Stamps inscribed 'Guinée Française', 'Afrique Occidentale Française/AOF - Guinée', 'Guinée' or 'République de Guinée'
1892 - 1944 French Colonial Issues
1944 - 1959 Stamps of French West Africa used
1959 -> Independence
From 1959: 1 (Guinea) Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1971: 1 Syli = 100 Cauris = 10 Francs
From 1985: 1 Franc (GNF) = 100 Centimes [= 1 Syli]
Checklists > Countries > Guinea Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
GN20140515 ST 15000 61
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 25 July 1962 - Animals GN19620725 ST 25 Stamp 25 Lion
MI 129
YT 106GN19620725 ST 30 Stamp 30 Leopard
MI 130
YT 107GN19620725 ST 75 Stamp 75 Lion
MI 132
YT 109GN19620725 ST 100 Stamp 100 Leopard
MI 133
YT 1106 November 1967 - 50th Anniversary of Lions International GN19671106 ST 5 Stamp 5 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 447
YT 333GN19671106 ST 30 Stamp 30 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 448
YT 334GN19671106 ST 40 Stamp 40 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 449
YT 335GN19671106 ST 50 Stamp 50 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 450
YT 336GN19671106 ST 70 Stamp 70 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 451
YT 337GN19671106 ST 75 Stamp 75 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 452
YT 338GN19671106 ST 80 Stamp 80 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 453
YT 339GN19671106 ST 100 1 Stamp 100 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on
MI 364 ('Phare de Boulbinet')
MI 454
YT A78GN19671106 ST 100 2 Stamp 100 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on
MI 441 ('Case de Olivier de Sandeval')
MI 455
YT A79GN19671106 ST 200 Stamp 200 Lions Club Emblem
Overprint on previous issues
MI 456
YT A8016 May 1968 - Fables and Fairytales I Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
GN19680516 LB 1 Unde-nominated label - Leopard
Upper left corner stamp-sized label from sheets of all horizontal stamps in set (25, 30, 80, and 200 F)
This label can also be found attached to stamps from Fables and Fairytales IIGN19680516 LB 2 Unde-nominated label - Lion
"Le Conteur"
Right hand, stamp-sized label from sheets of the 25 F stamps.GN19680516 LB 4 Unde-nominated label - Lion
"Le legènde de la lune et des étoiles"
Right hand, stamp-sized label from sheets of the 35 F stamps.GN19680516 LB 6 Unde-nominated label - Lion
"Le legènde de la lune et des étoiles"
Right hand, stamp-sized label from sheets of the 75 F stamps.GN19680516 LB 8 Unde-nominated label - Lion
"Le chasseur et la femme antilope"
Right hand, stamp-sized label from sheets of the 80 F stamps.GN19680516 LB 10 Unde-nominated label - Lion
"The Heraitage of Old Faya"
Right hand, stamp-sized label from sheets of the
100 F stamps.GN19680516 LB 12 Unde-nominated label - Lion
"Soumangourou kante tué par Djegue"
Right hand, stamp-sized label from sheets of the
200 F stamps.16 September 1968 - Fables and Fairytales II GN19680916 ST 40 Stamp 40 Leopard
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Ninablas and the Crocodile"
MI 489A
YT 359GN19680916 ST 300 Stamp 300 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Little Gouné, Son of the Lions"
MI 492A
YT A85GN19680916 IMP 40 Imperforate stamp 40 Leopard
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Ninablas and the Crocodile"
Stamp from ordinary sheets or IMS
MI 489B
YT UnlistedGN19680916 IMP 300 1 Imperforate stamp 300 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Little Gouné, Son of the Lions"
Stamp from ordianry sheets
MI 492B
YT UnlistedGN19680916 IMP 300 2 Imperforate stamp 300 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Little Gouné, Son of the Lions"
Stamp from Imp. MS
We are not certain about the difference of the two GNF 300 stamps, but they are listed separately by Michel, if you have these stamps, please send us a scan
MI 494GN19680916 IMS 460 Imperforate miniature sheet 460
+ 50
+ 70
+ 300)Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Nianablas and the Crocodile"
"The Little Goumé, Son of the Lions"
MI B28GN19680916 LB 1 Unde-nominated label - Leopard
Upper left corner stamp-sized label from sheets of all horizontal stamps in set (15, 40, and 70 F)
This label can also be found attached to stamps from Fables and Fairytales I25 November 1968 - African Animals GN19681125 ST 10 Stamp 10 Leopard (incorrectly marked as Cheetah in Latin)
MI 496A
YT 364GN19681125 ST 100 1 Stamp 100 Lion
Stamp from sheet with text "POSTE AÉRIENNE"
MI 502AGN19681125 ST 100 2 Stamp 100 Lion
Stamp from
GN19681125 MS 375
without text "POSTE AÉRIENNE"
MI 505A
YT See MSGN19681125 IMP 10 Imperforate stamp 10 Leopard (incorrectly marked as Cheetah in Latin)
MI 496BGN19681125 IMP 100 1 Imperforate stamp 100 Lion
Stamp from sheet with text "POSTE AÉRIENNE"
MI 502B
YT A86GN19681125 IMP 100 2 Imperforate stamp 100 Lion
Stamp from
GN19681125 IMS 375
without text "POSTE AÉRIENNE"
MI 505B
YT See MSGN19681125 MS 30 Miniature sheet 30 Leopard (incorrectly marked as Cheetah in Latin) (on stamp)
Ivory Leopard Statue (on label)
Wild Cat Art
MS with the 3 lower values of set + 1 label
YT BF21GN19681125 MS 100 Miniature sheet 100 Ivory Leopard Statue (on label)
Wild Cat Art
MS with the 3 middle values in set + 1 label
YT BF22GN19681125 MS 375 Miniature sheet 375 Lion (on stamp)
Ivory Leopard Statue (on label)
Wild Cat Art
MS with the 3 higher values of set + 1 label
YT BF23GN19681125 IMS 30 Miniature sheet 30 Leopard (incorrectly marked as Cheetah in Latin) (on stamp)
Ivory Leopard Statue (on label)
Wild Cat Art
Imperforate MS with the 3 lower values of set + 1 label
YT BF21NDGN19681125 IMS 100 Miniature sheet 100 Ivory Leopard Statue (on label)
Wild Cat Art
MS with the 3 middle values in set + 1 label
YT BF22NDGN19681125 IMS 375 Imperforate miniature sheet 375 Lion (on stamp)
Ivory Leopard Statue (on label)
Wild Cat Art
Imperforate MS with the 3 higher values of set + 1 label
YT BF23NDGN19681125 LB 1 Unde-nominated label - Leopard
Ivory Leopard Statue
Wild Cat Art
Stamp sized, undenominated label from one of the miniature sheets:
GN19681125 MS 30
GN19681125 MS 100
GN19681125 MS 375GN19681125 ILB 1 Imperforate unde- nominated label - Leopard
Ivory Leopard Statue
