Stamps inscribed 'Jersey'. Regional definitives bears no country name, but features natlional/regional symbols linked to Jersey.
1840 - 1969 See Great Britain
1941 - 1946 German occupation stamps used alongside GB stamps
1958 - 1969 Regional Definitives used alongside GB stamps
1969 -> Postal independenceCountry/regional definitives issued for Jersey in the years 1958 - 1969 were valid for postage throughout he United Kingdom, but are mainly listed here. Items with mixed stamps from various countries/regions and/or ordinary GB stamps are listed under all applicable countries/regions.
From 1941: 1 Pound = 20 Shhillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1970: 1 Pound = 100 Pence
Checklists > Countries > Jersey Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Shortcuts: 1941-69 • 1970-79 • 1980-89 • 1990-99 • 2000-2009 • 2010-19 • 2020->
1941 - 69
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Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1 April 1941 - German Occupation Definitives JE19410401 ST 0_0_1 1 Stamp 0-0-1 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
(Greyish) white paper
MI 2yIf you have a scan of this item, please share. JE19410401 ST 0_0_1 2 Stamp 0-0-1 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Coated paper
MI 2z29 January 1942 - German Occupation Definitives JE19420129 ST 0_0_0_5 Stamp 0-0-½ Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 118 August 1958 - Regional Definitives I JE19580818 ST 0_0_3 Stamp 0-0-3 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Normal paper (see
JE19670609 ST 0_0_3
for phosphorized paper)
MI 1x (Jersey)8 June 1964 - Regional Definitives JE19640608 ST 0_0_25 Stamp 0-0-2½ Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2 (Jersey)7 February 1966 - Regional Definitives I JE19660207 ST 0_0_4 Stamp 0-0-4 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Normal paper (see
JE19671002 ST 0_0_4
for phosphorized paper)
MI 3x (Jersey)9 June 1967 - Regional Definitives II JE19670609 ST 0_0_3 Stamp 0-0-3 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Reprint of
JE19580818 ST 0_0_3
on phosphorized paper
MI 1y (Jersey)2 October 1967 - Regional Definitives III JE19671002 ST 0_0_4 Stamp 0-0-4 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Reprint of
JE19660207 ST 0_0_4
on phosphorized paper
MI 3y (Jersey)UKLS 4 September 1968 - Regional Definitives III JE19680904 ST 0_0_4 Stamp 0-0-4 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark brown
MI 4 (Jersey)UKLS JE19680904 ST 0_0_5 Stamp 0-0-5 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 5 (Jersey)ILM JE19680904 FDC 0_0_9 JE1 First day cover 0-0-9 Heraldic Lions (on both stamps and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with both Jersey stamps, postmarked on Jersey26 February 1969 - Regional Definitives JE19690226 ST 0_0_4 Stamp 0-0-4 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 6 (Jersey)ILM 1 October 1969 - Definitives JE19691001 ST 0_0_0_5 Stamp 0-0-½ Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 7JE19691001 ST 0_0_1 Stamp 0-0-1 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from sheet or booklet
MI 8JE19691001 ST 0_0_2 Stamp 0-0-2 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 9JE19691001 ST 0_0_3 1 Stamp 0-0-3 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 10If you have a scan of this item, please share. JE19691001 ST 0_0_3 2 Stamp 0-0-3 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
JE19691001 ST 0_0_3 1
Missing orange colour
Jersey CoA
MI 10FJE19691001 ST 0_0_4 1 Stamp 0-0-4 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from sheet or booklet
MI 11JE19691001 ST 0_0_5 1 Stamp 0-0-5 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from sheet or booklet
MI 12JE19691001 ST 0_0_6 Stamp 0-0-6 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 13JE19691001 ST 0_0_9 Stamp 0-0-9 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 14JE19691001 ST 0_1_0 Stamp 0-1-0 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 15IPS JE19691001 ST 0_1_6 1 Stamp 0-1-6 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 16JE19691001 ST 0_1_9 1 Stamp 0-1-9 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 17JE19691001 ST 0_2_6 Stamp 0-2-6 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 18JE19691001 ST 0_5_0 Stamp 0-5-0 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 19JE19691001 ST 0_10_0 1 Stamp 0-10-0 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Green frame
MI 20If you have a scan of this item, please share. JE19691001 ST 0_10_0 2 Stamp 0-10-0 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Blue-green frame
MI 20FJE19691001 ST 1_0_0 Stamp 1-0-0 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 21JE196910001 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"First Day of Issue"
Postmark used for both definitives and postal independence set
Jersey (no city)
1 October 1969
Back coverJE19691001 BK 0_7_0 1 Booklet 0-7-0 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Booklet with 12 x
JE19691001 ST 0_0_4 1
6 x
JE19691001 ST 0_0_1
and 6 x
JE19691001 ST 0_0_5 1
Carton cover
MI MH 0-2M
Back coverJE19691001 BK 0_7_0 2 Booklet 0-7-0 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Booklet with 12 x
JE19691001 ST 0_0_4 1
6 x
JE19691001 ST 0_0_1
and 6 x
JE19691001 ST 0_0_5 1
Thinner paper cover
MI MH 0-31 October 1969 - Postal Independence JE19691001 ST 0_0_4 2 Stamp 0-0-4 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamps on Stamps
MI 22UKLS JE19691001 ST 0_0_5 2 Stamp 0-0-5 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamps on Stamps
MI 23JE19691001 ST 0_1_6 2 Stamp 0-1-6 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamps on Stamps
MI 24JE19691001 ST 0_1_9 2 Stamp 0-1-9 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamps on Stamps
MI 24JE196910001 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"First Day of Issue"
Postmark used for both definitives and postal independence set
Jersey (no city)
