Latest update of this archive: 14 August 2012
For older items, see News Archive 2006-2007. For newer items see New Archive 2009.
33rd Monaco Circus Festival
For 32 years the circus world's top performers have met in Monte Carlo for the annual International Circus Festival. The 33rd festival will be arranged in January 2009, and the Monaco Post Office celebrates the event with a EUR 0.85 stamp issued 19 December 2008. The stamp shows a variety of circus acts, including a tiny Tiger jumping through a hoop.
See OETP's web-pages for further details and ordering instructions.
Reported by Geir Arveng
BH Pota in Sarajevo issued a stamp set showing birds and animals of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15 December 2008. The stamp denominated BAM 0.05 shows a Eurasian Lynx. We have also had reports that the Lynx is featured on the First Day Postmark, but we still haven't seen it at the time of writing.
Unfortunately the philatelic website of BH Pota is not updated at the time of writing, but they can be contacted at:
JP BH Pota - Philatelic Service
Obala Kulina Bana 8
BA-71101 SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reproted by Geir Arveng and Jasmina Seadovic
8 December 2008:
Japanese Winter Greetings
Sphinx-stamp and MS from Guinea Bissau
1 December 2008:
Costa Rica Christmas Stamps
Frö-hö-liches Weihnachten from Mailcats in Germany
German Priavate Post Operator Mailcats in Erfuhrt continues its tradition of issuing a special stamp for the Christmas mail.
The stamp is issued on 1 December 2008 in a single-stamp miniature sheet. It is denominated 49 Eurocents, which is the rate for local letters.
The stamp shows Santa's sledge being drawn by two cats in postures well known from the Mailcats current definitive stamps. The selvedge includes a Christmas-clad cat as well as the stylized cat in the Mailcats logo.
The stamp is available in the Mailcats online store (unfortunately no credit cards).
Reported by Geir Arveng
A Tiger from Primorsk Region Wishing you a Happy New Year
In an issue titled "Happy New Year. Primorsk Region. Tiger", the Russian Post issued a pre-stamped envelope on 27 November 2008.
The envelope is denominated A - or the basic inland letter rate.
Further details at the Russian Philatelic Service's web-site.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Puma from Chile
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Self-adhesive version of France's Jean-Jacques Henner Stamp
On 14 November 2008 La Poste issued a self adhesive version of the Jean-Jacques Henner painting stamp originally issued 18 October 2008 in a gummed version (see separate story).
The stamp is sold in indivisible sheetlets of 30 stamps aimed at the small business market. The stamp has only been sold in La Poste's Business Centres as well as from their "Cote Pros" web-shop for the business user. The EUR 0.88 denomination corresponds with the rate for inland letters up to 50g.
The painting is also featured on a prêt-à-poster (pre-stamped envelope) and a maximum card issued at the same time as the gummed stamp.
Reported by Geir Arveng
South Africa: Big 5 Cartoon-wise
Also in 2008 the South Africa Post Office issues a stamp set focusing on "the big 5" wild African animals; Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhinoceros and Buffalo.
This year they give us a cartonish take on the subject in a booklet with ten stamps - two of each design - all denominated "Airmail Postcard".
The stamps are designed by South African artist Dr. Jack, who has also supplied the booklet cover, FDC cachet and the First Day Postmark.
Further details and ordering instructions can be found at the South African Post Office's website.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
German Charity Stamp with Cat
On 13 November 2008 the German PO wil issue a stamp previously not in their issue plan to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the child welfare organisation "Ein Herz für Kinder" ("A Heart for Kids"). The stamp has come by as a result of popular action, and the actual design was chosen in a vote amongst the reader of the Bild-Zeitung newspaper.
It shows the logo of the organisation surrounded by a number of children's drawings - amongst them a cat to the left of the heart. The stamp was designed by Professor Dieter Ziegenfeuter.
Face value EUR 0.55.
See the German PO's website for the press release (in German).
There's nothing in the web-shop yet, but it will become available here after the issue date.
Reported by Geir Arveng
10 November 2008:
Children Draw the Planet - With Wild Cats Thereon
Technical details at the Russian Post's philatelic website.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Flora and Fauna of Indonesian Provinces
Pos Indonesia has issued a new series of stamps presenting flora and fauna of Indonesian provinces. Jawa Barat (Western Java) Province has chosen a Leopard for their stamp.
The issue seems to comprise a total of 11 stamps all valued at INR 2500. Since Indonesia has a total of 33 provinces, our guess that this is the first of three installment of a new series. So maybe we can look forward to more cats from some of the remaining 22 provinces.
Due to our lack of understanding of Bahasa Indonesia, we have very limited information on this issue, but if your strength lies in Malay languages, do take a look at this news release from Pos Indonesia.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Icelandic Christmas Cat
Icelandic folklore gives Icelandic children not only one Santa Claus or Father Christmas, but a whole band of 13 Christmas Gnomes who, one by one, visit Icelandic homes on a daily basis from 12 December until Christmas Eve.
They all have their individual names and characteristica - and they have even been furnished with a family - and a family pet - back in the mountains where they all live. The pet is of course a cat - and the cat is featured on the ISK 90 value of this year's Christmas stamps from the Icelandic Post.
The cat also featues on the First Day Postmark from Reykjavik.
The ISK 90 stamp covers postage up to 20g within Europe, so keep an eye out for those X-mas cards from the North Atlantic. They will be sold in booklets of 10 stamps, but we have not seen the booklet cover yet. Good chances that the cat will be there as well, though.
In addition to the stamps the Icelandic Post continues its (rather recent) tradition of issuing Christmas decorations reflecting the christmas stamp designs. The Christmas Cat naturally also features prominently here, on the packing as well as on the decorations themselves. So, if you are in the habit of dragging a tree into your home come late December, you now have a chance to hang it with a stamp-related cat.
The design of the 2008 Christmas stamp was the subject of a drawing competition for Icelandic school children, and the winners were 2. grade class mates Heithar Jökull Hafsteinsson and Konrad Kárasson Thormar.
The stamps will no doubt be available at the Icelandic Post's web shop, but at the time of writing the only information available is in their Philatelic Bulletin no. 3 2008.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Cat Cancel for UK Christmas Stamps
Royal Mail continues it's practice of the last few years of issuing Christmas stamps with religiously oriented motifs as wel as more secularly oriented stamps. This year's non-religious stamps features pantomime scenes, and while there are no cats on the stamps themselves, the First Day Postmark from Birmingham shows classic pantomime character Dick Whittington and a cat. The cancel will be available at the Whittington Road Post Office.
We are not really certain about how they can be obtained other than showing up in Birmingham, but know that the cancel can be ordered from Norvic Philatelics.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
New Version of Swedish Lynx
The Swedish Post has issued a reprint of the SEK 12 Lynx stamp issued 28 January 1993.
The reprint can be distinguished from the original issue by a security element in the perforation in the middle of both top and bottom perforation of the coil stamps.
There's no official date of issue. The Swedish Post does not consider this to be a new issue. I have been informed, however, that the reprint was made "last fall" and has been distributed to post offices gradually as old stocks were sold out.
