Stamps inscribed 'Malaysia' [and 'مليسيا']
Stamps inscribed 'Malaysia' and state/territory name are listed under the respective state or territory, please see: Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Terengganu, and Malaysia - Federal Territories (Wilayah Persekutuan)
Singapore was part of Malaysia in the years 1963 - 1965<- 1963 See Federated Malay States, Federation of Malaya, Johor, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, North Borneo, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Sarawak, Selangor, Straits Settlements, Sungei Ujong, and Terengganu
1963 ->
From 1963: 1 (Malayan & Bristish North Borneo) Dollar = 100 Cents (1 Malay Dollar)
From 1967: 1 Ringgit (MYR) = 100 Sen (= 1 M & BNB Dollar)
Checklists > Countries > Malaysia Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction.
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 2 October 1971 - 25th Anniversary of UNICEF This set also includes a Domestic Cat
MY19711002 ST 0_15 1 Stamp 0.15 Tiger
Children's Drawing
MI 86MY19711002 ST 0_15 4 Stamp 0.15 Tiger
Children's Drawing
MI 891976 - Malayan Banking Derhad Meter Frank MY1976 MF MAYB 50050 Meter Frank - Tiger
Malayan Banking Derhad Logo
"Simpan-lah Dengan Malayan Banking"
Machine no. P.B.021
Kuala Lumpur
Earliest use reported:
23 November 1976
Latest use reported:
23 November 1976
If you know more about the dates of user for this item, please let us know.4 January 1979 - Definitives: Animals MY19790104 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
No watermark
For reprint with watermark, see
MY19840000 ST 0_30
MI 189YMY19790104 AEG 0_30 1 Aerogramme 0.30 Tiger (in stamp indicium)
Stamp indicium like
MY19790104 ST 0_30
Photo on back: Sarawak potteryM
MY19790104 AEG 0_30 2 Aerogramme 0.30 Tiger (in stamp indicium)
Stamp indicium like
MY19790104 ST 0_30
Photo on back: Moon Kite from Kota Bharu, Kelantan
MY19790104 AEG 0_30 3 Aerogramme 0.30 Tiger (in stamp indicium)
Stamp indicium like
MY19790104 ST 0_30
Photo on back: Kinabalu Mountain, SabahIL
MY19790104 AEG 0_30 4 Aerogramme 0.30 Tiger (in stamp indicium)
Stamp indicium like
MY19790104 ST 0_30
Photo on back: Asyik DanceCC 1984 - Definitives: Animals (reprint) MY19840000 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
With watermark
For stamp without watermark, see
MY19790104 ST 0_30
MI 189XDLS 15 November 1984 - Installation of Sultan Iskandar of Johor as 8th King of Malaysia This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
MY19841115 FDC 1_50 First Day Cover 1.50
+ 0.20
+ 0.40
+ 0.80)Heraldic Tiger (on two stamps and cachet)
Two Tigers Rampant Supporters
Malaysian CoA
Wild Cat Art
Official FDC with
MY19841115 ST 0_40 and
MY19841115 ST 0_80CC 1 September 1987 - 33rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Kuala Lumpur
This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
MY19870901 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Royal ceremonial sceptre
MI 363M MY19870901 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Royal ceremonial sceptre
MI 364M 14 November 1987 - Protected Wildlife of Malaysia (III) MY19871114 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Asiatic Golden Cat
MI 369ILM MY19871114 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Flat Headed Cat
MI 370MY19871114 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Marbled Cat
MI 370ILM MY19871114 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Clouded Leopard
MI 370
Address sideMY19871114 MC 0_15 Maximum card 0.15 Asiatic Golden Cat (on stamp and card)
Wild Cat paw print (on postmark)
Official MC with
MY19871114 ST 0_15
Address sideMY19871114 MC 0_20 Maximum card 0.20 Flat Headed Cat (on stamp and card)
Wild Cat paw print (on postmark)
Official MC with
MY19871114 ST 0_20
Address sideMY19871114 MC 0_40 Maximum card 0.40 Marbled Cat (on stamp and card)
Wild Cat paw print (on postmark)
Official MC with
MY19871114 ST 0_40
Address sideMY19871114 MC 1_00 Maximum card 1.00 Clouded Leopard (on stamp and card)
Wild Cat paw print (on postmark)
Official MC with
MY19871114 ST 1_00MY19871114 FDC 1_75 First Day Cover 1.75 Asiatic Golden Cat
Flat Headed Cat
Marbled Cat
Clouded Leopard (on one stamp each)
Tiger (in cahet)
Official FDC with all stampsCC MY19871114 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Unidentified Wild Cat