Wild Cat Art
Stamp sized, undenominated label from one of the imperforate miniature sheets:
GN19681125 IMS 30
GN19681125 IMS 100
GN19681125 IMS 37514 May 1975 - African Fauna GN19750514 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Leopard
Diamond-shaped stamp
MI 721AGN19750514 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Lion
Diamond-shaped stamp
MI 726AGN19750514 IMP 5_00 Imperforate stamp 5.00 Leopard
Diamond-shaped stamp
MI 721BGN19750514 IMP 10_00 Imperforate stamp 10.00 Lion
Diamond-shaped stamp
MI 726BGN19750514 MS 10_00 Miniature sheet 10.00
+ 2.00
+ 3.00
+ 4.00)Lion (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS
MI B39AGN19750514 MS 25_00 Miniature sheet 25.00
+ 6.00
+ 6.50
+ 7.50)Leopard (on one stamp)
Lion (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
GN19750514 ST 5_00
and three other stamps
MI B40AGN19750514 MS 45_00 Miniature sheet 45.00
+ 10.00
+ 12.00
+ 15.00)Lion (on one stamp and selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
GN19750514 ST 10_00
and three other stamps
MI B41AGN19750514 IMS 10_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 10.00
+ 2.00
+ 3.00
+ 4.00)Lion (on selvedge)
4-stamp imperforate MS
MI B39BGN19750514 IMS 25_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 25.00 Leopard (on one stamp)
Lion (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
GN19750514 IMP 5_00
and three other stamps
MI B40BGN19750514 IMS 45_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 45.00
+ 10.00
+ 12.00
+ 15.00)Lion (on one stamp and selvedg)
4-stamp MS with
GN19750514 IMP 10_00
and three other stamps
MI B41B16 June 1975 - 10th Anniversary of the African Development Bank GN19750616 ST 5 Stamp 5 Lions
MI 729AGN19750616 ST 10 Stamp 10 Lions
MI 731AGN19750616 IMP 5 Imperforate stamp 5 Lions
MI 729BGN19750616 IMP 10 Imperforate stamp 10 Lions
MI 731B12 December 1977 - Rare Animals GN19771212 ST 3 1 Stamp 3 Lion (male)
MI 802GN19771212 ST 3 2 Stamp 3 Lion (female)
MI 803GN19771212 ST 3 3 Stamp 3 Lion (cub)
MI 804GN19771212 ST 13 1 Stamp 13 Lion (male)
MI 826GN19771212 ST 13 2 Stamp 13 Lion (female)
MI 827GN19771212 ST 13 3 Stamp 13 Lion (cub)
MI 828GN19771212 TEN 9 Stamp 9 Lions
Se-tenant strip of 3 stamps
MI 802-804GN19771212 TEN 36 Stamp 36 Lions
Se-tenant strip of 3 stamps
MI 826-8282 October 1991 - Jubilees GN19911002 ST 500 Stamp 500 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from sheetlet or MS
MI 1347A
YT A264GN19911002 IMP 500 Imperforate stamp 500 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from sheetlet or MS
MI 1347B
YT UnlistedGN19911002 MS 500 Miniature sheet 500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B400A
YT BF264GN19911002 MS 950 Miniature sheet 950
+ 500)Lions Club Emblem (on one stamp)
Two-stamp MS with
GN19911002 ST 500
and another stamp
MI KB1346A-1347A
YT BF263-264GN19911002 IMS 500 Imperforate miniature sheet 500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp Imperforate MS
MI B400B
YT Unlisted22 May 1992 - 75th Anniversary of Lions International GN19920522 ST 150 Stamp 150 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 1374
YT 952RIL8 GN19920522 ST 400 Stamp 400 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 1375
YT 953ILS GN19920522 IMP 150 Imperforate stamp 150 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from ordianry sheets or MS
MI Unlisted
YT UnlistedGN19920522 IMP 400 Imperforate stamp 400 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from ordianry sheets or MS
MI Unlisted
YT UnlistedGN19920522 IMS 150 Imperforate miniature sheet 150 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS with
GN19920522 IMP 150
MI Unlisted
YT UnlistedGN19920522 IMS 400 Imperforate miniature sheet 400 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS with
GN19920522 IMP 400
MI Unlisted
YT UnlistedGN19920522 FDC 150 First day cover 150 Lion (on stamps and in cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
Official FDC with
GN19920522 IMS 150GN19920522 FDC 400 First day cover 400 Lion (on stamps and in cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
GN19920522 IMS 400GN19920522 FDC 550 1 First day cover 550
+ 400)Lion (on stamps and in cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
Official FDC with
GN19920522 ST 150 and
GN19920522 ST 40024 February 1993 - Chess Meeting Fischer - Spassky / 75th Anniversary of Lions International GN19930224 ST 500 1 Stamp 500 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
GN19911002 ST 500
with golden overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI 1414aA
YT A282GN19930224 ST 500 2 Stamp 500 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
GN19911002 ST 500
with silver overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI 1414bA
YT UnlistedGN19930224 IMP 500 1 Imperforate stamp 500 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
GN19911002 IMP 500
with golden overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI 1414aB
YT UnlistedGN19930224 IMP 500 2 Imperforate stamp 500 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
GN19911002 IMP 500
with silver overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI 1414bB
YT UnlistedGN19930224 MS 500 1 Miniature sheet 500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
GN19911002 MS 500
with golden overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI B452aA
YT UnlistedGN19930224 MS 500 2 Miniature sheet 500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
GN19911002 MS 500
with silver overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI B452bA
YT UnlistedGN19930224 MS 950 1 Miniature sheet 950
+ 500)Lions Club Emblem (on one stamp)
Two-stamp MS with
GN19930224 ST 500 1
and another stamp
GN19911002 MS 950
with golden overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI KB1413aA-1414aA
YT UnlistedGN19930224 MS 950 2 Miniature sheet 950
+ 500)Lions Club Emblem (on one stamp)
Two-stamp MS with
GN19930224 ST 500 2
and another stamp
GN19911002 MS 950
with silver overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI KB1413bA-1414bA
YT UnlistedGN19930224 IMS 500 1 Miniature sheet 500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
GN19911002 IMS 500
with golden overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI B452aB
