Stamps inscribed 'Guinée Française', 'Afrique Occidentale Française/AOF - Guinée', 'Guinée' or 'République de Guinée'
1892 - 1944 French Colonial Issues
1944 - 1959 Stamps of French West Africa used
1959 -> Independence
From 1959: 1 (Guinea) Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1971: 1 Syli = 100 Cauris = 10 Francs
From 1985: 1 Franc (GNF) = 100 Centimes = 1 Syli
Checklists > Countries > Guinea Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 16 May 1968 - Fables and Fairytales I Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
GN19680516 ST 100 Stamp 100 Unspecified breed
Cats in Literature
"The Heraitage of Old Faya"
MI 484AGN19680516 IMP 100 1 Imperforate stamp 100 Unspecified breed
Cats in Literature
"The Heraitage of Old Faya"
Stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 484BGN19680516 IMP 100 2 Imperforate stamp 100 Unspecified breed
Cats in Literature
"The Heraitage of Old Faya"
Stamp from
GN19680516 IMS 455
MI A485GN19680516 IMS 455 Imperforate miniature sheet 455
+ 80
+ 100
+ 200)Unspecified breed
Cats in Literature
"The Heraitage of Old Faya"
Imperforate MS with
GN19680516 IMP 100 2
and three other stamps
MI A48526 October 1985 - Dogs and Cats GN19851026 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Siamese (Blue-point)
MI 1050AGN19851026 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Persian
MI 1053AGN19851026 ST 25_00 Stamp 25.00 European Shorthair (Red Tabby)
MI 1054AGN19851026 ST 35_00 Stamp 35.00 Abyssinian
MI 1056AGN19851026 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00 Chartreux
MI 1058AGN19851026 IMP 7_00 Imperforate stamp 7.00 Siamese (Blue-point)
MI 1050BGN19851026 IMP 20_00 Imperforate stamp 20.00 Persian
MI 1053BGN19851026 IMP 25_00 Imperforate stamp 25.00 European Shorthair (Red Tabby)
MI 1054BGN19851026 IMP 35_00 Imperforate stamp 35.00 Abyssinian
MI 1056BGN19851026 IMP 50_00 Imperforate stamp 50.00 Chartreux
MI 1058BGN19851026 MS 7_00 Miniature Sheet 7.00 Siamese (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B160AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19851026 MS 20_00 Miniature Sheet 20.00 Persian (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B163AGN19851026 MS 25_00 Miniature Sheet 25.00 European Shorthair (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B164AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19851026 MS 35_00 Miniature Sheet 35.00 Abyssinian (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B166AGN19851026 MS 50_00 Miniature Sheet 50.00 Chartreux (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B159AGN19851026 IMS 7_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 7.00 Siamese (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B160BGN19851026 IMS 20_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 20.00 Persian (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B163BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19851026 IMS 25_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 25.00 European Shorthair (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B164BGN19851026 IMS 35_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 35.00 Abyssinian (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B166BGN19851026 IMS 50_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 50.00 Chartreux (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B159B1 November 1991 - Year of African Tourism If you have a better scan of this item, it would be greatly appreciated.
