Stamps inscribed 'Nederland' (no country name on stamps before 1869)
1852 ->
From 1852: 1 Guilder (NLG) = 100 Cent(en)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= NLG 2.20371)
Checklists > Countries > Netherlands Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1933 - Gimborn Meter Frank NL1933 MF GIMB 6901 Meter Frank - Cartoon Cat
"Zóó klééft - Gimborn's Titanel kleefpasta - Gimborn"
Machine no. 7711/369
Earliest use reported:
5 Jan 1933
Latest use reported:
5 Jan 1933
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know1934-38 - Herberhold Meter Frank NL1934_38 MF HERB 3512 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
"Eerst keuren dan scheuren - Houdt dit merk voor oogen - Herberhold - batterijen - elementen"
Machine no. H592
Earliest use reported:
6 January 1934
Latest use reported:
8 December 1938
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1952 - Fa. A. Weststrate Janzn Meter Frank NL1952 MF FAWE 4413 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Blaue Katze - Blue Cat - Oignons - Onions - Uien - Zwiebeln - Fa. A. Weststrate Janzn"
Machine no. 51154 / HR06
Earliest use reported:
3 December 1952
Latest use reported:
3 December 1952
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.17 November 1952 - For the Child (Voor het kind) NL19521117 ST 0_10__0_05 Semi-postal stamp 0.10
+0.05Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
MI 6041960 - Karbo Radiators Meter Frank NL1960 MF KARB 1400 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"KARBO radiatoren voor centrale verwarming - Postbus 23"
Machine no. FR7057
Earliest use reported:
18 May 1960
Latest use reported:
22 January 1970
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.27 April 1962 - Summer Stamps This issue also includes items listed under Wild Cats
NL19620427 ST 0_04__0_04 Semi-postal stamp 0.04
+ 0.04Unspecified breed
Cat sculpture
Cats in art
Roman cat figure
MI 77421 April 1964 - Summer Stamps NL19640421 ST 0_12__0_09 Semi-postal stamp 0.12
+ 0.04Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
MI 820FDC 1971 - Coutura Meter Frank NL1971 MF COUT 1000 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Company logo
"Coutura n.v."
Machine no. PR715
Earliest use reported:
3 November 1971
Latest use reported:
3 November 1971
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.DL (FR) 1973 - Chat Noir/Zwarte Kat Coffee Meter Frank NL1973 MF CHNC 6135 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Company logo
"Chat Noir Koffie - Koffiespecialisten sinds 1804 - Handelstraat 24"
Machine no. FM416
Earliest use reported:
24 December 1973
Latest use reported:
24 December 1973
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.LFR 1976-80 - EFFEM B.V. Meter Frank Also see EFFEM items from 1983
NL1976_80 MF EFFE 5466 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"EFFEM B.V. - kitekat - whiskas - katkins - Nijenburg 152"
Machine no. P.B. 1709
Earliest use reported:
18 August 1976
Latest use reported:
7 March 1980
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.FR 1977 - Venco/Katjesdrop Meter Frank
Our scan is a test-print denominated 0.00
Photo detail of productNL1977 MF VEKD 1410 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Licorice cat figures
"Venco Katjesdrop - Venco - sterklasse - meest gevraagd - postbos 5023"
Machine no. 11636
Earliest use reported:
16 December 1977
Latest use reported:
16 December 1977
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.FR 1977 - Double Cat Meter Frank NL1977 MF DOCA 7161 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cats
Company logo
"Double Cat - Bonneterie... - een klasse apart"
Machine no. FR16488
Parallelweg 38
Earliest use reported:
4 March 1977
Latest use reported:
4 March 1977
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.LFR 1981 - Morel Glasses Meter Frank NL1981 MF MORE 5213 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Company logo
"Morel - Brillen sinds 1880"
Machine no. FM 2293
P. Breughelstr. 2
5213 BN s'Hertogenbosch
Earliest use reported:
28 August 1981
Latest use reported:
28 August 1981
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1981 - Minou Meter Frank NL1981 MF MINO 6710 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"Minou ©®"
Machine no. PB 3105
Postbus 193
6710 BD Ede
Earliest use reported:
6 April 1981
Latest use reported:
6 April 1981
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1982 - Langcat Meter Frank NL1982 MF LANG 1305 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"B.V. Ned. Emaillefabriek 'Langcat' - Geëmailleerde bouwpanelen reklame- en naamborden enz."
