Stamps inscribed 'Republic of Korea' and '
대한민국우표' or 'Korea' and '
<- 1949 Japanese stamps used
1949 ->
From 1949: 1 Won = 100 Jeon
From 1953: 1 Hwan = 100 Jeon = 100 Won
From 1962: 1 Won (KRW) = 100 Jeon = 10 Hwan
Checklists > Countries > Sout Korea Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
For representations of the "White Tiger" (Deity in dragon form), See South Korea Mythic Cats
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1957 Definitives - National Symbols KR19570705 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Diamond-shaped wavy watermark
MI 248AKR19570705 IMP 0_30 Imperforate Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Stamp cut from MS
Diamond-shaped wavy watermark
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19570705 MS 0_30 Miniature Sheet 0.30 Tiger
MS with imperforate stamp 110 x 84 mm
Diamond-shaped wavy watermark
MI B1141958 Definitives - National Symbols KR19580815 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Tiger
Perf. 12 1/2
With single symbol watermark
MI 269A1959 Postal Week KR19590520 IMP 0_30 Imperforate Stamp 0.30 Tiger
With single symbol watermark
MI 269BKR19590520 MS 1_00 Miniature Sheet 1.00 Tiger
Imperforate MS with
and 3 other imp. stamps
MI B1331966 Fauna KR19661215 ST 7 Stamp 7 Tiger
MI 569KR19661215 IMP 7 Imperforate stamp 7 Tiger
Stamp cut from MS
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19661215 MS 7 Miniature Sheet 7 Tiger
MS with imperforate stamp 90 x 60 mm
MI B2451967 Year of the Ape KR19671210 ST 7 Stamp 7 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 600KR19671210 IMP 7 Imperforate stamp 7 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19671210 MS 7 Miniature Sheet 7 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MS with imperforate stamp
MI B2661970 Fairytales KR19700105 ST 5 Stamp 5Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"Mother meets the tiger"
Wild Cats in Literature
MI 696KR19700105 ST 7 Stamp 7Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The tiger in disguise"
Wild Cats in Literature
MI 697KR19700105 ST 10 Stamp 10Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The Children takes refuge in tree"
Wild Cats in Literature
MI 698KR19700105 ST 20 Stamp 20Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The Children escapes on a cloud"
Wild Cats in Literature
MI 699KR19700105 IMP 5 Imperforate stamp 5Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"Mother meets the tiger"
Wild Cats in Literature
Stamp cut from MS
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19700105 IMP 7 Imperforate stamp 7Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The tiger in disguise"
Wild Cats in Literature
Stamp cut from MS
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19700105 IMP 10 Imperforate stamp 10Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The Children takes refuge in tree"
Wild Cats in Literature
Stamp cut from MS
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19700105 IMP 20 Imperforate stamp 20 Cartoon Tiger
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The Children escapes on a cloud"
Wild Cats in Literature
Stamp cut from MS
MI IMP not numbered separatelyKR19700105 MS 5 Miniature sheet 5 Cartoon Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
"The Sun and the Moon"
"Mother meets the tiger"
Wild Cats in Literature
MS with imperforate stamp
MI B295KR19700105 MS 7 Miniature sheet 7 Cartoon Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The tiger in disguise"
Wild Cats in Literature
MS with imperforate stamp
MI B296KR19700105 MS 10 Miniature sheet 10 Cartoon Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The Children takes refuge in tree"
Wild Cats in Literature
MS with imperforate stamp
MI B297KR19700105 MS 20 Miniature sheet 20 Cartoon Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
"The Sun and the Moon"
"The Children escapes on a cloud"
Wild Cats in Literature
MS with imperforate stamp
MI B29830 October 1970 - Animal Paintings from the Yi Dynasty KR19701030 ST 30 1 Stamp 30 Tiger Painting
"The Wild Tiger by Shim Sa-yung (1707-1769)
Stamp from sheets, perf. 13
MI 739AKR19701030 ST 30 2 Stamp 30 Tiger Painting
"The Wild Tiger by Shim Sa-yung (1707-1769)
Stamp from
Perf. 13 x 13½
MI 739CKR19701030 IMP 30 1 Imperforate stamp 30 Tiger Painting
"The Wild Tiger" by Shim Sa-yung (1707-1769)
Imperforate stamp from ordinary sheets, without printed "perforation"
MI UnlistedKR19701030 IMP 30 4 Imperforate stamp 30 Tiger Painting
"The Wild Tiger" by Shim Sa-yung (1707-1769)
Imperforate stamp from
KR19701030 IMS 60 1
with printed "perforation"