GN19911101 ST 150 Stamp 150 Unspecified breed
MI 135625 July 1995 - Cats GN19950725 ST 150 Stamp 150 Unspecified breed (tortie and white longhair)
MI 1515GN19950725 ST 250 Stamp 250 Unspecified breed (brown tabby and white shorthair)
MI 1516GN19950725 ST 500 1 Stamp 500 Unspecified breed (red tabby shorthair)
MI 1517GN19950725 ST 500 2 Stamp 500 Persian (tortie and white)
MI 1518GN19950725 ST 500 3 Stamp 500 Persian (smoke)
MI 1519GN19950725 ST 1000 Stamp 1000 Persian (Chnichilla)
Stamp from
GN19980725 MS 1000
MI 1520GN19950725 MS 1000 Miniature sheet 1000 Persian (Chnichilla) (on stamp and selvedge - composite design)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19980725 ST 1000
MI B49215 November 1996 - Cats GN19961115 ST 200 Stamp 200 Unspecified breed (tortie and white shorthair)
MI 1603GN19961115 ST 250 Stamp 250 Unspecifed breed ( black and white shorthair)
MI 1604GN19961115 ST 300 Stamp 300 Japanese Bobtail
MI 1605GN19961115 ST 400 Stamp 400 Persian (Colourpoint) / Himalayan
MI 1606GN19961115 ST 450 Stamp 450 Persian (tortie)
MI 1607GN19961115 ST 500 Stamp 500 Persian (blue)
MI 1608GN19961115 ST 1000 Stamp 1000 Persian (trtie and white)
MI 1609GN19961115 MS 1000 Miniature sheet 1000 Persian (trtie and white)
MI B50425 February 1998 - Cat Breeds GN19980225 ST 200 Stamp 200 British Shorthair
MI 1771GN19980225 ST 250 Stamp 250 Scottish Fold
MI 1772GN19980225 ST 300 Stamp 300 Burmese (wrongly marked Sacred Birman)
MI 1773GN19980225 ST 400 Stamp 400 American Shorthair
MI 1774GN19980225 ST 450 Stamp 450 Snowshoe
MI 1775GN19980225 ST 500 Stamp 500 Maine Coon
MI 1776GN19980225 ST 1000 Stamp 1000 Kucing Malaysia
MI 1777GN19980225 MS 1000 Miniature sheet 1000 Kucing Malaysia
MI B52230 July 1998 - Betty Boop GN19980730 MS 1500 Miniature sheet 1500 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Cartoon cat
Single-stamp MS
MI B5372 March 1999 - Garfield GN19990302 ST 300 1 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (eating)
MI 2285GN19990302 ST 300 2 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (with Odie)
MI 2286GN19990302 ST 300 3 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (with teddybear)
MI 2287GN19990302 ST 300 4 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (making funny face)
MI 2288GN19990302 ST 300 5 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Garfield and Arlene
MI 2289GN19990302 ST 300 6 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (sleeping in chair)
MI 2290GN19990302 ST 300 7 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (hunting/"wagging" tail)
MI 2291GN19990302 ST 300 8 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (with cutlery)
MI 2291GN19990302 ST 300 9 Stamp 300 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Garfield and Nermal
MI 2292GN19990302 ST 1500 1 Stamp 1500 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (grinning)
Stamp from
GN19990302 MS 1500 1
MI 2293GN19990302 ST 1500 2 Stamp 1500 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (bouncing in flowers)
Stamp from
GN19990302 MS 1500 2
MI 2294GN19990302 MS 1500 1 Miniature sheet 1500 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (grinning)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19990302 ST 1500 1
MI B576GN19990302 MS 1500 2 Miniature sheet 1500 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Garfield (bouncing in flowers)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19990302 ST 1500 2
MI B5771 May 1999 - Cat Breeds GN19990501 ST 300 2 Stamp 300 Ragdoll (supposedly)
MI 2335GN19990501 ST 450 9 Stamp 450 Egyptian Mau
MI 2336GN19990501 ST 450 10 Stamp 450 Tonkinese
MI 2337GN19990501 ST 450 11 Stamp 450 Korat
MI 2338GN19990501 ST 450 12 Stamp 450 Siamese
MI 2339GN19990501 ST 450 13 Stamp 450 British Shorthair
MI 2340GN19990501 ST 450 14 Stamp 450 Bengal
MI 2341GN19990501 ST 450 15 Stamp 450 Persian
MI 2342GN19990501 ST 1500 3 Stamp 450 Unspecified breed
Stamp from
GN19990501 MS 1500 3
MI 2343GN19990501 MS 1500 3 Miniature sheet 1500 Unspecified breed