YT UnlistedGN19930224 IMS 500 2 Miniature sheet 500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
GN19911002 IMS 500
with silver overprint "75ème ANNIVERSAIRE LIONS"
MI B452bB
YT Unlisted23 February 1998 - Frank Sinatra GN19980223 MS 1000 Miniature sheet 1000
Lions Club Emblem (on selvedge)
MI Unlisted
YT BF1298 September 1998 - Animals of the World GN19980908 ST 200 1 Stamp 200 Iberian Lynx
MI 2026
YT 1305GN19980908 ST 200 2 Stamp 200 Leopard
MI 2030GN19980908 ST 200 8 Stamp 200 Lion
MI 2036GN19980908 ST 450 3 Stamp 450 Cheetah
MI 2043
YT 1307GN19980908 ST 750 2 Stamp 750 Puma
Florida Panther
MI 2049
YT 1310GN19980908 ST 750 3 Stamp 750 Ocelot
MI 2050GN19980908 ST 750 4 Stamp 750 Leopard
MI 2051GN19980908 ST 1500 1 Stamp 1500 Snow Leopard
Stamp from MS
MI 2054
YT B155GN19980908 MS 1500 1 Stamp 1500 Snow Leopard (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B549
YT B155GN19980908 SH 1200 1 Sheetlet 1200 Leopard (on one stamp)
Sheetlet with
GN19980908 ST 200 2
and five other GNF 200 stamps
MI KB2030-2035GN19980908 SH 1200 2 Sheetlet 1200
(6 x 200)Lion (on one stamp)
Sheetlet with
GN19980908 ST 200 8
and five other GNF 200 stamps
MI KB2036-2041GN19980908 SH 2700 Sheetlet 2700 Puma/Florida Panther
Leopard (on one stamp each)
Sheetlet with
GN19980908 ST 450 3
and five other GNF 450 stamps
MI KB2042-2047GN19980908 SH 4500 Sheetlet 4500 Cheetah (on one stamp)
Sheetlet with
GN19980908 ST 750 2
GN19980908 ST 750 3
GN19980908 ST 750 4
and three other GNF 750 stamps
MI KB2048-20531999 Personalities / International Organisations GN19990209 ST 750 1 Stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem
MI 2213GN19990209 MS 750 1 Miniature sheet 750 Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI Mentioned, not numberred1999 African Mammals GN19991006 ST 500 3 Stamp 500 Lion
Stamp from sheetlet
Purple frame around picture
MI 2476GN19991006 ST 500 6 Stamp 500 Lion
Stamp from MS
No frame around picture
MI UnlistedGN19991006 ST 2000 Stamp 2000 Leopard
Stamp from MS
MI 2477GN19991006 IMP 500 3 Stamp 500 Lion
Stamp from sheetlet
Purple frame around picture
MI UnlistedGN19991006 MS 500 3 Miniature sheet 500 Lion (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 ST 500 3
MI UnlistedGN19991006 MS 2000 Miniature sheet 2000 Leopard (on stamp and selvedge)
MI B597GN19991006 SH 3000 Sheetlet 3000 Lion
Sheetlet with two each of
GN19991006 ST 500 3
and two other stamps
MI KB2474-2476GN19991006 ISH 3000 Imperforate Sheetlet 3000 Lion
Sheetlet with two each of
GN19991006 IMP 500 3
and two other stamps
MI Unlisted26 December 2001 - Wild Animals / International Organisations GN20011226 ST 750 1 Stamp 750 Clouded Leopard
MI 3330AGN20011226 ST 750 2 Stamp 750 Leopard
MI 3331AGN20011226 ST 750 3 Stamp 750 Black Leopard / Panther
MI 3332AGN20011226 ST 750 4 Stamp 750 Jaguar
MI 3333AGN20011226 ST 1250 1 Stamp 1250 Tiger (in water)
MI 3334AGN20011226 ST 1250 2 Stamp 1250 Tiger (on cliff)
MI 3335AGN20011226 ST 1250 3 Stamp 1250 Tigers (couple)
MI 3336AGN20011226 ST 1250 4 Stamp 1250 Tiger
White Tiger
MI 3337AGN20011226 ST 1500 1 Stamp 1500 Lion (Male)
MI 3338AGN20011226 ST 1500 2 Stamp 1500 Lion (with cub)
MI 3339AGN20011226 ST 1500 3 Stamp 1500 Lion (2 lions)
MI 3340AGN20011226 ST 1500 4 Stamp 1500 Lion (female)
MI 3341AGN20011226 IMP 750 1 Imperforate stamp 750 Clouded Leopard
MI 3330BGN20011226 IMP 750 2 Imperforate stamp 750 Leopard
MI 3331BGN20011226 IMP 750 3 Imperforate stamp 750 Black Leopard / Panther
MI 3332BGN20011226 IMP 750 4 Imperforate stamp 750 Jaguar
MI 3333BGN20011226 IMP 1250 1 Imperforate stamp 1250 Tiger (in water)
MI 3334BGN20011226 IMP 1250 2 Imperforate stamp 1250 Tiger (on cliff)
MI 3335BGN20011226 IMP 1250 3 Imperforate stamp 1250 Tigers (couple)
MI 3336BGN20011226 IMP 1250 4 Imperforate stamp 1250 Tiger
White Tiger
MI 3337BGN20011226 IMP 1500 1 Imperforate stamp 1500 Lion (Male)
MI 3338BGN20011226 IMP 1500 2 Imperforate stamp 1500 Lion (with cub)
MI 3339BGN20011226 IMP 1500 3 Imperforate stamp 1500 Lion (2 lions)
MI 3340BGN20011226 IMP 1500 4 Imperforate stamp 1500 Lion (female)
MI 3341BGN20011226 MS 3000 Miniature sheet 3000
(4 x 750)Clouded Leopard (on one stamp and selvedge)
Jaguar (on one stamp each)
Puma (on selvedge)
MS with the 4 GNF 750 stamps
MI B667AGN20011226 MS 5000 Miniature sheet 5000
(4 x 1250)Tigers
MS with the 4 GNF 1250 stamps
MI B668AGN20011226 MS 6000 Miniature sheet 6000
(4 x 1500)Lions
MS with the 4 GNF 1500 stamps
MI B669AGN20011226 IMS 3000 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Clouded Leopard
MS with the 4 GNF 750 stamps
MI B667BGN20011226 IMS 5000 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Tigers
MS with the 4 GNF 1250 stamps
MI B668BGN20011226 IMS 6000 Imperforate miniature sheet 6000 Lions
MS with the 4 GNF 1500 stamps
MI B669B30 October 2002 - Composers GN20021030 ST 750 2 Stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem (Johann Sebastian Bach)
MI 3956GN20021030 ST 750 4 Stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem (Franz Liszt)
MI 3958GN20021030 ST 750 6 Stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem (Richard Strauss)
MI 3960GN20021030 ST 1000 1 Stamp 1000 Lions Club Emblem (Johann Sebastian Bach)
MI 3961GN20021030 ST 1000 3 Stamp 1000 Lions Club Emblem (Claude Debussy)
MI 3963GN20021030 ST 1000 5 Stamp 1000 Lions Club Emblem (Joseph Haydn)
MI 3965GN20021030 IMP 750 2 Imperforate stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem (Johann Sebastian Bach)
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMP 750 4 Imperforate stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem (Franz Liszt)
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMP 750 6 Imperforate stamp 750 Lions Club Emblem (Richard Strauss)
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMP 1000 1 Imperforate stamp 1000 Lions Club Emblem (Johann Sebastian Bach)
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMP 1000 3 Imperforate stamp 1000 Lions Club Emblem (Claude Debussy)
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMP 1000 5 Imperforate stamp 1000 Lions Club Emblem (Joseph Haydn)
MI UnlistedGN20021030 MS 2250 1 Miniature sheet 2250
(3 x 750)Lions Club Emblem (on one stamp)