MI 739BKR19701030 MS 60 1 Miniature Sheet 60 Tiger Painting
"The Wild Tiger by Shim Sa-yung (1707-1769)
Perforated MS with 2 x
KR19701030 ST 30 2
MI B314CKR19701030 IMS 60 1 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 60 Tiger Painting
"The Wild Tiger by Shim Sa-yung (1707-1769)
Perforated MS with 2 x
KR19701030 IMP 30 1
Printed "perforations"
MI B314B1973 Year of the Tiger KR19731201 ST 10 1 Stamp 10 Cartoon Tiger
MI 899KR19731201 MS 20 1 Miniature Sheet 20 Cartoon Tiger
MS with 2 x
KR19731201 ST 10 1
MI B3721974 Lottery (?) Postcard KR1974XXXX PC 5 Prepaid Postcard 5 Stylized Tiger
on stamp insignia
If you know the date of issue or know more about this issue, please let us know1974 Korean Musical Instruments II KR19740420 ST 30 Stamp 30 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Eu (instrument) in the shape of a Tiger
MI 918
KR19740420 MS 60 Stamp 30Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Eu (instrument) in the shape of a Tiger
MS with 2x
KR19740420 ST 30
MI B380
1980 Traditional Paintings KR19800310 ST 60 Stamp 60Tiger
Wild Cat Art
MI 11901980 5000 Years of Korean Art I KR19800520 ST 30 2 Stamp 30Tiger Statue
Wild Cat Art
MI 12011983 Definitives KR19831201 ST 5000 Stamp 5000Tiger
Perf. 12 3/4
Two dotted lines beneath the tiger
Also see 1984 Philakorea '84 issue
MI 1357A1984 Centenary of Korean Post / Philakorea '84 IV KR19840210 ST 70 Stamp 70Tiger
Wild Cats and Philately
Stamp on stamp showing
KR19831201 ST 5000
MI 13601984 Philakorea '84 KR19841022 ST 5000 Stamp 5000Tiger
Wild Cats and Philately
Design similar to
KR19831201 ST 5000
but with perf.
13 1/4, a 0.6 mm taller design and three dotted lines beneath the tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 1357CKR19841022 IMP 5000 Imperforate stamp 5000Tiger
Cats and philately
Design similar to
KR19831201 ST 5000
but with a 0.6 mm taller design
Stamp from IMP MS
MI 1357BKR19841022 MS 5000 1 Miniature Sheet 5000Tiger
Cats and philately
MS with single KR19841022 ST 5000
MI B496AKR19841022 MS 5000 2 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 5000Tiger
Cats and philately
MS with single KR19841022 IMP 5000
MI B496A198X Aerogrammes KR198XXXXX AEG 350 1 Aerogramme 350 Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on stamp insignia) carrying South Korean flag
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowKR198XXXXX AEG 350 2 Aerogramme 350Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on stamp insignia) carrying Olympic Torch
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowKR198XXXXX AEG 350 3 Aerogramme 350Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on back) flanking the letters 'KOREA'
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowKR198XXXXX AEG 350 4 Aerogramme 350Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on back) flanking the letters 'SEOUL'
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know1985 Postal Stationary KR1985XXXX PC 40 1 Prepaid Postcard 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on stamp indicum)
If you know the exact date of issue for this postcard, please let us knowKR1985XXXX PC 50 1 Prepaid Postcard 50Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on stamp indicum)
If you know the exact date of issue for this postcard, please let us know1985 Seoul Olympics I KR19850320 ST 70__30 2 Stamp 70 + 30Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
MI 1401KR19850320 MS 140__60 Miniature Sheet 140 + 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
MS with
KR19850320 ST 70__30 2
and the other stamp from the set
MI B500KR19850320 FDC 140__60 First Day Cover 140 + 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
FDC with set of stampsKR19850320 FDC MS 140__60 First Day Cover 140 + 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
FDC with MSKR19850320 FDP 2 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics MascotKR19850320 MC 70__30 2 Maximum Card 70
+ 30Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot1985 Seoul Olympics II KR19850610 MS 140__60 Miniature Sheet 140
+ 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Steeplechase, Rowing
MI B504KR19850610 FDC MS 140__60 First Day Cover 140
+ 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Steeplechase, Rowing
FDC with MSKR19850610 FDP 1 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge) RunningKR19850610 FDP 2 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge) Rowing1985 Seoul Olympics III KR19850916 MS 140__60 Miniature Sheet 140
+ 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Basketball, Boxing
MI B507KR19850916 FDC MS 140__60 First Day Cover 140 + 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Basketball, Boxing
