Stamps inscribed 'Nederland' (no country name on stamps before 1869)
1852 ->
From 1852: 1 Guilder (NLG) = 100 Cent(en)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= NLG 2.20371)
Checklists > Countries > Netherlands Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1939 - Gebroeders Nefkens Meter Frank Also see Peugeot items from 1967
NL1939 MF GENE 3543 Meter Frank - Lion
Peugeot Lion
"Gebr. Nefkens N.V. - Sinds 1878 - Auto-Import"
Machine No. 541
Earliest use reported:
27 May 1939
Latest use reported:
27 May 1939
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1942 - H. Ten Herkel Meter Frank NL1942 MF TEHE 1211 Meter frank - Tiger
"H. Ten Herkel - Hilversum - Potter's Linia - tegen hoest en keelpijn"
Machine No. 778
Earliest use reported:
26 June 1942
Latest use reported:
26 June 1942
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1943 - Kofferfabriek Holland N.V. Meter Frank NL1943 MF KOHO 1021 Meter frank - Lion
Company Logo
"Kofferfabriek Holland N.V."
Machine no. 776
Earliest use reported:
12 April 1943
Latest use reported:
12 April 1943
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1953 - Ornisa (Tilburg Zoo) Meter Frank NL1953 MF ORNI 5046 Meter frank - Leopard
Machine no. F1908
Earliest use reported:
4 November 1953
Latest use reported:
4 November 1953
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 April 1962 - Summer Stamps This issue also includes items listed under Domestic Cats
NL19620427 ST 0_12__0_04 Semi-postal stamp 0.12
+ 0.04Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion figurehead
MI 7774 June 1966 - National Convention of Lions International District 110 NL19660604 PMK 3000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions International Emblem
"National Lions Conventie District 110"
4 June 19661967 - Peugeot Meter Frank Also see Peugeot items from 1939
NL1967 MF PEUG 2011 Meter frank - Lion
Peugeot Lion
"Peugeot - 'n Wonder op Wielen - Botermarkt 1-7"
Machine no. 13188
Earliest use reported:
17 November 1967
Latest use reported:
17 November 1967
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1967 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1976, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1994, and 1996
NL1967 MF ESSO 2501 1 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Esso - Stop 'n tijger in uw tank!"
Machine no. HP34
's-Gravenhage (The Hague)
Earliest use reported:
18 December 1967
Latest use reported:
18 December 1967
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.NL1967 MF ESSO 2501 2 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Esso - Stop 'n tijger in uw tank!"
Machine no. HR203
's-Gravenhage (The Hague)
Earliest use reported:
14 June 1967
Latest use reported:
14 June 1967
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.NL1967 MF ESSO 2501 3 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Tijgerjacht - f. 300.000 aan prijzen!"
Machine no. HR203
's-Gravenhage (The Hague)
Earliest use reported:
5 May 1967
Latest use reported:
5 May 1967
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1976 - Campari Meter Frank NL1976 MF CAMP 1380 Meter frank - Lion
"Campari - Postbus 181"
Machine no. FM680 (?)
Earliest use reported:
12 May 1976
Latest use reported:
12 May 1976
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1976 - H. De Leeuw Meter Frank NL1976 MF DELE 2990 Meter frank - Lion
"Ziedewij 8-10 - Barendrecht"
Machine no. FR17597
Earliest use reported:
12 October 1976
Latest use reported:
12 October 1976
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1976 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1994, and 1996
NL1976 MF ESSO 3197 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Symbool van perfektie"
Machine no. HR284
Earliest use reported:
3 September 1976
Latest use reported:
3 September 1976
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1977 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1994, and 1996
NL1977 MF ESSO 2501 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso doet wat Extra - Esso"
Machine no. HR203
Postbus 110
Earliest use reported:
21 December 1977
Latest use reported:
21 December 1977
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1980 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1977, 1985, 1987, 1994, and 1996
NL1980 MF ESSO 3000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Esso doet wat Extra."
