Stamps inscribed 'China', 'Imperial Chinese Posts', 'Chinese Imperial Post', 'Chinese Empire', '(The )Republic of China' and/or '
' or '
Note: Stamps from Taiwan are also marked 'Republic of China' until 2007.
1878 - 1910 Empire
1910 - 1949 Republic of China
1949 -> People's Republic of China
From 1878: 1 Tael = 10 Mace = 100 Candareens = 1000 Li
From 1889: 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen = 1000 Wen (= 0.72 Tael)
From 1897: 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen
From 1948: 1 [Gold] Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen (= 3 Million Old Yuan)
From 1949: 1 Renminbi Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen (= 100 000 Gold Yuan)
From 1955: 1 New Renminbi Yuan (CNY) = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen (= 10 000 Old RY)
Checklists > Countries > China Heraldic Cats Also see China Domestic Cats
China Wild CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 2012 110th Anniversary of Nanjing University CN20120520 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20Heraldic Lions
Nanjing University CoA
MI 4348M
DLSCN20120520 FDC 1_20 First Day Cover 1.20Heraldic Lions (on stamps and cachet)
Nanjing University CoACompiled by Geir Arveng. Additional information by T.S. Tan and Jeanie Lu
Latest update: 10 March 2013