Stamps inscribed, 'Українська Народня Респуъліка', 'Українська Держаьа', 'Пошта УСРР',
'Пошта України', or 'Ukraina' and 'Україна'.<- 1917 Part of Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire
1918 - 1922 Independent Repubilc(s)
1922 - 1942 See Soviet Union
1942 - 1944 German occupation - overprinted German stamps used
1944 - 1991 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Independence
From 1917: 1 Karbovanets = 2 Hryvni, 1 Hryvnia = 100 Shahiv
From 1942: 1 Karbovanets [pegged to the Reichsmark at 1:10 - stamps issued in Reichsmark]
From 1991: 1 Ruble (SUR)= 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 Karbovanets (UAK) = 100 Kopiyok [=1 SUR]
From 1996: 1 Hryvnia (UAH) = 100 Kopiyok [= 100,000 UAK]
Checklists > Countries > Ukraine Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 15 February 1993 - Ukrainian Coats of Arms Valid until 31 August 1994
UA19930215 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
(Old) Lviv Oblast CoA
MI 954 February 1998 - 425th Anniversary of the First Ukrainian Printing House UA19980214 PSE D 2 Pre-stamped envelope D Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Lion Rampant
(Old) Lviv City CoA
MI USo165 September 1998 - 125th Anniverary of the Shevchenko Scientific Society UA19980905 PSE D 1 Pre-stamped envelope D Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Lion Passant
Lviv CoA
MI USo2427 July 1999 - 800th Anniversary of the Galich-Volhynian Union UA19990727 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Passant
Crowned Lion Rampant
MI 31120 October 2000 - Ukranian Regions IV This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
UA20001020 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Griffin
Crimea CoA
The issued stamp is marked "Автономна Республіка Крим". Varieties (perforate and imperforate) stemming from a test print, inscribed "Кримська Автономна Республіка" exists on the philatelic market.
MI 415UA20001020 FDC 0_30 First day cover 0.30 Heraldic Griffin (on stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Crimea CoA
Official FDC with
UA20001020 ST 0_30UA20001020 FDP 95010 First day postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Crimea CoA
"Автономна Республіка Крим - Перший День - Premièr jour"
Сімферополь Поштамт (Simferopol CPO)
20 October 20001 February 2001 - King Daniel of Galicia UA20010201 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Flag of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia
Stamp from
UA20010201 MS 3_00
MI 426UA20010201 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Flag of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia
Single-stamp MS with
UA20010201 ST 3_00
MI B288 May 2003 - Ukrainian Regions XVI This item is also listed under Wild Cats
UA20030502 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Lviv Oblast CoA
Lion Sejant Statue
MI 57022 January 2004 - 85th Anniversary of the Union of the Ukrainian People's Republics UA20040122 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Proposed Greater CoA for the United Ukrainian Republic
MI 61328 January 2004 - Happy Defenders of the Motherland
PSE backUA20040128 PSE 0_45 Pre-stamped envelope 0.45 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Proposed Greater CoA for Ukraine
Order no. 4-3066
MI U153 (1 of 7 designs)BDC 5 May 2006 - 650th Anniversary of Magdeburg Law for Lviv City UA20060505 PSE 0_70 Pre-stamped envelope 0.70 Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Lion Passant
Lviv CoA
Order no. 6-3225
Printing date: 13.02.2006
MI 79616 June 2006 - 750th Anniversary of Lviv UA20060616 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Lviv CoA
Stamp from
UA20060616 MS 3_20
MI 796UA20060616 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
on old coin
Stamp from
UA20060616 MS 3_20
MI 797UA20060616 MS 3_20 Miniature sheet 3.20 Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Lviv CoA
Crowned Lion Rampant
on old coin (on stamp) and on several CoAs on selvedge
MI B556 October 2006 - UKRFILEXP '06 National Philatelic Exhibition UA20061006 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Passant
from Lviv CoA
