Stamps inscribed 'Nederland' (no country name on stamps before 1869)
1852 ->
From 1852: 1 Guilder (NLG) = 100 Cent(en)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= NLG 2.20371)
Checklists > Countries > Netherlands Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC January 1869 - Definitives I NL18690100 ST 0_01 Stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 14
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 14ANL18690100 ST 0_02 1 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Yellow, yellowish brown
Perf. 14
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 17ANL18690100 ST 0_02 2 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Yellow, yellowish brown
Perf. 13.25
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 17BNL18690100 IMP 0_01 Imperforate stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 14UNL18690100 IMP 0_02 Imperforate stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Yellow, yellowish brown
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 17UMay 1869 - Definitives II NL18690500 ST 0_01 1 Stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 14
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 15ANL18690500 ST 0_01 2 Stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 13.25
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 15BNL18690500 ST 0_015 1 Stamp 0.015 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 14
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 16ANL18690500 ST 0_015 2 Stamp 0.015 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 13.25
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 16BNL18690500 IMP 0_01 Imperforate stamp 0.01 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 15UNL18690500 IMP 0_015 Imperforate stamp 0.015 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 16UNovember 1870 - Definitives NL18701100 ST 0_025 1 Stamp 0.025 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Violet, lilac
Perf. 14
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 18ANL18701100 ST 0_025 2 Stamp 0.025 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Violet, lilac
Perf. 13.25
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 18BNL18701100 ST 0_025 Imperforate stamp 0.025 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Violet, lilac
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 18U1871 Definitives NL18710100 ST 0_005 1 Stamp 0.005 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 14
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 13ANL18710100 ST 0_005 2 Stamp 0.005 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Perf. 13.25
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 13BNL18710100 IMP 0_005 Imperforate stamp 0.005 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid until 31 October 1879
MI 13U1905 's-Gravenhage Slogan Postmark NL19050000_ PMK 2490 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lion Rampant Guardant Supporters
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Greater CoA of the Netherlands
Earliest use reported:
20 June 1905
Latest use reported:
20 June 1905
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1906 The Amsterdam Anti-Tubercolsis Society NL19061221 ST 0_01__0_01 Semi-postal stamp 0.01
+ 0.01Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid for inland postage until 31 January 1907
MI 69NL19061221 ST 0_03__0_03 Semi-postal stamp 0.03
+ 0.03Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid for inland postage until 31 January 1907
MI 70NL19061221 ST 0_05__0_05 Semi-postal stamp 0.05
+ 0.05Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
CoA of the Netherlands
Valid for inland postage until 31 January 1907
MI 711931 - Waalwijk Municipality Meter Frank
Our scan is of an undenominated test printNL1931 MF WAAL 5140 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
"Noord Braband - Waalwijk - Door ervaring sterk"
Machine no. H551
Earliest use reported:
10 January 1931
Latest use reported:
10 January 1931
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1935 - The Printers' Employers Federation / Federatie der Werkgeveersorganisatiën in het Boekdrukkersbedrijf
Meter Frank
NL1935 MF FWEB 1015 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
"Herengracht 124"
Machine no. 553
Earliest use reported:
20 February 1935
Latest use reported:
20 February 1935
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1945 - Haagsche Post Meter Frank NL1945 MF HAPO 2500 Meter frank - Heraldic Lions
HP Masthead
"Kleine Zoekers - Reuze Vinders - Haagsche Post"
Machine no. H515
s'Gravenhage (The Hague)
Earliest use reported:
9 September 1935
Latest use reported:
9 September 1935
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1954 - Lewenstein Meter Frank NL1954 MF LEWE 1075 Meter frank - Heraldic Lions
Old Lewenstein Logo
"Naal-machines - Onze Service - Onze Kracht - Lewenstein"
Machine no. FR5363
Earliest use reported:
6 Nov 1954
Latest use reported:
6 Nov 1954
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1964 - Naaldwijk Municipality Meter Frank NL1964 MF GENA 2670 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Naaldwijk CoA
"Gemeente Naaldwijk"
Machine no. PR1380
Earliest use reported:
29 June 1964
Latest use reported:
29 June 1964
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1965 - Alkemade Municipality Meter Frank NL1965 MF GEAL 2370 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Alkemade CoA
"Gemeente Alkemade - Watersposrt en Bloemencentrum"
Macjine no. FR7514
Earliest use reported:
29 March 1965
Latest use reported:
29 March 1965
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1969 Noordwijkerhout Municipality Meter Frank NL1969 MF NOOR 2211 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Noordwijkerhout CoA
Earliest use reported:
11 June 1969
Latest use reported:
11 June 1969
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1970 - Noordwijk Municipality Meter Frank NL1970 MF NOWI 2200 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Noordwijk CoA
"Bloemen - Badplaats - Gemeente Noordwijk"
Machine no. PR2922
Earliest use reported:
13 October 1970
Latest use reported:
13 October 1970
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1980 Nieuwenhagen Municipality Meter Frank NL1980 MF NIEU 6391 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Nieuwenhagen CoA
"Nieuwenhagen Gemeente S.U.N - Raadhuisstraat 16 - 6391 IL"
Machine no. FR20248
Earliest use reported:
2 May 1980
Latest use reported:
2 May 1980
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1981 - Alblasserdam Municipality Meter Frank NL1981 MF GEAB 2950 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Alblasserdam CoA
"Gemeente Alblasserdam"
Machine no. P.B.2023
Earliest use reported:
20 August 1981
Latest use reported:
20 August 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1985 - Aalsmeer Muncipality Meter Frank NL1985 MF GEAA 1430 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Aalsmeer CoA
"Gemeente Alblasserdam"
Machine no. FR8328
Earliest use reported:
21 May 1985
Latest use reported:
21 May 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1985 - Royal Dutch Athletic Union Meter Frank NL1985 MF NEAT 3508 Meter frank - Heraldic Lions
"Kon. Ned. Atl. Unie - Veni Vidi Vici - Postbus 14444 - 3508 SM"
Machine no. FR22161
Earliest use reported:
18 March 1985
Latest use reported:
18 March 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1986 - Adorp Municipality Meter Frank This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
NL1986 MF GEAD 9770 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Heraldic Lion
Griffin Rampant
Lion Rampant
Adorp CoA
"Gemeente Adorp"
Machine no. PR3025
Earliest use reported:
19 December 1986
Latest use reported:
19 December 1986
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1991 - Aalburg Municipality Meter Frank NL1991 MF GEAU 4260 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Aalburg CoA
"Gemeente Aalburg "
Machine no. FR27141
Postbus 40
4260 AA Wijk en Aaalburg
Earliest use reported:
27 February 1991
Latest use reported:
27 February 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1992 - Anglo Dutch Assurance Society Meter Frank NL1992 MF ANDU 2012 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-Lion Rampant.
Company logo
Machine no. FR50304
Claus Sluiterweg 125
2012 WS Haarlem
Earliest use reported:
31 March 1992
Latest use reported:
31 March 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1993 - Royal Dutch Basketball Association Meter Frank NL1993 MF KNKV 3700 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion (stylized)
"KNKV - Koninklijk Nederlamds Korvballver-bond - Afdeling Midden Nederland - Postbus 1500 - 33700 BM"
Machine no. RN4779
Earliest use reported:
18 March 1985
Latest use reported:
18 March 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1993 - PNO Consultants Meter Frank NL1993 MF PNOC 7556 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Old PNO Logo
"PNO Adviesgroep"
Machine no. HR10166
Earliest use reported:
14 September 1993
Latest use reported:
14 September 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - Eldebe Waldoor Meter Frank NL1994 MF ELWA 3900 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Statant Supporters
Company logo
"Eldebe Waldoor B.V."
