Stamps inscribed 'Norge', 'Noreg', 'Nöörje', or two of the name forms together
1855 ->
From 1855: 1 Speciedaler = 120 Skilling
From 1875: 1 Krone (NOK) = 100 Øre (= 1/4 Speciedaler)
Checklists > Countries > Norway Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1964 150th Anniversary of the Consitution NO19640511 ST 0_90 Stamp 0.90 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
(in front of the parliament building in Oslo)
NK 554
MI 517NO19640511 FDC 1_40 First Day Cover 1.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
(in front of the parlament in Oslo) (on stamp only)
Heraldic Lion (in postmark)
FDC with the two stamps in set
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats1971 Centenary of Anuual Parliament Meetings NO19710223 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
(in front of the parliament building in Oslo)
NK 668
MI 621NO19710223 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
(in front of the parliament building in Oslo)
NK 669
MI 622NO19710223 FDC 1_70 First Day Cover 1.70 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
(in front of the parliament building in Oslo)
FDC with both stamps of the set1972 Lions Club 20th National Meeting NO19720610 PMK 2953 Comemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"20. Riksmøte", Beitostølen
10 June 1972CC 1973 Lions Club 21th National Meeting NO19730602 PMK 9000 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"21. Riksmøte", Tromsø
2 June 1973CC 1974 Lions Club 22nd National Meeting / 25th Anniversary of Lions Club Norway NO19740511 PMK 0100 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Riksmøte Oslo - 25 år i Norge", Oslo
11 May 1974CC 1975 Lions Club 23rd National Meeting NO19750524 PMK 4600 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 23. Riksmøte", Kristiansand S.
24 May 1975CC 1976 Lions Club 24th National Meeting NO19760529 PMK 3580 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 24. Riksmøte", Geilo
29 May 1976CC 1977 Lions Club "Red Feather" Campaign NO19770325 PMK 4600 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Røde Fjær Aksjon"
Kristiansand S
25 March 1977CC 1977 Lions Club 25th National Meeting NO19770521 PMK 6783 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 25. Riksmøte"
21 May 1977CC 1978 Lions Club 26th National Meeting NO19780527 PMK 7000 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 26. Riksmøte", Trondheim
27 May 1978CC 1979 Lions Club 27th National Meeting NO19790526 PMK 4000 Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 27. Riksmøte"
26 May 1979CC 1981 Lions Club 29th National Meeting NO19810523 PMK 8000
On comm. cover
Comemmorative Postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 29. Riksmøte"
8000 Bodø
23 May 1981CC 1981 Year of the Disabled NO19810529 PMK 8480 Comemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Weekend - Funksjonshemmedes år 1981"
8480 Andenes
29 May 19811981 Lions International European Forum NO19811022 PMK 0100
On comm. cover
Comemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Europa Forum Oslo"
22 October 1981CC 1982 Lions Club 30th National Meeting NO19820522 PMK 0100
On comm. cover
Comemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions 30. Riksmøte"
22 May 1982DL 1991 Definitives (Animals) NO19910221 ST 5_50 Stamp 5.50 Eurasian lynx
NK 1108
MI 10591993 Oslo Handball Association Meter Frank NO1993 MF OSHK 1178 Meter frank - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
"Håndball i Tigerstaden"
Machine no. 27651
Earliest use reported:
13 January 1993
Latest use reported:
13 January 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1994 Stamp Day - Traditional Jewelery NO19940923 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Gold ornamental brooch
Stamp from MS
NK 1214
MI 1165NO19940923 MS 21_00 Miniature Sheet 21.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Gold ornamental brooch (on stamp only)
MS with
NO19940923 ST 3_00
and 3 other stamps in set
MI B211979 Lions Club National Meeting NO19970531 PMK 8000 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion ('in the form of a sun')
"Lions Riksmøte i Bodø"
31 May 19971997 Children's Stamp Club NO19970919 ST 3_70 Stamp 3.70 Tiger
NK 1313
MI 12641997 Lions Club National Meeting NO19970531 PMK 8000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Lions riksmøte i Bodø"
31 May 19972000 Oslo Millenial Jubilee I NO20000407 FDC 45_00 First Day Cover 45.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (in postmark)NO20040407 FDP 0101 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon TigerNO20000407 MISC 6_00 Souvenir Card 6.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on card and postmark, Tiger Jubilee Logo on card)2000 Oslo Millenial Jubilee II NO20000602 PC PP 1
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped postcard World PP
(7.00 on issue - sold at 10.00)Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamp indicium, address side nd in jubilee logo on picture side)
Main Motif: Oslo Harbour and City Hall
Postcard 1 of 5
MI LP15-01M NO20000602 PC PP 2
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped postcard World PP
(7.00 on issue - sold at 10.00)Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamp indicium, address side nd in jubilee logo on picture side)
Main Motif: Moon over Akershus Castle
Postcard 2 of 5
MI LP15-02M NO20000602 PC PP 3
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped postcard World PP
(7.00 on issue - sold at 10.00)Tiger (on stamp indicium, address side and in jubilee logo on picture side)
Cartoon Tiger
Lion (on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Main Motif: Lion Statue outside the Parliament
Postcard 3 of 5
MI LP15-03M NO20000602 PC PP 4
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped postcard World PP
(7.00 on issue - sold at 10.00)Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamp indicium, address side nd in jubilee logo on picture side)
Main Motif: Holmenkollen Ski Park in Summer
Postcard 4 of 5
MI LP15-04M NO20000602 PC PP 5
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped postcard World PP
(7.00 on issue - sold at 10.00)Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamp indicium, address side nd in jubilee logo on picture side)
Main Motif: The Royal Guard Military Band
Postcard 5 of 5
MI LP15-05M 2006 Norwegian Fauna NO20060329 ST 6_50 Stamp 6.50 Eurasian lynx
NK 1608
MI 1573M 2014 Bi-centenary of the Constitution NO20140516 ST 19_00 Stamp 19.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue in front of Stortinget in Oslo
NK 1885
MI 1857M NO20140516 FDC 68_00 1 First Day Cover 68.00
(sold at 84.00)Lion (on one stamp)
Herldic Lion (on postmark)
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in set and postmark in black
This item is also listed undet Heraldic CatsNO20140516 FDC 68_00 2
FDC Back
First Day Cover 68.00
(Sold at 99.00)Lion (on one stamp)
Herldic Lion (on postmark)
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in set and postmark in gold - issued in 1000 numbered copies - sold under the brand name "Gullbrev" [Golden Letter]
This item is also listed undet Heraldic CatsCC NO20140516 FDC 76_00 1 First Day Cover 76.00
(sold at 82.00)Lion (on stamps)
Herldic Lion (on postmark)
Official FDC with 4 x
NO20140516 ST 19_00
This item is also listed undet Heraldic CatsCC Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Bjørn Arveng, Jørgen Kristiansen, Greg Balagian and
Nahum Shereshevsky.
Latest update: 3 February, 2017