MI 8125 March 2008 - 400th Anniversary of Lviv Scientific Library UA20080305 PSE 0_70 Pre-stamped envelope 0.70 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Library CoA
Order no. 8-3232
MI USo190BDC 10 October 2010 - Centenary of the Ukrainian Medical Association UA20101001 PSE 1_50 Pre-stamped envelope 1.50 Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Lion Passant
Medical Association Emblem
MI USo22411 October 2011 - 350th Anniversary of the University of Lviv UA20111011 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
University of Lviv CoA
MI 1176UA20111011 FDC 1_50 First day cover 1.50 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and postmark)
Lion Rampant
University of Lviv CoA
Official FDC with
UA20111011 ST 1_50BDC UA20111011 FDP 01001 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from University of Lviv CoA
"Перший День - Premièr jour - 350 років Львівькій Націоналий Університет імені Івана Франка"
01001 Київ (Kiev)
11 October 2011BDC 24 April 2013 - Ukrainian Sights I: Crimea
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
UA20130424 MS 13_80 Miniature sheet 13.80
(2 x 2.00
+ 2 x 2.50
+ 4.80)Heraldic Griffin (on selvedge)
Crimea CoA
5- stamp MS
MI B10612 August 2014 - 85th Anniversary of Zhydachiv UA20140812 PSE 2_00 Pre-stamped envelope 2.00 Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Greater CoA of Zhydachiv
MI USo???BDC 14 November 2014 - The Tereschenko Family UA20141114 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.80 Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Tereschenko Family CoA
MI 1449UA20141114 MS 10_50 Miniature sheet 10.50
+ 5.80)Heraldic Lion (on one stamp)
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Tereschenko Family CoA
MI B1238 October 2015 - 300th Anniversary of Lviv Brewery UA20151008 FDC 2_40 First day cover 1.50 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Brewery Logo
Official FDCCC UA20151008 FDP 79000 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Brewery Logo
"300 років Львівській пивоварні - Прший День - Premièr jour"
79000 Львів Поштамт ЦПЗ №1 (Lviv CPO)
8 October 2015BDC 17 October 2016 - Bi-centenary of Lviv Polytecnic University UA20161017 PSE V Pre-stamped envelope V
(2.40 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Order no. 16-3677
MI ???BDC 10 June 2017 - Municipal Coats of Arms UA20170610 ST V Stamp V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Passan Reguardant
Yalta CoA
Year: 2017 (for reprints, see below)
MI 1618I
FDC backUA20170610 FDC V First day cover V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Lion Passan Reguardant
Yalta CoA
Official FDC with
UA20170610 ST VUA20170610 MISC NL Newsletter - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passan Reguardant
Yalta CoA
Newsletter from the Philatelic Bureau2017 - Municipal Coats of Arms (reprints) Also see 2018-reprint
UA20170000 ST V II Stamp V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Passan Reguardant
Yalta CoA
Reprint of
UA20170610 ST V
marked 2017-II
If you know the date of issue for this reprint, please let us know.
MI 1618IIBDC UA20170000 ST V III Stamp V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Passan Reguardant
Yalta CoA
Reprint of
UA20170610 ST V
marked 2017-III
If you know the date of issue for this reprint, please let us know.
MI 1618IIIBDC 11 August 2017 - 650th Anniversary of the Magdeburg Law for Halych UA20170811 PSE V Pre-stamped envelope V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Order no. T-0188
MI USo???2018 - Municipal Coats of Arms (reprints) Also see 2017-reprint
UA20180000 ST V Stamp V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Passan Reguardant
Yalta CoA
Reprint of
UA20170610 ST V
marked 2018
If you know the date of issue for this reprint, please let us know.
MI 1618IV2 May 2018 - Bi-centenary of Lviv Specialized School No. 8 UA20180502 PSE V Pre-stamped envelope V
(4.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
School CoA
Order no. 18-3254
MI ???BDC List compiled by Geir Arveng. Information received from Marci Jarvis, Elisabeth Hallsjö, and D.G.Naryshkin.
Latest update: 12 February, 2019