Stamps inscribed 'Norge', 'Noreg', 'Nöörje', or two of the name forms together. Most service stamps have no country name.
1855 ->
From 1855: 1 Speciedaler = 120 Skilling
From 1875: 1 Krone (NOK) = 100 Øre (= 1/4 Speciedaler)
Checklists > Countries > Norway Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Shortcuts: 1855-99 • 1900-19 • 1920-29 • 1930-39 • 1940-49 • 1950-59 • 1960-69 • 1970-79 • 1980-89 • 1990-99 •
1855 - 1899
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Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1 January 1855 - Definitive (first Norwegian stamp) NO18550101 ST 0_004 1 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 1
NK 1If you have a scan of this item, please share. NO18550101 ST 0_004 2 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Variety with split left foot
MI 1 I
NK 1v1If you have a scan of this item, please share. NO18550101 ST 0_004 3 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Variety with broken plate (top)
NK 1v2If you have a scan of this item, please share. NO18550101 ST 0_004 4 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Variety with re-engraved corners
MI 1 - unlisted variety
NK 1v31 September 1863 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) 11 print varieties known
NO18630901 ST 0_024 Stamp 0-024 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 10
NK 1012 October 1863 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) 8 print varieties known
NO18631012 ST 0_008 Stamp 0-008 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 9
NK 927 December 1863 - Definitives (earliest known date of use) Two printing plates, each with two colour varieties, and a total of 14 print varieties known
NO18631227 ST 0_004 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 8
NK 8If you have a scan of this item, please share. NO18631227 IMP 0_004 Imperforate stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NK 8IIvt121 January 1865 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) 5 print varieties known
NO18650121 ST 0_002 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 6
NK 617 January 1867 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) 3 print varieties known
NO18670117 ST 0_003 Stamp 0-003 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 7
NK 718 June 1867 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) 1 print variety known
NO18670618 ST 0_002 Stamp 0-002 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 12
NK 1210 July 1867 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) 3 print varieties known
NO18670710 ST 0_004 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Greenish blue, thick paper
MI 14b
NK 14y6 January 1868 - Definitives (earliest known date of use) NO18680106 ST 0_008 1 Stamp 0-008 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Pink, 'sharper' print
MI 15b
NK 15aIf you have a scan of this item, please share.
3 print varieties known
NO18680106 ST 0_008 2 Stamp 0-008 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Carmine, 'blurried' print
MI 15a
NK 15b24 April 1868 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) NO18680424 ST 0_001 Stamp 0-001 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI 11
NK 11May 1868 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) NO18680500 ST 0_003 Stamp 0-003 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Reddish violet, 'sharper' print
MI 13b
NK 13a3 print varieties known
NO18680500 ST 0_004 Stamp 0-004 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Blue, thin paper
MI 14b
NK 14y27 June 1868 - Definitive (earliest known date of use) NO18680627 ST 0_003 Stamp 0-003 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Greyish violet, 'blurried' print
MI 13a
NK 13b1900 - 1909
Back to top
26 June 1905 - Definitives (overprints) NO19050626 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
with new value overprinted in light green
MI 62
NK 85INO19050626 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
with new value overprinted in olive green
MI 62
NK 85IINO19050626 ST 1_50 1 Stamp 1.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
with new value overprinted in blue
MI 63
NK 86INO19050626 ST 1_50 2 Stamp 1.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
with new value overprinted in ultramarine
MI 63
NK 86IINO19050626 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
with new value overprinted in red
MI 64
NK 87INO19050626 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
with new value overprinted in carmine
MI 64
NK 87II1920 - 1929
Back to top
6 October 1922 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type I NO19221006 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
MI 106
NK 127NO19221006 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Variety with broken tail in upper bow
Stems from August 1924 reprint
MI 106
NK 127 v1NO19221006 ST 0_20 3 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Variety with hump on top of tail
MI 106
NK 127 v2NO19221006 ST 0_20 4 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Variety with coloured spot in tail
Stems from October 1923 and April 1924 reprints
MI 106
NK 127 v3NO19221006 ST 0_20 5 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Variety with upper part of "E" in "ØRE" in colour
MI 106
NK 127 v4NO19221006 ST 0_20 6 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Variety with tag on right part of tail
Stems from September 1925 printing
MI 106
NK 127 v5NO19221006 ST 0_20 7 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Variety with white blade and shaft on axe (worn cliche)