Machine no. FR6139
Postbus 50073
Earliest use reported:
27 April 1982
Latest use reported:
27 April 1982
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1982 - HOLS b.v. Meter Frank NL1982 MF HOLS 8200 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Honden zeggen "ja" tegen HOLS - HOLS b.v."
Machine no. RN1719
Postbus 50
8200 AB Lelystad
Earliest use reported:
17 August 1982
Latest use reported:
19 May 1988
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.16 November 1982 - For the Child (Voor het kind) NL19821116 ST 0_60__0_20 Semi-postal stamp 0.60
+ 0.20Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
MI 1224NL19821116 MS 2_60__1_40 Semi-postal miniature sheet 2.60
(4 x (0.50 + 0.30)
+ (0.60
+ 0.20))Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Cat drawing
MS with
NL19821116 ST 0_60__0_20
and 4 other stamps
MI B24NL19821116 FDC 2_60__1_40 First day cover 2.60
(4 x (0.50 + 0.30)
+ (0.60
+ 0.20))Unspecified breed (on one stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Cat drawing
Official FDC with
NL19821116 MS 2_60__1_40NL19821116 MC 0_60__0_20 Maximum card 0.60
+ 0.20Unspecified breed (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Official MC with
NL19821116 ST 0_60__0_20CC NL19821116 FDP 1000 First day postmark - Cat
Cartoonish cat
"Kinderpostzegelaktie Amsterdam"
16-18 November 1982Some sources report this postmark as a commemorative postmark also used for other stamps. We have, however, only seen it used as a first day postmark. If you have further information, please let us know.
CC 1983 - EFFEM B.V. Meter Frank Also see EFFEM items from 1976
NL1983 MF EFFE 5460 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Effem b.v."
Machine no. PB 3579
Postbus 81
5460 AB Veghel
Earliest use reported:
11 April 1983
Latest use reported:
11 April 1983
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1987 - Dutchi Agencies Meter Frank Also see Dutchi items from 1990
NL1987 MF DUTA 2959 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Company logo
"Dutchi Agency"
Machine no. RN 3002 (Neopost)
Zwanenvliet 44
2959 CE Streefkerk
Earliest use reported:
23 November 1987
Latest use reported:
16 December 1987
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.DL (FR) 5 July 1988 - Modern Paintings NL19880705 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Cats in Art
Cobra Cat by Karel Appel (1921–2006)
MI 12241990-97 - Dutchi Agencies Meter Frank Also see Dutchi items from 1987
NL1990_97 MF DUTA 2959 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
(New) company logo
"Dutchi Agency"
Machine no. RN 3002 (Neopost)
Zwanenvliet 44
2959 CE Streefkerk
Earliest use reported:
1 August 1990
Latest use reported:
13 June 1997
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.FR 1991 - Colorama Meter Frank NL1991 MF COLO 4040 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Colorama - quattro"
Machine no. FM8917
Postbus 39
4040 DA Kesteren
Earliest use reported:
3 September 1991
Latest use reported:
3 September 1991
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1993 - Petfood Service b.v. Meter Frank NL1993 MF PFSE 5460 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Petfood Service b.v. - ...voeling met voeding"
Machine no. HR7980
Postbus 174
5460 AD Veghel
Earliest use reported:
17 March 1993
Latest use reported:
17 March 1993
If you know the dates of use for his item, please let us know.1994 - Silent Gliss Meter Frank Also see 2003-version
NL1994 MF SIGL 3430 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Company logo
"Silent Gliss - concepten in raaminterieur"
Machine no. FR28160
Postbus 1473
3440 BL Nieuwegein
Earliest use reported:
14 July 1994
Latest use reported:
14 July 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.14 May 1996 - Comics (I) NL19960514 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Cartoon Cat
Tom Poes by Marten Tonder
Stamp from MS
MI 1574M NL19960514 MS 1_50 Miniature sheet 1.50 Cartoon Cat
Tom Poes by Marten Tonder
(on one stamp only)
2-stamp MS with
NL19960514 ST 0_70
and the other stamp in set
Text-references on selvedge
MI B49ILS 22 September 1998 - Pets NL19980922 ST 0_80 3 Stamp 0.80 Unspecified breed
MI 1677M
BackNL19980922 PP 2_40 Presentation pack 2.40
(3 x 0.80)
Sold at: ???Unspecified breed (on one stamp and cover
Kittens (on stamp
Cat figurine (on cover)
Presentation pack with
NL19980922 ST 0_80 3
and two other stamps6 October 1998 - Comics (III) NL19981006 ST 0_80 1 Stamp 0.80 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Stamp from MS
Non-phosophorous paper
(Kids writing letter)
Same design as
NL19981006 ST 0_80 3
MI 1678xNL19981006 ST 0_80 2 Stamp 0.80 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Stamp from MS
Non-phosophorous paper
(Kids posting letter)
MI 1679xNL19981006 ST 0_80 3 Stamp 0.80 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de
kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Stamp from Booklet
Phosophorous paper
(Kids writing letter)
Same design as
NL19981006 ST 0_80 1
MI 1678y
Back CoverNL19981006 BK 8_00 Booklet 8.00 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Booklet with
10 x
NL19981006 ST 0_80 3
and 20 labels with scenes from the comic strip