3-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 750 2
and 2 other stamps
MI KB3955-3957GN20021030 MS 2250 2 Miniature sheet 2250
(3 x 750)Lions Club Emblem (on two stamps)
3-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 750 4
GN20021030 ST 750 6
and 1 other stamp
MI KB3958-3960GN20021030 MS 3000 1 Miniature sheet 3000
(3 x 1000)Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on two stamps)
Three-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 1000 1
GN20021030 ST 1000 3
and a third stamp
MI KB3961-3963GN20021030 MS 3000 2 Miniature sheet 3000
(3 x 1000)Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on two stamps)
Three-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 1000 5
and two other stamps
MI KB3964-3966GN20021030 MS 4500 Miniature sheet 4500
(6 x 750)Lions Club Emblem (on three stamps)
6-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 750 2
GN20021030 ST 750 4
GN20021030 ST 750 6
and 3 other stamps
MI KB3958-3960GN20021030 MS 6000 1 Miniature sheet 6000
(6 x 1000)Lions Club Emblem (on three stamps)
6-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 1000 1
GN20021030 ST 1000 3
GN20021030 ST 1000 5
and 3 other stamps
-3960GN20021030 MS 6000 2 Miniature sheet 6000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on selvedge)
(Johann Sebastian Bach)
Single-stamp MS
MI B753GN20021030 IMS 2250 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 2250
(3 x 750)Lions Club Emblem (on one stamp)
3-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 750 2
and 2 other stamps
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMS 2250 2 Miniature sheet 2250
(3 x 750)Lions Club Emblem (on two stamps)
3-stamp MS with
GN20021030 ST 750 4
GN20021030 ST 750 6
and 1 other stamp
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMS 3000 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on two stamps)
Three-stamp MS with
GN20021030 IMP 1000 1
GN20021030 IMP 1000 3
and a third stamp
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMS 3000 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 GN20021030 IMS 4500 Imperforate miniature sheet 4500
(6 x 750)Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on three stamps)
6-stamp MS with
GN20021030 IMP 750 2
GN20021030 IMP 750 4
GN20021030 IMP 750 6
and 3 other stamps
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMS 6000 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 6000
(6 x 1000)Lions Club Emblem (on three stamps)
6-stamp MS with
GN20021030 IMP 1000 1
GN20021030 IMP 1000 3
GN20021030 IMP 1000 5
and 3 other stamps
MI UnlistedGN20021030 IMS 6000 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 6000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on selvedge)
(Johann Sebastian Bach)
Single-stamp MS
MI Unlisted27 December 2002 - Scouts and Nature Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
GN20021227 MS 200 1 Miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B777AGN20021227 MS 200 2 Miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B780AGN20021227 MS 200 3 Miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
Single-stamp MS
MI B783AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 MS 200 4 Miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B786AGN20021227 MS 200 5 Miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B789AGN20021227 MS 300 1 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B778AGN20021227 MS 300 2 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B781AGN20021227 MS 300 3 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
Single-stamp MS
MI B784AGN20021227 MS 300 4 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B787AGN20021227 MS 300 5 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B790AGN20021227 MS 300 6 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B780AGN20021227 MS 300 7 Miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Japanese Bobtail
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Cornish Rex
Siamese (?) (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 ST 300 7
MI B801AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 MS 750 1 Miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B787AGN20021227 MS 750 2 Miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B790AGN20021227 MS 750 3 Miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B793AGN20021227 MS 750 4 Miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B796AGN20021227 MS 750 5 Miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B799AGN20021227 MS 750 6 Miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Egyptian Mau
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Sacred Birman
Japanese Bobtail (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 ST 750 6
MI B802AGN20021227 MS 5000 1 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B779AGN20021227 MS 5000 2 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B782AGN20021227 MS 5000 3 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
Single-stamp MS
MI B785AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 MS 5000 4 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B788AGN20021227 MS 5000 5 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B791AGN20021227 MS 5000 6 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B794AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 MS 5000 7 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B797AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 MS 5000 8 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B800AGN20021227 MS 5000 9 Miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Bombay (on stamp)
Unspecified breed (on stamp and selvedge)
Singapura (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 ST 5000 9
MI B803A
Proof printGN20021227 MS 5500 1 Miniature sheet 5500
+ 300
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp MS
MI KB4005A-4007AGN20021227 MS 5500 2 Miniature sheet 5500
+ 300
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Sea shells)
3-stamp MS
MI KB4008A-4010AGN20021227 MS 5500 3 Miniature sheet 5500
+ 300
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
3-stamp MS
MI KB4011A-4013AGN20021227 MS 5950 1 Miniature sheet 5950
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4014A-4016AGN20021227 MS 5950 2 Miniature sheet 5950