MI 106
NK 127 v6January 1923 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type I (reprint) NO19230100 IMP 0_20 Imperforate stamp (variety) 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish lilac
Imperforate variety of
NO19221006 ST 0_20 1
MI Unlisted
NK 127 vt118 December 1923 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type I NO19231218 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Yellowish green
A souvenir reprint of this stamp in darker green were issued in 1966
MI 105
NK 126NO19231218 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Yellowish green
Variety with hump on top of tail
MI 105
NK 126 v1NO19231218 ST 0_10 3 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Yellowish green
Variety with white blade on axe (worn cliche)
MI 105
NK 126 v2NO19231218 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 107
NK 128NO19231218 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with white spot on "N" in "NORGE"
MI 107
NK 128 v1NO19231218 ST 0_25 3 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with hump on top of tail
MI 107
NK 128 v2NO19231218 ST 0_25 4 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with lump at foot of "E" in "NORGE"
MI 107
NK 128 v314 October 1924 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type I NO19241014 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 108
NK 129NO19241014 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with coloured spot in the blade of the axe
MI 108
NK 129 v118 August 1925 - Norwegian Control of Svalbard NO19250818 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 116
NK 137NO19250818 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 117
NK 138NO19250818 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 118
NK 139NO19250818 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 119
NK 1408 June 1926 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19260608 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 120A
NK 14112 July 1926 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19260712 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 123A
NK 144NO19260712 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with damaged Lion's head ('lizard head')
MI 123A
NK 144 v1NO19260712 ST 0_20 3 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with cut off foot at the number '2'
MI 123A
NK 144 v2NO19260712 ST 0_20 3 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with 'accented' O in country name
MI 123A
NK 144 v34 December 1926 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19261204 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish olive
MI 122A
NK 143NO19261204 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 125A
NK 146NO19261204 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with R and G in country name 'melted' together
MI 125A
NK 146 v111 December 1926 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19261211 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Light blue
MI 129A
NK 151NO19261211 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Light blue
Variety with two white spots inside frame to the right of 'ØRE' and 'POST'
MI 129A
NK 151 v113 June 1927 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19270613 ST 0_30 1 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
NO19241014 ST 0_45 1
overprinted with new value
MI 134
NK 157NO19270613 ST 0_30 2 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
NO19241014 ST 0_45 1
overprinted with new value, Variety with overprint shifted to the left
MI 134
NK 157 v1NO19270613 ST 0_30 3 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
NO19250818 ST 0_45
overprinted with new value
MI 135
NK 158NO19270613 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Olive brown
MI 128A
NK 149NO19270613 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 130A
NK 152NO19270613 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with two white spots inside frame to the right of 'ØRE' and 'POST'
MI 130A
NK 152 v1NO19270613 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Carmine brown
MI 131A
NK 153NO19270613 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Carmine brown
Variety with Q instead of O in 'POST'
MI 131A
NK 153 v1NO19270613 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish blue
MI 132A
NK 15415 November 1927 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19271115 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 124A
NK 145ANO19271115 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with several missing/damaged parts: Small blade on axe, no shaft on axe, no crown, tongue nor lower jaw
MI 124A
NK 145A v1NO19271115 ST 0_20 3 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with fault on Lion's head: crown and head flows together
MI 124A
NK 145A v2NO19271115 ST 0_20 4 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with redrawn axe: Narrow, uneven blade with no distinct line
MI 124A
NK 145A v3NO19271115 ST 0_20 5 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with skewed, thin shaft on axe and redrawn front paws on lion
MI 124A
NK 145A v416 November 1927 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19271115 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Light brown
MI 126A
NK 147NO19271115 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Light brown
Variety with R and G in country name 'melted' together
MI 126A
NK 147 v11 February 1928 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19280201 ST 0_30 1 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 127A
