Stamps inscribed 'Poste Persan' or 'Postes Persanes' and [find Farsi script], 'Iran' and
'', 'République Islamique de l'Iran', 'R.I. Iran', 'Islamic Rep[ublic] of Iran' or. 'I.R. Iran' and '
' or '
'. No country name until 1881.
1868 ->
From 1868: 1 Toman = 10 Qirans, 1 Qiran (also spelled Qerun or Kran) = 20 Shahi
(= 1000 Dinars - no stamps issued with Dinar values)
1881-82:1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1882: 1 Toman = 10 Qirans, 1 Qiran (also spelled Qerun or Kran) = 20 Shahi
(= 1000 Dinars - no stamps issued with Dinar values)
From 1935: 1 Rial (IRR) = 100 (New) Dinars (= 1 Quiran)
Checklists > Countries > Iran Wild Cats Also see Iran Domestic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1915 Crowning of Ahmad Shah Qajar This set was also overprinted for use in occupied Bushire
IR19150400 ST 0_1_00 Stamp 0-1-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
MI 372IR19150400 ST 0_2_00 Stamp 0-2-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
MI 373IR19150400 ST 0_3_00 Stamp 0-3-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
MI 374IR19150400 ST 0_5_00 Stamp 0-5-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
MI 3751915 Service Stamps IR19150400 SE 0_1_00 Service stamp 0-1-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 1_00
overprinted "" and "SERVICE"
MI D46IR19150400 SE 0_2_00 Service stamp 0-2-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 2_00
overprinted "" and "SERVICE"
MI D47IR19150400 SE 0_3_00 Service stamp 0-3-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 3_00
overprinted "" and "SERVICE"
MI D48IR19150400 SE 0_5_00 Service stamp 0-5-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 5_00
overprinted "" and "SERVICE"
MI D491915 Parcel Stamps IR19150400 PAR 0_1_00 Parcel stamp 0-1-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 1_00
overprinted "" and "COLIS POSTEAUX"
MI PA27IR19150400 PAR 0_2_00 Parcel stamp 0-2-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 2_00
overprinted "" and "COLIS POSTEAUX"
MI PA28IR19150400 PAR 0_3_00 Parcel stamp 0-3-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 3_00
overprinted "" and "COLIS POSTEAUX"
MI PA29IR19150400 PAR 0_5_00 Parcel stamp 0-5-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 5_00
overprinted "" and "COLIS POSTEAUX"
MI PA301918 Crowning of Ahmad Shah Qajar (overprints - sold as definitives) IR19181100 ST 0_2_00 Stamp 0-2-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 2_00
overprinted "Novembre
١٣٣٧ - 1918"
MI 416IR19181100 ST 0_3_00 Stamp 0-3-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 3_00
overprinted "Novembre
١٣٣٧ - 1918"
MI 417IR19181100 ST 0_5_00 Stamp 0-5-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 5_00
overprinted "Novembre
١٣٣٧ - 1918"
MI 4181921 Crowning of Ahmad Shah Qajar (overprints - sold as definitives) IR19210221 ST 0_1_00 Stamp 0-1-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 1_00
overprinted "١٣٣٩
٢١ فوریه
- 21. FEV. 1921"
MI 454IR19210221 ST 0_2_00 Stamp 0-2-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 1_00
overprinted "١٣٣٩
٢١ فوریه
- 21. FEV. 1921""
MI 455IR19210221 ST 0_5_00 Stamp 0-5-0 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Bas Relief from the Tomb of King Artaxerxes II, Persepolis (6. - 5. c. BC)
IR19150400 ST 1_00
overprinted "١٣٣٩
٢١ فوریه
- 21. FEV. 1921"
MI 4551967 50th Anniversary of Lions International IR19670511 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
MI 1351M IR19670511 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Lions Club Logo
MI 13522008 Friendship with Kazakhstan
Joint issue with Kazakhstan
IR20080907 ST 650 1 Stamp 650 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
MI 3105IR20080907 ST 650 2 Stamp 650 Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
MI 3106IR20080907 LB 1 Undenominated label - Snow Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Snow Leopard Belt Buckle, Kazakhstan, 5th - 6th c. BC
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Bronze Medallion with Two Lions with One Head, Iran, 7th c. BC
Stamp-sized undenominated labelList compiled by Geir Arveng, with additional information from Greg Balagian, Hovhannes Alexanian and Hossein
Latest update 7 February, 2015