Stamps inscribed 'РСФСР', 'Rossija' or 'Russia' and/or 'Россия'. Tsarist issues are inscribed 'Почтовая марка' or 'Почта' without country name.
1857 - 1918 Tsarist Russia
1918 - 1923 Russian Soviet Republic
1923 - 1992 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Russian Federation (Soviet stamps valid until 9 August 1993)
From 1857: 1 Ruble = 100 Kopeks
From 1923: 1 (New) Ruble = 100 Kopeks = 100 old Rubles
From 1992: 1 Ruble (RUR) = 100 Kopeks (continuation of Soviet Ruble)
From 1998: 1 Ruble (RUB) = 100 Kopeks = 1000 RUR
Checklists > Countries > Russia Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1991 -> Soviet Postal Stationary used in Russia RU_SUN19910220 PSE 0_07 91412 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Lida CoA
Slonim CoA
Envelope no. 91412
Printing date: 20.02.91
SUN19910220 PSE 0_07 91412
up-franked with Russian stamps
MI (SUN) U597-??RIL 23 April 1992 - 50th Anniversary of the French Airforce Fighter Squadron 2/30 Normandie-Niemen RU19920423 PC 0_20 3_2141 Pre-stamped postcard 0.20
(sold at 0.75)Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Normandy-Niemen CoA
Card no. 1992.3.2141
Printed 24.12.91
MI PSo6M 25 October 2000 - Fish from Lake Peipus Joint issue with Estonia
RU20001025 LB 1 Gutter label - Heraldic Lion
Estonian CoA
Label attached to
MI 861-862M 22 January 2006 - Armenian Year in the Russian Federation Joint issue with Armenia
RU20060122 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant Regauardant Supporter
Lion Passant
Crowned Lion Passant Guardant
Armenian CoA
MI 1303This item is also listed under Armenia Heraldic Cats
AM_RU20060122 FDC 350_10_00 First Day Cover 350 Heraldic Lion (on stamps and cachet)
Lion Rampant Regauardant Supporter
Lion Passant
Crowned Lion Passant Guardant
Armenian CoA
Official Joint FDC4 May 2006 - Russian History (XIII): Alexander III
Items from this issue are also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20060504 MS 25_00 Miniature sheet 25.00 Heraldic Lion
Middle Imperial Coat of Arms of Russia
Lions of several smaller shields
MI B912 July 2010 - 150th Anniversary of Vladivostok This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
RU20100702 ST 15_00 Stamp 15.00 Heraldic Tiger
Vladivostok CoA
MI 1656RU20100702 FDC 15_00 101000 First day cover 15.00 Heraldic Tiger (on stamp and postmark)
Vladivostok CoA
Official FDC with
RU20100702 ST 15_00
postmarked in MoscowRU20100702 FDP 101000 First day postmark - Heraldic Tiger
Vladivostok CoA
"Первый День - Россия - Premièr Jour - Владивосток - 150 лет"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
2 August 2010RU20100702 FDP 690090 First day postmark - Heraldic Tiger
Vladivostok CoA
"Первый День - Россия - Premièr Jour - Владивосток - 150 лет"
Владивосток (Vladivostok) 690090
2 August 201021 July 2010 -> Pskov - City of Military Glory RU20100721_ PMK 180000 Pictorial postmark - Heraldic Leopard
Leopard Passant
Pskov CoA
"Россия - Город Воинской Славы"
Псков (Pskov) 180000
Earliest use reported:
21 July 2010
Latest use reported:
21 July 2010
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 August 2010 - City Coat of Arms This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
RU20100827 ST 7_70 Stamp 7.70 Heraldic Tiger
Vladivostok CoA
Stamp from sheet or booklet
MI 1670IL3 RU20100827 BK 77_00 Booklet 77.00 Heraldic Tiger (on stamps and cover)
Vladivostok CoA
Booklet with
10 x
RU20100827 ST 7_70
MI MH???