NK 148NO19280201 ST 0_30 2 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Variety with white 'bridge' in N in country name
MI 127A
NK 148 v112 March 1928 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19280312 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
NO19261204 ST 0_25 1
overprinted with new value
MI 133
NK 15624 July 1928 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19280724 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. left
Horiz. perf. 'misses' one needle at the left margin (first printing)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124Dl
NK 145BvINO19280724 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. left
Horiz. perf. all the way to paper edge (reprint)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124Dl
NK 145BvIINO19280724 ST 0_20 3 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. right
Horiz. perf. 'misses' one needle at the right margin (first printing
Stamp from booklet
MI 124Dr
NK 145BhINO19280724 ST 0_20 4 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. right
Horiz. perf. all the way to paper edge (reprint)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124Dr
NK 145BhIINO19280724 ST 0_20 5 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. left and bottom
Horiz. perf. 'misses' one needle at the upper left margin (first printing)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124El
NK 145DvnINO19280724 ST 0_20 6 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. left and bottom
Upper horiz. perf. all the way to paper edge (reprint)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124El
NK 145DvnIINO19280724 ST 0_20 7 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. right and bottom
Horiz. perf. 'misses' one needle at the upper right margin (first printing)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124Er
NK 145DhnINO19280724 ST 0_20 8 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Imperf. left and bottom
Upper horiz. perf. all the way to paper edge (reprint)
Stamp from booklet
MI 124Er
NK 145DhnIINO19280724 BK 2_40 1 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 4 each of
NO19280724 ST 0_20 1
NO19280724 ST 0_20 3
and two each of
NO19280724 ST 0_20 5
NO19280724 ST 0_20 7
(two panes)
Horiz. perf. 'misses' one needle at the margins
First printing
NK FH13INO19280724 BK 2_40 2 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 4 each of
NO19280724 ST 0_20 2
NO19280724 ST 0_20 4
and two each of
NO19280724 ST 0_20 6
NO19280724 ST 0_20 8
(two panes)
Horiz. perf. all the way to paper edges
NK FH13II1 July 1929 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19290701 ST 0_14 1 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 121A
NK 1421 July 1929 - Overprint on Skilling-stamp NO19290701 ST 0_14 2 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
overprinted with new value
MI 154
NK 176NO19290701 ST 0_14 3 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
NO18670618 ST 0_002
overprinted with new value
Variety with elevated overprint (more than 1 mm above old value)
MI 154
NK 176 v11930 - 1939
Back to top
16 October 1934 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type II NO19341016 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 167
NK 15018 August 1937 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19370818 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Ordinary, white paper with watermark
MI 181
NK 202xNO19370818 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Thick, yellowish paper with watermark
MI 181x
NK 202yNO19370818 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
MI 184
NK 205NO19370818 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
Variety with a line through the lion's knee
MI 184
NK 205 v17 September 1937 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19370907 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish to greyish olive
Watermarked paper
MI 183a
NK 204aNO19370907 ST 0_15 2 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish olive
Watermarked paper
MI 183b
NK 204b29 September 1937 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19370929 ST 0_14 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
MI 182
NK 2037 October 1937 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19371007 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish brown
Watermarked paper
MI 185
NK 206NO19371007 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish brown
Watermarked paper
Variety with a white line through 'E' in 'ØRE'
MI 185
NK 206 v1NO19371007 ST 0_25 3 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish brown
Watermarked paper
Variety with an indent in background nearby axe
MI 185
NK 206 v2NO19371007 ST 0_25 4 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Reddish brown
Watermarked paper
Variety with an indent in background in upper right corner
MI 185
NK 206 v3NO19371007 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
MI 186
NK 207NO19371007 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish grey
Watermarked paper
MI 188
NK 20912 October 1937 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19371012 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
MI 187
NK 2086 November 1937 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19371106 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish lilac
Watermarked paper
MI 189
NK 210NO19371106 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish blue
Watermarked paper