The stamp is for sale in the Swedish Philatelic Service's Web-shop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Black Cat for Halloween
It's time for pumpkins and dressing up again for Halloween - the originally arch-American holliday becoming increasingly popular all around the Globe.
There are several Halloween-themed postmarks in the US, including this black cat from the Pontiac Stamp Club of Waterford, MI.
The postmark can be obtained from:
Pontiac Stamp Club
Stamp Club Station
5036 Dixie Hwy.
WATERFORD, MI 48329-9998
until 25 November 2008.
Postage rates: US: 42c, CA/MX: 72c, World: 94c
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Turkey - Indonesia Joint Issue with Both Wild and Domestic Cats
On 23 October Indonesia issued a Miniature Sheet to commemorate the Turkey - Indonesia Joint Council meeting in Ankara. The sheet consists of 10 stamps - 5 with Turkish motives and 5 with Indonesian motives. The Turkish PTT followed suit the next day with their version of the joint issue.
Both countries have chosen to include a cat - the Turks gives us a Turkish Van, while the Indonesians go into the wild and presents a Flat-headed Cat.
The Turkish sheet contains 5 x TRY 0.65 stamps (inland rate) and 5 x TRY 0.80 stamps (European rate). The Indonesian stamps are all denominated INR 2500.
There's some limited information at the Turkish PTT site, but nothing at the Pos Indonesia site on this issue at the time of writing.
Reported by Patrick Roberts
Japan Post issued a set of 10 x JPY 80 stamps in the series UNESCO World Heritage on 23 October 2008. This 15th set in the series dedicated to the Iwami Silver Works in Oda (Shimane Prefecture). The 8th stamp of the set shows a Tiger wall painting. The set is issued in a sheetlet with margin illustrations, but no cats in the margin.....
Japan Post has furter details (in Japanese, though.....).
Reported by Geir Arveng
2010 Commonwealt Games
And now.....the adult version. After the 2008 Commonwealth Youth Games have closed in India comes a stamp and a Miniature Sheet to promote the adult version of the games to be arranged in Dehli in 2010.
The stamp features Shera, the 2010 Commonwealth Games Mascot who is ........ you probably guessed it ........ a Tiger!
The sheet's selvedge includes former Commonwealth Games Mascots, amongst them Kit, from the 2002 games held in Manchester, UK.
The stamp has a INR 5.00 franking value and the MS is sold with a premium at INR 15.00.
Neither FDC cachet nor First Day Postmark includes the mascot.
India Post's website has no information on this isuue at the time of writing, but the stamps can be ordered from the Stamps of India Website.
Reported by Lallan P. Singh
French Cat Painting
On 18 October 2008 France will issue a stamp to commemorate the French painter Jean-Jacques Henner (1829-1905). The stamp reproduces a painting called "Jeune fille se chauffant les mains à un grand poêle" or "Young Girl Warming her Hands on a Large Pan". To the left of the "pan" (looks rather like a stove to me) there's anoter creature enjoying the warmth, namely a black cat.
There's just no end to the cat stamps from France this year!
The 88 Eurocents face value is the rate for second echelon (20 - 50g) inland letters.
The stamp is available in La Poste's online shop.
The stamp is issued in sheets of 30 and is in the large format of 40,85 x 52 mm often used for stamps presenting French art.
A self-adhesive version of the stamp was issued 14 November 2008 - see separate story.
The painting is also featured on a local PAP (prêt-à-poster) or pre-stamped envelope issued alongside the ordinary stamp by La Poste in Altkirch where the painting hangs in the Musée Sundgauvien.
The First Day Seremonies were conducted in the museum, and they produced a maximum card (using postcards of the painting allready offered in the Museum Shop) which were for sale at the event.
Reported by Geir Arveng
15 October 2008:
Russian Tiger Label
Commonwealth Youth Games in India
The third Commonwealth Youth Games are arranged in Pune, India in the period 12 - 18 October 2008. To commemorate the sports event, India Post issued a series of four stamps and a miniature sheet. The games' mascot is a cartoon tiger who figures on one of the stamps, as well as on the MS selvedge, FDC and the First Day Postmark.
India Post's website has no information on this isuue at the time of writing, but the stamps can be ordered from the Stamps of India Website.
Reported by T.S. Tan
Hello! Hungarian Greeting Stamps
As we have allready seen in previous issues, Hungary's version of the personalized stamp is of the personalizable label variety issued in sheetlets, much like the British 'Smilers' sheets. On 9 October 2008 the Hungarian Post issued a new sheet called "Your Own Hello Stamp" showing 5 different cartoon animals, amongs them both a cat and a lion. The sheetlet contains 4 of each stamp all denominated 'Belöld' or 'Domestic', i.e. basic inland postage, and all the animals are also featured on the sheet's selvedge.
The stamps are presented at the Hungarian Post's website, where you will also find ordering instructions.
Should the above link not work, we have a pdf-version of the pae here.
The Philatelic Bureau can be contacted at
The Philatelic Centre
Hungarian Posta Office Ltd.
HU-1560 BUDAPEST, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 767-7168, Fax: +36 1 767-7346, E-mail:
Reported by Geir Arveng
7 October 2008:
Dussehra Festival in Kolkata
3 October 2008:
Kazakhstan - Iran Joint Issue
2 October 2008:
Cheetah in Netherland Antilles Animals Issue
On 2 October 2008 Nieuwe Post Nederlandse Antillen issued a set of stamps featuring African animals. Amongst the stamps is an ANG 1.75 stamp showing a Cheetah.
The other stamps in the sets show a Giraffe (0.75), Elephants (1.50), Zebras (2.50) and Impalas (MS 2.50). The 4 stamps were issued in sheetlets of two sets with a 2-label gutter strip. One of the labels also shows a Cheetah (unfortunately our scan of the label is not so good).
Unfortunately the NA Post Office's Philatelic Website doesn't seem to have been updated since 2005, but we have scanned their FilaInfo no. 11-2008 with information on the issue.
The Philatelic Service can be contacted at:
Nieuwe Post Nederlandse Antillen b.v.
Philatelic Service
Waaigatplein 1
CURAÇAO, Netherlands Antilles
Phone: +5999 433 1125 / 433 1146
Fax: +5999 465 1176
Reported by Geir Arveng
Animal Protection in Luxemburg
"National League for the Protection of Animals". One stamp showing a cat and a dog. The info is from the paper edition of PhilateLUX News, it's not on the site yet.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Belfort Lion Postmark
La Poste at Sermamagny, France operated a temporary post office at the Regional Exhibition of Belfort on 20 September 2008. A comemmorative postmark showing butterflies (playing on the exposition theme "Où son passés nos papillons?" ("Where have all our butterflies gone?") and also shows the Belfort Lion.Unfortunately we only became aware of this cancellation in early 2009 - too late to order it from the post office.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Garfield Makes the French Smile
France's La Poste continues its annual issue of booklets featuring comic book characters under the title "Carnet sourires" or "Smiles Booklet".
This year's booklet features Jim Davis' Garfield, one of the most popular felines in the history of comics. Garfield regularly frequents the comic pages of some 2.600 newspapers worldwide and has a staggering 130 million book-sales to his name.