1 October 19691 October 1969 - Postal Stationary If you have a scan of this item, please share.
JE19691001 AEG 0_0_9 Aerogramme 0-0-9 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp indicium like
JE19691001 ST 0_0_9
MI LF1IL (UF) 1970 - 1979
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19 June 1970 - Dunkirk Veterans Association JE19700619 PMK JE1 Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant from Dunkirk CoA and the Association Arms
"Salute to the Men of Dunkirk"
Jersey, Channel Islands
19 June 1970UKL 1 October 1970 - Definitives (decimal values) JE19701001 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
MI 46JE19701001 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
MI 47JE19701001 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
MI 48JE19701001 FDC 0_80 First day cover 0.80 Heradic Lions (on stamps and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all 3 stamps in set15 February 1971 - Definitives (decimal values) JE19710215 ST 0_005 Stamp 0.005 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 34ILM JE19710215 ST 0_01 1 Stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 35If you have a scan of this item, please share. JE19710215 ST 0_01 2 Stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Missing orange colour
MI 35FJE19710215 ST 0_015 Stamp 0.015 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
LMJE19710215 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 37ILM JE19710215 ST 0_025 1 Stamp 0.025 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 38UKPS If you have a scan of this item, please share. JE19710215 ST 0_025 2 Stamp 0.025 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Missing golden colour
MI 38FJE19710215 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 39ILM JE19710215 ST 0_035 Stamp 0.035 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 40JE19710215 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 41IPS JE19710215 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet or booklet
MI 42CILS JE19710215 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
MI 43JE19710215 ST 0_075 Stamp 0.075 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
MI 44JE19710215 ST 0_09 Stamp 0.09 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp from ordinary sheet
MI 4515 June 1971 - 50th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion
Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
JE19710615 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
MI 53ILS/ PM JE19710615 ST 0_075 Stamp 0.075 Herladic Lion
The Victoria Cross
MI 55JE19710615 MC 0_02 Maximum Card 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
MC with
JE19710615 ST 0_02JE19710615 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
"50th Anniversary - British Legion - 1921-1971"
Jersey, Channel Islands
15 June 19711 July 1971 - Postal Stationary JE19710701 AEG 0_05 Aerogramme 0.05 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp indicium like
JE19710215 ST 0_05
MI LF2M 1973 - Postal Stationary JE19730000 AEG 0_06 Aerogramme 0.06
(0.05 + 0.01)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp indicium like
JE19710215 ST 0_05
JE19710701 AEG 0_05
uprated with "Official - Postage Uprated 1p" in a double circle
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI LF3M 1973 - Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust Booklet
This item is also listed under Wild Cats
JE19730000 BK 0_20 Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA/Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 8 x
JE19710215 ST 0_025 1
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH 0-??13 May 1973 - Jersey New Potatoes Slogan Postmark JE19730513_ PMK JE1 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Prosuce Logo
First day of use:
13 May 1973
Latest date reported:
20 May 1973
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.UKL 10 September 1973 - Jersey Wild Flower Booklet
Back coverJE19730910 BK 0_30 Booklet 0.30 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA/Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 10 x
JE19710215 ST 0_03
MI MH 0-??10 September 1973 - Famous Jersey Artists Booklet
Back coverJE19730910 BK 0_50 Booklet 0.50 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA/Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 8 x
JE19710215 ST 0_025 1
and 10 x
JE19710215 ST 0_03
MI MH ???1974 - Postal Stationary JE19740000 REG 0_285 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.285 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Postal rates changed on 1 July 1974, but we have seen no confirmed date of issue
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU117 January 1974 - Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust Booklets
Back coverJE19740107 BK 0_20 Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 8x
JE19710215 ST 0_025 1
MI MH???M JE19740107 BK 0_30 Booklet 0.30 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 10x
JE19710215 ST 0_03
MI MH???JE19740107 BK 0_50 Booklet 0.50 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 8 x
JE19710215 ST 0_025 1
and 10 x
JE19710215 ST 0_03
MI MH???JE19740107 BK 0_60 1 Booklet 0.60 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Lemur on cover
Booklet with 6 x
JE19710215 ST 0_03
and 12 x
JE19710215 ST 0_035
MI MH???JE19740107 BK 0_60 2 Booklet 0.60 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Lizard on cover
Booklet with 6 x
JE19710215 ST 0_03
and 12 x
JE19710215 ST 0_035
MI MH0-1231 July 1974 - Anniversaries This item is also listed under Wild Cats
JE19740731 FDP JE1 4 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Head
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
"Winston Churchill Centenary 1874-1974 - The Royal British Legion"
Jersey, Channel Islands
31 July 1974IL 31 October 1974 - Definitives JE19741031 ST 0_045 Stamp 0.045 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 107JE19741031 ST 0_055 Stamp 0.055 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 108JE19741031 ST 0_08 Stamp 0.08 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 109
FDC InlayJE19741031 FDC 0_18 First day cover 0.18 Heraldic Lions (on all stamps and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all three stamps1975 - Postal Stationary JE19750000 AEG 0_085 Aerogramme 0.085
(0.05 + 0.035)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp indicium like
JE19710215 ST 0_05
JE19710701 AEG 0_05
uprated with "Official - Postage Uprated 3 1/2 p" in a double circle
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI LF4M JE19750000 REG 0_40 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.40 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU12JE19750901 AEG 0_085 Aerogramme 0.085 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp indicium like
JE19710215 ST 0_01
but with new face value
MI LF5JE19751030 AEG 0_105 Aerogramme 0.105 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp indicium like
JE19710215 ST 0_01
but with new face value
JE19750901 AEG 0_085
uprated with "Official - Postage Uprated 2 p" in a double circle
MI LF6IL 1975 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19750000 BK 0_20 Sachet Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Red print on cover
Sachet booklet with 2 each of
JE19710215 ST 0_01
JE19710215 ST 0_04
JE19710215 ST 0_05
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???M 1975 - Aviation History Booklets JE19750000 BK 0_50 Booklet 0.50 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 6 x
JE19710215 ST 0_01
6 x
JE19710215 ST 0_04
and 4 x
JE19710215 ST 0_05
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH0-15
BackJE19750400 BK 1_00 Booklet 1.00 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Booklet with 8 x
JE19710215 ST 0_01
8 x
JE19710215 ST 0_04
and 12 x
JE19710215 ST 0_05
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH0-16M 1976 - Postal Stationary JE19760000 REG 0_52 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.52 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
Postage rates changed 2 February 1976, but the date of issue is not confirmed
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU13AJE19760000 REG 0_52 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.52 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 201x121 mm
Postage rates changed 2 February 1976, but the date of issue is not confirmed
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU13BJE19760000 REG 0_52 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.52 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
Postage rates changed 2 February 1976, but the date of issue is not confirmed
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU13C1976 - Sachet Booklets JE19760000 BK 0_20 1 Sachet Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Blue print on cover
Sachet booklet with 2 each of
JE19710215 ST 0_01
JE19710215 ST 0_04
JE19710215 ST 0_05
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???JE19760000 BK 0_20 2 Sachet Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Green print on cover
Sachet booklet with 3x
JE19710215 ST 0_01
2 x
JE19710215 ST 0_05
and 2 x
JE19710215 ST 0_035
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???29 May 1976 - American Bicentennial / Links with America JE19760529 ST 0_07 Stamp 0.07 Heraldic Lions
Colonial Arms of New Jersey (?) (on stamp)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (Jersey Post Emblem) (on cover)
