Stamps inscribed 'Latvija', 'Latvijas PSR', or 'Latvijas Pasts'
<- 1918 Part of Russian Empire
1918 - 1940 Independent Republic
1940 - 1941 Part of the Soviet Union with stamps issued for the Latvian PSR
1941 - 1945 German Occupation
1945 - 1991 Part of the Soviet Union
1991 ->
From 1918: 1 Rublis = 100 Kapeiku
From 1922: 1 Lats = 100 Santims (=50 Rublis)
From 1991: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopek
From 1992: 1 Rublis (LVR) = 100 Kapeiku (=1 SUR)
From 1993: 1 Lats (LVL) = 100 Santims (=200 LVR)
From 2014: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (=LVL 0.702804)
Checklists > Countries > Latvia Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Note: The national Coat of Arms of Latvia includes a Griffin. Items showing this CoA are only listed under Heraldic Cats.
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 18 November 1938 - 20th Anniversary of Independence
Valid to 20 April 1941, and again 8 July - 20 September 1941
This issue is known with various perforations and inverted watermarks. We list all varieties that have been confirmed to us. If you have further details, please let us know.These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats.
LV19381118 ST 0_03 1 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10:10¼
Normal watermark
MI 264YLV19381118 ST 0_03 2 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10:10¼
Inverted watermark
MI 264ZIf you have a scan of this item, please share. LV19381118 ST 0_03 3 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10:10½
Normal watermark
MI 264YLV19381118 ST 0_03 4 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10:10½
Inverted watermark
MI 264ZLV19381118 ST 0_03 5 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10¼:10¾
Normal watermark
MI 264YIf you have a scan of this item, please share. LV19381118 ST 0_03 6 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10¼:10¾
Inverted watermark
MI 264ZLV19381118 ST 0_03 7 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10
Normal watermark
MI 264YLV19381118 ST 0_03 8 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10
Inverted watermark
MI 264ZLV19381118 ST 0_03 9 Stamp 0.03 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Perf. 10:10¼
Imperf. bottom
Normal watermark
MI 264Y (variety)LV19381118 ST 0_05 1 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Latgale CoA
Perf. 10:10¼
Normal watermark
MI 265YLV19381118 ST 0_05 2 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Latgale CoA
Perf. 10:10¼
Inverted watermark
MI 265ZIf you have a scan of this item, please share.
This item might might exist with at least 28 different combinations of watermarks and perforations, and we will not list all possible combinations.
LL19381118 BK 0_30 Booklet 0.30
(10 x 0.03)Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
LV19381118 ST 0_03
MI MH???If you have a scan of this item, please share.
This item might might exist with at least 28 different combinations of watermarks and perforations, and we will not list all possible combinations.
LL19381118 BK 0_50 Booklet 0.50
(10 x 0.05)Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Latgale CoA
Booklet with 10 x
LV1938118 ST 0_05
MI MH???This item might exists with nearly 4000 combinations of watermarks and perforations, and we will not list all possible combinations.
LL19381118 BK 2_02 Booklet 2.02
(4 x 0.03
+ 4 x 0.05
+ 2 x 0.10
+ 4 x 0.20
+ 2 x 0.35)Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Rampant
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Armed Griffin Rampant
Livonia CoA
Latgale CoA
Riga CoA
Kurzeme/Courland CoA
Booklet with 4 x
LV19381118 ST 0_03
4 x
LV1938118 ST 0_05
2 x
LV19381118 ST 0_35
and 6 other stamps
MI MH???21 June 1994 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19940621 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Vidzeme/Livonia CoA
Marked '1994'
MI 373AILV19940621 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Latgale CoA
Marked '1994'
MI 374AILV19940621 FDC 0_19 First day cover 0.19
+ 0.03
+ 0.05
+0.10)Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin (on stamps, postmark, and in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Kurzeme/Courland CoA
Armed Griffin Rampant
Vidzeme/Livonia CoA
Latgale CoA
Official FDC with
LV19940621 ST 0_01
LV19940621 ST 0_05
LV19940621 ST 0_10
and the fourth stamp in setLV19940621 FDP 1050 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Kurzeme/Courland CoA
Vidzeme/Livonia CoA
Latgale CoA
"Latvija - Primā Diena - Premier Jour"
Riga 50
21 June 19941 June 1995 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19950601 ST 0_16 Stamp 0.16 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Ainaži Coat of Arms
MI 400I30 January 1996 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19960130 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Vidzeme/Livonia CoA
Marked '1996'
MI 373AII8 April 1996 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19960408 ST 0_16 Stamp 0.16 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Ainaži Coat of Arms
MI 400II28 August 1997 - Definitives: Coats of Arms This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19970828 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Latgale CoA
Marked '1997'
MI 374AIII6 September 1997 - Definitives: Coats of Arms
Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19970906 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Rezekne CoA
Marked '1997'
MI464AIxLV19970906 FDC 0_30 First day cover 0.30
+ 0.20)Heraldic Griffin (on one stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Griffin Rampant
Rezekne CoA
Official FDC with
LV19970906 ST 0_20CC LV19970906 FDP 1050 Firs day postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Rezekne CoA
"Latvija - Pirmā Diena - Premier Jour"
Rīga 50
6 September 1997CC 4 August 1998 - Definitives: Coats of Arms This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19980804 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Latgale CoA
Marked '1997'
MI 374AIV20 January 1999 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19990120 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Vidzeme/Livonia CoA
Marked '1999'
MI 373CV10 April 1999 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV19990410 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Jelgava CoA
Marked '1999'
MI 498AILV19990410 FDC 0_40 First day cover 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin (on stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Lion Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Jelgava CoA
Official FDC with
LV19990410 ST 0_40LV19990410 FDP 1050 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Jelgava CoA
"Pirmā Diena - Premier Jour"
Rīga 50
10 April 199926 April 2000 - Definitives: Coats of Arms This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV20000426 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Vidzeme/Livonia CoA
Marked '2000'
MI 373CVI7 September 2004 - Definitives: Coats of Arms Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LV20040907 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Griffin
Lion Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Jelgava CoA
Marked '2004'
MI 498CIIList compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Sergey Osimov and Elisabeth Hallsjö.
Latest update: 17 August, 2019