MI MH1678M NL19981006 MS 1_60 Miniature sheet 1.60 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
MS with the two stamps and 6 marginal labels
MI B57NL19981006 FDC 0_80 First day cover 0.80 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
FDC with
NL19981006 ST 0_80 3CC NL19981006 FDC 1_60 First day cover 0.80 Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
FDC with
NL19981006 MS 1_60CC NL19981006 LB 1 Label - Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Label from booklet
Title pane: "Dit zijn geen postzegels hoor...." ("These are not postage stamps")NL19981006 LB 5 Label - Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Label from booklet
"Feest..?" ("Party..?")NL19981006 LB 18 Label - Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Label from booklet
"Ik hou van Bont - Jouw Bont!" ("I love Bont - You, Bont!")NL19981006 LB 19 Label - Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Label from booklet
"Ik hou ook van Bont, James Bond!" ("I also love Bont, James Bond!")NL19981006 LB 23 Label - Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Label from MS
Loedertje from upper Right cornerNL19981006 LB 26 Label - Cartoon Cat
"Jan, Jans en de kinderen" by Jan Kruis
Label from MS
Rode Kater from lower Right Corner10 November 1999 - For the Child NL19991110 ST 0_80__0_40 3 Stamp 0.80
+ 0.40Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Scene from illustrated children's books by Anni M. G. Schmidt
MI 1752ILS NL19991110 MS 4_80__2_40 Miniature sheet 4.80
+ 2.40Cartoon Cat (in stamps only)
Cats in Literature
Scenes from illustrated children's books by Anni M. G. Schmidt
6 stamp MS (2 of each stamp in set)
MI B62NL19991110 FDC 2_40__1_20 First day cover 2.40
+ 1.20Cartoon Cat (on stamp and postmark)
Cats in Literature
Scenes from illustrated children's books by Anni M. G. Schmidt
FDC with all 3 stamps in setCC NL19991110 FDC 4_80__2_40 First Day Cover 4.80
+ 2.40Cartoon Cat (on stamp and postmark)
Cats in Literature
Scenes from illustrated children's books by Anni M. G. Schmidt
FDC with MSCC NL19991110 FDP 2500 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Eerste Dag van Uitgifte"
Cats in Literature
Cat from illustrated children's books by Anni M. G. Schmidt
Den Haag (The Hague)
10 November 199930 November 1999 - December Stamps NL19991130 ST 0_55 14 Stamp 0.55 Cartoon Cat (Child's Drawing)
Self-adhesive stamp
Issued in sheetlets of 20 different stamps
MI 1766M 28 August 2001 - Comics
Dual currency NLG/EUR
NL20010828 ST 0_85__0_39 1 Stamp 0.85
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Tom from Tom and Jerry
Stamp from
NL20010828 BK 4_25__1_95
MI 1909
BackNL20010828 BK 4_25__1_95 Booklet 4.25
/ 1.95
(5 x 0.85
/ 0.39)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and cover)
Cartoon cat
Tom from Tom and Jerry
Booklet with
NL20010828 ST 0_85__0_39 1
and 4 other stamps
MI MH646 November 2001 - For the Child (Voor het Kind)
Dual currency NLG/EUR - surcharge in EUR not sepcified, but constitues EUR 0.18
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 1
Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat
Stamp from
NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
MI 1933ILM NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 2
Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat
Stamp from
NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
MI 1934ILM NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 3
Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat
Stamp from
NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
MI 1935NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 4
Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat
Stamp from
NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
MI 1936ILM NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 5
Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat
Stamp from
NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
MI 1937ILM NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 6
Semi-postal stamp 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39Unspecified breed
Cartoonish cat
Stamp from
NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
MI 1938NL20011106 MS 5_10__2_40__2_34
Semi-postal miniature sheet 5.10
+ 2.40
/ 2.34
(6 x 0.85
+ 0.40
/ 0.39)Unspecified breed (on all stamps)
Cartoonish cat
6-stamp MS with
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 1
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 2
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 3
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 4
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 5
NL20011106 ST 0_85__0_40__0_39 6
MI B735 November 2002 - For the Child (Voor het kind) NL20021105 ST 0_39__0_19 1 Semi-postal stamp 0.39
+0.19Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Stamp from
NL20021105 MS 2_34__1_14
MI 2043NL20021105 MS 2_34__1_14 Semi-postal miniature sheet 2.34
(5 x 0.39
+0.19)Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
6-stamp MS with
NL20021105 MS 2_34__1_14
and five other stamps
MI B762003 - Silent Gliss Meter Frank Also see 1994-version
NL2003 MF SIGL 3430 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Company logo
