Stamps inscribed 'Тадж.', 'Tadžikistan' or 'Tajikistan' and/or 'Точикистон' or 'Republic of Tajikistan' and 'Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон'.
<- 1919 Part of the Russian Empire
1919 - 1992 Part of the Soviet Union
1992 ->
From 1992: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopecks
From 1993: 1 Ruble (RUR) = 100 Kopecks (=1 SUR)
From 1995: 1 Ruble (TJR) = 100 Tanga (=100 RUR)
From 2000: 1 Somoni (TJS)= 100 Diram (=1000 TJR)
Checklists > Countries > Tajikistan Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 8 June 1993 - Endangered Mammals TJ19930608 ST 100 Stamp 100 Snow Leopard
MI 261994 Definitives - Arms of the Republic
This set is listed under TJ Heraldic Cats
3 May 1996 - Save the Aral Sea Joint issue with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
TJ1960503 ST 100 1 Stamp 100 Caracal
Stamp from
TJ1960503 MS 500 1
MI 89TJ1960503 MS 500 1 Stamp 100 Caracal (on one stamp)
5-stamp MS with
TJ1960503 ST 100 1
and 4 other stamps
MI B828 June 1996 - WWF: Wild Cats TJ19960628 ST 100 1 Stamp 100 Manul (standing)
MI 94TJ19960628 ST 100 2 Stamp 100 Manul (walking)
MI 95TJ19960628 ST 150 1 Stamp 150 Manul (head)
MI 96TJ19960628 ST 150 2 Stamp 150 Manul (sitting)
MI 97TJ19960628 ST 200 1 Stamp 200 Eurasian Lynx
MI 98TJ19960628 ST 200 2 Stamp 200 Jungle Cat
MI 99TJ19960628 ST 500 Stamp 500 Manul
Stamp from MS
MI 100TJ19960628 MS 500 Miniature sheet
500 Manul (on stamp only)
Single-stamp MS
MI B9TJ19960628 BK 1000 1 Booklet 1000 Manul (on stamps, pane margin and cover)
Booklet with two sets of the Manul stamps
Yellow Cover
Text in TajikTJ19960628 BK 1000 2 Booklet 1000 Manul (on stamps, pane margin and cover)
Booklet with two sets of the Manul stamps
Green Cover
Text in RussianTJ19960628 BK 1000 3 Booklet 1000 Manul (on stamps, pane margin and cover)
Booklet with two sets of the Manul stamps
Blue Cover
Text in EnglishIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 SH 1000 1 Sheetlet 1000 Manul (on stamps and margins)
Sheetlet with
10 x
TJ19960628 ST 100 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 SH 1000 2 Sheetlet 1000 Manul (on stamps and margins)
Sheetlet with
10 x
TJ19960628 ST 100 2TJ19960628 SH 1500 1 Sheetlet 1500 Manul (on stamps, central label and in margins)
Sheetlet with three sets of the 4 Manul stamps around a larger central labelIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 SH 1500 2 Sheetlet 1500 Manul (on stamps and margins)
Sheetlet with
10 x
TJ19960628 ST 150 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 SH 1500 3 Sheetlet 1500 Manul (on stamps and margins)
Sheetlet with
10 x
TJ19960628 ST 150 2TJ19960628 FDC 100 1 First Day Cover 100 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ19960628 ST 100 1TJ19960628 FDC 100 2 First Day Cover 100 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ19960628 ST 100 2TJ19960628 FDC 150 1 First Day Cover 150 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ19960628 ST 150 1TJ19960628 FDC 150 2 First Day Cover 150 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ19960628 ST 150 2If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 MC 100 1 Maximum Card 100 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
MC with
TJ19960628 ST 100 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 MC 100 2 Maximum Card 100 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
MC with
TJ19960628 ST 100 2If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 MC 150 1 Maximum Card 150 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
MC with
TJ19960628 ST 150 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ19960628 MC 150 2 Maximum Card 150 Manul (on stamp and cachet)
MC with
TJ19960628 ST 150 22 July 1999 - 1100th Anniversary of the Samanid Dynasty TJ19990702 ST 30 Stamp 30 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Lion Figurine by Ali ibn Aby Nasr (10.-11. c.)
MI 1567 September 2001 - 10 Years of Independence TJ20010907 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 193TJ20010907 MS 3_00 Miniature Sheet 3.00 Lion Statues (on stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
Single-stamp MS with
TJ20010907 ST 3_00
MI B25
Pane 3TJ20010907 BK 7_40 Prestige Booklet 7.40 Lion Statues (on stamp and cover)
Prestige booklet with the three miniature sheets issued in the panes12 April 2002 - WWF: Jungle Cat TJ20020412 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Jungle Cat
MI 208TJ20020412 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Jungle Cat
MI 209TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
MI 210TJ20020412 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
MI 211If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Jungle Cat
MI Not listedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 IMP 1_50 Imperforate stamp 1.50 Jungle Cat
MI Not listedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 IMP 2_00 1 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
MI Not listedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 IMP 2_00 2 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
MI Not listedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 FDC 1_00 First Day Cover 1.00 Jungle Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ20020412 ST 1_00If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 FDC 1_50 First Day Cover 1.50 Jungle Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ20020412 ST 1_50If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 FDC 2_00 1 First Day Cover 2.00 Jungle Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020412 FDC 2_00 2 First Day Cover 2.00 Jungle Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 2TJ20020412 MC 1_00 Maximum card 1.00 Jungle Cat
MC with
TJ20020412 ST 1_00TJ20020412 MC 1_50 Maximum card 1.50 Jungle Cat
MC with
TJ20020412 ST 1_50TJ20020412 MC 2_00 1 Maximum card 2.00 Jungle Cat
MC with
