Stamps inscribed 'Republic of China' and '票郵國民華中' or '中華民國郵票', 'Taiwan' and '臺灣', or 'Republic of China (Taiwan)' and '中華民國郵票'.
<- 1945 Ordinary Japanese stamps used
1945 - 1946 Overprinted Japanese stamps used
1947 - 1950 Overprinted Chinese stamps used
1950 -> Separate issues for Republic of China / Taiwan
From 1945: 1 Dollar (TWD) = 100 cents
Checklists > Countries > Taiwan Wild Cats Alse see Taiwan Domestic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 15 September 1961 - Ancient Chinese Art IV TW19610915 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Jade Lion Statuette
MI 4201962 45th Anniversary of Lions International TW19621008 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 474ATW19621008 ST 3_60 Stamp 3.60 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 475ATW19621008 IMP 0_80 Imperforate stamp 0.80 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS (with printed 'perforation')
MI 474BTW19621008 IMP 3_60 Imperforate stamp 3.60 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS (with printed 'perforation')
MI 475BTW19621008 MS 4_40 Miniature Sheet 4.40 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI B12TW19621008 FDC 4_40 1 First Day Cover 4.40 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
FDC with the two perf. stampsTW19621008 FDC 4_40 2 First Day Cover 4.40 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on MS, postmark and cachet)
FDC with MSTW19621008 FDP First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem1966 Chinese Traditions TW19661126 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00 Lion
Lion Dance Costume
Wild Cat Art
MI 6201967 International Year of Tourism TW19671210 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
MI 6481968 Definitives I TW19680123 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 654TW19680123 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Vermilion, perf. all sides
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 655TW19680123 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 6581968 Definitives II TW19680711 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 652TW19680711 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 653TW19680711 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 656TW19680711 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 657TW19680711 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5
MI 6591969 Ancient Chinese Art from the Palace Museum II TW19690115 ST 1_50
Stamp 1.50 Panther
Wild Cat Art
Song Dynasty Jade Vase
MI 7071970 Definitives TW19700320 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Stamp from rolls
Imp. vertically
MI 7651970 Chinese Fairytales TW19700710 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
"Yang Hsiang saves his Father from a Tiger's Attack"
MI XXX1971 Definitives I TW19710222 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
MI 811X1971 Definitives II TW19710301 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
Same design as
TW19720222 ST 1_00
but with Watermark 3
MI 814X1971 Definitives III TW19710501 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
MI 815XTW19710501 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
MI 816XTW19710501 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
MI 818X1971 Definitives IV TW19710610 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
MI 812XTW19710610 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
Same design as
TW19711201 ST 0_50
but with Watermark 3
MI 813XTW19710610 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
MI 817X1971 Little League World Series TW19710909 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
TW19680123 ST 1_00
MI 836TW19710909 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
TW19680123 ST 2_50
MI 837TW19710909 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
TW19680711 ST 3_00
MI 8381971 Definitives V TW19711201 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
Same design as
TW19710610 ST 0_50
but with Watermark 6
MI 813Y1972 Definitives TW19720222 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Perf. 13.5 : 12.5
Same design as
TW19710301 ST 1_00
but with Watermark 6