"Silent Gliss - concepten in raaminterieur"
Machine no. FM75682
Postbus 1473
3440 BL Nieuwegein
Earliest use reported:
23 December 2003
Latest use reported:
23 December 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.24 June 2003 - Land, Air, and Water
NL20030624 ST 0_39 2 Stamp - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
MI 2135M (BDC)
FDC23 September 2003 - Everyday Scenes NL20030923 ST 0_39 3 Stamp 0.39 Unspecified Breed
Sold in sheetlets with 9 other stamps in set
MI 2141ILM
MC25 November 2003 - December Stamps / Christmas NL20031125 ST 0_29 3 Stamp 0.29 Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 2159IPM 7 May 2004 - Stamp Kids - 50th Anniversary of Youth Philately in The Netherlands NL20040507 PMK 5248 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Cats in Literature
Bremen Town Musicians
"JeugdFilatelie Nederland - 50 jaar JFN"
Rosmalen (not stated)
(7) May 20045 April 2005 - Summer Stamps NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 1 Semi-postal stamp 0.39
+ 0.19Unspecified breed
Relaxing with kids in a barrel
MI 2302ILM NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 2 Semi-postal stamp 0.39
+ 0.19Unspecified breed
With kids in an attic
MI 2303ILM NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 4 Semi-postal stamp 0.39
+ 0.19Unspecified breed
With kids in the garden
MI 2305ILM NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 6 Semi-postal stamp 0.39
+ 0.19Unspecified breed
With knitting girls
MI 2305ILM
MCNL20050405 MS 1_17__0_57 1 Semi-postal miniature sheet 1.17
+ 0.57
(3 x 0.39
+ 0.19)Unspecified breed (on two stamps)
3-stamp MS with
NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 1
NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 2
and another stamp
MI B87M NL20050405 MS 1_17__0_57 2 Semi-postal miniature sheet 1.17
+ 0.57
(3 x 0.39
+ 0.19)Unspecified breed (on two stamps and two labels)
3-stamp MS with
NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 4
NL20050405 ST 0_39__0_19 6
and another stamp
MI B88M NL20050405 LB 9 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
First column bottom marginal label from
NL20050405 MS 1_17__0_57 2MS NL20050405 LB 11 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Third column bottom marginal label from
NL20050405 MS 1_17__0_57 2MS 4 October 2005 - Postage Paid Stamps NL20051004 ST PP 5 Stamp PP Unspecified Breed
Stamp denominated "Port Betaald" ("Postage Paid")
Issued for use on mass mailings (to give a personal flair)
MI UnlistedM
FDC1 February 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (VI) NL20060201 MS 1_95 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2390AM 3 February 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (VII) NL20060203 MS 1_95 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge, lower right corner)
MI KB2391AM 4 April 2006 - Summer Stamps NL20060404 ST 0_39__0_19 3 Semi-postal stamp 0.39
+ 0.19Unspecified Breed
MI 2396M NL20060404 MS 1_17__0_57 1 Semi-postal miniature sheet 1.17
+ 0.57
(3 x 0.39 + 0.19Unspecified Breed (on 1 stamp)
1 of 2 3-stamp MSs
FDC28 April 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (VIII) NL20060428 MS 1_95 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2400AM 24 May 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (IX) NL20060524 MS 1_95 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2402AM 2 June 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (X) NL20060602 MS 1_95 1 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2403AM NL20060602 MS 1_95 2 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2404AM 4 August 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (XI) This item is also listed under Wild Cats
NL20060804 MS 1_95 1 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Lion (on selvedge)
MI KB2416AM NL20060804 MS 1_95 2 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2417AM 1 September 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (XII) NL20060901 MS 1_95 1 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2419AM NL20060901 MS 1_95 2 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB2420AM NL20060901 BK 9_95 Prestige booklet 9.90
(Franking value 3.90)Unspecified breed (on several panes)
Prestige booklet no. 12
MI MH???M 10 October 2006 - Beautiful Netherlands (XIIb) NL20061010 MS 1_95 1 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI B98M This item is also listed under Wild Cats
NL20061010 MS 1_95 2 Miniature sheet 1.95
(5 x 0.39)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Lion (on selvedge)
MI B99M 6 November 2007 - For the Child (Voor het Kind) NL20071106 ST 0_44__0_22 5 Semi-postal stamp 0.44
+ 0.22Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Stamp from
NL20071106 MS 2_64__1_32
MI 2527NL20071106 MS 2_64__1_32 Semi-postal miniature sheet 2.64
(4 x 0.44
+ 0.22)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Stylized cat
6-stamp MS with
NL20071106 ST 0_44__0_22 5
MI B1082008 - Personalised Stamps NL20080000 PST 0_44 X2 Personalised stamp 0.44 Unspecified breed
Kitten with Christmas hat
Personalised stamp issued by Hallmark
If you have further information about this item, please share.
