Stamps inscribed 'Brasil'

1843 ->

From 1843: 1 Real (pl. Réis)
From 1942: 1 Cruzeiro (BRZ) = 100 Centavos (=1000 Réis)
From 1967: 1 New Cruzeiro (BRB) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRZ)
From 1986: 1 Cruzado (BRC) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRB)
From 1989: 1 New Cruzado (BRN) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRC)
From 1990: 1 Cruzeiro (BRE) = 100 Centavos (=1 BRN)
From 1993: 1 Cruzeiro Real (BRR) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRE)
From 1994: 1 Real (BRL) = 100 Centavos (=2750 BRR)
Checklists > Countries > Brazil Heraldic Cats

List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Issue Item code Item type
Face value
Remarks SC
1951Centenary of Joinville BR19510309 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Lion
Crowned and Armed Lion Rampant
Joinville CoA
MI 763
1970 Ianauguration of Marshal Osório Historical Park BR19700508 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
CoA of the Marquis of Erval
MI 1255

List compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 8 November, 2015