Stamps inscribed 'Norge', 'Noreg', 'Nöörje', or two of the name forms together
1855 ->
From 1855: 1 Speciedaler = 120 Skilling
From 1875: 1 Krone (NOK) = 100 Øre (= 1/4 Speciedaler)
Checklists > Countries > Norway Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 2012 Norwegian Art V NO20120221 ST B Stamp B (9.00 on issue) Griffin
Wild Cats in Art
Sculpture by Lars Utne, National Gallery, Oslo
NK 1805
MI ???M
DLSNO20120221 FDC 27_00 First Day Cover 27.00 Griffin (on stamp, postmark and in cachet)
Wild Cats in Art
Sculpture by Lars Utne, National Gallery, Oslo
Official FDC with both stamps in setCC NO20120221 FDS 47_00
First Day Sheet 47.00 Griffin (on stamp, postmark and in cachet)
Wild Cats in Art
Sculpture by Lars Utne, National GalleryCC NO20120221 PP 33_00
Presentation Pack 33.00 Griffin (on stamp)
Wild Cats in Art
Sculpture by Lars Utne, National Gallery, Oslo
Lion Sculpture
National Theatre, Oslo (on cover)M List compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 3 February, 2017