The booklet contains 10 different self-adhesive stamps, all with a mail-related theme. It is issued on 18 September 2008 with first day postmarks prepared for Paris and Saint-Brice-Courcelles.
After the date of issue, the booklet will become available in La Poste's web-shop.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Samson Statue from Peterhof
The Russian Post issues a new installment in its series of issues presenting the Russian regions. This time it's Leningrad Oblast's turn, represented by a statue from the gardens of Peterhof in St. Petersburg. The statue is part of oe of the fountains of the Grand Cascade and shows Samson fighting a lion. It was designed by Carlo Rastrelli and first cast in 1735 by M. Kozlovsky. If you want to know more about Peterhof, you can click here.
The stamp is denominated RUB 8.00 and is sold in sheets of 36 stamps.
The design is also featured on the FDC's cachet.
More information can be found in the Philatelic Pages of the Russian Post. Unfortunately there's no system for online ordering.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
On the 14 September 2008 l'Association Féline Réunionnaise (Reunion Island Feline Association) arranged the first ever cat show in Réunion under the patronage of the French Cat Registry Organisation LOOF. The event was marked by a comemmorative postmark from La Poste, in use in Saint Denis on the day of the show.
Unfortunately we became aware of this too late to order it from the post office. It was very poorly advertised in the French philatelic press, so we believe that this postmark is very scarce.
A local PAP (prêt-à-poster or pre-stamped envelope) was produced by the local cat club in cooperation with the post office in St. Denis. The PAP bears a Jaguar stamp imprint, and shows the eyes of three local cats, a Chartreux, a Burmilla and a Sacred Birman.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Findus the Cat
The Swedish Post issues a commemorative postmark for the philatelic youth exhibition FRIMUNG 08 to take place in Hägersten just South of Stockholm 6 September 2008.
The postmark can be ordered by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Posten Frimärken
Minnespoststämpel "FRIMUNG 08"
SE-981 84 KIRUNA, Sweden
Postage < 20g: Sweden SEK 5.50, International SEK 11.00.
We guess that an International Reply Coupon per envelope will also do the trick.
If you want to know more about Findus and his human sidekick Old Man Pettson, check out this presentation by the British publisher of the series.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Puss in Boots Strikes Again
The 12th installment in the ongoing French series 'France à vivre' showing items and images representing the different regions of France is due to be released on 6 September 2008. This time the city of Épinal is represented - with an image of the Puss in Boots, previously seen on at least two PAPs or pre-stamped envelopes. The stamp is one of 10 different EUR 0.55 stamps issued in a miniature sheet. The 150 x 110 mm MS is in its turn divided into 4 eaqually large sections with perforations, so that the sheet kan be easily folded and parted. These stamps are fairly popular in France and are quite frequently used on ordinary mail.
At the time of writing there's no information on La Poste's website, but they will be available in the web-shop after the issue date.
A First Day Postmark showing the Puss in Boots was used in Épinal. It was also used on 7 September as a comemmorative postmark.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Finnish Mystery Cat
The Finnish author Mika Valtari would have been 100 years had he been alive, and the Finnish Post celebrates his birth centenary with a miniature sheet of 2 EUR 0.80 stamps issued 5 September 2008.
The first stamp shows a portrait of the author, the other one shows the cover of one of his mysteries in the Inspector Palmu series "Komisario Palmun Erehdys" or in English: "Inspector Palmu's Error".
A cat features prominently on the cover of the book.
EUR 0.80 is the basic letter rate (inlind and worldwide), and the MS and related products are available at the Finnish Post's web-shop.
Reported by T.S. Tan
Eifel National Park
On 4 September Germany issues a pre-stamped envelope for the Eifel National Park. On the envelope (not in stamp imprint) there are silhouettes of various animals in the park, amongst them a European Wild Cat.
It's franked with 55c and sells in all post offices for 65c.
At the time of writing (latest update 30 September 2008) the PSE is curiously still not listed at the German Post's Webshop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Cat Postcard Issued for Praga 2008
On 3 September 2008 the Czech Post issued a pre-stamped postcard for the international philatelic exhibition Praga 2008, which took place in Prague 12 - 14 September 2008.
A cat wearing a cap is holding a letter on the cachet. To the left, the logo for PRAGA 2008 appears. The cat was a winning drawing from a Czech Post competition opened to children under 16 years old; Johana Boumová was the winner.
There is a "hologram serving as a protective component" under the logo. The imprinted stamp is not a cat.
The postcard has a CZK 10 stamp imprint which is valid for inland and international postage; the selling price is CZK 15.
The card can be ordered from the Czech Philatelic Service. See their web-site for details.
Reported by Marci Jarvis and Dalene Thomas
Chinese Door-knocker
We have seen this personalized stamp label with a Lion or Tiger door knocker. From the stamp we assume that it was issued in connection with the Olympics (or at least in 2008). If you have any further information on this issue, please let us know.
Reported by Greg Balagian
Definitevely Lynx!
Russia has gotten a new set of definitive stamps featuring animals. Three of the values feature a lynx.
The new definitive set consists of 15 stamps with an animal is shown on rows of three values from RUR 0.10 - 25.00. Aside from the Lynx, the animals are Hare, Fox, Moose and Bear.
The stamps are perforated 12,5 x 12 and are sold in sheets of 100. Neither the First Day Cover nor the First Day Postmark are cat-themed.
See the Russian Post's Philatelic web-pages for further details.
Reported by Geir Arveng
US Postmarks
A special datestamp for a baseball event will be in use in Gary, IN on 24 August.
The postmark is available until 24 September from:
U.S. Postal Service
Take Me Out to the Ball Game Stn.
Postmaster 1499 Martin Luther King Dr.
GARY, IN 46401-9998
Letter rates: US: 42c, CA/MX: 72c, World: 94c
On 25 August there will be a special datestamp for the California State Fair showing a rat, a rat, and two cartoon cats at the dinner table.
The postmark is available until 25 September from:
U.S.Postal Service
Rats, Bats, and Cats Exhibit Station
Royal Oaks Dr.
SACRAMENTO, CA 95813-9998
Letter rates: US: 42c, CA/MX: 72c, World: 94c
Reported by Marci Jarvis
The Austrian brench of the international cosmetic giant NIVEA spensored a Charity Ballon Flight for the benefit of children suffering from Cancer planned for the 23 August 2008. The Austrian Post supported the event with a special postmark for 8271 Bad Wattersdorp, showing a balloon flying cat carrying a bag of mail. Special envelopes for the event were sold by two Austrian cancer-charities, and only these envelopes were accepted by the Austrian Post for the flight and special postmark.
The flight itself had to be cancelled due to bad weather, but all letters received for the flight were postmarked and sent to their recipients marked "Wegen Schlechtwetter / Ballonstart abgesagt" ("Balloon flight cancelled due to bad weather").
Click here to see the envelope inlay (about the charity - in German).
Reported by Geir Arveng
Hungarian Zoo Jubilees
On 14 August 2008 Hungary issues a Miniture Sheet to celebrate the 50th anniversaries of the Zoos in Debrecen and Veszprém. The MS consists of one stamp for each Zoo, denominated at HUF 260 each. The stamps form a composite design flowing into the selvedge of the MS showing animals from the Zoos.
