Stamps inscribed 'Republic of Korea' and '
대한민국우표' or 'Korea' and '
<- 1949 Japanese stamps used
1949 ->
From 1949: 1 Won = 100 Jeon
From 1953: 1 Hwan = 100 Jeon = 100 Won
From 1962: 1 Won (KRW) = 100 Jeon = 10 Hwan
Checklists > Countries > Sout Korea Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 30 October 1970 - Animal Paintings from the Yi Dynasty KR19701030 ST 30 3 Stamp 30 Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cats and Sparrows" by Pyun Sang-byuk
Stamp from sheets, perf. 13
MI 740AKR19701030 ST 30 4 Stamp 30
Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cats and Sparrows" by Pyun Sang-byuk
Stamp from MS, perf. 13 x 13 1/2
MI 740CKR19701030 IMP 30 2 Imperforate stamp 30 Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cats and Sparrows" by Pyun Sang-byuk
Imperforate stamp from ordinary sheets without printed "perforation"
MI UnlistedKR19701030 IMP 30 5 Imperforate stamp 30 Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cats and Sparrows" by Pyun Sang-byuk
Imperforate stamp from MS with printed "perforation"
MI 740BKR19701030 MS 60 3 Miniature Sheet 60 Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cats and Sparrows" by Pyun Sang-byuk
MS with 2 x
KR19701030 ST 30 4
MI B315CKR19701030 IMS 60 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 60 Unspecified Breed
Cat Painting
"Cats and Sparrows" by Pyun Sang-byuk
MS with 2 x
KR19701030 IMP 30 2
With printed "perforation"
MI B315B20 July 1971 - Paintings of the Yi-dynasty KR19710720 ST 10 1 Stamp 10 Unspecified breed
Gats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cat Hunt"
MI 800KR19710720 MS 20 1 Stamp 20
(2 x 10)Unspecified breed
Gats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cat Hunt"
MS with 2 x
KR19710720 ST 10 1
MI B336KR19710720 FDC 10 1 First day cover 10 Unspecified breed (on stamp and in cachet)
Gats in Art
Cat Painting
"Cat Hunt"
Official FDC with
KR19710720 ST 10 1BDC 4 May 1995 - Comics KR19950504 MS 440 Miniature sheet 440 Cartoon Cat
(on selvedge)
"Kochuboo" by Kim Yong-hwan
MI B6114 May 1996 - Comics KR19960504 MS 150 Miniature sheet 150 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (on selvedge)
"Gobau" by Kim Song-hwan
MI B62122 July 2004 - Philatley Week KR20040722 ST 190 Stamp 190 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
MI 2415KR20040722 MS 380 Miniature Sheet 380
(2 x 190)Unspecified breed (on stamps)
Cartoon Cat
MS with 2 x
KR20040722 ST 190
MI B7271 August 2010 - Korean Philatelic Convention If you can transcribe and/or translate the Korean text for us, please get in touch.
KR20100801 PMK 135731 Commemorative Postmark - Unspecified Breed
COEX Convention Center, Seoul
1 August 201022 February 2011 - Korean Animation (I): Pororo the Litte Penguin KR20110222 ST 250 10 Stamp 250 Cartoon Cat
Rody, the Cat Robot
Free-form shaped, self-adhesive stamp
MI 2807KR20110222 SH 2500 Sheetlet 2500 Cartoon Cat (on one stamp and selvedge)
Rody, the Cat Robot
Sheetlet of 10 self-adhesive stamps
MI FB2798-280722 February 2012 - Korean Animation II KR20120222 ST 270 4 Stamp 270 Unspecified breed
Cat costume
Garu from the Pucca & Friends Series
MI 2860KR20120222 SH 2700 Sheetlet 2700
(10 x 270)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and 4 labels)
Cat costume
Garu from the Pucca & Friends Series (on stamp)
Cartoon cats (on four labels)
Self-adhesive sheetlet with
KR20120222 ST 270 4
and 9 other stamps
MI FB2857-2866KR20120222 LB 1 Self-adhesive label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat from the Pucca & Friends Series
First row, left label from
KR20120222 SH 2700KR20120222 LB 2 Self-adhesive label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat from the Pucca & Friends Series
First row, right label from
KR20120222 SH 2700KR20120222 LB 5 Self-adhesive label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat from the Pucca & Friends Series
Second row, left label from
KR20120222 SH 2700KR20120222 LB 6 Self-adhesive label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat from the Pucca & Friends Series
Second row, right label from
KR20120222 SH 27002 May 2017 - Love and Happiness KR20170502 ST 330 3 Stamp 330 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Laughing Family by Jang Suk-yeong
MI 32081 July 2019 - Definitives KR20190701 ST 2180 Stamp 2180 Unspecified breed
MI ???KR20190701 FDP 04535 1 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"일반 우표 (2180엔) 국정추묘" ["General postage stamp 2,180 Won - A country's Story"]
서울 중앙 (Seoul CPO)
1 July 20196 April 2021 - Folding Screen with Birds, Flowers, and Animals
Information on the issue from the K-Stamp (Korean Philatelic Service) Portal
KR20210406 ST 380 7 Stamp 380 Unspecified breed
Cats in art
Cat painting on folding screen, painted by Jang Seung-eop (1843-1897)
Stamp from
KR20210406 SH 3800
MI ???KR20210406 SH 3800 Sheetlet 3800
(10 x 380)Unspecified breed
Cats in art
Cat painting on folding screen, painted by Jang Seung-eop (1843-1897)
Sheetlet with
and 9 other stamps forming a composite design.
MI KB???List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Kim Do Lai, TS Tan, Patrick Roberts, and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 10 August, 2021