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1TJ20020412 MC 2_00 2 Maximum card 2.00 Jungle Cat
MC with
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 212 April 2002 - Central Asian Fauna TJ20020412 ST 1_50 3 Stamp 1.50 Manul (Head)
Stamp from MS
Forming a composit design with
TJ20020412 ST 1_50 4
MI 218ATJ20020412 ST 1_50 4 Stamp 1.50 Manul (Body)
Stamp from MS
Forming a composit design with
TJ20020412 ST 1_50 3
MI 219ATJ20020412 IMP 1_50 3 Imperforate stamp 1.50 Manul (Head)
Stamp from MS
Forming a composit design with
TJ20020412 IMP 1_50 4
MI 218BTJ20020412 IMP 1_50 4 Imperforate stamp 1.50 Manul (Body)
Stamp from MS
Forming a composit design with
TJ20020412 IMP 1_50 3
MI 219BTJ20020412 MS 5_57 Miniature Sheet 5.57 Manul (on 2 stamps)
MI Unnumbered sheetletTJ20020412 IMS 5_57 Miniature Sheet 5.57 Manul (on 2 stamps)
MI Unnumbered sheetlet29 August 2002 - 40th Anniversary of Dushanbe Zoo TJ20020829 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Tiger
MI 222TJ20020829 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
MI 225If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020829 IMP 0_10 Imperforate stamp 0.10 Tiger
Mentioned by Michel, but not numberedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20020829 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Lion
Mentioned by Michel, but not numbered11 March 2003 - Definitives TJ20030311 ST 0_01 Stamp 0.01 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 258TJ20030311 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 259TJ20030311 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 260TJ20030311 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 261TJ20030311 ST 0_12 Stamp 0.12 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 262TJ20030311 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI 26311 March 2003 - Year of the Sheep TJ20030311 ST 0_53 Stamp 0.53 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 264TJ20030311 ST 0_65 Stamp 0.65 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 265TJ20030311 MS 1_50 Miniature Sheet 1.50 Tiger (on selvedge/label)
Year of the Tiger
MI B3220 May 2003 - International Philatelic Exhibitions TJ20030520 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 277ATJ20030520 IMP 0_20 Imperforate stamp 0.20 Tiger
Imperforate stamp from MS
MI 277BTJ20030520 MS 7_47 Miniature Sheet 7.47 Tiger (on one stamp only)
MI KB276A-283ATJ20030520 IMS 7_47 Miniature Sheet 7.47 Tiger (on one stamp only)
MI KB276B-283B13 August 2004 - Year of the Monkey TJ20040813 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 321TJ20040813 MS 3_70 Miniature Sheet 3.70 Tiger (on one stamp only)
Year of the Tiger
MI B3716 November 2004 - 80th Anniversary of Dushanbe as Capital City TJ20041116 MS 4_84 Miniature Sheet 4.84 Lion Statues (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI B3810 August 2005 - Predatory Animals of Middle Asia TJ20050810 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Eurasian Lynx (cartoonish)
MI 385ATJ20050810 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Snow Leopard (cartoonish)
MI 387ATJ20050810 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Leopard (cartoonish)
MI 388ATJ20050810 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Tiger (cartoonish)
MI 391ATJ20050810 IMP 0_20 2 Imperforate stamp 0.20 Eurasian Lynx (cartoonish)
MI 385BTJ20050810 IMP 0_80 Imperforate stamp 0.80 Snow Leopard (cartoonish)
MI 387BTJ20050810 IMP 1_50 Imperforate stamp 1.50 Leopard (cartoonish)
MI 388BTJ20050810 IMP 1_80 Imperforate stamp 1.80 Tiger (cartoonish)
MI 391BTJ20050810 MS 7_00 Miniature Sheet 7.00 Eurasian Lynx
Snow Leopard
Tiger (on stamps only)
MI KB384A-391ATJ20050810 IMS 7_00 Miniature Sheet 7.00 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and selvedege)
Snow Leopard
Tiger (on stamps only)
MI KB384B-391B31 December 2005 - Traditional Hunting II TJ20051231 ST 2_50 2 Stamp 2.50 Unidentified spotted Wild Cat
Stamp from MS
MI 413ATJ20051231 IMP 2_50 2 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Unidentified spotted Wild Cat
Imperforate stamp from MS
MI 413BTJ20051231 MS 5_00 Stamp 5.00
+ 1.70
+ 2.30)Unidentified spotted Wild Cat (on one stamp only)
MS with
TJ20051231 ST 2_50 2
and another stamp
MI B43ATJ20051231 IMS 5_00 Stamp 5.00
+ 1.70
+ 2.30)Unidentified spotted Wild Cat (on one stamp only)
Imperforate MS with
TJ20051231 IMP 2_50 2
and another stamp
MI B43B29 June 2006 - Fauna of Asia TJ20060629 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 427ATJ20060629 IMP 0_20 Imperforate stamp 0.20 Tiger
Imperforate stamp from MS
MI 427BTJ20060629 MS 7_80 Miniature Sheet 7.80 Tiger
MS with
TJ20060629 ST 0_20
and 7 other stamps
MI KB426A-433ATJ20060629 IMS 7_80 Miniature Sheet 7.80 Tiger
MS with
TJ20060629 IMP 0_20
and 7 other stamps
MI KB426B-433B30 August 2006 - 15 Years of Independence TJ20060830 MS 7_00 Miniature Sheet Lion Statues (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
MI B4430 August 2006 - 700th Anniversary of Kulob
This set is listed under TJ Heraldic Cats
1 February 2009 - China 2009 World Philatelic Exhibition TJ20090201 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Tiger
Wild Cats and Philately
TJ20030520 ST 0_20
overprinted "ld Stam - ina 200" (part of sheetlet overprint)
MI 516TJ20090201 SH 7_47 Sheetlet 7.47 Tiger
Wild Cats and Philately
TJ20030520 MS 7_47
overprinted "World Stamp Exhibition China 2009 Luoyang" and "Намоишгохи умумиҷаҳонй нишонаҳон почта Хитой 2009 Лиоянг"
MI KB516-52328 July 2009 - Asian Fauna TJ20090728 ST 100 2 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
MI 532ATJ20090728 ST 150 2 Stamp 1.50 Caracal
MI 534ATJ20090728 IMP 100 2 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Tiger
MI 532BTJ20090728 IMP 150 2 Imperforate stamp 1.50 Caracal
MI 534B30 April 2010 - Year of the Tiger TJ20100430 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Eurasian Lynx