MI 814Y1973 Year of the Tiger TW19731201 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 995TW19731201 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 9961975 Definitives TW19750128 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Stone Lion (outside Sun Yat Sen Memorial, Yangmingshan)
Wild Cat Art
Stamp from rolls
Imp. vertically
MI 10621975 Chinese Fairytales TW19750716 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
"Chou Chu Conquers a Wild Tiger"
MI 10901977 Ancient Chinese Laquer Works TW19770928 ST 8_00 Stamp 8.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Decorated Ming Dynasty Laquer Box
MI 12111977 60th Anniversary of Lions International TW19771008 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 1213TW19771008 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 12141982 Tsu Shih Temple, Sanhsia TW19820901 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Carving at Tsu Shih Temple
MI 1484TW19820901 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Carving at Tsu Shih Temple
MI 14851985 Year of the Tiger TW19851201 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 1655TW19851201 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 1656TW19851201 MS 22_00 Miniature Sheet 22.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MS with two of each stamp
MI B33TW19851201 FDC 1_00 First Day Cover 1.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger (on stamp and cachet)
Year of the Tiger
FDC with
TW19851201 ST 1_00TW19851201 FDC 10_00 First Day Cover 10.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger (on stamp and cachet)
Year of the Tiger
FDC with
TW19851201 ST 10_00TW19851201 PP 22_00 Presentation Pack 22.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger1987 70th Anniversary of Lions International TW19870701 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 1756M TW19870701 ST 18_00 Stamp 18.00 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 1757M 1991 Definitives TW19910720 ST NVI 1 Stamp NVI (5.00 on issue) Lion
Wild Cat Art
Cloissone Enamel Lion (turned right)
MI 1984TW19910720 ST NVI 2 Stamp NVI (5.00 on issue) Lion
Wild Cat Art
Cloissone Enamel Lioness (turned left)
MI 1985TW19900720 FDC NVI First Day Cover 2 x NVI
(10.00 on issue)Lion (on stamps and cachet) 1992 Animals of the Lunar Zodiac TW19920218 ST 5_00 4 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 2031TW19920218 MS 60_00 Miniature Sheet 60.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MS with
TW19920218 ST 5_00 4
and 11 other stamps in set
MI B48TW19920218 FDC 60_00 First Day Cover 60.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger (on one stamp and postmark)
Year of the Tiger
FDC with MSTW19920218 FDP First Day Postmark - Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger1992 Stone Lions of the Lugouqiao Bridge TW19920707 ST 5_00 1 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
(Lion and stone pavillion)
MI 2062TW19920707 ST 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
(Lioness and cub with bridge)
MI 2063TW19920707 ST 12_00 1 Stamp 12.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
(Lioness with two cubs, bridge railing)
MI 2064TW19920707 ST 12_00 2 Stamp 12.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
(Male Lion, bridge railing)
MI 2065TW19920707 FDC 20_00 First Day Cover 20.00 Lion
Stone Lions (on stamps and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
FDC with all four stamps1992 Endangered Mammals TW19921125 ST 5_00 3 Stamp 5.00 Clouded Leopard
MI 2089TW19921125 FDC 20_00
FDC Back
First Day Cover 20.00 Clouded Leopard (on stamp and cachet) TW19921125 PP 20_00 Presentation Pack 20.00 Clouded Leopard (on stamp an cover) TW19921125 MISC B Pictorial Souvenir 120.00 Clouded Leopard (on stamps, FDC, cover and several pages) 1993 Lucky Animals TW19930929 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
"White Tiger"
MI 21451993 Stone Lions TW19931030 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
from New Park, Taipei
MI 2150TW19931030 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
from Hsinchu City Hall
MI 2151TW19931030 ST 9_00 Stamp 9.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