Machine no. HR5098
Postbus 7150
3000 HD Rotterdam
2 April 1980
Latest use reported:
2 April 1980
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1980 - Inkasso Unie Meter Frank NL1980 MF INUN 5600 Meter frank - Lion
"Postbus 165"
Machine no. HR3407
5600 AD Eindhoven
Earliest use reported:
29 May 1980
Latest use reported:
29 May 1980
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1982 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1994, and 1996
NL1982 MF ESSO 2501 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso doet wat Extra - Postbus 110"
Machine no. HR5217
2501 AL 's-Gravenhage (The Hague)
Earliest use reported:
6 July 1982
Latest use reported:
6 July 1982
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1982 - De Gouden Leeuw (Printers) Meter Frank NL1982 MF GOLE 5980 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion Head
Company logo
"De Gouden Leeuw"
Machine no. RN1066 (Neopost)
Postbus 7001
Earliest use reported:
9 December 1982
Latest use reported:
9 December 1982
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1983 - Lion Fashion Meter Frank NL1983 MF LIFA 3186 Meter frank - Lion
Company logo
"Lion Fashion"
Machine no. PB9083
J.v. Riebecksweg 4c
3186 AL Schiedam
Earliest use reported:
10 May 1983
Latest use reported:
10 May 1983
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1985 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1987, 1994, and 1996
NL1985 MF ESSO 3000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - 't Is Esso die't doet."
Machine no. HR5098
3000 HD Rotterdam
Earliest use reported:
2 September 1985
Latest use reported:
18 November 1986
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.IL 1987 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1994, and 1996
NL1987 MF ESSO 3100 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - 't Is Esso die't doet. - Postbus 275 - 3100 AG"
Machine no. FR22246
3100 AG Schiedam
Earliest use reported:
6 February 1987
Latest use reported:
6 February 1987
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1987 - Jaguar Meter Frank NL1987 MF JAGU 3990 Meter frank - Jaguar
Jaguar logo
Machine no. PB9027
Postbus 42
3990 DA Houten
Earliest use reported:
2 November 1987
Latest use reported:
2 November 1987
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1987 - BSO Meter Frank (Consultancy) Also see listing from 1989
NL1987 MF BSOC 5600 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon lion
Machine no. HR8124
Postbus 939
5600 AX Eindhoven
Earliest use reported:
21 July 1987
Latest use reported:
21 July 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1988 - Lions International Meter Frank NL1955 MF LIOC 3700 Meter frank - Lion
Lions International Emblem
Machine no. HR 3506
Postbus 641
3700 AP Zeist
Earliest use reported:
3 June 1988
Latest use reported:
3 June 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1989 - BSO Meter Frank (Consultancy) Also see listing from 1987
NL1989 MF BSOC 2700 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon lion
Machine no. PB3806
Postbus 93
2700 AB Zoetermeer
Earliest use reported:
17 May 1989
Latest use reported:
17 May 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1989-91 - Scaldia Papier Meter Frank NL1989_93 MF SCA 6500 Meter frank - Cheetah
"Scaldia levert overal alles voor 14.00 uur 's middags af"
Machine no. HR 5734
Postbus 62
6500 AB Nijmegen
Earliest use reported:
9 August 1989
Latest use reported:
6 January 1993
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1992 - Thika Travel Meter Frank Also see 1997 listing
NL1992 MF THIK 1180 Meter frank - Cheetah
Company Logo
"Thika Travel"
Machine no. RN5164
Postbus 572
1180 AN Amstelveen
Earliest use reported:
28 June 1992
Latest use reported
28 June 1992
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1993 - Van Leeuwen Container Service Meter Frank NL1993 MF VLCS 4900 Meter Frank - Lion
(Old) VLCS Company Logo
Machine no. PR4769
4900 AE Oosterhout
Earliest use reported:
21 June 1993
Latest use reported:
21 June 1993
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1993 - Tiger Plastics Meter Frank NL1993 MF TIG 5660 Meter Frank - Tiger
"Tiger Plastics - Postbus 11 5660 AA Geldrop"
Machine no.
R55191 (?)
