Stamps inscribed '[Poczta] Polska'
1860 (one stamp under Russian rule)
1918 ->
From 1918: 1 Marka = 100 Fenigow
From 1924: 1 Zloty = 100 Groszy (= 1,800,000 Marek)
From 1950: 1 Zloty (PLZ) = 100 Groszy (=100 old Zloty)
From 1995: 1 New Zloty (PLN) = 100 Groszy (= 10,000 PLZ)
Checklists > Countries > Poland Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.DOMESTIC CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 31 May 1996 - 50th Anniversary of UNICEF This issue also includes a Lion
PL19960531 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified breed (on one stamp and postmark) Cartoon Cat Cats in Literature Illustration for On the Island of Bergamutach by Jan Brzechwa
MI 359125 March 2002 - Mammals and their Young Ones This issue also includes Wild Cats
PL20020325 ST 1_10 2 Stamp 1.10 Unspecified breed
MI 396117 February 2010 - Cats PL20100217 ST 1_55 1 Stamp 1.55 British Shorthair/ British Blue
MI 4467PL20100217 ST 1_55 2 Stamp 1.55 Balinese
MI 4468PL20100217 ST 1_95 1 Stamp 1.95 Somali
MI 4469PL20100217 ST 1_95 2 Stamp 1.95 Maine Coon
MI 4470PL20100217 ST 3_00 1 Stamp 3.00 Persian
MI 4471PL20100217 ST 3_00 2 Stamp 3.00 Exotic Shorthair
MI 4472PL20100217 MS 13_00 Miniature Sheet 13.00 British Shorthair/ British Blue
Maine Coon
Exotic Shorthair
MS with all six stamps in set printed se-tenantly
MI B191PL20100217 FDC 3_50 1 First Day Cover 3.50 British Shorthair/ British Blue
Somali (on stamps)
Sphynx (on cachet)PL20100217 FDC 3_50 2 First Day Cover 3.50 Balinese
Maine Coon (on stamps)
Devon Rex (on cachet)PL20100217 FDC 6_00 First Day Cover 6.00 Persian
Exotic (on stamps)
Selkirk Rex (on cachet)2013 - Envelo Computer Postage PL20130000 COM 40 Computer Postage Imprint Available in all postage rates Unspecified breed
Computer postage
Image lanced for Halloween 2013 (???)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
If you know more about the date this item became available, please let us know.M
ILS2016 - Envelo Computer Postage PL20160000 COM X1 Computer Postage Imprint Available in all postage rates Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
If you know more about the date this item became available, please let us know.1 June 2016 - Family PL20160601 ST 3_70 Stamp 3.70 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
MI 4838Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Aleks Domaradzki, T.S. Tan, Nahum Shereshevsky,
Marci Jarvis, Patrick Roberts, Andrzej Mroczek, and Greg Balagian.
Latest update: 26 April, 2021