Single-stamp MS with
GN19990501 ST 1500 3
MI B5826 October 1999 - Cat Breeds GN19991006 ST 750 7 Stamp 750 Bengal (mis-spelled 'Bengali')
Blue border
Stamp from sheetlets
MI 2482IGN19991006 ST 750 8 Stamp 750 Cornish Rex
Blue border
Stamp from sheetlets
MI 2483IGN19991006 ST 750 9 Stamp 750 Sacred Birman
Blue border
Stamp from sheetlets
MI 2484IGN19991006 ST 750 10 Stamp 750 Bengal
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 MS 750 4
MI 2482IIGN19991006 ST 750 11 Stamp 750 Cornish Rex
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 MS 750 5
MI 2483IIGN19991006 ST 750 12 Stamp 750 Sacred Birman
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 MS 750 6
MI 2484IIGN19991006 ST 2000 3 Stamp 2000 Sacred Birman
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 MS 2000 3
MI 2484IIGN19991006 IMP 750 7 Imperforate stamp 750 Bengal
Blue border
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet
MI UnlistedGN19991006 IMP 750 8 Imperforate stamp 750 Cornish Rex
Blue border
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet
MI UnlistedGN19991006 IMP 750 9 Imperforate stamp 750 Sacred Birman
Blue border
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMP 750 10 Imperforate stamp 750 Bengal
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 IMS 750 4
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMP 750 11 Imperforate stamp 750 Cornish Rex
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 IMS 750 5
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMP 750 12 Imperforate stamp 750 Sacred Birman
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 IMS 750 6
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMP 2000 3 Imperforate stamp 2000 Sacred Birman
Yellow border
Stamp from
GN19991006 IMS 2000 3
MI UnlistedGN19991006 MS 750 4 Miniature sheet 750 Bengal (on stamp)
Bombay (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 ST 750 10
MI UnlistedGN19991006 MS 750 5 Miniature sheet 750 Cornish Rex (on stamp)
Bombay (on selvedge)
GN19991006 ST 750 11
MI UnlistedGN19991006 MS 750 6 Miniature sheet 750 Sacred Birman (on stamp)
Bombay (on selvedge)
GN19991006 ST 750 12
MI UnlistedGN19991006 MS 2000 3 Miniature sheet 2000 Abyssinian (on stamp)
Japanese Bobtail
Egyptian Mau
Siamese (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 ST 2000 3
MI B599If you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMS 750 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Bengal (on stamp)
Bombay (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 IMP 750 10
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMS 750 5 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Cornish Rex (on stamp)
Bombay (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 IMP 750 11
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMS 750 6 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Sacred Birman (on stamp)
Bombay (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 IMP 750 12
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN19991006 IMS 2000 3 Imperforate miniature sheet 2000 Abyssinian (on stamp)
Japanese Bobtail
Egyptian Mau
Siamese (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN19991006 IMP 2000 3
MI Unlisted26 December 2001 - Cat Breeds GN20011226 ST 1750 17 Stamp 1750 Maine Coon (according to text, looks more like a shorthair cat....)
Stamp from sheetlet or
GN20011226 MS 7000 5
MI 3434AGN20011226 ST 1750 18 Stamp 1750 Unspecified breed (marked "Rex", but we cannot establish what kind of rexed cat)
Stamp from sheetlet or
GN20011226 MS 7000 5
MI 3435AGN20011226 ST 1750 19 Stamp 1750 Unspecified breed (Tortie)
Stamp from sheetlet or
GN20011226 MS 7000 5
MI 3436AGN20011226 ST 1750 20 Stamp 1750 Persian (Colourpint) / Hamalayan
Stamp from sheetlet or
GN20011226 MS 7000 5
MI 3437AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20011226 IMP 1750 17 Imperforate stamp 1750 Maine Coon (according to text, looks more like a shorthair cat....)