Earliest use reported:
22 Jan 1993
Latest use reported:
22 Jan 1993
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1993 - Lichtenvoorde Municipality Meter Frank NL1993 MF LICH 7130 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Lichten-voorde - keistad - steengoed! - Postbus 17 - 7130 AA"
Machine no. FR 27045
Earliest use reported:
25 November 1993
Latest use reported
25 November 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - IC Software Meter Frank NL1994 MF ICSW 3063 Meter frank - Cheetah
Company Logo
"IC Software"
Machine no. PB14003
Admiraliteitskade 60
3063 ED Rotterdam
Earliest use reported:
27 June 1994
Latest use reported
27 June 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1996
NL1994 MF ESSO 4803 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Esoo preciesie-produkten voor betere prestasies"
Machine no. HR21102
Postbus 1
4803 AA Breda
Earliest use reported:
13 July 1994
Latest use reported
13 July 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.13 September 1995 - Lions International's Europa Forum NL19960913_16 PMK 3000 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
13 - 16 September 19951996 - ESSO Meter Frank
Also see other Esso items from 1967, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1994
NL1996 MF ESSO 3197 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Het ritme van de tijger" [The rythm of the tiger]
Machine no. HR5098
Postbus 5120
3197 ZG Botlek Rt
Earliest use reported:
23 April 1996
Latest use reported
23 April 1996
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.NL1996 MF ESSO 4803 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Het ritme van de tijger" [The rythm of the tiger]
Machine no. HR21102
4803 AA Breda
Earliest use reported:
25 April 1996
Latest use reported
30 December 1998
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Thika Travel Meter Frank Also see 1992 listing
NL1997 MF THIK 3628 Meter frank - Cheetah
Company Logo
"Thika Travel"
Machine no. RN5164
Postbus 34
3628 ZN Kockengen
Earliest use reported:
7 November 1997
Latest use reported
7 November 1997
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - ING Bank Meter Frank NL1999 MF ING 2700 Meter frank - Lion
ING Logo
"ING Bank"
Machine No. FM17531
Postbus 730
2700 AS Zoetermeer
Earliest use reported:
19 February 1999
Latest use reported
19 February 1999
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - King Nederland Meter Frank NL1999 MF KING 4000
Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Company logo
"King Nederland"
Machine no. HR30323
Earliest use reported:
15 June 1999
Latest use reported
15 June 1999
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2002 - Tiger Bathroom Design Meter Frank NL2002 MF TIGE 5660 Meter frank - Tiger
Company logo
"Tiger - Postbus 11"
Machine no. FR60793
5660 AA Geldrop
Earliest use reported:
6 March 2002
Latest use reported
6 March 2002
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 11 June 2002 - Europa; Circus NL20020611 ST 0_54 1 Stamp 0.54 Lion
MI 20114 August 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (XI) This item is also listed under Domestic Cats
NL20060804 MS 1_95 1 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Lion (on selvedge)
Unspecified domestic breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2416AM 10 October 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (XIIb) This item is also listed under Domestic Cats
NL20061010 MS 1_95 2 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Lion (on selvedge)
Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI B99M 4 October 2006 - Endangered Animals NL20061004 ST 0_39 8 Stamp 0.39 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
MI 2428NL20061004 ST 0_39 9 Stamp 0.39 Asiatic lion
MI 2429NL20061004 MS 3_90 Miniature sheet 4.68 Sumatra Tiger
MI Unnumberred sheetletNL20061004 BK 9_65 Booklet (prestige) 9.65 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
MI MH711 January 2007 - Endangered Animals Postcards NL20070101 PC 0_41 8 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.41 Tiger
Sumatra Tiger
MI P349NL20070101 PC 0_41 9 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.41 Lion
Asiatic lion
MI P3502008 - Personalised Stamps NL20080000 PST 0_44 X1 Personalised stamp 0.44 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Personalised stamp issued by Hallmark
If you have further information about this item, please share.
MI 2564A (personalised)3 October 2007 - Postage Paid Stamps NL20071003 ST PP 4 Stamp PP Jaguar
Stamp marked "postage paid" for use by mass mailersNL20071003 FDC PP 4 First Day Cover PP Jaguar (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Official WWF single-stamp FDC with
NL20071003 ST PP 4NL20071003 MC PP 4 Maximum Card PP Jaguar
Official WWF MC with
NL20071003 ST PP 4NL20071003 FDP 3700 4 First Day Postmark - Jaguar
3 October 20072010 - Personalized Stamps NL20100600 PST 0_44 X1 Personalized Stamp 0.44 Leopard
Cartoon Leopard
Zakumi (FIFA World Cup Mascot)
Portrait format stamp
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.NL20100600 PST 0_44 X2 Personalized Stamp 0.44 Leopard
Cartoon Leopard
Zakumi (FIFA World Cup Mascot)
Landscape format stamp
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.2011 - Personalized Stamps NL20110000 PST 1 X1 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Fishing Cat
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X2 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Tiger
South China Tiger
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X3 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Caracal
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X4 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Manul
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X5 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Bobcat (kitten)
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X6 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Bobcat (leaping)
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X7 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Snow Leopard
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X8 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) European Wildcat
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X9 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Ocelot
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110000 PST 1 X10 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Serval
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know.