from Hsinchu City Temple
MI 2152TW19931030 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00 Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
from Fort Providentia, Tainan
MI 2153TW19931030 FDC 29_50 First Day Cover 29.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Stone Lions (on stamps and cachet)
FDC with all 4 tamps in the set1994 Fengshiye - The Wind Lion God TW19940318 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue from Kinmen Island
MI 2171TW19940318 ST 9_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue from Kinmen Island
MI 2172TW19940318 ST 12_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue from Kinmen Island
MI 2173TW19940318 ST 17_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue from Kinmen Island
MI 21741996 Traditional Architecture TW19960822 ST 5_00 1 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Beam in the form of a Lion
MI 23161997 Year of the Tiger TW19971201 ST 3_50 1 Stamp 3.50 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
perf. all sides
MI 2428yATW19971201 ST 3_50 2 Stamp 3.50 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
imp. horizontally
Stamp from booklet
MI 2428yCTW19971201 ST 13_00 1 Stamp 13.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Stamp from ordinary sheets
Normal paper
MI 2429xATW19971201 ST 13_00 2 Stamp 13.00 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Stamp from MS
Phosphorized paper
No watermark
MI 2429yATW19971201 BK 42_00
Booklet 42.00 Tiger (stylized on stamps more naturalistic on cover)
MI MH ???TW19971201 MS 33_00 Miniature Sheet 30.00 Tiger (stylized on stamps - more naturalistic on selvedge)
MI B70TW19971201 SH 70_00 Sheetlet 70.00 Tiger (stylized on stamps - more naturalistic on margins) TW19971201 SH 260_00 Sheetlet 260.00 Tiger (stylized on stamps - more naturalistic on margins) TW19971201 FDC 16_50
FDC Back
First Day Cover 16.50 Tiger
Stylized Tigers (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
FDC with the two stampsTW19971201 FDC 33_00 First Day Cover 33.00 Tiger
Stylized Tigers (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
FDC with MSTW19971201 MC 3_50 Maximum Card 3.50 Tiger
Stylized TigerTW19971201 MC 13_00 Maximum Card 13.00 Tiger
Stylized TigerTW19971201 PP 16_50
Presentation Pack 16.50 Tiger
Stylized Tiger (stylized on stamps more naturalistic on cover)
PP with the two stampsTW19971201 PP 33_00
Presentation Pack 33.00 Stylized Tiger (stylized on stamps more naturalistic on cover)
PP with MSTW19971201 FDP First Day Postmark - Tiger TW19971201 LB 1 Marginal label - Tiger
Running Tiger
Top of MS selvedgeTW19971201 LB 2 Marginal label - Tiger
Tiger (front part)
First row left label
Imp. leftTW19971201 LB 3 Marginal label - Tiger (back part)
First row right label
Imp. rightTW19971201 LB 4 Marginal label - Tiger (front part)
Second row left label
Imp. leftTW19971201 LB 5 Marginal label - Tiger (front part)
Second row right label
Imp. rightTW19971201 LB 6 Staple label from booklet pane - Tiger (entire)
Central stapling label from booklet pane
Imp. horizontallyTW19971201 LB 7 Sheetlet Top Pane - Tiger
Running Tiger
Top Pane from SheetletTW19971201 LB 8 Marginal label - Tiger (front part turned right)
Bottom left corner labelTW19971201 LB 9 Marginal label - Tiger (hind part turned right)
First column bottom labelTW19971201 LB 10 Marginal label - Tiger (front part turned right + Chinese script)
Second column bottom labelTW19971201 LB 11 Marginal label - Tiger (entire tiger minus tail turned left)
Third column bottom labelTW19971201 LB 12 Marginal label - Tiger (front part + loose tail turned left)
Fourth column bottom labelTW19971201 LB 13 Marginal label - Tiger (hind part turned left)
Bottom right corner label1998 Stories from Chinese Fables TW19980925 ST 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
"The Fox Takes Advantage of the Tiger's Cruelty"
MI 24742001 Kites TW20010713 ST 5_00 3 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Tiger Kite
Wild Cat Art
MI 26782001 Western Zodiac (III) TW20010719 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Oval stamp
MI 2681TW20010719 FDC 42_00 First Day Cover 42.00 Lion
