.23)Heraldic Lion (on stamps, undenominated label, and back cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Prestige booklet no. 11
MI MH???GBSC19890321 LB 1 Undenominated label Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from Pane 4 of
GBSC19890321 BK 5_0028 November 1989 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19891128 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright blue
MI 53 (Scotland)GBSC19891128 ST 0_15 2 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Purplish ultramarine
Only perf. left (variety)
MI UnlistedGBSC19891128 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Brownish black
MI 54 (Scotland)GBSC19891128 ST 0_24 Stamp 0.24 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Reddish brown
MI 55 (Scotland)GBSC19891128 ST 0_34 Stamp 0.24 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Reddish brown
MI 56 (Scotland)GBSC19891128 FDC 0_93 EH3 First Day Cover 0.93 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 stamps, postmarked with
GBSC19891128 FDP EH3This item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19891128 PP 2_79 Presentation pack 2.79 Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with regional definitives for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Pack no. 20GBSC19891128 FDP EH3 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
28 November 1989This item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19891128 FDP EH3 2 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland alongside symbols for Wales and Northern Ireland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
FDP used for all regional definitives
28 November 19894 December 1990 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19901204 ST 0_17 Stamp 0.17 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Deep blue
MI 57 (Scotland)GBSC19901204 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright orange-red
MI 58 (Scotland)GBSC19901204 ST 0_26 Stamp 0.26 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish brown
MI 59 (Scotland)GB19901204 ST 0_37 1 Stamp 0.37 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish brown
MI 60 (Scotland)
FDC InlayGBSC19901204 FDC 1_02 1 First Day Cover 1.02 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 Scottish stamps postmarked with
GB19901204 FDP EH1
FDC InlayGBSC19901204 FDC 1_02 2 First Day Cover 1.02 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 Scottish stamps postmarked with
GB19901204 FDP EH3This item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19901204 PP 3_06 Presentation pack 3.06 Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with stamps from all 3 countries
Pack no. 23GBSC19901204 FDP EH1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion (alone)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
4 December 1990This item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19901204 FDP EH3 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion (along-side Welsh and N.I. symbols)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
4 December 1990This item is also listed under Wales and Northern Ireland
GB19901204 MISC POST Promotional poster - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PO promotional poster for all three countries3 December 1991 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19911203 ST 0_18 1 Stamp 0.18 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright green
Perf. 14¾:14¼
MI 61C (Scotland)GBSC19911203 ST 0_24 1 Stamp 0.24 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 14¾:14¼
MI 62C (Scotland)GBSC19911203 ST 0_28 1 Stamp 0.28 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark bluish grey
Perf. 14¾:14¼
MI 63C (Scotland)GBSC19911203 ST 0_39 1 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright mauve
Perf. 14¾:14¼
MI 64C (Scotland)
Cover inlayGBSC19911203 FDC 1_09 EH1 First Day Cover 1.09 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 Scottish stamps postmarked with
GB19911203 FDP EH1If you have a scan of this item, please share.
GBSC19911203 FDC 1_09 EH3 First Day Cover 1.09 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 Scottish stamps postmarked with
GB19911203 FDP EH3This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales. GB19911203 PP 3_27 Presentation pack 3.27 Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with stamps from all 3 countries
Pack no. 26GB19911203 FDP EH1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (alone)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
3 December 1991If you have a scan of this item, please share.
This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales.
GB19911203 FDP EH3 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (along-side Welsh and N.I. symbols)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
3 December 1991This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales. GB19911203 MISC POST 1 Promotional poster - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PO promotional poster for the issue in EnglishThis item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales.