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet or
GN20011226 IMS 7000 5
MI 3434BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20011226 IMP 1750 18 Imperforate stamp 1750 Unspecified breed (marked "Rex", but we cannot establish what kind of rexed cat)
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet or
GN20011226 IMS 7000 5
MI 3435BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20011226 IMP 1750 19 Imperforate stamp 1750 Unspecified breed (Tortie)
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet or
GN20011226 IMS 7000 5
MI 3436BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20011226 IMP 1750 20 Imperforate stamp 1750 Persian (Colourpint) / Hamalayan
Stamp from imperforate sheetlet or
GN20011226 IMS 7000 5
MI 3437BGN20011226 MS 7000 5 Miniature sheet 7000
(4 x 1750)Maine Coon
Persian (on one stamp each)
Unspecified breed (on two stamps and selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
GN20011226 ST 1750 17
GN20011226 ST 1750 18
GN20011226 ST 1750 19
GN20011226 ST 1750 20
MI B693AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. GN20011226 IMS 7000 5 Miniature sheet 7000
(4 x 1750)Maine Coon
Persian (on one stamp each)
Unspecified breed (on two stamps and selvedge)
4-stamp imperforate MS with
GN20011226 IMP 1750 17
GN20011226 IMP 1750 18
GN20011226 IMP 1750 19
GN20011226 IMP 1750 20
MI B693B27 December 2002 - Scouts and Nature Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
GN20021227 ST 300 7 Stamp 300 Japanese Bobtail
Unspecified breed
MI 4029AGN20021227 ST 750 6 Stamp 750 Egyptian Mau
Unspecified breed
MI 4030AGN20021227 ST 5000 9 Stamp 5000 Bombay
Unspecified breed
MI 4031AGN20021227 IMP 300 7 Imperforate stamp 300 Japanese Bobtail
Unspecified breed
MI 4029BGN20021227 IMP 750 6 Imperforate stamp 750 Egyptian Mau
Unspecified breed
MI 4030BGN20021227 IMP 5000 9 Imperforate stamp 5000 Bombay
Unspecified breed
MI 4031BGN20021227 MS 300 7 Miniature sheet 300 Japanese Bobtail
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Cornish Rex
Siamese (?) (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 ST 300 7
MI B801AGN20021227 MS 750 6 Miniature sheet 750 Egyptian Mau
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Sacred Birman
Japanese Bobtail (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 ST 750 6
MI B802AGN20021227 MS 5000 9 Miniature sheet 5000 Bombay (on stamp)
Unspecified breed (on stamp and selvedge)
Singapura (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 ST 5000 9
MI B803AGN20021227 MS 6050 4 Miniature sheet 6050
+ 750
+ 5000)Unspecified breed (on all stamps)
Japanese Bobtail
Egyptian Mau (on one stamp each)
Bombay (on one stamp and selvedge)
Manx (on selvedge)
Lion (on selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Three-stamp imperforate MS with
GN20021227 ST 300 7
GN20021227 ST 750 6
GN20021227 ST 5000 9
MI KB4029B-4031BGN20021227 IMS 300 7 Imperforate miniature sheet 300 Japanese Bobtail
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Cornish Rex
Siamese (?) (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 IMP 300 7
MI B801BGN20021227 IMS 750 6 Imperforate miniature sheet 750 Egyptian Mau
Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Sacred Birman
Japanese Bobtail (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 IMP 750 6
MI B802BGN20021227 IMS 5000 9 Imperforate miniature sheet 5000 Bombay (on stamp)
Unspecified breed (on stamp and selvedge)
Singapura (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20021227 IMP 5000 9
MI B803BGN20021227 IMS 6050 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 5500
+ 750
+ 5000)Unspecified breed (on all stamps)
Japanese Bobtail
Egyptian Mau (on one stamp each)