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4017A-4019AGN20021227 MS 6050 1 Miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4020A-4022AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 MS 6050 2 Miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4023A-4025AGN20021227 MS 6050 3 Miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4026A-4028AGN20021227 MS 6050 4 Miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Unspecified breed (on all stamps)
Japanese Bobtail
Egyptian Mau (on one stamp each)
Bombay (on one stamp and selvedge)
Manx (on selvedge)
Three-stamp imperforate MS with
GN20021227 ST 300 7
GN20021227 ST 750 6
GN20021227 ST 5000 9
MI KB4029A-4031AGN20021227 IMS 200 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B777BGN20021227 IMS 200 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B780BGN20021227 IMS 200 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
Single-stamp MS
MI B783BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 200 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B786BGN20021227 IMS 200 5 Imperforate miniature sheet 200 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B789BGN20021227 IMS 300 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B778BGN20021227 IMS 300 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B781BGN20021227 IMS 300 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
Single-stamp MS
MI B784BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 300 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B787BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 300 5 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B790BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 300 6 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B780BGN20021227 IMS 300 7 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Japanese Bobtail
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Cornish Rex
Siamese (?) (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 IMP 300 7
MI B801BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 750 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B787BGN20021227 IMS 750 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B790BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 750 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B793BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 750 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B796BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 750 5 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B799BGN20021227 IMS 750 6 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Egyptian Mau
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Sacred Birman
Japanese Bobtail (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 IMP 750 6
MI B802BGN20021227 IMS 5000 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B779BGN20021227 IMS 5000 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B782BGN20021227 IMS 5000 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
Single-stamp MS
MI B785BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 5000 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B788BGN20021227 IMS 5000 5 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B791BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 5000 6 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B794BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 5000 7 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B797BGN20021227 IMS 5000 8 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS
MI B800BGN20021227 IMS 5000 9 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Bombay (on stamp)
Unspecified breed (on stamp and selvedge)
Singapura (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 IMP 5000 9
MI B803BGN20021227 IMS 5500 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 5500
+ 300
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperfoarte MS
MI KB4005B-4007BGN20021227 IMS 5500 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 5500
+ 300
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Sea shells)
3-stamp imperfoarte MS
MI KB4008B-4010BGN20021227 IMS 5500 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 5500
+ 300
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
(Whales and dolphins)
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4011B-4013BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 5950 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 5950
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4014B-4016BGN20021227 IMS 5950 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 5950
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4017B-4019BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 6050 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4020B-4022BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20021227 IMS 6050 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4023B-4025BGN20021227 IMS 6050 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
3-stamp imperforate MS
MI KB4026B-4028BGN20021227 IMS 6050 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Unspecified breed (on all stamps)
Japanese Bobtail
Egyptian Mau (on one stamp each)
Bombay (on one stamp and selvedge)
Manx (on selvedge)
Three-stamp imperforate MS with
GN20021227 IMP 300 7
GN20021227 IMP 750 6
GN20021227 IMP 5000 9
MI KB4029B-4031B21 July 2004 - Scouts and Nature GN20040721 ST 1000 1 Stamp 1000 Lion
MI 4131AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20040721 ST 4000 26 Stamp 4000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20040721 MS 4000 26
MI 4134AGN20040721 IMP 1000 1 Imperforate stamp 1000 Lion
MI 4131BGN20040721 IMP 4000 26 Imperforate stamp 4000 Lion (on stamp)
Leopard (on selvedge)
Stamp from
GN20040721 IMS 4000 26
MI 4134BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20040721 MS 4000 26 Miniature sheet 4000 Lion (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20040721 ST 4000 26
MI B866AGN20040721 MS 6250 1 Miniature sheet 5250
+ 1000
+ 4500)Lion (on stamp)
Three-stamp MS with
GN20040721 ST 4000 26
and 2 other stamp