FDC with MSKR19850916 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
BasketballKR19850916 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Boxing1985 Seoul Olympics IV KR19851101 MS 140__60 Miniature Sheet 140 + 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Kayak, Cycling
MI B508KR19851101 FDC MS 140__60 First Day Cover 140 + 60Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Kayak, Cycling
FDC with MSKR19851101 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
KayakKR19851101 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Cycling1985 Year of the Tiger KR19851202 ST 70 Stamp 70"Cartoonish" Tiger Relief from the Tomb of General Yu-Shin
MI 14301986 Seoul
Olympics VKR19860325 MS 1480__400 Miniature Sheet 1480 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B510KR19860325 MS 1600__400 Miniature Sheet 1600 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B511KR19860325 MS 1760__400 Miniature Sheet 1760 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B512KR19860325 MS 1880__400 Miniature Sheet 1880 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Gymnastics (rings)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B513KR19860325 FDC MS 1480__400 First Day Cover 1480 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19860325 FDC MS 1600__400 First Day Cover 1600 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19860325 FDC MS 1760__400 First Day Cover 1760 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19860325 FDC MS 1880__400 First Day Cover 1880 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Gymnastics (rings)
FDC with MSKR19860325 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
RidingKR19860325 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
FencingKR19860325 FDP 3 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
FootballKR19860325 FDP 4 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Gymnastics (rings)1986 Seoul Olympics VI KR19861010 MS 1480__400 Miniatrure Sheet 1480 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B522KR19861010 MS 1600__400 Miniatrure Sheet 1600 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B523KR19861010 FDC MS 1480__400 First Day Cover 1480 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19861010 FDC MS 1600__400 First Day Cover 1600 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19861010 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
WeightliftingKR19861010 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Handball1986 Seoul
Olympics VIIKR19861101 MS 1760__400 Miniature Sheet 1760 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B525KR19861101 MS 1880__400 Miniature Sheet 1880 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 4 stamps
MI B526KR19861101 FDC MS 1760__400 First Day Cover 1760 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19861101 FDC MS 1880__400 First Day Cover 1880 + 400Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19861101 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
JudoKR19861101 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Hockey1987 Edangered Species KR19870225 ST 80 1 Stamp 80Siberian Tiger
MI 1500Issued in vertical se-tenant sheets (with 2 further stamps in set) KR19870225 ST 80 2 Stamp 80Leopard Cat
MI 15011987 Seoul Olympics VIII KR19870525 MS 160__100 1 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 2 stamps
MI B528KR19870525 MS 160__100 2 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 2 stamps
MI B529KR19870525 MS 160__100 3 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Modern Pentathlon: Show Jumping
MS with 2 stamps
MI B530KR19870525 MS 160__100 4 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 2 stamps
MI B531KR19870525 FDC MS 160__100 1 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19870525 FDC MS 160__100 2 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19870525 FDC MS 160__100 3 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Modern Pentathlon: Show Jumping
FDC with MSKR19870525 FDC MS 160__100 4 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19870525 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
WrestlingKR19870525 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
DivingKR19870525 FDP 3 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Modern Pentathlon: Show JumpingKR19870525 FDP 4 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Tennis1987 Seoul Olympics IX KR19871010 MS 160__100 1 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Ping Pong
MS with 2 stamps
MI B537KR19871010 MS 160__100 2 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 2 stamps
