Stamps inscribed 'China', 'Imperial Chinese Posts', 'Chinese Imperial Post', 'Chinese Empire', '(The )Republic of China' and/or '政邮國民華中' or '中国邮政'.
Note: Stamps from Taiwan are also marked 'Republic of China'.
1878 - 1910 Empire
1910 - 1949 Republic of China
1949 -> People's Republic of China
From 1878: 1 Tael = 10 Mace = 100 Candareens = 1000 Li
From 1889: 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen = 1000 Wen (= 0.72 Tael)
From 1897: 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen
From 1948: 1 [Gold] Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen (= 3 Million Old Yuan)
From 1949: 1 Renminbi Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen (= 100 000 Gold Yuan)
From 1955: 1 New Renminbi Yuan (CNY) = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen (= 10 000 Old RY)
Checklists > Countries > China Domestic Cats Also see China Wild Cats
China Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 26 August 1978 - Chinese Crafts This set also includes a Lion toy
CN19780826 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Unspecified breed
Cat Embroidery
Code: T.29 (10-4)
MI 490720 November 1981 - The Twelve Beauties of Jinling CN19811120 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Qin Keqing Rests, illustration from The Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin (1715 or 1724 – 1763 or 1764)
Code: T.69 (12-11)
MI 17771 June 1983 - Selections from Children's Paintings CN19830601 ST 0_08 3 Stamp 0.08 Unspecified breed
Cats in art
Cat Painting
Code: T.86 (4-3)
MI 1875RDLM 1992 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN19920218 PC 0_15 Pre-stamped postcard 0.15
(sold at 0.38)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cat with sleeping girl
Lottery greeting card
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.1996 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN19960303 PC 0_15 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.15
(sold at 0.60)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cat playing with kite-flying boy
Lottery greeting card
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M
Address sideCN19960303 PC 0_15 X2 Pre-stamped postcard 0.15
(sold at 0.60)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cat playing with fishing boy
Lottery greeting card
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M
DP14 March 1997 - Birth-Centenary of Pan Tianshou CN19970314 ST 1_50 1 Stamp 1.50 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Sleeping Cat, painting by Pan Tianshou
Code: 1997-4 (6-5) T
MI 27901998 - Postal Stationary CN1998000122 PC 0_40 000122 Pre-stamped postcard 0.40 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
White Longhair Kitten (among Christmas ornaments)
Christmas card
Licensed by Guangdong Postal Bureau
Code: 1998粵邮⼴000122
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.2000 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN20000000 PC 0_60 PG0303A122 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Kitten in a tree
Licensed by Fujian Postal Bureau
Code: 2000闽(PG)-0303A(12-2)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M
Address sideCN20000000 PC 0_60 PG0303A128 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Two kittens and a football
Licensed by Fujian Postal Bureau
Code: 2000闽(PG)-0303A(12-8)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M This item also shows a Lion CN20000000 PC 0_60 PG05282017 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon cat
Advertising postcard for MingXiang Foods
Licensed by Fujian Postal Bureau
Code: 2000闽(PG)- 0528(20-17)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M 29 January 2000 - Spring Festival CN20000129 ST 8_00 Stamp 8.00 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Stamp from
CN20000129 MS 8_00 or
CN20000428 MS 8_00
Code: 2000-2 T
MI 3114RILM CN20000129 MS 8_00 Miniature sheet 8.00 Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Cat drawing
Single stamp MS with
CN20000129 ST 8_00
For overprinted version, see
CN20000428 MS 8_00
MI B9228 April 2000 - 'Welcome to the New Millennium' Stamp Exhibition CN20000428 MS 8_00 Miniature sheet 8.00 Unspecified breed (on stamp)
Cat drawing
Single stamp MS with
CN20000129 ST 8_00
CN20000129 MS 8_00 overprinted in gold on selvedge
Code: PJZ-11
MI B92I2001 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN20010000 PC 0_60 BK004843 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Stylized cat on callendar
Advertising postcard for Baoji City Monkey King Trading Co., Ltd.
Lottery greeting card
Licensed by Shaanxi Postal Bureau
Code: 2001陕(BK)- 0048(4-3)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M
Address sideCN20010000 PC 0_60 BK0746 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Basketfull of kittens
Advertising postcard for China Construction Bank
Lottery greeting card licensed by Heilongjiang Postal Bureau
Code: 2001黑(BK)-0746
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M
BackCN20010000 PSE 0_80 1700PF0040102
Pre-stamped envelope 0.80 Unspecified Breed (Kitten) (in cachet)
Code: 2001-1700(PF)-0040(10-2)
If you have further information about this PSE, please let us know.DL 2002 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN20020000 PC 0_60 1105BK00171211 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Stylized cats under umbrella
Lottery greeting card licensed by Hangzhou Postal Bureau
Code: 2002-1105(BK)-0017(12-11)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.DP 2005 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN20050223 PC 0_60 1200BK004244 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoon cat
Advertising postcard for Youxica Gaming Cards
Lottery greeting card licensed by Anhui Postal Bureau
Code: 2005-1200(BK)-0042(4-4)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.DP
Address sideCN20050223 PC 0_60 1300BK0606 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Two kittens studying wall outlet
Advertising/lottery card for China Tietong licensed by Fujian Postal Bureau
Code: 2005-1300(BK)-0606
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.M 2006 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN20060212 PC 0_60 1405BK013542 Pre-stamped postcard 0.60 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Stylized cat on ex-libris
Advertising/lottery postcard for Shanggao licensed by Jiangxi Postal Bureau
Code: 2006-1405(BK)-0135(4-2)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.2009 - Postal Stationary
Address sideCN20090000 PC 0_80 X1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.80 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cat
Personalised (?) pre-stamped postcard
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.