Wild Cat Paw Print
"Hidupan Liar Yang Diperlindungi Siri III"
Biro Peminat Setem [Philatelic Bureau], Kuala Lumpur
14 November 1987CC
Address sideMY19871114 MISC PHQ 1 Unstamped postcard -
(sold at 0.25)Asiatic Golden Cat Post Office Stamp Card #1, series 1/87 showing
MY19871114 ST 0_15CC
Address sideMY19871114 MISC PHQ 2 Unstamped postcard -
(sold at 0.25)Flat Headed Cat
Post Office Stamp Card #2, series 1/87 showing
MY19871114 ST 0_20CC
Address sideMY19871114 MISC PHQ 3 Unstamped postcard -
(sold at 0.25)Marbled Cat
Post Office Stamp Card #3, series 1/87 showing
MY19871114 ST 0_40CC
Address sideMY19871114 MISC PHQ 4 Unstamped postcard -
(sold at 0.25)Clouded Leopard
Post Office Stamp Card #4, series 1/87 showing
MY19871114 ST 1_00
Pages 1-2
Pages 3-4
Page 5 (back)MY19871114 MISC FLY Flyer - Tiger
Flat Headed Cat
Clouded Leopard
Marbled Cat
Asiatic Golden Cat
Promotional flyer from the Philatelic Bureau with details of the issueM 28 March 1989 - Malpex '89 Philatelic Exhibition: Tiger Day MY19890328 PMK 50000 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"Nari sang harimau - Malpex 89"
Kuala Lumpur
28 March 1989CC 1 January 1994 - National Tourism Year MY19940101 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Clouded Leopard
For overprint with Aseampåex '94 logo, see
MY19941108 ST 1_00
MI 509BEB 8 November 1994 - Aseanpex '94, Penang MY19941108 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Clouded Leopard
MY19940101 ST 1_00
overprinsted with exhibition logo
MI 50918 April 1995 - WWF: Clouded Leopard MY19950418 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Clouded Leopard
MI 557ILM MY19950418 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Clouded Leopard
ILMMY19950418 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Clouded Leopard
MI 559DLM MY19950418 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Clouded Leopard
MI 560MY19950418 SH 8_00 Sheetlet 8.00
(2 x 0.02
+ 2 x 0.30
+ 2x 0.50
+ 2 x 1.00)Clouded Leopard (on all stamps)
Sheetlets with 4 each of
MY19950418 ST 0_20
MY19950418 ST 0_30
MY19950418 ST 0_50
MY19950418 ST 1_00
in a se-tenant composition - 4 blocks of 4
MI KB557-560MY19950418 FDC 0_20 2 First Day Cover / Numismatic Cover 0.20 Clouded Leopard (on stamp, postmark, cachet, and coin)
Official WWF Numismatic Cover with
MY19950418 ST 0_20MY19950418 FDC 2_00 First Day Cover 2.00
+ 0.30
+ 0.50
+ 1.00)Clouded Leopard (on stamps, postmark, and cachet)
Local, official FDC with all 4 stamps in setCC MY19950418 MC 0_20 Maximum card 0.20 Clouded Leopard (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Official WWF MC with
MY19950418 ST 0_20MY19950418 MC 0_30 Maximum card 0.30 Clouded Leopard (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Official WWF MC with
MY19950418 ST 0_30MY19950418 MC 0_50 Maximum card 0.50 Clouded Leopard (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Official WWF MC with
MY19950418 ST 0_50MY19950418 MC 1_00 Maximum card 1.00 Clouded Leopard (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Official WWF MC with
MY19950418 ST 1_00MY19950418 PP 3_00 Presentation pack 3.00
(franking value 2.00)Clouded Leopard (on stamps and cover)
Presentation pack with all four stampsBDC MY19950418 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Clouded Leopard
"Harimau Dahan"
Biro Filateli (Philatelic Bureau), Kuala Lumpur
18 April 199512 August 1996 - Aerogrammes: National Parks
BackMY19960812 AEG 0_50 1 Aerogramme 0.50 Leopard Cat (in cachet and on back)
If you know more about the date of issue for this item, please let us know.M
(IL)16 June 1997 - IXth World Youth Football Championship MY19970616 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
MI 646
FDC BackMY19970616 FDC 1_80 First Day Cover 1.80
+ 0.50
+ 1.00)Tiger (on one stamp and cachet)
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
Official FDC with
MY19970616 ST 0_30
and the two other stamps in setCC MY19970616 MISC FLY Flyer - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
Promotional flyer from the Philatelic Bureau with details of the issue9 September 1997 - Malpex '97 National Philatelic Exhibition This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
MY19970909 FDC 2_00 First Day Cover 2.00