GB19911203 MISC POST 2 Promotional poster - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PO promotional poster for the issue in Welsh26 September 1992 - Regional Machin Definitives I (reprints) GBSC19920926 ST 0_18 1 Stamp 0.18 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright green
Perf. 13¾:14¼
MI 61A (Scotland)October 1992 - Regional Machin Definitives II (reprints) If you have a scan of this item, please share. GBSC19921000 ST 0_28 1 Stamp 0.28 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Dark bluish grey
Perf. 13¾:14¼
MI 63A (Scotland)11 October 1992 - Regional Machin Definitives III (reprints) GBSC19921011 ST 0_24 1 Stamp 0.24 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Perf. 13¾:14¼
MI 62A (Scotland)November 1992 - Regional Machin Definitives IV (reprints) GBSC19921100 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright mauve
Perf. 13¾:14¼
MI 64A (Scotland)7 December 1993 - Regional Machin Definitives GBSC19931207 ST 0_19 Stamp 0.19 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 65 (Scotland)GB19931207 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish red
MI 66 (Scotland)GB19931207 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Olive grey
MI 67 (Scotland)GB19931207 ST 0_41 Stamp 0.41 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Greyish brown
MI 68 (Scotland)
FDC InlayGBSC19931207 FDC 1_15 EH3 First Day Cover 1.15 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 Scottish stamps postmarked with
GBSC19931207 FDP EH1This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales.
GB19931207 PP 3_45 Presentation pack 3.45 Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with stamps from all 3 countries
Pack no. 31GBSC19931207 FDP EH1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (alone)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
3 December 199114 May 1996 - European Football Championship
This issue is also listed under Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
Pane 1GB19960514 BK 6_48 Prestige booklet 6.48 Heraldic Lion (on 2 stamps)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Prestige booklet with 2x
GBSC19931207 ST 0_25
and 20 other stamps
MI MH11223 July 1996 - Regional Machin Definitives
These Scottish stamps were also included in a new presentation pack in 1998
GBSC19960723 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright green
MI 69 (Scotland)GBSC19960723 ST 0_26 Stamp 0.26 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Reddish brown
MI 70 (Scotland)GBSC19960723 ST 0_37 Stamp 0.37 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Bright purple
MI 71 (Scotland)GBSC19960723 ST 0_63 Stamp 0.63 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 72 (Scotland)
FDC InlayGBSC19960723 FDC 1_46 EH1 First Day Cover 1.46 Heraldic Lion (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC with all 4 Scottish stamps postmarked with
GB19960723 FDP EH1This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales.
GB19960723 PP 4_38 Presentation pack 4.38 Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with stamps from all 3 countries
Pack no. 36GBSC19960723 FDP EH1 First day postmark Heraldic Lion (alone)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
23 July 199620 October 1998 - Regional Machin Definitives Presentation Pack This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales.
GB19981020 PP 4_38 Presentation pack 4.38 Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and cover)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PP with regional stamps from all 3 countries
The Scottish stamps are from the 1996-issue
Pack no. 428 June 1999 - Country Definitives GBSC19990608 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.26 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
No white border
Perf. 14:14¼ w/security perf.
