Stamps inscribed 'РСФСР', 'Rossija' or 'Russia' and/or 'Россия'. Tsarist issues are inscribed 'Почтовая марка' or 'Почта' without country name.
1857 - 1918 Tsarist Russia
1918 - 1923 Russian Soviet Republic
1923 - 1992 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Russian Federation (Soviet stamps valid until 9 August 1993)
From 1857: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopeks
From 1923: 1 (New) Ruble = 100 Kopeks = 100 old Rubles
From 1992: 1 Ruble (RUR) = 100 Kopeks (continuation of Soviet Ruble)
From 1998: 1 Ruble (RUB) = 100 Kopeks = 1000 RUR
Checklists > Countries > Russia Mythic Cats Also see Russia Domestic Cats
Russia Wild CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1992 - Pentathlon Modern World Cup, Saint Petersburg
This item was meant to be issued by the Soviet Union - with a Soviet stamp indicium. It is printed after the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union, and hence only sold and used in the newly independent republics.
RU_SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92044 Pre-stamped envelope 0.07 Winged Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Winged Lion Lamps at the Bank Bridge in Saint Petersburg
Envelope no. 92044
Printed 12.03.92
Issued ???? 1992
Used as is (Soviet stamps and stationary still valid)
MI (SUN) U596DL 15 February 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary RU19930215 PSE 15 92044 Pre-stamped envelope 15 Winged Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Winged Lion Lamps at the Bank Bridge in Saint Petersburg
Envelope no. 92044
Printed 12.03.92
Issued ???? 1992
Re-franked with provisional PO in St. Petersburg
MI U10210 August 1994 - 250 Years of Porcelain Production in St. Petersburg RU19940810 ST 250 Stamp 250 Sphinxes
Wild Cat Art
Porcelain Fruit Basket held by Two Sphinxes
Imperial Porcelain Factory, 19th Century
MI 40025 April 2002 - 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg I RU20020425 ST 25_00 1 Stamp 25.00 Griffin
Wild Cat Art
Statue on the Bank Bridge in St. Petersburg
Issued in sheetlets and in prestige booklet
MI 978RU20020425 BK 201_00 Prestige Booklet 201.00 (franking value 85.00) Griffin (on stamp in one pane only)
Wild Cat Art
Statue on the Bank Bridge in St. Petersburg
Prestige booklet with all stamps from series presented in single panes
MI MH816 December 2002 - Manors and Castles RU20021216 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Griffin
Wild Cat Art
Statue at Marfino Manor (near Moscow)
MI 1047ILM 15 May 2003 - 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg III RU20030515 ST 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00 Sphinx
Wild Cat Art
Statue in front of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg
Issued in sheetlets with 5 other stamps in series
MI 10804 May 2006 - Russian History (XIII): Alexander III RU20060504 ST 10_00 1 Stamp 10.00 Griffin
Stylized griffin
Main motif: Alexander II with map
MI 1342RU20060504 ST 10_00 2 Stamp 10.00 Griffin
Stylized griffin
Main motif: Alexander II with flag and ships
MI 1343RU20060504 ST 25_00 Stamp 25.00 Griffin
Stylized griffin
Stamp from
RU20060504 MS 25_00
MI 1344This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20060504 MS 25_00 Miniature sheet 25.00 Heraldic Lion
Middle Imperial Coat of Arms of Russia
Lions of several smaller shields
MI B91This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20110526 ST 8_50 Stamp 8.50 Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
MI 1718RU20110526 BK 85_00 Booklet 85.00
(10 x 8.50)Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
Booklet with 10 x
RU20110526 ST 8_50
MI MH???