Machine no. PB10865
Postbus 94
3900 AB Veenendaal
Earliest use reported:
15 March 1994
Latest use reported:
15 March 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - KVK - Dutch Chamber of Commerce Meter frank NL1994 MF KVK 3001 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
"Davis Cup® by NEC - Nederland-USA - 15-16-17 juli '94 Rotterdam"
Machine no. FR50324
Postbus 30025
3001 DA Rotterdam
Earliest use reported:
11 July 1994
Latest use reported:
11 July 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.12 March 2002 - Dutch Provinces I NL20020312 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
Lions Passant
Friesland CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020312 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Lions Passant
Friesland CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
12 March 2002CC 2002 Dutch Provinces II NL20020326 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
Drenthe CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020326 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Drenthe CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
26 March 2002CC 2002 Dutch Provinces III NL20020409 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lions Passant Gardant
North Holland CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020409 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lion Rampant
Lions Passant Gardant
North Holland CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
9 April 2002CC 23 April 2002 - Dutch Provinces IV NL20020423 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
Gelderland CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020423 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Gelderland CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
23 April 2002CC 7 May 2002 - Dutch Provinces V NL20020507 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
North Brabant CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020507 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
North Brabant CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
7 May 2002CC 21 May 2002 - Dutch Provinces VI NL20020521 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
Groningen Provincial CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020521 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Groningen Provincial CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
21 May 2002CC 4 June 2002 - Dutch Provinces VII NL20020604 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant from South Holland Flag
MI 2010NL20020604 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
South Holland Flag and
South Holland CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020604 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
South Holland CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
4 June 2002CC 18 June 2002 - Dutch Provinces VIII NL20020618 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant Gardant
Lions Rampant
Utrecht Province CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020618 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant Gardant
Lions Rampant
Utrecht Province CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
18 June 2002CC 2 July 2002 - Dutch Provinces IX NL20020702 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant from Limburg Flag
MI 2026ILM NL20020702 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
[Crowned] Lions Rampant
Limburg Flag and
Limburg CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020702 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Limburg CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
2 July 2002CC 16 July 2002 - Dutch Provinces X NL20020716 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant Gardant
Lions Rampant
Overijssel CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020716 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant Gardant
Lions Rampant
Overijssel CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
16 July 2002CC 30 July 2002 - Dutch Provinces XI NL20020730 ST 0_39 Stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Demi-Lion Rampant from Zeeland Flag
MI 2028ILM NL20020730 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
Demi-lion Rampant
Zeeland Flag and
Zeeland CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020730 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Demi-lion Rampant
Zeeland CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
30 July 2002CC 13 August 2002 - Dutch Provinces XII This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
NL20020813 FDC 0_39 First day cover 0.39 Heraldic Lions (in postmark and cachet)
Lions Rampant
Merlion Rampant
Flevoland CoA
Official single-stamp FDCCC NL20020813 FDP 2513 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lions
Lions Rampant
Merlion Rampant
Flevoland CoA
"Eerste dag van uitgifte"
Den Haag (The Hague)
13 August 2002CC 30 August 2002 - Dutch Provinces XIII NL20020830 SH 4_68 Sheetlet 4.68 Heraldic Lions (on 3 stamps)
Lion Rampant
Crowned Lion Rampant
Demi-lion Rampant
Flags of South Holland, Limburg and Zeeland
Sheetlet with all 12 stamps issued in the series
MI KB1992-1993, 2000-2001, 2003, 2009-2010, 2023, 2026-20291 May 2006 - FIFA World Cup 2006 NL20060501 ST 0_39 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Dirk Kuyt (prototype design)
MI 2401NL20060501 ST 0_39 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Henk Timmer
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Rafael van der Vaart
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 4 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Hedwiges Maduro
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 5 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Wesley Sneyder
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 6 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Robin van Persie
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 7 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Nigel de Jong