Address sideCN20090000 PC 0_80 X2 Pre-stamped postcard 0.80 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cats
Personalised (?) pre-stamped postcard
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.
Address sideCN20090000 PC 0_80 X3 Pre-stamped postcard 0.80 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cat
Personalised (?) pre-stamped postcard
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.
Address sideCN20090000 PC 0_80 X4 Pre-stamped postcard 0.80 Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Cartoonish cat
Personalised (?) pre-stamped postcard
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.18 January 2009 - Woodcut Printing from Zhangzhou This set also includes a Lion
CN20090118 ST 1_20 4 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
The Rats Marries away a Daughter
Ordinary paper
Code: 2009-2 (4-4) T
MI 4027xCN20090118 ST 1_20 8 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
The Rats Marries away a Daughter
Silk-coated paper
Code: 2009-2 (4-4) T
MI 4027yBDC
Block of 4CN20090118 IMP 1_20 4 Imperforate stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
The Rats Marries away a Daughter
Ordinary paper
Code: 2009-2 (4-4) T
Imperforate variety of
CN20090118 ST 1_20 4
MI 4027x (unlisted variety)CN20090118 MS 4_80 Miniature sheet 4.80
(4 x 1.20)Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Woodcut Printing from Zhangzhou
Normal paper
4-stamp MS with
CN20090118 ST 1_20 1
and the 3 other stamps in set
MI B153CN20090118 MS 9_60 1 Sheetlet 9.60
(8 x 1.20)Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Woodcut Printing from Zhangzhou
Normal paper
4-stamp MS with 2 x
CN20090118 ST 1_20 1
and the 2 x 3 other stamps in set
MI KB4024x-4027xBDC CN20090118 MS 9_60 2 Sheetlet 9.60
(8 x 1.20)Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Woodcut Printing from Zhangzhou
Silk-coated paper
4-stamp MS with 2 x
CN20090118 ST 1_20 1
and the 2 x 3 other stamps in set
MI KB4024y-4027yBDC 18 August 2013 - Pedigree Cats Stamp 1.20 Dragon Li
Code: 2013-17 (4-1) T
MI 4504CN20130818 ST 1_20 2 Stamp 1.20 Maine Coon
Code: 2013-17 (4-2) T
MI 4505CN20130818 ST 1_20 3 Stamp 1.20 Abyssinian
Code: 2013-17 (4-3) T
MI 4506CN20130818 ST 1_20 4 Stamp 1.20 Exotic Shorthair
Code: 2013-17 (4-4) T
MI 4507
BackCN20130818 FDC 2_40 000068 1 First day cover 2.40
(2 x 1.20)Dragon Li
Maine Coon (on one stamp each)
Stylized cat (in cachet)
Cat's paw print (on postmark)
Official FDC with
CN20130818 ST 1_20 1 and
CN20130818 ST 1_20 2
postmarked with
CN20130818 FDP 000068Back
CN20130818 FDC 2_40 000068 2 First day cover 2.40
(2 x 1.20)Abyssinian
Exotic Shorthair (on one stamp each)
Stylized cat (in cachet)
Cat's paw print (on postmark)
Official FDC with
CN20130818 ST 1_20 3
CN20130818 ST 1_20 4postmarked with
CN20130818 FDP 000068
BackCN20130818 FDC 2_40 100000 1 First day cover 2.40
(2 x 1.20)Dragon Li (on one stamp and in cachet)
Maine Coon (on one stamp)
Stylized cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
CN20130818 ST 1_20 1 and
CN20130818 ST 1_20 2
postmarked with
CN20130818 FDP 100000
BackCN20130818 FDC 2_40 100000 2 First day cover 2.40
(2 x 1.20)Abyssinian (on one stamp and in cachet)
Exotic Shorthair (on one stamp)
Stylized cat (on postmark)
Official FDC with
CN20130818 ST 1_20 3
CN20130818 ST 1_20 4postmarked with
CN20130818 FDP 100000CN20130818 FDP 000068 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
"貓 - Cat"
中国 (China Post - no city stated)
18 August 2013CN20130818 FDP 100000 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
中国 北京 (China Post - Beijing)
18 August 20134 April 2015 - Chinese Writers CN20150404 ST 1_20 3 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Portrait of Pu Songling (1640-1715)
Code: 2015-8 (6-3) J
MI 466331 May 2017 - Children's Games CN20170531 ST 1_20 4 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
Code: 2017-13 (6-6) T
MI 49072 March 2018 - Chinese Lantern Festival This set also includes a Lion Dance Costume
CN20180302 ST 1_20 1 Stamp 1.20 Unspecified breed
MI 4970BDC CN20180302 SH 11_70 Sheetlet 11.70
(6 x 1.20
+ 3 x 1.50)Unspecified breed (on three stamps)
Lion (on three stamps and selvedge)
Lion Dance Costume
Sheetlet with 3 x
CN20180302 ST 1_20 1
and 2 x 3 other stamps
MI KB4970-4972BDC CN20180302 FDC 3_90 First day cover 3.90
(2 x 1.20
+ 1.50)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Lion (on one stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
CN20180302 ST 1_50
and the two other stamps in setBDC Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information by Marci Jarvis, TS Tan, Patrick Roberts, and Jeanie Lu.
Latest update: 20 October, 2018