MI B538KR19871010 MS 160__100 3 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 2 stamps
MI B539KR19871010 MS 160__100 4 Miniature Sheet 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MS with 2 stamps
MI B540KR19871010 FDC MS 160__100 1 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Ping Pong
FDC with MSKR19871010 FDC MS 160__100 2 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19871010 FDC MS 160__100 3 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19871010 FDC MS 160__100 4 First Day Cover 160 + 100Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19871010 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Ping PongKR19871010 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
ShootingKR19871010 FDP 3 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
BowmanshipKR19871010 FDP 3 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Volleyball1988 Olympic Meter Franks KR1988 MF SEOUL LPO OLY 1 Meter Frank -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (greeting posture)
Seoul LPOKR1988 MF KWANGK OLY 1 Meter Frank -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (in traditional costume)
KwangkwamunKR1988 MF KWANGIU OLY 1 Meter Frank -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (smoking pipe)
Kwangiu1988 Seoul
Olympics XKR19880305 MS 160__40 1 Miniature Sheet 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MI B542KR19880305 MS 160__40 2 Miniature Sheet 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Tae Kwondo
MI B543KR19880305 FDC MS 160__40 1 First Day Cover 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19880305 FDC MS 160__40 2 First Day Cover 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Tae Kwondo
FDC with MSKR19880305 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
SailingKR19880305 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Tae Kwondo1988 Seoul
Olympics XIKR19880506 MS 160__40 1 Miniature Sheet 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Torch Runner
MI B544KR19880506 MS 160__40 2 Miniature Sheet 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Olympic Stadium
MI B545KR19880506 FDC MS 160__40 1 First Day Cover 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Torch Runner
FDC with MSKR19880506 FDC MS 160__40 2 First Day Cover 160 + 40Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Olympic Stadium
FDC with MSKR19880506 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Torch RunnerKR19880506 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Carrying Flag1988 Seoul
Olympics XIIKR19880916 MS 160 1 Miniature Sheet 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Pierre de Coubertin
MI B546KR19880916 MS 160 2 Miniature Sheet 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Bridgelike building
MI B547KR19880916 MS 160 3 Miniature Sheet 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Seoul skyline
MI B548KR19880916 MS 160 4 Miniature Sheet 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
MI B549KR19880916 FDC MS 160 1 First Day Cover 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Pierre de Coubertin
FDC with MSKR19880916 FDC MS 160 2 First Day Cover 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Bridgelike building
FDC with MSKR19880916 FDC MS 160 3 First Day Cover 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
Seoul skyline
FDC with MSKR19880916 FDC MS 160 4 First Day Cover 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on selvedge)
FDC with MSKR19880916 FDP 1 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Tipping hatKR19880916 FDP 2 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
In traditional Korean costume, wavingKR19880916 FDP 3 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Within heartKR19880916 FDP 4 First Day Postmark -Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
MarchingKR19980916 PC 60 1988 OLYM-
PHILEX '88KR19880919 ST 80 Stamp 80Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Wild Cats and Philately
MI 1571KR19880919 MS 160 Miniature Sheet 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cats and Philately
MS with 2 x
KR19880919 ST 80
MI B550KR19880919 FDC MS 160 First Day Cover 160Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot (on stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cats and Philately
FDC with MSKR19880919 PC 80 Prepaid Postcard 80Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Wild Cats and Philately1993 Art and Culture - Embroidered Symbols of Rank (Hyoongbae) of the Chosum Dynasty KR19931011 ST 110 4 Stamp 110Tigers
Though spotted - Looks more like leopards to us
MI 17631994 Dental Health Postcard KR19940000 PC 80 1 Pre-stamped Postcard 80Cartoon Lion (in cachet)