MI B866AGN20040721 IMS 4000 26 Imperforate miniature sheet 4000 Lion (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20040721 IMP 4000 26
MI B866BGN20040721 IMS 6250 1 Miniature sheet 5250
+ 1000
+ 4500)Lion (on stamp)
Three-stamp MS with
GN20040721 ST 1000 1
and 2 other stamp
MI B866A6 November 2006 - Scouts GN20061106 ST 4500 8 Stamp 4500 Lion
MI 4240GN20061106 ST 7500 7 Stamp 7500 Serval
MI 4241GN20061106 ST 7500 8 Stamp 7500 Caracal
MI 424230 August 2007 - Sportsmen and -women GN20070830 MS 25000 18 Miniature sheet 25000 Lion (on selvedge)
Shishi, Imperial Guardian Stone Lion outside the Forbidden City in Beijing
Wild Cat Art
MI B1136GN20070830 MS 29500 7 Miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Chinese Desert Cat (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS
MI KB4563-4565GN20070830 MS 29500 8 Miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Asiatic Golden Cat (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS
MI KB4566-4568GN20070830 IMS 25000 18 Imperforate miniature sheet 25000 Lion (on selvedge
Shishi, Imperial Guardian Stone Lion outside the Forbidden City in Beijing
Wild Cat Art
MI UnlistedGN20070830 IMS 29500 7 Imperforate miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Chinese Desert Cat (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS
MI UnlistedGN20070830 IMS 29500 8 Imperforate miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Asiatic Golden Cat (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS
MI Unlisted28 September 2007 - Natural Sciences Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
If you have a better scan of this item, please share.GN20070928 ST 2000 2 Stamp 2000 Sand Cat (with baboon)
MI 4669GN20070928 ST 7500 9 Stamp 7500 Sand Cat (with St. Bernhard)
MI 4690GN20070928 ST 25000 4 Stamp 25000 Sand Cat (with Baboon)
Stamp from
GN20070928 MS 25000 4
MI 4728GN20070928 ST 25000 26 Stamp 25000 Sand Cat (with St. Bernhard)
Stamp from
GN20070928 MS 25000 26
MI 4690GN20070928 MS 25000 4 Miniature sheet 25000 Sand Cat (on stamp)
Lion (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 4
MI B1182GN20070928 MS 25000 26 Miniature sheet 25000 Sand Cat (on stamp)
Caracal (on selvedge)
Unspecified domestic breed (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 26
MI B1182GN20070928 MS 25000 27 Miniature sheet 25000 Black-Footed Cat (on selvedge)
Sacred Birman (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 27
MI B1183GN20070928 MS 29500 2 Miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Sand Cat (with Baboon)
3-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 2000 2
and two other stamps
MI KB4668-4670GN20070928 MS 29500 9 Miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Sand Cat (on one stamp)
Domestic Cats (on two stamps and selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 7500 9
GN20070928 ST 2000 9
GN20070928 ST 20000 9
MI KB4689-46915 November 2007 - Parisian Sights GN20071105 MS 25000 28 Miniature sheet 25000 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures by Antoine-Louis Barye (1796-1875) Colonne de Juillet (July Column) Place de la Bastille. Paris, France
MI B12667 December 2007 - 90th Anniversary of Lions International GN20071207 ST 2000 1 Stamp 2000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
MI 5043GN20071207 ST 7500 1 Stamp 7500 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
MI 5044GN20071207 ST 20000 1 Stamp 20000 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
MI 5045GN20071207 ST 25000 1 Stamp 25000 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
MI 5046GN20071207 ST 25000 2 Stamp 25000 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
Helen Keller
MI 5047GN20071207 ST 25000 3 Stamp 25000 Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
Melvin Jones
MI 5048GN20071207 MS 25000 1 Miniature sheet 25000 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and Selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1378GN20071207 MS 25000 2 Miniature sheet 25000 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and Selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Helen Keller
MI B1379GN20071207 MS 25000 3 Miniature sheet 25000 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and Selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
Melvin Jones
MI B1380GN20071207 MS 29500 1 Miniature sheet 29500 Lions Club Emblem (on stamps and Selvedge)
3-stamp MS
MI KB5043-504525 May 2008 - Extinct Animals GN20080525 MS 25000 10 Miniature sheet 25000 Tiger (on selvedge)
MI B151625 May 2008 - Big Cats GN20080525 ST 5000 79 Stamp 5000 Leopard (facing Left)
Stamp from
GN20080528 MS 30000 14
MI 5589GN20080525 ST 5000 80 Stamp 5000 Tiger (facing Right)
Stamp from
GN20080528 MS 30000 14
MI 5590GN20080525 ST 5000 81 Stamp 5000 Lion (facing Right)
Stamp from
GN20080528 MS 30000 14
MI 5591GN20080525 ST 5000 82 Stamp 5000 Leopard (facing Right)
Stamp from
GN20080528 MS 30000 14
MI 5592GN20080525 ST 5000 83 Stamp 5000 Tiger (facing Left)
Stamp from
GN20080528 MS 30000 14
MI 5593GN20080525 ST 5000 84 Stamp 5000 Lion (facing Left)
Stamp from
GN20080528 MS 30000 14
MI 5594GN20080525 ST 25000 27 Stamp 25000 Tiger (and Georges Clemenceau)
Stamp from MS
MI 5595GN20080525 ST 25000 28 Stamp 25000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (and Melvin Jones)
Stamp from MS
MI 5596GN20080525 ST 25000 29 Stamp 25000 Clouded Leopard
Snow Leopard
Stamp from MS
MI 5597GN20080525 MS 25000 27 Miniature sheet 25000 Tiger (and Georges Clemenceau)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1533GN20080525 MS 25000 28 Miniature sheet 25000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (and Melvin Jones)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1534GN20080525 MS 25000 29 Miniature sheet 25000 Clouded Leopard
Snow Leopard
(on stamp)
Leopards (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1535GN20080528 MS 30000 14 Miniature sheet 30000 Leopards (on 2 stamps and selvedge)
Tigers (on 2 stamps and selvedge)
Lions (on 2 stamps and selvedge)
Lion Sculpture (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
MI KB5589-559425 May 2008 - Cats and their Owners Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
GN20080525 ST 5000 85 Stamp 5000 Sand Cat (and Michelle Pfeifer [She had a sand cat????])