Bombay (on one stamp and selvedge)
Manx (on selvedge)
Three-stamp imperforate MS with
GN20021227 IMP 300 7
GN20021227 IMP 750 6
GN20021227 IMP 5000 9
MI KB4029B-4031B28 September 2007 - Natural Sciences Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
GN20070928 ST 2000 9 Stamp 2000 Abyssinian (with Cocker Spaniel)
MI 4689GN20070928 ST 7500 1 Stamp 7500 Sacred Birman (with orchid)
This stamp is inscribed and catalogued as Sacred Birman, but we frankly cannot see any cat
MI 4666GN20070928 ST 20000 1 Stamp 20000 Abyssinian (with orchid)
This stamp is inscribed and catalogued as Abyssinian, but we frankly cannot see any cat
MI 4667GN20070928 ST 20000 9 Stamp 20000 Sacred Birman (with Husky)
MI 4691GN20070928 ST 25000 2 Stamp 25000 Sacred Birman (with orchid)
This stamp is inscribed and catalogued as Sacred Birman, but we frankly cannot see any cat
Stamp from
GN20070928 MS 25000 2
MI 4726GN20070928 ST 25000 3 Stamp 25000 Abyssinian (with orchid)
This stamp is inscribed and catalogued as Abyssinian, but we frankly cannot see any cat
Stamp from
GN20070928 MS 25000 3
MI 4726GN20070928 ST 25000 25 Stamp 25000 Abyssinian (with Cocker Spaniel)
Stamp from
GN20070928 MS 25000 25
MI 4749GN20070928 ST 25000 27 Stamp 25000 Sacred Birman (with Husky)
Stamp from
GN20070928 MS 25000 27
MI 4751GN20070928 MS 2000 9 Miniature sheet 2000
(sold at 30000)Abyssinian (with Cocker Spaniel)
Single-stamp "de-luxe" MS (sold at a premium) with
GN20070928 ST 2000 9
MI UnlistedGN20070928 MS 7500 9 Miniature sheet 7500
(sold at 30000)Abyssinian (with Cocker Spaniel)
Single-stamp "de-luxe" MS (sold at a premium) with
GN20070928 ST 7500 9
MI UnlistedGN20070928 MS 20000 9 Miniature sheet 20000
(sold at 30000)Abyssinian (with Cocker Spaniel)
Single-stamp "de-luxe" MS (sold at a premium) with
GN20070928 ST 20000 9
MI UnlistedGN20070928 MS 25000 2 Miniature sheet 25000 Sacred Birman (with orchid) (on stamp)
This stamp is inscribed and catalogued as Sacred Birman, but we frankly cannot see any cats
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 2
MI B1180GN20070928 MS 25000 3 Miniature sheet 25000 Abyssinian (with orchid) (on stamp)
This stamp is inscribed and catalogued as Abyssinian, but we frankly cannot see any cats
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 3
MI B1181GN20070928 MS 25000 25 Miniature sheet 25000 Abyssinian (with Cocker Spaniel) (on stamp)
Persian (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 25
MI B1181GN20070928 MS 25000 26 Miniature sheet 25000 Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Wild Cats on stamp and selvedge
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 26
MI B1182GN20070928 MS 25000 27 Miniature sheet 25000 Sacred Birman (on stamp and selvedge)
Black-Footed Cat (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 25000 27
MI B1183GN20070928 MS 29500 1 Miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
+20000)Sacred Birman
Abyssinian (on one stamp each)
These stamps are inscribed and catalogued as Sacred Birman and Abyssinian, respectively, but we frankly cannot see any cats
MI KB4665-4667GN20070928 MS 29500 9 Miniature sheet 29500
+ 7500
Sacred Birman (on one stamp each)
Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Sand Cat (on one stamp)
3-stamp MS with
GN20070928 ST 2000 9
GN20070928 ST 20000 9
GN20070928 ST 7500 9
MI KB4689-46915 November 2007 - Japanese Art GN20071105 MS 25000 10 Miniature sheet 25000 Unspecified Breed (on selvedge)
MI B12482008 - Overprints GN20080000 ST 29000 4 Stamp 29000 Unspecified Breed
GN19961115 ST 250
with overprint
MI 6339GN20080000 ST 29000 5 Stamp 29000 Japanese Bobtail
GN19961115 ST 300
with overprint
MI 6340GN20080000 ST 29000 6 Stamp 29000 Persian (Colourpoint) / Himalayan