Zodiac Leo (on stamp and cachet)2004 Traditional Performing Arts TW20040511 ST 25_00
Stamp 25.00 Lion
Lion Dance Costume
Wild Cat Art
MI 29372004 300the Anniversary of Jhuluo/Chiayi TW20041120 ST 5_00 2
Stamp 5.00 Lion
Stone Lions
Wild Cat Art
Chiayi Eastern City Gate
MI 30162005 Taipei 2005 - 18th Asian International Stamp Exhibition TW20050419 MS 30_00 Miniature Sheet 30.00 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Carved Lion from Longshan Temple, Lugang
MI B1122006 Children's Drawings TW20060404 ST 5_00 4 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Lion Costume
Wild Cat Art
Traditional costume from Chinese opera
This set also contains domestic cats
MI 31242006 Winnie the Pooh TW20060621 ST 25_00 1 Stamp 25.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (Tigger, Pooh and Piglet in bathing ring)
Stamp from MS
MI 3135TW20060621 ST 25_00 2 Stamp 25.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (Tigger an Pooh ice fishing)
Stamp from MS
MI 3137TW20060621 MS 30_00 1 Miniature Sheet 30.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on one stamp and selvedge) (Summer scenes)
2-stamp MS with
TW20060621 ST 25_00 1
and one other stamp
MI B128TW20060621 MS 30_00 2 Miniature Sheet 30.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on one stamp and selvedge) (Winter scenes)
2-stamp MS with
TW20060621 ST 25_00 2
and one other stamp
MI B1292007 Signs of Rank on Traditional Officers' Clothing TW20070216 ST 3_50 2 Stamp 3.50 Lion (Cartoonish)
Wild Cat Art
Markings of 2. Rank
MI 3213TW20070216 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Leopard (Cartoonish)
Wild Cat Art
Markings of 3. Rank
MI 3214TW20070216 ST 25_00 Stamp 25.00 Tiger (Cartoonish)
Wild Cat Art
Markings of 4. Rank
MI 3215TW20070216 LB 1 Marginal label - Lion (Cartoonish)
Wild Cat Art
Markings of 2. Rank
Upper left corner marginal labelTW20070216 LB 2 Marginal label - Leopard (Cartoonish)
Wild Cat Art
Markings of 3. Rank
Upper left corner marginal labelTW20070216 LB 3 Marginal label - Tiger (Cartoonish)
Wild Cat Art
Markings of 4. Rank
Upper left corner marginal label2008 Taipei 2008 - 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition TW20080308 MF TAI
on comm. envelope
envelope back
Commemorative Meter Frank - Clouded Leopard
Illustrated MF used for franking mail at the exhibition (one animal each day) and on daily commemmorative envelopes
8 March 20082008 Centenary of the National Museum of Taiwan TW20080529 ST 5_00 1 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Flag of the Formosan Republic
Stamp from ordinary sheets
White border around the motif
Perf. 12.5
MI 3338TW20080529 ST 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Flag of the Formosan Republic
Stamp from MS
No border around the motif
Perf. 13.5
MI 3340TW20080529 MS 30_00 Miniature Sheet 30.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Flag of the Formosan Republic
2-stamp MS with
TW20080529 ST 5_00 2
and the other stamp in set
MI B1422008 Festivals I TW20080820 MS 20_00 Miniature Sheet 20.00 Lion
Stone Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
MI B1442009 World Games TW20090716 MS 17_00 Miniature Sheet 17.00 Tiger (on selvedge)
Tiger and Dragon Pagodas, Kaohsiung
MI B149TW20090716 FRA 1 Franking Label 1.00 - 99.00 Tiger
Tiger and Dragon Pagodas, Kaohsiung
Black ink
MI AM19eTW20090716 FRA 2 Franking Label 1.00 - 99.00 Tiger
Tiger and Dragon Pagodas, Kaohsiung
Blue ink
MI AM19fTW20090716 FRA 3 Franking Label 1.00 - 99.00 Tiger
Tiger and Dragon Pagodas, Kaohsiung
Red ink
MI AM19aTW20090716 FRA 4 Franking Label 1.00 - 99.00 Tiger
Tiger and Dragon Pagodas, Kaohsiung
Green ink
MI AM19gTW20090716 FDP 80000 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Tiger and Dragon Pagodas, Kaohsiung
16 July 2009
(Taiwanese date: 98.7.16) *2009 Year of the Tiger TW20091201 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 3460TW20091201 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 3462TW20091201 ST 13_00 Stamp 13.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 3461TW20091201 MS 12_00 Miniature Sheet 12.00 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI B153TW20091201 PC 2_50 1
Address side