MI 2826 (personalized)NL20110600 PST 1 X11 Personalized Stamp 1* (0.46 on issue) Cartoon Lion (from Tintin)
Probably issued in June 2011
If you have any details about this issue, please let us know25 July 2011 - Borderless Netherlands IV: South Africa NL20110725 W1 2 Stamp W1* (0.96 on issue) Stylized Leopard
MI 2882NL20110725 W1 5 Stamp W1* (0.96 on issue) Stylized Lion
MI 2885NL20110725 MS 6xW1 1 Miniature Sheet 6 x W1*
(5.76 on issue)Stylized Leopard
Stylized Lion
Map of Africa on selvedge
MI B135NL20110725 MS 6xW1 2 Miniature Sheet 6 x W1*
(5.76 on issue)Stylized Leopard
Stylized Lion
Map of South Africa on selvedge
MI B136NL20110725 MS 6xW1 3 Miniature Sheet 6 x W1*
(5.76 on issue)Stylized Leopard
Stylized Lion
South African Flag on selvedge
MI B13719 September 2011 - Centenary of Circus Herman Renz NL20110919 ST 1 7 Stamp 1 * (0.46 on issue) Stylized Lion
MI 2911NL20110919 MS 10x1 Miniature Sheet 10 x 1 * (4.60 on issue) Stylized Lion (on one stamp)
MS with
NL20110919 ST 1 7
and 9 other stamps in set
MI 29119 March 2013 - Youth Philately Day
On comm. coverNL20130309 PST 1 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.54 on issue)Tiger
Personalised stamp issued by JeugdFilatelie Nederland (Dutch Youth Philately Foundation)
MI 2784 (personalised)14 September 2015 - Animal Photos by Charlotte Dumas
Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic cats
NL20150914 ST 1 4 Stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Tiger
Photo of White Tiger Zeus (Bridgeport, Texas, USA, 2007)
MI 3390MC 2 November 2015 - Children's Welfare Stamps
Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
NL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04 Semi-postal miniature sheet 6 x 1 *
+ 2.04
(each 0.69
+ 0.34 on issue)Tiger (on marginal label)
Cartoon tiger
Domestic cats (on 4 stamps and 2 labels)
Illustrations from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
BackNL20151102 PP 6x1__2_04 Presentation pack 6 x 1 *
+ 2.04
(each 0.69
+ 0.34 on issue)
(Sold at ???)Tiger (on marginal label of the MS)
Cartoon Tiger
Domestic cats (on 4 stamps, 2 labels, cover, and back)
Cartoon cats
Illustrations from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
Presentation pack with
NL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04M NL20151102 LB 6 Marginal label - Tiger (on marginal label)
Cartoon tiger
Domestic cats (on 4 stamps and 2 labels)
Illustrations from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
Bottom marginal label from
NL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04BPS 12 September 2016 - Year of the Book 19 February 2018 - Bi-centenary of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden
Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
NL20180219 ST 1 7 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion head in silver and gold from Hamadan, Iran (ca. 400 BC)
Stamp from sheetlet
Perf. 14½
MI 3689AIf you have a scan of this item, please let us know. NL20180219 ST 1 17 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion head in silver and gold from Hamadan, Iran (ca. 400 BC)
Stamp from
NL20180219 BK 10 x 1
Perf. 14½
MI 3689CNL20180219 BK 10 x 1 Prestige booklet 10 x 1 *
(8.30 / 10 x 0.83 on issue)Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion head in silver and gold from Hamadan, Iran (ca. 400 BC)
Unspecified breed (domestic)
Cats in Art
Bronze figurine of the Egyptian Cat Goddess Bastet (ca. 700-330 BC)
Prestige booklet with
NL20180219 ST 1 12
and 9 other stamps
MI MH1142 January 2019 - Experience Nature (V) NL20190102 ST 1 1 Stamp 1 *
(0.87 on issue)European Wildcat
MI 3784List compiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Greg Balagian, Shaun Stevens, Bridget Robinson, Marci
Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky, Inge Rijkers, William Smit, Nicole Peeters, TS Tan, and Renata Bortolozzi.
Latest update: 16 July, 2023