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 8 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Barry Opdam
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 9 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Joris Mathijsen
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 10 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Denny Landzaat
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 11 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Phillip Cocu
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 12 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Edwin van der Sar
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 13 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Arjen Robben
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 14 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Mark van Bommel
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 15 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Ron Vlaar
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 16 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Giovanni van Bronckhorst
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 17 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Khalid Boulahrouz
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 18 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Romeo Castelen
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 19 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 20 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Urby Emanuelson
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 ST 0_39 21 Pre-personalised stamp 0.39 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Ruud van Nistelrooij
MI 2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 SH 3_90 1 Pre-personalised sheetlet 3.90
(10 x 0.39)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet (prototype) with 10 x
NL20060501 ST 0_39 1
MI KB2401NL20060501 SH 3_90 2 Pre-personalised sheetlet 3.90
(10 x 0.39)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with one each of
NL20060501 ST 0_39 2
NL20060501 ST 0_39 3
NL20060501 ST 0_39 4
NL20060501 ST 0_39 5
NL20060501 ST 0_39 6
NL20060501 ST 0_39 7
NL20060501 ST 0_39 8
NL20060501 ST 0_39 9
NL20060501 ST 0_39 10
NL20060501 ST 0_39 11
MI KB2401 (pre-peronalised)NL20060501 SH 3_90 3 Pre-personalised sheetlet 3.90
(10 x 0.39)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with one each of
NL20060501 ST 0_39 12
NL20060501 ST 0_39 13
NL20060501 ST 0_39 14
NL20060501 ST 0_39 15
NL20060501 ST 0_39 16
NL20060501 ST 0_39 17
NL20060501 ST 0_39 18
NL20060501 ST 0_39 19
NL20060501 ST 0_39 20
NL20060501 ST 0_39 12
MI KB2401 (pre-peronalised)13 May 2008 - UEAFA European Football Championship NL20080513 ST 0_44 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 4_40 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Nigel de Jong
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 4_40 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Arjen Robben
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 4_40 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 4 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Orlando Engelaar
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 4_40 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 5 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Tim de Cler
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 4_40 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 6 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Ibrahim Affelay
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 7 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Ryan Babel
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 8 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Klaas-Jan Huntelaar
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 9 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Demy de Zeeuw
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 10 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Andre Ooijer
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 1
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 11 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing John Heitinga
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 2
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 12 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Joris Mathijsen
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 2
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 13 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Edwin van der Sar
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 2
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 14 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Giovanni van Bronckhorst
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 2
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 15 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Mario Melchiot
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 2
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 16 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Urby Emmanuelson
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 3
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 17 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Wilfred Bouma
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 3
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 18 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Ruud van Nistelrooij
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 3
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 19 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Clarence Seedorf
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 3
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 20 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Rafael van der Vaart
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 3
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 21 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Henk Timmer