MI 150JE19760529 PP 0_36 Presentation pack 0.36 Heraldic Lions
Colonial Arms of New Jersey (?) (on stamp)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (Jersey Post Emblem) (on cover)20 August 1976 - Definitives - Parish Coats of Arms JE19760820 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (Jersey Post Emblem)
MI 146JE19760820 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 147JE19760820 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Lieutenant Governor's Flag
MI 148RILM 1977 - Postal Stationary JE19770000 REG 0_67 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.67 Heraldic Lions (in ('circular') octagonal stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU16AJE19770000 REG 0_67 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.67 Heraldic Lions (in ('circular') octagonal stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU16BJE19770000 REG 0_67 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.67 Heraldic Lions (in ('circular') octagonal stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU16C1977 - Sachet Booklet JE19770000 BK 0_20 Sachet Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Brown print on cover
Sachet booklet with
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???25 March 1977 - Centenary of the Currency Reform JE19770325 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (on coin)
MI 160M JE19770325 ST 0_07 Stamp 0.07 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (on coin)
MI 161M JE19770325 ST 0_11 Stamp 0.11 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (on coin)
MI 162M
FDC InlayJE19770325 FDC 0_36 First day cover 0.36 Heraldic Lions (on 3 stamps and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in setCC 24 June 1977 - St. John's Ambulance Centenary JE19770624 FDC 0_36 First day cover 0.36 Heraldic Lions (in postmark)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in setJE19770624 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"First Day of Issue"
24 June 19771978 - Postal Stationary JE19780000 REG 0_68 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.68 Heraldic Lions (in ('square') octagonal stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU17AJE19780000 REG 0_68 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.68 Heraldic Lions (in ('square') octagonal stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU17BJE19780000 REG 0_68 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.68 Heraldic Lions (in ('square') octagonal stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU17C1978 - Sachet Booklet JE19780000 BK 0_30 Sachet Booklet 0.30 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Violet print on white cover
Sachet booklet with
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???1 May 1978 - EUROPA: Historic Landmarks
FDC InlayJE19780501 FDC 0_245 First day cover 0.245 Heraldic Lions (in postmark)
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all three stamps in setCC JE19780501 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
from Jersey CoA
1st Day of Issue
Jersey (no town)
1 May 1978CC 9 June 1978 - Links with Canada JE19780609 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 180M JE19780609 ST 0_08 Stamp 0.08 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 181M JE19780609 ST 0_105 Stamp 0.105 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 182M JE19780609 ST 0_11 Stamp 0.11 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 183M JE19780609 ST 0_13 Stamp 0.13 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 184M 1979 - Postal Stationary JE19790000 REG 0_73 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.73 Heraldic Lions (in shield-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU18AJE19790000 REG 0_73 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.73 Heraldic Lions (in shield-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mmJE19790000 REG 0_73 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.73 Heraldic Lions (in shield-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU18C1979 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19790000 BK 0_30 Sachet Booklet 0.30 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Purple print on mauve cover
Sachet booklet with
6 heraldic stamps (no cats)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???M 25-28 August 1979 - Riccione '79 International Philatelic Exhibition JE19790825_28 PMK IT47383 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Riccione, Italy
25 - 28 August 1979October 1979 - Definitives Booklet
Back coverJE19791000 BK 1_20 Booklet 1.20
(8 x 0.01
+ 8 x 0.06
+ 8 x 0.08)Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH0-20M 1980 - 1989
Back to top
1980 - Postal Stationary JE19800000 REG 0_84 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.84 Heraldic Lions (in crown-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU19AJE19800000 REG 0_84 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.84 Heraldic Lions (in crown-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU19BJE19800000 REG 0_84 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 0.84 Heraldic Lions (in crown-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU19C1980 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19800000 BK 0_30 Sachet Booklet 0.30 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Black print on light red cover
Sachet booklet with
3 heraldic stamps (no cats)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???M 1981 - Postal Stationary JE19810000 REG 1_00 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.00 Heraldic Lions (in crown-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU20AJE19810000 REG 1_00 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.00 Heraldic Lions (in crown-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU20BJE19810000 REG 1_00 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.00 Heraldic Lions (in crown-shaped stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU20C1981 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19810000 BK 0_20 Sachet Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Black print on blue cover
Sachet booklet with ???
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???28 July 1981 - Royal Wedding JE19810728 FDC 0_35 First day cover 0.35 Heraldic Lions (on postmark)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with both stamps in setJE19810728 FDP JE1 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"First Day of Issue
Jersey (no town)
28 July 19811982 - Postal Stationary JE19820000 REG 1_11 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.11 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU21AJE19820000 REG 1_11 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.11 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU21BJE19820000 REG 1_11 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.11 Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI EU21C23 February 1982 - Definitives: Coats of Arms JE19820223 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 277A1 April 1982 - 64th Anniversary of the Formation of the Royal Air Force This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
JE19820401 PMK JE1 Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Winged Demi-lion
"64th Anniversary of the Formation of the Royal Air Force"
Jersey (no town)
1 April 1982UKL 1983 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19830000 BK 0_20 Sachet Booklet 0.20 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Black print on green cover
Sachet booklet with ???
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???3 May 1983 - 40th Anniversary of the Award of the Victoria Cross to Sqn. Leader Trent JE19830503 PMK JE1 Commemomarative Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Passant Guardant
The Victoria Cross
"40th Anniversary of the Award of the Victoria Cross to Sqn Leader Trent"
Jersey (no town)
3 May 198319 April 1983 - EUROPA: Inventions JE19830419 ST 0_11 1 Stamp 0.11 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19691001 ST 0_5_0
MI 299M JE19830419 ST 0_195 1 Stamp 0.195 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19691001 ST 0_10_0 1
MI 301JE19830419 ST 0_195 2 Stamp 0.195 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Bailiff's Seal
MI 301JE19830419 FDC 0_61 First day cover 0.61 Heraldic Lions (on 3 stamps, postmark and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in setBDC JE19830419 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"First Day of Issue - Jour d'Émission"
Jersey (no town)
19 April 1983MC 21 June 1983 - 23rd General Assembly of the International Association of Francophone Parliamentarians JE19830621 ST 0_195 Stamp 0.195 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 308M 21 June 1983 - 50th Anniversary of the First Flight of the Handley Page Heyford
This item is also listed under Wild Cats
On comm. cover
Cover inlayJE19830621 PMK JE1 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Puma
Puma Salient
from RAF 99th Sq. badge
"First Flight of the Production Version of the Handley Page Heyford"
Jersey (no town)
21 June 1983UKL 1984 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19840000 BK 0_30 Sachet Booklet 0.30 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Black print on green cover
Sachet booklet with ???