MI 190
NK 21113 December 1937 - Definitive Booklets: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19371213 BK 2_40 1 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_20 1
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staples
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH15IANO19371213 BK 2_40 2 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_20 1
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staples
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH15IBNO19371213 BK 2_40 3 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps towards staples
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH15IIANO19371213 BK 2_40 4 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps away from staples
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH15IIB16 December 1937 - Definitive Booklets: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19371216 BK 1_20 1 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staples
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH14IANO19371216 BK 1_20 2 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staples
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH14IBNO19371216 BK 1_20 3 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
Green cover
Top of stamps towards staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH14IIANO19371216 BK 1_20 4 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
Green cover
Top of stamps away from staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH14IIBNO19371216 BK 1_20 5 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
Green cover
Top of stamps towards staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH14IIIANO19371216 BK 1_20 6 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet with 12 x
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
Green cover
Top of stamps away from staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH14IIIB30 May 1938 - Definitive Booklets: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19380530 BK 2_10 1 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IANO19380530 BK 2_10 2 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IBNO19380530 BK 2_10 3 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps towards staples
0.10: Top of stamps away from staples
0.20: Top of stamps away from staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16ICNO19380530 BK 2_10 4 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps away from staples
0.10: Top of stamps towards staples
0.20: Top of stamps towards staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IDNO19380530 BK 2_10 5 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps towards staples
0.10: Top of stamps away from staples
0.20: Top of stamps towards staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IFNO19380530 BK 2_10 6 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps away from staples
0.10: Top of stamps towards staples
0.20: Top of stamps away from staples
Hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IFNO19380530 BK 2_10 7 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IIANO19380530 BK 2_10 8 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IIBNO19380530 BK 2_10 9 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps towards staples
0.10: Top of stamps away from staples
0.20: Top of stamps away from staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IICNO19380530 BK 2_10 10 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps away from staples
0.10: Top of stamps towards staples
0.20: Top of stamps towards staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IIDNO19380530 BK 2_10 11 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps towards staples
0.10: Top of stamps away from staples
0.20: Top of stamps towards staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IIFNO19380530 BK 2_10 12 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Booklet of type 1937 with
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_10 1,
6 x NO19370818 ST 0_20 1,
and 6 other stamps
Yellow cover
0.05: Top of stamps away from staples
0.10: Top of stamps towards staples
0.20: Top of stamps away from staples
No hyphen after "gate" on page 1
MI Mentioned, not numbered
NK FH16IIF1940 - 1949
Back to top
4 October 1940 - High Value Definitives NO19401004 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 207
NK 229NO19401004 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark blue
MI 208
NK 230NO19401004 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
MI 209
NK 231NO19401004 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark violet
MI 210
NK 23225 November 1940 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19401125 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark
Type I: Broader number 2, height 4 mm
MI 224I
NK 246INO19401125 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark
Type 1: Broader number 2, height 4 mm
Varietey with 'closed' tip of tail
MI 224I
NK 246I v12 December 1940 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19401202 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish Olive
No watermark
MI 223
NK 245aNO19401202 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark reddish brown
No watermark
MI 225
NK 247NO19401202 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark reddish brown
No watermark
Variety with white line on 'E' in 'ØRE'
MI 225
NK 247 v1NO19401202 ST 0_25 3 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark reddish brown
No watermark
