Kyrgyz Express Post
Stamps inscribed 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Қыргызстан', and 'Kyrgyz Express Post'
<- 2012 Only Kyrgyz Pochtasy stamps used
2012 -> Kyrgyz Express Post recognised as designated postal operator alongside Kyrgyz
From 2012 Kyrgyzstan has two designated postal operators - both recognized by the UPU. This list consists of issues by Kyrgyz Express Post. See separate lists for stamps issued by Kyrgyz Pochtasy (State Postal Enterprise).
From 2012: 1 Som (KGS) = 100 Tyiyn
Checklists > Countries > Kyrgyz Express Post Wild Cats Also see Kyrgyzstan Domestic Cats
Kyrgyzstan Wild Cats
List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 19 November 2014 - Fauna of Kyrgyzstan KGEP20141119 ST 250_00 Stamp 250.00 Snow Leopard
MI 9KGEP20141119 MS 415_00 Miniature sheet 415.00
+ 25.00
+ 125.00
+250.00)Snow Leopard (on one stamp)
MI KB6-9KGEP20141119 MS 1000_00 Miniature sheet 1000.00
(4 x 250.00)Snow Leopard
MI KB9KGEP20141119 FDC 415_00 First day cover 415.00
+ 25.00
+ 125.00
+250.00)Snow Leopard (on one stamp and cachet)
Official FDC with
KGEP20141119 ST 250_00
and the three other stamps in setKGEP20141200 PP 2600_00 Presentation pack 2600.00 Snow Leopard (on one stamp and cover)
Presentation pack with
KGEP20141119 MS 415_00
and the other 2014 KGEP stamps19-20 March 2015 - Steering Committee Meeting of the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program
Address sideKGEP20150319 MC 250_00 1 Maximum card 250.00 Snow Leopard (on stamp, postmark, and both sides of the card
Card no. MC-1
Official MC with
KGEP20141119 ST 250_00
Address sideKGEP20150319 MC 250_00 2 Maximum card 250.00 Snow Leopard (on stamp, postmark, and both sides of the card
Card no. MC-2
Official MC with
KGEP20141119 ST 250_00
Address sideKGEP20150319 MC 250_00 3 Maximum card 250.00 Snow Leopard (on stamp, postmark, and both sides of the card
Card no. MC-3
Official MC with
KGEP20141119 ST 250_00KGEP20150319_20 PMK 729001 Commemortive postmark - Snow Leopard
"Kyrgyz Express Post - The Global Snow Leopard Protection Program"
Bichkek KEP
19-20 March 201518 October 2018 - 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Belarus Joint issue with Belarus
KGEP20181018 MS 450 Miniature sheet 450
(6 x 75)Snow Leopard (on undenominated label)
MI KB???KGEP20181018 LB 8 Undenominated, stamp-size label - Snow Leopard
Stamp-sized, undenominated label from
KGEP20181018 MS 450List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from D.G.Naryshkin, and Kyrgyz Express Post.
Latest update: 21 October, 2018