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???12 March 1984 - Conference of Commonwealth Postal Administrations JE19840312 MS 0_75 Miniature sheet 0.75 Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Armed Lion Passant
Sri Lanka Flag
MI B31 June 1984 - Jersey Centenary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution / Royal Visit JE19840601 PMK JE1 First day postmark / Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Used both as FDP and commemorative postmark for the Royal Visit
"Royal Visit - First Day of Issue"
Jersey (no town)
1 June 1984MC 1 July 1984 - 150th Anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution JE19840701 LB 1 Margival label - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
First position top marginal label from any sheet - identical labels on all denominations1985 - Sachet Booklet
With contentJE19850000 BK 0_50 Sachet Booklet 0.50 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Black print on green cover
Sachet booklet with ???
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH???21 April 1986 - 60th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II JE19860421 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 37727 October 1986 - Postal Stationary JE19861027 REG 1_34 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.34
(sold at 1.44)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
MI EU24AJE19861027 REG 1_34 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.34
(sold at 1.46)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
MI EU24BJE19861027 REG 1_34 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.34
(sold at 1.49)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
MI EU24CIJE19861027 REG 1_34 4 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.34
(sold at 1.49)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
MI EU24CII23 July 1987 - Postal Stationary JE19870723 REG 1_35 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.35
(sold at 1.45)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size G Envelope - 153x96 mm
MI EU25AJE19870723 REG 1_35 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.35
(sold at 1.47)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size H Envelope - 204x121 mm
MI EU25BJE19870723 REG 1_35 3 Pre-stamped registration envelope 1.35
(sold at 1.50)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size K Envelope - 289x152 mm
MI EU25CJE19870927 AEG NVI Aerogramme NVI
(0.26 on issue)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Orchids in cachet
MI LF239 September 1987 - 900th Anniversary of the Death of William the Conqueror This set also includes Wild Cats and Mythic Cats
JE19870909 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Heraldic Lions
Coronation of William the Conqueror
Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry. 9. c.
MI 416JE19870909 ST 0_34 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lions
Wild Cat Art
Winged Lion
Successions of Henry II
and John Lackland
Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry. 9. c.
MI 41924 May 1989 - Royal Visit JE19890524 FDC 1_00 First day cover 1.00 Heraldic Lions (on postmark and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Jersey Flag
Official FDCJE19890524 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
"Royal Visit - Day of Issue"
Jersey (no town)
24 May 19891990 - 1999
Back to top
16 January 1990 - Definitives I JE19900116 PP 1_68 Presentation pack 1.68 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
"Medium Values" on cover13 March 1990 - Definitives II JE19900313 PP 1_95 Presentation pack 1.95 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
"High Values" on cover4 September 1990 - Postal Stationary JE19900904 AEG NVI Aerogramme NVI
(0.30 on issue - sold at 0.35)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
"Festival of Tourism" in cachet
MI LF24IL 1990 - Stamp World London '90 JE19900000 BK 2_40 Prestige booklet 2.40 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag / Post Office Emblem
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH0-321991 - Elizabeth Castle Prestige booklet JE19910000 BK 4_80 Prestige booklet 4.80 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag / Post Office Emblem
If you know the content and date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI MH0-3319 March 1991 - HM Queen Elizabeth II JE19910319 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 54316 May 1991 - Anniversaries: 50th Anniversary of the First Jersey Stamps JE19910516 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on Stamp
JE19410401 ST 0_0_1 1
MI 54414 April 1992 - 500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America JE19920414 ST 0_22 1 Stamp 0.22 Heraldic Lions
Flag of Castille and León
MI 574JE19920414 ST 0_28 Stamp 0.28 Heraldic Lions
Flag of Castille and León
MI 575JE19920414 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lions
Flag of Castille and León
MI 576JE19920414 FDC 0_89 First day cover 0.89 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and in cachet)
Flag of Castille and León (stamps)
Flag of Jersey (cachet)
Official FDC with all stamps in setJE19920414 PP 0_89 Presentation pack 0.89 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cover)
Flag of Castille and León (stamps)
PP with all stamps in set14 April 1992 - Shipbuilding in Jersey JE19920414 MS 1_45 Miniature sheet 1.45 Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
4-stamp MS with all stamps in set
MI B624 January 1995 - Definitive: Royal Arms JE19950124 ST 4_00 Stamps 4.00 Heraldic Lions
Royal CoA of the UK
MI 687JE19950124 PP 4_00 Presentation pack 4.00 Heraldic Lions
Royal CoA of the UK (on stamp)
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem (on cover)9 May 1995 - 50th Anniversary of the Liberation JE19950509 BK 7_06 Prestige booklet 7.06 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Prestige booklet with 3 of each stamp in set + 1 MS
MI MH84 July 1995 - Postal Stationary JE19950704 AEG NVI Aerogramme NVI
(0.41 on issue)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
Wildflowers in cachet
MI LF25JE19950704 REG PP 1 Pre-stamped registration envelope NVI
(sold at 3.25 on issue)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size DL - 225x115 mm
MI EU26AJE19950704 REG PP 2 Pre-stamped registration envelope NVI
(sold at 3.25 on issue)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Size C5 - 235x165 mm
MI EU26BJE19951024 AEG NVI Aerogramme NVI
(0.41 on issue)Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicium)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
No cachet
MI LF2628 January 1998 - Definitives: Sea Birds and Waders I JE19980128 PP 2_83 Presentation pack 2.83 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
PP with all stamps in issue11 August 1998 - Definitives: Sea Birds and Waders II JE19980811 PP 2_44 Presentation pack 2.44 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA / Post Office Emblem
PP with all stamps in issue2000 - 2009
Back to top
1 January 2000 - Definitives JE20000101 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Stamp embossed with 22k gold foil
MI 920BDC JE20000101 FDC 10_00 First day cover 10.00 Heraldic Lions (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDCJE20000101 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"First Day of Issue"
Jersey (no town)
1 January 20003 April 2001 - Naval Connections JE20010403 FDC 2_39 First day cover 2.39 Heraldic Lion (on postmark)
Lion Passant Guardant
Official FDC with all stamps in setJE20010403 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant Guardant
"First Day of Issue"
Jersey (no town)
3 April 200117 September 2001 - Jersey Clipper JE20010917 MS 1_50 Miniature sheet 1.50 Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
The Times Masthead
MI B312 June 2003 - 50th Anniversary of the Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II JE20030602 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Crowned Lion Rampant Guardant