The stamp for Veszprém includes a Lion.
The MS will be available from the Hungarian Phlatelic Service.
You will find further details at their web-pages.
Reported by Gertrude Hainzl
9 August 2008:
Scowling Lion Postmark
8 August 2008:
Beijing Olympics: Stone Lions from around the World
On 6 August 2008 New Zealand Post issued a stam set of 26 fifty-cents stamps in a set called 'A to Z of New Zealand.
According to the ABC of New Zealand Post 'G' is for 'Goodnight Kiwi', and this is illustrated by a Kiwi sound asleep in the G with a cat upon his or her belly. A much better idea than in my old childhood ABC where the G was for 'Grevling' or Badger, an animal I wouldn't recommend bringing to bed.....
The stamp set is available from the New Zealand Post webshop.
Reported by Heather Symes and Marci Jarvis
Hello Kitty!
Japan issued two sheetlets with Hello Kitty self-adhesive stamps on 23 July 2008. Both shettlets contains 10 stamps, denominated JPY 50 (inland postcard rate) and JPY 80 (inland letter rate) respectively.
The stamps all show Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel in traditional Japanese kimonos. Four of the JPY 80 stamps ar round and one is oval. Both sheets also have the characters featuring on the selvedge.
We do not have much technical info on these stamps or the individual designs yet, but if Japanese is your thing, you can find further info at the Japanpost website.
Reported by T.S. Tan
19 July 2008:
Yowling Wildcat from Osbourn, Missouri
July's batch of issues from the West African island nation of São Tomé and Principe includes two sets of interest to catstamp collectors.
Firstly, in a set called 'Egyptian Civilization' comes a Miniature Sheet showing the Sphinx on the selvedge.
The MS has a face value of STD 95000 which equals about USD 7.60. We have no idea which postal rate that stamp is meant to meet.......
Then in a new set attributed to the noble arts of the circus we get to see the famous cats of the Moscow State Circus on one stamp, and an act of Lion Dancing at the Chinese State Circus on another.
We haven't had much luck in contacting them electronically, but the contact details for the São Tomé and Principe Philatelic Service are:
Empresa de Correios
Seccao Filatelica
Av. 12 de Julho
São Tomé
São Tomé e Príncipe
Tel: +239 222202 / 222421 / 221163
Fax: +239 221897
e-mail: or
Information of São Tomé and Principe stamp issues can be found at their philatelic agency's website in Lithuania.
Reported by Geir Arveng
10 July 2008:
Tiger of Shinshi
'Wild Cats in Arts' Catalogue Project
Catstamps list member Greg Balagian works on cataloguing all stamps for the sub-theme Wild Cats in Art. Greg has won several prizes for his philatelic exhibit "Big Cats and Humans", and hopes to finalize his catalogue project by the end of this year.
He has completed the basic research, and believes to have identified some 97-99% of the stamps for this theme, and he has now started structuring the information into catalogue pages.
As work progresses, Greg has allowed this site to publish his catalogue pages. "First of all that might be helpful to other collectors and also I will be happy to recieve any corrections and additions to my work," he says.
Greg is missing some few scans of stamps for his catalogue. If you have scans of any of the following stamps, Greg would be happy to receive them by e-mail:
CHAD - 2002, Scott # 943m - Gold foil stamp with Vase in a form of a lion from the Tutankhamun treasures miniature sheet.
Colombia - 2002 Stamp from the miniature sheet of 11 stamps with the painting by Colombian artist Noe Leon called "Jaguar attacking a Snake"
Congo Peoples Republic - 1988 - Scott # C391 Souvenir sheet
commemorating Seoul Olympics, Stamp depicts fencing and on the margin there is a either sculpture or architectural item with 4 lions as columns.
Reported by Greg Balagian and Geir Arveng
3 July 2008:
Sumatran Tiger from Montserrat
'Big Cats on Stamps' Website Launched
Catstamps list member Shaun Stevens has launched a new website dedicated to Big Cats on Stamps.
He has started making pages with scans of all stamps with "relatively accurate depictions" of wild cats, leaving out stylized or cartoon cats (for now) - all organised by species. High resolution scans open up in new windows in a way that has given your webmaster some ideas....
The project promises to become a very useful site for catstamp collectors, and one that I will return to time and time again.
A warm welcome to Shaun to the "club" of catstamp webmasters!
You'll find his site at
Reported by Geir Arveng
Kung Fu Panda Prestige Booklet from Austria
Austria continues its programme of issuing prestige booklets with "personalised" stamps promoting movies. After previous booklets for Narnia, Madagascar and Shrek comes a booklet for the animated feature Kung Fu Panda released worldwide this Summer.
There are two wild cat characters in the film - Snow Leopard Tai Lung and Master Tigress, both of whom is given a stamp in the booklet.
In addition to the 6 personalised stamps (arranged in two panes with labels), the booklet contains two (unstamped) post cards, a presentation of the main characters and some puzzles and games.
Click here for a presentation of the individual pages, panes and postcard of the prestige booklet.
The prestige booklet is available in's web-shop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Lion Man Rock Art in Twyfelfontein, Namibia
On 27 June 2008 Nampost issued a set of stamps devoted to the Petroglyphs at Twyfelfontein World Heritage Site. Twyfelfontein is a site in the Kunene Region of Namibia containing 2,000 figures of rock carvings. In 2007, UNESCO approved it as Namibia's first World Heritage Site.
One of the three chosen motifs is called "Lion Man" and is notable in that it depicts the transformation of humans into animals.
The stamps are issued as two different NVIs - in ordinary sheets at the Non Standard Mail rate (NAD 6.50 at the time of issue) - and as a Miniature sheet with 3 Standard Mail rate stamps (NAD 2.00 at the time of issue).
The sheets with the Lion Man Non-standard Rate stamps also shows the lion in the four corner labels of the sheet.
The products are available at Nampost's online store.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Grendada's 'Cats of the World'
Grenada issued a set in the 'Cats of the World' omnibus series. The set consists of a miniature sheet with 4 x USD 1.40 stamps and a single-stamp miniature sheet with a face value of USD 6.00.
The four 1.40 stamps represents a Tortoiseshell (unspecified breed), a Korat, a Turkish Van and a (curiously somali-looking) 'Manx'. The selvedge portrays a Brown Tabby of unspecified breed.
The single-stamp MS shows British shorthairs on the stamp as well as on the selvedge.
We have had no luck contacting the Grenada Philatelic Bureau online. You could try by ordinary mail or fax to the address below, place your bets with a new issue dealer or try to find it on Delcampe or eBay.
Grenada Postal Corporation
Burns Point
St. George's
Tel : +1 473 4402526 , +1 473 4406728
Fax : +1 473 4404271
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Grenada Grenadines 'Cats of the World'
On 18 June 2008 (earlier wrongly reported in April) a set in the 'omnibus' Cats of the World series was issued for Grenada Caricou & Petit Martinique.The set consists of 2 miniature sheets, one with 6 x USD 1.00 stamps, and one with a single USD 6.00 stamp. The 1 dollar stamps feature:
On the selvedge there's a cat that looks a little bit rexed, but the breed is unspecified as far as we know.