PaneRU20110526 BK 170_00 Booklet 170.00
(20 x 8.50)Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
Booklet with 20 x
RU20110526 ST 8_50
MI MH???RU20110526 FDC 8_50 101000 First Day Cover 8.50 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110526 ST 8_50
postmarked with
RU20110526 FDP 101000RU20110526 FDC 8_50 664075 First Day Cover 8.50 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110526 ST 8_50
postmarked with
RU20110526 FDP 664075RU20110526 FDP 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
26 May 2011If you have scan of this item, please share. RU20110526 FDP 664075 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Иркутск (Irkutsk) 664075
26 May 201124 July 2011 - 350th Anniversary of Irkutsk This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20110624 ST 15_00 Stamp 15.00 Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
MI 1725RU20110624 FDC 15_00 101000 First Day Cover 15.00 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110624 ST 15_00
postmarked with
RU20110624 FDP 101000RU20110624 FDC 15_00 664075 First Day Cover 15.00 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110624 ST 15_00
postmarked with
RU20110624 FDP 664075RU20110624 FDP 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск 350 Лет - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
24 June 2011RU20110624 FDP 664075 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск 350 Лет - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Иркутск (Irkutsk) 664075
24 June 201115 November 2011 - Rossija-2011 Thematic Philatelic Exhibition This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20111115 PC B Pre-stamped postccard B Heraldic Babr (in cachet)
Irkutsk CoA
RU20110526 ST 8_50
Order no. 2011-215/1
Printing date: 07.11.2011
MI P153.215/112012 - 75th Anniversary of Irkutsk Obalst This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20120000 PSE A 212 Pre-stamped envelope A
(sold at 40.00)Heraldic Babr (in cachet)
Irkutsk Oblast CoA
Order no. 184-2012/ 2012-212
Printer's no. 4670009418197
Print run: 500.000
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
MI U???12 August 2014 - 70th Anniversary of Kostroma Oblast This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20140812 PC B 2 Pre-stamped postcard B
(10.50 on issue)Heraldic Griffins (in cachet)
Kostroma Oblast CoA
Card. no. 2014-244/1
Printing date: 04.08.2014
MI ???M 28 August 2015 - Regional Coats of Arms (V)
This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20150828 MS 50_00 Miniature sheet 50.00 Heraldic Winged Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
Tatarstan CoA
Single-stamp MS
MI B22125 November 2015 - The 2018 FIFA World Cup Host Cities RU20151125 PC B 3 Pre-stamped postcard B
(14.00 on issue)Winged Snow Leopard
Card representing Kazan
Card no. 2015-334/1
Printing date 25.11.2015
MI ???30 March 2016 - Coats of Arms on Postage Stamps of the Russian Federation This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats and Wild Cats
RU20160330 PP 639_95
Presentation pack 636.95
(on 23 issues)Babr (mythic Tiger/Beaver mix)
Heraldic Babr (on two stamps and cover)
Heraldic Tiger (on stamp)
Herladic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Vladivostok CoA
Irkutsk CoA
Alexandrov CoA
Presentation pack with
RU20100827 ST 7_70
RU20110526 ST 8_50
RU20110624 ST 15_00
RU20130618 ST 10_00
RU20150828 MS 50_00
and 18 other stamps or miniature sheets
PP no 749
Print run: 100023 June 2017 - Office of the Federal Bailiff Service in the Republic of Tatarstan
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
RU20170623 PSE A 1 Pre-stamped envelope A
(22.00 on issue)Winged Heraldic Snow Leopard
Tatarstan CoA
PSE no. 2017-080
Print run: 50000January 2018 - Irkutsk Philatelic Bureau Pictorial Postmark RU20180100 PMK 664003 Pictorial postmark - Heraldic Babr
from Irkutsk CoA
"Салон 'Коллекционер'"
Pictorial postmark used at the Philatelic Bureau sales office
Иркутск (Irkutsk)
Earliest use reported:
January 2018
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.8 October 2018 - Centenary of the Crimean Federal University RU20181008 PMK 295007 Commemorative postmark - Griffin
from CFU Crest
"России - Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского - КфУ 100 лет"
This postmark is frequently used as FDP for a pre-stamped envelope issued for the jubillee
Симферополь (Simferopol) 295007
8 October 20182019 - Kazan Philatelic Bureau Pictorial Postmark RU20190000 PMK 420111 Pictorial postmark - Winged Heraldic Snow Leopard
from Tatarstan CoA
"День Республики Татарстан - Салон 'Коллекционер'"
Pictorial postmark used at the Philatelic Bureau sales office
We have also had this described as a commemorative postmark for Republic Day used for a short period only
Казань (Kazan)
Earliest use reported:
Autumn 2019
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Veniamin Kramer, Greg Balagian and Elisabeth Hallsjö.
Latest update: 19 January, 2025