MI 2564A (personalised)NL20080000 PST 0_44 X3 Personalised stamp 0.44 Unspecified breed
Kitten and puppy
Personalised stamp issued by Hallmark
If you have further information about this item, please share.
MI 2564A (personalised)NL20080000 PST 0_44 X4 Personalised stamp 0.44 Unspecified breed
Two kittens and a Christmas tree
Personalised stamp issued by Hallmark
If you have further information about this item, please share.
MI 2564A (personalised)15 June 2009 - Dikkie Dik Post Pack NL20090615 ST 0_44 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Cartoon Cat (Dikkie Dik with card in mouth)
Stamp from MS
Only sold in a "Post Pack" with 3 postcards
MI 2648 (personalised)M
DLSNL20090615 ST 0_44 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Cartoon Cat (Dikkie Dik opening present)
Stamp from MS
Only sold in a "Post Pack" with 3 postcards
MI 2648 (personalised)M
DLSNL20090615 ST 0_44 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Cartoon Cat (Dikkie Dik blowing out candles)
Stamp from MS
Only sold in a "Post Pack" with 3 postcards
MI 2648 (personalised)M
DLSNL20090615 MS 1_32 Miniature Sheet 1.32 Cartoon Cat (Dikkie Dik) (on stamps and selvedge
3-stamp MS
Only sold in a "Post Pack" with 3 postcards at a price of EUR 3.95
MI UnlistedM NL20090615 MC 0_44 1 Maximum card 0.44 Cartoon Cat (on stamp and card) (Dikkie Dik with card in mouth)
NL20090615 MISC PC 1
franked with
NL20090615 ST 0_44 1CC NL20090615 MC 0_44 2 Maximum card 0.44 Cartoon Cat (on stamp and card) (Dikkie Dik opening present)
Stamp from MS
NL20090615 MISC PC 2
franked with
NL20090615 ST 0_44 2CC NL20090615 MC 0_44 3 Maximum card 0.44 Cartoon Cat (on stamp and card) (Dikkie Dik blowing out candles)
NL20090615 MISC PC 3
franked with
NL20090615 ST 0_44 3CC NL20090615 LB 1 Marginal Label - Cat Paw Prints (orange)
First row right marginal label from
NL20090615 MS 1_32MS NL20090615 LB 2 Marginal Label - Cat Paw Prints (blue)
Second row left marginal label from
NL20090615 MS 1_32MS NL20090615 LB 3 Marginal Label - Cat Paw Prints (red)
Third row right marginal label from
NL20090615 MS 1_32MS NL20090615 LB 4 Marginal Label - Cartoon Cat (Dikkie Dik blowing horn at friend)
Bottom full-width marginal label from
NL20090615 MS 1_32MS
Address sideNL20090615 MISC PC 1 Postcard (un-franked) - Cartoon Cat
(Dikkie Dik)
Postcard with same design as
NL20090615 ST 0_44 1M
Address sideNL20090615 MISC PC 2 Postcard (un-franked) - Cartoon Cat
(Dikkie Dik)
Postcard with same design as
NL20090615 ST 0_44 2M
Address sideNL20090615 MISC PC 3 Postcard (un-franked) - Cartoon Cat
(Dikkie Dik)
Postcard with same design as
NL20090615 ST 0_44 3M
BackNL20090615 MISC PACK Packaging - Cartoon Cat (Dikkie Dik)
Post Pack packagingM 2010 - Personalised Stamps NL20100000 PST 0_44 X1 Personalised stamp 0.44 Unspecified Breed (red kitten with puppy)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2696 (personalised)NL20100000 PST 0_44 X2 Personalised stamp 0.44 Unspecified Breed (drinking from tap)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2565 (personalised)NL20100000 PST 0_44 X3 Personalised stamp 0.44 Bengal
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2564 (personalised)NL20100000 PST 0_44 X4 Personalised stamp 0.44 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
The Cheshire Cat
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2564 (personalised)M 2011 - Personalised Stamps NL20110000 PST 1 X11 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Unspecified Breed (red tabby kitten and puppy)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2826 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X12 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Unspecified Breed (brown tabby kitten and Golden Retriever puppy)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2826 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X13 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Unspecified Breed (blue and white kitten and Blood Hound)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2826 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X14 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Unspecified Breed (blue and white kitten and Chihuahua)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2826 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X15 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Persian (kitten and Chihuahua)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2826 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X17 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Scottish Fold Longhair/Highland Fold
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X18 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Ragdoll
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X19 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Sacred Birman
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X20 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Maine Coon