Variety with indent in background en par with axe
MI 225
NK 247 v2NO19401202 ST 0_25 4 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark reddish brown
No watermark
Variety with indent in background in upper right corner
MI 225
NK 247 v39 December 1940 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19401209 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark
MI 220
NK 24223 December 1940 - Definitive Booklets: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19401223 BK 2_40 1 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type 1
Page 4: Type 1
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18IANO19401223 BK 2_40 2 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18IBNO19401223 BK 2_40 3 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type II
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18ddIIANO19401223 BK 2_40 4 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps away fromstaple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type II
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18ddIIBNO19401223 BK 2_40 5 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18dnIIANO19401223 BK 2_40 6 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18dnIIBNO19401223 BK 2_40 7 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type II
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18nnIIANO19401223 BK 2_40 8 Booklet 2.40
(12 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
Red cover
Top of stamps away fromstaple(s)
Page 2: Type II
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH18nnIIB10 March 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410310 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark ultramarine
No watermark
MI 226
NK 24817 March 1941 - Definitive Booklets: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410317 BK 2_10 1 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type 1
Page 4: Type 1
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19IANO19410317 BK 2_10 2 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19IBNO19410317 BK 2_10 3 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type II
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19ddIIANO19410317 BK 2_10 4 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type II
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19ddIIBNO19410317 BK 2_10 5 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19dnIIANO19410317 BK 2_10 6 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19dnIIBNO19410317 BK 2_10 7 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type II
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19nnIIANO19410317 BK 2_10 8 Booklet 2.10
(6 x 0.05
+ 6 x 0.10
+ 6 x 0.20)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 6 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
6 x NO19401125 ST 0_20 1
and 6 x 0.05 stamps
Yellow cover
Top of stamps away fromstaple(s)
Page 2: Type II
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH19nnIIB31 March 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410331 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark grey
No watermark
MI 228
NK 250NO19410331 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark grey
No watermark
Variety with coloured line in 'G' in country name
MI 228
NK 250 v130 June 1941 - Definitive Booklets: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410630 BK 1_20 1 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type 1
Page 4: Type 1
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17IANO19410630 BK 1_20 2 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type I
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17IBNO19410630 BK 1_20 3 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type II
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17ddIIANO19410630 BK 1_20 4 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps away fromstaple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type II
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17ddIIBNO19410630 BK 1_20 5 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17dnIIANO19410630 BK 1_20 6 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps away from staple(s)
Page 2: Type I
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17dnIIBNO19410630 BK 1_20 7 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps towards staple(s)
Page 2: Type II
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17nnIIANO19410630 BK 1_20 8 Booklet 1.20
(12 x 0.10)Heraldic Lion (on stamps)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark on stamps
Booklet of type 1937 with 12 x
NO19401209 ST 0_10
Green cover
Top of stamps away fromstaple(s)
Page 2: Type II
Page 4: Type III
MI Mentioned, but not numbered
NK FH17nnIIB4 July 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410704 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark violet
No watermark
MI 227
NK 249NO19410704 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish lilac
No watermark
MI 229
NK 251August 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III (overprinted) NO19410800 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
NO19370818 ST 0_20 1
overprinted 'V' in black
Unissued stamp - appx. 300 stamps from trial print run of appx 800 given away by the post to various private recipients
MI 246X
NK Mentioned, not numberedNO19410800 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
NO19371007 ST 0_25 1
overprinted 'V' in black
Unissued stamp - appx. 300 stamps from trial print run of appx 800 given away by the post to various private recipients