MS with all 6 stamps in set
MI B3925 June 2004 - Jersey: A Peculiar of the Crown JE20040625 ST 0_32 1 Stamp 0.32 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Flag of the Duchy of Normandy
MI 1137JE20040625 ST 0_33 1 Stamp 0.33 Heraldic Lions
Royal Standard
MI 1139JE20040625 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
MI 114127 April 2005 - Centenary of the Jersey Footbal Association and the Channel Islands Football Championship JE20050427 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
CoAs of Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney
Round stamp from MS
MI 1179JE20050427 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
CoAs of Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney (on stamp and selvedge)
Old Jersey Footbal Association Logo (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B499 May 2005 - Peace and Reconciliation JE20050509 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
MI B506 January 2006 - 175th Anniversary The Royal Jersey Militia JE20060106 ST 0_34 Stamp 0.34 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Royal Jersey Regiment Cap Badge (1844)
MI 1214JE20060106 ST 0_41 Stamp 0.41 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Royal Jersey Artillery Cap Badge (1881)
MI 1215JE20060106 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Statant Guardant
The Victoria Cross
Stamp from MS
MI 1218JE20060106 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp)
The Victoria Cross
Single-stamp MS
MI B5321 April 2006 - 80th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II Joint issue with New Zealand
JENZ20060421 MS 5_00__5_00 1 Miniature sheet 5.00
+ 5.00Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
2-stamp MS with stamps from both countries
Blackish blue
This item is also listed under New Zealand
MI B56a (Jersey)
MI B198a (NZ)JENZ20060421 MS 5_00__5_00 2 Miniature sheet 5.00
+ 5.00Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Joint issue with New Zealand
2-stamp MS with stamps from both countries
Dark Prussian blue
This item is also listed under New Zealand
MI B56b (Jersey)
MI B198b (NZ)6 March 2007 - EUROPA: Scouting JE20070306 ST 0_37 Stamp 0.37 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
MI 126823 May 2008 - Jersey Cricket JE20080523 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Cricket Logo
Stamp from MS
MI 1357JE20080523 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Cricket Logo (on stamp and selvedge)
Jersey Flag (on selvedge)
Stamp from MS
MI B6924 June 2008 - Naval Connections II JE20080624 MS 2_50 Miniature sheet 2.50 Heraldic Lions (on cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI B70JE20080624 BK 11_59 Prestige booklet 11.59 Heraldic Lions (on cover and one pane)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI MH212010 - 2019
Back to top
8 May 2010 - Postal History V: British Regional Stamps JE20100508 ST 0_36 Stamp 0.36 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19580818 ST 0_0_3
MI 1488JE20100508 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19640608 ST 0_0_25
MI 1489JE20100508 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19660207 ST 0_0_4
MI 1490JE20100508 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19680904 ST 0_0_4
MI 1491JE20100508 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19680904 ST 0_0_5
MI 1492JE20100508 ST 0_72 Stamp 0.72 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on stamp
JE19690226 ST 0_0_4
MI 1493JE20100508 MS 3_07 Miniature sheet 3.07 Heraldic Lions (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamps on stamps
MS with all 6 stamps in set
MI B861 November 2010 - NVI Definitives JE20101101 ST LL Stamp LL *
(0.36 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
MI 1526ILM JE20101101 ST PL Stamp PL *
(0.39 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
MI 1527JE20101101 ST UK Stamp UK *
(0.45 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
MI 1528JE20101101 RL 36_00 Roll of stamps 100 x LL *
(36.00 / 100 x 0.36 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Roll with 100 x
JE20101101 ST LLJE20101101 RL 39_00 Roll of stamps 100 x PL *
(39.00 / 100 x 0.39 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Roll with 100 x
JE20101101 ST PLJE20101101 RL 45_00 Roll of stamps 100 x UK *
(45.00 / 100 x 0.45 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Roll with 100 x
JE20101101 ST UKJE20101101 FDC 1_20 First day cover LL
+ SL
+ UK
+ 0.39
+ 0.45 on issue)Heraldic Lions (on stamps and in cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Official FDC with
JE20101101 ST LL
JE20101101 ST PL
JE20101101 ST UKJE20101101 PP 2_20 Presentation pack 2.20
(Franking value:
+ SL
+ UK
+ 0.39
+ 0.45 on issue))Heraldic Lions (on stamps and in cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Presentation pack with
JE20101101 ST LL
JE20101101 ST PL
JE20101101 ST UK
Order form (back)JE20101101 MISC FLY Philatelic flyer - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
from Jersey CoA
Flyer/order form from the Jersey Philatelic BureauM 10 January 2012 - Europa: Visit Jersey JE20120110 SH 4_20 Sheetlet 4.20 Heraldic Lions (on marginal label)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Sheetlet of 10 x 0.42 stamps
MI KB1616JE20120110 SH 4_90 Sheetlet 4.90 Heraldic Lions (on marginal label)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Sheetlet of 10 x 0.49 stamps
MI KB1617JE20120110 SH 5_90 Sheetlet 5.90 Heraldic Lions (on marginal label)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Sheetlet of 10 x 0.59 stamps
MI KB1618JE20120110 SH 8_60 Sheetlet 8.60 Heraldic Lions (on marginal label)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Sheetlet of 10 x 0.86 stamps
MI KB1619JE20120110 LB 2 Marginal Label - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
1st position top marginal label from either sheetlet (identical marginal labels on all denominations)10 March 2012 - Aviation History XI JE20120310 ST 0_79 Stamp 0.79 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
MI 16268 May 2013 - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement - 150 Years JE20130508 SH 10xLL Sheetlet 10 x LL
(4.50 on issue)Heraldic Lions (on selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Evacuee Association Logo
10-stamp sheetlet
MI KB17292 June 2013 - 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II JE20130602 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on Stamp
JE19710215 ST 0_09
MI 1737JE20130602 MS 4_00 Miniature sheet 4.00 Heraldic Lions (on one stamp)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Catstamp on Stamp
JE19710215 ST 0_09
2-stamp MS with
JE20130602 ST 2_00 2
and the other stamp in set
MI B10719 February 2014 - Post & Go JE20140219 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
(UK100)JE20140219 FDC 5_22 First day cover 5.22 Heraldic Lions (on Franking labels, postmark, and in cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Official FDC with all 6 standard valuesJE20140219 PP 5_22 Presentation pack 3.86
(sold at 5.22)Heraldic Lions (on Franking labels, and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Official PP with all 6 standard valuesJE20140219 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
"First Day of Issue"
Jersey (no town)
19 February 20146 May 2014 - Remembrance 2014 JE20140506 ST 0_82 Stamp 0.82 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Passant Guardant
The Victoria Cross
MI 18077 August 2014 - PhilaKorea Post & Go JE20140807 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "PhilaKorea World Stamp Expo" imprint
MI AM2JE20140807 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Philakorea World Stamp Expo" imprint
Variety with lowercase "k". It appeared on one of 6 stamps in "collector's strips" printed at the Philatelic Bureau in Jersey. If you have seen this variety on other denominations than INT20 *, please let us know.