+ 0.30
+ 0.50
+ 1.00)Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
MY19970616 ST 0_30
pictured in cachet
Heraldic Tiger (on MS selvedge)
Two Tigers Rampant Supporters
Malaysian CoA
Official FDC with
MY19970909 MS 2_0028 May 1999 - Protected Mammals (I) MY19990528 ST 0_30 2 Stamp 0.30 Leopard
Black Leopard/Panther
Perf. 12½ x 12
Stamp from single-value sheets
MI 749AMY19990528 ST 0_30 7 Stamp 0.30 Leopard
Black Leopard/Panther
Perf. 12¼
Stamp from se-tenant sheets
MI 749CMY19990528 FDC 4_00 1 First Day Cover 4.00 Leopard (on one stamp and in postmark)
Tiger (in cachet)
Official FDC with all 5 stamps from ordinary sheetsIf you have a scan of this item, please share. MY19990528 FDC 4_00 2 First Day Cover 4.00 Leopard (on one stamp and in postmark)
Tiger (in cachet)
Official FDC with se-tenant strip with all 5 stampsMY19990528 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Leopard
"Mamalia Yang Dilindungi"
Biro Filteli (Philatelic Bureau), Kuala Lumpur
28 May 199919 February 2000 - World Table Tennis Championship If you have a scan of this item, please share. MY20000219 ST 0_30 1 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
Perf. 14¼
MI 869AMY20000219 ST 0_30 2 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
Perf. 13¾
MI 869CM MY20000219 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
MI 870CM MY20000219 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
(7 rackets)
MI 871CM
IL2MY20000219 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
(with table tennis table)
Stamp from
MY20000219 MS 2_00
MI 872AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. MY20000219 IMP 0_30 Imperforate stamp 0.30 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
MI 869BMY20000219 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00
(2 x 1.00)Tiger (on one stamp and selvedge)
Cartoon Tiger
Championship Mascot
2-stamp MS with
MY20000219 ST 1_00 2
and another stamp
ILM7 August 2000 - 21st Congress of The International Union of Forest Research Organizations MY2000807 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 Marbled Cat
MI 942ADLS If you have a scan of this item, please share. MY2000807 IMP 0_50 3 Imperforate stamp 0.50 Marbled Cat MY2000807 MS 2_50 Miniature Sheet 2.50 Marbled Cat (on one stamp)
MS with the 5 x 0.50-designs of the set
MI B46ABEB If you have a scan of this item, please share. MY2000807 IMS 2_50 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 2.50 Marbled Cat (on one stamp)
MS with the 5 x 0.50-designs of the set
MI B46B17 December 2002 - Stamp Week: The Tame and the Wild This set also includes a Domestic Cat
MY20021217 ST 0_30 1 Stamp 0.30 Leopard Cat
Mother and 2 kittens
MI 1150M
DLSMY20021217 FDC 2_60 First Day Cover 2.60 Leopard Cat (on stamp)
Stylized Cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
MY20021217 ST 0_30 1
and the three other stamps in setCC 14 June 2004 - Wildlife of the Malaysian Forests MY20040614 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
MI 1255RIL2 7 March 2005 - 20th Anniversary of Proton Automobiles MY20050307 FDC 1_80 First Day Cover 1.80
+ 0.50
+ 1.00)Lion (on postmark and cachet)
Stylized Lion
Proton Logo
Official FDC with the three stamps in setMY20050307 FDC 2_00 First Day Cover 2.00 Lion (on postmark and cachet)
Stylized Lion
Proton Logo
Official FDC with the miniature sheetMY20050307 FDP 30000 First Day Postmark - Biro Filateli (Philatelic Bureau), Ipoh
7 March 2005MY20050307 FDP 40000 First Day Postmark - Biro Filateli (Philatelic Bureau), Shah Alam
7 March 2005MY20050307 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Biro Filateli (Philatelic Bureau), Kuala Lumpur
7 March 2005MY20050307 FDP 70300 First Day Postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
Proton Logo
Biro Filateli (Philatelic Bureau), Seremban
7 March 2005DL MY20050307 MISC FLY Flyer - Lion
Stylized Lion
Proton Logo
Flyer from the Philatelic Bureau promoting the issue13 March 2008 - Nocturnal Animals MY20080313 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Asiatic Golden Cat
There are scans of this stamp with a white border. To our knowledge these stems from early essays/promotional material, and have never been issued in this design. If you have more information on this early design, please let us know.