MI 247X
NK Mentioned, not numbered14 August 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III (overprinted) NO19410814 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Ordinary, white paper with watermark
NO19370818 ST 0_10 1
overprinted 'V' in black
MI 242X
NK 266NO19410814 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish to greyish olive
Watermarked paper
NO19370907 ST 0_15 1
overprinted 'V' in black
MI Unlisted
NK 268aNO19410814 ST 0_15 2 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish olive
Watermarked paper
NO19370907 ST 0_15 2
overprinted 'V' in black
MI 245X
NK 268bNO19410814 ST 0_30 1 Stamp 0.30 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Watermarked paper
NO19371007 ST 0_30
overprinted 'V' in black
MI 248X
NK 26915 August 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III (overprinted) NO19410815 0_14 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
NO19290701 ST 0_14 1
overprinted 'V' in black
MI 244X
NK 2671 September 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410901 ST 0_14 Stamp 0.14 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark
MI 222
NK 2443 September 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19410903 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Dark greenish blue
No watermark
MI 230
NK 25227 October 1941 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19411027 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark
Type 2: Narrower number 2, height 4.25 mm
MI 224II
NK 246IIaNO19411027 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
No watermark
Type 2: Narrower number 2, height 4.25 mm
Variety with spur on lion's left front leg
MI 224II
NK 246IIa v11945 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19450000 ST 0_20 1 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish red
No watermark
Type 2: Narrower number 2, height 4.25 mm
Reprint of
NO194112 ST 0_20 1
with slightly altered colour
MI Unlisted variety (224II)
NK 246IIbNO19450000 ST 0_20 2 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish red
No watermark
Type 2: Narrower number 2, height 4.25 mm
Variety with spur on lion's left front leg
Reprint of
NO194112 ST 0_20 2
with slightly altered colour
MI Unlisted variety (224II)
NK 246IIb v11947 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19470000 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Brownish olive
No watermark
NO19401202 ST 0_15
reprinted i slightly altered colour
MI Unlisted variety (223)
NK 245b1949 - Definitives: Heraldic Lion Type III NO19490000 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Greenish brown olive
No watermark
NO19401202 ST 0_15
reprinted i slightly altered colour
MI Unlisted variety (223)
NK 245c1950 - 1959
Back to top
1953 - State Pension Fund Meter Frank NO1953 MF SPK 0030 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA
"Statens Pensjonskasse"
Machine no. 188
Earliest use reported:
9 November 1953
Latest use reported:
9 November 1953
If you have more information on the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1960 - 1969
Back to top
11 May 1964 - 150th Anniversary of the Constitution One stamp shows Lion statues and this item is also listed under Wild Cats
NO19640511 FDC 1_40 First day cover 1.40 Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (as used in Norwegian flag 1814-21)
FDC with the two stamps in setNO19640511 FDP 0101 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (as used in Norwegian flag 1814-21)
11 May 19641966 - Souvenir Reprint of 1923 Definitive NO19660000 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Souvenir reprint of
NO19231218 ST 0_10 1
MI 105ND
NK 126 N11969 - Souvenir Reprints NO19690000 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Souvenir reprint of
NO19250818 ST 0_45
MI 119ND
NK 140 N1NO19690000 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant (from Norwegian CoA)
Souvenir reprint of
NO19270613 ST 0_60
MI 132ND
NK 154 N11970 - 1979
Back to top
1980 - 1989
Back to top
2 September 1982 - Silver Jubilee of HM King Olav V NO19820902 FDP 0101 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA
2 September 1982CC 22 June 1983 - FILOS 83 - National Philatelic Exhibition NO19830622 MISC SOUV Souvenir card - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from
Norwegian CoA
Souvenir card without franking value depicting unissued Lion stamps from 1922M 17 December 1983 - Definitive NO19831117 FDC 50_00 First day cover 50.00 Heraldic Lion (on stamp and cachet)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA
Official FDC with
NO19831117 ST 50_00CC NO19831117 FDP 0101 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA
17 November 1983CC 15 November 1984 - Centenary of Parliamentarirsm NO19841115 FDP 0101 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from Norwegian CoA
15 November 19841990 - 1999
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14 June 1990 - Tri-centenary of the Birth of Peter Wessel-Tordenskiold NO19900614 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Tordenskiold CoA
MI 1049
NK 10961996 - Hurum District Tax Office and Population Registry Meter Frank NO1996 MF HULI 3475 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA
"Hurum Likningskontor og folkeregister"
Machine no. 61926
3475 Sætre
Earliest use reported:
9 May 1996
Latest use reported:
9 May 1996
If you have more information on the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DLB 2 January 1997 - Definitives: Posthorn If you have a scan of this item, please share. NO19970102 FDP 0101 2 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from Norwegian CoA