Scottish Regional Stamp
MI 78 (Scotland)GBSC19990608 FDC 1_34 EH3 1 First day cover 2nd
+ 1st
+E *
+0.64 (1.34 on issue)Lion of Scotland (on one stamp and postmark)
Official FDC with the 4 Scottish stamps postmarked at the Philatelic Bureau in Edinburgh
This item is also listed under Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB19990608 FDP EH3 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (along-side Welsh and N.I. symbols)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
8 June 1999GB19990608 FDP PA33 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
"First Pictorial Issue"
Lochawe, Dalmally
8 June 1999BDC
This item is also listed under Wales.GB19990608 MISC POST 1 Promotional poster - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PO promotional poster for the new country definitivesGBSC19990608 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card no. D12/2 showing
GBSC19990608 ST 1st 315 February 2000 - Special by Design
Philatelic Bureau advertisement
Items from this isuue are also listed under Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
GBSC20000215 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st *
(0.26 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI 80 (Scotland)
Pane 1 (label)
Pane 2 (regional stamps
and selvedge)
Pane 3 (selvedge)
Pane 4
Back coverGB20000215 BK 7_73 Prestige Booklet 7.73
(20 x 1st *
4 x 0.19
2 x 0.38Heraldic Lion (on 3 stamps, 1 undenominated label, 3 pane selvedges and [at least] 2 pages)
Prestige booklet with 3 x
GBSC20000215 ST 1st 1
and 26 other stamps
MI MH131GB20000215 LB 1 Undenominated label - Heraldic Lion
Lion sejant
Undenominated, stamp-sized, central label from Pane 1 of
GB20000215 BK 7_7325 April 2000 - Country Stamps GBSC20000425 FDC 0_65 EH3 1 First day cover 0.65 Heraldic Lion (in postmark - alongside Welsh and N.I. symbols)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Official FDC postmarked with
GB20000425 FDP EH3 1
This item is also listed under Northern Ireland and Wales.GB20000425 FDP EH3 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (along-side Welsh and N.I. symbols)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"First Day of Issue"
British Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh
25 April 20004 July 2002 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives III GBSC20020704 FDC 0_68 First day cover 0.68 Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
Official FDC with the Scotland stamp, postmarked with
GB20020704 FDP EH12This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
GB20020704 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
4 July 200214 October 2003 - Country Definitives GBSC20031014 ST 1st 3 Stamp 1st *
(0.28 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
White border
Perf. 14:14.25 w/security perf.
MI 85
FDC inlayGBSC20031014 FDC 1_94 3 EH12 First day cover 1.94 Heraldic Lions
Tallents House FDC with Scottish Regional DefinitivesGBSC20031014 FDP EH1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"Scotland Regional Definitives"
14 October 2003
This item is also listed under England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20031014 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
14 October 2003GBSC20031014 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card showing
GBSC20031014 ST 1st 311 May 2004 - Regional Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20040511 FDC 0_40 EH12 First day cover 0.40 Heraldic Lions (in postmark)
Tallents House FDC with Scottish Regional Definitives
This item is also listed under England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20040511 PMK EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
11 May 20045 November 2004 - The Scottish Parliament GBSC20041005 MS 2nd__2x1st__0_80 Miniature sheet 2nd
(0.20 on issue)
+2 x 1st
(0.28 ea. on issue)
+ 2 x 0.40Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
5-stamp MS with 2 x
GBSC20031014 ST 1st 3
and 3 other stamps
MI B15 April 2005 - Country and Machin Definitives
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20050405 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
5 April 200528 March 2006 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20060328 FDC 1_16 EH12 First day cover 1.16
+ 0.72)Heraldic Lions (in postmark)
Tallents House FDC with Scottish Regional Definitives
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20060328 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
28 March 200630 November 2006 - Celebrating Scotland GBSC20061130 MS 2x1st__1_44 Miniature sheet 2 x 1st
(0.32 ea. on issue)
(2 x 0.72)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
4-stamp MS with
GBSC20031014 ST 1st 3
and 3 other stamps