The USD 6.00 minature sheet features a Burmese on the stamp and a Maltese on the selvedge. The latter puzzles us a bit - we thought we knew the Maltese to be a blue shorthaired cat........
We have had no luck contacting the Grenada Philatelic Bureau online. You could try by ordinary mail or fax to the address below, place your bets with a new issue dealer or try to find it on Delcampe or eBay.
Grenada Postal Corporation
Burns Point
St. George's
Tel : +1 473 4402526 , +1 473 4406728
Fax : +1 473 4404271
Reported by Marci Jarvis
New Cat Postmarks from Catskill, NY and Grand Rapids, MI
There are two US cat-related special postmarks prepared for use on 14 June 2008. Both are available for 30 days by sending self-addressed, stamped envelopes or postcards to the addresses below.
Cat'n Around Catskill 2008 Station
Catskill Post Office
270 Main Street
John Ball Zoo Society
Lions of Lake Manyara Station
PO Box 9998
GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49501-9998
Letter rates: US: 42c, CA/MX: 72c, World: 94c
Reported by Marci Jarvis and Nahum Shereshevsky
14 June 2008:
A Tiger at the Circus - New French Franking Label
10 June 2008:
Carry on Cleo
Hungary: Feline Baker in PhilaVillage
Hungary has issued a series to attract kids to stamp collecting this Summer called 'Filafalu' or - 'PhilaVillage' in English. The stamps are sold in packs of 2 designs and when all 12 stamps planned for the series are issued, the 6 packs can be put together to form a board game.
PhilaVillage is populated by a variety of animal characters, and in the first installment issued 6 June 2008 we are presented to the village hairdresser (a goat) and the baker (a pig). The bakery scene, however, also shows the baker's assistant, who is a cat.
The stamps are presented at the Hungarian Post's website, where you will also find ordering instructions.
The Philatelic Bureau can be contacted at
The Philatelic Centre
Hungarian Posta Office Ltd.
HU-1560 BUDAPEST, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 767-7168, Fax: +36 1 767-7346, E-mail:
Reported by Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky and Gertrude Hainzl
Colourful Cheetas and Caracals from Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan has issued a number of new definitive stamps looking similar to the cheetah stamps issued last year. Like the 2007-stamps, these are self-adhesive, die-cut rather thar perforated, and printed on very thick backing paper. But unlike the rectangular (31 x 34 mm) stamps from 2007, these are square, like the variety without country name reported in late 2007.
The layout looks rather crudely done - the reason for the 3 variations in country name is a little difficult to understand, but according to reports, all varieties have been duly released and are for sale in post offices - reportedly in sheets of 35 stamps (5 x 7). The stamps measure 34 x 34 mm.
The isuue date has been reported to be 1 June 2008, but his has not been verified by Türkmenpoçta. Presumably the word 'Alajabars' means Cheetah(s), but we are a bit confused not to find it even once on the internet when googling it. If anyone out there knows Turkmen, they are very welcome to contact us about this.
Stamps issued 1 June 2008
On the same day, a set of rather psychedlicly coloured stamps called Turkmen Fauna was issued. A total of 7 designs were isued in three colour varieties each. All are denominated in letters and the chosen animal presumably corresponds to that letter. These are somewhat smaller in size - 29.3 x 29.3 mm, and are sold in sheets og 25 stamps (5 x 5). Also in this set we find that A is for 'Alajabars'.
G, however, is for 'Garagulak' - or Caracal (this word can be found on the internet, and does indeed seem to mean Caracal).
The letter A has been claimed to cover inland postage, but we have not heard any claims as to what G or the other letters (D, O, S, T) translates to in terms of postage rates. Again - if you have any further information about this set, do not hesitate to get in touch.
We have had no luck in contacting them electronically, but the contact details for the Philatelic Department of Türkmenpoçta are:
State Mail Service Company "TÜRKMENPOÇTA"
Philatelic Department
16 str. 2023
TM-744000 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan
Tel.: +993 12 39 89 36; +993 12 39 89 31
e-mail: or
Reported by Marci Jarvis and Geir Arveng
US Fishing Derby Postmark
A special postmark featuring two cats will be in use in Chittenden, Vermont on 1 June 2008. The postmark show a cartoon drawing of two cats.
The postmark is available until 1 July 2008 by sending self-addressed, stamped envelopes or postcards to:
Teenie's Tiny Poultry Farm and Museum
Fishing Derby Station
PO Box 9998
CHITTENDEN, VT 05737-9998
Letter rates: US: 42c, CA/MX: 72c, World: 94c
Reported by Marci Jarvis
28 May 2008:
Czech Classic: A Doggie and a Pussycat
23 May 2008:
USS New Jersey Winged Lion
Ocelot on Brazilian MS
Brazil issued a miniature sheet on 16 May 2008 dedicated to the Serra do Japi National Park. The MS consists of two stamps denominated BRL 2.00. There are no cats at the stamps themselves, but at the selvedge of the MS theres a little Ocelot sitting down in the lower Right corner.
The MS is designed by Brazilian stamp designer Álvaro Nunes.
You can find further technical details at the Brazilian Post's web-shop. Easy to order from within Brazil, but alas - no orders from abroad accepted. The webmaster has had better luck at 'Filatelia 77' a Brazilian stamp dealer with a web-shop that accepts all major credit cards (and a number of Brazilian payment methods).
Reported by T.S. Tan
New Ukrainian Cats
Ukrposhta issued another cat set on 16 May 2008. A miniature sheet with six stamps each denominated UAH 1 was issued, showing 6 different breeds:
Selkirk Rex (Longhair)
Exotic Shorthair
Kurilian Bobtail
All stamps and the MS selvedge have been furnished with cats' paw prints which are only visible under ultraviolet light (see above).
A joint FDC and individual Maximum Cards have also been issued and the first day postmark shows a very nice oriental type cat.
See Ukrposhta's website for further details. They have a web-shop, but no means of online payment. They'll send you a pro-forma invoice and a credit card payment form. The service is a bit slow, but reliable enough, and you only pay face value without very heavy postage and packing fees.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Several Cat Items issued for Israel 2008 Stamp Exhibition
Israel 2008 is aranged in Tel Aviv 14 - 21 May 2008. Several philatelic items will be issued for this world class event, several of them of interest to cat collectors.
There are two prestige booklets aimed at children - one a re-issue of last year's Hula Nature Reserve stamps including the Jungle cat. The ILN 2.25 self-adhesive stamp differs from the 2007 booklet issue by a deeper coloration of the face value numbers, and also a "weaker" impression of the right hand text. The easiest way to spot the difference is by checking the rasteration of the denominational numbers through a magnifying glass. White-spotted raster is from the 2007 booklet - a more even color with black spots are from the 2008 prestige booklet.
![]() |
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December 2007 booklet stamp | May 2008 prestige booklet stamp |
Click here to see a detailed presentation of the booklet and all its panes and pages.