2 January 199716-21 April 1997 - NORWEX '97 International Philatelic Exhibition NO19970419 PMK 0277 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
"NORWEX '97 - Posthistoriens dag" ["Postal History Day"]
19 April 1997SC 11 June 1999 - Norway 2000 - In Historical Perspective NO19990611 FDP 0101 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from Norwegian CoA
11 June 19992000 - 2009
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2 June 2000 - 250th Anniversary of the Norwegian Military Academy NO20000602 FDP 0101 2 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA
"1750-2000 - Krigsskolen 250 år"
2 June 20002005 - Østerdal Garrison Meter Frank NO2005 MF OSGA 2451 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian Army CoA
"Østerdal garnison - Postboks 24 - 2431 Rena"
Machine no. ID0571434
2451 (Rena)
Earliest use reported:
18 March 2005
Latest use reported:
16 June 2005
If you have more information on the dates of use for this item, please let us know.7 June 2005 - Moments of a Century NO20050607 ST 6_00 1 Stamp 6.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA (on throne)
Wild Cat Art
MI 1536
NK 1571If you have a scan of this item, please share. NO20050607 FDP 0101 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
from Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
2 June 200017 November 2005 - 150 Years of Norwegian Stamps NO20051117 ST A Stamp A
(Inland 6.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Stamp from ordinary sheets or MS
MI 1554
NK 1589NO20051117 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Catstamp on Stamp showing
NO18550101 ST 0_004 1 (1st Norwegian stamp)
Stamp from MS
MI 1555
NK 1590NO20051117 MS 18_00 Miniature sheet A
(18.00 on issue)Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905)
Catstamp on Stamp
2-stamp MS with
NO20051117 ST A
NO20051117 ST 12_00
MI B29
NK BL2818 November 2005 - Centenary of the Norwegian Royal Family NO20051118 ST 6_00 1 Stamp 6.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian Royal CoA
MI 1556
NK 1591ILM NO20051118 ST 6_00 2 Stamp 6.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian Royal CoA
MI 1557
NK 1592ILM 2010 - 2019
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2011-2012 - NAF Mass Mailer NO2011_2012 NAF 7483 Mass mailer PP Heraldic Lion
NAF (Norwegian Automobile Association) Logo
Sent from NAF Card, Klæbuveien 194
7483 Trondheim
Earliest user reported:
Latest use reported:
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 30 September - 2 October 2011 - Ryfylke 2011 Philatelic Exhibition NO20110930_1002 PMK 4000 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
"Ryfylke 2011 - Frimekeutstilling"
30 September - 2 October 2011DL 16 May 2014 - Bi-centenary of the Constitution This item is also listed undet Wild Cats
NO20140516 FDC 68_00 1 First day cover 68.00
(sold at 84.00)Herldic Lion (on postmark)
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in set and postmark in blackThis item is also listed undet Wild Cats
NO20140516 FDC 68_00 2 First day cover 68.00
(Sold at 99.00)Lion (on one stamp)
Herldic Lion (on postmark)
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in set and postmark in gold - issued in 1000 numbered copies - sold under the brand name "Gullbrev" [Golden Letter]
CC This item is also listed undet Wild Cats
NO20140516 FDC 76_00 1 First day cover 76.00
(sold at 82.00)Herldic Lion (on postmark)
Official FDC with 4 x
NO20140516 ST 19_00CC NO20140516 FDP 0135 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from Royal CoAs pre 1844
Ordinary FDP struck in black
16 May 2014CC NO20140516 FDP 0135 2 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from Royal CoAs pre 1844
FDP struck in gold on the "Gullbrev" [Golden Letter]
16 May 2014CC 3 Oktober 2015 - Bi-centenary of the Supreme Court NO20151003 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
MI ???
NK 1916M
DLSNO20151003 FDC 20_00 1 First day cover 20.00
(sold at 26.00)Heraldic Lion (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Oficial FDC with
NO20151003 ST 20_00
cancelled with
NO20151003 FDP 0135 1
FDC no 9/2015CC
FDC BackNO20151003 FDC 20_00 2
First day cover 20.00
(sold at 99.00)Heraldic Lion (on stamp and postmark)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Official FDC with
NO20151003 ST 20_00
and postmark in gold - issued in 1000 numbered copies - sold under the brand name "Gullbrev" [Golden Letter]
Gullbrev no 4/2015CC
BackNO20151003 PP 35_00 Presentation Pack 35.00
(franking value 20.00)Heraldic Lion (on stamp, content page, inside page and back cover)
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
Official PP no. 9/2015 with
NO20151003 ST 20_00M NO20151003 FDP 0135 1 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
3 October 2015CC NO20151003 FDP 0135 2 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed and Crowned Lion Rampant from
Norwegian CoA 1844-1905
FDP struck in gold on the "Gullbrev" [Golden Letter]
3 October 2015CC 24 August 2019 - General Meeting of the Norwegian Philatelic Association NO20190824 PMK 1712 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
"Landsmøte Norsk Filatelistforbund"
24 August 2019IP 2020 - >
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List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Bjørn Arveng, Greg Balagian, Nahum Shereshevsky,
Benny Hejlskov, and Trygve Sørensen.
Latest update: 11 September, 2024