MI 1548M MY20080313 SH 10_00 Sheet 10.00
(20 x 0.50)Asiatic Golden Cat (on all stamps and 9 labels)
Sheet with 20 x
MY20080313 ST 0_50MY20080313 LB 3 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Two white "stars" above head
Second column, top marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 4 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
One large white "star" to the left of head, smaller "star" to the right
Third column, top marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 9 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Lighter blue background
Second row, left marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 10 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Start tip on top, light cloud in bottom
Second row, right marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 11 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Two stars below head
Third row, left marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 12 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Lighter, "cloudy" background
Third row, right marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 13 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Large gutter label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 14 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Darker blue background
Fourth row, left marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 LB 15 Marginal label - Asiatic Golden Cat
Darker blue background
Fourth row, right marginal label from
MY20080313 SH 10_00MY20080313 MISC BRO Brochure - Asiatic Golden Cat
Brochure from the Philatelic Service describing the issue.23 February 2010 - 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Malaysia and South Korea
Joint issue with South Korea
MY20100223 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Issued se-tenantly with
MY20100223 ST 0_50 2
MI 1704M MY20100223 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Malayan Tiger
Issued se-tenantly with
MY20100223 ST 0_50 1
MI 1705M MY20100223 SH 10_00 Sheetlet 10.00 Tiger (on stamps and in margin)
Joint issue with South Korea
Sheetlet with 10 of each stamp printed se-tenantly
MI KB1704-1705MY20100223 FDC 1_00 First Day Cover 1.00 Tiger (on stamps and in cachet)
Tiger's Paw Print (on postmark)
Joint issue with South Korea
Official FDC with both stampsMY_KR20100223 FDC 1_00__500 First Day Cover 1.00
+ 500Tiger (on stamps, Korean Postmark and in cachet)
Tiger's Paw Print (on Malaysian postmark)
Official FDC with both countries' stamps
This item is also listed under South KoreaMY20100223 FDP 40000 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Tiger's Paw Print
"Keluran bersama Malaysia-Korea"
Shah Alam
23 February 2010MY20100223 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Tiger's Paw Print
"Keluran bersama Malaysia-Korea"
Kuala Lumpur
23 February 2010Marginal label - Tiger
Top marginal label from
MY20100223 SH 10_00M 22 June 2010 - 125th Anniversary of the Malayan Railways This set also includes Heraldic Tigers
MY20100622 ST 0_30 5 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Stamp from booklet
MI 1734MY20100622 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
This set also includes Heraldic Tigers
MI 173028 February 2011 - Malaysia: Winners of the AFF Suzuki Footbal Cup (2010) MY20110228 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Tiger
Malaysia Football Association Logo
MI 1831MY20110228 FDC 1_20 First Day Cover 1.20
(2 x 0.60)Tiger (on one stamp and cachet)
Malaysia Football Association Logo
Official FDC with
MY20110228 ST 0_60 2
and the other stamp in setMY20110228 SH 4_80 Sheetlet 4.80
(8 x 0.60)Tiger (on selvedge)
Malaysia Football Association Logo
8-stamp sheetlet
MI KB1830MY20110228 SH 6_00 Sheetlet 6.00
(10 x 0.60)Tiger (on stamps and selvedge)
Malaysia Football Association Logo
Sheetlet with 10 x
MY20110228 ST 0_60 2
MI KB183021 June 2012 - Traditional Crafts MY20120621 ST 0_80 1 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Lion Dance Costume
MI 196113 May 2013 - Wonders of Malaysian Forests MY20130513 ST 1_00 8 Stamp 1.00 Tiger (part of ear and side only)
Self-adhesive stamp from
MY20130513 MS 5_00 2
MI 2048MY20130513 MS 5_00 2 Miniature sheet 5.00
(5 x 1.00)Tiger (mainly on selvedge, small part on one stamp)
Self-adhesive MS with
MY20130513 ST 1_00 8
and 4 other stampsMY20130513 FDC 5_00 2 First Day Cover 5.00
(5 x 1.00)Tiger (on stamp, selvedge, and postmark)
Official FDC with
MY20130513 MS 5_00 2MY20130513 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Tiger
"Keajaiban hutan-hutan di Malaysia"
Kuala Lumpur