GN19961115 ST 400
with overprint
MI 6341GN20080000 ST 29000 7 Stamp 29000 Persian (Brown)
GN19961115 ST 450
with overprint
MI 6342GN20080000 ST 29000 8 Stamp 29000 Persian (Blue Shaded)
GN19961115 ST 500
with overprint
MI 634325 May 2008 - Cats and their Owners Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
GN20080525 ST 5000 86 Stamp 5000 Turkish Angora (and Anne Frank)
MI 5599GN20080525 ST 5000 88 Stamp 5000 Chartreux (and Anne Frank)
MI 5601GN20080525 ST 5000 89 Stamp 5000 Chartreux (and Michelle Pfeiffer)
MI 5602GN20080525 ST 5000 90 Stamp 5000 Turkish Angora (and Brigitte Bardot)
MI 5603GN20080525 ST 25000 31 Stamp 25000 Bonbay (and Anne Frank)
MI 5605GN20080525 ST 25000 32 Stamp 25000 Scottish Fold (and Brigitte Bardot)
MI 5606GN20080525 MS 25000 30 Miniature Sheet 25000 Scottish Fold
Chartreux (on selvedge)
This item also shows a Sand Cat, and is also listed under wild cats
Single-stamp MS
MI B1536GN20080525 MS 25000 31 Miniature Sheet 25000 Bonbay (on stamp)
Turkish Angora
Oriental Shorthair
Bastet Sculpture (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1537GN20080525 MS 25000 32 Miniature Sheet 25000 Scottish Fold (on stamp)
American Curl
Characters from the musical Cats in costume (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B1538GN20080525 MS 30000 15 Miniature Sheet 30000 Turkish Angora (on two stamps
Chartreux (on two stamps and selvedge)
Oriental Shorthair
Unspecified Breed (on selvedge)
6-stamps MS
This item also shows a Sand Cat, and is also listed under Wild Cats
MI Unnumbered sheetlet20 October 2008 - Modes of Transportation in Literature GN20081020 MS 30000 1 Miniature Sheet 30000 Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
6-stamp MS
MI Unnumbered sheetlet2009 - Overprints GN20090000 ST 6500 1 Stamp 6500 Unspecified breed
GN19980725 ST 150
overprinted with new denomination15 December 2009 - World Stamps Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
GN20091215 ST 5000 49 Stamp 5000 Unspecified breed
Catstamp on stamp
BE19930904 ST 15_00 2
Stamp from
GN20091215 MS 30000 1
MI 7051GN20091215 ST 5000 51 Stamp 5000 Burmese
Catstamp on stamp
UA20080516 ST 1_00 4
MI 7053GN20091215 ST 5000 53 Stamp 5000 Siamese
Catstamp on stamp
UA20080516 ST 1_00 5
MI 7055GN20091215 ST 29000 9 Stamp 29000 Kurilian Bobtail
Catstamp on stamp
UA20080516 ST 1_00 6
Stamp from
GN20091215 MS 29000 9
MI 7057GN20091215 MS 29000 9 Miniature sheet 29000 Kuril Bobtail (on stamp)
Maine Coon
Burmilla (?) (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20091215 ST 29000 9
MI B1769GN20091215 MS 30000 9 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Unspecified breed
Burmese (on one stamp each)
Siamese (on one stamp and selvedge
Catstamps on stamps
HU19741230 ST 0_60
shown on selvedge
6-stamp MS with
GN20091215 ST 5000 49
GN20091215 ST 5000 51
GN20091215 ST 5000 53
and 3 other stamps
MI KB7051-705630 December 2009 - Cats of the World GN20091230 ST 5000 37 Stamp 5000 Sacred Birman
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 7
MI 7177GN20091230 ST 5000 38 Stamp 5000 Persian
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 7
MI 7178GN20091230 ST 5000 39 Stamp 5000 Sacred Birman
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 7
MI 7179GN20091230 ST 5000 40 Stamp 5000 Maine Coon
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 7
MI 7180GN20091230 ST 5000 41 Stamp 5000 Egyptian Mau
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 7
MI 7181GN20091230 ST 5000 42 Stamp 5000 Japanese Bobtail
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 7
MI 7182GN20091230 ST 5000 43 Stamp 5000 American Bobtail Longhair
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 8