TJ20050810 ST 0_20 2
overprinted 'Соли паланг'
MI 549TJ20100430 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Leopard
TJ20050810 ST 1_50
overprinted '2010'
MI 551TJ20100430 MS 7_00 Miniature Sheet 7.00 Eurasian Lynx
Snow Leopard
Tiger (on stamps only)
TJ20050810 MS 7_00
overprinted '2010 - Соли паланг - Year of the tiger - 2010'
MI KB548-549-391-386, 388-389-550-55119 March 2011 - Year of the Rabbit / Year of the Cat
Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
TJ20110319 MS 4_00 Miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Tiger (on selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
TJ20110319 ST 2_00 2
and another stamp
MI B60ATJ20110319 IMS 4_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Tiger (on selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
TJ20110319 IMP 2_00 2
and another stamp
MI B60A16 March 2012 - Year of the Dragon TJ20120316 SH 20_00 Sheetlet 20.00
(10 x 2.00)Tiger (in margin)
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with
TJ20120316 LB 10
MI KB589ATJ20120316 SH 25_00 Sheetlet 25.00
(10 x 2.50)Tiger (in margin)
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with
TJ20120316 LB 28
MI KB590ATJ20120316 ISH 20_00 Imperforate sheetlet 20.00
(10 x 2.00)Tiger (in margin)
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with
TJ20120316 ILB 10
MI KB589ATJ20120316 ISH 25_00 Imperforate sheetlet 25.00
(10 x 2.50)Tiger (in margin)
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with
TJ20120316 ILB 28
MI KB590ATJ20120316 LB 10 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Second row, left marginal label from
TJ20120316 SH 20_00If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20120316 LB 28 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Second row, left marginal label from
TJ20120316 SH 25_00If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20120316 ILB 10 Imperforate marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Second row, left marginal label from
TJ20120316 ISH 20_00If you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20120316 ILB 28 Imperforate marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Second row, left marginal label from
TJ20120316 ISH 25_0011 April 2013 - Year of the Snake TJ20130411 ST 2_50 2 Stamp 2.50 Tiger (front part)
Year of the Tiger
MI 612ATJ20130411 ST 2_50 3 Stamp 2.50 Tiger (back part)
Year of the Tiger
MI 613ATJ20130411 IMP 2_50 2 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Tiger (front part)
Year of the Tiger
MI 612BTJ20130411 IMP 2_50 3 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Tiger (back part)
Year of the Tiger
MI 613BTJ20130411 MS 7_50 Miniature sheet 7.50
(3 x 2.50)Tiger (on two stamps)
Year of the Tiger
3-stamp MS with
TJ20130411 ST 2_50 2
TJ20130411 ST 2_50 3
and another stamp
MI B67AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20130411 IMS 7_50 Imperforate miniature sheet 7.50
(3 x 2.50)Tiger (on two stamps)
Year of the Tiger
3-stamp imperforate MS with
TJ20130411 IMP 2_50 2
TJ20130411 IMP 2_50 3
and another stamp
MI B67B19 November 2013 - Predators TJ20131119 ST 1_60 1 Stamp 1.60 Tiger
MI 636ATJ20131119 IMP 1_60 1 Imperforate stamp 1.60 Tiger
MI 636BTJ20131119 MS 9_60 Miniature sheet 9.60
(6 x 1.60)Tiger (on two stamps)
6-stamp MS with 2 x
TJ20131119 ST 1_60 1
and 2 x 2 other stamps
MI 636A-638ATJ20131119 IMS 9_60 Imperforate miniature sheet 9.60
(6 x 1.60)Tiger (on two stamps)
6-stamp MS with 2 x
TJ20131119 IMP 1_60 1
and 2 x 2 other stamps
MI 636B-638BTJ20131119 SH 11_20 Sheetlet 11.20 Tiger (on stamps and undenominated label)
MI 636ATJ20131119 ISH 11_20 Imperforate sheetlet 11.20 Tiger (on stamps and undenominated label)
MI 636BTJ20131119 LB 1 Undemoniated label - Tiger
Undenominated label from
TJ20131119 SH 11_20TJ20131119 LB 4 Undemoniated label - Tiger
Undenominated label from
TJ20131119 ISH 11_2013 February 2015 - Year of the Sheep TJ20150213 SH 30_00 Sheetlet 30.00 Tiger (on marginal label)
Year of the Tiger
MI KB683A-684ATJ20150213 ISH 30_00 Imperforate sheetlet 30.00 Tiger (on marginal label)
Year of the Tiger
MI KB683B-684BTJ20150213 LB 10 Marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
3rd row right marginal label from
TJ20150213 SH 30_00TJ20150213 ILB 10 Imperforate marginal label - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
3rd row right marginal label from
TJ20150213 ISH 30_0018 April 2015 - Flora and Fauna / Stamp Exhibitions in Singapore and Taiwan TJ20150418 ST 3_50 1 Stamp 3.50 Clouded Leopard (with elephant)
Stamp from
TJ20150418 MS 19_00
MI 693ATJ20150418 ST 3_50 2 Stamp - Clouded Leopard (with panda)
Stamp from
TJ20150418 MS 19_00
MI 695ATJ20150418 IMP 3_50 1 Imperforate stamp - Clouded Leopard (with elephant)
Stamp from
TJ20150418 IMS 19_00
MI 693BTJ20150418 IMP 3_50 2 Imperforate stamp - Clouded Leopard (with panda)
Stamp from
TJ20150418 IMS 19_00
MI 695BTJ20150418 MS 19_00 Miniature sheet 19.00
(4 x 3.00
+ 2 x 3.50)Clouded Leopard (on two stamps)
6-stamp MS with
TJ20150418 ST 3_50 1
TJ20150418 ST 3_50 2
and 2 x two other stamps
MI KB692A-695ATJ20150418 IMS 19_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 19.00
(4 x 3.00
+ 2 x 3.50)Clouded Leopard (on two stamps)
6-stamp MS with
TJ20150418 IMP 3_50 1
TJ20150418 IMP 3_50 2
and 2 x two other stamps
MI KB692B-695B9 January 2016 - Year of the Monkey TJ20160109 SH 24_00 Sheetlet 24.00
(8 x
3.00)Tiger (on marginal label)
MI KB723A-724ATJ20160109 ISH 24_00 Imperforate sheetlet 24.00
(8 x
3.00)Tiger (on marginal label)
MI KB723B-724BTJ20160109 LB 12 Marginal label - Tiger
Bottom row, right marginal label from
TJ20160109 SH 24_00TJ20160109 ILB 12 Marginal label - Tiger
Bottom row, right marginal label from
TJ20160109 ISH 24_0015 August 2016 - WWF: Jungle Cat (overprints) These stamps are very crudely overprinted (by hand?) and the overprints can be found in different positions on the stamps.