PaneRU20100827 BK 154_00 Booklet 154.00 Heraldic Tiger (on stamps and cover)
Vladivostok CoA
Booklet with
20 x
RU20100827 ST 7_70
MI MH???RU20100827 FDC 7_70 101000 First Day Cover 7.70 Heraldic Tiger (on stamp and postmark)
Vladivostok CoA
Official FDC with
RU20100827 ST 7_70
Posmarked in MoscowRU20100827 FDC 7_70 690090 First Day Cover 7.70 Heraldic Tiger (on stamp and postmark)
Vladivostok CoA
Official FDC with
RU20100827 ST 7_70
Posmarked in VladivostokRU20100827 FDP 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Tiger
Vladivostok CoA
"Россия - Владивосток - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
27 August 2010RU20100827 FDP 690090 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Tiger
Vladivostok CoA
"Россия - Владивосток - Первый День - Premièr Jour
Владивосток (Vladivostok) 690090
27 August 2010This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20110526 ST 8_50 Stamp 8.50 Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
MI 1718RU20110526 BK 85_00 Booklet 85.00
(10 x 8.50)Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
Booklet with 10 x
RU20110526 ST 8_50
MI MH???
PaneRU20110526 BK 170_00 Booklet 170.00
(20 x 8.50)Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
Booklet with 20 x
RU20110526 ST 8_50
MI MH???RU20110526 FDC 8_50 101000 First Day Cover 8.50 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110526 ST 8_50
postmarked with
RU20110526 FDP 101000RU20110526 FDC 8_50 664075 First Day Cover 8.50 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110526 ST 8_50
postmarked with
RU20110526 FDP 664075RU20110526 FDP 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
26 May 2011If you have scan of this item, please share. RU20110526 FDP 664075 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Иркутск (Irkutsk) 664075
26 May 201124 July 2011 - 350th Anniversary of Irkutsk This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20110624 ST 15_00 Stamp 15.00 Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
MI 1725RU20110624 FDC 15_00 101000 First Day Cover 15.00 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110624 ST 15_00
postmarked with
RU20110624 FDP 15_00 101000RU20110624 FDC 15_00 664075 First Day Cover 15.00 Heraldic Babr (on stamp and postmark)
Irkutsk CoA
Official FDC with
RU20110624 ST 15_00
postmarked with
RU20110624 FDP 15_00 664075RU20110624 FDP 15_00 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск 350 Лет - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
24 June 2011RU20110624 FDP 15_00 664075 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Babr
Irkutsk CoA
"Почта России - Иркутск 350 Лет - Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Иркутск (Irkutsk) 664075
24 June 201115 November 2011 - Rossija-2011 Thematic Philatelic Exhibition This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20111115 PC 215_1 Pre-stamped postccard B Heraldic Babr (in cachet)
Irkutsk CoA
RU20110526 ST 8_50
Order no. 2011-215/1
Printing date: 07.11.2011
MI P153.215/112012 - 75th Anniversary of Irkutsk Obalst This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20120000 PSE A 212 Pre-stamped envelope A
(sold at 40.00)Heraldic Babr (in cachet)
Irkutsk Oblast CoA
Order no. 184-2012/ 2012-212
Printer's no. 4670009418197
Print run: 500.000
If you know the date of issue for this item, please share.
MI U???18 June 2013 - City Coats of Arms RU20130618 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Alexandrov CoA
MI 1398ILM
Back coverRU20130618 BK 100_00 Booklet 100.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Alexandrov CoA
Booklet with 10 x
RU20130618 ST 10_00
Back coverRU20130618 BK 200_00 Booklet 200.00 Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Alexandrov CoA
Booklet with 20 x
RU20130618 ST 10_00
MI MH???M RU20130618 FDP 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Alexandrov CoA
"Почта России - Александров – Первый День – Premièr Jour"
MOCKBA (Moscow) 101000
18 June 2013RU20130618 FDP 601650 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Alexandrov CoA
"Почта России - Александров –Первый День - Premièr Jour"
Александров, Владимирской Области (Alexandrov, Vladimir Oblast) 601650
18 June 20135-6 June 2014 - 90th Anniversary of F.E. Dzerzhinsky Special Operations Division (ODON) This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
RU20140605 PC B 140_1 Pre-stamped postcard B
(10.50 on issue)Heraldic Panther (in cachet)
ODON badge
Order no. 3.2014-140/1
Printed: 25.05.2014
MI P155.140/1RU20140606 PSE A 114 Pre-stamped envelope A Heraldic Panther (in cachet)
ODON badge
Order no. 72K-2014/ 2014-117
Print run 500.000
MI U???12 August 2014 - 70th Anniversary of Kostroma Oblast
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20140812 PC B 2 Pre-stamped postcard B
(10.50 on issue)Heraldic Griffins (in cachet)
Kostroma Oblast CoA
Card. no. 2014-244/1
Printed: 04.08.2014
MI PP155.244/1M 28 August 2015 - Regional Coats of Arms (V)
This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20150828 MS 50_00 Miniature sheet 50.00 Heraldic Winged Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