MI 5598GN20080525 ST 5000 87 Stamp 5000 Sand Cat (and Brigitte Bardot [She had a sand cat????])
MI 5600GN20080525 ST 25000 30 Stamp 25000 Sand Cat (and Michelle Pfeifer [She had a sand cat????])
Stamp from MS
MI 5604GN20080525 MS 25000 30 Miniature sheet 25000 Sand Cat (and Michelle Pfeifer [She had a sand cat????]) (on stamp)
Various domestic cats on selvedge.
This item is also listed under domestic cats
Single-stamp MS
MI B1536GN20080525 MS 30000 15 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Sand Cat (on two stamps
Various domestic cats on selvedge.
This item is also listed under domestic cats
6-stamps MS
This item also shows a Sand Cat, and is also listed under Wild Cats
MI KB5598-56031 September 2008 - Death of Sydney Pollack GN20080901 MS 30000 10 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Cheetahs (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS
MI KB5691-569620 October 2008 - Death of John Shedd Reed GN20081020 MS 25000 8 Miniature sheet 25000 Lion (on selvedge)
MI B157620 October 2008 - International Year of the Earth GN20081020 ST 5000 119 Stamp 5000 Caracal
Stamp from
GN20081020 MS 30000 20
MI 5898GN20081020 MS 25000 20 Miniature sheet 25000 Lion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1588GN20081020 MS 30000 20 Miniature sheet 30000 Caracal (on one stamp)
6-stamp MS with
GN20081020 ST 5000 119
and 5 other stamps
MI KB5894-589917 November 2008 - Media Prizes GN20081117 MS 25000 8 Miniature sheet 25000 Panther/Black Leopard (on selvedge)(Nobel Literature Prize)
Wild Cats in Literature
Single-stamp MS
MI B1596GN20081117 MS 25000 12 Miniature sheet 25000 Cheetah (on selvedge)
(Cannes Film Festival)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1600GN20081117 MS 25000 19 Miniature sheet 25000 Lion (on selvedge)
(Venice Film Festival)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1607GN20081117 MS 30000 19 Miniature sheet 30000 Lion (on selvedge)
(Venice Film Festival)
6-stamp MS
MI KB6019-602415 December 2008 - Asiatic Cats GN20081215 ST 5000 37 Stamp 5000 Fishing Cat
Stamp from MS
MI 6088GN20081215 ST 5000 38 Stamp 5000 Marbled Cat
Stamp from MS
MI 6089GN20081215 ST 5000 39 Stamp 5000 Chinese Desert Cat
The Manul is pictured but not texted - this breaks the pattern of the set and is probably a design mistake
Stamp from MS
MI 6090GN20081215 ST 5000 40 Stamp 5000 Leopard Cat (one in grass, one sitting)
Stamp from MS
MI 6091GN20081215 ST 5000 41 Stamp 5000 Manul
Stamp from MS
MI 6092GN20081215 ST 5000 42 Stamp 5000 Leopard Cat (one in full figure profile, one close up face)
Stamp from MS
MI 6093GN20081215 ST 25000 7 Stamp 25000 Manul
Chinese Desert Cat
Stamp from MS
MI 6094GN20081215 MS 25000 7 Miniature sheet 25000 Manul (on stamp and selvedge)
Chinese Desert Cat (on stamp)
Leopard Cat (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1620GN20081215 MS 30000 7 Miniature sheet 30000 Fishing Cat (on one stamp)
Marbled Cat (on one stamp and on selvedge)
Chinese Desert Cat (on one stamp)
Manul (on two stamps and on selvedge)
6-stamp MS
MI KB6088-609325 February 2009 - Mammals GN20090225 ST 5000 91 Stamp 5000 Cheetah
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 30000 16
MI 6457GN20090225 ST 5000 92 Stamp 5000 Serval
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 30000 16
MI 6458GN20090225 ST 5000 93 Stamp 5000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 30000 16
MI 6459GN20090225 ST 5000 94 Stamp 5000 Leopard
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 30000 16
MI 6460GN20090225 ST 5000 95 Stamp 5000 African Golden Cat
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 30000 16
MI 6461GN20090225 ST 5000 96 Stamp 5000 Cheetah
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 30000 16
MI 6462GN20090225 ST 25000 16 Stamp 25000 Cheetah
Stamp from
GN20090225 MS 25000 16
MI 6484GN20090225 MS 25000 13 Miniature sheet 25000 Serval (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS (African Wild Dogs on stamp)
MI 1669GN20090225 MS 25000 16 Miniature sheet 25000 Cheetah
Single-stamp MS
MI B1672GN20090225 MS 30000 16 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Cheetah (on two stamps)
Leopard (each on one stamp and on selvedge)
African Golden Cat (on one stamp)
6-stamp MS with
GN20090225 ST 5000 91
GN20090225 ST 5000 92
GN20090225 ST 5000 93
GN20090225 ST 5000 94
GN20090225 ST 5000 95
GN20090225 ST 5000 96
MI KB6457-6462GN20090225 IMS 25000 13 Imperforate miniature sheet 25000 Serval (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS (African Wild Dogs on stamp)
MI Unlisted10 April 2009 - Anniversaries and Jubilees GN20090410 ST 5000 35 Stamp 5000 Cheetah
MI 6526GN20090410 MS 30000 6 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Cheetah (on one stamp)
MI KB6526-653115 December 2009 - World Stamps Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
GN20091215 ST 5000 44 Stamp 5000 Tiger
Catstamp on stamp
RU19931125 ST 500
Stamp from
GN20091215 MS 30000 8
MI 7045GN20091215 ST 5000 47 Stamp 5000 Tiger
