Stamps inscribed '[Poczta] Polska'
1860 (one stamp under Russian rule)
1918 ->
From 1918: 1 Marka = 100 Fenigow
From 1924: 1 Zloty = 100 Groszy (= 1,800,000 Marek)
From 1950: 1 Zloty (PLZ) = 100 Groszy (=100 old Zloty)
From 1995: 1 New Zloty (PLN) = 100 Groszy (= 10,000 PLZ)
Checklists > Countries > Poland Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 15 July 1960 - 550th Anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
PL19600715 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the Tomb of King Wladyslav II Jagiello (1348-1434), Wawel Cathedral, Kraków
Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
CoA of Ruthenia
MI 117430 November 1965 - Wild Animals PL19651130 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Eurasian Lynx
MI 1636M 20 November 1968 - Hunting Scenes PL19681120 ST 8_50 Stamp 8.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Lion Hunt in Morocco"
Painting by Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)
MI 189723 December 1970 - Tapestries of Wavel Castle PL19701223 ST 1_35 Stamp 1.35 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Leopard Fighting a Dragon
Detail from a tapestry at Wavel Castle
MI 204321 August 1972 - Zoo Animals PL19720821 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Cheetah
MI 2162PL19720821 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Tiger
MI 2169M PL19720821 FDC 5_55 First day cover 5.55 Cheetah (on one stamps and in cachet)
Official FDC with
PL19720821 ST 0_20
and two other stamps21 May 1973 - Polish Wildlife PL19730521 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Eurasian Lynx
MI 2252IPS 30 June 1973 - POLSKA '73: World Philatelic Exhibition in Poznań PL19730630 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion-Head Doorknocker
Bronze Gate, Gniezno Cathedral (12th c.)
MI 226122 May 1976 - Polish National Parks PL19760522 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Eurasian Lynx
MI 2448If you have a better scan of this item, please share.
PL19760522 FDC 4_50 First day cover 4.50 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
PL19760522 ST 4_50DL 30 September 1976 - Stamp Day: Corinthian Vase Paintings
This issue also includes Mythic Cats
PL19760930 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Corinthian Vase Panting (7th c. BCE)
MI 246310 October 1981 - The International Wieniawski Violin Competition PL19811010 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion shaped violin scroll (16th - 17th c.)
MI 2771M
ILS1982 - Wrocław Zoo Postmark PL19820000 PMK 50041 1 Promotional postmark - Lion
"Wrocławski Ogród Zoologiczny"
Wrocł. Ogród Zoo - Wrocław 1
Earliest use reported:
30 March 1982
Latest use reported:
30 March 1982
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.PL19820000 PMK 50041 2 Promotional postmark - Unidentified wild cat
"Wrocławski Ogród Zoologiczny"
Wrocł. Ogród Zoo - Wrocław 1
Earliest use reported:
14 November 1982
Latest use reported:
14 November 1982
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.6 January 1986 - 75th Anniversary of the Novel 'In Desert and Wilderness' PL19860106 PMK 60009 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"BWA - A Gaul 1910 - 75 lecie 'W pustyni i puszczy' H. Sienkiewicza"
Poznań 9
6 January 1986CC 1 June 1993 - 40th Anniversary of the Death of Kornel Makuszynski (Polish writer (1884-1953)) PL19930601 ST 1500 Stamp 1500 Cartoon Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
Illustration to Makuszynski's story "Fiki Miki and the Lion" by Marian Walentynowicz (1896-1967)
MI 345231 May 1996 - The Zodiac PL19960531 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Cartoon Lion
Zodiac Lion
Ordinary paper
MI 3590x31 May 1996 - 50th Anniversary of UNICEF This issue also includes items showing Domestic Cats
PL19960531 ST 0_70 1 Stamp 0.70 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
Illustration for The Liar by Jan Brzechwa
MI 3595ILM 20 January 1997 - The Zodiac PL19970120 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Cartoon Lion
Zodiac Lion
Fliorescent paper
MI 3590y22 September 1999 - East Karpatian Nature Reserve Joint issue with Ukraine
PL19990922 ST 1_40 Stamp 1.40 European Wildcat (main motif)
Eurasian Lynx (in logo)
MI 3788PL19990922 FDC 2_80 First day cover 2.80
(2 x 1.40)European Wildcat (on one stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
PL19990922 ST 1_40PL19990922 FDP 38700 First day postmark - European Wildcat
Paw prints
"Polsko-ukraińska współpraca przygraniczna w dziedzinie ochrony środowiska"
Ustrzyki Dolne
22 September 199910 July 2001 - The CITES Convention PL20010710 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
MI 3896M
Back coverPL20010710 BK 5_00 1 Booklet 5.00
(5 x 1.00)Eurasian Lynx (on stamps and cover)
Booklet with 5 x
PL20010710 ST 1_00 1
Local issue ?