TJ20160815 ST 4_00 1 Stamp 4.00
(on 1.00)Jungle cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_00
overprinted with new value and year
MI 742BDC TJ20160815 ST 4_00 2 Stamp 4.00
(on 1.50)Jungle cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_50
overprinted with new value and year
MI 743BDC TJ20160815 ST 4_00 3 Stamp 4.00
(on 2.00)Jungle cat (adult)
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1
overprinted with new value and year
MI 744BDC TJ20160815 ST 4_00 4 Stamp 4.00
(on 2.00)Jungle cat (kittens)
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 2
overprinted with new value and year
MI 745BDC 13 December 2016 - Wild Cats TJ20161213 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Tiger
MI 750ATJ20161213 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Tiger
MI 751ATJ20161213 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00 Tiger
MI 752ATJ20161213 IMP 2_50 Imperforate stamp 2.50 Tiger
MI 750BTJ20161213 IMP 3_50 Imperforate stamp 3.50 Tiger
MI 751BTJ20161213 IMP 4_00 Imperforate stamp 4.00 Tiger
MI 752BTJ20161213 MS 20_00 Miniature sheet 20.00
(2 x 2.50
+ 2 x
+ 2 x 4.00)Tiger (on all stamps and 4 marginal labels)
Lion (on two stamps)
Miniature sheet with 2 each of
TJ20161213 ST 2_50
TJ20161213 ST 3_50
TJ20161213 ST 4_00
arranged se-tenantly
MI ZdKB750-752ATJ20161213 IMS 20_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 20.00
(2 x 2.50
+ 2 x
+ 2 x 4.00)Tiger (on all stamps and 4 marginal labels)
Lion (on two stamps)
Miniature sheet with 2 each of
TJ20161213 IMP 2_50
TJ20161213 IMP 3_50
TJ20161213 IMP 4_00
arranged se-tenantly
MI ZdKB750-752BTJ20161213 SH 12_50 Sheetlet 12.50
(5 x
2.50)Tiger (on all stamps, a stamp-sized label, and eight marginal labels)
Sheetlet with 5 x
TJ20161213 ST 2_50
MI KB750ATJ20161213 SH 17_50 Sheetlet 12.50
(5 x
3.50)Tiger (on all stamps and eight marginal labels)
Lion (on all stamps and a stamp-sized label)
Sheetlet with 5 x
TJ20161213 ST 3_50
MI KB751ATJ20161213 SH 20_00 Sheetlet 20.00
(5 x
4.00)Tiger (on all stamps, a stamp-sized label, and eight marginal labels)
Sheetlet with 5 x
TJ20161213 ST 4_00
MI KB752ATJ20161213 ISH 12_50 Imperforate sheetlet 12.50
(5 x
2.50)Tiger (on all stamps, a stamp-sized label, and on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 5 x
TJ20161213 IMP 2_50
MI KB750BTJ20161213 ISH 17_50 Imperforate sheetlet 12.50
(5 x
3.50)Tiger (on all stamps and on selvedge)
Lion (on all stamps and a stamp-sized label)
Sheetlet with 5 x
TJ20161213 IMP 3_50
MI KB751BTJ20161213 ISH 20_00 Imperforate sheetlet 20.00
(5 x
4.00)Tiger (on all stamps, a stamp-sized label, and on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 5 x
TJ20161213 IMP 4_00
MI KB752BTJ20161213 LB 1 Marginal label - Tiger (front part)
Upper left corner marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 2 Marginal label - Tiger (hind legs)
Top, first column marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 3 Marginal label - Tiger (hind legs)
Top, second column marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 4 Marginal label - Tiger (front part)
Upper right corner marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 11 Marginal label - Tiger (front part)
Lower left corner marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 12 Marginal label - Tiger (hind legs)
Bottom, first column marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 13 Marginal label - Tiger (hind legs)
Bottom, second column marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 14 Marginal label - Tiger (front part)
Lower right corner marginal label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50
TJ20161213 SH 17_50 or
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 15 Stamp-sized label - Tiger (dark background)
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
TJ20161213 SH 12_50TJ20161213 LB 16 Stamp-sized label - Lion
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
TJ20161213 SH 17_50TJ20161213 LB 17 Stamp-sized label - Tiger (light background)
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
TJ20161213 SH 20_00TJ20161213 LB 18 Marginal label - Tiger (two lying Tigers)
Full width, top marginal label inscribed "Ҳайвоноти ваҳшӣ" from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 LB 21 Marginal label - Tiger (ears and top of head)
Second row, left marginal label from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 LB 22 Marginal label - Tiger (ears and top of head)
Second row, right marginal label from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 LB 23 Marginal label - Tiger (face, chest, front legs)
Bottom left corner marginal label from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 LB 24 Marginal label - Tiger (hind legs)
Bottom first column marginal label from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 LB 26 Marginal label - Tiger (hind legs)
Bottom third column marginal label from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 LB 27 Marginal label - Tiger (face, chest, front legs)
Bottom right corner marginal label from
TJ20161213 MS 20_00TJ20161213 ILB 1 Stamp-sized label - Tiger (dark background)
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
TJ20161213 ISH 12_50TJ20161213 ILB 2 Stamp-sized label - Lion
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
TJ20161213 ISH 17_50TJ20161213 ILB 3 Stamp-sized label - Tiger (light background)
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
TJ20161213 ISH 20_00For overprinted versions of these stamps, see issue date 12 December 2019.