Lion and Rebbit brushing teeth)
If you know the date of issue for this item or have any other information about it, please let us know1997 Year of the Tiger KR19971201 ST 170 1 Stamp 170Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 1955KR19971201 ST 170 2 Stamp 170Tiger Painting
Year of the Tiger
MI 1956KR19971201 MS 340 1 Miniature Sheet 340Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MS with 2 x
KR19971201 ST 170 1
Tiger design also on selvedge
MI B646KR19971201 MS 340 2 Miniature Sheet 340Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MS with 2 x
KR19971201 ST 170 2
Tiger design also on selvedge
MI B6471998 Environmental Protection IV KR19980321 ST 340 1 Stamp 340Amur Leopard
MI 19651998 50th Anniversary of the South Korean Army KR19981001 ST 170 Stamp 170Leopard Eye
MI 19951999 Postal Stationary KR1999XXXX PC 140 1 Prepaid Post Card 140Tiger (in picture on address side)
If you know the date of issue or know more about this issue, please let us know2001 Olympic Exhibition KR20010427 ST 170 Stamp 170Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Cats and philately
MI 2179KR20010427 MS 340 Miniature Sheet 340Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympics Mascot
Cats and philately
MS with 2 x
KR20010427 ST 170
MI B6932004 World Heritage VIII KR20041209 ST 310 2 Stamp 310Lion Statue
MI 24502006 FIFA World Cup Germany KR20060609 ST 220 2 Stamp 220Plush Lion (World Cup Mascot)
MI 2523KR20060609 FDC 440 First Day Cover 440Plush Lion (World Cup Mascot) (on stamp only) 2008 African Savannah KR20080326 ST 250 2 Stamp 250Stylized Leopard (cartoonish)
Self-adhesive stamp from a 4 stamps MS where the fan-shaped stamps form a circle
MI 2632KR20080326 MS 1000 Miniature Sheet 1000Stylized Leopard (cartoonish)
Self-adhesive 4-stamp MS where the fan-shaped stamps form a circle
MI Not numbered separatelyKR20080326 SH 4000 Sheetlet 4000Stylized Leopard (cartoonish)
Sheetlet of 4 self-adhesive 4-stamp MS where the fan-shaped stamps form a circle and a composite deign on the selvedgeKR20080326 FDC 250
FDC Back
First Day Cover 250Stylized Leopard (cartoonish)
FDC with
KR20080326 ST 250 22008 Dangun Wanggeom KR20080710 ST 250 2 Stamp 250Tiger
MI 2651KR20080710 MS 3000 Miniature Sheet 3000Tiger
MS with 3 x sets of
KR20080710 ST 250 2
and 3 other stamps in set
MI Classified as sheetlet - no numberKR20080710 FDC 250 2
FDC back
First Day Cover 250Tiger
Single stamp FDC with
KR20080710 ST 250 2KR20080710 MISC LEAF Information Leaflet -Tiger
Information Leaflet Presenting the issue2009 Geumwawang of Buyeo Kingdom KR20090818 ST 250 4 Stamp 250Tigers KR20090818 MS 3000 Sheetlet 3000Tigers (on 3 stamps)
MS with 3 x all 4 stamps in set2009 Definitives - National Treasures KR20091117 ST 1000 Stamp 1000Lion
Wild Cat Art
Celadon incense burner with lion-shaped lid (12th c.)2009 Year of the Tiger KR20091201 ST 250 Stamp 250Tiger
Year of the TigerKR20091201 MS 500 Miniature Sheet 500Tiger (on stamps and selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
MS with 2 x
KR20091201 ST 250KR20091201 FDC 250 First Day Cover 250Tiger (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Year of the TigerKR20091201 FDP First Day Postmark -Tiger
Year of the Tiger
1 December 20092010 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Malaysia and South Korea KR20100223 ST 250 1 Stamp 250Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Joint issue with Malaysia
MI 2748KR20100223 ST 250 2 Stamp 250Tiger
Malay Tiger
Joint issue with Malaysia
MI 2749KR20100223 SH 2500 Sheetlet 2500Tiger (on stamps and selvedge)
Siberian Tiger
Malay Tiger
Joint issue with Malaysia
Sheetlet with five of each stamp
MI KB2748-2749KR20100223 FDC 250 1 First Day Cover 250Tiger (on stamp. postmark and cachet)
Siberian Tiger
Joint issue with Malaysia
Official FDC with
KR20100223 ST 250 1KR20100223 FDC 250 2 First Day Cover 250Tiger (on stamp. postmark and cachet)
Malay Tiger
Joint issue with Malaysia
Official FDC with
KR20100223 ST 250 2MY_KR20100223 FDC 1_00__500 First Day Cover 1.00
+ 500Tiger (on stamps, Korean Postmark and in cachet)
Tiger's Paw Print (on Malaysian postmark)
Official FDC with both countries' stamps
This item is also listed under MalaysiaKR20100223 PP 3000 Presentation pack 3000 Tiger (on cover, stamps and postmark)
Presentation pack with stamps of both countries
As far as we know, the PP was only for sale in South KoreaList compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from TS Tan, Nahum Shereshevsky, Kim Do Lai, K.W. Pak, Marci Jarvis,
Robert Jarvis, Ron Berger, and Greg Balagian.
Latest update: 21 June, 2019