Kyrgyz Pochtasy (State Postal Enterprise)
Stamps inscribed 'Kyrgyzstan' and/or 'Қыргызстан' or 'Қыргыз Републикасы' and 'Republic of Kirgizia'
<- 1919 Part of the Russian Empire
1919 - 1992 Part of the Soviet Union
1992 -> IndependenceFrom 2012 Kyrgyzstan has two designated postal operators - both recognized by the UPU. This list consists of issues by Kyrgyz Pochtasy (State Postal Enterprise). See separate lists for stamps issued by Kyrgyz Express Post.
From 1992: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopeks
From 1993: 1 Som (KGS) = 100 Tyiyn (= 200 SUR)
Checklists > Countries > Kyrgyzstan Domestic Cats Also see Kyrgyzstan Domestic Cats
Kyrgyz Express Post Wild CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 4 April 2015 - Cats and Dogs KG20150404 ST 35_00 Stamp 35.00 Persian
MI 819AKG20150404 ST 62_00 Stamp 62.00 Siamese
MI 820AKG20150404 IMP 35_00 Imperforate stamp 35.00 Persian
MI 819BKG20150404 IMP 62_00 Imperforate stamp 62.00 Siamese
MI 820BKG20150404 MS 200_00 Miniature sheet 200.00
+ 35.00
+ 62.00
+ 74.00)Persian
Siamese (on one stamp each)
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
KG20150404 ST 35_00
KG20150404 ST 62_00
and two other stamps
MI B71AKG20150404 IMS 200_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 200.00
+ 35.00
+ 62.00
+ 74.00)Persian
Siamese (on one stamp each)
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
KG20150404 IMP 35_00
KG20150404 IMP 62_00
and two other stamps
MI B71BKG20150404 SH 174_00 Sheetlet 174.00
(6 x 29.00)Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
6-stamp sheetlet
MI KB818AKG20150404 SH 210_00 Sheetlet 210.00
(6 x 35.00)Persian (on stamps)
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 6 x
KG20150404 ST 35_00
MI KB819AKG20150404 SH 372_00 Sheetlet 372.00
(6 x 62.00)Siamese (on stamps)
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 6 x
KG20150404 ST 62_00
MI KB820AKG20150404 SH 444_00 Sheetlet 444.00
(6 x 74.00)Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
6-stamp sheetlet
MI KB821AKG20150404 ISH 174_00 Imperforate sheetlet 174.00
(6 x 29.00)Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
6-stamp sheetlet
MI KB818BKG20150404 ISH 210_00 Imperforate sheetlet 210.00
(6 x 35.00)Persian (on stamps)
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 6 x
KG20150404 IMP 35_00
MI KB819BKG20150404 ISH 372_00 Imperforate sheetlet 372.00
(6 x 62.00)Siamese (on stamps)
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 6 x
KG20150404 IMP 62_00
MI KB820BKG20150404 ISH 444_00 Imperforate sheetlet 444.00
(6 x 74.00)Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Cat Paw Prints (on selvedge)
6-stamp sheetlet
MI KB821BKG20150404 FDP 720000 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Кырыз Республикасы - Алгачкы күн."
Бишкек Почтамты (Bishkek Post Office)
4 April 2015List compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 17 September, 2018