The other prestige booklet is dedicated to Noah's Ark and includes a self-adhesive version of the December 2007 stamps.
Click here to see a detailed presentation of the booklet and all its panes and pages.
Another item issued in connection with Israel 2008 is a prestige booklet with stamps from the ongoing UNESCO World Heritage series. The Lion Seal stamp issued 27 January 2008 is featured in one of the panes of 3 stamps alomg with four other previously issued stamps from the series. There is also a picture of a basalt lion statue from Tel Hazor dating back to the 14th century BC.
This last prestige booklet is at the time of writing the only one that is presented under new issues at the Israel Philatelic Federation web-site.
A fourth prouct available at the exhibition is a special "My Own Stamp" sheet with Jetix Channel characters, including Doraemon, a robotic cat (middle stamp of second row). There is also the Jetix logo - is that a cat? The sheet was initially sold before Passover together with a free Passover Haggadah and was still available at post offices in late April. The sheet without haggadah will be sold at Israel 2008. The price is ILN 27.00, the regualar price of "My Own Stamp" (the local version of the personal stamps. The personal part is on labels). BTW, at the exhibition they will have "My Own Stamp" with flower stamps bearing tiny scent capsules. Probably not catnip, but you can have your cat's photo on them.
The NVI stamps are valid for the internal letter rate (ILN 1.55 at the time of issue).
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
14 May 2008:
120th Anniversary of Sofia Zoo
More versions of German cat stamp
James Rizzi's cat stamp, initially issued in an ordinary gummed version 7 February 2008, has been re-issued as a self-adhesive stamp in a booklet (or "Maxi-set" as it is marketed as) of 5 each of 4 different greeting stamps, issued 8 May 2008. The same date a set of "Plusbriefe" or pre-stamped envelopes with the same stamp imprints were also placed on sale. The covers also carry an imprint of the artist's signature. There are reports that the PSEs were mistakenly sold before the issue date in some post offices, so look out for used covers cancelled earlier than 8 May 2008!
The products can be bought at the German Post's web-shop, see the details for the booklet and the pre-stamped envelopes, respectively.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Slovak EUROPA-stamp shows cat
The theme of this year's EUROPA-stamps is letter writing, and many different approaches to this subject has been chosen by the 48 members of Posteurop - the organisation of European public postal operators.
Slovenská Posta has chosen a cat writing a letter with a mouse as a pen on its sole EUROPA-stamp for 2008. The stamp has a face value of SKK 21 (rate for letters < 20 g within Europe), and is being sold in sheetlets of 10 stamps. The FDC and postmark are not cat themed.
You can read more about this issue at the Slovak Post's Philatelic Service - POFIS' web site.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Heraldic Lion Postmark at Westminster
This site hasn't been too good at following up all heraldic lions around. This is somewhat due to the collecting interest of the webmaster. So if anyone's interested in becoming the heraldics editor of these pages, please feel free to get in touch.
We do however report heraldic lions when notified - and from 1 May 2008 there's a special postmark for the History of the Monarchy Exhibition in Westminster, London.
It will be in service until 30 April 2009.
A SASE sent to the address below should get an example directly home
to you:
'History of the Monarchy Special Postmark'
United Kingdom
Letter rate up to 20 grammes: UK/JE/GG/IM: 0.36, Europe: 0.50, World: 0.81
International Reply Coupons have also worked well for me with UK
postmasters before.
Reported by Mogens Andersen
2008: Year of the Rat - and all the little tigers.....
In this article we'll present all the issues celebrating Lunar New Year and the Year of the Rat by also including the other animals of the Lunar Zodiac - or at least those showing Tigers.
Canada Post keeps up its tradition of celebrating the Lunar New Year, and starts this year's philatelic programme with a rat set. In adition to the appropriate little rodent, the miniature sheet shows all the other animals of the Lunar Zodiac, and the same symbols are also featured in the margins of the stamp sheets.
Ordering an Upper Left or Lower Right Corner Block will ensure that you get a tiger label in the central position.
The set is available from Canada Post's web-shop.
Christmas Island
See separate article.
XCD 1.00 Stamp with the lunar zodiac circke issue 28 February 2008.
The stamp was issued in miniature sheets of 4 stamps. There are two viarieties - on one the darker background ends clear of the D in the country name - the other has the darker background touching the D.
France's Miniature Sheet for the Year of the Rat was issued 28 January 2008.
As has been the custom for several years, all the animals of the Lunar Zodiac are pictured, with a highlighting of this year's sign. This year's issue is the first in a new 12 year cycle for France. The sheet contains 5 stamps good for inland letters up to 20g (franking value EUR 0.54 at the time of issue - EUR 0.55 from 1 March 2008).
The sheet is available from La Poste's web-shop.
Indonesia philatelicly celebrates the Lunar New for the second time, this year by issuing a folder (or so called 'stamp pack') with personalised stamps featuring cartoon characters Tom & Jerry. In many Asian countries the Year of the Rat is also referred to as the Year of the Mouse, hence Jerry, we presume.
The pack is presented at Pos Indonesia's website. No online ordering, but mail orders are serviced from (credit cards accepted with a 2.4% fee):
Kantor Filateli Jakarta Jln.
Pos No.2
NB! We had no luck trying the stated e-mail address.
Marshall Islands
The Lunar Zodiac set from Marshall Islands consists of 12 stamps, each with a face value of USD 0.26. Oone of the stamps is dedicated to the Year of the Tiger, of course. Issued 7 February 2008.
New Caledonia
New Caledonia Celebrates the Year of the Rat with a single stamp with a face value of XPF 110 - the interantional letter rate. The stamp is issued in February 2008 (exact date not confirmed).
The animals of the Lunar Zodiac are arranged in a circle around the rat. The stamp, FDCs, etc. are available from the New Caledona Post's web-shop.
New Zealand
New Zealand Post issues its Year of the Rat set on 7 February 2008. The stamp set is called 'Pocket Pets' and shows pet rats and other rodents. The stamps as such do not host any tigers, but on the miniature sheet you will find a circle of the 12 Lunar Zodiac signs around a rat. The MS also includes two stamps denominated NZD 1.50 and NCD 2.00 respectively, and sell for NZD 3.50.
All newer NZ stamps and related products are available from the NZ Post's web-shop.
Absolutely first among the little tigers, is the Thai one - issued allready 1 January 2008, and it's not that little either....
Also in Thailand the tiger figures on the selvedge of a Miniature Sheet.
Thailandpost has an online store, but alas only in Thai (it's fairly intuitive, though). If Thai's not your thing, the Thai philatelic services can be contacted at:
Philatelic Department
Thailand Post Co. Ltd.
99 Chaeng Watthana Road,
Thung Song Hong, Lak Si
Fax: +66 2573-4494
The USPS issues its little tiger on 9 January 2008. It comes in the form of a symbol on the 12-stamp sheetlet selvedge.
The sheet is avialable from the USPS web-shop.
Reported by Marci Jarvis, Geir Arveng, T.S. Tan, Rémy Loew, and Jasmina Seadovic
29 April 2008:
Marshall Islands Constellations
Two Catstamps for Israel's 60th Anniversary
Israel marks its 60th anniversary by issuing several stamp series in April and May, two of which contain cat motifs.