MI B2GBSC20061130 MISC PHQ 1 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card showing
GBSC20031014 ST 1st 3GBSC20061130 MISC PHQ 5 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card showing
GBSC20061130 MS 2x1st__1_4427 March 2007 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives I
FDC inlayGBSC20070327 FDC 1_26 EH12 First day cover 1.26
+ 0.68)Heraldic Lions (in postmark)
Tallents House FDC with Wales Country Stamps
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20070327 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
27 March 200720 September 2007 - Army Uniforms / Country Definitives II
This issue is also listed under Great Britain,, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
Pane 3
Pane 4
Pane 4 Imp. varietyGB20070920 BK 7_66 Prestige booklet 7.66
(franking value 7.66 on issue)Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps an 1 non-denominated label)
Crowned Lion Statant Guardant
Crowned Lion Sejant Guardant
Lion of England
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
MI MH15430 November 2007 - Glorious Scotland Smilers Sheets GBSC20071130 ST 1st Stamp 1st *
(0.34 on issue)Lion of Scotland
Self-adhesive stamp from Smilers Sheets
Issued with personalizable label to the left
MI 99C (Scotland)GBSC20071130 SH 20x1st Sheetlet 20 x 1st *
(7.35 / franking value 6.80 on issue)Lion of Scotland (on stamps)
Royal Mail Smilers Sheet with 20 x
GBSC20071130 ST 1st
with 2 x 10 "pre-personalised" labelsGBSC20071130 FDP EH1 First Day
Postmark *- Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"Glorious Scotland"
30 November 2007GBSC20071130 FDP IV40 First Day
Postmark *- Lions Rampant
Lion of Scotland
"Glorious Scotland"
Kyle of Lochalsh
30 November 20071 April 2008 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives GBSC20080401 FDC 1_31 EH12 First day cover 1.31
+ 0.81)Heraldic Lion (on postmark)
Lion Sejant
Official FDC postmarked with
GB20080401 FDP EH12
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20080401 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
1 April 200829 September 2008 - 50th Anniversary of Regional Stamps
Items from this issue are also listed under Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
GBSC20080929 ST 1st 4 Stamp 1st *
(0.36 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Scottish Regional Stamp
Stamp from MS
MI 104 I (Scotland)GBSC20080929 ST 1st 13 Stamp 1st *
(0.36 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Scottish Regional Stamp
Offset / litho
Stamp from prestige booklet
MI 104 II (Scotland)GB20080929 MS 9x1st Miniature sheet 9 x 1st * Heraldic Lion (on one stamp)
Lion of Scotland
MI KB102-104 (Scotland)
Pane 1 (mixed)
Pane 2 (Scotland)
Pane 3 (Northern Ireland)
Pane 4 (Wales)GB20080929 BK 9_72 Prestige Booklet 27 x 1st * Heraldic Lions (on 5 stamps and 2 panes)
Contains 2 x
GB20080929 ST 1st 13
and 3x
GB20031014 ST 1st 3
MI MH157 (GB)GBSC20080929 MISC PHQ 2 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card showing
GBSC20080929 ST 1st 4GB20080929 MISC PHQ 24 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card showing
GB20080929 MS 9x1stGB20080929 MISC POST Promotional poster - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Promotional poster for the issue29 September 2008 - Glorious UK Smilers Sheet
Items from this issue are also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
GBSC20080929 ST 1st 7 Stamp 1st *
(0.36 on issue)Lion of Scotland
Scottish Regional Stamp
Self-adhesive stamp from Smilers Sheet
MI 99CS (Scotland)
Labels for England
Tower of London
Brighton Pier
Turf Fen Mill
Royal Liver Building
Eden ProjectLabels for Scotland
Scottish Exhibition Centre
Declaration of Arbroath
Dugald Stewart Monument
Glenfinnan Viaduct
Italian Chapel, OrkneyGB20080929 SH 20x1st Sheetlet 20 x 1st *
(7.75 / (franking value 7.20 on issue)Heraldic Lions (on 10 stamps)
Royal Mail Smilers Sheet with 5 x
GBEN20080929 ST 1st 1
and 5 x
GBSC20080929 ST 1st 7
and 5 x Wales and 5x Northern Ireland stamps, all with different "pre-personalized" labels22 January 2009 - 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns This issue is also listed under Great Britain
GB20090122 MS 2nd__3x1st__1_31 Miniature sheet 2nd *
(0.27 on issue)
+ 3 x 1st *
(0.36 ea. on issue)
+ 1.31
+ 0.81)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
6-stamp MS with
GBSC20031014 ST 1st 3
and 5 other GB and Scottish stamps
MI B48 (GB)GB20090122 MISC PHQ 3 Un-franked postcard / PHQ Card - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
PHQ-card showing
GB20090122 MS 2nd__3x1st__1_31GB20090122 MISC POST Promotional poster - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
Promotional poster for the issue31 March 2009 - Country Stamps / Machin Definitives III
