CZECHIA (Czech Republic)
Stamps inscribed 'Česká Republika'.
<- 1993 See Czechoslovakia
1993 ->
From 1993: 1 Koruna (CZK) = 100 Halířů
Checklists > Countries > Czechia Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 30 April 1997 - Europa CZ19970430 ST 8_00 1 Stamp 8.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Graphic Print
"Prince Bruncvik" by Adolf Born
MI 144CZ19970430 FDC 8_00 1 First Day Cover 8.00 Lion (on stamp and in postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Graphic Print
"Prince Bruncvik" by Adolf BornCZ19970430 FDP 11000 First Day Postmark - Stylized Lion
Praha (Prague)
30 April 19971999 - Lesna Jubilees CZ19990000 PC 4_00 75641 Pre-stamped Postcard 4.00 Lion (in cachet)
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.29 September 1999 - 19th Century Folk Art CZ19990929 BK 23_00 Booklet 23.00 Lion Figurine (on booklet cover) 5 April 2000 - Prague, Cultural Capital of Europe 2000 CZ20000405 MS 36_00 Miniature sheet 36.00
+ 11.00
+17.00)Lion (on two undenominated labels)
MS with 3 stamps and 3 undenominated labels
MI B12CZ20000405 LB 1 Undenominated label - Lion
1st position label from
CZ20000405 MS 36_00CZ20000405 LB 3 Undenominated label - Lion
5th position label from
CZ20000405 MS 36_002001 Zoo Animals CZ20010905 ST 5_40 3 Stamp 5.40 Tiger
Siberian Tiger
MI 301CZ20010905 FDC 5_40 3 First Day Cover 5.40 Tiger
Siberian Tiger (on stamp and in postmark)
Official FDC with
CZ20010905 ST 5_40 3CZ20010905 MC 5_40 3 Maximum Card 5.40 Tiger
Siberian Tiger (on stamp, card and in postmark)
Official MC with
CZ20010905 ST 5_40 3CZ20010905 FDP 3 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
5 Sept 2001CZ2002 MF ING 15000 Meter Frank - Lion
ING Group Logo
"ING - Nádražni 25 - Praha 5 150 00 - tiskue Xerox Business Services"
Machine no. 62677161
150 00 Praha (Prague) 5
Earliest use reported:
7 August 2002
Latest use reported:
7 August 2002
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know2002 Europa - Circus CZ20020507 ST 9_00 Stamp 9.00 Lion
MI 319CZ20020507 FDC 9_00 First Day Cover 9.00 Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ20020507 ST 9_002004 Ice Hockey World Championship Final CZ20040509 PMK 11000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Championship mascot
"Mistrovsti Světa v ledním hokeji - Finále"
Praha 1 (Prague 1)
9 May 20042005 ING Meter Frank
Also see ING items from 2002
CZ2005 MF ING 15000 Meter Frank - Lion
ING Group Logo
"ING - 150 00 Praha 5 - Nádražni 25 - 800 159 159 - tiskue Xerox Business Services"
Machine no. 10901503
150 00 Praha (Prague) 5
Earliest use reported:
24 February 2005
Latest use reported:
24 February 2005
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know2010 150th Birth Anniversary of Alfons Mucha CZ20100526 ST Z Stamp Z (18.00 on issue) Lion
Zodiac Leo
Wild Cat Art
MI 634RILM CZ20100526 BK 6 x Z
Front Cover
Back Cover
Booklet 6 x Z (108.00 on issue) Lion
Zodiac Leo (on stamps and cover)
Booklet with 6 x
CZ20100526 ST ZM 2011 Bohemian Forest - UNESCO Biosphere Reservation CZ20110831 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
CZ20110831 MS 62_00
MI 693CZ20110831 MS 62_00 Miniature sheet 62.00
+ 14.00
+ 18.00
+ 20.00)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp and selvedge)
MS with
CZ20110831 ST 20_00
and 3 other stamps
MI B46CZ20110831 FDC 20_00 First Day Cover 20.00 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ20110831 ST 20_00CZ20110831 MC 20_00 Maximum Card 20.00 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp and card)
Official MC with
CZ20110831 ST 20_007 November 2012 - Čtyřlístek Comics (VIII) Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats and Mythic Cats
CZ20121107 ST A 2 Stamp A
(10.00 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
All characters with the King and the Lion posing for photographer Myspulin
Self-adhesive stamp from
CZ20121107 BK 10xA
MI 749M
PaneCZ20121107 BK 10xA Booklet 10 x A
(100.00 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Unspecified breed (on all stamps, front, back and pane selvedge)
Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive booklet with 5 each of
CZ20121107 ST A 1
CZ20121107 ST A 2
MI MH0-169M CZ20121107 FDC A 2 First Day Cover A
(10.00 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Unspecified breed (on stamp and cachet)
Cartoon Cat
Official FDC with
CZ20121107 ST A 2CC 3 September 2014 - Beskiden Nature Reserve CZ20140903 ST 17_00 Stamp 17.00 European Wildcat
Stamp from
CZ20140903 MS 76_00
MI 813RILM CZ20140903 MS 76_00 Miniature sheet 76.00 European Wildcat (on one stamp)
Eurasian Lynx (on label and selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
CZ20140903 ST 17_00
and 3 other stamps
MI B55CZ20140903 LB 2 Undenominated label - Eurasian Lynx
Undenominated label from
CZ20140903 MS 76_00
Composite design flowing onto selvedgeRILM 5 November 2015 - The Great War 1914-1918 (III) - Warring states An item from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
CZ20151105 PC A 2 Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
British War Poster "The Empire Needs Men!" by Arthur Wardle
Pressfil card no. 45/15
MI P???BDC 27 December 2015 - 3 January 2016 - Happy New Year from Prague Castle CZ20151227_20160103 PMK 11900 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at Prague Castle
"PF 2016"
Praha 012-Hrad (Prague 012 - Castle)
27 December 2015 -
3 January 201617 March 2016 - 25th Anniversary of Šumava National Park CZ20160317 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(13.00 on issue)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Pressfil card no. 09/16
MI P???BDC 22 June 2016 - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jesenius Joint issue with Hungary, Slovakia and Poland
Items from this issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
CZ20160622 FDC 27_00 First day cover 27.00 Lion (in cachet)
Zodiac Leo
Heraldic Lion (on undenominated label)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Wild Cat Art
Title page of Anatomiæ Pragæ anno 1600 by Jan Jesenius
Official FDC with
CZ20160622 LB 16 September 2017 - Czech Zoos (II) CZ20170906 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Lion
Stamp from
CZ20170906 MS 90_00
MI ???CZ20170906 MS 90_00 Miniature sheet 90.00
+ 20.00
+ 24.00
+30.00)Lion (on one stamp)
Manul (on gutter label)
Four-stamp MS with
CZ20170906 ST 20_00 and 3 other stamps
MI B???CZ20170906 LB 1 Gutter label - Manul
Gutter label from
CZ20170906 MS 90_00
MI ???5 September 2018 - Czech Zoos (III) CZ20180905 MS 102_00 Miniature sheet 102.00
+ 23.00
+ 27.00
+33.00)Fishing Cat (on selvedge)
MI B72CZ20180905 FDC 33_00 First day cover 33.00 Cluded Leopard (in cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ20180905 ST 33_00
(showing a hippo)24 October 2018 - 100 Years of Independent Czechoslovakia: Orders and Medals
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats.CZ20181024 FDC 27_00 First day cover 27.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Order of the White Lion
Lion statue (in cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ20181024 ST 27_00 120 January 2020 - The Tradition of Czech Stamp Production CZ20200120 BK 8xA Booklet 8 x A
/ 8 x 19.00 on issue)Lion
(on cover)
MI MH2107 May 2020 - 155th Birth Anniversary of Jiří Janda (zoologist) CZ20200507 PC A 4 Pre-stamped postcard A
(19.00 on issue)Lion
(in cachet)
Privatized postcard
OSFAFL card no. 16/2020
MI P??? (privatized)25 July 2020 - International Tiger Day 21 April 2021 - EUROPA: Endangered Species CZ20210421 ST E Stamp E
(39.00 on issue)European Wildcat
MI ???CZ20210421 FDC E First day cover E
(39.00 on issue)Eoropean Wildcat (on stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Official FDC with
CZ20210421 ST ECZ20210421 FDP 11000 First day postmark - European Wildcat
Praha (Prague)
21 April 2021Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Marci Jarvis, Robert Jarvis, Greg Balagian, Vladislav Vančura,
Jiri Neumann, Nina Sescali, and Nahum Shereshevsky.
Latest update: 10 May, 2021