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 4
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 22 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Dirk Kuyt
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 4
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 23 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Wesley Sneijder
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 4
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 ST 0_44 24 Pre-personalised stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised stamp showing Robin van Persie
Stamp from
NL20080513 MS 2_20 4
MI 2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 MS 2_20 1 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 2.20
(5 x 0.44)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with 1 each of
NL20080513 ST 0_44 6
NL20080513 ST 0_44 7
NL20080513 ST 0_44 8
NL20080513 ST 0_44 9
NL20080513 ST 0_44 10
MI KB2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 MS 2_20 2 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 2.20
(5 x 0.44)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with 1 each of
NL20080513 ST 0_44 11
NL20080513 ST 0_44 12
NL20080513 ST 0_44 13
NL20080513 ST 0_44 14
NL20080513 ST 0_44 15
MI KB2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 MS 2_20 3 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 2.20
(5 x 0.44)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with 1 each of
NL20080513 ST 0_44 16
NL20080513 ST 0_44 17
NL20080513 ST 0_44 18
NL20080513 ST 0_44 19
NL20080513 ST 0_44 20
MI KB2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 MS 2_20 4 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 2.20
(5 x 0.44)Heraldic Lion (on 4 stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with 2 each of
NL20080513 ST 0_44 21
NL20080513 ST 0_44 22
NL20080513 ST 0_44 23
NL20080513 ST 0_44 24
and one other stamp
MI KB2565 (pre-personalised)NL20080513 SH 4_40 1 Pre-personalised sheetlet 4.40
(10 x 0.44)Heraldic Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Stylised Crowned Lion Head
Royal Dutch Football Association Logo
Pre-personalised sheetlet with 2 each of
NL20080513 ST 0_44 1
NL20080513 ST 0_44 2
NL20080513 ST 0_44 3
NL20080513 ST 0_44 4
NL20080513 ST 0_44 5
MI KB2565 (pre-personalised)10 March 2009 - Personalisable Stamps NL20090310 ST 0_44 1 Stamp 0.44 Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Logo of the Royal Dutch Golf Federation
Prototype of personalisable stamp
MI 26472 June 2014 - 10th Dutch Participation in the FIFA World Cup NL20140602 ST 1 1 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1934 Italy)
MI 3240NL20140602 ST 1 2 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1938 France)
MI 3241NL20140602 ST 1 3 Stamp 1
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1974 Germany)
MI 3242NL20140602 ST 1 4 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1978 Argentina)
MI 3243NL20140602 ST 1 5 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1990 Italy)
MI 3244NL20140602 ST 1 6 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1994 USA)
MI 3245NL20140602 ST 1 7 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (1998 France)
MI 3246NL20140602 ST 1 8 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (2006 Germany)
MI 3247NL20140602 ST 1 9 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (2010 South Africa)
MI 3248NL20140602 ST 1 10 Stamp 1 *
(0.64 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant (2014 Brazil)
MI 3249NL20140602 SH 10x1 Sheetlet 10 x
1 *
(6.40 on issue)Heraldic Lion (on all stamps)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Sheetlet with all 10 stamps in set)
MI KB3240-32492 March 2015 - Bi-Centenary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands NL20150302 ST 2 3 Stamp 2 *
(1.38 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Stylized CoA of the Netherlands
MI 3331NL20150302 FDC 2X2 First day cover 2 x 2 *
(2 x 1.38 on issue)Heraldic Lion (on one stamp and cachet)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Stylized CoA of the Netherlands
Official FDC with
NL20150302 ST 2 3
and another stampBPS 23 July 2018 - Numismatics NL20180723 ST 1 2 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
on emergency coin from Leiden (1574)
Stamp from sheetlet
Perf. 13¼:12¾
MI 3735ADLS NL20180723 ST 1 3 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
on emergency coins from in honour of King Wilhelm I (1881)
Stamp from sheetlet
Perf. 13¼:12¾
MI 3736ANL20180723 ST 1 8 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned and Armed Lion Rampant
on 10 Guilders banknote (1945)
Stamp from sheetlet
Perf. 13¼:12¾
MI 3742AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. NL20180723 ST 1 12 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
on emergency coin from Leiden (1574)
Stamp from booklet
Perf. 13¼:14¼
MI 3735CIf you have a scan of this item, please share. NL20180723 ST 1 13 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
on emergency coins from in honour of King Wilhelm I (1881)
Stamp from booklet
Perf. 13¼:14¼
MI 3736CIf you have a scan of this item, please share. NL20180723 ST 1 18 Stamp 1 *
(0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Crowned and Armed Lion Rampant
on 10 Guilders banknote (1945)
Stamp from booklet
Perf. 13¼:14¼
MI 3742CNL20180723 BK 12_45 Prestige booklet 12.45
(franking value
10 x 1 * / 8.30 /
10 x 0.83 on issue)Heraldic Lion (on 3 stamps and several pages)
Prestige booklet with
NL20180723 ST 1 12
NL20180723 ST 1 13
NL20180723 ST 1 18
MI MH1172 January 2019 - Beautiful Netherlands: Western Friesland NL20190102 MS 5x1 Miniature sheet 5 x 1 *
(4.35 /
5 x 0.87 on issue)Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Two Lions Rampant
Texel CoA
MI KB3783M List compiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Greg Balagian, Shaun Stevens, Bridget Robinson,
Ron Berger, Elisabeth Hallsjö, TS Tan, and Renata Bortolozzi.
Latest update: 11 October, 2024