TJ20170430 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Manul
MI 755ATJ20170430 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Manul
MI 756ATJ20170430 ST 5_10 Stamp 5.10 Manul
MI 757ATJ20170430 ST 8_70 Stamp 8.70 Manul
MI 758ATJ20170430 IMP 3_50 Imperforate stamp 3.50 Manul
MI 755BTJ20170430 IMP 4_50 Imperforate stamp 4.50 Manul
MI 756BTJ20170430 IMP 5_10 Imperforate stamp 5.10 Manul
MI 757BTJ20170430 IMP 8_70 Imperforate stamp 8.70 Manul
MI 758BTJ20170430 MS 43_60 Miniature sheet 43.60
(2 x 3.50
+ 2 x 4.50
+ 2 x 5.10
+ 2 x 8.70)Manul (on all stamps and 8 marginal labels)
MS with 2 each of
TJ20170430 ST 3_50
TJ20170430 ST 4_50
TJ20170430 ST 5_10
TJ20170430 ST 8_70
MI ZdKB 755-758ATJ20170430 IMS 43_60 Imperforate miniature sheet 43.60
(2 x 3.50
+ 2 x 4.50
+ 2 x 5.10
+ 2 x 8.70)Manul (on all stamps and in margin)
MS with 2 each of
TJ20170430 IMP 3_50
TJ20170430 IMP 4_50
TJ20170430 IMP 5_10
TJ20170430 IMP 8_70
MI ZdKB 755-758BTJ20170430 SH 31_50 Sheetlet 31.50
(9 x 3.50)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 ST 3_50
and TJ20170430 LB A
MI KB755ATJ20170430 SH 40_50 Sheetlet 40.50
(9 x 4.50)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 ST 4_50
and TJ20170430 LB B
MI KB756ATJ20170430 SH 45_90 Sheetlet 45.90
(9 x 5.10)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 ST 5_10
and TJ20170430 LB C
MI KB757ATJ20170430 SH 78_30 Sheetlet 78.30
(9 x 8.70)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 ST 8_70
and TJ20170430 LB D
MI KB758ATJ20170430 ISH 31_50 Imperforate sheetlet 31.50
(9 x 3.50)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 IMP 3_50
MI KB755BTJ20170430 ISH 40_50 Imperforate sheetlet 40.50
(9 x 4.50)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 IMP 4_50
MI KB756BTJ20170430 ISH 45_90 Imperforate sheetlet 45.90
(9 x 5.10)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 IMP 5_10
MI KB757BTJ20170430 ISH 78_30 Imperforate sheetlet 78.30
(9 x 8.70)Manul
Sheetlet with 9 x
TJ20170430 IMP 8_70
MI KB758BTJ20170430 LB A Undenominated stamp sized label - Manul
Stamp sized, undenominated label from
TJ20170430 SH 31_50
MI ZF755ATJ20170430 LB B Undenominated stamp sized label - Manul
Stamp sized, undenominated label from
TJ20170430 SH 40_50
MI ZF756ATJ20170430 LB C Undenominated stamp sized label - Manul
Stamp sized, undenominated label from
TJ20170430 SH 45_90
MI ZF757ATJ20170430 LB D Undenominated stamp sized label - Manul
Stamp sized, undenominated label from
TJ20170430 SH 78_30
MI ZF758ATJ20170430 LB 2 Marginal label - Manul
1st column top label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 3 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column top label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 4 Marginal label - Manul
3rd column top label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 5 Marginal label - Manul
4th column top label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 12 Marginal label - Manul
1st column bottom label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 13 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column bottom label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 14 Marginal label - Manul
3rd column bottom label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 15 Marginal label - Manul
4th column bottom label from
TJ20170430 MS 43_60TJ20170430 LB 18 Marginal label - Manul
1st column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 35_00TJ20170430 LB 19 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 35_00TJ20170430 LB 32 Marginal label - Manul
1st column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 35_00TJ20170430 LB 33 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 35_00TJ20170430 LB 36 Marginal label - Manul
1st column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 45_00TJ20170430 LB 37 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 45_00TJ20170430 LB 50 Marginal label - Manul
1st column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 45_00TJ20170430 LB 51 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 45_00TJ20170430 LB 54 Marginal label - Manul
1st column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 51_00TJ20170430 LB 55 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 51_00TJ20170430 LB 68 Marginal label - Manul
1st column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 51_00TJ20170430 LB 69 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 51_00TJ20170430 LB 72 Marginal label - Manul
1st column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 87_00TJ20170430 LB 73 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column top label from
TJ20170430 SH 87_00TJ20170430 LB 96 Marginal label - Manul
1st column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 87_00TJ20170430 LB 97 Marginal label - Manul
2nd column bottom label from
TJ20170430 SH 87_0018 February 2018 - WWF: Jungle Cat (overprints) These stamps are somewhat crudely overprinted and the overprints can be found in different positions on the stamps.