MI AM24 September 2014 - Broad Street Post & Go JE20140904 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM211 September 2014 - International Air Display JE20140911 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - Intl Air Display" commemorative imprint
MI AM2MC 17 September 2014 - First World War Centenary Post & Go (Autumn Stampex) JE20140917 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "First World War Centenary" commemorative imprint
MI AM2M (LL100, LLL100, UK100, UKL100, EU20, IN20) 12 November 2014 - MyMoments JE20141112 ST LL 5 Stamp LL*
(0.46 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 1866JE20141112 ST UK 5 Stamp UK*
(0.46 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 18721 December 2014 - Christmas Post & Go JE20141201 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Jersey Post HQ - Merry Christmas" imprint
MI AM2JE20141201 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - Merry Christmas" imprint
MI AM22 January 2015 - Jersey Post HQ Post & Go JE20150102 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Jersey Post HQ" imprint
(LL100)24 January 2015 - 50th Anniversary of the Death of Winston Churchill Post & Go JE20150124 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Jersey Post HQ - Churchill 24.1.65" commemorative imprint
MI AM2M JE20150124 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - Churchill 24.1.65" commemorative imprint
MI AM218 February 2015 - Definitives JE20150218 ST 0_01 Stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???JE20150218 FDC 7_35 First day cover 7.35
(sold at 8.50)Heraldic Lions (on all stamps and cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with all 11 stampsJE20150218 PP 7_35 Presentation pack 7.35
(sold at 8.50)Heraldic Lions (on all stamps and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official PP with all 11 stampsJE20150218 PP 15_00 Presentation pack 15.00
(sold at 16.15)Heraldic Lions (on one stamp and cover)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
"Jersey Hologram Definitives"
Official PP with
JE20150218 ST 5_00
and one GBP 10.00 stamps18 February 2015 - Spring Stampex Post & Go JE20150218 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Spring Stampex February 2015" commemorative imprint
MI AM217 April 2015 - 86th Scottish Congress Post & Go JE20150417 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "86th Scottish Congress" commemorative imprint
This imprint, without the year, stems from a programming error in the Jersey kiosk at the Philatelic Service, and also at the venue kiosk at the congress in Perth for the first few hours on the first day
MI AM2JE20150417 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "86th Scottish Congress 2015" commemorative imprint
This imprint, with the year, is the originally designed text used in the venue kiosk at the congress in Perth for most of the event
MI AM29 May 2015 - 70th Anniversary of Liberation JE20150509 ST 0_64 Stamp 0.64 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI ???13 May 2015 - Europhilex 2015 / 175th Anniversary of the Penny Black Post & Go JE20150513 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Europhilex 2015 Penny Black 175" commemorative imprint
MI AM26 August 2015 - Sark: 450 Years as a Fief of the Crown
FDC backJE20150806 FDC 1_50 First day cover 1.50 Heraldic Lion (on postmark and cachet)
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Sark Jubilee Emblem based on Sark CoA
Official FDC with a single stamp MSCC JE20150806 FDP JE1 First day postmark Heraldic Lion (on postmark and cachet)
Two Lions Passant Guardant from Sark CoA
"First Day of Issue"
Jersey Post (no town)
6 August 2015CC 2 September 2015 - Envoy House Post & Go JE20150902 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Envoy House" imprint
MI AM216 September 2015 - HM The Queen - Longest Reign / Autumn Stampex JE20150916 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "HM The Queen Longest Reign" commemorative imprint
MI AM229 October 2015 - Sindelfingen Stamp Fair JE20151029 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Sindelfingen October 2015" commemorative imprint
MI AM230 October 2015 - Royal Air Forces Association Jersey 90th Anniversary JE20151030 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Broad Street RAFA Jersey 90" commemorative imprint
MI AM2JE20151030 SH 20xLL Pre-personalised sheetlet 20 x LL*
(9.40 - 20 x 0.47 on issue -
sold at 14.10)Heraldic Lions (on all stamps)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Self-adhesive pre-personalised sheetlet with 20 x
JE20141112 ST LL 5
MI KB18669 November 2015 - My Jersey JE20151109 ST UK 5 Stamp UK
(0.57 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA (stylized)
Drawing by Claudia Dixon (12-17 age bracket)
MI ???17 February 2016 - Crest of Jersey Post & Go JE20160217 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI AM11JE20160217 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
MI AM12JE20160217 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI AM13JE20160217 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
MI AM14JE20160217 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI AM15JE20160217 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
MI AM1617 February 2016 - Spring Stampex / 500 Years of Postal History JE20160217 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "500 Years of Postal History" commemorative imprint
MI AM217 February 2016 - Crest of Jersey Broad Street Post & Go JE20160217 FRA 8 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM11JE20160217 FRA 9 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM12JE20160217 FRA 10 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM13JE20160217 FRA 11 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM14JE20160217 FRA 12 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM15JE20160217 FRA 13 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Broad Street" imprint
MI AM1615 April 2016 - 87th Scottish Congress JE20160415 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20160415 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20160415 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20160415 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20160415 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20160415 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20160415 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "87th Scottish Congress 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM214 May 2016 - 100th Muratti Vase JE20160514 SH 20xLL Pre-personalised sheetlet 20 x LL*
(9.60 - 20 x 0.48 on issue -
sold at ???)Heraldic Lions (on all stamps, six pre-personalised labels, and selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Self-adhesive pre-personalised sheetlet with 20 x
JE20141112 ST LL 5
MI KB1866JE20160514 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - 100th Muratti Vase" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20160514 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Broad Street - 100th Muratti Vase" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20160514 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Broad Street - 100th Muratti Vase" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20160514 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Broad Street - 100th Muratti Vase" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20160514 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Broad Street - 100th Muratti Vase" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20160514 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Broad Street - 100th Muratti Vase" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20160504 LB 1 Pre-personalised label - Heraldic lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
2 x 3 Lions Passant Guardant
Crests of the football associations og Alderney, Guernsey, and Jersey.