On 28 April 2008 the Israeli post issues a series dedicated to Independence Day Posters. The poster from 1971 shows a menorah with two lions. The stamp is issued in sheetlets together with five other posters, all denominated ILN 2.25.
Then on 14 May follows a series entitled "Children Paint Israel's 60th". The series consists of three stamps and one of the stamps includes a white cat.
See the pages of the Israeli Post or the Israel Philatelic Federation for further information.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
New Personal Stamps in Iran
As do many postal operators, the Iranian Post offers the possibility of ordering personalized stamps. This service was launched in 2004 with the issue of a series of standard designs for the stamps denominated IRR 500. This set included a tiger. The personalisation Iran is in the attached labels, much like Belgium's Duo-stamps. In April 2008 a series of new designs denominated IRR 650 was announced, including 2 stamps featuring domestic kittens and an update of the 2004 tiger design.
At the time of writing the old designs are still featured at the online ordering site, but the new designs are presented at Iran Post's main website - in Farsi only and with no definitive date of issue.
The stamps are issued in sheetlets of 10 stamps with labels at IRR 60.000 each, including inland delivery.
Reported by Hossein Kalantar
French Smilodon
On 19 April 2008 France's La Poste will issue a set and miniature sheet dedicated to prehistoric animals. One of the EUR 0.55 stamps features a Sabre-Toothed Cat, specifically a Smilodon. The set is designed by Christian Boutain with layout by Jean-Paul Cousin.
The stamp is issued in ordinary sheets, and also as part of a miniature sheet with all stamps of the set. 55 Eurocents is the new inland postage rate in France.
Advance sales and first day cancellation wil be available in Paris, Montbéliard, and in Tarascon sur Ariège on Saturday 19 April and generally available in post offices from Monday 21 April.
The stamp and MS will be available from La Poste's online store after the date of issue.
Reported by Geir Arveng
The Sundrabans - Bangladesh issues tiger stamp
On 18 April 2008 the Bangladesh Post Office issued a series of four BDT 10 stamps presenting the World Heriatge Site 'The Sundrabans'.
The Sundrabans is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world, and was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997.
The set comprises stamps issued se-tenantly in ordinary sheets as well as a miniature sheet in both perforated and imperforated versions (priced at BDT 50).
The first day postmark from Dhaka GPO also features a tiger.
Unfortunately the Bangladesh Post Office website is not updated with this issue, but they are for sale at rather reasonable prices from, a Bangladeshi philatelic website with a shopping-cart interface and payment by PayPal.
Click here to download a PDF-scan of the Bangladesh Post information folder for this issue.
Reported by T.S. Tan
Serbian Wildcat
Serbia issued a set of stamps dedicated to Protected Animal Species with 2 x RSD 20 and 2 x RSD 46 stamps. One of the RSD 46 stamps features a European Wildcat.
There are also two FDC each with one of the 20 and 46 dinars stamps respectively.
See the Serbian Post's philatelic website for further info. They have a web-shop interface, but we have no personal experience in ordering from them. If you'd rather like to get in touch with them in other ways, the contact details are:
P.O. Box 665
e-mail: jumarka@ptt.yu
Tel + 381-11-32 31 952
Fax + 381-11-32 41 331
Reported by Geir Arveng
Thailandpost has an online store, but alas only in Thai (it's fairly intuitive, though). If Thai's not your thing, the Thai philatelic services can be contacted at:
Philatelic Department
Thailand Post Co. Ltd.
99 Chaeng Watthana Road,
Thung Song Hong, Lak Si
Fax: +66 2573-4494
Reported by Geir Arveng
São Tomé and Principe: Jog Falls
From the West African nation of São Tomé and Principe, we have become accustomed to a plethora of more or less inventive stamp issues with the most unlikely combination of themes.
On 28 March 2008 they issued a set called Famous Waterfalls consisting of a miniature sheet with four stamps showing waterfalls from around the World. One of the STD 5000 stamps shows Jog Falls in India and a Bengal Tiger.
We haven't had much luck in contacting them electronically, but the contact details for the São Tomé and Principe Philatelic Service are:
Empresa de Correios
Seccao Filatelica
Av. 12 de Julho
São Tomé
São Tomé e Príncipe
Tel: +239 222202 / 222421 / 221163
Fax: +239 221897
e-mail: or
Information of São Tomé and Principe stamp issues can be found at their philatelic agency's website in Lithuania.
Reported by Geir Arveng
JAMPEX '08: Jamshedpur Zoo Commemorative Postmark
The regional stamp exhibition JAMPEX '08 was arranged in Bistupur, India on 26 and 27 March 2008.
A commemorative postmark promoting the Zoological Park of Jamshedpur and showing the 'big 5' wild animals: Elephant, Buffalo, Rhinoceros, Lion and Leopard was in use.
Unfortunately we became aware of this postmark after the fact, but we believe that the commemmorative envelope can be acquired from the excellent Stamps of India website.
You can read more about the exhibition in this article from The Telegraph in Calcutta.
Reported by Lallan P. Singh
On 25 March 2008 the Marshall Islands issued a sheetlet of 12 stamps dedicated to Majestic Cats. All stamps are denominated USD 0.41.
Siberian Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Eurasian Lynx
Black Leopard
Clouded Leopard
Snow Leopard
Reported by Geir Arveng
Cat of the Dark
Pos Malaysia issues a set dedicated to Nocturnal Animals on 13 March 2008. One of the creatures of the night is an Asiatic Golden Cat which features on the 50 sen value. Its Malay name is 'Kucing Gelap' - litterally 'Cat of the Dark'.
The Asiatic Golden Cat is not a frequent species shown on stamps, but this is the second issue from Malaysia, who also included it in its wild cat set from 1987. Other countries who have presented this little Asian cat are Bhutan, Thailand, Mongolia and Benin(!).
For further technical details of the issue, see Pos Malaysia's web-site.
We have also found a scanned version of a leaflet presenting the issue.
Reported by T.S. Tan
USS Montpellier Cougar Mascot
New AFL Souvenir Sheetlets - and Rugby booklets too!
On 11 March 2008, Australia Post will continue its tribute to this season's top teams in the Australian Footbal League. Most footbal clubs have an animal emblem, and of particular interest to cat-people are Brisbane Lions, Geelong Cats, Richmond Tigers.
There are souvenir packs for all clubs, and each pack contains a presentation of the teams and 2 sheetlets of 10 50c stamps with photos of the players on the tabs.
On 28 March 2008 a set of booklets is also issued to celebrate the Centenary of the Australian Rugby League - one for each of the top teams. Keep an eye out for the Penrith Panthers. No pictures have been released of these booklets yet, but bookmark this page for updates.