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X21 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Siamese
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X22 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Norwegian Forest Cat
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X23 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Abyssinian
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X24 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)British Longhair/Lowlander
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X25 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Munchkin
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)NL20110000 PST 1 X25 Personalised stamp 1 *
(0.46 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylised cat
Cats in art
Cat, painting by Pablo Picasso
MI 2826 (personalised)M 2013 - Personalised Stamps NL20131100 PST D 1 Personalised stamp D *
(0.60 on issue)Unspecified Breed (4 longhair kittens)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know
MI 2829 (personalised)M 4 November 2013 - For the Child (Voor het kind) NL20131104 ST 1__0_30 5 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
+ 0.30
+ 0.30 on issue)Cartoon Cat
MI 31602014 - Personalised Stamps NL20140000 PST X1 Personalised stamp I1 *
(1.05 on issue)Scottish Fold 23 February 2015 - 25th Career Anniversary of Francien van Westering I NL20150223 ST 1 1 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Silver tabby shorthair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 1
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 2 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed (possibly Siberian)
Red tabby and white longhair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 1
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 3 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Red tabby and white shorthair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 1
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 4 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Red tabby shorthair - looking straight at you
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 2
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 5 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Persian
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 2
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 6 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 2
Brown tabby shorthair - closed mouth
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 7 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair - looking towards the right
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 3
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 8 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair - open mouth
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 3
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 9 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Blue (grey) tabby and white shorthair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 3
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 10 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Red tabby shorthair - looking towards left
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 4
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 11 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Chocolate (tabby?) and white longhair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 4
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 12 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair - looking slightly towards the left
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 4
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 13 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white longhair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 5
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 14 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Tortie longhair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 5
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 ST 1 15 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Brown tabby and white shorthair
Stamp from
NL20150223 MS 3x1 5
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20150223 MS 3x1 1 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(3 x 0.69 on issue - sold at 4.95)Unspecified breed (on stamps and selvedge)
Silver tabby shorthair
Red tabby and white longhair
Red tabby and white shorthair (on one stamp each)
Tortie longhair and red tabby shorthair kitten (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
NL20150223 ST 1 1
NL20150223 ST 1 2
NL20150223 ST 1 3
Numbered 750021
MI UnlistedBPS NL20150223 MS 3x1 2 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(3 x 0.69 on issue - sold at 4.95)Unspecified breed (on 2 stamps and selvedge)
Red tabby shorthair
Brown tabby shorthair
(on one stamp each)
Black and white shorthair and brown tabby and white shorthair kitten (on selvedge)