Catstamp on stamp
RU19931125 ST 50
Stamp from
GN20091215 MS 30000 8
MI 7048GN20091215 IMP 5000 44 Imperforate stamp 5000 Tiger
Catstamp on stamp
RU19931125 ST 500
Stamp from
GN20091215 IMS 30000 8
MI UnlistedGN20091215 IMP 5000 47 Imperforate stamp 5000 Tiger
Catstamp on stamp
RU19931125 ST 50
Stamp from
GN20091215 IMS 30000 8
MI UnlistedGN20091215 MS 29000 8 Miniature sheet 29000 Tiger (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1768GN20091215 MS 30000 1 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Tiger (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS with Chinese stamps on stamps
MI KB6995-7000GN20091215 MS 30000 8 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Tiger (on two stamps)
6-stamp MS with
GN20091215 ST 5000 44
GN20091215 ST 5000 47
and 4 other stamps
MI KB7044-7049GN20091215 IMS 29000 8 Imperforate miniature sheet 29000 Tiger (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI UnlistedGN20091215 IMS 30000 8 Imperforate miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Tiger (on two stamps)
6-stamp MS with
GN20091215 IMP 5000 44
GN20091215 IMP 5000 47
and 4 other stamps
MI Unlisted15 June 2010 - Tourism GN20100615 ST 29000 15 Stamp 29000 Tiger
Stamp from
GN20100615 MS 29000 16
MI B1831GN20100615 MS 29000 15 Miniature sheet 29000 Tiger (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20100615 ST 29000 16
MI B183112 July 2010 - International Biodiversity Year GN20100712 ST 5000 156 Stamp 5000 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
GN20100712 MS 30000 26
MI 7779GN20100712 MS 30000 26 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Eurasian Lynx
6-stamp MS with
GN20100712 ST 5000 156
and 5 other stamps
MI 777915 May 2014 - Fauna Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
GN20140515 ST 15000 61 Stamp 15000 Lion (male)
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 45000 21
MI 10387GN20140515 ST 15000 62 Stamp 15000 Lion (cub)
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 45000 21
MI 10388GN20140515 ST 15000 63 Stamp 15000 Lion (female)
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 45000 21
MI 10389GN20140515 ST 15000 71 Stamp African Wildcat
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 45000 24
MI 10399GN20140515 ST 40000 21 Stamp 40000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 40000 21
MI 10390GN20140515 MS 40000 21 Miniature sheet 40000 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lion's paw print (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20140515 ST 40000 21
MI B2372GN20140515 MS 45000 21 Miniature sheet 45000
(3 x 15000)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Lion's paw print (on selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
GN20140515 ST 15000 61
GN20140515 ST 15000 62
GN20140515 ST 15000 63
MI KB10387-10389GN20140515 MS 45000 24 Miniature sheet 45000
(3 x 15000)African Wildcat (on one stamp and selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
GN20140515 ST 15000 71
and two stamps showing Domestic Cats
MI KB10399-10401Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats and Prehistoric Cats
GN20141001 ST 10000 21 Stamp 10000 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 11
MI 10582GN20141001 ST 10000 22 Stamp 10000 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 11
MI 10583GN20141001 ST 15000 21 Stamp 15000 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 11
MI 10584GN20141001 ST 15000 22 Stamp 15000 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 11
MI 10585GN20141001 ST 40000 11 Stamp 40000 Snow Leopard
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 40000 11
MI 10586GN20141001 MS 40000 11 Miniature sheet 40000 Snow Leopard
MI B2412GN20141001 MS 50000 11 Miniature sheet 50000
(2 x 10000
+ 2 x 15000)Snow Leopard
4-stamp MS with
GN20141001 ST 10000 21
GN20141001 ST 10000 22
GN20141001 ST 15000 21
GN20141001 ST 15000 22
MI KB10582-1058520 October 2014 - Natural Sciences GN20141020 ST 10000 17 Stamp 10000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20141020 MS 50000 9
MI 10702GN20141020 ST 10000 18 Stamp 10000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20141020 MS 50000 9
MI 10703GN20141020 ST 15000 18 Stamp 15000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20141020 MS 50000 9
MI 10704GN20141020 ST 15000 18 Stamp 15000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20141020 MS 50000 9
MI 10705GN20141020 ST 40000 9 Stamp 40000 Lion
Stamp from
GN20141020 MS 40000 9
MI 10706GN20141020 MS 40000 9 Miniature sheet 40000 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20141020 ST 40000 9
MI B2436GN20141020 MS 50000 9 Miniature sheet 50000
(2 x 10000
+ 2 x 15000)Lion
4-stamp MS with
GN20141020 ST 10000 17
GN20141020 ST 10000 18
GN20141020 ST 15000 17
GN20141020 ST 10000 18
MI KB10702-10705Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Greg Balagian, TS Tan, Samuel Bussain, Mirko Lipovaca, Jérome
Castello, and André Maboko.
Latest update: 26 July, 2020