All products will be available in Australia Post's web-shop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
7 - 11 March 2008 was the days of Taipei 2008 - the 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition. During the show, Chungwa Post employed a franking station with animal related related meter franks where the public could frank their mail. Each day also saw a new commemorative envelope depicting the animal of the day. 8 March was the day for the Clouded Leopard. We have seen a number of commemorative envelopes for sale at internet site, but we still haven't seen any ordinary letters or cards bearing the Clouded Leopard Meter - so keep an eye out for such items. They are probably fairly scarce.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Senegal issued a stamp set on 27 February 2008 dedicated to Touristic Sites. The set consists of four stamps, of which two have cat motifs. Both stamps shows wildlife in the Niokolo-koba Park. On the XOF 125 value there's a small leopard, and the XOF 200 stamp shows a male lion resting by the water side.
Unfortunately the Senegalese Post's website is down at the time of writing, but you may have luck by contacting the philatelic bureau at:
La Poste
Direction Generale
Direction Production et Réseau
Subdivision timbres-poste
DAKAR SN-12001
Tel: (221) 839-34-36
COSSU Publishes Checklist of Wild Cats on Stamps
The Cats on Stamps Study Unit of the American Topical Association has published a checklist for Wild Cats on Stamps available to COSSU members on request.
The list has been prepared by COSSU member Ron Berger and consits of an Excel file of 28 pages. The stamps are sorted by species and the current version of the list covers Smaller Wild Cats, Lynxes, Snow Leopards, Clouded Leopards, Jaguars, Black Panthers, as well as Sabre Toothed Cats.
If you are not yet a COSSU member and do not have the patience to wait for complete lists at this site (which could take years), what better reason to join now?
For your membership fee you will aslo receive COSSU's wonderful newsletter Cat Mews in your mailbox 4 times a year. Click on the logo below for further information.
No reason to wait, is there?
Facts reported by Marci Jarvis and sales pitch added by your webmaster
Día de los Enamorados: Valentine's Day in Cuba
Correos de Cuba celebrated Valentine's Day by issuing a series of 10 prepaid picture postcards on 11 February 2008.
Two postcards have cat motifs - the one pictured above, and another one with an enlargement of the same two cats.
The cards were for sale at all the country's post offices for 1 peso a piece and was valid for inland postage. Press reports specifies that postcards sent abroad must be franked with the full postage for the country of destination.
Unfortunately we have found no information on this issue at the Correos de Cuba website, but the postcards have been widely presented in Cuban media such as this news story from Havanna's Radio Metropoilitana (in Spanish).
Reported by Geir Arveng and Marci Jarvis
More German Cats
The German Post issued a new installment in its ongoing "Post" series. This time with two 55c greeting stamps. One of the stamps bears the message "Alles Gute" (Everything Good), and shows 5 cartoon cats looking over a fence. The other stamp in this issue shows godfish.
The series was issued 7 February 2008.
This issue is available from the German Post's online shop both as single stamps and in sheetlets of 10.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Israeli Lion Seal
Israel issues a stamp with a lion motif on 27 January 2008. It's a NIS 2.25 from the on-going World Heritage series.
The main design is Tel Hazor, but in the circle is the "Shema Servant of Jeroboam" seal found in the Megiddo excavations, with a lion.
This seal was shown on a stamp before - the 160 pr. value of the 1957 Festivals (Mi 146, SG 140, Sc 130). It was also on the 5 IL note in the 1960's and on the 5 IL coin in the 1970's.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
'The Cat' also on Comemmorative Postmark from Belgian Post
'The Cat' is also featured on the Belgian Post's comemmorative postmark used at their stand at the 2008 International Festival in Angoulême (France).
The postmark is pictured in Philanews no. 1/08, but confusingly without any ordering information.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Macedonian Lion Ring
It's a Zodiac Costume Ball
'The Cat' promotes blood donations
A charity issue from Belgium with a surcharge for the benefit of the Red Cross will be issued 21 Jabuary 2008. The issue features Philippe Geluck's popular comic strip character 'The Cat'. The stamp is an NVI denominated with postage rate '1', i.e. the inland letter rate (EUR 0.52 at the date of issue, EUR 0.54 from 4 February 2008) + a EUR 0.25 surcharge for the Red Cross.
The gummed stamp is sold in sheetlets of 5 stamps with The Cat also featuring on the selvedge. The stamp is also issued in a self-adhesive version, sold in booklets of 10 stamps, alternately imperforated on the left and right hand side.
First Day Postmarks will be available in Brussels and in there will be an advance sale in Ath with a special postmark at the 19 January.
At the time of writing none of these products are available at the online store of the Belgian Post, but mail orders may be sent to:
De Post/La Poste
Stamps & Philately
E. Walschaertsstraat 1
BE-2800 MECHELEN, Belgium
Tel.: +32 15 28 58 12
Fax: +32 15 28 58 16
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Kyrgyzstan: Fauna of Asia with Three Cats
The Central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan issued a set of 8 stamps in a set titled 'Fauna of Asia' on 19 January 2008. Three of the stamps feature cats; namely a Snow Leopard (KGS 7), a Tiger (KGS 12), and a Manul/Pallas' Cat (KGS 25).
The stamps are issued as ordinary stamps, imperforate stamps and in sheetlets containing the entire series of eight stamps.
The set is presented at Kyrgyz Stamp's web-site. They do accept foreign orders, but not any form of credit card payment.
State Enterprise Kyrgyz Stamp
42, Isanova Str.
KG-720017 BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan
Fax: (+996 312) 61 14 48
Tel: (+996 312) 61 14 33, 61 14 53
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Christmas Island's Lunar New Year Issue
The Year of the Rat is forthcoming, and as has become tradition Christmas Island will be issuing a set of stamps and related products to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Chinese born (and Hong Kong bred) designer Dani Poon has been commissioned for Christmas Islands second cycle of twelve issues starting this year. Dani Poon has seven years design and illustration experience in the graphics industry internationally. After graduating from Swinburne University School of Design in 1998, Dani has worked in Melbourne, Italy and Hong Kong.
The main stamp issue has no tigers, but the Zodiac Sheet of twelve stamps naturally includes a stylized tiger with a face value of 15 cents (third stamp, top row).
Furthermore the Stamp Pack shows all animals of the lunar zodiac in a row of silhouettes, and this design is also used on the prestige booklet and on the gutter strip of the 50c stamps sheets.
All Christmas Island stamp products are valid for postage in Australia and all Australian territories, and are available from the Australian Post's webshop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Mailcats - A German Private Mail Operator
Not exactly BREAKING news, but this came to our attention only in 2008.
The German postal monopoly has been gradually dissolving over years, and local and nationwide private postal operators has been popping up all over the country.
One such operator is Mailcats OHG in Erfurt, who has been issuing stamps with cat motifs since 2003.
2006 Mailcats Christmas MS
The company started out as a local bike courir service in 1992 and extended their range of postal services in 1999. Since 2000 they have united with 10 local courir services, and today they cover the entire state of Thüringen with a daily delivery of more appx. 100 000 pieces of mail from more than 5000 customers. Through cooperation with other private operators, they expect to be able to offer nationwide deliveries within 2008.
The stamp issues started with free advertising stamps in December 2003 and has since also included wild cat issues. The current definitives are all red with cat silhouets on them and are sold in sheetlets of 10.
Current stamps are available from their online web-shop (no credit card payments).
Click here for an updated checklist of all Mailcats issues.
Reported by Geir Arveng