MI 7183GN20091230 ST 5000 44 Stamp 5000 Sacred Birman
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 8
MI 7184GN20091230 ST 5000 45 Stamp 5000 Bobtail
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 8
MI 7185GN20091230 ST 5000 46 Stamp 5000 Bobtail
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 8
MI 7186GN20091230 ST 5000 47 Stamp 5000 Chartreux
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 8
MI 7187GN20091230 ST 5000 48 Stamp 5000 Egyptian Mau
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 8
MI 7188GN20091230 ST 5000 49 Stamp 5000 Persian
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 9
MI 7189GN20091230 ST 5000 50 Stamp 5000 Japanese Bobtail
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 9
MI 7190GN20091230 ST 5000 51 Stamp 5000 Bombay
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 9
MI 7191GN20091230 ST 5000 52 Stamp 5000 Maine Coon
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 9
MI 7192GN20091230 ST 5000 53 Stamp 5000 Siamese
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 9
MI 7193GN20091230 ST 5000 54 Stamp 5000 Chartreux
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 30000 9
MI 7194GN20091230 ST 29000 7 Stamp 29000 American Bobtail
Sacred Birman
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 29000 7
MI 7195GN20091230 ST 29000 8 Stamp 29000 Maine Coon
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 29000 8
MI 7196GN20091230 ST 29000 9 Stamp 29000 Japanese Bobtail (The cat marked Japanese Bobtail seems to be longhair - looks more like Kurilian Bobtail or American Bobtail to us)
Stamp from
GN20091230 MS 29000 9
MI 7197GN20091230 MS 29000 7 Miniature sheet 29000 American Bobtail (on stamp)
Sacred Birman (on stamp and selvedge)
Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20091230 ST 29000 7
MI B1787GN20091230 MS 29000 8 Miniature sheet 29000 Maine Coon (on stamp and selvedge)
Ocicat (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20091230 ST 29000 8
MI B1788GN20091230 MS 29000 9 Miniature sheet 29000 Japanese Bobtail (on stamp) (The cat marked Japanese Bobtail seems to be longhair - looks more like Kurilian Bobtail or American Bobtail to us)
Chartreux (on stamp and selvedge)
Maine Coon (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20091230 ST 29000 9
MI B1789GN20091230 MS 30000 7 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Persian (on one stamp and selvedge)
Maine Coon
Egyptian Mau
Japanese Bobtail (on one stamp each)
Sacred Birman (on two stamps)
Cat silhouette (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
GN20091230 ST 5000 37
GN20091230 ST 5000 38
GN20091230 ST 5000 39
GN20091230 ST 5000 40
GN20091230 ST 5000 41
GN20091230 ST 5000 42
MI KB7177-7182GN20091230 MS 30000 8 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)American Bobtail
Sacred Birman
Egyptian Mau (on one stamp each)
Bombay (on two stamps)
Cat silhouette (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
GN20091230 ST 5000 43
GN20091230 ST 5000 44
GN20091230 ST 5000 45
GN20091230 ST 5000 46
GN20091230 ST 5000 47
GN20091230 ST 5000 48
MI KB7183-7188GN20091230 MS 30000 9 Miniature sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Persian
Japanese Bobtail
Maine Coon
Chartreux (on one stamp each)
Cat Silhouette (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
GN20091230 ST 5000 49
GN20091230 ST 5000 50
GN20091230 ST 5000 51
GN20091230 ST 5000 52
GN20091230 ST 5000 53
GN20091230 ST 5000 54
MI KB7189-719415 June 2010 - Celebrity Cat Owners GN20100615 ST 5000 55 Stamp 5000 Unspecified Breed
Truman Capote and brown tabby
MI 7522GN20100615 ST 5000 56 Stamp 5000 Siamese
Vivien Leigh and seal point Siamese
MI 7523GN20100615 ST 5000 57 Stamp 5000 Unspecified breed