TJ20180218 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_00
overprinted with part of WWF logo
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 784TJ20180218 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_50
overprinted with part of WWF logo
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 785TJ20180218 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1
overprinted with part of WWF logo in lower right corner
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 786ITJ20180218 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1
overprinted with part of WWF logo in upper left corner
Stamp from sheetlet
MI 786IITJ20180218 ST 2_00 3 Stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 2
overprinted with part of WWF logo in lower left corner
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 787ITJ20180218 ST 2_00 4 Stamp 2.00 Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 2
overprinted with part of WWF logo in upper right corner
Stamp from sheetlet
MI 787IITJ20180218 ST 3_00 1 Stamp 3.00
(on 1.50)Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_50
overprinted with new value and year in the lower left corner
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 788ITJ20180218 ST 3_00 2 Stamp 3.00
(on 1.50)Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_50
overprinted with new value and year in the upper right corner
Stamp from sheetlet
MI 788IITJ20180218 ST 3_00 3 Stamp 3.00
(on 2.00)Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 1
overprinted with new value and year
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 789TJ20180218 ST 3_50 1 Stamp 3.50
(on 1.00)Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_00
overprinted with new value and year in the lower right corner
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 790ITJ20180218 ST 3_50 2 Stamp 3.50
(on 1.00)Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 1_00
overprinted with new value and year in the upper left corner
Stamp from sheetlet
MI 790IITJ20180218 ST 3_50 3 Stamp 3.50
(on 2.00)Jungle Cat
TJ20020412 ST 2_00 2
overprinted with new value and year
Stamp from ordinary, se-tenant sheets
MI 79120 April 2018 - RSS (Regional Cellular Communications Council): Nature Reserves TJ20180420 ST 1_60 Stamp 1.60 Snow Leopard
MI 820ATJ20180420 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Snow Leopard (tail only)
MI 821ATJ20180420 IMP 1_60 Imperforate stamp 1.60 Snow Leopard
MI 820BTJ20180420 IMP 3_00 Imperforate stamp 3.00 Snow Leopard (tail only)
MI 821B22 April 2018 - Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region TJ20180422 ST 4_20 3 Stamp 4.20 Snow Leopard (part of back in upper right corner)
MI 799AIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20180422 IMP 4_20 3 Imperforate stamp 4.20 Snow Leopard (part of back in upper right corner)
MI 799BTJ20180422 MS 20_00 2 Miniature sheet 20.00
(2 x 4.20
+ 2 x 5.80)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and 3 marginal labels)
MI B80AIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20180422 IMS 20_00 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 20.00
(2 x 4.20
+ 2 x 5.80)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and in margin)
MI B80BTJ20180422 LB 3 Marginal label - Snow Leopard (nose only)
Top row, second column marginal label from
TJ20180422 MS 20_00 2TJ20180422 LB 4 Marginal label - Snow Leopard (head and neck)
Top right corner marginal label from
TJ20180422 MS 20_00 2TJ20180422 LB 6 Marginal label - Snow Leopard (head and neck)
First row right marginal label from
TJ20180422 MS 20_00 21 April 2019 - WWF: Snow Leopards TJ20190401 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Snow Leopard
MI 833ATJ20190401 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Snow Leopard
MI 834ATJ20190401 ST 4_80 Stamp 4.80 Snow Leopard
MI 835ATJ20190401 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Snow Leopard
MI 836ATJ20190401 IMP 2_00 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Snow Leopard
MI 833BTJ20190401 IMP 3_50 Imperforate stamp 3.50 Snow Leopard
MI 834BTJ20190401 IMP 4_80 Imperforate stamp 4.80 Snow Leopard
MI 835BTJ20190401 IMP 5_00 Imperforate stamp 5.00 Snow Leopard
MI 836B1 October 2019 - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi TJ20191001 ST 4_80 Stamp 4.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
MI 853AIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20191001 IMP 4_80 Imperforate stamp 4.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
MI 853B1 December 2019 - WWF: Manul Overprints
Overprints of stamps from 2017 making pairs of stamps, and pairs of stamp/label into a new stamp, overprinted with a WWF logo, "2019" and new value. These overprints were only postally valid in pairs. Marginal labels from the sheetlets are not different from the original issue, and are hence not listed again.
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 1 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 3_50
overprinted with WWF logo, new value and "2019" in blue to form a single stamp.
MI 854TJ20191201 ST 20_00 2 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 3_50 and
TJ20170430 LB A
overprinted with WWF logo, new value (in red) and "2019" (in blue) to form a single stamp.
MI UnlistedTJ20191201 ST 20_00 3 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 4_50
overprinted with WWF logo, new value (in red) and "2019" (in blue) to form a single stamp.
MI 855TJ20191201 ST 20_00 4 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 4_50 and
TJ20170430 LB B
overprinted with WWF logo, new value and "2019" in blue to form a single stamp.
MI UnlistedTJ20191201 ST 20_00 5 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 5_10
overprinted with WWF logo, new value and "2019" in blue to form a single stamp.
MI 856TJ20191201 ST 20_00 6 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 5_10 and
TJ20170430 LB C
overprinted with WWF logo, new value and "2019" in blue to form a single stamp.
MI UnlistedTJ20191201 ST 20_00 7 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 8_70
overprinted with WWF logo, new value and "2019" in blue to form a single stamp.
MI 857TJ20191201 ST 20_00 8 Stamp 20.00 Manul
Pair of
TJ20170430 ST 8_70 and
TJ20170430 LB D
overprinted with WWF logo, new value and "2019" in blue to form a single stamp.