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20090331 FDP EH12 First day postmark * - Heraldic Lion
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
31 March 200930 March 2010 - Country Stamps / Machin Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20100330 FDC 1_57 EH12 First day cover 1.57
+ 0.97)Heraldic Lion (on postmark)
Lion Sejant
Official FDC postmarked with
GB20100330 FDP EH12
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20100330 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
30 March 201029 March 2011 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20110329 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
29 March 201125 April 2012 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives If you have scan of this item, please share. GBSC20120425 FDC 2_15 First day cover 2.15
+ 1.28)Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
Lion Sejant
Tallents House FDC with Scotland Country Stamps
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20120425 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
25 April 201227 March 2013 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20130327 FDC 0_88 EH12 First day cover 0.88 Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
Lion Sejant
Tallents House FDC with Scotland Country Stamps
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20130327 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
27 March 20139 May 2013 - Football Heroes / 150th Anniversary of the Football Association Items from this issue are also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
Pane 1 (label)
Pane 2 (2 stamps)
Pane 3 (4 stamps)
Pane 4 (definitives only)
Back coverGB20130509 BK 11_11 Prestige Booklet 11.11
(franking value 10.56)Heraldic Lion (on cover, 6 stamps and undenominated label)
Three Lions Passant Guardant
FA Crest
Prestige Booklet with the 11 self-adhesive stamps and 14 definitives
MI MH173GB20130509 LB 1 Undenominated label - Heraldic Lion
Three Lions Passant Guardant
FA Crest
Label from Pane 1 of
GB20130509 BK 11_1126 March 2014 - Country and Stamps Machin Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20140326 FDC 0_97 EH12 First day cover 0.97 Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
Lion Sejant
Tallents House FDC with England Country Stamps
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20140326 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
26 March 201424 March 2015 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20150324 FDC 2_33 First day cover 2.33
+ 1.33)Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
Lion Sejant
Tallents House FDC with Scotland Country Stamps
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20150324 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
24 March 201522 March 2016 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20160322 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
22 March 201621 March 2017 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20170321 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail - Tallents House"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Edinburgh EH12
21 March 201720 March 2018 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives GBSC20180320 FDC 2nd_1st_2_70 First day cover 2nd
(0.56 on issue)
+ 1st
(0.65 on issue)
+ 2.70
+ 1.45)Heraldic Lion
Lion sejant
Official FDC postmarked with
GB20180320 FDP EH12
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20180320 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Tallents House, Edinburgh EH12
20 March 201819 March 2019 - Country Stamps and Machine Definitives
FDC inlayGBSC20190319 FDC 2_90 EH12 First day cover 2_90
+ 1.55)Heraldic Lion
Lion sejant
Official FDC postmarked with
GB20190319 FDP EH12
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20190319 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Tallents House, Edinburgh EH12
19 March 20196 April 2020 - Declaration of Arbroath GBSC20200406 MS 2nd_1st_3_05 Miniature sheet 2nd (0.65 on issue
+ 1st (0.76 on issue)
+ 1.42
+ 1.63)Heraldic Lion (on oe stamp and selvedge)
Lion Rampant
Lion of Scotland
4-stamp MS with
GBSC20031014 ST 1st 3
and 3 other stamps
MI BXX23 December 2020 - Country Stamps and Machin Definitives
This item is also listed under Great Britain, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales.GB20201223 FDP EH12 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion sejant
"First Day of Issue - Royal Mail"
FDP used for all regional and Machin definitives at the Philatelic Bureau
Tallents House, Edinburgh EH12
23 December 2020List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Catherine Kendell, Ian Billings (Norvic Philatelics),
Elisabeth Hallsjö, Hilam Patal, and the CollectGBStamps website.
Latest upate: 31 October, 2023