Self-adhesive pre-personalised label from
JE20160514 SH 20xLLJE20160504 LB 6 Pre-personalised label - Heraldic lion
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey FA Crest (on cap)
Self-adhesive pre-personalised label from
JE20160514 SH 20xLLJE20160504 LB 9 Pre-personalised label - Heraldic lion
Three Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Self-adhesive pre-personalised label from
JE20160514 SH 20xLL28 May 2016 - World Stamp Show New York 2016 JE20160528 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20160528 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20160528 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20160528 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20160528 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20160528 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20160528 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "World Stamp Show NY2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM222 July 2016 - Prince George's 3rd Birthday JE20160722 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Prince George 3rd Birthday" commemorative imprint
MI AM214 September 2016 - Centenary of The Battle of the Somme JE20160914 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "The Battle of the Somme 1916 - 2016" commemorative imprint
MI AM2M (INT20) 14 October 2016 - 950th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings JE20161014 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - The Battle of Hastings" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20161014 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Broad Street - The Battle of Hastings" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20161014 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Broad Street - The Battle of Hastings" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20161014 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Broad Street - The Battle of Hastings" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20161014 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Broad Street - The Battle of Hastings" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20161014 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Broad Street - The Battle of Hastings" commemorative imprint
MI AM162 February 2017 - Definitives JE20170202 ST 0_48 Stamp 0.48 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2091JE20170202 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2092JE20170202 ST 0_66 Stamp 0.66 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2093JE20170202 ST 0_76 Stamp 0.76 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2094JE20170202 ST 0_88 Stamp 0.88 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2095JE20170202 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI 2096JE20170202 FDC 4_38 First day cover 4.38
+ 0.60
+ 0.66
+ 0.76
+ 0.88
+ 1.00)Heraldic Lions (on stamps, postmark, and in cachet)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Official FDC with
JE20170202 ST 0_48
JE20170202 ST 0_60
JE20170202 ST 0_66
JE20170202 ST 0_76
JE20170202 ST 0_88
JE20170202 ST 1_0016 February 2017 - 65th Anniversary of HM The Queen's Accession to the Throne JE20170216 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "HM The Queen Accession 1952" commemorative imprint
MI AM2M (UK100) 10 March 2017 - Southern England Stamp Show 2017 JE20170310 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Southern England Stamp Show 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20170310 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Southern England Stamp Show 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20170310 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Southern England Stamp Show 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20170310 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Southern England Stamp Show 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20170310 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Southern England Stamp Show 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20170310 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Southern England Stamp Show 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM1617 March 2017 - We'll Meet Again Post & Go JE20170317 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "We'll meet again Broad Street" commemorative imprint
MI AM230 March 2017 - Melbourne 2017 International Stamp Exhibition JE20170330 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20170330 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20170330 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20170330 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20170330 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20170330 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" commemorative imprint
MI AM1614 September 2017 - HRH Prince Philip - 65 Years of Service JE20170914 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "HRH Prince Philip - 65 Years of Service" commemorative imprint
MI AM230 September 2017 - Super League Triathlon 2017 JE20170930 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Super League Triathlon 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20170930 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Super League Triathlon 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20170930 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Super League Triathlon 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20170930 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Super League Triathlon 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20170930 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Super League Triathlon 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20170930 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Super League Triathlon 2017" commemorative imprint
MI AM1623 November 2017 - Christmas Post & Go JE20171123 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Paix et jouie" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20171123 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Paix et jouie" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20171123 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Paix et jouie" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20171123 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Paix et jouie" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20171123 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Paix et jouie" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20171123 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Paix et jouie" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20171123 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Peace & joy Broadstreet" commemorative imprint
MI AM214 February 2018 - Be My Valentine / Spring Stampex JE20180214 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Be My Valentine - Spring Stampex 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20180214 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Be My Valentine - Spring Stampex 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20180214 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Be My Valentine - Spring Stampex 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20180214 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Be My Valentine - Spring Stampex 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20180214 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Be My Valentine - Spring Stampex 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20180214 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Be My Valentine - Spring Stampex 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM1620 April 2018 - 89th Scottish Congress 2018 JE20180420 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "89th Scottish Congress 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM219 May 2018 - Royal Wedding Post & Go JE20180519 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Prince Harry and Meghan - Royal Wedding 19/5/2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20180519 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Prince Harry and Meghan - Royal Wedding 19/5/2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20180519 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Prince Harry and Meghan - Royal Wedding 19/5/2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20180519 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Prince Harry and Meghan - Royal Wedding 19/5/2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20180519 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Prince Harry and Meghan - Royal Wedding 19/5/2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20180519 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Prince Harry and Meghan - Royal Wedding 19/5/2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM161 August 2018 - 10th Anniversary of Holidays for Heroes Jersey JE20180801 SH 20xUK Pre-personalised sheetlet 20 x UK
(13.00 /
20 x 0.65 on issue
sold at ??? )Heraldic Lions (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Self-adhesive pre-personalised sheetlet with 20 x
JE20141112 ST UK 5
MI KB1872JE20180801 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Holidays for Heroes Jersey 10 Years" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20180801 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Holidays for Heroes Jersey 10 Years" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20180801 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Holidays for Heroes Jersey 10 Years" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20180801 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Holidays for Heroes Jersey 10 Years" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20180801 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Holidays for Heroes Jersey 10 Years" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20180801 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Holidays for Heroes Jersey 10 Years" commemorative imprint
MI AM1612 September 2018 - Centenary of the Royal Air Force JE20180912 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "100 Years Royal Air Force" commemorative imprint
MI AM212 September 2018 - Super League Triathlon 2018 JE20180912 SH 20xUK Pre-personalised sheetlet 20 x UK
(13.00 /
20 x 0.65 on issue
sold at ??? )Heraldic Lions (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
Demi-Lion Rampant
Triathlon Logo
Self-adhesive pre-personalised sheetlet with 20 x
JE20141112 ST UK 5
MI KB1872JE20180912 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Super League Triathlon 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20180912 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Super League Triathlon 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20180912 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Super League Triathlon 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20180912 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Super League Triathlon 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20180912 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Super League Triathlon 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20180912 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Super League Triathlon 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM1628 September 2018 - Macao 2018 JE20180918 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "MACAO 2018" commemorative imprint
MI AM223 November 2018 - Christmas Post & Go JE20181123 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Complyîments d’la saîson" commemorative imprint
MI AM11ILS JE20181123 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Complyîments d’la saîson" commemorative imprint
MI AM12ILS JE20181123 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Complyîments d’la saîson" commemorative imprint
MI AM13ILS JE20181123 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Complyîments d’la saîson" commemorative imprint
MI AM14ILS JE20181123 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Complyîments d’la saîson" commemorative imprint