MI UnlistedTJ20191201 SH 100_00 1 Sheetlet 100.00
(5 x 20.00)Manul
Sheetlet with 4 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 1 and 1 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 2
MI KB854TJ20191201 SH 100_00 2 Sheetlet 100.00
(5 x 20.00)Manul
Sheetlet with 4 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 3 and 1 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 4
MI KB855TJ20191201 SH 100_00 3 Sheetlet 100.00
(5 x 20.00)Manul
Sheetlet with 4 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 5 and 1 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 6
MI KB856TJ20191201 SH 100_00 4 Sheetlet 100.00
(5 x 20.00)Manul
Sheetlet with 4 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 7 and 1 x
TJ20191201 ST 20_00 8
MI KB8576 December 2020 - Lunar Zodiac Animals TJ20201206 ST 12_00 3 Stamp 12.00 Tiger
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 932ATJ20201206 IMP 12_00 3 Imperforate stamp 12.00 Tiger
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 932BTJ20201206 MS 12_00 3 Miniature sheet 12.00 Tiger (on stamp)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Single-stamp MS with
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 3
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20201206 IMS 12_00 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 12.00 Tiger (on stamp)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Single-stamp MS with
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 3
MI UnlistedTJ20201206 SH 96_00 1 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 1 (Rat) and TJ20201206 LB 1
MI KB930ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 2 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 2 (Ox) and TJ20201206 LB 2
MI KB931ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 3 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (stamps and on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 3 (Tiger) and
TJ20201206 LB 3
MI KB932ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 4 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 4 (Rabbit) and
TJ20201206 LB 4
MI KB933ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 5 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 5 (Dragon) and
TJ20201206 LB 5
MI KB934ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 6 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 6 (Snake) and
TJ20201206 LB 6
MI KB935ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 7 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 7 (Horse) and
TJ20201206 LB 7
MI KB936ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 8 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 8 (Ram) and
TJ20201206 LB 8
MI KB937ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 9 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 9 (Monkey) and
TJ20201206 LB 9
MI KB938ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 10 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 10 (Rooster) and
TJ20201206 LB 10
MI KB939ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 11 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 11 (Dog) and
TJ20201206 LB 11
MI KB940ATJ20201206 SH 96_00 12 Sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 12 (Pig) and
TJ20201206 LB 12
MI KB941ATJ20201206 ISH 96_00 1 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 1 (Rat) and
TJ20201206 ILB 1
MI KB930BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 2 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 2 (Ox) and
TJ20201206 ILB 2
MI KB931BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 3 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (stamps and on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 3 (Tiger) and
TJ20201206 ILB 3
MI KB932BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 4 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 4 (Rabbit) an
TJ20201206 ILB 4
MI KB933BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 5 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 5 (Dragon) and
TJ20201206 ILB 5
MI KB934BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 6 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 6 (Snake) and
TJ20201206 ILB 6
MI KB935BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 7 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 7 (Horse) and
TJ20201206 ILB 7
MI KB936BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 8 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 8 (Ram) and
TJ20201206 ILB 8
MI KB937BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 9 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 9 (Monkey)
TJ20201206 ILB 9
MI KB938BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 10 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 10 (Rooster)
TJ20201206 ILB 10
MI KB939BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 11 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 11 (Dog)
TJ20201206 ILB 11
MI KB940BTJ20201206 ISH 96_00 12 Imperforate sheetlet 96.00
(8 x 12.00)Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Sheetlet with 8 x
TJ20201206 IMP 12_00 12 (Pig) and
TJ20201206 ILB 12
MI KB941BTJ20211206 FDC 144_00 First day cover 144.00
(12 x 12.00)Tiger (on one stamp and in cachet)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with
TJ20201206 ST 12_00 3
and the other 11 stamps in the setTJ20201206 LB 1 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 1TJ20201206 LB 2 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 2TJ20201206 LB 3 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 3TJ20201206 LB 4 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 4TJ20201206 LB 5 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 5TJ20201206 LB 6 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 6TJ20201206 LB 7 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 7TJ20201206 LB 8 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 8TJ20201206 LB 9 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 9TJ20201206 LB 10 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 10TJ20201206 LB 11 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 11TJ20201206 LB 12 Undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 SH 96_00 12TJ20201206 ILB 1 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 1TJ20201206 ILB 2 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 2TJ20201206 ILB 3 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 3TJ20201206 ILB 4 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 4TJ20201206 ILB 5 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 5TJ20201206 ILB 6 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 6TJ20201206 ILB 7 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 7TJ20201206 ILB 8 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 8TJ20201206 ILB 9 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 9TJ20201206 ILB 10 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 10TJ20201206 ILB 11 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 11TJ20201206 ILB 12 Imperforate undenominated label - Tiger (on central label)
Stylised Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Undenominated, central label from
TJ20201206 ISH 96_00 126 December 2020 - Predators in the Red Book of Tajikistan TJ20201206 ST 15_00 5 Stamp 15.00 Snow Leopard
MI 953ATJ20201206 ST 15_00 6 Stamp 15.00 Eurasian Lynx
Turkestan Lynx
MI 954ATJ20201206 ST 17_60 4 Stamp 17.60 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
TJ20201206 MS 35_20 1
MI 955ATJ20201206 ST 17_60 6 Stamp 17.60 Eurasian Lynx
Turkestan Lynx
Stamp from
TJ20201206 MS 35_20 2
MI 957ATJ20201206 ST 20_00 4 Stamp 20.00 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
TJ20201206 MS 40_00 2
MI 959ATJ20201206 ST 20_00 6 Stamp 20.00 Eurasian Lynx
Turkestan Lynx
Stamp from
TJ20201206 MS 40_00 3
MI 961ATJ20201206 IMP 15_00 5 Imperforate stamp 15.00 Snow Leopard
MI 953BTJ20201206 IMP 15_00 6 Imperforate stamp 15.00 Eurasian Lynx
MI 954BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20201206 IMP 17_60 4 Imperforate stamp 17.60 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
TJ20201206 IMS 35_20 1
MI 955BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20201206 IMP 17_60 6 Imperforate stamp 17.60 Eurasian Lynx
Turkestan Lynx
Stamp from
TJ20201206 IMS 35_20 2
MI 957BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20201206 IMP 20_00 4 Imperforate stamp 20.00 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
TJ20201206 MS 40_00 2
MI 959AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20201206 IMP 20_00 6 Imperforate stamp 20.00 Eurasian Lynx
Turkestan Lynx
Stamp from
TJ20201206 MS 40_00 3
MI 961ATJ20201206 MS 35_20 1 Miniature sheet 35.20
(2 x 17.60)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
TJ20201206 ST 17_60 4
and another stamp
MI B88ATJ20201206 MS 35_20 2 Miniature sheet 35.20
(2 x 17.60)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
2-stamp MS with
TJ20201206 ST 17_60 6
and another stamp
MI B89ATJ20201206 MS 40_00 2 Miniature sheet 35.20
(2 x 17.60)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
TJ20201206 ST 20_00 4
and another stamp
MI B88ATJ20201206 MS 40_00 3 Miniature sheet 35.20
(2 x 17.60)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
2-stamp MS with
TJ20201206 ST 20_00 6
and another stamp
MI B89ATJ20201206 SH 180_00 Sheetlet 180.00
(12 x 15.00)Snow Leopard (on stamps and in margin)
12-stamp sheetlet with
TJ20201206 ST 15_00 5
MI KB953AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20201206 ISH 180_00 Imperforate sheetlet 180.00
(12 x 15.00)Snow Leopard (on stamps and in margin)
12-stamp sheetlet with
TJ20201206 IMP 15_00 5
MI KB953BTJ20201206 FDC 55_40 First day cover 55.40
(2 x 12.70
+ 2 x 15.00)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and in cachet)
Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
Official FDC with
TJ20201206 ST 15_00 5
TJ20201206 ST 15_00 6
and two other stamps.