Persian (on one stamp)
3-stamp MS with
NL20150223 ST 1 4
NL20150223 ST 1 5
NL20150223 ST 1 6
Numbered 750022
MI UnlistedBPS NL20150223 MS 3x1 3 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(3 x 0.69 on issue - sold at 4.95)Unspecified breed (on stamps and selvedge)
Black and white shorthair
Brown tabby shorthair
Blue (grey) tabby and white shorthair (on one stamp each)
Brown tabby and white shorthair adult and kitten (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
NL20150223 ST 1 7
NL20150223 ST 1 8
NL20150223 ST 1 9
Numbered 750023
MI UnlistedBPS NL20150223 MS 3x1 4 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(3 x 0.69 on issue - sold at 4.95)Unspecified breed (on stamps and selvedge)
Red tabby shorthair
Chocolate (tabby?) and white longhair
Black and white shorthair (on one stamp each)
Brown tabby and white shorthair adult and blue (grey) and white kitten (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
NL20150223 ST 1 10
NL20150223 ST 1 11
NL20150223 ST 1 12
Numbered 750024
MI UnlistedBPS NL20150223 MS 3x1 5 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(3 x 0.69 on issue - sold at 4.95)Unspecified breed (on stamps and selvedge)
Black and white longhair
Tortie longhair
Brown tabby and white shorthair (on one stamp each)
Red tabby and white shorthair adult and brown tabby kitten (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
NL20150223 ST 1 13
NL20150223 ST 1 14
NL20150223 ST 1 15
Numbered 750025
MI UnlistedBPS 14 September 2015 - Animal Photos by Charlotte Dumas
Another stamp from this issue shows a Tiger
NL20150914 ST 1 10 Stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Photo of a street cat in Rabat, Morocco (2012)
MI 3390BDC (M) 2 October 2015 - 25th Career Anniversary of Francien van Westering II NL20151002 ST 1 1 Stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair "Mitsu"
Red pawprint
Stamp from
NL20151000 MS 3x1
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20151002 ST 1 2 Stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair "Mitsu"
Orange pawprint
Stamp from
NL20151000 MS 3x1
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20151002 ST 1 3 Stamp 1 *
(0.69 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair "Mitsu"
Black pawprint
Stamp from
NL20151000 MS 3x1
MI 3061 (personalised)BPS NL20151002 MS 3x1 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(3 x 0.69 on issue - sold at 4.95)Unspecified breed (on stamps and selvedge)
Black and white shorthair "Mitsu"
Black pawprint
3-stamp MS with
NL20151000 ST 1 1
NL20151000 ST 1 2
NL20151000 ST 1 3
MI UnlistedBPS 2 November 2015 - Children's Welfare Stamps Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
Article about this issue from Linn's
NL20151102 ST 1__0_34 1 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
+ 0.34
+ 0.34 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Kitten and puppy in a draw-cart
Cats in literature
Illustration from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
MI 3418BPS NL20151102 ST 1__0_34 2 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
+ 0.34
+ 0.34 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Kitten in tree
Cats in literature
Illustration from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
MI 3419BPS
ILMNL20151102 ST 1__0_34 5 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
+ 0.34
+ 0.34 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Kitten on mitten
Cats in literature
Illustration from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
MI 3422BPS
ILMNL20151102 ST 1__0_34 6 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
+ 0.34
+ 0.34 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cat with hat and coat
Cats in literature
Illustration from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
MI 3423BPS
ILMNL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04 Semi-postal miniature sheet 6 x 1 *
+ 2.04
(each 0.69
+ 0.34 on issue)Unspecified breed (on 4 stamps and 2 labels)
Cartoon cats
One label also shows a Tiger
Illustrations from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
BackNL20151102 PP 6x1__2_04 Presentation pack 6 x 1 *
+ 2.04
(each 0.69
+ 0.34 on issue)
(Sold at ???)Unspecified breed (on 4 stamps, 2 labels, cover, and back))
Cartoon cats
One label also shows a Tiger
Illustrations from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
Presentation pack with
NL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04M NL20151102 LB 2 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cats in literature
Illustration from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
Left, first row marginal label from
NL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04BPS NL20151102 LB 3 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cats in literature
Illustration from the Little Golden Books series of children's books
Right, first row marginal label from
NL20151102 MS 6x1__2_04BPS 18 March 2016 - 75th Anniversary of Tom Puss I NL20160318 ST AT 1 Stamp AT *