Tatarstan CoA
Single-stamp MS
MI B2212 July 2015 - 155th Anniversary of Vladivostok
This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
RU20150702 PC B 1 Pre-franked postcard B
(14.00 on issue)Heraldic Tiger (in cachet)
Vladivostok CoA
Cachet motif: Svetlanskaya street
Card no. 2015-167/1
Printing date: 30.06.2015
MI P???BDC RU20150702 PC B 2 Pre-franked postcard B
(14.00 on issue)Heraldic Tiger (in cachet)
Vladivostok CoA
Cachet motif: Eagle's Nest Hill. View of the Zolotoy Rog Bay
Card no. 2015-168/1
Printing date: 30.06.2015
MI P???BDC RU20150702 PC B 3 Pre-franked postcard B
(14.00 on issue)Heraldic Tiger (in cachet)
Vladivostok CoA
Cachet motif: Bridge on the Russky Island
Card no. 2015-169/1
Printing date: 30.06.2015
MI P???BDC RU20150702 PSE A Pre-franked envelope A
(19.00 on issue)Heraldic Tiger (in cachet)
Vladivostok CoA
PSE no. 2015-083
Printing date: 01.07.2015
MI P???BDC RU20150702 PMK 690090 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Tiger (in cachet)
Vladivostok CoA
"Почта России"
Владивосток (Vladivostok) 690090
2 July 2015BDC 30 March 2016 - Coats of Arms on Postage Stamps of the Russian Federation
This item is also listed under Wild Cats and Mythic Cats
RU20160330 PP 639_95
Presentation pack 636.95
(on 23 issues)Heraldic Tiger (on stamp)
Heraldic Babr (on two stamps and cover)
Herladic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Vladivostok CoA
Irkutsk CoA
Alexandrov CoA
Presentation pack with
RU20100827 ST 7_70
RU20110526 ST 8_50
RU20110624 ST 15_00
RU20130618 ST 10_00
RU20150828 MS 50_00
and 18 other stamps or miniature sheets
PP no 749
Print run: 100023-25 June 2016 - 800th Anniversary of Rzhev RU20160623 ST 24_00 Stamp 24.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
MI 2320RU20160623 FDC 24_00 101000 First Day Cover 24.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
Official FDC postmarked with
RU20160623 FDP 101000RU20160623 FDC 24_00 172390 First Day Cover 24.00 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
Official FDC postmarked with
RU20160623 FDP 172390RU20160623 FDP 101000 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
"Почта России - Ржев - Первый День - Premièr Jour - 800 Лет"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
23 June 2016RU20160623 FDP 172390 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
"Почта России - Ржев - Первый День - Premièr Jour - 800 Лет"
Ржев, Тверской области (Rzhev, Tver Oblast) 172390
23 June 2016RU20160625 PMK 172390 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Rzhev CoA
"Почта России - 800 Лет"
Ржев, Тверской области (Rzhev, Tver Oblast) 172390
25 June 2016June 2017 - Krasnoyarsk Philatelic Bureau Pictorial Postmark RU20170600 PMK 660049 Pictorial postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Krasnoyarsk CoA
"Салон 'Коллекционер'"
Красноярск (Krasnoyarsk)
Earliest use reported:
June 2017
Latest use reported:
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.23 June 2017 - Office of the Federal Bailiff Service in the Republic of Tatarstan
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
RU20170623 PSE A 1 Pre-franked envelope A
(22.00 on issue)Winged Heraldic Snow Leopard
Tatarstan CoA
PSE no. 2017-080
Print run: 50.000
MI U???1 September 2017 - The Way to Victory VII: 75th Anniversary of the French Airforce Fighter Squadron 2/30
Joint issue with France
RU20170901 ST 41_00 Stamp 41.00 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Normandy-Niemen CoA
Same design as
RU20171211 ST 41_00 4
but in somewhat duller colours
Stamp from sheetlets
MI 2474
Address sideRU20170901 PC B 284_5 Pre-stamped postcard B Heraldic Lion (on picture side)
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Normandy-Niemen CoA
Order no. 3.2017-284/5
Printed: 05.07.2017
MI P???11 December 2017 - The Way to Victory Prestige Booklet RU20171211 ST 41_00 4 Stamp 41.00 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Normandy-Niemen CoA
Same design as
RU20170901 ST 41_00
but in somewhat brighter colours
Stamp from pane 4 of
RU20171211 BK 164_00
MI 2474We have seen the individual panes sold as miniature sheets
RU20171211 BK 164_00 Prestige booklet 164.00
(4 x 41.00 - sold at 1200.00)Heraldic Lion (on one stamp)
Two Lions Passant Guardant
Normandy-Niemen CoA
Prestige booklet with
RU20171211 ST 41_00 4
and three other stamps
MI MH???26 September 2022 - Primorsky Krai Foundation Day This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
RU20220926_ PMK 690090 Commemoratice postmark - Tiger
Heraldic Tiger
Primorsky Krai CoA
"Почта России - День образования Приморского края"
Владивосток (Vladivostok) 690090
First day of use:
26 September 2022
We have had reports that this postmark was used for several days. If you have further information, please share.28 October 2022 - 200th Anniversary of the Formation of the Yenisei Province RU20221028 PSE A Pre-franked envelope A Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Yenisei Province CoA
PSE no. 2022-???