Pre-stamped Postcard 2.50 Tiger (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Year of the Tiger
Tiger Tag on picture side
Lottery cardTW20091201 PC 2_50 2
Address side
Pre-stamped Postcard 2.50 Tiger (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Year of the Tiger
Roaring Tiger seen from behind on picture side
Lottery cardTW20091201 PC 2_50 3
Address side
Pre-stamped Postcard 2.50 Tiger (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Year of the Tiger
Tiger head on picture side
Lottery cardTW20091201 PC 2_50 4
Address side
Pre-stamped Postcard 2.50 Tiger (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Year of the Tiger
Tiger in the mist on picture side
Lottery cardTW20091201 PC 2_50 5
Address side
Pre-stamped Postcard 2.50 Tiger (in stamp indicium and on picture side)
Year of the Tiger
Tiger sketch on picture side
Lottery cardTW20091201 FDC 12_00 First Day Cover 12.00 Tiger (in stamps, cachet and postmark) TW20091201 FDC 16_50 First Day Cover 16.50 Tiger (in MS, cachet and postmark) TW20091201 FDP First Day Postmark - Tiger 2012 Heroes of the Marsh TW20120425 ST 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Wild Cats and Literature
Chinese Folk Tale
MI 3681TW20120425 FDC 45_00 First Day Cover 45.00 Tiger (on one stamp, cachet and postmark)
Wild Cats and Literature
Chinese Folk Tale
FDC with all 4 stamps in set
MI 3681TW20120425 FDP 11000 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cats and Literature
Chinese Folk Tale
"First Day of Issue"
No city
25 April 201220 January 2017 - Centenary of Lions International TW20170120 ST 5 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 4135TW20170120 ST 15 Stamp 15.00 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 4136TW20170120 FDC 20 First Day Cover 20.00
+15.00)Lion (on stamps and cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
Official FDC with
TW20170120 ST 5
TW20170120 ST 15TW20170120 PP 20 Presentation pack 20.00
+15.00)Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lions Club Emblem
Official PP with
TW20170120 ST 5
TW20170120 ST 1531 October 2018 - The 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition TW20181031 ST 13_00 Stamp 13.00 Leopard Cat
Cartoon Leopard Cat
Exposition Mascot Leo (father)
MI ???TW20181031 ST 15_00 Stamp 15.00 Leopard Cat
Cartoon Leopard Cat
Exposition Mascot Life (son)
MI ???TW20181031 ST 17_00 Stamp 15.00 Leopard Cat
Cartoon Leopard Cat
Exposition Mascot Leona (mother)
MI ???TW20181031 MS 45_00 Miniature sheet 45.00
+ 15.00
+ 17.00)Leopard Cat (on all stamps and selvedge)
Cartoon Leopard Cats
Exposition Mascots Leo (father), Life (son), and Leona (mother) on stamps - Love (Daughter) on selvedgeTW20181031 FDC 45_00 First day cover 45.00
+ 15.00
+ 17.00)Leopard Cat (on all stamps, selvedge, postmark, and cachet)
Cartoon Leopard Cats
Exposition Mascots Leo (father), Life (son), and Leona (mother), and Love (Daughter)
Official FDC with
TW20181031 MS 45_00TW20181031 PP 53_00 Presentation pack 53.00
(franking value 45.00)Leopard Cat (on MS and cover)
Cartoon Leopard Cats
Exposition Mascots Leo (father), Life (son), Leona (mother), and Love (Daughter)
PP with
TW20181031 MS 45_00TW20181031 PP 53_00 Presentation pack 53.00
(franking value 45.00)Leopard Cat (on MS and cover)
Cartoon Leopard Cats
Exposition Mascots Leo (father), Life (son), and Leona (mother) on stamps - Love (Daughter) on selvedge
Stamp Folio (presentation pack) with
TW20181031 MS 45_00
and other stamps and products from the issueTW20181031 FDP 11000 First day postmark - Leopard Cat
Cartoon Leopard Cat
Exposition Mascot Leo (father)
中華郵政 (Chungwa Post), no city
31 October 2018
(Taiwanese date: 107.10.31) **
Note that postmarks from Taiwan often follow the Minguo calendar, starting with 1912 (the founding of the Republic
of China) as year 1. Example: The date 95.4.4 translates to 4 April 2006. Sometimes dates are also expressed with
Roman numerals for the month: 95-IV-4.
List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable assistance from T.S. Tan, Robert Chen, Greg Balagian, Ron Berger, Nahum
Shereshevsky, Linda Peters, Shaun Stevens, and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 24 October, 2018