MI AM15ILS JE20181123 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Complyîments d’la saîson" commemorative imprint
MI AM16ILS JE20181123 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Season's Greetings" commemorative imprint
MI AM213-16 February 2019 - Spring Stampex 2019 JE20190213 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Spring Stampex 2019" commemorative imprint
MI AM2JE20190213_16 PMK JE1 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
"Spring Stampex"
Jersey Post
13-16 February 201926 March 2019 - 60th Anniversary of Jersey Zoo (Durrell) JE20190326 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - Durrell 60th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM11ILS JE20190326 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Broad Street - Durrell 60th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM12ILS JE20190326 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Broad Street - Durrell 60th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM13ILS JE20190326 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Broad Street - Durrell 60th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM14ILS JE20190326 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Broad Street - Durrell 60th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM15ILS JE20190326 FRA 6
Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Broad Street - Durrell 60th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM16ILS 9 June 2019 - 75th Anniversary of the D-Day JE20190609 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20190609 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20190609 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM13ILS JE20190609 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20190609 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20190609 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20190609 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "D-Day 75th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM211 September 2019 - 50th Anniversary of Postal Independence JE20190911 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Jersey Post Celebrates 50 Yrs" commemorative imprint
MI AM28 October 2019 - 2019 PostEurop Plenary Assembly and Business Innovation Forum JE20191008 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "PostEurop Jersey 2019" commemorative imprint
MI AM2ILS (EU100) 22 November 2019 - Christmas Post & Go JE20191122 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Bouannes Fêtes" commemorative imprint
MI AM11ILS (INT100) JE20191122 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Bouannes Fêtes" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20191122 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Bouannes Fêtes" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20191122 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Bouannes Fêtes" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20191122 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Bouannes Fêtes" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20191122 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Bouannes Fêtes" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20191122 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Festive Cheer" commemorative imprint
MI AM22020 - >
Back to top
7 May 2020 - 75th Anniversary of the Liberation JE2020507 SH 20xLL Commemorative sheetlet 20 x LL*
(10.80 /
20 x 0.54 on issue)Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Self-adhesive pre-personalised sheetlet with 20 x
JE20141112 ST LL 5
MI KB1866JE20200507 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Libéthâtion 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20200507 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Libéthâtion 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20200507 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Libéthâtion 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20200507 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Libéthâtion 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20200507 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Libéthâtion 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20200507 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Libéthâtion 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20200507 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey Flag
JE20140219 FRA 1
with "Liberation 75 1945-2020" commemorative imprint
MI AM230 September 2021 - 250th Anniversary of the Jersey Corn Riots JE20210930 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Jersey Corn Riots 250th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20210930 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Jersey Corn Riots 250th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20210930 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Jersey Corn Riots 250th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20210930 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Jersey Corn Riots 250th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20210930 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Jersey Corn Riots 250th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20210930 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Jersey Corn Riots 250th Anniversary" commemorative imprint
MI AM166 December 2021 - Celebrating 60 Years of Jersey Finance Industry JE20211206 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Celebrating Our Finance Industry" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20211206 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Celebrating Our Finance Industry" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20211206 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Celebrating Our Finance Industry" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20211206 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Celebrating Our Finance Industry" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20211206 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Celebrating Our Finance Industry" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20211206 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Celebrating Our Finance Industry" commemorative imprint
MI AM1618 July 2022 - We Stand with Ukraine JE20220718 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Post Office HQ - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20220718 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Post Office HQ - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20220718 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Post Office HQ - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20220718 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Post Office HQ - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20220718 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Post Office HQ - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20220718 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Post Office HQ - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM16JE20220718 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 1
with "Broad Street - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM11JE20220718 FRA 8 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark Brown
JE20160217 FRA 2
with "Broad Street - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM12JE20220718 FRA 9 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 3
with "Broad Street - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM13JE20220718 FRA 10 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark orange
JE20160217 FRA 4
with "Broad Street - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM14JE20220718 FRA 11 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20160217 FRA 5
with "Broad Street - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM15JE20220718 FRA 12 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Yellowish green
JE20160217 FRA 6
with "Broad Street - We stand with Ukraine" commemorative imprint
MI AM166 April 2023 - Crest of Jersey Post & Go (new designs and colours) JE20230406 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark red
MI AM77JE20230406 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Golden yellow
MI AM78JE20230406 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI AM79JE20230406 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark blue
MI AM80JE20230406 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI AM81JE20230406 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
MI AM82JE20230406 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark red
JE20230406 FRA 1
with 'Broad Street' imprint
MI AM77JE20230406 FRA 8 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Golden yellow
JE20230406 FRA 2
with 'Broad Street' imprint
MI AM78JE20230406 FRA 9 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 3
with 'Broad Street' imprint
MI AM79JE20230406 FRA 10 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark blue
JE20230406 FRA 4
with 'Broad Street' imprint
MI AM80JE20230406 FRA 11 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 5
with 'Broad Street' imprint
MI AM81JE20230406 FRA 12 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 6
with 'Broad Street' imprint
MI AM82JE20230406 FRA 13 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark red
JE20230406 FRA 1
with 'Post Office HQ' imprint
MI AM77JE20230406 FRA 14 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Golden yellow
JE20230406 FRA 2
with 'Post Office HQ' imprint
MI AM78JE20230406 FRA 15 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 3
with 'Post Office HQ' imprint
MI AM79JE20230406 FRA 16 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark blue
JE20230406 FRA 4
with 'Post Office HQ' imprint
MI AM80JE20230406 FRA 17 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 5
with 'Post Office HQ' imprint
MI AM81JE20230406 FRA 18 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 6
with 'Post Office HQ' imprint
MI AM825 May 2023 - Coronation of King Charles III JE20230505 FRA 1 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark red
JE20230406 FRA 1
with 'Broad Street - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM77JE20230505 FRA 2 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Golden yellow
JE20230406 FRA 2
with 'Broad Street - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM78JE20230505 FRA 3 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 3
with 'Broad Street - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM79JE20230505 FRA 4 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark blue
JE20230406 FRA 4
with 'Broad Street - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM80JE20230505 FRA 5 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 5
with 'Broad Street - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM81JE20230505 FRA 6 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 6
with 'Broad Street - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM82JE20230505 FRA 7 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark red
JE20230406 FRA 1
with 'Post Office HQ - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM77JE20230505 FRA 8 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Golden yellow
JE20230406 FRA 2
with 'Post Office HQ - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM78JE20230505 FRA 9 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 3
with 'Post Office HQ - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM79JE20230505 FRA 10 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
Dark blue
JE20230406 FRA 4
with 'Post Office HQ - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM80JE20230505 FRA 11 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 5
with 'Post Office HQ - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM81JE20230505 FRA 12 Franking label Various denomi-nations * Heraldic Lions
Lions Passant Guardant
Jersey CoA
JE20230406 FRA 6
with 'Post Office HQ - God Save The King!' imprint
MI AM82List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Catherine Kendell, Marco Carelli, Marci Jarvis, Greg
Balagian, Jørn Kristiansen, Ian Billings (Norvic Philatelics), Abi Farnworth (Jersey Post), Dr. Georg Heinz, and Elisabeth
Latest upate: 28 June, 2023