Print run: 200.000
MI U???17 June 2024 - Centenary of F.E. Dzerzhinsky Special Operations Division (ODON)
This issue is also listed under Wild Cats
RU20240617 FDC 150_00 101000 First day cover 150.00 Heraldic Panther (in postmark)
ODON badge
Official FDC with stamp or miniature sheet.RU20240617 FDP 101000 First day postmark - Heraldic Panther (in postmark)
ODON badge
"Первый День -Почта России - Premièr Jour - Отдельной орденов Жукова, Ленина и Октябрьской Революции Краснознамённой дивизии оперативного назначения имени Ф.Э. Дзержинского - 100 лет"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
17 June 2024RU20240617 PMK 101000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Panther (in postmark)
ODON badge
"Отдельная дивизия оперативного назначения им. Ф.Э. Дзержинского - 100 лет"
This postmark is also known used on private FDCs
Москва (Moscow)
17 June 2024RU20240617 FDP 143914 First day postmark - Heraldic Panther (in postmark)
ODON badge
"Первый День -Почта России - Premièr Jour - Отдельной орденов Жукова, Ленина и Октябрьской Революции Краснознамённой дивизии оперативного назначения имени Ф.Э. Дзержинского - 100 лет"
Балашиха (Balashikha) 143914, Московская область (Moscow Oblast)
17 June 20246 July 2024 - Centenary of The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
RU20240706 MS 100_00 Miniature sheet 100.00 Heraldic Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
North Ossetia CoA
Single-stamp MS
MI ???![]()
FDC backRU20240706 FDC 100_00 101000 First day cover 100.00
(sold at 120.00)Heraldic Snow Leopard (on postmark and selvedge)
North Ossetia CoA
Snow Leopard (in cachet)
Snow Leopard silhouette in jubilee logo
FDC no. 2418
Official FDC with
RU20240706 MS 100_00![]()
FDC backRU20240706 FDC 100_00 362003 First day cover 100.00
(sold at 120.00)Heraldic Snow Leopard (on postmark and selvedge)
North Ossetia CoA
Snow Leopard (in cachet)
Snow Leopard silhouette in jubilee logo
FDC no. 2418
Official FDC with
RU20240706 MS 100_00CC RU20240706 FDP 101000 First day postmark - Heraldic Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
North Ossetia CoA
"Первый День -Почта России - Premièr Jour - Республике Северной Осетии–Алании - 100 лет"
Москва (Moscow) 101000
6 July 2024RU20240706 FDP 362003 First day postmark - Heraldic Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
North Ossetia CoA
"Первый День -Почта России - Premièr Jour - Республике Северной Осетии–Алании - 100 лет"
Владикавказ (Vladikavkaz) 362003
6 July 2024CC 25 November 2024 - 200th anniversary of the Birth of M.T. Loris-Melikov (1824–1888) RU20241125 PSE A 4 Pre-stamped envelope A Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Lion Rampant Supporter
Armed demi-Lion Rampant
Loris-Melikov Family CoA
PSE no. 2024-115
Print run 500.000
MI U???List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Marci Jarvis, Elisabeth Hallsjö, Andrzej Mroczek, Aleksey
Smirnov, D.G.Naryshkin, Alexey Butorin, V. Klampov, Greg Balagian, Valery Oganesian, and Vladimir Zach.
Latest update: 25 February, 2025