(sold at 25.00)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
MI UnlistedNL20160318 PP 1 25_00 Presentation pack 25.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
Presentation pack with
NL20160318 ST AT 113 May 2016 - 75th Anniversary of Tom Puss II NL20160513 ST 1 5 Stamp 1 *
(0.73 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
Pre-Personalised stamp from
NL20160513 MS 3x1 2
MI 3062 (personalised)NL20160513 MS 3x1 2 Miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(2.39 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
3-stamp MS with
NL20160513 ST 1 5
and 2 other stamps
Sold in a pack with 3 other miniature sheets
MI Unlisted3 June 2016 - 75th Anniversary of Tom Puss III NL20160603 ST 1 2 Stamp 1 *
(0.73 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
MI 3484NL20160603 SH 10x1 Sheetlet 10 x 1 *
(7.30 on issue)Unspecified breed (on 5 stamps and in margin)
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
MI KB3483-3484
ContentsNL20160603 PP 3_97 Presentation pack 4 x 1 *
(Sold at 3.97- franking value 2.92)Unspecified breed (on two stamps and cover)
Cartoon cat
Tom Puss
PP with 2 x
NL20160603 ST 1 2
and 2 of the other stamp in set7 November 2016 - Children's Welfare Stamps NL20161107 ST 1__0_36 2 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
(0.78 on issue)
+ 0.36Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from
NL20161107 MS 6x1
MI 3533NL20161107 ST 1__0_36 4 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
(0.78 on issue)
+ 0.36Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from
NL20161107 MS 6x1
MI 3535NL20161107 ST 1__0_36 6 Semi-postal stamp 1 *
(0.78 on issue)
+ 0.36Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from
NL20161107 MS 6x1
MI 3537NL20161107 MS 6x1 Semi-postal miniature sheet 6 x 1 *
(4.68 /
6 x 0.78 on issue)
+ 2.16
(6 x 0.36)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
6-stamp MS with
NL20161107 ST 1__0_36 2
NL20161107 ST 1__0_36 4
NL20161107 ST 1__0_36 6
and three other stamps
MI B16810 February 2017 - Living Herritage NL20170210 ST 1 7 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.78 on issue)Unspecified breed
Poeske, portrait by Hiske Wiesma
Stamp from
NL20170210 MS 3x1 3
MI 3061 (personalised)NL20170210 ST 1 11 Pre-personalised stamp 1 *
(0.78 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stamp from
NL20170210 MS 3x1 4
MI 3061 (personalised)NL20170210 MS 3x1 3 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(2.34 /
3 x 0.78 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Animal portraits by Hiske Wiersma
3-stamp MS with
NL20170210 ST 1 7
and two other stamps
MI B3061 (personalised)M NL20170210 MS 3x1 4 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 3 x 1 *
(2.34 /
3 x 0.78 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Animal portraits by Hinke Posthuma
3-stamp MS with
NL20170210 ST 1 11
and two other stamps
MI B3061 (personalised)M 19 February 2018 - Birthday Greeting Stamps NL20180219 ST 1 5 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Stamp from
NL20180219 MS 6x1
MI 3686PP NL20180219 MS 6x1 Miniature sheet 6 x 1 *
(4.98 /
6 x 0.83 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
6 stamp MS with
NL20180219 ST 1 5
and 5 other stamps
MI B174PP NL20180219 LB 2 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
First row, left marginal label from
NL20180219 MS 6x1PP 19 February 2018 - Bi-centenary of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden
Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
NL20180219 ST 1 6 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Bronze figurine of the Egyptian Cat Goddess Bastet (ca. 700-330 BC)
Stamp from sheetlet
Perf. 14½
MI 3688AIf you have a scan of this item, please let us know. NL20180219 ST 1 16 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Bronze figurine of the Egyptian Cat Goddess Bastet
Stamp from prestige booklet
Perf. 12¾:13¼
MI 3688CNL20180219 BK 10 x 1 Prestige booklet 10 x 1 *
(8.30 / 10 x 0.83 on issue)
(Sold at 12.45)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Bronze figurine of the Egyptian Cat Goddess Bastet (ca. 700-330 BC)
Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion head in silver and gold from Hamadan, Iran (ca. 400 BC)
Prestige booklet with
NL20180219 ST 1 11
and 9 other stamps
MI MH114BEB 4 October 2022 - World Animal Day NL20221004 ST I1 4 Pre-personalised stamp I1*
(1.55 on issue)Unspecified breed
Pre-personalised stamp from
NL20221004 MS 5xI1
MI ??? (personalised)M NL20221004 MS 5xI1 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 5 x I1*
(7.75 /
5 x 1.55 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Pre-personalised miniature sheet with
NL20221004 ST I1 4
and 4 other stamps
MI KB??? (personalised)M Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky, Greg Balagian, H. Dekker,
Inge Rijkers, William Smit, Nicole Peeters, Mary Ann Brown, TS Tan, Patrick Roberts, and Renata Bortolozzi.
Latest update: 18 July, 2023