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.
MI UnlistedM PL20010710 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Tiger (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B144M
ILM20 December 2001 - National Parks PL20011220 PC 1_00 Pre-stamped postcard 1.00
(sold at 1.10)Eurasian Lynx (in stamp indicium)
MI P1305M 25 March 2002 - Mammals and their Young Ones This issue also includes Domestic Cats
PL20020325 ST 1_10 4 Stamp 1.10 Eurasian Lynx
MI 3963M 30 September 2005 - Polish Zoos PL20050930 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Tiger
Siberian Tiger
MI 4209M
ILMPL20050930 FDC 2_00 First day cover 2.00 Tiger (on stamp)
Tiger Paw Print (on postmark)
Tiger Skin Pattern (on envelope)
Siberian Tiger
Official FDC with
PL20050930 ST 2_00CC PL20050930 FDP 50041 Tiger
Tiger Paw Print
"Polskie ogrody zoologiczne"
Wrocław 1
30 September 2005CC 8 October 2009 - 600 Years of Protecting the Bialowieza Forest PL20091008 PMK 17201 Commemorative Postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"600 lat ochrony puszczy Bialowieskiej - Wystawa Filatelistyczna"
Hajnówka 1
8 October 20092014 - Envelo Computer Postage PL20140000 COM X1 Computer postage imprint - Lion (male looking left)
Personalised (?), downloadable "stamp" imprint
Earliest use reported:
10 February 2014
We have seen this item cancelled with
PL20140210 FDP 66460
If you know more about the date this item became available, please let us know.PL20140000 COM X2 Computer postage imprint - Lion (white male yawning)
Personalised (?), downloadable "stamp" imprint
Earliest use reported:
10 February 2014
We have seen this item cancelled with
PL20140210 FDP 66460
If you know more about the date this item became available, please let us know.PL20140000 COM X3 Computer postage imprint - Eurasian Lynx (head and torso)
Personalised (?), downloadable "stamp" imprint
Earliest use reported:
10 February 2014
We have seen this item cancelled with
PL20140210 FDP 12220
If you know more about the date this item became available, please let us know.PL20140000 COM X4 Computer postage imprint - Iberian Lynx (whole body)
Personalised (?), downloadable "stamp" imprint
Earliest use reported:
10 February 2014
We have seen this item cancelled with
PL20140210 FDP 12220
If you know more about the date this item became available, please let us know.10 February 2014 - Polish Zoos PL20140210 PC 2_35 2 Pre-stamped postcard 2.35 Eurasian Lynx (in stamp indicium)
MI P???DP PL20140210 PC 2_35 3 Pre-stamped postcard 2.35 Lion (in stamp indicium and cachet)
MI P???DP PL20140210 FDC 2_35 2 First Day Postcard 2.35 Eurasian Lynx (in stamp indicium and postmark)
MI P???DP PL20140210 FDC 2_35 3 First Day Postcard 2.35 Lion (in stamp indicium, postmark and cachet)
MI P???DP PL20140210 FDP 12220 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx
Stylized Lynx
"Zwierzęta w polskich ZOO"
Ruciane-Nida 1
10 February 2014DP PL20140210 FDP 66460 First day postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
"Zwierzęta w polskich ZOO"
10 February 2014DP 21 April 2021 - EUROPA: Endangered Species PL20210421 ST 3_30 Stamp 3.30 Eurasian Lynx
MI 5291PL20210421 SH 29_70 Sheetlet 29.70
(9 x 3.30)Eurasian Lynx (on stamps and in margin)
MI KB5291PL20210421 FDC 3_30 First day cover 3.30 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
PL20210507 ST 3_301 February 2022 - Year of the Tiger PL20220201 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Round stamp
MI ???Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Aleks Domaradzki, T.S. Tan, Nahum Shereshevsky, Tadeusz
Wincewicz, Greg Balagian, Andrzej Mroczek, and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 15 February, 2022