13 May 201323 December 2013 - Endangered Big Cats of Malaysia MY20131223 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60 Leopard (spotted)
MI 2095MY20131223 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Leopard (black)
Black Leopard/Panther
MI 2096MY20131223 ST 0_80 1 Stamp 0.80 Sunda Clouded Leopard
MI 2097MY20131223 ST 0_80 2 Stamp 0.80 Clouded Leopard
MI 2098MY20131223 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Tiger
Stamp from
MY20131223 MS 3_00
For overprinted version, see
MY20140527 ST 3_00
MI 2099MY20131223 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00 Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
MY20131223 ST 3_00
For overprinted version, see
MY20140527 MS 3_00
MI B177
FDC backMY20131223 FDC 2_80 First Day Cover 2.80
(2 x 0.60
+ 2 x 0.80)Leopard (on two stamps and cachet)
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopard (on one stamp each and cachet)
Tiger (in cachet)
Wild Cat Paw Prints (on postmark)
Official FDC with
MY20131223 ST 0_60 1
MY20131223 ST 0_60 2
MY20131223 ST 0_80 1
MY20131223 ST 0_80 2
FDC backMY20131223 FDC 3_00 First Day Cover 3.00 Tiger (on stamp, selvedge, and cachet)
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopard (in cachet)
Wild Cat Paw Prints (on postmark)
Official FDC with
MY20131223 MS 3_00MY20131223 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Wild Cat
Wild Cat Paw Print
"Kucing Liar Terancam Malaysia"
Kuala Lumpur
23 December 2013
Inner cover
Back coverMY20131223 PP 5_50 Presentation pack 5.50 Tiger
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopard
Presentation pack/folder (without stamps).
InteriorMY20131223 MISC FLY Presentation pack 2.80 Leopard
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopard
Information folder from the Philatelic Bureau presenting the issue27 May 2014 - Four Nations Stamp Show, Bandung 2014 MY20140527 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Tiger
Stamp from
MY20140527 MS 3_00
MY20131223 ST 3_00 overprinted with exhibition logo
MI UnlistedMY20140527 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00 Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
MY20140527 ST 3_00
MY20131223 MS 3_00
overprinted with exhibition logo
MI B1775 November 2014 - World Youth Stamp Exhibition 2014 MY20141105 ST 3_00 3 Stamp 3.00 Tiger
Malayan Tiger
Stamp from
MY20141105 MS 5_00 3
MI 2151MY20141105 MS 5_00 3 Miniature sheet 5.00
+ 3.00)Tiger (on one stamp)
Malayan Tiger
2-stamp MS with
MY20141105 ST 3_00 3
and another stamp
MI B1872015 - 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo Malaysia
This issue is mainly listed under Domestic Cats
If you have more information about this issue, please let us know.
MY20150000 PSH 4_00 5 Personalised sheetlet 4.00
(4 x 0.35
+ 4 x 0.65)
(Sold at 20.00)Unspecified breed (on labels and selvedge)
Cartoon Cat
MI KB1857-1860 (personalised)MY20150000 PLB 33 Personalised label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Doraemon and Doremi
Lion Dance
Personalised label from
MY20150000 PSH 4_00 52015 - Singapore 2015 International Philatelic Exhibition
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MY20150000 MS 8_00 Miniature sheet 8.00
(2 x 4.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
Exhibition Logo
MS originally issued 25 February 2015, overprinted with exhibition logo
MI B195I1 October 2016 - Definitive Stamps for International Mail MY20161001 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Lion Dance Costume
MI 2279M
ILMMY20161001 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
MI 2281M
ILM20 December 2016 - Gold Medallists of the Paralympic Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro Sheetlet 14.25
(15 x
0.95)Tiger (in margin)
Cartoon Tiger
Paralympics Team Mascot
MI Bo2307MY20161220 FDC 0_95 First Day Cover 0.95 Tiger (on postmark and cachet)
Cartoon Tiger
Paralympics Team Mascot
Official FDCCC MY20161220 FDP 50670 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Paralympics Team Mascot
"Kegemilangang Emas di Paralimpik Rio 2016"
Kuala Lumpur
20 December 2016CC MY20161220 LB 1 Marginal label - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Paralympics Team Mascot
Large upper marginal label from
MY20161220 SH 14_25M MY20161220 MISC FLY Information folder Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Paralympics Team Mascot
Information flyer from the Philatelic Bureau presenting the issueM List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from TS Tan, Ron Berger, Greg Balagian, Marci Jarvis, KC Tee,
Chun Hao Chong, Mohammad Kamal Bahrain, and Shaun Stevens.
Latest update: 18 July, 2018