The FDC is dated 15 December 2020, but we have reports that the actual release date of the stamps in post offices were 9 days before.2021 - 30th Anniversary of Independence - Overprints
The overprints on this issue are father cruedly done, and placement on the stamp/MS might vary.
TJ20210000 ST 30_00 2 Stamp 30.00 Lion Statues
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
TJ20010907 ST 3_00
overprinted with text and new value
MI ???TJ20210000 MS 30_00 2 Miniature sheet 30.00 Lion Statues (on stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Ismail Somoni Monument in Dushanbe
Single-stamp MS with
TJ20210000 ST 30_00 2
TJ20010907 MS 3_00
overprinted with new text and value
MI B???16 July 2021 - 20th Anniversary of the Shanghai Organisation for Cooperation TJ20210716 ST 5_00 13 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
MI 1000ATJ20210716 IMP 5_00 13 Imperforate stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Capital of Ashoka
MI 1000B27 September 2021 - 30th Anniversay of Independence / 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence TJ20210927 ST 6_00 1 Stamp 6.00 Tiger
Bengal Tiger
MI 1006ATJ20210927 ST 6_00 2 Stamp 6.00 Snow Leopard
MI 1007AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20210927 IMP 6_00 1 Imperforate stamp 6.00 Tiger
Bengal Tiger
MI 1006BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20210927 IMP 6_00 2 Imperforate stamp 6.00 Snow Leopard
MI 1007BTJ20210927 MS 30_00 Miniature sheet 30.00
(2 x 6.00
+ 2 x 9.00)Tiger
Snow Leopard (on one stamp each)
MS with
TJ20210927 ST 6_00 1
TJ20210927 ST 6_00 2
and two other stamps
MI KB1006-1009 I AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. TJ20210927 IMS 30_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 30.00
(2 x 6.00
+ 2 x 9.00)Tiger
Snow Leopard (on one stamp each)
Imperforate MS with
TJ20210927 IMP 6_00 1
TJ20210927 IMP 6_00 2
MI KB1006-1009 I B3 January 2022 - Year of the Tiger TJ20220103 ST 5_50 Stamp 5.50 Tiger
Bengal Tiger (mother with two cubs)
MI 1021ATJ20220103 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00 Tiger
Bengal Tiger (mother with one cub)
MI 1022ATJ20220103 IMP 5_50 Imperforate stamp 5.50 Tiger
Bengal Tiger (mother with two cubs)
MI 1021ATJ20220103 IMP 6_00 Imperforate stamp 6.00 Tiger
Bengal Tiger (mother with one cub)
MI 1022ATJ20220103 SH 46_00 Sheetlet 46.00
(4 x 5.50
+ 4 x 6.00)Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Sheetlet with 4 each of
TJ20220103 ST 5_50
TJ20220103 ST 6_00
MI 1021-1022AIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20220103 ISH 46_00 Imperforate sheetlet 46.00
(4 x 5.50
+ 4 x 6.00)Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Sheetlet with 4 each of
TJ20220103 IMP 5_50
TJ20220103 IMP 6_00
MI 1021-1022ATJ20220103 LB 2 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Top row, first column marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 3 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Top row, second column marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 11 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Fourth row, left marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 12 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Fourth row, right marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 13 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Lower left corner marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 14 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Bottom row, first column marginal label
from from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 15 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Bottom row, second column marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_00TJ20220103 LB 16 Marginal label - Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Lower right corner marginal label from
TJ20220103 SH 46_0016 July 2022 - WWF: History TJ20220716 ST 10_00 23 Stamp 10.00 Manul (no fish)
MI 1043ATJ20220716 ST 10_00 25 Stamp 10.00 Manul
MI 1045ATJ20220716 ST 10_00 26 Stamp 10.00 Manul (with fish)
MI 1046AIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20220716 IMP 10_00 23 Stamp 10.00 Manul (no fish)
MI 1043BIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20220716 IMP 10_00 25 Stamp 10.00 Manul
MI 1045BIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20220716 IMP 10_00 26 Stamp 10.00 Manul (with fish)
MI 1046BIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20220716 SH 160_00 4 Sheetlet 160.00
(16 x 10.00Manul (on 8 stamps)
Snow Leopard (on 4 stamps)
Lion (in margin)
Sheetlet with 4 each of
TJ20220716 ST 10_00 23
TJ20220716 ST 10_00 25
TJ20220716 ST 10_00 26
and 4 x another stamp
MI KB1043A-1046AIf you have a scan of this issue, please share. TJ20220716 ISH 160_00 4 Imperforate sheetlet 160.00
(16 x 10.00Manul (on 8 stamps)
Snow Leopard (on 4 stamps)
Lion (in margin)
Sheetlet with 4 each of
TJ20220716 IMP 10_00 23
TJ20220716 IMP 10_00 25
TJ20220716 IMP 10_00 26
and 4 x another stamp
MI KB1043B-1046BTJ20220716 LB 4 Marginal label - Tiger (left part)
Upper third position marginal label from
TJ20220716 SH 160_00 4TJ20220716 LB 5 Marginal label - Tiger (right part)
Upper fourth position marginal label from
TJ20220716 SH 160_00 4TJ20220716 LB 6 Marginal label - Lion (upper part)
Upper right corner marginal label from
TJ20220716 SH 160_00 4TJ20220716 LB 8 Marginal label - Lion (chest and legs)
First row, right side marginal label from
TJ20220716 SH 160_00 4List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Oleg Kurov, Marci Jarvis, Greg Balagian, Elisabeth Hallsjö,
T.S. Tan, and D.G.Naryshkin.
Latest update: 9 February, 2025