Marlon Brando and white cat
MI 7524GN20100615 ST 5000 58 Stamp 5000 Siamese
Kim Novak and seal point Siamese
MI 7525GN20100615 ST 5000 59 Stamp 5000 Unspecified Breed
John Travolta and cat
MI 7526GN20100615 ST 5000 60 Stamp 5000 Unspecified Breed
Michael Jackson and cat
MI 7527GN20100615 ST 29000 10 Stamp 29000 Unspecified Breed
Ernest Hemmingway and cat
Stamp from MS
MI 7528GN20100615 MS 29000 10 Miniature Sheet 29000 Unspecified Breed (on stamp and selvedge)
Ernest Hemmingway and cat
Single-stamp MS
MI B1826GN20100615 MS 30000 10 Miniature Sheet 30000
(6 x 5000)Unspecified breed
Oriental Shorthair (on stamps)
British Shorthair (on selvedge)
6-stamp MS
MI KB7522-752710 May 2011 - Fauna and Flora GN20110510 ST 5000 26 Stamp 5000 Bengal
Stamp from
GN20110510 MS 30000 13
MI 8329GN20110510 ST 5000 27 Stamp 5000
Stamp from
GN20110510 MS 30000 13
MI 8330GN20110510 ST 10000 26 Stamp 10000 Marcel Cat / Californian Rex
Stamp from
GN20110510 MS 30000 13
MI 8331ILS GN20110510 ST 10000 27 Stamp 10000 British Longhair
Stamp from
GN20110510 MS 30000 13
MI 8332GN20110510 ST 45000 13 Stamp 45000 Savannah Cat
Stamp from
GN20110510 MS 45000 13
MI 8333GN20110510 MS 30000 13 Miniature sheet 30000
(2 x 5000
+ 2 x 10000)Bengal
Californian Rex
British Longhair (on one stamp each)
American Shorthair
Chausie (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
GN20110510 ST 5000 26
GN20110510 ST 5000 27
GN20110510 ST 10000 26
GN20110510 ST 10000 27
MI KB8329-8333GN20110510 MS 45000 13 Miniature sheet 45000 Savannah Cat (on stamp)
Bengal (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20110510 ST 45000 13
MI B194715 May 2014 - Fauna Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
GN20140515 ST 15000 72 Stamp 15000 Turkish Van
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 45000 24
MI 10400GN20140515 ST 15000 73 Stamp 15000 Burmese
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 45000 24
MI 10401GN20140515 ST 40000 24 Stamp 40000 Exotic Shorthair
Stamp from
GN20140515 MS 40000 24
MI 10402GN20140515 MS 40000 24 Miniature sheet 40000 Exotic Shorthair (on stamp)
Turkish Van
Russian Blue
Norwegian Forrest Cat (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20140515 ST 40000 24
MI B???GN20140515 MS 45000 24 Miniature sheet 45000
(3 x 15000)Turkish Van
Burmese (on one stamp each)
African Wildcat (on one stamp and selvedge)
3-stamp MS with
GN20140515 ST 15000 72
GN20140515 ST 15000 73
and a stamp showing an African Wildcat
MI KB10399-104011 October 2014 - Fauna
Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats and Prehistoric Cats
GN20141001 ST 10000 29 Stamp 10000 Turkish Van
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 15
MI 10602GN20141001 ST 10000 30 Stamp 10000 Maine Coon
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 15
MI 10603GN20141001 ST 15000 29 Stamp 15000 Sphynx
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 15
MI 10604GN20141001 ST 15000 30 Stamp 15000 Persian
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 50000 15
MI 10605GN20141001 ST 40000 15 Stamp 40000 Cornish Rex
Stamp from
GN20141001 MS 40000 15
MI 10606GN20141001 MS 40000 15 Miniature sheet 40000 Cornish Rex (on stamp)
British Shorthair
Maine Coon
Bengal (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
GN20141001 ST 40000 15
MI B2416GN20141001 MS 50000 15 Miniature sheet 50000
(2 x 10000
+ 2 x 15000)Turkish Van
Maine Coon
4-stamp MS with
GN20141001 ST 10000 29
GN20141001 ST 10000 30
GN20141001 ST 15000 29
GN20141001 ST 15000 30
MI KB10602-10605Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable assistance from Robert Boyé, Marci Jarvis, Bridget Robinson, Patrick Roberts, and
Mirko Lipovaca .
Latest update: 1 February, 2022